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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10425830 No.10425830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys up to?

Please refrain from discussing, or even mentioning anything related to education, employment, training, relationships, or anything that would break any of the board or global rules in this thread. This is not a "meetup" thread either, and should not be treated as one. Discussion of the prior subjects has only led to people flaming one another in the past threads, while most of us just want to take it easy. Please use the proper board(s) to discuss them, or don't, just don't discuss them here.

>> No.10425834

/jp/ just got autistic

>> No.10425838
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replying to dickwad client emails

>> No.10425850
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I myself just won a legal lawsuit that netted me about $670,000 so i won't ever have to leave my room again in the foreseeable future.

>> No.10425876

I showed my mom how to peel and cut garlic and now my fingers smell like garlic and its horrible. I was just going to bed too and now my fingers smell.

>> No.10425888

Thank you for safeing this thread. It feels good to be protected.

>> No.10425904

Congrats, you must be happy. Could I have ten dollars? I'm broke.

>> No.10425910

What the fuck even happened?

>> No.10425920

did it involve onions

>> No.10425926
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yw mein fuhrer

>> No.10425934

I thought that other thread was the NEET thread.
Guess I'll post my request here again.
I need pills which are avaible without receipt in germany to overdose on.
I'd google it, but nowadays everyone on the internet is a moralfag

>> No.10425940

Let's just say that experimenting with the aneros paid off.

>> No.10425942
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I keep getting pestered from all sides to get a job, finally got an application from a place that had a now hiring sign up (some christian thrift shop) and took a look at it today.
It asked for all the basic stuff, name, age, felonies, work experience, etc, and then it said "Do you pledge your life to Christ in all his goodness" and asked you to write a fucking essay about how God has changed your life.
I laughed and threw it in the garbage. I like staying indoors so much better than dealing with retards like that.
What's the proper way to peel and cut garlic?

>> No.10425954 [DELETED] 

Fresh outta high school, yo.


>> No.10425958
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Do a good deed;
Kill a NEET.

>> No.10425966

What'd I do wrong?

>> No.10426023


Basically like this.

>> No.10426123

Condense your fucking threads.

>> No.10426217

That's a thread dealing with a NEET's effects on a family. This one is for NEETs. Kind of like how a day or two ago there was a thread for loli, as well as a thread for discussing lolicon.

>> No.10426246

Been chillin in my room watching anime. All my tengas are filled, got no money for new ones. waiting for oculus rift to come out so i can VR illusion games

>> No.10426297

Lately I've gotten back into stretching at night and meditation. It makes me feel better than what I have been lately. I'm trying to take it easy in not so easy times.

>> No.10426327

I wish my home was quiet enough for meditation. It always looked so peaceful and I feel it would help on those days where I'm just being pushed a little too hard by my families bickering.

>> No.10426336

How do you guys get money to survive?

>> No.10426343

If they aren't sleeping at the same time, they can't fight. If they do sleep at the same time, you can meditate then.

>> No.10426344 [DELETED] 
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Any homu otaku here?

>> No.10426354

how do I know if I am mentally sane?

>> No.10426355

I live in my parents' basement.

>> No.10426363

Go through a rationality check.

>> No.10426376

Fapped to a trap for the first time the other day.

I feel gay now.

>> No.10426381

You're gay.

>> No.10426399
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Playing Ragnarok Online 2, even though I don't think it's that good.

>> No.10426396
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epic story sis but masturbating to traps isn't the same as masturbating to girls. traps are still dudes so you should still be straight. don't worry

>> No.10426409


>> No.10426416

Luckily my parents usually keep to themselves in their rooms or wherever they are and don't speak to each other much. Only time I ever get really annoyed is when my mother has the TV on really loud watching her terrible TV shows as I'm eating and she has one of her friends over who tries to speak to me all the time when I just want to be left alone. The TV alone is annoying enough when I want silence.

>> No.10426419


>> No.10426440


Go on, I'm interested.

>> No.10426442
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Please don't link irrelevant boards that are not on topic. Also, twitter isn't a 4chan board that's why it didn't work.

>> No.10426460

Don't tell him!

>> No.10426570

Have you guys ever tried showering in the dark with rainforest noises in the background?

It's relaxing.

>> No.10426574

What are some nice neet things to do that don't involve sitting behind a computer screen 14 hours a day and don't require going outside?

It's really starting to strain my eyes after all these years.

>> No.10426620

I like to exercise a bit shadow boxing or step aerobics when I get bored. My mom has a bunch of old workout dvds and the like. I can see how most people in the NEET lifestyle wouldn't enjoy it though, but I personally really enjoy it. I wish I had enough energy to do it a few times a day.

I also like to talk to my plants. If you get some light in your room raising plants is fun.

Origami can be fun if you've got some paper.

Cleaning can be relaxing if you enjoy it and take it slow, not a hobby most people enjoy though.

If you've got a deck of cards there's thousands of different solitaire games you play. I've got a deck of Touhou cards and that makes it slightly more fun, but I enjoyed cards before that.

You could try turning the brightness way down on your monitor too. I used to have mine way bright and it would stress my eyes out to the point I had to lay down with my eyes closed for awhile after a few hours. I turned it down to about 50% and now it never bothers me.

>> No.10426635

I don't think I would enjoy showering in the dark but putting on some ambient noises could be really relaxing. Today I found some rain and thunder sounds that reminded me of a Summer storm and it made me feel good remembering the comfort of those days.

>> No.10426645

Try it with some candles or a single light or something. Maybe it's just my bathroom being too bright, but I think the lights are way too much.

>> No.10426660
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parents + autismbux


i love homu




im going to try this

>> No.10426675

I'm scared of the dark.

>> No.10426678

a cheap ereader works wonders, too.
aside from reading lik reading paper most of them can browse as well if you dont mind slow and black and white.
i found it really relaxing

>> No.10426699
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nice, i love homu too

>> No.10426709

Problem with candles is that they aren't bright enough to allow you to read, yet modern lightbulbs are far too bright to allow you to take it easy in a cozy atmosphere.

How to find the right balance?

>> No.10426738
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I feel like eating a fancy sort of meal tomorrow, what would be the easiest thing to make but would still be very nice?

Also I really dislike self checkouts because the clerk lady person always seems to look at me from a distance to make sure I don't cheat and steal items, it makes me feel very uncomfortable but the only other option is having to go to an actual cashier and thats very scary. I wish they would trust me by now but they always look even though I never stole once it's very unfair.

>> No.10426754

Does anybody ever read their local news? It seems like some really odd stuff happens. In this city there were a few interesting stories that I saw. A man has crashed his homemade helicopter in his neighborhood, a horse and buggy drove into a canal, an autistic kid who needed medication wandered away from home and then came back, a baby was born on 12/12/12 at 12:12, and a man admitted to kidnapping 40 neighborhood cats but not harming them.

And also it was ruled that tatoos are protected under the First Amendment. That means I could get my favorite lewd loli picture tatood on my body and people couldn't do anything about it, right?

>> No.10426764
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she is perfect


i dunno but here is a reply

>> No.10426769

The best option would just be putting in a dimmer switch. It's 1/10th as hard as it sounds.

After that i'd say getting some low power bulbs.

Another good option and probably the coolest would be an oil lamp.

You can make one pretty easily with a tuna can or mason jar or something, and burn olive oil in it.

Have you tried going later at night? My store doesn't have anyone watch the self checkout around 10 or later. I think the cashier next to it is supposed to watch it, but they're usually busy with something else.

Anything pasta related is usually pretty easy and very nice.

>> No.10426770

What have you got in your house? Can you fry stuff? Chicken parmesan seems pretty fancy and it's just breaded, fried chicken with spaghetti and tomato sauce.

I also know that feeling of being watched. It's nerve racking.

>> No.10426772

I used to when I was in school and had nothing else to do, nothing ever really interested me and I usually just went straight to looking at the comics. If it was Friday there was always this extra part of the paper for entertainment and there was some entertaining stuff in there sometimes.

>> No.10426791

I went to a cashier instead of self-service yesterday because I was buying alchohol so I figured I'd need to interact with someone at self-service regardless as they check IDs. She seemed disapproving of the convenience food I was buying but questioned me over the nicer stuff asking if I would recommend it. it was uncomfortable and I just said I hadn't tried it yet.

Pork is cheap at the moment. You could get a tenderloin and rub whatever kind of sauce you have the ingriedients to make into it then serve with some sides. Any leftover meat can be used in a stir-fry the next day

>> No.10426793

What does /jp/ think about www.boldanddetermined.com ?

Tryhard or legitimate advice?

>> No.10426802

wow thanks for the virus FAGLORD

>> No.10426809

I hate when I'm watched too but most of the time what are they gonna do about it? Tell me they don't like what I'm buying and laugh at me as I continue to not give a fuck? Like someone said try making something with pasta or making your own pizza with premade dough if the store has it. You just flour the dough and surface roll it out, put whatever you want on it, and put it in the oven till it's done enough for you. I like making myself a white pizza sometimes with mozzarella cheese, some dots of ricotta cheese scattered about, olive oil, crushed red pepper, basil, and oregano. Simple but tastes awesome.

>> No.10426814

Who else here hates their job? I'm so fucking tired of my boss...

>> No.10426816

I'm pretty mad right now. My days of hikikomori are coming to an end after 2 years. I'm gonna miss you, /jp/ dudes you were my best friends.

>> No.10426822

>My days of hikikomori are coming to an end after 2 years

>> No.10426842

Are you killing yourself?

>> No.10426843

Please don't misuse the board redirect feature.

>> No.10426854

Anyone ever entertain themselves by thinking about how much of various kinds of foods they have eaten throughout their entire lives. chocolate, shrimp, popcorn, rice, beef, noodles, ect-? The amount for any of those things must be insane. I would probably be amazed by the amount of anything I commonly eat I have eaten so far.

>> No.10426851

why are you fucking your boss?

>> No.10426856

He's really dashing and handsome

>> No.10426858

Not until now.

That's pretty cool.

>> No.10426862

Oh god, white pizza is my weakness. I love it when the ricotta is in big blobs instead of spread around. I haven't tried making it myself, though.

>> No.10426867

It motivates me to have a healthier diet. When I think about fruit in that way, I'm not very surprised because it seems like it's a part of my biology anyway. I should eat more fruit.

>> No.10426873

I like to imagine different shades of gray I've seen throughout my life.

>> No.10426874
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Hey NEETs who live with their parents, do you do your own grocery shopping or what?

>> No.10426878

If it isn't deep dish I never get sauce on it, white and simple will always be my favorite.

>> No.10426884

I wish the janitor would delete this thread and permanently ban every poster within, except me.

>> No.10426887

Especially you. I've read all of your posts and haven't liked a single one of them.

>> No.10426895

I tag along with my mother most of the time or leave her a small list of things I need which usually consists of cereal, chips, popcorn, and something I want to eat for dinner in the future like on Thursday since I never eat anything else but instant/premade noodle stuff any other days.

>> No.10426889

My mom does it most of the time but sometimes I have to go with her to correct her shopping habits. The music they play at the stores is so loud and it makes me freeze up next to the shopping cart and everyone stares at me.
Living like this truly is a blessing and a curse.

>> No.10426897

that's not very nice to say, this is a successful thread and everyone is very kind

>> No.10426898


>> No.10426900

50 dollar sneakers and I got no job. Tell me how you do it when times are hard, huh?

>> No.10426903


>> No.10426904

coreans egt out

>> No.10426908
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Do you at least do your own laundry?

>> No.10426911


>> No.10426912

I prefer to because of how covered in cum my dirty laundry is. But sometimes my mom does it for me anyway.

>> No.10426926

nope, I don't get my clothes too dirty anyways so almost nothing but underwear and socks go in but usually not even socks go in and I just toss them aside for whenever I need them. I just put my clothes back when I'm done using them. All I wear is T-shirts, jeans, and jean shorts. Last weekend I had to put some shorts in the wash though because I spilled all my coffee all over them.

>> No.10426938
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Wait a minute. Are you guys fat?

>> No.10426949

Sometimes I do the shopping, sometimes parents do it. During summer I really like doing the shopping because I tend to cook more during the summer so I can get what I want. Tomatoes aren't gross during the summer, corn is plentiful, and the meat is cheap and cuts for grilling are on sale. Not to mention all the huge, cheap cases of berries. Plus special edition stuff tends to come out during the summer.

Winter just isn't as exciting.

>> No.10426953

Not even a little bit. >>10426912 here.

>> No.10426954

Sometimes I like to just look at myself in the mirror after showering. Does anyone else do that? Is it weird?

>> No.10426958


>> No.10426963

I used to when I had a mirror in my room.

>> No.10426964

No, it's called grooming yourself after you take a bath.

>> No.10426970

The only housework I do is emptying the dishwasher.

>> No.10426974

And also I keep the fridge/freezer in my room fully stocked with snacks for myself, so I spend tons of time comparing drinks and ice cream/popsicles. One constant is the iced tea in there. Waking up to a nice chilled homemade flan is great, or enjoying something else you made the night prior with some ice cold tea.

Winter just isn't as exciting for me. Eating food and drinking iced tea during summer keeps me going. I hope I'm not rambling, sorry.

>> No.10426978

I do those things when I can. I wake up so late someone ends up doing almost everything for me.
I managed to get to the store last week because I had something to wake up for.

>> No.10426979

I don't always do that though, I just like to look. Sometimes smile.

>> No.10426980

i eat supper with my parents

those 30 minutes are the only time I ever remember I'm still a human being alive on this planet

>> No.10426989

I would but my mom won't let me.

>> No.10426993

I can't stand seeing myself in the mirror or seeing my reflection anywhere. It's one of the things I dislike most about life.

>> No.10426998

Nope I control my eating during the week and exercise. I go total fat ass on the weekends though.

>> No.10427008

>those 30 minutes are the only time I ever remember I'm still a human being alive on this planet
I'm sorry. That half hour must be a terrible time for you.

>> No.10427018

I like the Summer time because I can also walk to the store. I hate Winter because I'm so cold sensitive and depressed so I'm always to uncomfortable most of the time to even enjoy much food. I like going shopping with or without people anyways because it's like a mini adventure to me.

>> No.10427021

Yes, I wash my own clothes, and kepp the rest of the house tidy, like mopping floors, sweeping them, etc. I still need to learn how to actually cook so I can make a decent meal for everyone.

Incidentally, /jp/, what's the best way to season tomato sauce?

>> No.10427025

and yes I always keep my room loaded with snacks.

>> No.10427028

cum in it

>> No.10427033

Going shopping is like a mini adventure.

>> No.10427030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10427036

Oregano. Also applies to pizza.

>> No.10427044


>> No.10427048

le epic post /b/ro

me gusta irony

>> No.10427051

For what? Usually herbs in there are at the least basil and oregano. There's a third that goes with those two but I can't remember it now. If you need to thin it out do so with olive oil.

>> No.10427057

Onion powder?

>> No.10427063

Both garlic and onion go in there.

>> No.10427066

Oregano is like a miracle herb it makes everything better! Along with crushed red pepper. Try both of those on some tortilla chips with your favorite shredded cheese and taco sauce (I use that ortega taco sauce). Then put it in the microwave or the oven. One of my favorite snacks, I like using mozzarella cheese the best.

>> No.10427073
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>> No.10427075

I think it was rosemary. We've got these containers of dried herbs just labled as "Italian Herbs" but the website to check what's actually in them is down. They're from McCormick

>> No.10427082 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10427098

Sudo smelled all the good food coming from this thread and decided to join in.

>> No.10427106

Italian Herbs = marjoram, basil, red pepper, rosemary, oregano, parsley, and thyme.

>> No.10427115

We're like 600 posts away from quads. What HELL are we supposed to do now?

>> No.10427127
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Pray for a swift death.

>> No.10427215
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>> No.10427224

Remake your thread without that fucking image.


>> No.10427241

Anyone have the Blade Runner Sudo? I thought I saved it, but I didn't. Can someone post that

>> No.10427247
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>> No.10427246

Simply. Epic.

>> No.10427254
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>> No.10427258

I haven't seen her post in a while..

>> No.10427262

thats funny as HELL

>> No.10427282
File: 935 KB, 800x450, f7f5047f748278674d665db2265d2c76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's busy being a bikini bimbo who likes to get banged

>> No.10427285

That's it. Thanks. Saved.

>> No.10427288

what are you makin anon?

>> No.10427299

I accidentally beat up my sister's boyfriend earlier today. I was complaining about not cleaning the house (which I do every time) after her friends fucked it up. He asked me how often I cleaned. He's often a smartass and is a dick, so I grabbed his throat and shook him a little, told him to mind his own fucking business and threw him down, where he hit his head on a coffee table and started bleeding and crying. Then my sister called the cops. He's 17 and small, I'm 21 and big. I got a ticket and was talked down to by small town cops for an hour or so. I have to contact the court within fifteen days after teen calender days to get a hearing.

Surely if I were going to do jailtime for this, they would have arrested me, right? I won't last a fucking day in prison.

>> No.10427304

maybe a fine and/or community service

>> No.10427306

What's wrong with the image?

>> No.10427307

You're going to a federal prison. Have fun.

>> No.10427308

Even though he's a minor? I guess I can live with a fine...

>> No.10427310

It's just too darn CUTE.

>> No.10427315

i had a fight with my boyfriend but later on we cleared up our misunderstandings and made up

>> No.10427317
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, 1312130289160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

murder everyone

now's the time

start with that bitch sister of yours then finish the job on her brother

then kill your entire family and lock yourself in your house and kill anybody trying to get in

>> No.10427321

Not so sure. I think they would have arrested you if going to jail. Did you cry like everyone else that was arrested on /jp/ when the cops came to talk to you?

>> No.10427322
File: 62 KB, 580x387, CFR3_COVER_Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot and spicy mode: Chili flakes, maybe soy sauce, maybe BBQ seasoning
Regular mode: BBQ seasoning, maybe soy sauce
Captcha: recipi arkonf

>> No.10427325

Trevor posts frequently on ghost.

>> No.10427329
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I didn't cry when I got arrested. I was surprisingly calm the entire time. When I got home I only cried because my mother was crying.

>> No.10427336

>then finish the job on her brother
>then kill your entire family
Seems mutually exclusive.

No. I acted and remorseful. Which was genuine. i don't like violence. I don't know why I did it; it seems so out of character.

If they had been there to touch my stuff or search my computer I would have cried.

What did you do?

>> No.10427339

Is that a cheeseburger? lol.

>> No.10427340

>If they had been there to touch my stuff or search my computer I would have cried.

You would have cried bullshit I hope.

>> No.10427343

Just tell everyone at jail that you're in for beating the shit out of this fuck that talked back to you.

>> No.10427356
File: 14 KB, 292x264, 1323222402039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in a lethal knife fight with some faggot thugs at my high school and we were pretty much cutting each other's arms up a lot trying to disarm each other. Most of it was just taunting and staring though. When police sirens sounded all of us culprits made a run for it but I was caught because I was an out of shape smoking loser.

Just kidding, I was arrested for something else entirely but I won't tell you.

>> No.10427361

I'm going to believe the first story

>> No.10427433

btw im a girl

>> No.10427471

Oh that is okay I guess
Okay, Okay. Cool.
I did something similar to your made up story, but I won't tell.

>> No.10427484

Is she in the main games/show or just Cinderella? I didn't know an im@s that cute existed.

>> No.10427487

Hey fellow NEET and Hikki, how often do you bathe?

I've reached the point where I bathe maybe once a month, because I don't go outside so I don't feel motivated to get a shower. The smell sometimes gets annoying, and I hate having to deal with the flies, but I just can't help this feeling of apathy and I just stay in bed not caring at all.

>> No.10427487,1 [INTERNAL] 

Deleted when it was just getting good. What a fucking faggot.

>> No.10427487,2 [INTERNAL] 

There is a god after all.

>> No.10427487,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10427487,4 [INTERNAL] 

lmao u mad faglet?>

>> No.10427487,5 [INTERNAL] 

Eat a dick gay

>> No.10427487,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this deleted?

>> No.10427487,7 [INTERNAL] 

>Delete the good thread.
>Leave up the one that's full of shitposts.

Can NSJ be more stupid?

>> No.10427487,8 [INTERNAL] 

-> good NEET thread

>> No.10427487,9 [INTERNAL] 

The only good NEET thread is a dead NEET thread.

>> No.10427487,10 [INTERNAL] 

i approve of this getting deleted

>> No.10427487,11 [INTERNAL] 

wow, the janishit sure hates homuhomu.
Did she raped his mom or something?

>> No.10427487,12 [INTERNAL] 

welcome to the own zone nerd

enjoy your ban

>> No.10427487,13 [INTERNAL] 

So much new.

>> No.10427487,14 [INTERNAL] 

Please wait warmly.
