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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10426646 No.10426646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you hate niggers, /jp/?

I do.

I hate their smell, their skin's disgusting pitch dark texture, their horse teeth, ape mouth, beady niggery eyes,, their hair is like a nasty wire made of poo.

They destroy countries(Haiti, South Africa), they rape, and they steal.

So what is it about the nig nog that fills you with seething rage, /jp/?

>> No.10426663
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>> No.10426659


>> No.10426662

Niggas are cool.

>> No.10426672
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Chimp/limp wristed race traitor detected.

Go to the ghetto and see how your priced race treats you.

>> No.10426677

We have Africans and non-African blacks here so please don't be so rude to them, thanks.

>> No.10426679

not otaku culture


>> No.10426682

My best friend is black. He's a swell guy.

>> No.10426683

How can anyone look at the enormous number of black cave-dwelling fucks like L'il Wayne, the immense number of scientific studies, and other factors, and still not realize that black people are naturally less intelligent than other races?



Furthermore - if they are less intelligent than the rest of the world, why is it considered immoral to kill them? The only difference between livestock and ourselves is that they possess lower intelligence levels, and it's considered okay to kill cows. Why can't we kill dumb niggers or retarded people who have comparable intelligence to a cow?

>> No.10426703

I wish /jp/ didn't automatically hate me for no reason...

I didn't choose to be born this way and suicide is uncertain so please be more sensitive.

>> No.10426714

We're all friends here.

>> No.10426721

Thank you anon

>> No.10426717

You could do what Michael Jackson did but keep your nose!

>> No.10426718

If I tell you that you're okay (at best), will you promise not to kill yourself?

>> No.10426724

Thank liberals. Our nations were doing better when they were proud of their heritage and were solely white.

The white hand of Europe has outstretched to most of the world and our own power is now being attracted lesser beings into our homes.

>> No.10426725

/pol/ is down here

>> No.10426727
File: 34 KB, 244x274, remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their phisionomy is not meant to be appreciated when you're not sexually aroused. When you are, though, they're heaven on earth.

Their strong smeel emanates a kind of masculinity no white male can ever hope to achieve. And this pungent strength comes from just his smell alone! Their teeth are perfect to nibble your nipples... Their eyes are fierce, almost animalistic... They subdue you with just one leer! Their thick lips are wonderful to touch, to enclose my lips on a taller, stronger, manlier man that I can ever hope to be... Their hair is just savage, too! You just want to hold on to it while they thrust deeper and deeper inside you. It's perfect to hold on to, too. And they won't complain about pulling on it because they are so strong and so entranced in the sexual act they can only care about using me as a vessel for their savage, nasty, primal seed...

Black people know this about themselves. That's why they rape. They want people too see them in a better perspective. You'll hate it at first, but a black man knows how to use his hands to make you reach heaven. The barbarian stench becomes an exquisite aroma... The black skin shines brighter than before. The menacing leer becomes an order to bend over... Ah, the black man... I can just spend hours and hours fantasizing about being the sexual relief of four of them at once...

>> No.10426728

Please kill yourself.

>> No.10426730

I'm okay with being okay.

In all honesty I always though he looked better after his surgery

>> No.10426735

>In all honesty I always though he looked better after his surgery
Seriously? He looked 2spooky

>> No.10426744

>In all honesty I always though he looked better after his surgery

Yikes. You must really take niggerbullying on the Internet to heart if you actually believe this.

>> No.10426749

This is the dark side of /jp/

>> No.10426751

I'm suddenly really sad for him.

>> No.10426755
File: 101 KB, 860x716, 23412134556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on.

>> No.10426767

We love you, man.

>> No.10426759

I'm half Black and half Hispanic. Does /jp/ hate me?

>> No.10426766


>> No.10426771

I'm half white and half white, do you hate me?

>> No.10426774
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>> No.10426783

I'm trying to stop masturbating, and this isn't helping any.

>> No.10426794

I find them disgusting. I wish I didn't, but I do. The vast majority of blacks I've seen or met are repulsive creatures, especially their obnoxious women. I can understand why their men so frequently seek to copulate with white females.

>tfw when your cousin is black

>> No.10426798

Now who's the disgusting one, poopyhead.

>> No.10426804


It's cool. Hispanics mixing with Blacks make Hispanics smarter and less smelly.

>> No.10426805

I'm a black woman and I am disgusted by your misuse of the quoting feature more than anything.

>> No.10426812

I hate how you can't openly hate them. It's mean but ok to pick on ugly people. But if you try to say that black skin is ugly, people act like you just said you wanted slavery reinstated. I also hate how the U.S. tries to force them down my throat. They only make up 10% of the population but they make up 50% of what is shown in the media.

>> No.10426813

I just have low self esteem and don't like dark skin.

Ever since childhood I have been jelous of how White and Asian people look.

People have strange expectations of how you should act when you a born black and it really sad.

>> No.10426820
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"Men accused of stealing $65,000 in chicken wings from Ga. storage facility, report says"

Too easy to make jokes about...

>> No.10426824

Out of curiosity, do you like Sonic? What about TMNT? Dragon Ball?

>> No.10426825

Can't you just not act that way and not hate yourself for your skin?

It's really sad.

>> No.10426826

*it really makes me sad

>> No.10426827

ya re just jealos nigga!! our big dicks are better then yours

>> No.10426838

Seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.10426839

If they're so big why don't you show them off in panties, tough guy?!

Yeah that's what I thought

>> No.10426845

I had a black friend growing up, and his dick was roughly the same size as mine. Maybe that thing exploded after he became a teenager or something though.

>> No.10426849


I can never find dark skin nice looking and I go to bed every night hoping that I wake up someone lighter.

>> No.10426852

xmfd cranked

>> No.10426857
File: 165 KB, 801x601, 1351430223243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white and asian men are pathetic

black man would know how to take charge of this situation

>> No.10426860
File: 349 KB, 600x600, koishi embarassed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else is there to say? I could go on about how I want to go out at night and mistakenly find my way inside an african-themed gay disco. I could tell you how I'd love to walk in the bathroom to wash my face and get snuck on by two brutish ebony-skinned men, each grabbing me by an arm, easily pulling my light body into a bathroom. How I'd struggle and panic as these men take off their pants. How my whining would quiet down as the size of their imposing penises looms over me. How they, in a frantic tone I can hardly make out tell me to work my mouth on their penises, as their smell slowly invades my senses...

>> No.10426861

Well if I ever read something about a black man who died bathing in bleach I will think of you.

Too sad.

>> No.10426875
File: 540 KB, 558x787, high yellow master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but being harassed by niggers because you decide to be something better does get annoying. I get condescending as hell when they aggravate me, and then they get all quiet whenever I start using a vocabulary above the level of a 6th grader and enunciate my words.
Feels good man.

What bothers me is having to be grouped with them because of my skin tone (although I'm not dark by a long shot).

otaku culture> nigger culture

>> No.10426872


Having game runs in the blood of Latins and Blacks.

>> No.10426875,1 [INTERNAL] 

Watch these Eurozone weebs become racist once you start talking about mudslimes. Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.10426881

Are you gay?

>> No.10426883

Imagine if one of them called you pretentious. I bet you'd shit your pants.

You do sound kind of pretentious, by the way.

>> No.10426901

I'm not stupid enough to do that I'm just sad about being a waste of life.

There are so many potential children who would have appreciated life more so i'm sad one of couldn't have taken my place.

I just want to dissapear without a fuss but suicide leaves behind a mess (family burden and a burden for the people who must clean my my body up)

>> No.10426910
File: 64 KB, 321x349, 1356578546418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you stop?

>> No.10426918

At least you're not a fucking faggot like

Unless you are. In which case: Faggot.

>> No.10426919

Some /jp/sie look down on an out group they perceive as inferior to feel better about themselves.

The funny thing is if there were poll in /cgl/ or any place asking girls if they'd rather date a nigger or an otaku, the majority would prefer the nigger. The average nigger is taller, stronger, more sociable and have better fashion sense than your average otaku.

>> No.10426920
File: 296 KB, 640x613, 1349699156028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want all of this except with a cute tall strong white woman with a natural big dick. The way you keep mentioning niggerblacks makes me sick.

>> No.10426922
File: 118 KB, 392x304, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually very humble and have/had a reputation as the "nice, quiet" person; recalling past events while I wrote that got me a bit riled up, though.

If they called me pretentious I'd ask them to spell it.

>> No.10426925

>woman with a natural big dick

>> No.10426934

I'm not really interested in sex at all and never have been.

>> No.10426928

Let him go on! Don't scare him away!

>> No.10426933

Do you hate nips, /jp/?

I do.

I hate their smell, their skin's disgusting piss yellow texture, their gapped teeth, wide mouth, slanty gook eyes... their language is like a garbled monkey speak.

They destroy countries (China, Indonesia), they rape, and they torture.

So what is it about the jap that fills you with seething rage, /jp/?

>> No.10426939

Not many other people seem interested. It's a shame and a chance all at once... No-one to share my fantasies with, but less competition at the same time!

>> No.10426946

I hope they write it on your face in cum. Goddamn, you sound so full of yourself.

>> No.10426952

certain black people are cool.
but the ones with horse teeth are fugly ass people.
but then again. anyone with horse teeth look god awful.

>> No.10426951

Please continue.

>> No.10426955

Sluts liking niggers? Didn't see that coming.

>> No.10426961

I swear to God, if I see any of you nerds bullying low self-esteem moe nigger-kun, I will fucking fight you.

>> No.10426968
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1314588128012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to quote every one in the thread but that's too much work

>> No.10426973

Get out, dumb 2huposter.

>> No.10426969

I have a black friend, he's really cool. Well he's half white and was raised in a white family so you can hardly call him black.

>> No.10426975


>> No.10426976

Black weaboos are some of the best people to have around. Seriously.

>> No.10426977

I'll call that dumbass nigger whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.10426996

Does /jp/ hate asian niggers aka Flips?

>> No.10426997

There aren't any blacks around here, so I can't really say I hate them since I never had the misfortune to deal with them.

But you know what I hate instead?

Females. Only the 3DPD kind though.

>> No.10427003
File: 269 KB, 630x539, re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really not, honestly.
You just learn to harbor a special type of hatred and develop a certain attitude towards them when you've had to deal with such bullshit since you were six years old. "pls no bully" doesn't work on them.

>> No.10427007

There was one that went to my high school. He was a lazy stoner.

>> No.10427011

Do you think under certain circumstances a flip could pass off as some different type of asian? Like for instance if a white man and a filipino woman had a child?

This is all hypothetical.

>> No.10427009
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 1321862788086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /jp/ hate japanese niggers aka Okinawans?

>> No.10427010


I don't have any problem with Mexicans.

>> No.10427014

What does that make the Ainu?

>> No.10427015
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>> No.10427023

That's the same asking if a nigger could pass off as a chinese man.

>> No.10427024

The one half-white/half-Filipino guy I know looks just as Mexican as his Mexican mom.

>> No.10427027

I am black but I was raised by a white family so please don't hate or apply stereotypes to me. I speak using a polite selection of words in a gentle voice with a Great Lakes accent. My family also moved when I was young and for the first ten years of my life I never interacted with another black person.

>> No.10427029

Why is /jp/ the most racist board on 4channel?

>> No.10427034
File: 75 KB, 195x241, excuse u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10427037

Because you haven't been to /pol/?

>> No.10427040


>> No.10427042

I doubt that's the case actually.

Japanese sami/lapps?

>> No.10427046


>Haiti, South Africa

Slavery and apartheid made them shit.

>they rape, and they steal

You mean white people.

>> No.10427047

Filipinos don't look THAT latino, do they? I mean if you had a Filipino man and a Mexican man stand side by side surely you could tell the difference?

>> No.10427052


Mexicans are usually fatter and shorter.

>> No.10427053



>> No.10427059
File: 673 KB, 1280x720, 1344281580237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, some kind of flip trying to deny his racial identity?

>> No.10427061

I'm pretty sure /new/ was the most racist board

>> No.10427061,1 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.10427061,2 [INTERNAL] 

if there were ever a reason to drop that shitty fucking who are you quoting meme this would be it

shitskins have long co-opted that dumb shit

>> No.10427061,3 [INTERNAL] 

I am black and I hate niggers of all races.

>> No.10427061,4 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.10427061,5 [INTERNAL] 

Fuckk off, nigger.

>> No.10427061,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10427061,7 [INTERNAL] 

>trying to associate niggers with wyaq because of being such an unimaginative shitty poster

You're no different that these subhumans shouting about ``MUH WHITE OPPRESSION!''

>> No.10427061,8 [INTERNAL] 

It's sullied, dude. Just let it go.

>> No.10427061,9 [INTERNAL] 

I am amazed you are even able to type you stupid nigger

>> No.10427061,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10427061,11 [INTERNAL] 

Tbh, whites kinda are being oppressed

>> No.10427061,12 [INTERNAL] 

How do I get a nigger gf?

>> No.10427061,13 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, why would you want one?

P.S. can our african american friends really tell each other apart

>> No.10427061,14 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't americans just call niggers niggers?

>> No.10427061,15 [INTERNAL] 

Is this cousin anon?

>> No.10427061,16 [INTERNAL] 

fucking americucks

>> No.10427061,17 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not black enough to be considered black by people. At least I don't think I'm that black.

>> No.10427061,18 [INTERNAL] 

post a pic

>> No.10427061,19 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa... Blast from the past

>> No.10427061,20 [INTERNAL] 

Bend over cutie and I'll give you a blast from the present :^)

>> No.10427061,21 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/ is back up, dude.

Take your gay sh*t there.

>> No.10427061,22 [INTERNAL] 

It's only gay if you're on bottom..

>> No.10427061,23 [INTERNAL] 

Which you would be if you ever fucked up so bad as to encounter me in real life. Fag.
