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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10431247 No.10431247 [Reply] [Original]

There’s this girl I’ve had feelings for since high school, and now we’re in college together. We’ll call her Denko.
Once we hit second year, we went out drinking, and I worked up the courage to exchange numbers.
We started out talking often, but she hasn’t answered me in three days now.
I’m getting depressed just thinking that Denko might be sick, or that something happened to her… (´・ω・`)
Please, somebody give me some advice.

>> No.10431252

forget about her

>> No.10431253


>> No.10431254 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.10431255

Well, I called her too in case she was sick or something happened… (´・ω・`)

Maybe this last email I sent did something to hurt Denko’s feelings? Give me your opinion here…
“Yahoo! Good weather today. You haven’t emailed me or called me, so I’m just sending this since I’m worried.
Did I do something bad? PS. The stars were pretty last night.”

>> No.10431260

that's it. the infection spread. everyone i loved so much about 4chan has been shat on to the point where i can't recognize any of it.

i'm going to vip, at least they have nice yuru yuri themed threads sometimes.

>> No.10431257

Hi, Tokee. Feeling smart today?

>> No.10431256

I remember that thread!

>> No.10431258

Kill her then kill yourself, maybe you might be stuck together.

>> No.10431264

Who the fuck is tokee and why the HELL do you think I'm OP?

Actually, those are rhetorical questions only there to tell you how much of a fag you are, don't bother replying, rather, kill yourself.

>> No.10431266

i feel smart everyday

>> No.10431269

Wow man is something up your ass it was friendly joke maybe you should relax and have a drink.

>> No.10431273

Don’t make fun of me, okay!
I don’t have any friends, so you’re the only people I can ask about this! (´・ω・`)

>> No.10431278
File: 217 KB, 1024x768, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10431277
File: 1023 KB, 320x240, 002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copypasta from 2ch?

>> No.10431279 [DELETED] 

B-but if we're your friends, you're asking the wrong questions and you'd know that, thus, we're not your friends.

>> No.10431281

Wh… This isn’t a thread about ramen, okay?!
I’m begging you, I need advice!
I haven’t slept for an entire day…

>> No.10431282

Denko is being gangfucked by sixty niggers as we speak.

>> No.10431288

please stop degrading yourself over a 2ch,OP


>> No.10431318

Just hypothetically, what would you think if you got an email like that from an ugly girl you don’t have any interest in?

>> No.10431327


I'd ignore it and hope they stopped, probably

>> No.10431352

Going to crash and burn. Just wait until you ask her out and she tells you she has a boyfriend. Then watch as she cheats on said boyfriend with someone other than you. She will come to you asking for relationship help, and yo or confidence will crash even harder. As a final blow, the person she cheated with will become her new closest friend, you'll be made out into someone she wants to hang with less, despite you respecting her boundaries and relationship. In the end you'll realize that had you been more suave and confident, that you may have been the one her eyes wandered to.

your friendship with her will still last, but she no longer invites you to hang with her anymore. A movie she planned to see with you will have come out, and she'd have already gone to see it without you. You'll message her saying that you should hang out more when you occasionally chat every other week for a bit, and she agrees, but nothing comes of it.

Her boyfriend will be open to the idea of her being in an open relationship, and she'll tell you conflictingly that she only mentioned it to her boyfriend because she was being pressured by the dude she originally cheated with. 3 days from now would mark the day she originally cheated 3 years ago, and although you've been on the sidelines as a friend all along, you'll still think of her every day.

Good luck, OP

>> No.10431360


Crossboarder - The Post

>> No.10431362


>> No.10431377

Is this real?

>> No.10431376

But at least she will buy you figures and a Reimu plushie on your birthday and discuss VNs occasionally with you every once in a blue moon.

>> No.10431385


Yep. I Googled some phrases from it. It's original. Hahahahaha.

>> No.10431396

You guys are all that is wrong in this world. You just can't have even 3 days for yourself without someone intruding and when you finally get your lil'alone time and you come back everything is fucking over.

>> No.10431411



>> No.10431424
File: 180 KB, 472x599, 135647002754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10431434

This has got to be made up by some troll. I can't imagine someone this pathetic. I hope when he crashes and burns hard, he learns to pick himself up and improve.

>> No.10431443


>> No.10431468

You should stalk her

>> No.10431971

the face of neo /jp/

get the fuck out

>> No.10434341
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x2160, denko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10435861


>> No.10435865


>> No.10435870
File: 450 KB, 640x480, giveherthedick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her the dick.

>> No.10435884

Guys I got mistaken for a molester by a girl on the train. But then I ended up saving her from a real molester and got her telephone number. What should I do?

>> No.10435885
File: 54 KB, 543x521, 1336867259262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10435908

Call her and molest her through the phone.

>> No.10435913

If shes your age shes way too old, so abandon now while you still can.

>> No.10435996
File: 451 KB, 498x403, Assa Spergitanu, the pasta rain shaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you, OP?

>> No.10436000

this looks pretty delicious

>> No.10436073

looks shopped

>> No.10436093


Fuck this story.

Every time I see this nigga I think of it.

>> No.10436118

neo /jp/, indeed.
So many newfags who don't know the saga of denko.
Truly, one of our most beloved and amusing tales, sung in our halls of glorious autism, resonating through eternity.
Sit down and listen, children, and maybe one day, you won't be newfags anymore, just fags.

>> No.10436125

I've been having drinkin' nights with Snacks before you were even born, nerd. You're just a worm in my eyes.

>> No.10436141

child, child...no need for mindless e-peen boasting,for it has no place on this thread, and no one believes your lies anyway.
Listen to my story, for I will tell the story of denko and the mysterious faggot, OP.
A story of love, stalking, massive amounts of beta, bitches and whores, and of course, the internet.
Gather around children, for I will start the telling of this magnificent story, so that you too may one days be counted amongst those with the knowldege of the glorious oldfags of legend.

>> No.10436150

And it goes a little bit like this...

There’s this girl I’ve had feelings for since high school, and now we’re in college together. We’ll call her Denko.
Once we hit second year, we went out drinking, and I worked up the courage to exchange numbers.
We started out talking often, but she hasn’t answered me in three days now.
I’m getting depressed just thinking that Denko might be sick, or that something happened to her… (´・ω・`)
Please, somebody give me some advice.


Maybe it’s ‘cause email’s a pain in the butt.

Well, I called her too in case she was sick or something happened… (´・ω・`)

Maybe this last email I sent did something to hurt Denko’s feelings? Give me your opinion here…
“Yahoo! Good weather today. You haven’t emailed me or called me, so I’m just sending this since I’m worried.
Did I do something bad? PS. The stars were pretty last night.”


Wh… This isn’t a thread about ramen, okay?!
I’m begging you, I need advice!
I haven’t slept for an entire day…

Just hypothetically, what would you think if you got an email like that from an ugly girl you don’t have any interest in?

Umm… Well, I wouldn’t like it.
But I’ve had my eye on Denko since high school, and…
I don’t know how to say it, but I think it might be mutual… (´・ω・`)

Pretty sure she hates you and is too shy to say it… ///

I’ll divine OP and his girl’s love from her birthday.
Post OP’s birthday too, if possible.

My birthday’s March 10th, Denko’s is September 7th…

To be perfectly honest, your emails sound incredibly shifty.
That’s why everyone is talking about ramen instead…

Sorry, I haven’t had much experience talking to girls… (´・ω・`)

>> No.10436158


So you got responses before?
What kind of emails are you sending?
It could be, you know, interesting…

At first, we just talked about how strange it was we only started emailing in college despite being in the same year of high school.
What I’m sending… well, I’m worried about her lack of reply, so I’ve sent her around 600 emails.
They’re mostly reports on my current mental state, I guess…? (´・ω・`)

Sending 600 emails out of worry from the lack of response… How spammy can you get…

Don’t make fun of me, okay!
I don’t have any friends, so you’re the only people I can ask about this!


600 emails and still no reply, so I’m really thinking something might have happened… (´・ω・`)
And I really don’t think they’re anything that would displease her. They’re like this:
“I’m drinking jasmine tea right now, thinking about what to have for dinner.”
Maybe they’re a bit too incidental?

Troll sighted.
And if you’re not? Give it up.

Knows he doesn’t have any friends.
Oozes human filth right down to his emoticons.
And sending 600 emails in three days is stalker-level creepy…

Alright, alright, maybe people think I’m creepy!
But even so, I’m really, honestly in love with this girl!
You understand, right? I’ll try not to be as creepy about it from now on!
So please, give me advice on how to get Denko to respond!

You seriously sent 600 emails in three days? lol

Well, I think it was only around 50 the first two days… (´・ω・`)

Why wouldn’t she respond if she wasn’t dumping you?
If something happened, maybe her power went out!
Try calling her up, it should at least get her attention.

All right, I’ll try calling her. But I’m awful at talking, so give me something to talk about.

I want to see what your conversations were like when you got replies.

>> No.10436168

Isn't this some old pasta? I read something like this before

>> No.10436172


Me: “What do you do for fun? What do you listen to? I like watching lots of movies and reading lots of books, I guess… (´・ω・`)”
Denko: “Umm, I dunno. You sure use a lot of emoticons, huh?”
That sort of thing.

LOL, wow did she cut things short…
Did it ever go on any longer than that?

Me: “Do girls do the thing where you turn socks inside-out to use them for a week?”
Denko: “No, that’s too dirty. I usually wash them after a day.”
Me: “Well, Denko’s socks can’t possibly be dirty! Unlike mine… (´・ω・`)”
Denko: “Do you really wear the same socks for a week?”
Me: “No, uh, I heard about it from a friend.”

Like that.





The cherry blossoms! Invite her to go see the cherry blossoms, OP!!!

Okay, I’ll do that! I’m too tense to use the phone right now, so I’ll send her an email.

I’ve never been so nervous about talking to somebody aaaaaUUUUUGH (´・ω・`)

Oh for the love of… apologize for hanging up.
This’ll be your last chance.

Ohh… do you really want me to call her again?
I sent her an email saying I knew I shouldn’t have hung up, and my heart just wasn’t ready…

God damn, I’ve never seen such a revolting sack of crap.
I’ve got a good idea of why you can’t get Denko, or any friends period.

I’m guessing you’ve been bullied all your life?

I was bullied in grade school, but I’ve been fine since college.

(´・ω・`) ← This is starting to piss me off.

This should go down as one of the most terrifying incidents to occur on 2chan.

Here you go, OP.
1. What classes are you taking?
2. I’m bored -> Can we go see the cherry blossoms at night?

>> No.10436173

Oh, it's this guy again.
This guy.
This guy.
How can he lack so much common sense?

This is painful to read.

>> No.10436180


Oh! You must be popular, huh? (´・ω・`)
Okay, I’m going to try calling again with that.

My armpits are sweating real bad, though…


What is this, a romance board?

Are you willing to call this romance? lol

I had a stalker once too, but it’s even scarier to think he had the same thought processes as this guy.
600 emails? You gotta be trolling. Please tell me that’s a troll.

I TALKED WITH DENKO! And I invited her to see the cherry blossoms!
Apparently her schedule was packed at work, so she said some other time! Oh well, still good news!
Gotta buy some clothes now… (´・ω・`) Hurry hurry…

I accidentally told her about how I was sweating really bad, haha…
And she said she was sorry she was too busy to reply to my emails. (´・ω・`)
For now, I’m glad Denko is safe. I was worried what might happen since I’m so bad at talking to girls, but I guess I managed…

You’re serious.

>She said some other time!
>She said some other time!
>She said some other time!



“Some other time” = “never talk to me again you creep”

Okay, she hates you, no doubt.

Oh, OP…
If this isn’t a troll, please, give this up now.

Are you guys trying to trick me since I don’t have much experience with girls?
I’m wondering when I should send another email… (´・ω・`)

What were your meetings with Denko like?
What made you fall for her?

Denko helped me out when I was being badly bullied in high school.
Denko’s smart and kind, so she was like everyone’s role model.
When I sat next to her in class, I often borrowed her notebooks and erasers and we became friends.
We made eye contact a lot in class, too… (´・ω・`)

>> No.10436187

That’s probably because you were the one looking, creep.

Absolutely despicable. After 600 emails, even if she DID like you before, you’ve ruined it.

I’m telling the truth here, okay?
Anyway, a reply!! I’m kind of scared to read it, haha…

You’re hopeless. Find out her house and her workplace.
Girls love overbearing go-getter guys.
OP, do this if you can: Follow her to her work, her house, and her classes every day.

I don’t want Denko to hate me… (´・ω・`)

>I don’t want Denko to hate me
>I don’t want Denko to hate me
>I don’t want Denko to hate me

I know I’D hate you.

Serious post here.
If you don’t get a reply after three times, stop.
If she’s making excuses about work and busyness, she really doesn’t like you.

She’s only not saying it because she thinks it would hurt you.
Denko getting 600 emails from a guy who isn’t even her boyfriend is no doubt going to scare her.
But she’s probably a nice girl if she isn’t admitting it.

There are people out there who just can’t be blunt.
So stop it, please.

Even from a boyfriend, 600 emails in three days is scary.

Giving girls small animals as presents makes them most happy. ^^
Stuff thirty hamsters in a box and send them to her house, and she’ll be so surprised she’ll fall for OP in a flash!
So yeah, I think a thirty-hamster present would be good. ^^

Girls love to get clothes. The price of the clothes and their attraction to you are directly proportional.

Oh geez, I don’t think I could afford that…
Anyway, we’re making plans for four of us to get together!
I’m so grateful! And so tense! Oh my god….

What clothes do you own?

>> No.10436194


Plain shirts I wore in high school, and some denim shorts my mom got at Yokado.
Also, I guess I wear sweatjackets a lot.
I wonder if I can get clothes in Harajuku? (´・ω・`)

OP’s a super cool guy.
His girl’s just shy.
It’s true love, man.

The contents of her reply:
I’m not really sure what to say, but sorry I was too busy to reply to your emails.
My schedule is probably too packed to see the cherry blossoms this year. *crying emoticon*
Oh, also, I saw your brother on TV again! [He’s a former actor]
My friend says she wants to go drinking with your brother, me, and you. What do you think?

I was wondering this whole time why Denko didn’t reject the OP, but now I think I know.

Looks like we’re going drinking tomorrow!
Gotta buy clothes now… (´・ω・`)
Would a suit and a necktie be safe?

Didn’t she say she was busy?

Don’t you find that weird that she’s suddenly good for tomorrow?

Well, she’s free in the evening, and cherry blossoms would be in the day, so it’s possible?

Do you think I should bring a present?
Tell me what would make girls happy… (´・ω・`)

No, no presents.
If you bring a present every time, Denko’ll just think OP’s her personal ATM.
Don’t do it, for the future of OP and Denko both.

I see… So not even a picture of a small animal? (´・ω・`)

Konaka’s open, so I’m gonna go buy a striped suit.

A picture? Don’t be silly…
Feeling the warmth of a little creature makes a woman’s heart tremble. Buy hamsters. Nothing but hamsters.
Then stuff them in a box, of course.

I went to email my brother about trying to be free tomorrow night, but he changed his address and number… (´・ω・`)
I’m asking my mom about it now.

>> No.10436199

OP, girls love sweet things too.
So once you’ve got your hamsters packed into a box, sprinkle the hamsters with about 10 kg of sugar until they’re hidden.
1. Girl opens box and can see nothing but sugar.
2. Hamster leaps out from sugar.
3. Girl is surprised! But hamsters are cute. Heart!
4. OP is so clever. Love! Heart.

Got it? Get to it, OP!

Reading this thread reminds me that there are people like this, and reassures me that I’m doing just fine.

Well, I emailed Denko saying I wasn’t able to get a hold of my brother.
Nothing to really report while I’m waiting for her reply… (´・ω・`)


>implying you had confidence before

Still no reply, so I’m going to send another one.
Post 400 decides the title.

Actually, you’ll probably say something weird, so never mind. (´・ω・`)

You’re being a pest if you send more than three emails without a reply.
Also, you should learn how to have a proper conversation.
Stop trying to push yourself and listen to her more.

What should I ask? I’ve never talked with girls…
I don’t know what I should talk about… (´・ω・`)

You’ve got a completely wrong idea of what “listen” means.

“Listening” is not “questioning.”
What he was trying to say is that you shouldn’t talk about yourself, but listen to what she says.

Also, I said it before, but just be mature and wait if there’s no reply. Patience, man.

Well, I told Denko to email me when she has the time.
Also, I invited her to just have three of us go if my brother can’t come. (´・ω・`)

His brother is definitely looking like the real target here…

>> No.10436208


Reading all these responses again, I realize it’s like 70% abuse and 30% ramen…
I knew I was getting teased for not having any romantic experience, but I didn’t quite realize it was that bad…
It’s a bit of a shock… (´・ω・`)

Screw you guys. OP’s persistence should be COMMENDED.

Sending massive amounts of emails out of worry!
Buying clothes to improve his appearance!

And I say try even harder!
Send 1000 emails a day!
Girls love men who worry about them!

Oh! A serious reply at last! (´・ω・`)
Yes, I’ll try my hardest! Thanks for the uplifting comments!

I just emailed Denko about what kinds of clothes she likes men to wear.
Uh oh, I wonder if she’ll figure out I like her…

You really must be an aspie if you thought that was serious…

Oh, since you guys call me creepy and scary, I’m wondering if I should send an email asking if I’m scary… (´・ω・`)
Do people send emails like that?

I guess, maybe…
If you don’t at least ask, you might not be able to face each other.
Give it a shot.

I sent it. Can’t wait for the reply… (´・ω・`)

Let’s think about this sensibly.

If I heard an email alert going off several hundred times a day…
Yeah, I’d call the police.

>> No.10436216

Well, I’d be happy if I got that many emails from her… (´・ω・`)

Still no reply… What do I do?
I’m getting worried… (´・ω・`)

But everyone seems to say I should let her send emails to me and just reply to those.
It’s really irritating, though. What makes girls happy?


Hey! Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

If you’re all so experienced with love, maybe that’s why you don’t understand how I feel…

I got an email from Denko!
“Maybe a little scary…”
Only a little is okay, right?
I want to make sure there’s no misunderstanding… (´・ω・`)

If you want to clear up misunderstanding, send an email.
“Sorry to scare you. But don’t misunderstand. I just want to be friends, Denko.”
Keep sending emails like that.

You’ve already sent over 600, so just sending one at this point would make you look insincere.
So send at least twenty.
Even that might be too few.

I don’t know about sending repeatedly, so I’ll just send this once:
“Sorry to scare you. But don’t misunderstand. I just want to be friends, Denko.”
Still, thanks!

Whoa, man, think about it the other way around.

You’ve gotten 600 emails from Denko.
But all of a sudden, there’s just this one.
Wouldn’t you be uneasy?

If you don’t want to upset Denko, send more!

>> No.10436220

What exactly is scaring her, though?
I’m doing the best I can, but I don’t want to be called scary, not even “maybe a little” scary…
It’s really annoying me… (´・ω・`)

Even if she doesn’t want to say it, man you’re scary.

Yikes… Am I really that bad…? (´・ω・`)
It’s not like I want to punch people or kill people out of love for Denko, right?
Please, tell me something I can say to make her happy and not leave any misunderstandings.

How about the new teriyaki burger at McDonald’s?

Okay, thanks! I just asked “Do you know if the new teriyaki burger at McDonald’s is good?”
But if I can really clear up misunderstanding by emailing Denko stuff like that, then my mood might start to turn around…

So many people have called me scary that I feel traumatized…
But all right, I’ll be careful not to make any more aggressive emails.
Thanks for the advice!!
You guys are so experienced, haha…

I don’t think this has anything to do with experience…
Man, poor Denko.

Experienced or not, I can’t comprehend how you don’t get things that everyone should know.

I know where you’re coming from, unfortunately.

I’m kind of figuring the OP has played a lot of dating sims and such.
In those games, you need to take action for your bond to go up, but…
You can’t go into real life thinking it works that way…

Yes, you hit the bullseye.
I really have no clue how to handle three-dimensional women.

It’s so easy to confess in games, but so hard in three dimensions…
Now I know that all too well… (´・ω・`)

Actually… I’m starting to feel like it might be best for me to wholeheartedly confess to Denko.

Is that just me? (´・ω・`)

It’s best that this ends soon.
Do it and be done with it.

Geez, we told you not to be so forward…

But, maybe you should be more thoroughly crushed…

>> No.10436228

My hands are shaking at the idea of a confession email…
This might be a tough hurdle to overcome…

I’m trying to think about what to write, but other than “I love you,” I’m drawing a blank… (´・ω・`)

Subject: To Denko

Thinking on it now, our meeting was a cherry blossom blooming in high school.
And now, it’s spring again just the same.

Before I met you, Denko, I felt like I was in a cold winter.
But in the spring, you put a bud in my heart that would bloom into a great flower.
It’s been so long since we were in high school together, but my feelings are just the same as they were that spring.

You’ve helped me when I was bullied, haven’t you, Denko?
Back then, I thought, “Why does this girl not have the wings an angel should have?”
I suppose you must have left them in your mother’s stomach…

Even when we met eyes, I didn’t have the courage.
And we could never talk to each other.
But now, I’m different!
Denko, I know you may not want to marry me yet, but please, go out with me!

Well? (´・ω・`)


Nothing can be done to improve it.

This is worse than the love letter I wrote in fifth grade.

I don’t even…

Well, I sent it. (´・ω・`)
Normally I’m very prudent, but today, with all of your encouragement, I’ve confessed.

If Denko and I start dating, I hope we can read this thread and laugh about it together… (´・ω・`)
Also, since I wanted to increase my chances, I added that no matter what happens, I won’t give up on her.

oh god holy geez what in the

>> No.10436238

Your chances at dating sit at ZERO!
Jesus, man.

I’m too scared to open it dskald;ksa
I guess now I know why everyone said I was scary…
This is making me super tense…
I’ll go wash my face, then look at it calmly… (´・ω・`)
I think I might just have a heart attack…

Um, she said “sure”… (´・ω・`)
Is this okay? Really?
I’m so happy I could cry…
This is okay, right?
I’m so stunned, I need your opinion…

She followed it up with “Don’t email me anymore.”
What’s this? And here I thought I knew her feelings…

Maybe dating was too sudden?
It’s hard for me to tell what girls are trying to get at… (´・ω・`)
Is this the fickle heart of a woman at work???
What’s the intent of this email? Someone interpret it… (´・ω・`)

Maybe “sure” was in reply to the McDonald’s teriyaki burger, so “don’t email me anymore” was in reply to the confession.

Which means you’re not dating.

^ I like this interpretation.

Well, let’s see..

“Your emails are freaking me out.
You’re an annoyance.
Please don’t send any more emails.”

…That seems about right.

If I’m understanding the situation right, I asked if we could date, and she replied selfishly to test me as a man? (´・ω・`)

But I mean, suddenly asking not to email her is REALLY selfish…
Maybe I should wait until her anger has settled?
Or should I try to calm her?

No. Stop.
You’re not dating.
You asked “let’s date,” she replied “don’t email me anymore.”

>> No.10436244

Okay, I’ll call her, then.
Calling now.

Nope, guess she’s talking with someone… (´・ω・`)
I’ll wait a bit…

oh god


^ Bingo!

^ You, sir, know the heart of a woman well.

No doubt she’s waiting for you to call.
Try calling back once every minute.

I’m redialing as fast as I can! (´・ω・`)

Once I get a hold of her, I’ll ask if she wants to go to McDonald’s to have the teriyaki burger, and ask why she’s mad. (´・ω・`)
Anything else I should talk to her about?

No good, she’s still talking… (´・ω・`)
I really feel like she’s mad at me all of a sudden…

I’ll keep calling until she comes on!
I’ll report once she does. (´・ω・`) Bye!

I’m really starting to read the “Help!” in the title as Denko’s screaming.

I can’t get a signal here… (´・ω・`)
Maybe she’s gotten wrapped up in some incident? What to do…

Maybe I’ll go to her house, but if we’re dating, then it’s not stalking, okay?! (´・ω・`)
I’m so lost…
Maybe she’s testing to see if I’d come to save her if something happened?

We’ve got a Sherlock Holmes on our hands.

Spoilers: Denko is wrapped up in an incident, all right. A stalking incident.

>> No.10436250

Make up your minds already! (´・ω・`)
Making me overthink this isn’t going to do any good…

I’m going to get ready so I can leave anytime…

Okay, okay! I’ll go!!
If she’s safe, then it’ll be fine! (´・ω・`)
It’s about 30 minutes to her house, so I’ll take my bicycle.
I’ll report back! Thanks for the advice!

I just got back, sorry for the late report… (´・ω・`)

I hurried to Denko’s house and rang the doorbell.
Then Denko’s mother came out and said Denko was out of the house.
I introduced myself to her and told her I was going out with Denko, so she said “If you want, you can wait and have some tea until Denko gets back.”
So then I waited for Denko at her house with her mom… (´・ω・`)

I spent about ten hours talking with Denko’s mother about Denko in high school and her personality and such, but she didn’t come home.
Her mother called Denko’s cellphone a bunch of times, but she couldn’t get through.
Late at night, her mother told me “I’ll give you a call when Denko comes home,” and so I went home. Sorry for the long explanation. (´・ω・`)
Apparently Denko’s out having fun with a friend, so I’m relieved to hear she’s okay.
Also, Denko’s mother was just as nice as her, which surprised me.
I guess Denko takes after her mother… (´・ω・`)
So now I’m waiting for a call about Denko coming home.

It looks like Denko still isn’t back…
If the thread’s still here when she gets back, I’ll report in… (´・ω・`)

>> No.10436252

>Screw you guys. OP’s persistence should be COMMENDED.

This also applies to the OP of this thread since the whole story is avaliable here http://vgperson.tumblr.com/post/213650696/help-the-girl-i-like-wontespond-to-my-emails and OP stupid as he is is copy-pasting everything to /jp/.

Meanwhile shitposts are 404ing left and right but this blatant spam and /r9k/ "I am unhappy with my current life" thread stay afloat.

>> No.10436258

[Help!] I Can’t Contact My Girlfriend (´・ω・`)

I don’t have any romantic experience, so I’m not too sure, but this girl I just started dating yesterday emailed me saying not to email her.
And now I can’t get a hold of her. What do you think it could be? (´・ω・`)
Was there an incident? Is she fickle? Did she have an accident? Is she testing me?
Like I said, I’m not experienced, so please give me advice.

(´・ω・`) Are you sure you were dating to begin with?

No, we’re definitely dating! (´・ω・`)
I’ve been in the same class as her since high school, and we went to the same college, and became friends over email.
And just yesterday we started dating! (´・ω・`)
I’ve never been on a date with a girl before, so I’m not sure what to think…

First things first, shoot her some emails. About 600 should be good.


Um, just wondering… is this “girlfriend” little more than a figment of your imagination?

Well, I confessed to her and she said “sure,” but right afterward she said not to email her.
Even I don’t fully understand the situation… (´・ω・`)

Going off of these other replies… yeah, you’re a stalker.
She only unwillingly said yes because she was terrified of you.

I had plans to call her yesterday, so I’m just confused… (´・ω・`)
Maybe I should call her house?

Getting 70 emails in a day from someday I don’t like would bring me to gross sobbing.


Didn’t she say she was busy with work?
Go ask her work about it.

>> No.10436265

please continue bumping. it's more comfortable to read it here instead on this tumblr ^_^

>> No.10436273

it's story time anon, hush and listen.

>> No.10436280

Somebody explain what happened yesterday, after the part where he didn’t know his brother’s contact info.

^ OP emailed Denko a ton.
She didn’t reply, he confessed his love.
Right after, Denko replied “sure.”
But it was apparently a reply from before the confession, and afterward he got an email saying “don’t email me anymore.”
And yet, in the OP’s mind, Denko is already his girlfriend.

Are you for real?
If I was Denko, I’d be horrified and depressed.

Who has the time to reply to that many emails?
Think about her feelings, you dick.

(´・ω・`) What is this guy even talking about?

Denko’s crying her eyes out.

Other than being a virgin, I’m a relatively ordinary guy. (´・ω・`)
Is there any way to force her into getting in contact with me?
I went to her house once and talked with her mother, and she said she’d call once Denko came home.
But I’m uneasy since it seems like she still isn’t home…

Ordinary guys… don’t send 600 emails in three days when there’s no reply…

I realized it was a bit excessive after you all told me so… (´・ω・`)
I’ve sent 70 emails so far, but that’s just one every ten minutes, so I think I’m good… (´・ω・`)

I’m waiting at a cafe near her house to see if she passes by, but I haven’t seen her.
It’s in front of the station that goes to school, so she must take this route…

I just want to know the truth in this unclear situation…
I like her so much, but I feel like I’ve been betrayed… (´・ω・`)

[The love letter is reposted and someone requests the previous thread be summarized, so it is.]

This just makes me feel terrible.
I feel so sorry for that girl.

I don’t think she said “sure” to the confession. Who would say “sure” to that?

>> No.10436281

When I want story time threads I go to /b/. I haven't gone to /b/ often.

>> No.10436289

you mean /co/.
/tg/ also has god tier storytimes.

>> No.10436291

Come ooon, guys, stop calling me creepy!
I know you like to joke around, but I’m heartbroken here, so I’m taking it seriously… (´・ω・`)

You’re too self-conscious.
Try a little harder and she’ll see your love.

Sorry, but I wasn’t joking.


That thread from yesterday…?
Are you really the same guy?
And what do you mean you “went on a date”?
Tell me what “happened” there.

So he never got his brother’s address, huh?
If he can’t get in contact with his brother, OP is done. DONE.

I asked my mother for my brother’s phone number yesterday, but he doesn’t seem to want to talk to me.
Talk about rude! We’re family… (´・ω・`)

When’s your birthday, OP? She might be preparing a surprise! Consider it!

It’s March 10th… [Which was about a month ago.]

What do you guys do when you fight with your girlfriends?
I’d like to know for reference… (´・ω・`)

Have you tried waiting in front of her house?
Make sure to hide so no one sees you.

Of course I thought about doing that, but I decided against it, since really, isn’t that stalkery?
So I decided to wait for her in the cafe instead… (´・ω・`)
No matter what road she takes, she’ll pass through here, so she can’t go anywhere.

>> No.10436293

Go read their stori tiem threads then.

>> No.10436295

And you think sending 600 emails in a couple days isn’t stalkery…

Well, I’m a girl… Did you actually fight?
Some girls will get mad and say “I’m mad! Don’t email me!”, so she might be indirectly telling you she’s mad.

I figured she might be mad…
But, well, do girls sometimes fake being mad to see if their boyfriends really love them? (´・ω・`)

His brother’s a former actor, FYI.
Assuming he’s not just making that up, I deeply pity that man…

Soon enough, he’s going to have to apologize for his relative’s crimes.

Haven’t any of you ever waited for a girl you’re not dating?
And a husband who waits for his wife at the station isn’t a stalker, is he?

When I meet her, I think it might be best not to harshly question her or get mad, but to calmly embrace her… (´・ω・`)
Advice, pleeease…


Uh, maybe if you have mutual trust…
But even if you’re lovers, stalking is stalking!
If a boyfriend or girlfriend gets stalkery, the other will want to break up…

Man! She’s totally waiting for you to come meet her!
She doesn’t want you to email her or call her, just to come by, so forget it!
She’s testing you for sure.
Take up her challenge!

I guess you’re right. (´・ω・`)
I’ll try going to her house! Thanks for the advice!

Well, actually, I’m fifty-fifty on going or not going now that I think about it… (´・ω・`)
I’ve been sort of panicking since yesterday, so I can’t tell which is the right thing to do.

If I’m really a stalker like you say, then what will happen to my relationship with Denko? I’m scared…

>> No.10436296

Is there even a “relationship” between you?
Or is it just a lot of her hating you?

Ignore these dumbass trolls who say you’re not dating, or that you’re a stalker.
That’s just the kind of tripe you get on 2chan.
Send her another 50 emails, buddy.

You should go!
She’s just being shy.

Sorry I haven’t been replying much, but I’m just thinking I might miss her passing the station while I’m typing…

Okay, I made the trip! (´・ω・`)
It looks like I’m not going to get everything cleared up unless I meet her in person.

Going to ring the doorbell now…

I rang the doorbell, but nobody showed up.
I realized it might be possible her mom was out and she was in the bath.
And we haven’t kissed yet, so seeing her naked already would probably be rude… (´・ω・`)
Plus I concluded that even if she came out in a bathrobe, I’d never seen a girl like that before, so I wouldn’t be able to talk well.
So finally, I thought I’d leave a note in the mailbox.
I bought some paper at the store and I’m thinking about what to write… (´・ω・`)

>> No.10436299 [DELETED] 

There's nothing quite as pathetic as abuse of power to copy-paste spam a story everyone already knows about in a board that hardly cares.

Are you aiming at the /a/ audience?

>> No.10436306

Well, that was quick.

>> No.10436308

cry some moar.

>> No.10436314

go on, copy-paste-kun~

>> No.10436315

If you’re writing a letter, you better include a bouquet with it.

If she doesn’t want to say anything mean, then I’ll have to. Just… get away from her, now.
Ugh. Christ.

A long time ago, I got my girlfriend mad over a little thing, and just like the OP, she yelled at me not to contact her.
So I went straight to her house, apologized sincerely, hugged her, and patted her head.
After that, we had a good meal, drank at a fancy bar, and everything was just dandy.

First things first, hug her and pat her head, and make sure to apologize.
Good luck, Mr. Boyfriend!

What if she says she’s breaking up with me? (´・ω・`)
My hands are trembling at the negative things it could be…

Subject: Were you at my house?


D… Does this mean she was in the bath and couldn’t come to the door? (´・ω・`)
Then was I wise to look into the house, but avoid the bathroom in case things went awry?

Come on, lover boy, you’re lovers!
Tell her you came by to see Denko’s hot bod.
Gotta have humor in a lasting relationship, man.

You’re hiding in your house, Denko…?
You poor thing… I hope she has a friend to stay beside her…

Subject: I was!
Contents: I was worried that I couldn’t contact you, my beloved Denko.
Since we’re dating now, I just wanted to see your face, you know?
Well, I’m still very close by, so can we stick together today?

Go with that.
Gotta be natural inviting her on a date. Flow like water.

Thanks! My brain doesn’t work when I’m panicking like this, so that’s a big help.
I’ll send that.

You know, I rang the doorbell a bunch of times thinking Denko wasn’t there…
Do you think she thinks I’m rude? (´・ω・`)

>> No.10436320

You’re done, dude.

Mashing the doorbell, dear god…
This is a troll, right? Just tell me, I can’t take it.

I’m seriously scared right now…

- Stupid emoticon
- Late-ass replies
- Doesn’t know what the hell
- Ignores actually useful replies
- Sounds like a dumbass

This guy pisses me off.

^ SOUNDS like a dumbass?

Waiting for her reply for now. (´・ω・`)
Romance is making for a rollercoaster of emotions…
I’ve never had such huge shifts in feelings before.
You’re the only real people I can talk with since I don’t have friends, but I’ve glad I have you.
Thanks to those who are supporting me and giving advice… (´・ω・`)

I can tell Denko’s just tsundere, man.
Gotta embrace her to bring out that dere, OP.

I’m late saying this, but I went back to Denko’s house.
Since I got an email, I figure she must be out of the bath by now… (´・ω・`)

Well, I’ll report once we meet! Buh-bye!


Sorry, I needed time to figure out the situation…
I went to Denko’s house, rang the doorbell, and Denko’s mom came out.
And she said “If you come by again, I’ll call the police!”
Which of these do you think it could be?

A: Denko’s mother is opposed to me and Denko going out.
B: Her mother misinterprets me as being a stalker.
C: She’s mad about me ringing a bunch of times earlier.

Those are the three possibilities I can think of… (´・ω・`)
I’m still kind of shocked her mom’s mad at me…

>> No.10436321

Or D: Denko has you pinned as a stalker.
If she’s as cute as you say, she must have a boyfriend.
You gotta embrace her as hard as you can to relieve her.

Better email Denko to make sure.

Don’t you already know, deep down inside?
Little Denko’s just being shy!
Hah, her mother must be misunderstanding why she’s red-faced in her room…
Explain it to her and she’ll understand!

D: Her mom isn’t misunderstanding, you ARE a stalker.

Because, you know. You are.

For now, I’m calling Denko’s cellphone.
If I don’t talk to her soon, there are only going to be more misunderstandings.

If she thinks I’m weird too, I’m gonna feel terrible… (´・ω・`)


I can’t stop crying over how miserable I am… (´・ω・`)
I’m crying looking into the computer screen, but still thinking about passersby giving me weird looks, which makes me cry even more…
Love really is hard…

I think crying it all out helped.
Thinking about it, Denko hasn’t said anything to me straight.
So it’s her mother who’s shady… (´・ω・`)
But if she calls the police, my life is over, so I need a way to meet Denko without involving her mom…

Stake out behind her house.
If Denko comes to the window, knock on it and you’re good.

>> No.10436326 [DELETED] 

When /jp/ does it, it's global rule 3 violation. When the janitor or crossboarders do it, it's story time.

>> No.10436325

I don’t want to take unnecessary risks.
Really, waiting in front of the station is best, but I think I’ll lose if it’s a war of attrition… (´・ω・`)
But something similarly romantic to what the guy above me said might be good…

It’s like goddamn Romeo and Juliet, man.
You can even throw rocks if Denko’s room is on the second floor.

Gonna go check Denko’s house! Buh-bye!


Don’t tell me OP was arrested… was he?

POLICE END. I knew it.

GJ, OP! I look forward to your next work!

Back home for now. (´・ω・`)

I went to her house and looked for Denko’s room.
I saw a curtain move inside, so I peeked behind it and met eyes with Denko.
Then she immediately screamed “MOM!!” and I instinctively fled.
So yeah, I’m at home now… (´;ω;`)

Damn, dude, you’re done. Give yourself up.

Man, why did you RUN?

Think about how SHE feels!

Isn’t it awful? I just don’t get it…
Am I being played with? Why does the person most important to me have to trample on my feelings?
I know that all her feelings must have turned to hate now…
She’s really getting upset with me… (´・ω・`)
I punched a wall really hard and now my hand hurts too… This is the worst…

If it were me, I’d go back and make sure to talk with her. Or better yet, give her a letter written in my own blood.
Write in your own blood and she’ll know it’s true.

>> No.10436328

^ Now THAT’s romantic.

Don’t call me or email me anymore, please.
I’m sorry, but I’m really, really scared.
If there’s been a misunderstanding, then I apologize.
But this is my last email. Please don’t contact me again, I’m begging you.

What does this mean…? (´・ω・`)
I’ve been thinking about it for a good while now and I’m just not sure…


Her mother is a wicked woman.
Don’t be fooled, OP.

You’re still only banned from phone calls and emails.
Do you have a carrier pigeon?

>Don’t call me or email me anymore, please.
In short, don’t associate with her.

>I’m sorry, but I’m really, really scared.
She’s afraid of the things you’re doing.

>If there’s been a misunderstanding, then I apologize.
You apparently think Denko likes you, OP, but she doesn’t like you at all.

You’re being tested, OP.

Are you really going to give up here?

Is this truly the extent of your love?

OP’s love is so pure, I don’t think I could possibly imitate it.

I’m guessing this is what the OP thinks:

>Don’t call me or email me anymore, please.
She wants to meet me in person! (´・ω・`)
>I’m sorry, but I’m really, really scared.
Denko must be in danger… I’ve got to help her! (´・ω・`)
>If there’s been a misunderstanding, then I apologize.
We’ve repaired our friendship. Now we’ll always be together! (´・ω・`)
>But this is my last email. Please don’t contact me again, I’m begging you.
Yep, definitely wants to meet in person! (´・ω・`)

>> No.10436331

Yeah, why the hell does no one stop this spam? I can visit the link in the earlier part of this thread just as fine myself to read it, you dumb shit. If I cared at all, that is.

>> No.10436335

^ Terrifyingly… accurate…
My mind is a blank.
What does Denko want to become of our relationship?
I want to meet her face to face, but…
Oh, and my power cut out again… (´・ω・`)
So, this is a troll, right?
If not, then go turn yourself in to the police, OP.
This has taught me a lot about the mentality of a stalker.
At this point, I’m not sure if it’s possible to get the happy end that everyone wants…
I’m trying to think of an email to send Denko, but my mind’s been a blank.
Don’t send anything.
If you see her at school, tell her you’re really sorry for troubling her! Okay?!
What everyone wants is Denko’s safety.
Just leave Denko alone.
She must be so confused…
That… everyone… wants…
Uh. What everyone wants is OP BEHIND BARS!!
“The happy end that everyone wants”…? What planet does this kid live on?
All you guys hating me is getting annoying…
I’m afraid I might be brainwashed by this place… (´・ω・`)
I’m going to ignore 2ch’s opinions and write an email with my heartfelt feelings!
If you like Denko, then don’t send it. I’m serious.
Stop giving her reasons to despise you!
And he doesn’t even know why he was bullied in school.

>> No.10436340


Oh christ, that first part will give me nightmares.
Even if this is just a troll, it’s horrifying that you can even THINK of that!
Speaking as a girl, I would absolutely call the police if I got this.
If there’s any further developments, I’ll make another thread.
Still waiting for Denko to reply now. (´・ω・`)
Thanks for everyone who’s given support!
Keep watching over us as we work toward happiness!!
Thank you! I’m so grateful!

>> No.10436344

Janitor you need to get your priorities straight.
Yeah yeah go ahead and ban me because calling you "dummy boo-boo" is a rangeban.

>> No.10436365

And thus concludes the second book in the saga of denko.
It was fun wasn't it? we had lots of laughs, rustled some jimmies, and even got the meido involved!
But I'm afraid that's all for today children, for I must go, my planet needs me, and this tale is far too big for this thread.
For those of you curious kids who can't wait to see the epic conclusion you can find the entire saga in an orderly fashion here:
we left off in book 3 : [Help!] The Girl I’m Dating Isn’t My Girlfriend Anymore (´・ω・`).
Good night,friends.

>> No.10436430

What the FUCK is going on in this thread

>> No.10436458

Why are you complaining about this thread?

>> No.10437411

Why is this thread still up?

>> No.10437466

because i bump it xDDD

>> No.10437491

Okay that explains it.

>> No.10437564

Sure does (´・ω・`)
