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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10440685 No.10440685 [Reply] [Original]

in these times, i listen only touhou doujin music, other genre of music are shit for me... am i becoming a fucking hipster?

>> No.10440688

You're narrowing your tastes far too much, variety is important.

>> No.10440690

i want to get into this stuff myself, but i have no idea where to start or what's good.

>> No.10440693

you are a musical autist
please listen to real music from other countries, perhaps your own

>> No.10440695

Don't bother

>> No.10440704

I can understand liking touhou doujin music, but only like that and nothing else? Personally I think most of it is really shitty and if you've heard one you've heard most of them.

>> No.10440705


>> No.10440707


>> No.10440711

But Touhou doujin music comes in a wild variety of genres. Dubstep and Celtic arranges of the same song are hardly going to sound the same.

>> No.10440715

No, you're a fucking weeaboo

>> No.10440716

It's all shitty metal and dubstep, stop lying to yourself.

>> No.10440718

I didn't say it wasn't shitty. I said that "heard them heard them all" is inaccurate.

>> No.10440727


>> No.10440728

Most of them is not all. There are probably some gems out there. I've just never found any.

>> No.10440729
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no but you have shit taste

>> No.10440733

you are a cancer

>> No.10440737

Get on my level OP

>> No.10440744

get on MY level.

>> No.10440747


>> No.10440754

Good music thread?

>> No.10440763

oh please, continue your list

>> No.10440764


It's like having a single rare fetish. You'll never satisfy your lewd needs with the available material.

>> No.10440773 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10440783


>> No.10440784
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>> No.10440786

Alstroemeria Records, CROW'S CLAW, TatshMusicCircle

You know, patrician shit.

>> No.10440794

Ignore that fag listing Touhou music.

>> No.10440801


>> No.10440804 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10440814

Typical day on >/jp/

>> No.10440822 [DELETED] 


>> No.10440840


>> No.10441001

same here, only doujin music all day every day. no, you are not becoming a hipster. eventually you will find different music. just take it easy and enjoy glorious 同人音楽.

>> No.10441088

Just because /jp/ doujin music threads are plagued with those genres doesn't mean it's full of it. How about you get a clue of what you're talking about before looking like an idiot?

>> No.10441105

Pretty much, /jp/ music taste is just atrocious.

>> No.10441180
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I wish there was a circle making actual 2hu death metal. Agent-0 tries but not hard enough!

>> No.10441200

You mean brostep and mallcore, very few groups do actual dubstep or metal.

>> No.10441231

What's all this then?

Also OP, you should probably take note that doujin music ≠ Touhou arranges. There's plenty of original stuff too, I guess it just doesn't get uploaded as often since Touhou is very popular.

>> No.10441277

you could just listen to touhou arranges for a long time and not be bored, moreover the original music is quite good

>> No.10441292

been doing it since like 2007, it gets to a point where you don't even listen to them and are just background noise.

>> No.10441341

Why not listen to original music too then?

>> No.10441348

B-but anon-kun... Touhou is one of the most mainstream thing among weeaboos. You can't be a hipster like that. (And be thankful for that.)

>> No.10441354

its mixed in there too, I put everything in one list and then just play songs at random

>> No.10441357

No you are becoming ignorant.
A few years ago, I too listened to nothing other than doujin music. I followed every event and immensed a collection of doujin albums.

Due to chance, I by some time admitted interest to the international electronic music scene, and this gradually manifested itself into a large scale hobby which I now dedicate a great deal of time to, and likewise receive mutual enjoyment in a much greater scale than I did when limiting myself to independent artists releasing their work at public market events on an island nation in East-asia.

My expectations has since skyrocketed. opening yourself to the world will greatly increase the amount of quality albums and the height of the yardstick itself. I no more follow the doujin music scene, I do however still enjoy other mediums of Japanese visual culture.

>> No.10441402
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I really want to start expanding my music collection with non-doujin music, but I'm not really sure where to start. I have a Jpopsuki account but have no idea what to download, and too nervous to ask on the forums.... But it'd be nice to have something which isn't Asian music, but again what the hell do I do?
Are completely offvocal albums easy to come by in Western music? Or at least ones which have offvocal versions included too.

>> No.10441484

what kind of music do you like?

>> No.10441526

Acoustic/folk, jazz, piano arranges, pretty much everything from >>10441231. Pretty much anything gentle, you know what I mean? I like 8bit music as well though, and this is kind of nice:

>> No.10441536

With offvocal I take it you mean 'without vocals' or 'instrumental' rather than vocal albums with the vocals stripped. The great majority of Electronic music is purely instrumental. The bulk of vocals you're gonna hear serve a backseat in the album format, inhabiting only a few tracks in the otherwise purely instrumental album, or being utilized as simply just another sound instead of a medium to convey lyrics. While there exist full vocal albums, they are in the minority. I'm personally very picky when it comes to vocals, and generally avoid them as they rarely appease me.

I listen to everything interesting I can find between early Krautrock (like Tangerine Dream's Zeit, Phaedra and Rubycon, which were the albums that first sparked my interest in Electronic music after a childhood love for Jean Michel Jarre) from the 70's until the present day. (I have yet to explore Musique Concrete and whatever else of Electronic music that lies before that time)

If you want to explore Electronic music, the best starting point I can give you is Resident Advisor's Top Albums of 2000-2009.


Work yourself from the top until the bottom, listening to the albums that you deem interesting. Not all of them are gonna immediately captivate you. Some might take time to sink in, and others will never fall in taste. Hopefully you will find a few life-long companions.

>> No.10441554

From thereon you can expand by using the knowledge you then possess. Discogs is an immense international marketplace and user-driven database dedicated to music. 'Lists' can be created by users and should serve as a decent tool toward finding similar albums. If the album you are viewing is included in a list, it should be visible towards the bottom-right of the page. There's a vast sea of forums and blogs dedicated to every genre and style of music that should serve to expand your view. Also, music critics sometimes cite similar or inspired music in their reviews. Basically, just use the internet as a whole.

Oh, and I should mention that albums isn't the only format for distributing music. There are also Singles and EPs which are equally important.

For acquiring music of this type, filehost search engines prove very useful. Filetram and filestube does the job for me. Just use the direct link, I have no idea what kind of other services these websites offer. You can also use a regular search engine to find forum posts or blogs, usually with a link to a filehost with the uploaded album. More popular stuff can often be found as torrents, which can be very useful when fetching an entire discography.

You could of course buy the music. I often order physical copies of my favourite albums.

>> No.10441649


The DnB scene right now is pretty awesome, it's pretty much all I listen to noawadays, though I'm not so ignorant as to think everything else is shit.

The link up top should be enough to get you started, the channel itself is very good even If you don't like that particular song. I can recommend enough songs to cover more or less any tastes though I don't know what yours are so I just gave you the one I happened to be listening to when I came upon this thread.

Also: Yes spirited away.

>> No.10441890

Great choice regardless as just about anything out from Muffler is top notch. Even well into the early Urban Takeover days.

>> No.10441910


I'm gonna guess that you're still relatively new (no insult there, please don't take it that way) to listening to doujin stuff, so no.

The doujin music scene produces literally every genre of music, so you could go a long time without getting bored with it.

Eventually, I imagine you will, since even the most dynamic arranges are repetitions on a theme, but that's not to say that doujin music won't stay at the top of your playlist indefinitely. Ever since my exposure to it about 7 years ago it has dominated mine, but I still default back to indie rock and post-metal and THAT, my friend, makes ME a hipster (sic).

>> No.10442832

Modern liquid a shit. A SHIT.

SighCo Collection No. 1 was Muffler's best album. The liquid DnB scene right now is cookie cutter tripe, 2000 - mid 2000 dark/techstep was the golden era of DnB. Modern neuro is mediocre. Here's some real DnB, tertiaries:


>> No.10442933
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I've been listening this for years, but in the last two that I've spent in fron of the computer, those 15 hours every day, if I'm not playing a videogame or using media with sound I'm listening to touhou doujin music, all the time, never stop, never silence, someone kill me.

>> No.10443005


These two were pretty awesome thx anon

>> No.10443189

What the fuck is this shit. This is as far from real DnB as Skrillex is from real Dubstep. You can listen to your dark/techstep as much as you want, but don't try to pass it off as "real DnB" and act like your taste is superior.

>> No.10443296

No, that is true DnB. It originally split off from Darkcore (Dark Jungle) and permutated from thereon out. This is proto-DnB: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Us7i6xIHit=2m12s

Early DnB was defined by this style of music where there was less focus on the break and more focus on bass/samples/synths, this is what seperates it from Jungle where the main focus is the break (example: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYlP0h3X3ut=0m52s ). Liquid only took off in late 2000 with the popularity of High Contrast / London Elektricity, who went on to found Hospital Records and churn out the most mainstream, boring shit to ever exist in the DnB genre. Ed Rush and Optical is to DnB as Burial is to Dubstep. Liquid is the Brostep of DnB; don't try to pass off your generic kick-step with the same a capella plastered over it and the same abelton synth as "real DnB" and act like your taste is superior, tertiary.

Future Prophecies are some of my favorites, I'm glad you enjoyed.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF9ruApngct=1m31s -- quality sucks, it's 240p sadly.

>> No.10443321

I'm not >>10441649. I don't listen to Liquid or whatever that is either.

>No, that is true DnB. It originally split off from Darkcore (Dark Jungle) and permutated from thereon out.
>Early DnB was defined by this style of music where there was less focus on the break and more focus on bass/samples/synths, this is what seperates it from Jungle where the main focus is the break

I regard what you call "Early DnB" as "real DnB", but I don't understand what you mean with "true DnB". The basis of DnB was laid in the mid 90's in the way you described, but I don't think darkshit a decade later should redefine what is known as real DnB.

Listen to the album "Timeless" by Goldie. That album encompasses so many of the styles born in the beggining of DnB that it could be called the standards of DnB.

>> No.10443368

By "true" I mean that it encompasses the original and core values of drum and bass, to call it the Brostep of Drum and Bass is gross ignorance. This is an example of Liquid: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoSscshAG-t=2m35s , basically breakbeat trance.

"Darkshit" a decade later didn't "redefine" what was real DnB, it was defined already in its infancy when it mutated off Dark Jungle. The only redefinition of the DnB genre was what Spor and Noisia did to Neurofunk, e.g: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtppf3xkbyt=1m30s

Goldie's Timeless is indeed timeless, but there still a lot of Jungle crossover in the tracks (a quality you sadly didn't find much post circa 1998 (open to correction here)). I'd argue instead that it was the spark of creation which laid the groundwork for different artists to define the different styles that came of it -- I believe the growth of techstep (in particular, albums such as Teebee's Spaceage) helped define DnB as its own genre entirely seperate from Jungle. From techstep came darkstep and neurofunk, darkstep being influenced heavily by Dark Jungle; while Liquid never gained any significant popularity until about 2007.

The aforementioned track which the name inherits its title from: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZICi8Rc7gt=1m27s

>> No.10443406

You have shit taste. Asians have never made good music


>> No.10443417


>> No.10443438

Susumu Hirasawa wanna have some word with you.

>> No.10443439

Ignore him. I'm pretty sure there's a few stormfront people posting on /jp/.

>> No.10443491

Your knowledge of the genre clearly surpasses mine, so I'll let you have the argument.

However, I still disagree that darkshit should represent real DnB, and neither should it be regarded as the cream of the crop.

>> No.10443530

Please do not diss Liquid DnB. Though not as good as the examples you provided, it's a decent alternative.

>> No.10443559

I'll concede that Liquid DnB does infact have some good tracks, however the overwhelming majority of it is incredibly sub-par, soulless and manufactured not for enjoyment, but for ease of mixing to a live crowd. To call it the "real DnB" is an insult.

I respect your opinion, as it comes down to personal taste at the end of the day, but darkstep and techstep are fundamentals of DnB, a fact you can't ignore.

>> No.10443833

are you implying 2hu music is somehow imaginary, and doesn't actually exist by calling it not real?

it's good music as any other.

btw. my own country's music is mostly rap and hip hop, it's all complete shit.

>> No.10443840

Being a weeaboo is being a hipster.

You label the mainstream culture as shit, and prefer to sit in your own "niche" culture, treating it as superior to the mainstream one and going all condescending on the "normalfags".
