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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 463 KB, 1440x810, 1352429205731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10457501 No.10457501 [Reply] [Original]

truNEETs are usually fujoshi

>> No.10457511
File: 73 KB, 485x213, orz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10457513
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>> No.10457518


Even with that face I still think she's pretty cute

>> No.10457517


>> No.10457525

Of course its cute why else would I make a crop

>> No.10457527
File: 46 KB, 619x348, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a fujoshi girlfriend /jp/?

>> No.10457536
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>> No.10457538



>> No.10457539


Didn't read OP? Become a truNEET

>> No.10457540
File: 424 KB, 1440x810, maru1350222547987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10457542

Why is her room so clean? It's disturbing.
It's like she's preparing.

>> No.10457544

Why do Japanese people sit in such stupid ways? They do that or squat on the ground like they're taking a shit.

>> No.10457559

http://lionessjenna.tumblr.com/pos42461748896/more-dreachu-said-illay-you-a-dollar Try her for starters.

>> No.10457564
File: 6 KB, 317x317, 1359622400716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were a handsome/cute guy I would gladly date ugly fujoshis.

>> No.10457575


Because they are women and as such they aren't expected to do much except be housewives so their parents have less chance of disowning them

>> No.10457576
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 9f2f5eb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10457583

it's an awesome way, you're just an inflexible faggot who can't deal with people doing things you don't do.

>> No.10457589

If you were a handsome/cute guy you wouldn't think that way.

>> No.10457597

People who do things I don't like are idiots. Sorry, but it's true.

>> No.10457603
File: 68 KB, 619x642, 1359861861771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We will never know.

At least I still try to be cute when no one is watching.

>> No.10457610

A female friend of my mom told me that sex is also a cleaning mechanism for vaginas, and that women that don't do it regularly get nasty infections.
I wonder how do fujoshi deal with it.

>> No.10457618

>A female friend of my mom told me that sex is also a cleaning mechanism for vaginas, and that women that don't do it regularly get nasty infections.
First your mom's friend is full of shit. Second they masturbate like any normal person does.

>> No.10457619

that's a strange thing for her to bring up

>> No.10457628

dildo's duh...

>> No.10457630

I don't think she was saying fun facts for no reason dude, she wanted it.

>> No.10457635
File: 383 KB, 800x1066, 1348431281362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how do they masturbate through their hymens? I don't think they want to lose their virginity to plastic

She was trying to seduce me but I was too dense to understand at the time so she kept rambling about women stuff for hours.

>> No.10457639
File: 373 KB, 480x854, natsuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha that's bad ass.

picture related: you.

>> No.10457649


Live stream of a 15 year old NEET girl

>> No.10457655

that sounds like as much fun as a fish tank.

>> No.10457656



>> No.10457658

Clitoral masturbation is most common because it's not painful.

>> No.10457667


I read one of those men magazines and it said that you should never ever touch the clitoris because its too sensitive.

>> No.10457677

This, also, most women aren't able to cum on penetration alone. So, they don't even need to stick anything down there, vibrator to the clit is all it takes.

>> No.10457685

that may be the case for some individuals but on the whole, that's a load of bull

>> No.10457693

Nope, that's AFTER they cum. Sometimes it's true with girls that already are too sensitive, but that can easily be fixed by just stimulating the areas a few mm away from where the slope of the clitoris ends, that way you're not torturing the poor girl.

>> No.10457704

How young can a NEET be?
Are there little girls NEET on Japan?

>> No.10457706

Why does /jp/ knows so much about women?

My hypothesis is that you all grew with single mother and sisters and that's why yhou turned out this way.

>> No.10457715

w- we just do, anon. don't ask, just listen

>> No.10457721



>> No.10457727

we're all girls on the inside :-)

>> No.10457731

NEET question about moving and recieving benifits, I already have a record with being held at the hospitals for observation and I have never applied for SSI but I was thinking about and I don't want to be stuck in NY so I was wondering if I moved and set myself up in another state say CA how long would it be before I would be eligible there and how would I go about doing it?

>> No.10457736

>15 year old NEET girl
A 15 year old can't be a NEET. They are still in school.

>> No.10457737


Why would you move to CA

What's the point?

>> No.10457744

>Are there little girls NEET on Japan?
Only if they drop out of school and don't look for a job.

>> No.10457757

Do you think the NEET lifestyle has enough specific ways about it to allow non-language communication just based on our experiences as NEETs?

>> No.10457769

There are more attractive people there, less family, more sun, and less seasons, and my one friend lives there

>> No.10457771

You can't be a NEET until after high school age, since everyone is enrolled in school during primary, secondary, and tertiary education even if you don't attend classes.

>> No.10457775

You could be NEET at high school age if you drop out.

>> No.10457779

Only the "truNEET" brigade on /jp/ cares about such minor details.

>> No.10457782

In Japan to be (officially) NEET you must be between 15 and 34.

>> No.10457784

>In Japan, the (NEET) classification comprises people aged between 15 and 34 who are unemployed, not engaged in housework, not enrolled in school or work-related training, and not seeking work.

>> No.10457786

>minor details.
It not a minor detail.

Not Employed or Educational Training.

>> No.10457787

You can't drop out, it's compulsory education. You can skip classes, but you can't not be in the system. It's not allowed legally.

>> No.10457791

Is highschool mandatory in Japan?

>> No.10457795

Where do you live? In America you can drop out of high school at 16.

>> No.10457797


She´s Actress
did you know NEETs with TV cameras in her roms ?

>> No.10457801


>> No.10457824

Right, at the end of compulsory education. You can't be a NEET little girl, though.

>> No.10457839

I heard that fujoshi put things in your butt while you're asleep to make you more receptive to gay things.
Don't trust a smelly fujoshi, /jp/.

>> No.10457850

what the fuck, it's a webcam of a hand and a mouse on some blankets?

nigga that aint kawaii

>> No.10457863

Keep watching.

Any minute now something will happen.

>> No.10457879


>> No.10457875

I only see a pic of a homo...

>> No.10457902

What happens after 34?

>> No.10457906

Isn't that early retirement anyway? You aren't special anymore.

>> No.10457908


mandatory seppuku

>> No.10457912

>What happens after 34?
You explode or you commit suicide.

>> No.10457917

Occasionally she goes on the cam herself, but more its just a cam of her mouse with her talking.

>> No.10457962

Belgian Congo

>> No.10457963

You never seen Logan's Run?

>> No.10457971

Help me /jp/ my chest really hurts

>> No.10457989

I am not a medical expert but if it is truly painful you should call a doctor, friend...

>> No.10457994


>> No.10457997

Stop lying.

>> No.10458000


>> No.10458012
File: 26 KB, 437x471, 1350734417655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the first part of my GED yesterday so my parents wouldn't kick me out.. it was really easy. I wrote my essay on how Ron Paul is going to save the world.

>> No.10458014

you have horrible taste in women

>> No.10458016


>> No.10458017


>> No.10458018

>ron paul
Stop dude

>> No.10458029

How can he stop when wrote it yesterday?

>> No.10458025

Burkina faso

>> No.10458027
File: 19 KB, 213x212, 1352843343564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

statists pls

>> No.10458031

>Ron Paul
sounds about right, only thing missing was something akin to 420 BLAZE IT

lets fix that

>> No.10458038
File: 63 KB, 790x724, 1354057945535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a truer than truNEET, once you reach my level you will not need drugs as your mind will exists on another plane.

>> No.10458040

We need Blazin Hazen


>> No.10458042


>> No.10458044

If you don't support Ron Paul, you need to leave /jp/.

>> No.10458049

I got my GED last year. It makes me sick knowing that normals who actually finished high school post on this board.

>> No.10458065

/jp/ is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow 2day

>> No.10458070


>> No.10458068

You know the GED is run by the state, right? Even worse they are probably in teacher's unions. How do you think they are gonna feel about Ron Paul?

>> No.10458073 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 317x267, memeface_thisguy_1562833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't slow when I was plowing you're mom at 200 sanics

>> No.10458084
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, svdfeetrgvwrythretdfvgfvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got my GED a while ago. Just a warning, they DO grade your essay on their personal opinions of the subject you wrote about, now matter how much they say they don't.

It was the only reason those pricks gave my perfectly written essay such a bad grade. There wasn't a single grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistake in it.

>> No.10458086
File: 15 KB, 620x620, 1359065094782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a friggin rebel

>> No.10458092

>It was the only reason those pricks gave my perfectly written essay such a bad grade. There wasn't a single grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistake in it.


>> No.10458094



>> No.10458095


>There are more attractive people there
>more sun

could you be any less of a truhikki

>> No.10458100


can we get a frontal shot of her? she looks cute side on

>> No.10458099

I had it on for a legitimate reason on another thread and forgot to take it off, my bad.

>> No.10458107

You can't. Why would they want a disgusting 3D boyfriend when they have their husbando?

>> No.10458111


Hey, look at all these stupid posts you've made:


This is a friendly warning. You'd be wise to turn up your autism and rename your image files sometimes if you don't want to be bullied in the future. I am speaking from experience.

>> No.10458109

i swear 2 GOD if no1 makes a flan thread 2nite i will be megapissed as HELL

>> No.10458118

those posts are all gr8 loser

>> No.10458124


Don't insult me. I am sensitive.

>> No.10458121

>Momo's bizarre stream

>> No.10458122

r u ahvin' a giggle m8? i swear on me mum get cheeky wiv me agin i gabber a good wallop fukken flyboy.

>> No.10458161

>Don't insult me. I am sensitive.
Your on 4chan you should be used to it by now.

>> No.10458192

I'm sure your High School self did a fantastic job on his essay. Uh huh.

>> No.10458182

The bulling in 4chan stops here mister. Think about what you've done and why!

>> No.10458183

No because fujoshi are women and women are inherently inferior.

truNEETs are the pinnacle of the human race thus they would have to he white and male.

>> No.10458185


>> No.10458196

ur buttmad levels r reaching maximum

>> No.10458195

Kill yourself.

>> No.10458215

If you have a fujoshi gf she will want you to suck peen. No thanks.

>> No.10458218

Now, now..
Any problems at home anon?
You can tell me, trust me.

>> No.10458301

That looks like an uncomfortable way to play video games.

>> No.10458347

It's so epic that /r9k/ daily doses like this don't get deleted on this wonderful board thanks to a magic four-letter acronym

>> No.10458377

Of course not faggot, I'm fucking perfect.

>> No.10458389 [DELETED] 



>> No.10458392 [DELETED] 

janiturd being gay as usual

>> No.10458397

how do u no shes a gurl

>> No.10458395

She deleted my comment and banned me from talking for inquiring about her health.

I don't need this kind of rejection in my life.

>> No.10458398


She doesn't need that kind of inquiry in her life

>> No.10458401 [DELETED] 


hahalol so true, she might be an epic trap ;)

Lets get this shit started!


*holds up reaction image*

>> No.10458404

how does her dick taste loser? stop cuddling up 2 the man!.. er woMAN lol

>> No.10458405


>Live stream of a 15 year old NEET girl

I'm taking it on faith. I don't care if she's a girl or not. I'm just came there to fujoshiwatch and chat. I think it's a whito piggu go home thing. Racist bitch.

>> No.10458408

like HELL im gonna make an account just 2 talk 2 some gook slut

>> No.10458410

She always starts banning people when there's more than one or two English comments in the chat. Yesterday she said it's because she doesn't understand it anyways.

>> No.10458415

Wait. You're telling me she hosts a live stream of her doing nothing but she doesn't want people to say anything? I could understand if I was being all "wwwww, what is your vagina like today wwww?" but I was just saying hello.

If I'd have known it was gonna be that kinda party I woulda stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes. Unfollowed.

Well, that's nice. Justin TV is an American company based in San Francisco, but OK, ban who you want, I guess. It was a toss up between my really shitty Japanese and English.

I guess I chose incorrectly.

>> No.10458416


>> No.10458420

She was cosplaying as the hairclip girl from that kyoani show around new years.

>> No.10458426 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 639x480, 1336814204335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you FUG the fug off janitor

I am well aware you are deliberately victimizing me and deleting my posts, get a fugging hobby you nerd. As you know I am on /jp/ every day. What're you going to do, permaban me for having opinions? Fugging deal with it, get a diary to write about all your feelings or something just leave me alone already

>> No.10458436

Literally being bullied by the janitor. Does it get lower than this? I am actually crying right now. Hope you're proud of yourself.

>> No.10458441

How so?

>> No.10458442

>Does it get lower
I committed suicide becuz the of the janitor.

>> No.10458444

Are you okay?

>> No.10458453

no, I made a typo. I hope the janitor deletes it.

>> No.10458461


Just an idea, but if you guys ever get really upset over this we could create a support group for victims of the janitor's bullying rampage. We can make some cute charts to help /jp/sies learn about the symptoms and possible treatments of this horrible condition and host weekly meetings to discuss our feelings.

>> No.10458462
File: 116 KB, 1014x685, fujoshi.ovc82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those manga are unread, but not in sleeves. There is no dust on the shelves. The young lady is wearing nail polish on her toenails. This is a scam image.

>> No.10458466

Really? Holy shit man, those are some hard hitting observations, are you a detective?

>> No.10458471

I've followed her stream since Christmas or so but now I'm going through all her twitter images...

My 2D obsessions were one thing but now catching myself doing this.

This is it, isn't it?

>> No.10458472

Fucking facebook NEETs that only NEET on the internet to look cool

Its an insult to my culture

>> No.10458474

Calling your daily weeb habits "culture" is an insult to culture.

>> No.10458476

I'll second this, even if the poster is a total faggot.

>> No.10458486

Please be respectful of my culture. I don't go around disrespecting your normalfag clubbing culture.

>> No.10458492

Why don't you join the milk train while you are at it?

>> No.10458493
File: 288 KB, 1288x1304, typical cgl posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, you don't want a shut-in gf.

>> No.10458495

maybe I should be gay

>> No.10458500


They aren't shut-ins, /cgl/ posters are normals. That pic is more like why you don't want 3D altogether.

>> No.10458505

There's no such thing as an actual girl shut-in, they can't live without dicks and attention. The closest it gets is fujoshi con-going subhumans.

>> No.10458508
File: 116 KB, 124x125, 1357844835834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've said this before, but the stories about the girl's with pussy mucus/discharge (especially the puberty ones) and the acne one are pretty hot. Made my dick move a bit.

>> No.10458509 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 1204x1222, 1316221707419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10458515

wtf my penis never does this stuff, why are girl penises so weird.

>> No.10458516

Milk is an ugly whore, I don't want anything to do with that slut.

>> No.10458517

And those are normals who (mostly) seem to actually try to take care of themselves and look decent. Shut-in females would be even worse.

>> No.10458519

I always enjoy reading stories about girls going through puberty and their mucus discharge. It's a very erotic thing to imagine a girl's vagina at that age leaking lewdly.

>> No.10458528

Me on the right! (I have nice hair)

>> No.10458530

>(I have nice hair)
ur mustache is reals pretty

>> No.10459088

She has the best feet!

>> No.10459092
File: 948 KB, 2448x3264, vRs7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I have yet to see her on camera but she seems quite cute.

Despite what she says in her profile i find it really hard to believe she is a neet especially as she is alright looking,

>> No.10459159

not true

>> No.10459177


what a waste of bandwidth leaving the webcam on when she sleeps

>> No.10459187
File: 287 KB, 3072x3008, -13002154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 2012, when companies shit more broadband that they can sell, Google was not long ago selling life long single pay connections.

>> No.10459339


>> No.10459344


>> No.10459402
File: 1.73 MB, 2448x3264, OEx1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about girls that are shut-ins but still go to school? About 2 years ago, I used to know a 15 year old girl that never went out, except for school and she'd miss it if there was any possible chance to. She stayed at home playing games and watching anime and even refused me when I asked her if she wants to hang out sometimes. She was also alright looking. I wonder what she's up to now, I can't find her anywhere, she deleted her accounts and everything...

>> No.10459405

exposed brick is so nice.

>> No.10459452

How old are you?

>> No.10459502


>> No.10459525


Yes you do you fucking liar

>> No.10459555

I feel like I'm going insane but what if I'm only faking it?

What if I'm just a manchild NEET trying to justify his behavour with craziness?

>> No.10459589


>> No.10459595

You're only faking it. Most people like to make up mental illnesses to blame their personal deficits on. Blaming yourself takes some strength of character.

>> No.10459870


Basic translation: 3DPG

>> No.10459879

define going insane

>> No.10459895

>she deleted her accounts

Tru/jp/sie right here.

>> No.10459898

It's completely possible to drop out you know. I dropped out when I was 14 and didn't go near school again until I was 18.

>> No.10459901

Being a virgin is understandable, but being a virgin and uneducated is intolerable.


>But how do they masturbate through their hymens? I don't think they want to lose their virginity to plastic

I never known a modern girl that was afraid they would break their hymen during masturbation

Furthermore, most girls loose their hymens way before they even realize what masturbation is, for example it rips while riding a horse or by sticking their vagina against a jacuzzi water jet at age 5.


>because it's not painful

This never ever stopped any girl I knew from shoving things up her cunt even for the first time

See this: >>10457693

However, still generally rare, as from my experience with multiple partners has shown me that most don't have a problem with it even after cumming thus allowing multiple orgasms


Actually they don't as pointed out by my above corrections.

>> No.10459914

doing exactly the same fucking thing over and over again. expecting shit to change.

>> No.10459918

about 3/4ths of the planet is insane then

>> No.10459976
File: 162 KB, 800x1200, 1350108849690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand why any of you would want a fujoshi gf. I knew a girl like that. Very warped and selfish girl. She never wore makeup and only shaved her pits/legs about once a year. Just sat inside schlicking to yaoi. Was usually very short with me but whenever we went on a class trip or something she would cling to me since I was the only one who really talked to her (even though she mostly talked about yaoi and shitty anime). Eventually she apparently thought she was my gf and had a psychotic episode when I told her she wasn't, and started cutting herself and sending me pictures of it. Stay away from them is my advice.

>> No.10460004

I never understand how truNEET is treated to be some kind of badge of honor.

>Don't have a job
>Don't be in education (I assume many people here are too old to be in the high school/college/university years anyway)

It's the only life I know.

>> No.10460256

Seems like a proper advise, i've met a similar girl, the best word to define them is selfish, all women are, but these ones the most

>> No.10460291

You reckon, there are any truNEETs out there that are 10/10 hot stuff?

Or does the whole bad health/hygiene part of being a NEET, kill that?

>> No.10460296

>Furthermore, most girls loose their hymens way before they even realize what masturbation is, for example it rips while riding a horse or by sticking their vagina against a jacuzzi water jet at age 5.

R.I.P. my dreams

>> No.10460306

that's not a fujoshi. that's a weaboo.

>> No.10460321

Please define fujoshi

>> No.10460327

Fujoshi (腐女子?, lit. "rotten girl") is a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men. Fujoshi enjoy imagining what it would be like if male characters from manga and anime, and occasionally real-life male performers as well, loved each other. The label encompasses fans of the boys love genre itself, as well as the related manga, anime, and video game properties that have appeared as the market for such works has developed. The term "fujoshi" is a homophonous pun on fujoshi (婦女子?), a term for respectable women, created by replacing the character 婦 (pronounced fu), meaning married woman or lady, with the character 腐 (also pronounced fu), meaning fermented or rotten. The name was coined by mass media, but was reclaimed by yaoi fans.[18] Fans self-deprecatingly refer to their way of thinking, which perceives homosexual relationships between male characters in stories that do not include homosexual themes, as being "rotten". "Fujoshi" carries a connotation of being a "fallen woman".

Older fujoshi use various terms to refer to themselves, including as kifujin (貴腐人?, "noble rotten woman"), a pun on a homophonous word meaning "fine lady", and ochōfujin (汚超腐人?), which sounds similar to a phrase meaning "Madame Butterfly", possibly taken from a character nicknamed Ochōfujin (お蝶夫人?) in the 1972 manga series Ace o Nerae! by Sumika Yamamoto.These labels were coined in the same self-deprecating spirit as fujoshi.[citation needed]

>> No.10460330

According to a 2005 issue of Eureka, in recent times fujoshi can refer to female otaku in general, although it cautions that not all yaoi fans are otaku, as there are some more casual readers. As fujoshi is the best-known term, it is often used by the Japanese media and by people outside of the otaku subculture to refer to female otaku as a group, regardless of whether they are fans of BL. This usage may be considered offensive by female otaku who are not fans of BL.

Men who, like fujoshi, enjoy imagining relationships between characters in fictional works when that relationship is not part of the author's intent may be called fudanshi (腐男子?, "rotten man") or fukei (腐兄?, "rotten older brother"), both of which are puns of similar construction to fujoshi. Be warned that fudanshi and fukei are not necessarily fans of BL, although the terms are most often used in that sense, and if a male himself claims to be a fudanshi or fukei, it's almost certainly the case. The term yujioshi is sometimes used for the female fans of the yuri genre.

>> No.10460339
File: 145 KB, 350x385, tumblr_lx6nxi09So1qamhyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10460343

Not only is that image way too small, it's also from tumblr. Please remove yourself from the genepool.

>> No.10460349

>it's also from tumblr

Yeah man, fuck that particular content hosting website.

>> No.10460350

Only subhumans use tumblr. Like milk.

>> No.10460354

I like how Milk represents what Niwaka means perfectly.

>> No.10460356

Anyone have the more "realistic" one where she's actually fat and actually has a round face?

>> No.10460364

Women are gross

>> No.10460365

smelly fujo pussy

>> No.10460379



>> No.10460378


In some country (like mine, Italy) it is illegal.

I don't see why it shouldn't in Japan, considering how seriously they take education.

>> No.10460410

It being "illegal" doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

>> No.10460472

what is the real difference between a NEET and truNEET?

are you talking about otaku shitting on the floor neets as opposed to physically/mentally handicapped neet?

>> No.10460550
File: 19 KB, 704x400, vlcsnap-270333[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
I sometimes feel like the only truNEET who doesn't give a shit about posters, collections or figurines.

>> No.10460559

NEET is not a status symbol.
TruNEET is.

>> No.10460559,1 [INTERNAL] 


This man here is true /jp/.

>> No.10460559,2 [INTERNAL] 

oh sorry i meant little girl :))))))

>> No.10460573


It's very easy to spot who has dropped school.

Unless we are talking about some corrupted area it's very unlikely that no police officer will ring to your bell after a while.

>> No.10460579

When one talks about NEET, it refers to a person that has no prospects in life and doesn't really bother "progressing" through society or goes by the bare minimum of socials and work, rather spending his/her time on MMOs, Anime, Eroge, etc

/jp/ has a few vocal fellows that claim that one has to be 100% doing nothing to be qualified as a NEET.
truNEET is a term to make fun of that kind of people.

>> No.10460598

it's called being a normalfag on welfare

see every Native American on welfare

>> No.10460608
File: 14 KB, 336x310, 5n21vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10460610

why do you keep plush toys in plastic wrap? What's the point of having them if you don't going to play with them?

>> No.10460614

it's not my fault though

I'm a product of the external stimuli my life made me endure.

It's not my fault

>> No.10460618

>play with them
What are you, a little kid?

>> No.10460623


>What's the point of having them if you don't stick them up your ass to play with them?

>> No.10460624

They plan on selling them eventually, disgusting collectors

hotglue only
everyone is a kid on the inside

they just have to put a big kid face on outside

>> No.10460627

Suck my ass dude.

>> No.10460686

She just woke up in case anyone cares.

>> No.10460770

Not true. I met a neet friend on omegle who was from /jp/. "she" was apperntly neet for months. Her parents moved without telling her and the next day nothing. Last online 67 days ago.

>> No.10460782

>Her parents moved without telling her and the next day nothing

Oh God that's hilarious

>> No.10460860

They were lots of fun. First online neet friend and she or he or whatever had great taste. I check my steam every day.

>> No.10460872

I've met a NEET hikikomori too. Shame that she became a normalfag. She's not even a virgin now, and she has been browsing /jp/ since 2008.

>> No.10460875

I guess it is true. I also forgot she didn't like males. She like AA and made girls fug.

>> No.10460877

You know, that could easily be just a made up story.

>> No.10460878

Yeah, I know. I don't care if it is.

>> No.10460883

Maybe you should tell her to get out of /jp/.

>> No.10460891

>telling someone to get out on the internet
you know what to do.

>> No.10460901

It is a true story because I'm both the girls in >>10460770 and >>10460872
I cybered with those 2 fags so much. fukken owned

>> No.10460903

That is a lie.

>> No.10460908

Maybe as she is a normalfag you could facebook stalk her to get her address and then tell her to get out of /jp/ in person.

>> No.10460907


>> No.10460914

My best friend is a fujoshi.
We have been friends for many years now.
We mostly talk through Internet.
Sometimes she invites me out or hits on me a bit which is weird because she should know that I only like little girls and stuff. I guess she just feels lonely.

>> No.10460917


She's watching Sasami-san lol

>> No.10460919

I'm sorry but she is a boy

>> No.10460940

She doesn't have a facebook, though. She's still pretty isolated from others. It's just that she gave up on her hiki life because she was getting depressed.

>> No.10460962

get a pump to re inflate her

>> No.10461020
File: 1.48 MB, 2448x3264, t5zx5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gross, look at Japans wcdonalds bun!

Its like the emploeys didn't flatten around the sides with their hands!

>> No.10461071

Be careful

>> No.10461174


She got panties in the mail

>> No.10461178
File: 29 KB, 321x224, db727fb42893819d69c10b7ba5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>truNEETs are usually fujoshi

>> No.10461186

Is it possible to be socially anxious without being depressed?

>> No.10461211

Being socially anxious means your want to avoid contact with people, but it doesn't mean you can't have a good time when your alone. Depression means you are generally feeling down, but it allows you social interaction. However, depression will usually lead you in avoiding contact with others, especially when it has damaging effects on your lifestyle.

>> No.10461219

She's pretty flat.

I like it.

>> No.10461228
File: 95 KB, 684x325, 1360291050073..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat Psycho Pass Dominator

>> No.10461280


NEET is NEET. Not in education, employment or training. If you're in any of those - you're not a NEET.

I don't know why anyone would want to treat it like some kind of club, it's just a bunch of unemployed people - many of which have let their lives slide down the pan a bit. The term 'NEET' is also used in official documents in the UK too.

>> No.10461301

It's also frequently used in news reports. I feel a small amount of shame every time I hear it, because they're talking about people like me.

>> No.10461319


I don't really feel shame, the job situation here is dire, there's not a whole lot that can be done until the economy picks up. I wish they wouldn't demonize us though, JSA isn't enough to live on yet they still want to take more away.

I still don't understand the glamourisation though, I know people think it's cool to be hikki because it's a Japanese loanword they can attribute to their social awkwardness and hatred for society but NEET is just some shit that happens. There's probably a time in everyone's life where they become NEET...it'll probably happen multiple times.

>> No.10461321

man I looked into a mirror today and I look like death

i need to be a healthy neet not a living skeleton

>> No.10461329
File: 71 KB, 552x362, theone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10461339

NEET's in his home.
All's right with the world.

>> No.10461342

Amen to that g-unit

>> No.10461348

Why can /jp/ not understand Japanese concepts? You don't understand what NEET means, or what hikikomori means. You don't even get what sage is, because you insist on using it heavily on imageboards. Hell, NEET isn't even a Japanese concept, but since Japan uses it I guess that injects it with weeb confusion particles or some shit so that you become unable to understand it anymore. Fucking idiots.

>> No.10461353


It happens with everything.

>Otaku - manic obsessive


>Hikikomori - shut in recluse


>NEET - Not in employment, education or training


>> No.10461354

Holy christ you are fucking stupid. So you start off with saying that nerds on /jp/ can't understand "Japanese concepts," but then admit that being a NEET isn't even a Japanese idea and write it off as "weeb confusion particles." You should have just shut the fuck up instead of sperging out on /jp/, kid, its embarassing.

>> No.10461355

Except being a weeb or not a weeb is not the issue. Being an ignorant fuck is.

>weeb confusion particles

u wot m8?

>> No.10461356

For the record, I could give a fuck less about /jp/ and its NEETs.

>> No.10461360

Have fun NEETing it up after school, bro.

>> No.10461366

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you posted before seeing my follow-up post; I'm not some loser NEET.

>> No.10461367

>u wot m8?

It's what one might call being facetious.

>> No.10461372

Yet here you are?
I'm not even the person you're quoting, you're just a fucking moron.

>> No.10461373

>For the record, I could give a fuck less

So you still have fucks to give?

Don't you mean you couldn't give a fuck less?

>> No.10461374

The confusion particles were not a serious reason, the point was that /jp/ seems to associate NEET with Japan, or at least the ones that don't live in a country that uses the term do, and thus they can't understand what it means.

>> No.10461378

Don't mistake the weeaboos for being proper /jp/ posters, they shouldn't even be here in the first place.

>> No.10461383

Its not one of your subhuman NEET lifestyle threads, I'm still allowed to post here. Don't try and make it look like I had to go out of my way to make those posts.

>> No.10461408

>Its not one of your subhuman NEET lifestyle threads

Except it is and you're making yourself out to look like the most pathetic loser here

>> No.10461416

While I do enjoy being NEET and the free time it affords me, I am not NEET by choice, that is probably why I feel some shame. If I was not NEET, I'd currently be about 18 months away from becoming a doctor. I have basically gone on the road to being one of the most respected positions in society, to the bottom.of the barrel.

I think the glamour comes from the fact that you basically work your entire life to enjoy being a NEET when you're older, after you retire. Even though it's a very easy trap to fall into, being NEET at a young age, is a blessing in some ways in that you get to enjoy the free time while you're young and able.

As I've said, I do enjoy being NEET, in that I have all the time in the world for my activities, but this is offset by the fact that I am still living off my parents' income. I would rather have limited time for my activities, knowing that I am not burdening others.

>> No.10461418

>Don't try and make it look like I had to go out of my way to make those posts.

You did

>> No.10461771


Then you aren't fucking NEET faggot.

>> No.10461797
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 1337921450600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't mistake the weeaboos for being proper /jp/ posters, they shouldn't even be here in the first place.

This is by far the most retarded post I have ever seen on /jp/

>> No.10461833

I think you missed the part of the conversation about how people misunderstand the term.

>> No.10462015

>I would rather have limited time for my activities, knowing that I am not burdening others.

I don't understand why people feel guilt for being a burden. Hell, one of my biggest joys in being NEET is that I'm draining money.

>> No.10462182

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.10462474

>Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

You first

Your delusion can only last so long

>> No.10462480

Jesus you're fucking annoying. Stop reposting that shitty copypasta you cocksucker.

>> No.10462482

What the fuck guys. Imagine how disgusting you are and that's how disgusting a fujoshi is. Real people are revolting and pretty much none of them know how to take it easy.

The 2d won't let you down. If you get lonely drink vodka and play dota.

>> No.10462485

What about little girls, Anon?

>> No.10462494
File: 106 KB, 500x410, 1359058771703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Imagine how disgusting you are

Speak for yourself, I would love to fuck myself, even at my grossest. In fact that might be a bit of a turn on.

You're just gay.

>> No.10462521

You're an idiot, when I was 15 year olds I was a complete shut in. There is such a thing as online schooling.

>> No.10462525


>> No.10462540


If you're in on online school you're not a NEET you tard.


I dropped out when I was 14.

Yeah, technically you can't drop out until you're 16 in the US, but you can get "home schooled" and do literally nothing, which is for all intensive purposes the same thing. Also a lot of times people move or something, the old school system is irrelevant, and if they just don't register their kid for school in the new area they moved, chances are no one would bother them about it.

>> No.10462543

Where you two little girl NEETs?

>> No.10462551

If you have ever spent time around children you'd know bud.

You'd know it's all a dream.

>> No.10462681

>for all intensive purposes

Maybe you should've stayed in school.

>> No.10462706


I did that on purpose. I'm getting real sick of people being too stupid to understand a joke on 4chan without someone going "lel XDD" after it.

>> No.10462725

she seems to be pretty friendly. she doesn't go to school?

>> No.10462726

I'll second that, its like they think it devalues it or something. Probably all /q/ueers.

>> No.10462749


How do you know that I didn't know you did it on purpose so decided to point it out ironically as a test to whether you would actually get mad over my so obviously pretending to care about your ``troll'' typo?

I'm getting real sick of people being too stupid to understand the layers of irony constantly unravelling within the brain of the average tru/jp/sie. Get on my level nerd.

>> No.10462764

after spending another night fighting off sleep and lurking an increasingly shitty /jp/ I would honestly pay someone to kill me at this point.

>> No.10462769

Real deal autism right here, must have been hard to type with an on-screen keyboard. I admire your dedication to sperging out.

>> No.10462771

Whys that?

>> No.10462779


I dont have a gun

>> No.10462781

If you wanted to die I'm sure you would find a way.

>> No.10462788


Ugh, I don't like how animegirl NEET she's trying to be with her shit all over her bed.

>> No.10462790


good point. smell ya later jp!

>> No.10462792

Good bye friend, I hope I get to have a nice cup of tea with you when I get to Gensokyo myself.

>> No.10462793

Shes been like that for the past few months of me watching her, I think shes legit.

>> No.10462795


>> No.10462797


Yes, you can read. Now what?

>> No.10462802


Wait, what?

Did you really...?

>> No.10462803

she just showed her monitor, I think it's busted

>> No.10462834

It's been 3 years since I finished highschool and never looked for a job or cared to study to enter a college, can I be NEET?

>> No.10462852

I don't understand why you would stream this

>> No.10462861

qt girl, lel

>> No.10462888

Does she even show her face? All I've seen so far is minor hand movements

>> No.10462889

All the time, in fact she was cosplaying earlier. You could have found this out if you bothered reading the thread, faggot.

>> No.10462925

I've spent the last few hours in my own bed watching this stream.

Today has been a productive day.

>> No.10462927

Gryphonark: what?
» are u in japan?
» I am in Perth
» realllllly far awayyyyyyyy
» hmmm
» you appear to have just the hand!
» also I recomend a track ball mouse

What a sperglord.

>> No.10462945

Gryphonark: 私はGoogle翻訳を使用
Gryphonark: また、私はトラックボールを示唆
» its much better than a mouse
» that loos really awkward on that kinda surface
» yeah
» but
» i mean
407siona: ぎゃああああ
Gryphonark: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.commages?q=tbn:ANd9GcR6-Lau-y1QFsvTVff9nuNB9AyGwC8YkAfl88GMhApmNtMK3K
» much better
» than mouse

>> No.10462947

This fucking guy

>> No.10462954

Gryphonark: can you speak any english?
» engrishu?
» ah ok so a bit
» u can read this hey
Vespa90p: 笑
Gryphonark: sugoi
Gryphonark: hmmm hand

>> No.10462994

Doesn't she think it's creepy to have people watch her sleep?

>> No.10463138

>tfw dating a fujoshi

It's an abstract kind of feel

>> No.10463184

She's too pure to know there are people thinking lewd thoughts about her

>> No.10463230

Someone should tell her in the chat.

>> No.10463363


Do that and I will cut you

>> No.10463885

No violence, stop bully

>> No.10464038

She probably already knows, she seems like a pretty lewd person

>> No.10468367

What's the difference.

>> No.10468391

>They just have to put a big kid face on outside
So true.

>> No.10468407

Same here. I'm only NEET due to illness. If I hadn't gotten ill I'd be a fully graduated biologist.

>> No.10468611


>> No.10468633

I wonder if she wonders why so many gaijins is watching her and tries to talk to her on the chat
