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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 804 KB, 1746x2894, Gandhara_Buddha_(tnm).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10443965 No.10443965 [Reply] [Original]

So. I'm vaguely curious... why aren't more of you out there Buddhists?

It's one of the few things that's actually helped me through my life so far, and man has it been a rocky ride the past little while.

In before being told to go to a more appropriate board.

>> No.10443972

Go back to cloud Steve.

>> No.10443975


>> No.10443987

Religion sucks.

>> No.10443989
File: 112 KB, 800x533, Milan_Cathedral_Piazza_del_Duomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because /jp/ is a proud Roman Catholic board.


``Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart. '' ~Proverbs 3:3

>> No.10443991

I like my material possessions too much.

>> No.10443995

I said nembutsu once so I'm good.

>> No.10444004

I'm not entirely sure why you feel Buddhism sucks, exactly. Isn't self-understanding and freedom from pain and suffering something we'd all want?

>> No.10443999

Buddhism doesn't say you're not allowed to have material possessions. On the contrary, you can own whatever you like for whatever purposes you like... you just have to understand that like all things, those possessions will someday cease to be... if it happens in your lifetime, you need to understand that becoming too attached to them is going to only make the pain of separation worse. It's not about not having things, it's about understanding them.

>> No.10444028

Because my mom is thai and a buddhist, but one of these buddhist who practice it like any other religion which is complete dogshit and goes against what buddhism stands for.She has been annoying me with it since forever

Fucking dumb thais

>> No.10444073

Is that a valid reason to not practice it your own way?

>> No.10444076

I just prefer not practicing anything and taking it easy, which essentially is buddhism

>> No.10444083


...I don't think anyone really has the delusion that their possessions are permanent. That's like basing a religion around the fact that water is wet.

>> No.10444082

Then you're effectively practicing Buddhism, like you said. There may still be ways to bring more happiness and understanding into your life, despite the oppressive nature of what's been thrown at you. Sometimes the path is obscured, but it's always there.

>> No.10444089

Because Christianity is superior.

>> No.10444105

Because Christianity doesnt cripple my way of living

>> No.10444106

But you're gay, Freezing.

>> No.10444118

Jesus doesnt have anything against gay people


>> No.10444124

Because the Vatican would send their assassins after me if I'd leave the Catholic Church.

>> No.10444146

To use your own example... A lot of people haven't bathed in a very, very long time. It's easy to forget that water's wet when the entirety of society is based around staying as far away from water as possible... it's not that we believe it will last forever, but rather that we willingly forget that all things are impermanent. We avoid thinking about it, and so when we're faced with it, we don't know how to react

>> No.10444148
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If I wanted to be wapanese, I would be Shinto. I always liked polytheistic religions. I think I'll just stick with Gnosticism, though.

>> No.10444153

White hipsters that become Buddhists are horrible and barely understand the religion or history behind it.

>> No.10444159

Byakuren pls go

>> No.10444161
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i am jain

i live ahisma.

>> No.10444166

Are you saying Buddhism isnt a japanese thing?

Its just as important as Shintoism actually

>> No.10444178
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Christian Mikos

>> No.10444184

No, I'm saying that if I was wapanese, I would pick Shinto instead of Buddhism because it has more gods.

>> No.10444186

In Japan they are intertwined along with Taoism.

>> No.10444194


Many speculators killed themselves after the Great Depression because they felt they lost "anything", and this is happening nowadays as well to many workers and entrepreneurs around the world.

>> No.10444199


well I meant to reply to >>10444083

>> No.10444220
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>> No.10444250
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> pick Shinto instead of Buddhism
> pick instead
In Japan, it is not unheard of for a Shinto birth, a Buddhist burial, and a Christian wedding. Being Japanese means never needing to pick your religion; you can play the field.

> Intertwined with Taoism.
No, not really. That's like saying it's intertwined with Confusianism. There is an influence that was incorporated into Chinese culture and thereby into Japanese culture, but there is no daily presence of Taoism in Japan's culture. Except manga exorcisms (pic related).

>> No.10444259

But Buddhism is the only decent religion, unlike other religions that teach you that you have to get rid of all people who don't have the same beliefs as you.

>> No.10444273

>But Buddhism is the only decent religion
Heres where the thread goes downhill

>> No.10444278

I am interested in their beliefs and enjoy reading about them but it is a secondary thing.
I am too much of an hedonist to be Buddhist.

>> No.10444281

Most relgious aren't bad, look at thailand.
There buddhism is pretty much practiced like christianity in western countries, out of tradition and nobody really cares what it really is about

And then you got the people who actually care.

>> No.10444291
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> Talking about Buddhism as if there is only one kind of Buddhism.

>I just prefer not practicing anything and taking it easy, which essentially is buddhism
That is adorable. You will be needing <pic related>.

>> No.10444307
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>> No.10444382

It's anti-ego and I'm an egoist

>> No.10444392

Buddhism is too hard.
Like I try to be humble, but then I just end up arrogant in my humility. I mean, why can't everyone else be as humble as me? It's not that hard you prideful fucks!

>> No.10444403

I bet 10 dollars that you were born into christianity.

>> No.10444416

I am a zen Buddhist, but its more of a philosophy then a religion. I think it has made me a better person.

>> No.10444432

I bet most of you fuckers are buddhist in name only

>> No.10444449

Yeah, pretty much. Its even more weaboo that way. The nips don't give a fuck, so why should we?

>> No.10444452

Well you'd be right. I kind of fell out of the faith though. I just don't like the idea of a god that takes a personal interest in me. It makes me feel too self conscious, you know?

>> No.10444458

Lamaist>Mainstream Thai/Jap/Korean shit

>> No.10444456

You don't want a god that cares about you?

>> No.10444469


I went Buddhist because I had a moment of clarity. I don't know how to describe it. I realized that everything in the world would end, including myself and everything around me. Just walking down the street and the next thing I know I was holding myself on a yucca bush for support. Guess thats what religious people call and awakening. Good thing I saw though its trap, and I went home and bought a couple more onaholes.

>> No.10444475

A tsundere paladin god who reluctantly handles all your troubles for you so long as you don't stray too far from the one true faith and beg for forgiveness once in awhile, and she's always looking out for you.

What's not to like? Christianity gets a bad rap.

>> No.10444477

Don't forget the part where she sometimes will kill you and everyone you love just to proof a point to the devil

>> No.10444481

What were you doing something so important that it's worth reorganizing her life over, geeze!

Besides, slumber party over at her place.

>> No.10444483

Not to mention that fact that she is really fucking pissed off her rival gave her little experiment free will. She fucking rapes shit up when things dont go her way. I really dont want Asuka for a god.

>> No.10444489

No, that's kind of scary.

Is there a religion where god doesn't really care about who you are or what you do? Like one where he wishes you the best and generally suggests that you try to be a good person, but is just kind of busy with other things?
Because that's the one I would like.

>> No.10444491

Found your own religion and make up such a god

>> No.10444495

>Like one where he wishes you the best and generally suggests that you try to be a good person, but is just kind of busy with other things?
Sounds like Christianity

>> No.10444492

Buddhism at it's core has no God. Certain sects of Buddhism treats different Buddhas as gods though.

>> No.10444498

The greek gods come to mind.

But they were all assholes.

>> No.10444496


>> No.10444497


>> No.10444501

Make your own religion, its not hard, all you need is a pair of aviators, a compound in South America or Texas, and flavor aid.

>> No.10444502

When will we found touhouism and travel the world to learn magic and find a way into Gensokyo?

Alternatively we could just masssuicide

>> No.10444503


>> No.10444505


Don't forget to be busy yourself by following the islamic law.

Or die in hell you miscreant.

>> No.10444508


Masssucide in 3 days aftet meet up. We will have a manifesto, but it will be half a page long in curier new font, with fucked up magins.

>> No.10444507

In that vein most pagan gods are that way. The norse ones seem somewhat more personable than average I guess though.

>> No.10444516

Odin would have you killed in battle if he thought e wanted you right the hell now.

Thor was more sympathetic, but then again his later incarnations (and Baldr's) were changed to make entrance for Jesus Christ.

For example, the nowadays image of angels are based on valkyries. Biblical angels are mind shattering monsters.

>> No.10444524
File: 213 KB, 720x450, knights-templar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You spelled christian wrong dude.

Don't you realize Jesus was like the coolest guy ever? Be an alcoholic prostitute watching animus all day erry day? Okay, as long as you don't hurt anybody while doing so but try to change a little 'kay?

>> No.10444533

I've always preferred that lovecraftian bent of the old testament, men were men, his messengers were continent obliterating horrors, and the sodomites were salt.

heyzues was a punk bitch and.

>> No.10444539
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Not even once.

>> No.10444547
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>Biblical angels are mind shattering monsters.

I read the Bible once.

In fact God is such a gigantic scary patriarchal figure with lovecraftian overpowered LOLIBURNYOUBYMERESIGHT handy men under his commands that satan looks like a little angry little girl in comparison.

Don't fuck with that guy. Stay in the roman church.

>> No.10444551

If you think the OT was lovecraftican you've missed the point of Lovecraft's stories.

>> No.10444558

Probably did, but according to this guy (>>10444547), I'm not the only one.

>> No.10444562

>his messengers were continent obliterating horrors

"That will teach them to to take it in the ass, the faggots" - God

If /jp/ continues with all the homolust a rain of fire and sulfur will kill us all!

(Incest is A-okay though)

ps: I particularly liked the part of the bible where the glory of god soaked with the blood of all the battles obliterated half the army of the devil in one strike.

That fucking haxxor.

>> No.10444564

How did this thread turn into "Who is a more scary divine being?"

>> No.10444566
File: 251 KB, 734x950, Emprah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is extra heretical.
Why aren't you worshipping your only true god and emperor, /jp/?

>> No.10444571

The point of Lovecraft's stories is cosmic indifference. Humanity is utterly insignificant, evolved by accident and exists in a vast, meaningless universe. In the OT Yahweh creates Man in his image and gives him dominion over the world. It's the opposite of Lovecraft's writing.

>> No.10444572

Because that's not what he would have wanted.

"I am not a god; rather than enslaving humanity I want to free it from ignorance and superstition."

>> No.10444575

Concise and informative, thank you.

>> No.10444576

Because I a Buddhist, and not some /tg/ faggot.

Captcha: Reimu over

>> No.10444591


You have the choice between a short fatty asian dude and the almighty omnipotent and omniscient Lord and Creator of everything that exist.

My god is cooler than yours. That's the point.

My God's son is a cool dude too. (Not like his scary father)


In lovecraft mythos human aren't even ape shit in regards to the overly powerful and incomprehensible gods. Gods who don't give a shit about humans. God and his crew are at the same level of whatthefuckamilookingat.jpeg in a level of batshit insane things mere mortals can comprehend and "goodness gracious, this goat head upon my 53rd fire wing of sulfur that can kill by singing is really pretty, too bad anyone would instantly turn to dust if he were to gaze upon such a mathematical glory" EXCEPT God is supposed to like us.


Die in your sand shithole heretical brown man.

>> No.10444594

Because I am a buddhist, it also helped me in my life


>> No.10444607

Theme song for this thread

Buddhists seem to be the majority here, but can they fight back? Or will they just set them selves on fire in a corner somewhere.

>> No.10444608

Since when was religion about dickwaving and bragging?

Oh wait, it always was

>> No.10444614

Desiring to not have desires is completely contradictory.

Atheism: 1
Buddhism: 0

>> No.10444617

>almighty omnipotent and omniscient Lord and Creator of everything that exist

You mean a faggot who needed 7 days to create the world, can make bushes burn and once made it rain for a long time.


That shit was scary and impressive for cavemen.

>> No.10444624

Loss of desires is more of a sideeffect, less of a goal actually.

>> No.10444630

He created it in six days and set it up as an example for how we should live our lives. Working for six days and taking the seventh to sit back and appreciate the creation and works of God. The bush was the catch Moses' attention and make him curiously approach instead of scaring him away. And God makes it rain because he's pretty gangsta.

Praise to His holy name

>> No.10444633
File: 140 KB, 1024x768, 1718_knights_of_the_temple_infernal_crusade-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the whole "atmosphere" behind religious war order from the middle age totally thrilling. Chivalry, bravery and being the chosen ones and everything.

In fact I totally understand the muslims doing djihads and stuffs. If there still was an equivalent in modern days occident I'd probably be diverting a plane from quatar airways right into the black stone.

>> No.10444643 [DELETED] 

so edgy XDDDDD

>> No.10444649

He can also turn you into Salt if you were being a disobedient little bitch

>> No.10444653

Ya know mecca is actually just a bunch of grey bricks and that the black you see is just a cloth covering it right?

>> No.10444658

Since when is Gautama watching over us? He's reached enlightenment.

>> No.10444660

You know your mom is a whore, right?

>> No.10444702


And the heaven was open; and I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it was named Certain and True; and he is judging and making war in righteousness.

And his eyes are a flame of fire, and crowns are on his head; and he has a name in writing, of which no man has knowledge but himself.

And he is clothed in a robe washed with blood: and his name is The Word of God.

And the armies which are in heaven went after him on white horses, clothed in delicate linen, white and clean.

And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which he overcomes the nations: and he has rule over them with a rod of iron: and he is crushing with his feet the grapes of the strong wrath of God the Ruler of all.

And on his robe and on his leg is a name, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
If God is not the most ALPHA (and omega) AS FUCKING FUCK guy that ever existed I don't know what can impress you. Damn. You could make something awesome from that kind of stuff. Like the third impact of evangelion but all along your fucking 56 episodes anime.

>> No.10444709

The original type of Buddhism was more of an agnostic philosophy than anything else. It became more like a religion through time though.

>> No.10444723
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I prefer Taoism. Honestly OP I bet you have good intentions but this is a shite thread.

>> No.10444730
File: 55 KB, 384x480, soren_kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There buddhism is pretty much practiced like christianity in western countries, out of tradition and nobody really cares what it really is about

And then you got the people who actually care.

Fucking inauthentic philistines.

>> No.10444736

Taoists here, Buddhism a shit

>> No.10444738

In all honestly, I think it's not just Buddhists. It's everyone. Even most atheists one could argue who would accept the possibility of their being a god instead of denying one what so ever.

>> No.10444755

Western Buddhism turned it into a philosophy again.

>> No.10444764

I really can't stand Western Buddhists. Specifically the ones who believe that Buddhism is the magic oriental 'peace religion', and that the Western religions, specifically the Christianity of mum and dad, to be fundamentally evil white and imperialist. That is really stupid. Buddhists have committed enough atrocities throughout history to match any other religion.

All of the societies that came up with these religions were basically military theocracies that practiced warfare, torture, slavery and even cannibalism during times of famine (much like North Korea right now), they also treated women and children as disposable property within the extended family structure and not to forget practiced things like blood feuds, honor killings and arranged marriages.

Besides that, I don't need any help going through life. My life is fine thanks to modern industrial-scientific civilization, liberal democracy and universal human rights, not because of some mind-numbing magical superstitions made up by a bunch of barefoot toothless donkeybreeding medieval savages who almost never walked more than 100 kilometers away from the place they were born and hardly lived beyond the age of 45.

This is the third millennium for fucks sake, we have communication technology now, we're talking through an international network of computers, I can talk to people all over the globe and realize how many religions there are and how they all believe in differing and incompatible celestial beings, magical realms and metaphysical doctrines, for example Neoplatonism dreamed up by a Greek aristocrat with too much time on his hands couldn't be anymore incompatible with Aztec philosophical traditions dreamed up by Mesoamerican 'wise men'. So if you don't cut off your balls for Cybele and you don't flay a 5 year old girl alive for Tlaloc then there's no reason to bow to a dead Indian aristocrat who aimed for some sort of spiritual suicide (Jim Jones much?) because he found existence too unbearable.

>> No.10444781

Atheism simply means a lack of belief in god by looking at the structure of the word rather than denying god. If you want an example of this, a person who's never heard of the idea of god would be an atheist.

>> No.10444785

/jp/ - (Anything But) Otaku Culture

>> No.10444834

I have pondered about that. But then I see children scared shitless of the dark. There is almost zero possibility something with fangs, claws and a craving for tender flesh is lurking out there to eat them, yet they believe it exists.

Thus, the belief in a god (the opposit of this "demon") would repeat itself, no matter how many times you rebooted humanity. Faith is unavoidable.

>> No.10444837
File: 208 KB, 663x686, d26d612729db144792d102af0e789b697a6d7a72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On a side note, if you thought catholic priests went heavy on male pedophilia just look at what Buddhist priests did. Look for "chigo" in japan for example. They were institutionally raising little boys (orphan, students and the like) like perfect little sluts and braid their hair, put make up on them and stuff.

On a second side note, who could resist a japanese shota trap?

>> No.10444845

I really wish the term "anti-theist" took over for most people's definition of atheist. I think it's more accurate.

>> No.10444858


> no matter how many times you rebooted humanity. Faith is unavoidable.

That and Grumph and Gnarl trying to understand why is life so tough in 38000 BC.

ps: Life is meaningless and all you'll do is rot = NOPE.jpeg

>> No.10444870

Sometimes I wish it was like Elona, offer some rocks or fish time to time and you'll have someone to talk to.

>> No.10444946

It's hardly reasonable to damn an entire religious philosophy based on the fact that you feel that atrocities have been committed by the people who followed it in the past, or that people since have interpreted it in a way that was nonbeneficial.

I have found benefit in the philosophy, and the Buddha himself stated that to follow his path to enlightenment is not always wise, or always correct. The hand that points to the moon is not the moon. It's important to find your own way, in moderation and self-understanding and not stand on the pillar of tradition.

>> No.10444977

Fish god was best god.
The others had better benefits, but she was way cuter. That's the most important thing in a deity, I think.

>> No.10445021


>> No.10445022


>> No.10445025

I'm a don't-give-a-fuck-ist

>> No.10445034
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>> No.10445081
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Buddhism > all

>> No.10445154
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Anti-Cosmic Chaos Gnostics represent

>> No.10445163

Do Buddhists believe in Jesus and accept that he died for your sins? If not they are all going to hell.

>> No.10445174


>> No.10445186 [DELETED] 

That's just bullshit created to end powerlevel dickwaving contests.

>> No.10445209 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 231x234, unicursal_hexagram[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like christianity, but don't want to tone down my hobbies, i don't want to stop masturbating to depictions of underage girls and reading comics depicting lesbian relationships, and traps too, i don't want to give them up in the name of jesus also.
Maybe i can play it off as "it's fiction so it's okay" or something

Or maybe i'm more of a thelema guy, i can't help but love a faith that puts above all else

>Do what thou wilt

>> No.10445219

>lesbian relationships
Enjoy hell.

>> No.10445231 [DELETED] 

Buddha said not to care about matters of the above.
So yeah, buddhists are agnostic.

>> No.10446358

Though late in saying, I too feel this way.

>> No.10446805

white will not understand animism.
I thought so read the "Ninja Slayer"

>> No.10446810

Budhism = no materalism
Otaku(contemporary) = consumerism culture

We would have tulpa instead of daki and figs if we were budhist.

>> No.10446811 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 349x338, 1319218180496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white, middle class buddhists

>> No.10446813

It's pretty much the go-to for people who want to be "spiritual" but don't believe in sky fairies.

>> No.10446820

white peeople..... white peeople......

>> No.10446821
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, 1350642607023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodhi originally has no tree.
The bright mirror also has no stand.
Fundamentally there is not a single thing.
Where could dust arise?

>> No.10446824

zen meditation is an amazing way of relaxing. Self improvement tends to follow.

>> No.10446827

That and nothing more

>> No.10446828

This isn't otaku culture you faggots! Take your misunderstood genuises bullshit elsewhere. Like /b/

>> No.10446838

Actually, /x/ would be the correct board to discuss religion.

>> No.10446842



>> No.10446856

Ironically that's exactly the type of person I imaging becoming a Buddhist in the west.

And it sounds like you're confusing Buddhism with Shinto.

>> No.10446864

Because I'd rather just take psychedelic drugs than meditate (it's the same effect in the end).

>> No.10446867

>in the west.
In america or in rural area, maybe.

>> No.10446875
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oops forgot pic. it's me

>> No.10446891
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Fucking asiaboos faggots.
Embrace traditional Catholicism, orthodox Christianity or look to the old gods if you feel the need to spiritual guidance, embrace something that is meant for you, as a European!

>> No.10446894

They aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I started meditating after doing lots of shrooms, and Buddhism and spiritual philosophies in general started making so much more sense.

But it is probably kind of silly to spend decades trying to achieve enlightenment through meditation when you could just eat two grams of mushrooms with some lemon juice.

>> No.10446902

gj. you are becoming insane

>> No.10446903

I fucking love lemons.

>> No.10446904

I'm agnostic just because I don't see a reason to study anything about any religion. Even Buddhism. I follow my own path of enlightenment, though of course I pick up wisdom from anywhere I can find it too. But I wouldn't go out of my way for it. Over the years of questioning everything about life and behaviorism, I find I already know the answer, I just have to look for it.

Is that Taoism? I never even looked at it until this thread. Still, labels aren't that useful I suppose. I'd rather not endure any useless studying or association with anything just to see if I can find any, probably scarce wisdom from anyone who shares my views.

>> No.10446911


>> No.10446970


Meditation is a tool, shrooms (and drugs in general) are a tool as well.
They're of different nature, and serve a different array of purpose. There are parts that overlap.

I wouldn't recomend shrooms without any meditation to reach enlightment, whereas meditation without any shrooms is good in my book.
Of course, using both, within reason, is apparently the best option.

If you really need several decades, you might want to rethink the way you ``meditate''.

It's funny because I haven't seen any mention of discordianism in this thread.
And much less mentions of hermeticism and alchemy. And when I say alchemy, I'm not speaking of the spagirics or the one using old ovens, but the more poetical one, which has indeed deep european roots.

There was an asian equivalent, but it was different in nature; I don't remember much of it, but it was linked with a bit of taoism if I recall.

>> No.10446972

>are a tool
are tools*

>> No.10447044

How are you supposed to meditate anyway? What do you guys do?

>> No.10447074


I use zazen
sit in corner, on folded blanket or pillow, legs crossed, back straight but comfortable; eyes closed or weakly open and unfocused.
count your breaths, when you get to ten or 20, start over. Focus on that breath and counting. when you feel 'it' just allow to feel your chest move in and out. you'll know what I am talking about.

/x/ would be the proper place for this thread, but as it was aimed at US as a group, and not 14 year old alien watching witches possessed by sexy 17 1/2 demon vampires warlocks brought by disinfo agents and fema, i think it is appropriate. /x/ is so far gone it is wasted space for this kind of thing.

>> No.10447076

It's less about doing something and more about not doing anything. Sit down and let your mind be perfectly still. Don't think, just be.

>> No.10447081

i kinda get it

>> No.10447087

Which religion will give me a free place to live and food to eat?

>> No.10447091


>> No.10447098

well if you are to believe the village people

Young man, there's a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel...

>> No.10447099

Depends on the "school" or "way" or "path" you follow.

Raja yoga, for example concentrates on the "third eye" or Ajna, while kundalini focuses on the pinneal gland which somewhat forms a right triangle with Sahasrara and Ajna.
Some budhist meditation focus on standing in lotus position, other yogic forms focus on breathing, and then some meditation technique use a two point method: total concentration, and the opposite of total concentration (which is how they define meditation).

Some newer method, like the one by Chrystopher Hyatt, "simply" focus on relaxing tentions in the body, linking them with thoughts (of any kind), and "energised meditation" as defined in his book, uses various stretching to relax the more prominents tensions in the body, followed by relaxation and absence of thoughts.

In almost every form, the main obstacle are thoughts, which prevent achieving a "clear" (understand: clean) mind without any noise (understand: thoughts). While worries like "Did I forgot to lock the door" and "what will I eat for dinner" are considered foreground noise and easy to supress, the main obstacle lies in background noise, comparable to daydreaming in the sense that they are due to a loss of "focus", which are harder to supress.

It's very ambiguous wether your mind should be focused, or relaxed because of the metaphysical nature of meditation. What they mean by focused, is not concentrated, but aware of itself, and as such is not incompatible with the notion of absence of thougts.

When meditating, you're there, but that's it. That's all there is to it. "you" are there and that is the only thing to consider, the rest doesn't exist. And by you, it is your conciousness and ability to think, not your body. it's like being a non dimentional item suspended in an infinity of empty (or filled with void) dimentions.
Everything only exists within you.

Meditation mostly deals with a pure (ie, devoid of impurities) mind and relaxation.

>> No.10447101

dude we are fucking /jp/, our specialty is accepting other cultures as our own, and rejecting the culture we grew up with. The hippies took anything they could that was not their culture, and distorted it to either be part of it, or rejected it. Some groups are still recovering from the assfucking hippies gave them. They ruined almost anything they touched, like an autistic kid covered in chocolate.

>> No.10447107

I also forgot to mention, but meditation "starts" by shifting focus to internal.
This can be done by focusing on your breaths (as mentioned by >>10447074 ), blood circulations, using a subvocalised mantra.
But those are just tricks you shouldn't need, and shouldn't use (as they are background noise) in more advanced stages. They help as a beginner, though. Practical tools.

>/x/ would be [...]
You can always try Xibalba, but it's deader than tohno, if it still exists, that is.

>> No.10447114

What if it is always noisy where you live?

>> No.10447129

Use headphone and listen to touhou music to ask the noise?
Frankly, noise doesn't pose much of a problem, but if it does, then touhou music should fix the problem. Just don't put the volume too high.

>> No.10447132
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>> No.10447135
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Earmuffs by Dre?
I wonder what kind of sick beats Miko listen to.

>> No.10447137

Irohas are so cute.

>> No.10447139

How headphones can be so fucking expensive?

>> No.10447152

american jesus will murder you with his machine gun for being a fag, all the while wearing a slasher smile on his face.

>> No.10447158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10447169

my god is also almighty omnipotent and omniscient Lord and Creator of everything that exists, but also is the little girl.

so my god is automatically better than yours.

>> No.10447173

Long time ago I found that the quality of headphones and price are related by this formula:

0.4*x^3 +5*x^2 + 0.5 =$

Where x is the quality, there's a margin of error of 10^-5 because in that time I didn't knew how to use matlab properly, but yeah, that's it.

Those 1500 bucks headphones have a quality of 12.279 Q
The ones of 700$ -> 9.0199999 Q

Average 100$ bucks HP have a quality of 3.899999999999961.

The price should be linear but if it's not then you're paying for a brand and not quality.

You're welcome.

>> No.10447193

head phones == distraction from music
earmuffs== quiet

to each their own, but I would think its a bad idea

>> No.10447194

how do you measure quality?

>> No.10447197

who are you to judge others?

that's only for the god himself, any man who tries to judge others will be judged himself, with most unfavorable results.

>> No.10447206
File: 223 KB, 400x400, 946710017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, in that time I asked in a sound forum and got a rank from 1 to 10 for about 40 headphones, then from the values I got the growths and interpolated the said function.

>> No.10447208

Shush, don't even remind (Or should I say inform them) christians of the babel tower fiasco, they are too proud playing judge and placing them above their not-so-equals-after-alls.

>> No.10447240 [DELETED] 
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So we get to discuss Buddhism but not PC-98?
Thanks a lot janitor!

>> No.10447252

The more expensive the better. You are a genius.

>> No.10447257

>in that time I asked in a sound forum and got a rank from 1 to 10 for about 40 headphones
Extremely reliable data.

>> No.10447276

If you have a better idea I'm all ears.

>> No.10447277

pfff... we all got the same idea. that's the best. shut up.

>> No.10447339

ITT: People who played too much UFO

>> No.10447343

i am one because my condition makes me live like a monk anyway.

>> No.10447362

How does a monk live?

>> No.10447365

on a high mountain, in a temple without electricity or other modern technology. they shave their heads and wear skirts.

>> No.10447375

much like western counterparts, there's a few monks who actually use internet and all that stuff

>> No.10447385

I remember seeing an interview with a monk, not sure which order (Catholic Christianity at least). He had a really tidy simple room with books to study and a computer with Internet for the same purpose.

I wonder if there’s monks that secretly go on degenerate places like 4chan

>> No.10448361

Why do you think they set them selves on fire in the streets? if you saw your roommate beating it to futa, thats all I could do too.

>> No.10448548
File: 66 KB, 376x245, 1354997806721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I start meditating? I can't clear my mind when I want to nor can I calm myself if I'm in a certain mood. I tried it once and I couldn't keep still nor could I focus. I have anxiety problems and ADD. I'm starting to think meditating may be impossible for me. I just want to take it easy, /jp/.

>> No.10448569

I've never done it but I think you are supposed to relax so maybe you could do something that relaxes you while having positive thoughts.
I think I come pretty close to meditating while relaxing in the shower, that's also where I can sort my mind and have my best thoughts

>> No.10448596


vaguely means slightly rite guize
- op, pro. faggot

>> No.10448618

You just need to find a way to, do something that will get you in the mood to. Once you start and clear your mind it all flows smoothly from there and make sure you are hearing nothing outside of what you want to be hearing (I usually have some music on at a lower volume) and do it at a time when you think no one will distract you. There is nothing worse than being deep in meditation feeling almost completely disconnected from the world around you and then suddenly someone comes in the room wondering what your doing and ruins it. Once you get to a point of complete relaxation then you can let your thoughts flow. Just think about positive things.

>> No.10448651
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Because I don't think like giving up and dying, OP

desire>no desire

>> No.10448713

Masturbating is relaxing. I think? What are some relaxing activities?

>> No.10448721

Taking a shower, laying in bed, sitting on a bench in a park on a nice day while reading a buddhist book or listening to music or just doing nothing

>> No.10448757

Don't try and have positive thoughts. Thats not the goal. Don't worry about it. Just count your breaths. Every time you get distracted, start over. When you get to 20, start over. When you worry, start over. Nobody cares of you never get pas 1. Just breath. Your breathing will become normal as you continue. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and breath though your nose. Nothing but your breathing buddy. In and out. Every time you get distracted, just move back to that breathing. You will be distracted at first. Don't jerk your thought back to your breathing, just let them slide. Start to see your thoughts from a third person view, like you are watching a film of your remaining thoughts, but it is boring. let them fade. Don't repress them, just let them slip away light your breath is.

When you are ready to stop meditating, don't just get up, set around 5 mins to do this, and move every muscle you can. Twich your toes as little as you can, and bring that control upward. Just a little movement.

Its kinda hard to explain, I think I came off sounding a little like a hippy, but I think anyone who has meditated for any length of time knows what I am talking about.

>> No.10448769
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>But Buddhism is the only decent religion,

Oh for fuck's sake. Why?

>unlike other religions that teach you that you have to get rid of all people who don't have the same beliefs as you.

All of the "big five" world religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are inclusivistic, to varying degrees.

And before one of you trendy Orientalist twats start going on about how Buddhism is the only good religion because Buddhists never misuse their beliefs as a weapon, then let me say, you're a fucking idiot with no knowledge of Asian history whatsoever, and your time would be well spent looking up the Japanese warlord monks, and the Tibetan Buddhist theocracy, and the Sri Lankan civil war.

And for more contemporary examples of Buddhists behaving badly, read into anti-Christian and anti-Islam Buddhist riots in Cambodia and Thailand.

I can't fucking abide you "Buddhists," you soil every good thing about Buddhism with your stupidity.

>> No.10448770


>> No.10448776
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SPOILER: Buddhism is not a fucking religion!

>> No.10448774
File: 1.76 MB, 1244x1705, God the Geometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My God's son is a cool dude too. (Not like his scary father)

Mind you, Christians believe that Jesus was God. Unless they're Unitarian.

>> No.10448787

People who are sexually attacked to kids exist in every religious denomination.

>> No.10448794

Pretty sure that all religions oppose nihilism.

>> No.10448798
File: 6 KB, 264x235, 1328937642202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it fucking is. It really fucking is.

Only trendy white kid hipster Orientalist twats insist that it isn't.

Please note, just because Buddhists are generally non-theistic does not mean that Buddhism is not a religion.

Buddhists accept certain things by faith. Things like reincarnation and multiple heavens and hells and so on and so forth.

>> No.10448803

I like you. Please have sex with me.

>> No.10448820

Do they?
I thought only mainstream buddhists do.
When did buddha ever state such things?
I can't imagine that

>> No.10448825

>I thought only mainstream buddhists do.
What mainstream? Tibetan Lamaism? Thai Buddhism? Japanese Buddhism?

>> No.10448833

>When did buddha ever state such things?

Buddha talked about spiritual stuff constantly.

>> No.10448855

Thai buddhism.
As I am posting this my thai mom is on her knees in the living room in front of a little shrine while mumbling stuff in thai and praying to some ghosts for wellbeing and for being reborn as a better person

She actually gave me some buddhist books to read and what is described in these is nothing like what she is doinf

>> No.10448867

Why don't you go spend some time praying and meditation with your mother dude.

>> No.10448871

er, praying and meditating

>> No.10448914

If I'd decide to practice buddhism then not like this, because why bother?
I mightaswell practice christianity and pray to a god for more reward and less effort

>> No.10448930

>less effort

You ought to try Catholicism.

Anyway you don't need to be a practicing Buddhist in order to spend some time meditating with your mom.

>> No.10448933
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I'm all for the religion that has the greatest ratio of beautiful women.

Nuns versus Mikos

Which one is the purest?

>> No.10448938

>You ought to try Catholicism
Not this again. Catholicism is a Christian sect like the others, stop being a retarded Neo-Baptist or whatever.

>> No.10448953

>Not this again. Catholicism is a Christian sect like the others,

Uh, I know. I meant to demonstrate that Christianity isn't necessarily easy because Catholicism isn't easy.

>> No.10449308

Visit any 'modern' Christian American church and take a look at the youth group. Them hoes be fine, yo.

>> No.10449566

religion threads are the bane of the internet

much like religion is the bane of humanity

inb4 edgy

>> No.10449901

My cock is the bane of your mom, assnigger.

>> No.10450806

They also be savin them selfs fo Jesus!

>> No.10451374

consider a mental health therapist, there are prescription options and nonprescription options like therapy or group meditation even.

exercise and a healthy diet helps a lot too

>> No.10451385

Buddhism is a great for neets or people who wants the solitude life.

/jp/ should be Buddhist

>> No.10451397

how is buddhist nirvana not nihilistic?

>> No.10451404

most of catholics don't know anything and actually are only catholics because they are too lazy to research other religions/kinds of Christianity

it's easy to go to church for a few hours every Sunday, it's hard to actually read about your own doctrine for a few minutes

>> No.10451410

Please kill this thread.

>> No.10451460

Nirvana is not about moaning the lack of purpose, but to overcome suffering.

>> No.10451623

Based on this thread, I would say a good part of /jp/ is buddhist. Maybe upwards of 10% or so

>> No.10451629

I'm not a big enough faggot weeaboo to adopt an asian religion.

>> No.10451678

i'm too alpha to have someone else and his religion hold me by hand.

i'd rather make my own faith and be my own leader.

>> No.10451734

By escaping life. Buddhism is even worse than nihilism, since nihilists just think "nothing matters, and then you die." Buddhists are more like "nothing matters, you just keep looping, over and over again, suffering in eternal melancholy. That's why you should dedicate your life to trying to kill your soul."

>> No.10451750

So trying to become a better person is killing your soul?
Sure thing

>> No.10451767

As I understood it, nirvana is the death of your karma, bringing an end to your suffering. Being good is just the way to get there. Although being good to get to nirvana won't work since you're being selfish, so you kinda need to use doublethink.

>> No.10451866

The Buddhism you've learned is the fake modern form of Buddhism that preaches humanitarianism and collectivism, all part of the the Jew's "New Age" mysticism movements to subvert the West.

The true Indo-Aryan interpretation of the Pali Kanon is anything but collectivist or egalitarian in nature, but one of self-mastery and of a warrior-nobility ethos.

Read Julius Evola's book "The doctrine of awakening: the attainment of self-mastery according to the earliest Buddhist texts."

>> No.10451888

Stopped reading there. I'm honestly going to ignore every single word that followed it, just because of how retarded it makes the post. Grow up, man, this isn't the 1930's.

>> No.10451911

bump limit -1

>> No.10451936

Sometimes I wonder I'm from the same country with the same religion....
Homosexuality is a sin, but there are many worse ones (for example murder).
We all sin, but those self-righteous fools forget the words Jesus spoke to those that would stone an adulteress "He who has no sin, cast the first stone".

>> No.10451943

Good goy. Dismissing posts because of trigger words.

>> No.10451988

how do you know what kind of Buddhism he learned?

btw i like Alan Watts

>> No.10451998



why can we be adults here? this thread had potential

>> No.10452047

I don't worship your god, but I fell if anyone possessed infinite love and wisdom he should be mature enough not to care who you sleep with, shouldn't he?

>> No.10452050 [DELETED] 

I don't worship your god, but I feel if anyone possessed infinite love and wisdom he should be mature enough not to care who you sleep with, shouldn't he?

>> No.10452059

Read the rest of it; just as stupid and pointless as I thought. If Jews did run the world it would be fantastic, though. At least someone with a plan would be in charge.

>> No.10452125

Most of these things have a practical basis to them, pigs being dirty, and therefor forbidden is a good example of this, given that at the time it probably wasn't understood what was actually wrong with undercooked pork, or why it did horrible things to you. In the same vein, a tribe that doesn't breed tends not to last very long, therefor keep your profane buttfucking in check, hommie G.

Of course there's also a good bit of shame in western culutre which found its way into the church, so sexual things really aren't acknowledged, but the core of it, by a religious standpoint would be, rope and chains are fine, so long as you keep pooping out kids as per your qouta, fetishes and mental imbalances that stand in the way of that are no good.

>> No.10452138

Ancient Greek men were bi, and they did pretty well.

>> No.10452146

Are we talking about greeks or the heathens from the other southern peninsula, here?

Though so long as you kept up the baby making, hate against a little buggering would be an almost entirely cultural thing, though still something that would earn you an official frown..

On a side note, I wonder what the Byzantine church had to say on that long standing tradition. I can sort of guess how the Russian Orthodox church sees it, but that's rather irrelevant.

>> No.10452335

If it's not hard, you're not doing it right.

>> No.10452354

fuck you
i love new age occultism

>> No.10452367

Most religious people don't seem to know much about their own beliefs, what's your point?

>> No.10452376

That these people should kill themselves out of Christianity. or whatever their religion is

btw i'm a atheist

>> No.10452377

Typical atheist, not even educated.

>> No.10452382

Your kind is against education, swine.

>> No.10452385

fuck education

>> No.10452384

No it isn't. Don't be silly.

>> No.10452388

Education is not something you can have intercourse with.

>> No.10452394
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Right, theists cannot into science, lol!

>> No.10452399

They can't into philosophy either!

Just look at this guy. His motto was "God made it that way, I'm not even going to ask why."

Thank goodness we have always been able to rely on secularists for education. Why just imagine if all of the universities in Europe were originally founded and maintained by the Catholic Church! We'd still be living in the stone age!

>> No.10452403
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forgot pic

>> No.10452441

Fuck yeah man! Fuck the religion!
anyway... you shouldn't try to say that theists help science. it were just people who got time to observe and were interested in things. religion pissed all over their hobbies. except Islam they were ok with that. and shit. many other minor cases. like Aztecs.

>> No.10452457

I have hair just like Descartes

>> No.10452464

>religion pissed all over their hobbies


And before you say Galileo, keep in mind that the whole Galileo affair is wrongly characterized as "Galileo vs. the Vatican." It was actually a pretty divisive issue within the church at the time.

Galileo spent his house arrest living on the estate of his strongest supporter, a bishop for fuck's sake.

Also it was the Pope who commissioned the book that got him in trouble in the first place.

>> No.10452468

Could you look any fucking gayer?

>> No.10452485

I'd have to look like a mirror image of you.

>> No.10452504

I always thought of Buddhism as the way itself to enlightenment rather than some kind of badge or a group that you belong to.

>> No.10452501

>except Islam they were ok with that.
they were so okay, they burned down libraries in the early middle ages because the scientific books inside didn't work well with quran.

>> No.10452510

well yeah... things change... fuck the religion

>> No.10452576

Buddhism (Great Vehicle or Zen, Pali and Tibet a shit) is first and foremost a tool for mental conditioning, and secondly a philosophy (a somewhat bitter one at that).

As a religion, it lacks the depth of other religions due to Gautama's refusal of answering cosmological/metaphysical questions, and it is best used to augment a secular or pantheist system of world-view.

>> No.10452619


Nonsense. Shows you haven't read anything.

There's plenty of cosmology in the Tripitaka, and concerning the Mahayana canon, there's even more. If you care to study these things, plus Vaibhasika, Sautrantika, Yogachara, and Madhyamaka, you'll easily find this out for yourself.

>> No.10452618

Shinto > Taoism > Buddhism

But all are 100 times better than monotheistic shit for retards anyways.

>> No.10452625

I tried meditating yesterday, and today I got so mad at the fact that my mom got the type of whole wheat bread that I don't like that I literally started smashing my sandwich half way through eating it. It was unusual, and I can't help but think it had something to do with the meditating. All my anger just built up over a day. Do I just need to do it longer?

>> No.10452627 [DELETED] 

Why does NSJ delete milk threads (Otaku culture related: she's a net idol) and keep these pieces of shit up?

>> No.10452627,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think I'm finally going to email moot

>> No.10452645

gay people were killed very young in the time of Jesus, he didn't say anything about them, because they didn't exist.

The old testament on the other hand has the nice tale of Soddom and Gomorrah. Pillars of salt, balls of fire, the works.

>> No.10452652

>The old testament on the other hand has the nice tale of Soddom and Gomorrah. Pillars of salt, balls of fire, the works.
It included people of all sexual orientation

>> No.10452655


They weren't allowed to discuss their views of the physical world in metaphysical abstracts because they feared that persecution, the church would think they were on their turf whenever they thought maybe it wasn't just "god" who made the laws and scientists just had to discover them and shut up.

Isaac Newton, Alan turing, Bertrand Russel, and to >>10452441's point, a muslim scientist named Rhazez was also persecuted by fellow muslims for being unethused by islam, and that was in the 900s.

>> No.10452659

I can relate to extreme bursts of anger over something as stupid as food. Maybe it's just that since your in a more peaceful state of mind that any disturbance of it can cause a lot more anger and sensitivity to things you don't like than usual. And I hate whole wheat bread too, white is more delicious if I have to have some kind of super market bread aisle bread. I only use that kinda bread if I'm making grilled cheese. If not I'm getting fresh baked bread from the bakery there or elsewhere. I love bread so much I can fill up on it if it's fresh and tasty enough.

>> No.10452659,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm way ahead of you:

>> No.10452677
File: 87 KB, 454x376, Alan Watts _ Joyous_ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

observe your wrath.
not longer, but at least every day for a month.
don't not depend emotionally on anything, be it type the of bread or the results(or a lack) of meditation.

as mr. Watts said:
"When you are perfectly free to feel stuck or not stuck, then you're unstuck"

>> No.10452684
File: 60 KB, 500x314, Carl-Sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sagan had previously spoken and debated with religious leaders before, but he was uniquely surprised by his experience with the Dalai Lama. Speaking of the event, Sagan said:

…in theological discussions with religious leaders, I often ask what their response would be if a central tenet of their faith were disproved by science. When I put this question to the Dalai Lama, he unhesitatingly replied as no conservative or fundamentalist religious leaders do: In such a case, he said, Tibetan Buddhism would have to change. Even, I asked, if it’s a really central tenet, like reincarnation? Even then, he answered. However, he added with a twinkle – it’s going to be hard to disprove reincarnation.

>> No.10452684,1 [INTERNAL] 

Did he put in a ban request for you too?
Judging by the babysitting of these thread, he's clearly one of the spergs posting in it.

>> No.10452739


pop-science moron

>> No.10452741

This thread is full of pop-philosophy morons, so it's all good.

>> No.10452741,1 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to /q/ueer /jp/.

>> No.10452760


popularizing science takes hard work, especially with all the trogs around.

It takes a poet philosopher in the right place at the right time to open people up to skepticism-with-wonder who have no interest in scientific thought

>> No.10452762
File: 30 KB, 266x400, buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western Buddhists are essentially novice monks. Meditation in Buddhist countries is something that is only usually done by the monks, especially in places like thailand. I think Western people are more interested in the monastic practices of Buddhism than the cultural because we are obsessed with self improvement and see it as a method of achieving something. Obviously monks dont see their practice as self improvement because being a Buddhist is not about judging what something is, rather just experiencing it and knowing it. I have been meditating for around 6 months now some days i dont but I usually go back to it after a day or two. Its changed my life totally, its made me so much better at dealing with everything around me and with myself. With Buddhism anything could come around the corner, even death or heartbreak and you dont have to be afraid. If you just watch fear, let it be and know it it ceases to be anything other than what it is. Fear as fear is not good or bad, its a part of existence.

>> No.10452767


>> No.10452765

ad hominem and non sequitur in such a short post

>> No.10452780



>> No.10452778


>> No.10452841

Precisely the reason I started meditation.

Not to mention the near-lucid dream experiences you can have whilst remaining awake.

>> No.10452841,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't know since I turned off my PC and went to sleep after making that post. I'm getting a new IP every time I boot my computer.

>> No.10453061


Your desire brings you suffering.

>> No.10453086

My desire brings me nothing but pleasure, I believe in no karma but if I did I'd tame it as I've done with every aspect of my life.

The retard who said that bad things happen to bad people was just that, a retard, a unlucky one I guess.

>> No.10453107

I stopped calling people names on /jp/ and try to translate/help if I can and I feel better. It's as though this text based commmunication really contributes to your state of mind.

Also I stopped telling people to leave because they don't anyway.

>> No.10453107,1 [INTERNAL] 

post some jews

>> No.10454004

Thanks dude


>> No.10454345
File: 525 KB, 2000x1615, wallpaper-1265996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why arn't more of you Taoists? A hermit would be a good life for you.

>> No.10454366

See it's wasn't hard to outgrow autism was it?

>> No.10454374

How dare you fu-

have a nice day.

>> No.10454799

If the goal of Buddhism is to remove desire, how can it be combined with Taoism, which power and control of the self is a goal? I know they are often practiced together, contrary to touhou.

>> No.10454829

control of self overlaps, which is why monks can incinerate themselves and not move.

power is control of self.

>> No.10455902

>…in theological discussions with religious leaders, I often ask what their response would be if a central tenet of their faith were disproved by science.

How is that even possible.

I suppose Sagan thinks that one day the existence of the soul or the possibility of reincarnation or whatever will be answered by computers?

No religious person apart from creationists holds any sort of tenant that can be answered by science.

>> No.10455919

you are a faggot

you're not a monk

and western people are not obsessed with self improvement, asians are. western people are obsessed with laziness and "looking for happiness lel" which is what you do

>> No.10455929
File: 232 KB, 560x850, 8efa5d895b2873b3a2d76b74f99f7f78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think when this thread finally reaches bumplimit that the janitor will gradually delete earlier replies so that it keeps under 300 posts? Until somebody notices after a month and makes a thread on /q/ about it, forcing a mod to finally remove the thread of course

I hope so, because Religion is my favorite part of Otaku Culture

>> No.10455931

>I got so mad that the bread is not right that i got so angry that i killed a sandwich AND DIDN'T EVEN FINISH IT
>fuck you Buddhism, i thought you would make me less of a faggot, give me back 5 minutes of my life i spend sitting on my ass doing nothing like you told me to

>> No.10455934

My family is certainly looking for my self improvement...

>> No.10455947
File: 97 KB, 393x500, 8105793408_f4488d36bb_Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there was this Benedictine monk, I think he might have even been a Trappist, who really loved Buddhism. He made frequent trips to Japan and Korea to talk about spiritual stuff with his Buddhist contemporaries.

This guy, I think his name was Merton, is actually in the process of becoming a saint.

>> No.10455952

I don't think it works that way. I think there's a bug where limits still include deleted posts. That's why sometimes you have a thread with 145 image replies, but it says the image limit is reached.

>> No.10455960

From their point of view, what happens if you become a saint?

So you're just in Heaven chilling as an ordinary dude who died in some war, then a bunch of humans on Earth decide you were a swell guy and therefore a saint. What happens to you? Do you have a sainthood ceremony and get to shake God's hand? I think it's pretty arrogant of us to decide we get to choose who is and isn't divinely important like that.

>> No.10455980
File: 321 KB, 1279x1600, Chiune_Sugihara_-_杉原_千畝_-_Pavlo_Sergeyevitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From their point of view, what happens if you become a saint?

I read somewhere that being made a saint offers nothing to the glory of the saints. It's for the sake of the people still living. Everyone needs a hero, and when Catholics make someone a saint they're saying "this person is a hero, look up to them."

And on a sort of unrelated note, some Eastern Catholics consider Chiune Sugihara a Saint though he's not been officially canonized yet.

>> No.10455982

You will never achieve liberation of samsara by having lewd thoughts.

>> No.10456008

>being made a saint offers nothing to the glory of the saints. It's for the sake of the people still living.

I figured as much, but people seem to suggest saints have super-powers (especially patron saints). I assumed whoever canonizes them confers some power on them. Which is another thing: why do we decide these people have power? Priests and the Pope I can understand, but what gave medieval folk the right to decide their king had some divine right or protection?

>> No.10456029

Catholics pray to saint for intercession. Meaning that the saints don't have any powers themselves.

So when someone prays to say, Saint Jude, patron of lost or hopeless causes, they're asking Saint Jude to ask God for help.

As to why not just pray directly to God, Catholics don't see any point in cutting out the middle man I guess.

>> No.10456062


Not trusting his almighty faithful and benevolent king of divine right.

I bet that you didn't stop just being an heretic but a republican too!

>> No.10456085

>but what gave medieval folk the right to decide their king had some divine right or protection?
thread of execution if questioned.

it's like how the korean people still supposedly love their evil, murderous tyrant leader demon who treats them like dirt.

they're too scared to admit they hate him.

>> No.10456100

*North Koreans

And to my knowledge Il Sung was a much better leader than his son and grandson and people still love him.

>> No.10463463

