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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 189 KB, 640x744, Musou Kakyou - Gensou Mangekyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10435644 No.10435644 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these do you prefer so far /jp/ ?

inb4 /a/ please go

>> No.10435647

Bottom one definetly.
Top one is pretty much everything that is wrong with the touhou fandom and on top of that the artstyle is alot worse.

Seriously, putting memes in your episodes?

Meanwhile the bot one is trying it's best to stay as close to canon as possible and telling the plots of the games in a good way

>> No.10435652


>> No.10435654

I only watched the first episode, but I remember pretty clearly that Sakuya called Hong china

>> No.10435655

Really? I didn't notice.
It's a meme in Japan too?

>> No.10435656


>> No.10435660


>> No.10435658

Most stupid stuff like "Cirno is a baka" or "CHINA CHINA CHINA" originated in japan.
Western fandom is irrelevant

>> No.10435664

/jp/ did created Sanae's ten desires and Flanfly though

>> No.10435667

Stop misusing spoilers.

>> No.10435670

bottom, top is trash, reasons have already been given in this thread

please do not misuse spoilers

>> No.10435681

I honestly don't remember which is which, since they keep removing the videos from Youtube.

Memories of Phantasm I think was the great one. Can't wait for them to release episode 2.

>> No.10435687

Memories of phantasm wasn't pandering to secondaries enough so they don't have enough funds to make more episodes

>> No.10435692


Son of BITCH.

Who's releasing that episode with the hot springs scene?

>> No.10435699

If ZUN allowed an official anime to be made, it would be like A summer day dream. I don't think i want it to happen. But those small touhou anime only release 1 episode every few years can't quench our thirst.

>> No.10435706

I don't get why people want an anime to begin with. Touhou is excruciatingly boring anyway.

>> No.10435714

Please don't misuse spoilers and buzzwords, /a/-friend.

>> No.10435709

why so edgy

>> No.10435711 [DELETED] 

is either one fine for a truprimary to watch or not

>> No.10435725

The memory of phantasm guys.
That scene is one of the only things I don't like

>> No.10435726

Because look where you are.

>> No.10435720


The bottom one was decent, I think.

>> No.10435721

why so autist

>> No.10435728

While the top one is pretty disorganized, the bottom one is clean and tidy. I guess Koa-chan is making the difference.

Don't you have top and bottom mixed up?

>> No.10435729


> That scene is one of the only things I don't like

I wouldn't worry too much. With them not releasing the episode ever and such.

>> No.10435730

Oh right, sorry.

>> No.10435738

No, I'm pretty sure bottom was the good one

>> No.10435750

I sw the top one and liked both episodes.
What is the down one called? Might as well give it a watch.

>> No.10435759


Reminiscence of Ghost

>> No.10435767

Remembering the Poltergeist

>> No.10435772

Why the fuck did they release trailer for episode 3 and 4 but not release episode 2 ?

>> No.10435769

I dont find anything uner that name. Is it on youtube?

>> No.10435770

Recalling of Ghoul

>> No.10435771

Top one is cuter.

Except for the animation, the second one is a shit, people just like it because elitism.

>> No.10435792


is another episode really completely off the table?

>> No.10435796

I prefer top's backgrounds, and bottom's character designs.

>> No.10435801

I don't think you're in the position of knowing what kind of anime ZUN would actually allow.

>> No.10435805

People like it because animations are top-tier and a lot of bullets are involved.

>> No.10435808

>the second one is a shit, people just like it because elitism.

I guess you don't actually care about touhou and just about the epic maymays and the cute videos you see on youtube

>> No.10435812

The bottom one feels more cozy. I hate big, wide-open libraries that usually have a lot of people, like the top one. The one on the bottom makes me want to find a corner and read but the top one just makes me feel exposed.

>> No.10435814


i just hate how flat and boring marisa's hair is but everyone else looks pretty typical anime girl-ish to me, which isnt very cute

>> No.10435817

So I just watched the bottom one and have to say I liked it too but one thing is unforgiveable: No vioceacting. We live in fucking 2013. But it had nice danmaku.
Overall I prefer the top one because I am a fan of slice of life and it did that excellent, bottom one was good for action.

>> No.10435819

Why is Patchy so hot in everything she's in ?

>> No.10435818

I like it because it doesn't look like generic anime shit.

>> No.10435820

>No voice acting

You obviously watched the voice-off version, jerk.

>> No.10435825

But that is the BEST part about this video.
Many voices in the top one didn't even fit the characters, and that can't happen if you leave that to the imagination of the viewers.

We just don't know how they sound like

>> No.10435828

If you want to use imagination why would you watch an anime?

>> No.10435830

I don't watch anime, and I don't think touhou should have an official anime.
But if it would have one it should be like the bottom video

>> No.10435838
File: 1.25 MB, 1373x760, mukaky-209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define generic anime shit

>> No.10435842

Art that looks like generic anime girls with touhou clothes on rather than art that reflects the canon personality of the character.

Like the picture you posted

>> No.10435852


>> No.10435854

what the fuck are you talking about

they all look like generic anime shit. the only difference is the size of their uguu eyes.

>> No.10435856

I think if an anime of Touhou were to be made right now, it would probably revolve around the scramble for influence between Buddhist, Taoism, and Shintoism. Eastern Crusades fought with light shows. Highlight of Fall 2013.

>> No.10435871

The Memory of Phantasm characters are more detailed and refined.
The lower one also looks more canon than what I'd exaggeratedly say "memetic".

Also: What's up with everybody saging for no particular reason?

>> No.10435882

here you go faget: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l6eKWFTI

>> No.10435900

Of course The Memories of Phantasm is more "canon", it stole zun's plot.

>> No.10435897 [DELETED] 
File: 2.77 MB, 400x224, up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this one.

>> No.10435901


It was animated better and actually based of PCB ( best Touhou )

>> No.10435903

It didn't steal, it tried to arrange it as an anime.

>> No.10435912
File: 56 KB, 698x387, ss (2012-08-05 at 06.38.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute remilia

>> No.10435923


sage is used on /jp/ to show that a persons post doesn't feel it adds anything noteworthy to the thread and keeps it from being bumped

It is not an insult like other boards use it

>> No.10435926

And failed.

Is this your first day on /jp/, or something?

>> No.10435928 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 200x141, 1358896949487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sage is used on /jp/ to show that a persons post doesn't feel it adds anything noteworthy to the thread and keeps it from being bumped

This is not true.

Want me to prove it's not true?

I am using sage right now because I hate OP, and all of you as well!

My post is far more than worthy for this shit thread.

u = newfag thinking he knows how all of us use sage proved wrong

>> No.10435929



>> No.10435936

But no board consider sage as an insult.

It is more common to see sage in /jp/ because it's a slow board and it's annoying to see always the same threads on the first page.

>> No.10435932


Truly epic pic and post.

Over 9000 wins! Gimme summa dat, /b/rothren!

>> No.10435943

Why are there so many crossboarders in the mornings? Is it because the euros are up?

>> No.10435947

No, it's because you consider half of /jp/ as crossboarder

>> No.10435954
File: 470 KB, 1200x900, 1351144417665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who are you even satirically making fun of? It's just making an ass out of you.

Inpolite sage because shit thread.

>u on the left

>> No.10435957
File: 102 KB, 833x1000, bebefat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10435966

Why are you fighting over which one is better when both are canonically incorrect?

>> No.10435973

Because one of them at least tried to be canonically less incorrect which should be appreciated

>> No.10435980


One has a made up story with some fanon shit while the other is an adaption of PCB with more fanon and incorrect shit than the other.

>> No.10435985

But that's wrong.
Most events in the bottom one where within acceptable possibility range

>> No.10436029

I do, in fact, appreciate how Musou Kakyou captured the spirit of Touhou narrative.

>> No.10436155

Just remember that you allowed this thread and neutered this poster, /jp/.

>> No.10436512
File: 811 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2013-02-01 at 3.21.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As everyone else has said, Manpuku Jinja is the clear winner for animation quality and not being terribly ooc, but I'm surprised nobody has mentioned directorial style.

Whoever directed Musou Kakyou knows the basics of continuity editing. It is not jarring, and the visual space makes sense. But it has no soul. Nothing is particularly well framed. There is no real visual storytelling to speak of. It has no energy.

Manpuku Jinja though, whoever directs their stuff is a fucking boss at handling movement in shots, framing things in interesting ways, and coming up with interesting images and vignettes that communicate his idea of what Gensokyo feels like. Just look at this shot of Yama from Kachou Fuugetsu. Look how the frame is set up so the focus of the viewer is drawn from the bottom left of the frame to the upper right, as the depth of field goes into the middle distance. And how the color changes with the focal point. And that visual texture. I mean, this is pro-tier stuff.

Not to mention, the Manpuku Jinja guys are nice people who actually communicate with their audience when they're behind on work for money reasons or something.

>> No.10437182

>not being terribly ooc

Only they were.

>Whoever directed Musou Kakyou knows the basics of continuity editing.

Not to mention the basics of continuity. Great animation is fine and dandy, but scenes need to connect to one another. Unless you're making a music video, which Manpuku Jinja should probably stick to.

>this is pro-tier stuff.

No, this is doujin-tier stuff. As in, better. Pros usually work within time constraints that prevent them from putting too much attention to detail. Doujinshi have long surpassed commercial manga in quality, it was only a matter of time for the same to happen to commercial animation.

>> No.10437461

>Only they were.
Okay, I misspoke. I never found it as noticeable just because of the (general) lack of dialog. It is still weird to see a demure and blushing Keine.

>Unless you're making a music video, which Manpuku Jinja should probably stick to.
Also granted. None of them are writers. They have no experiencing with structuring a story, so of course their attempt at an actual story was a bit disjointed. That's just not what most of their stuff is about, so again, I don't see it as much of a flaw. In a way, I suppose that makes it a bad comparison.

But I'd still love to see what they'd do with an actual anime, with someone else composing the story and writing the script. This will never happen because they're broke as fuck and seem comfortable operating on their current scale, but I still can't help but wonder what would it be like if they pulled a Gainax - if these music videos were like the Daicon III and IV opening animations.

>No, this is doujin-tier stuff. As in, better. Pros usually work within time constraints that prevent them from putting too much attention to detail. Doujinshi have long surpassed commercial manga in quality, it was only a matter of time for the same to happen to commercial animation.
Yeah, that's probably true. But on the other hand, doujin animation generally doesn't have nearly the same budget or staff to get things done, hence why there's still not Memories of Phantasm ep.2. Doujin anime may be able to pay better attention to detail, but it also can't tackle projects as large. I don't think doujin anime will surpass commercial anime on equal terms in the foreseeable future, but I get what you're saying.

>> No.10440992

ZUN invented the Cirno is a baka meme, though.

>> No.10441036

I pick the one with better animation, the bottom.
When I want good writing, I'll just play the games or read the official manga, not some doujin trash.

>> No.10441047
File: 28 KB, 636x360, 1344744517550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol NEET kaguya 4lyf!!!

>> No.10441055

You guys complaining about memes are idiots I didn't even noticed them the first time I watched but when I came to /jp/ everyone was bitching. I was just dying to know who stole the box after all these years.

>> No.10441060

You did not notice because you are completely lacking in basic skills of observation. Even a child would have noticed such things. You are a very boring and stupid individual.

>> No.10441067

Yeah, you'd pretty much have to be an idiot child. They teach Touhou memes in every kindergarten class around the world.

>> No.10441070

So the top one is the one with the ultra original donation box plot and the bottom one is a loose adaption of the games plot?

If that's the case, i'd take the bottom.

>> No.10441078

Shut up idiot. Be quiet idiot. Know your place idiot.

>> No.10441090

Haha so zany

>> No.10441170

Look at all the ANAL RAPTURE in this thread.
Look at it. Bottom is better anyway, since everyone's sizes aren't the same damn thing.

>> No.10441184

You're objectively wrong

>> No.10441188

You are literally stupid.

>> No.10441195
File: 60 KB, 516x339, Wow what a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you're a douche~!

>> No.10441207


>> No.10441206

>it stole zun's plot.
Which part of "adaptation" did you not understand?

>> No.10441254
File: 583 KB, 600x600, 27010112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think if an anime of Touhou were to be made right now, it would probably revolve around the scramble for influence between Buddhist, Taoism, and Shintoism.

Someone please make this a reality.

>> No.10441260

I like them both. Each has it's own charm and it would be unfair to compare them.

>> No.10441263

Touhou Hopeless Masquerade: The Animation

>> No.10441335

>When I want good writing, I'll just play the games or read the official manga, not some doujin trash.
Are you serious? On the scale from 0 (the worst touhou doujin I’ve ever read) to 10 (touhou doujin with the best writing I’ve ever seen) I would rate ZUN's writing as 3-5 depending on the print work.
None of them except lunarian series has any plot. That fairies series, WaHH, CiLA, Forbidden Scrollery – they all can be described with two words “nothing happens”. 0 events, 0 character development, 0 jokes. ZUN’s manga can have 3 pages in a row with pure scenery without a single speech bubble or any significant action. His works are extremely bland and boring, even character dialogues are dumb and not as fun as they are in the games. If ZUN wants to expand his world and introduce some new things about its inhabitants he should stick to games and article-style writing like in SoPM and PMiSS.
I love touhou characters, I love the whole world ZUN has created. But I hate his writing. If I was the head of a studio that was going to make a touhou anime I would never let ZUN to touch the script.

>> No.10441344

>I would never let ZUN to touch the script.
That's really arrogant of you. Who are you to think that you have more say over what's "correct" in ZUN's portrayal of Gensokyo?

>> No.10441368

I would make ZUN a consultant. He would be able to correct some things in the script if the actual story writer got them wrong.

>> No.10441376

>If I was the head of a studio that was going to make a touhou anime I would never let ZUN to touch the script.

You do realize that would immediately cause you to cease being a head of a studio that's going to make a Touhou anime, right? One way or another.

>> No.10441564

Guess what faggets, I like both. There I said it. I do, however, prefer the top one. I'm not stupid enough to think that one is 'objectively' better as some of you seem to suggest.

I can't believe that how close each one is to 'official material' is actually being used as an argument for how 'good' they are. The only thing that matters is how enjoyable they each are. I mean come on are you kidding me?

>> No.10441575

>Who are you to think that you have more say over what's "correct" in ZUN's portrayal of Gensokyo?

Not the quoted person, but you totally miss the point of what he was saying.

Do you seriously reject the notion that a person can be a good world builder and yet a bad writer? ZUN's portrayal of Gensokyo isn't the issue.

There is a difference between having a consistent, vibrant, interesting world and having an interesting story based within that world.

>> No.10441587

"I don't like slice of life, so ZUN's writing sucks."

>> No.10441600


>> No.10441607

I don't know, I truly enjoy ZUN's manga, and I wouldn't say "nothing happens", even if I didn't. A lot of things do happen. But perhaps those things just aren't interesting to you? I am very interested in Japanese mythology, and thus manga like WaHH and FS are really entertaining to me. I think that the sort of stories that they tell are stories that are really typical to that of the franchise, too.

>> No.10441617

>ZUN’s manga can have 3 pages in a row with pure scenery without a single speech bubble or any significant action.
Manga is a visual medium, surprise. What's so wrong with using scenery as a way of setting the atmosphere and drawing the reader in? I don't think I've ever even read a manga or even seen a movie that doesn't use this at least once to some extent.

>> No.10441621

It's an accurate representation of his position. Take your shitposting somewhere else.

>> No.10441627

I like your style. If you can enjoy both what is the problem?

I'd chose bottom if I had to.

>> No.10441672

u wot m8?

>> No.10446874

Technically it's not, but solely because you(?) are misusing the term "slice of life". It's actually supposed to mean naturalistic realism, something Gensokyo as a whole is an antithesis of.
