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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10464046 No.10464046 [Reply] [Original]

What do rice balls have to do with MMOs?

>> No.10464060

I've heard that game is bad

>> No.10464090


I heard the Nazis have a secret moon base.

>> No.10464110

I had enough of cyberstep with CB.

>> No.10464137

she is going to be raped

>> No.10464156

She has a sword and they don't.

>> No.10464198
File: 292 KB, 1024x667, 2553701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled 鬼斬 and found this. Are the ones in the back guys? If so there are some nice trap-status characters.

Maybe there will be an onigiri gachapon where the onigiri give you stat bonuses and other effects.

>> No.10464217

Yay! Only $10 for one roll and you have a 90% chance of getting something useless!

>> No.10464276
File: 146 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rolled the garapon yesterday and Hod gave me a blue ball...who do I sue?

>> No.10464282

I meant to say God, not Hod.

>> No.10464307
File: 90 KB, 800x540, 963498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about Cosmic Break? Do people still care about that game? I gave up when these came out, pic related.

>> No.10464338

CyberStep had something kind of unique with CB. Can't imagine them succeeding in the generic MMORPG market with their decision making abilities.

>> No.10464348
File: 639 KB, 480x270, oh god no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roll x5 rt
>derp walk
>x5 derp walk
There has to be someone to sue.

It's fun when your a beginner because of the special rooms...

>> No.10464598


This one is still up. Also, bad game.

>> No.10464612

I heard the Nazis killed 6 millions jews

>> No.10465357 [DELETED] 


Why the fuck are the last posts in here getting deleted but not the TERA shit or thread. C'mon, really?

This isn't even a good MMO.

>> No.10465395
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>> No.10465416
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, DESTROY ASS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CyberStep Gachapons

>> No.10465422

I'm still bitter that we're getting that pile of shit instead of Infinity.

>> No.10465455

What's wrong with foolz?

>> No.10469081

Is the alpha test for onigiri still up?

>> No.10469101

It's bad.

>> No.10469170 [DELETED] 
File: 544 KB, 2048x2082, White piggu goh hiomeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, sure, good luck than Japan.
You wouldn't survive a day against China with what limited military you have and with all your butt hurt populace of ww2 you'll be useless in battle. Your only East Aisan Allies are Taiwan and Korea. You and Korea can't even go five minutes in diplomatic conversation without going ape shit on one another either. Perhaps one day you will not need us White piggus, but for now you're a weak little shit nation with almost all soul lost in the destruction of you Imperial government system post-ww2 by the Japanese war leader sellouts.

>> No.10469191

Are those gay guys about to fuck in front of that little girl?

>> No.10469296
File: 372 KB, 800x600, cosmic break chibi gang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still play I'm a spike ball rank. Just three more ranks till I become crown rank

I just wished they could have made that game better. They could have done so much more to make it better but instead they put more shit into the game and bog down the archaic engine instead of improving on it and optimizing it.

>> No.10469304
File: 715 KB, 1404x1000, cosmic break wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love cosmic break even though I dont play it as much as I used too.

Why must the cyberstep devs be so cruel to their game? We all know f2p games are always in it for the money but they dint have to be so blatant about it to the point where it hinders the gameplay.

I still remember the day I went in for beta testing. Not many beta tester players are around any more. I think I am the soul survivor.

>> No.10469322

The moment I saw that word "cyberstep" in that link I knew how this game will be.

You think other fsp games are bad? People on world of tanks are being "wallet worriers"

They are fucking pesants compared to what I have seen in cosmic break.

Spending literally two-thousand american dollars on a monthly basis is the norm there.

The sheer horror of it all is imence. And they get away with it.

I loved cosmic break and I still do like a wive loves an abusive alcoholic husband.

I keep coming back to it hoping that one day the game will improve just a bit. That the community will start to flourish one day.

Maybe tomorrow will be different

>> No.10469338

I love you cosmic break...

Why must you be so cruel to me...

We could have been so much more.

You could have been such an amazing game.

Everyone from the four corners of the glob could have sang your name in praise as a revolutionary game. But you took a dark path down to greed and self destruction and it was never the same since...

I loved you cosmic break...

I still love you...
