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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10419730 No.10419730 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gathering a small group of people to create a visual novel with, if you're interested post how you can contribute to it's creation, and your skype!

What I can contribute:
-Graphic design/touchups (can't create character however)
-Being the "host" computer (keeping track of all files and project related resources)
-Making the game itself in ren'py

Artists, Voice actors, Music creators, SFX Guys (probably more I can't think of)

>> No.10419742

I can be the idea guy and project leader.

>> No.10419746

You want some people to work off your shitty writing? No thanks.
>-Being the "host" computer (keeping track of all files and project related resources)
Ever heard of something called "Dropbox"?
>Voice actors
Hahaha. Enjoy your stubborn, lazy people and Nyanner clones.
>>10419742 is exactly what OP is. FUCK OFF.

>> No.10419752


>> No.10419755

They pointed me here
If you're not interested you don't have to post
I haven't even picked out a storyline yet because I wanted to get a team of capable producing a decent VN and chat with them about there interests and what they would like to see in a VN.

>> No.10419765

I'm interested.
I can do some ren'py and drawing. How do I apply?

>> No.10419766

rita please respond will never get a sequel

>> No.10419767

You're not going to be capable of holding a team of complete strangers together like that, I'm sorry but it's the truth. I've worked with many groups and projects in the past and this is probably one of the worsts approaches you can take with things like this. Rather than recruiting, I'd suggest actually STARTING a project and have open positions to see who is interesting. If you have an interesting plot and idea, people will come to you eager to work with you. Otherwise, you're wasting your time.

>> No.10419770

to see who is interested*
Go back to being a chef.

>> No.10419775

>Voice actors
that's just stupid

>> No.10419778

Post your skype and I'll add you~

>> No.10419780

Don't listen to him, artist guy, this guy doesn't even know to at least e-mail him first so that you're not flooded with a bunch of guys getting into your Skype and sending you gwoss pictures. You're falling into a trap, he's an outsider. Watch your step.

>> No.10419786

People can only send you "gwoss" pictures on skype if you accept there friend invite ~

>> No.10419790

...But do you actually have anything yet. Like plot and stuff?
I'd prefer stuff like OP's image btw

>> No.10419791

I'm working on my own VN project and the best advice I can give you is:

Try the right boards, go to art boards(don't expect too much with these), music boards (Royalty Free Music is a good start), programming boards (I'm not talking about /prog/). Ask Uncle Mugen, he's a nice person and he knows talented people.

>> No.10419793

>Voice actors
lol good one man that was p fucking clever

>> No.10419801

If you read his posts (which you obviously didn't) he answered everything you asked.
>How do I apply?
Post your Sykpe.
>...But do you actually have anything yet. Like plot and stuff?
>I haven't even picked out a storyline yet
Apparently you're also a fucking crossboarder piece of shit because you can't identify Saya no Fucking Uta.

>> No.10419808

>there friend invite
we've got an expert writer here, guys

>> No.10419805
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>> No.10419832

Cool tip for 'writers': your 'writing' is awful. No artist or programmer is going to trade their years of hard work for your fourth-grade essays.

>> No.10419833

OP send me ur skype name here and plot idea then I'll add you if I'm sure you can get this shit done. You got 1 hour.
loliseverywhere at guerillamail dot org

>> No.10419842

If you have something to actually show right now, I wouldn't mind being an editor. That being said, I'm not sure I would want to edit something that I don't even want to read in the first place.

>> No.10419845

hello i am VN team l;eader

my skills
•can tell you what kind of hair to put on girl chars, have watched over 300 anime so know all kinds of anime girl hair

• loyal spirit

• can function as a google drive folder except you have to talk to me every time you want to add something

• can press 'add sprite', 'add background,' etc button in free VN maker software

please email me with your art & audio talent. beware that this is a serious project and only the bst need apply

>> No.10419850

>No [ . . . ] programmer is going to trade their years of hard work
lol dude thats funny

>> No.10419851

What is a l;eader.

>> No.10419859

Can create music and voice act.

I dabble in with music creation stuff, not sure if it would be top notch. Mostly lounge/electronic kind of things stuff. Got a decent Rode mic for voice acting and some drama/media training.

Please E-mail if you're serious.

>> No.10419860

I'm just posting to say that even if you get people together somehow, your project is still going to fall apart.

Have a nice day.

>> No.10419884

>Voice actors

Don't you mean actresses?

>> No.10419904


OP is being realistics, it's just going to be him, Clammy and one other disgusting neckbeard saying "o, oniichan daisuki" in their girliest voice.

>> No.10419908

Average /a/ user:

>> No.10419909 [DELETED] 
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op if this is good mail me

>> No.10419950

I can be voice actor. I am girl btw. I can do moans too.

>> No.10419953 [DELETED] 

what the fuck get out of here you stupid whore fuck piss off my board this instant FUCK

>> No.10419960
File: 26 KB, 418x714, vn practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good do we have to be at art my fellow /a/non! Here's a sample to show you what I'm capable of.

>> No.10420054

>Doesn't mention being able to write
>Doesn't say he needs writers

Well I can tell this will go fantastic.

>> No.10420137

RIP Shock Cocoon

>> No.10420159

I might help out if you add imouto incest in it as well

>> No.10420175
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>-Being the "host" computer (keeping track of all files and project related resources)
I'd tell you to learn to use git but it'd probably take you longer than to finish the VN

>> No.10420178

Why is it default that a visual novel must be eroge?
I know it's much easier to make porn than to do art, but still.

>> No.10420190


>> No.10420245 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10420259

Just learn how to shade and you got yourself some very cute little girls.

>> No.10420279

>I'm the idea guy
>Literally has no ideas
So... you're just a project leader and a dropbox?

>> No.10420285
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>> No.10420456
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>> No.10420474 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10420480 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10420481 [DELETED] 

Has anyone been keeping up with that other "/jp/" game project?


Looks shit.

>> No.10420517 [DELETED] 

>The story starts with our protagonist looking at a blurry window. Then, she introduces herself, and talks a bit about who she is, only in the end, to admit that this is what she wanted to be. In fact, she's a NEET. A pitiful loser. And she thought that so it would contibue to be. After that, a flashback of her typing in the computer will follow.


not all neets hate themselves r-tard

>> No.10420524 [DELETED] 

The game starts completely black, with no music, aside of noises of rain and clocks.
-How many years has it been?
-At one point, the sunlight ceased to appear.
-I can hear the clocks ticking. It seems that they never stop.
-Everything seems to have been frozen long time ago, though.
-As someone with nowhere to go, life has chosen to chain me here forever.
-Or so it seemed.
The black screen switches to the basement, where the protagonist is shown tampering with eletronic devices, along with many computer screens around her.
-I should take a look at my house today. I hope it's not rotting like always.

This fucking "script", man.
>I hope it's not rotting like always.


>> No.10420537 [DELETED] 

After fucking around in the room, and interacting with the red flashing screen, the protagonist sits in the chair, and starts typing in the keyboard. The screen is then switched to a VN-esque conversation between a soldier and the MC.
-[MC], are you there? Please, answer!
-...Yes, yes, I'm here. Why are you bothering me now? This gotta be worth my time.
-Well, you see... you're aware of the last war in Sector E that we've had, right?
-I'm aware of that. What of it?
-I don't know the details, but it seems that the government deployed that new weapon you were researching about.
-...You're kidding, right?
-I wish I was. But you probably know what happened.
-You're fucking with me, stop lying already!
-B-but commander, it's true! And unfortunately, we've lost almost our entire army.
-We have no one else to lead our resistance. Our leader...
-...What happened with him? He isn't that bad, right?
-H-he's gravely injured, commander. I'm sorry.
-And why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you go there to fight for our cause?!
-...The orders of the chief are that you must present yourself as soon as possible in the headquarters. We can't afford banking you with the losses we've suffered last week.
-I'm not going outside. I will never, go outside. Don't you dare to approach me again.
Enraged, protagonist plugs off the main source of energy of the computers.
You can now interact with the house again.

Cripes. This is so bad I want to see it finished.

>> No.10420591

I'm getting a tablet next month.

Though I'm the apparently the bad sort of artguy who always get's depressed since he doesn't find his work good enough so I doubt I'd ever get in a project.

I also had a few ideas for VN's but I'm a terrible writer

>> No.10420599

>so I doubt I'd ever get in a project.
You want to make something? Don't join a random project. Find a writer and just duo an idea. You can find the other people you need after you flesh it out. You'll get more done that way. Assuming you actually want to make something.

>> No.10420639

It would really depend on the plot I think.

It's pretty hard for me to get and stay passionate about something though.

>> No.10420670


Did OP send you his skype yet? I could probably help with "Voice acting", because i'm bored but i can commit enough time to it if needed.

btw im a shota boy

>> No.10420904

I could Voice Act and Write, I am Australian if that matters in the voice department.

>> No.10420938

Going to end up like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snlLUx2TM taking years to finish.

People will abandon the project due to IRL crap, and you'll be left with a small portion of the game complete.

The hardest part with VN projects is finding someone that's good with CGs and does it for free.

>> No.10421395
File: 17 KB, 229x343, 1344022238739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.10424290

You're in

>> No.10424359

So who's writing this?

>> No.10424365

We all are.

Once upon a time there was a...

>> No.10424433

...team of creators on /jp/. They...

>> No.10424451

...wanted to make the greatest game ever, but...

>> No.10424464

...they are horrible procrastinators that rather...

>> No.10424671

than working preferred to jack off. so they...

>> No.10424807

artist here. i always wanted work on something like this. but i just fear that it's going to end up half assed.
in any case i dont have too much time right now.

has there ever been other finished VN/Manga besides kawata shoujo?

>> No.10424892

some of you sound experienced. what do you do to get a group project like this started?

>> No.10424912 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10424913

... go down to the local glory hole and suck...

>> No.10425584

...a big, juicy lollipop...

>> No.10426577

...; it tastes like blood.

>> No.10427270

I can contribute to music, if desired.
Still an am' at art.
Could help with the story if needed.

>> No.10427316
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My ex and I tried to make a visual novel using Ren'py once. It was a really easy engine to use and we were able to do a scene easily. I was the writer and she did the art but the project was haulted when she realized she was too lazy to continue doing the art.
