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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 145 KB, 1100x562, areu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10407322 No.10407322 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10407363

my dick is always ready

>> No.10407377

why is she crying

did someone bully her

>> No.10407372

Waiting for share to pick something up. Hopefully the next one isn't fake

>> No.10407403

I'm not really fond of how it looks. I prefer stuff like AA.

I'm still going to get it though.

>> No.10407410

Whoa it's meant to be out already?

>> No.10407423

They were lewd to her.

>> No.10407447

the 25 looks like it has been drawn in with MS Paint

>> No.10407488

What is this? She looks a bit like Sanaë.

>> No.10407498


Illusion Soft presents Premium Play featuring Sanae

>> No.10407510

>Illusion Soft
Your body isn't ready for this.

>> No.10407522

And the cycle starts again..

>> No.10407556
File: 202 KB, 1518x1325, illusion_grief_cycle_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10407847

if you ever heard of a game called "Rapelay" by illusion, this is suppose to be its sequel

>> No.10407882

Does anybody know if the multipart archive on Share is legit?

>> No.10407934

its just been released yesterday, so most of them are just fakes, will take 2-3 fays atleast for the real one to show up

>> No.10408049

I've never been more ready for anything in my life.

>> No.10408319

Nips are terrible at this pirating shit. dlsite stuff is uploaded to pay2download sites and huge company made games are obtained by the Chinese first.

>> No.10408323

Are the penises still invisible?

>> No.10408352

So was the rapelay thing just all for show? Why even take the Rapelay website down and disassociate yourself from it completely and then come out with a game a few years later called Premium Rape Darkness.

Japan, I don't get it.

>> No.10408365

It's Premium PLAY Darkness, not Rape Darkness.

>> No.10408405

Ah. Yes. I blame my non-existant dyslexia.

Japan is a country of technicalities and semantics. Pretty cheeky that the sequel to ordin soft's Rape! Rape! Rape! was Play! Play! Play!

In any case, the intent is obvious. If I'm remembering correctly, this looks to be the hardest-looking release since the Rapelay debacle from Illusion, right?

>> No.10409323 [DELETED] 

I really wonder exactly how elaborate the monster rape parts will be.

>> No.10410112

It's about to have been two days with this game and it still hasn't been leaked or something

This thing must've had like no hype among the nips

>> No.10410134

I want to be excited by this, but I know Illusion will fuck it up like everything they do.

>> No.10410159

I wonder if they'll ever make a Bikou 4.

>> No.10410265

That was the stalking one right?

>> No.10412324

Day 3 on the Premium Play Darkness hunt...

We're running short on manpower and supplies...We keep searching for those damn Japanese droppings but they don't seem to be appearing anywhere. My feet hurt and the musics loud. I want to go home.

~Anonymous circa 1/26/2013

>> No.10413497

rev up share, its time

>> No.10413518


How can it be time if theres 3 hash codes?

>> No.10413523
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>>1041351One for each dishttp://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/downad/1359216251/9
I'd post that comment but it hits the spam filter.

>> No.10413541

>Perfect Dark in charge of being useful
Guess I'll wait, I usually get terrible speeds there anyways.

>> No.10413564
File: 11 KB, 1300x623, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks aniki

>> No.10413566
File: 4 KB, 140x154, doshio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patiently awaiting a torrent

>> No.10413583

Annnnd there we go

>> No.10413604

>Seeders: 1
>Leechers: 48

And so it begins.

>> No.10413673

so is it shit? the preview images look pretty shitty.

>> No.10413705

It's illusion, so it is always shit.


>> No.10413721

>>1041360Use girlcelly torrent nerdhttp://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfamp;tid=216231

>> No.10413731


but but tea time

I mean really everyone should at least have a laptop or rig capable of running at least one of their games at a decent FPS by now.

>> No.10413797

Use Share, I'm always getting better speeds than on ghetto-seeded torrents.

>> No.10413826

I agree.

>> No.10414006


>> No.10414097 [DELETED] 

I am wonder what is getting monitored harder by governments and third party organizations.
Share or torrents.

>> No.10414196

I'm already 48% done with the first one. is that a lot faster?

>> No.10414215

maxing out my 18 mbps connection


>> No.10414490 [DELETED] 

Hongfire has released their launchers.
But I am assuming we won't see any de-censors for a while.

>> No.10414509
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Can we skip a few steps?

>> No.10414518

Which steps?

>> No.10414527 [DELETED] 

There should be an exit from the cycle, when you realize how they're all shit.

>> No.10414691
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 2013_0127_1738_20888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10414707

A highschoolgirl, an office lady and an alien engaged in contemporary dance.

>> No.10414715

Me in the middle.

>> No.10414721

Me in the background

For those who's downloads have finished how is the game? Can you at least masturbate to it without much trouble?

>> No.10414722
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>> No.10414782

>can't be a girl and rape other girls

>> No.10415047

Needs to be more female domination.

The footjobs, anilingus and reverse rape isn't enough. The futa demon should fuck the male character at least.

>> No.10415120

It is absolute bullshit, you can only keep socks/pantyhose on if you make her keep all of her cloths on. I still fapped but the costume selection is meh and there isn;t a real way to get rid of the slant eye look.

>> No.10415158 [DELETED] 

Can anyone access this? I used to be able too.

>> No.10415185 [DELETED] 

Too bad the height slider only adjusts a difference equal to that of head or so at best.

>> No.10415194
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>> No.10415204
File: 141 KB, 1024x601, moonlanguage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the text all fucked up? I'm in moon locale.

>> No.10415215

their latest games require you to set format (date, money signs, etc) to japanese as well as the locale.

how did you not get this when playing AA?

>> No.10415278

Ballgags and blindfolds are only available in the studio mode, disappointing.

>> No.10415309

Any screenshots of the actual scenes? It looks very weird, particularly the faces. Why can't there be more games like CM3D?

>> No.10415327
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>> No.10415332
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>> No.10415345

Jesus fucking christ this is vulgar. And where the fuck do pigmen fit into this.

>> No.10415352

The title itself tells that it has some supernatural sides towards it, "DARKNESS". You can see an alien earlier here >>10414691.

>> No.10415383

There's no cosplay set, this is most likely malicious software, do not dl please.

>> No.10415424 [DELETED] 

Intriguing. 3 discs, mounting them in succession, installation moving forward.
But after the installation reached 100%, and I pressed finish, it crashed. And the game always crashes too, so it wasn't installed properly.

>> No.10415447

It is the preorder bonus.
Which is listed on http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=7577&gc=gc

>> No.10415466

what is hard mode? is there a european extreme mode if you beat it?

>> No.10415475

Illusion never fails to disappoint.

The game is ok fap material, but nothing else. There is no gameplay to speak with, and sex consists of choosing position and speed. The girls are NON customizable - you can change the breast size etc, but not their actual looks: same face, cant change hair, etc.

On a bright side - if has some very nice fetish animation/scenes and the poser is great: it seems the poser is actual main feature of the game: cant wait to see what people come up with (you can make animated scenes and sound them).

The "story" mode is linear story with random H scenes - story does not change by replaying, but sex scenes are choosen randomly.

>> No.10415486

What a shock. How hard does the fetish stuff get? I assume pigmen are as wild as the game goes.

>> No.10415492

Is there a way to change the male character doing the fucking/raping?

I didn't create a brown business waifu to just get fucked by some middle aged fart

>> No.10415501

I'll just be waiting for a new sexy beach or maybe home mate,
never really got into their "dark" stuff
Especially since it's more laughable than dark

>> No.10415503

>There is no gameplay
why cant they make an ero JRPG, like violated heroine
that would be awesome

>> No.10415521

Because they'd need to put in some effort. Why can't they make an open world rape sim, where a town is randomly populated with women you can stalk and rape in alleys, but if you do it in too public a place you get arrested? There are thousands of ideas, but who wants to waste time making good games when you can pump out shit and still sell out.

>> No.10415523

Ilusion has very little permanent staff. The games are made by interns who are hired for a few months at a time and then fired once the project is finished. This is why the quality of their games is so inconsistent.

>> No.10415524

how do I roll the camera? it defaults to a tilted perspective for a lot of scenes and it makes my neck hurt

>> No.10415530

A game like VH even existing for free is nothing short of a miracle. There's like at least like half a million worth of art and planning shoved into that thing and its not even done. In your freetime its easy to make something like that for free but in a business and on a schedule it can get pretty taxing mentally and financially.

>> No.10415535

>The game is ok fap material
that's all it's meant to be
I still don't get people who expect Illusion to make AAA-tier gameplay or basically recreate a virtual reality where you can do everything
it's supposed to be cheap animated porn, nothing more

>> No.10415540

Hold the left click and right click then move the mouse.

If you wanna zoom in use the wheel. I really don't understand why this just doesn't have an "ACTIVATE MOUSE CAMERA" button though that just centers the camera on you and you can drag it around and zoom in and out.. They've had it before IRC.

>> No.10415546

I don't see why it's so hard to take one of their existing customisable character creators, slap in a shit-load of customisation options and easy space for mod expansion, then spend the rest of the time working on sexual positions and finding a way to space them out over time. Maybe you've got to play a stupid minigame, or fuck some chick 10 times before you unlock a new position. Don't just give up everything at the start.

>> No.10415553

Anyone exported any studio scenes yet?

This is pretty awkward to position girls.

>> No.10415584

that only controls traverse. I'm talking about rotating around your axis of vision.

what's the point of a game that's nothing more than a glorified video browser? it's like a shooter stripped down to nothing more than a menu letting you pick which terrorists you want to watch your character shoot at.

>> No.10415763

Why can't more companies make games like Love Death 555 where you can go online and rape other players?

>> No.10415781

>Why can't they make an open world rape sim, where a town is randomly populated with women you can stalk and rape in alleys, but if you do it in too public a place you get arrested? There are thousands of ideas, but who wants to waste time making good games when you can pump out shit and still sell out.

I'd love to work on a GTA rape sim. I should go see if there's some startup company trying to do this.

>> No.10415787 [DELETED] 

The Girlcelly torrent one must be corrupt or something.

>> No.10415794

There's a decent market in really simple western H-games that appeal to one fetish in particular, because if you make any copy protection nobody is going to waste time cracking it. Big games would only get bought by morons, which is why they're usually aimed at people who still buy porn, with horrific 3D models that look like barbie dolls.

I guess kickstarter could work, but they've probably got something in their ToS about creating erotic content.

>> No.10415946

Too mean

>> No.10416576

Meh, boring game with okay graphics.

The cycle continues, except I stopped getting hyped for their games a few years ago.

>> No.10416592

Is there any other 3D game like Rapelay in which you can have non-consensual sex with a loli?

>> No.10416606
File: 427 KB, 1500x900, a7Es411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, no lolis at all? ;_;

>> No.10416656

I can't even fap to it. Therer is no way to get the eyes to even looks okay and the flat chest option is ugly.

>> No.10417177
File: 1.06 MB, 1273x679, strongindependantblackwoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no way to get the eyes to even looks okay

Slap on eye shadow and pray for the best. Its what i did. The camera is so shitty in this game anyway that most of the time you won't even be getting a good look at her face during sex. This game has a really weird style when it comes to the eyes. The only thing I can get out of it that I even remotely like is the generic asian idooru stuff.

>> No.10417724

At least there's rape now after a string of boring stuff.

I'd much rather have something in Schoolmate's style again, though.

>> No.10417750

I'd much rather have something like CM3D with AA graphics and animations.

>> No.10418028

have I not unlocked it yet or is this yet another game without any female masturbation?

>> No.10418709

>Jesus fucking christ this is vulgar. And where the fuck do pigmen fit into this.

That's clearly an average European.

>> No.10419345

If we're talking about 3D Eroge, does anyone have a link to 3D Custom Maid with all mods? I can't get the expansion with threesomes.

>> No.10419353

I want a new Rapelay game. I want to rape a 3D loli.

>> No.10419364

The best way to have fun is to imagine you own.

>> No.10419367

That the type of stuff I prefer but, it won't happen.

>> No.10419385


Pretty sure it's on nyaa. Girlcelly has most, if not all, of the discs up there. I just installed them last night.

>> No.10419415
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, www.dotup.org3890828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10419425


>> No.10419444 [DELETED] 

I encountered that bug too. If it is as I imagine, aside from their faces having been messed up, their thighs/legs should have expanded to be about as wide as their torsos.

I needed to restart or recast my cast in order to fix it. Then it occasionally happened again, at which point it needed to be fixed again.
But then again, the bug did not carry across over into the ero scenes, and the ero scenes seemed to fix it for the relevant character. Though that also means that the mega-thighs weren't allowed to be sexed up.

>> No.10419503

Someone please tell me thre is some guy or something.

>> No.10421649

So are there really only six personalities? I figured the 26 was something Illusion would never deliver on, but then when screenshots of the customization came out it looked like there would at least be twelve. Also no yuri is pretty disappointing. So much more could be done with their technical skills.

Waiting warmly for a real Hongfire patch before downloading, but if it looks like modding folks have already given it up as shit then I may not even bother downloading.

>> No.10422181

>no yuri
there's a demon girl but with the censoring I can't tell if she's a futa or using a dildo

>> No.10423966 [DELETED] 

You really don't need an interface patch for this thing.
The censorship was really light this time around, and to be honest it might even look better censored than whatever uncensor they come up with.

Otherwise it's quite a bit better than I expected.
Though I didn't expect clothes to be all presets with nothing to mix and match.

Also, remember to turn on Bump Mapping and Self-Shadows, it does all the difference.

>> No.10424418

I just realized プレイ is an anagram of レイプ. Mind blown.

>> No.10429514

I wonder what sort of thrilling murder mechanics Illusion Soft will implement this time.
Too many blowjobs and she bites your dick off?
Impregnate her before you've broken her in a bit and she lops your head off?
Riding may trigger a random gore scene?
The possibilities are endless.

>> No.10429546

worse than that:

a consensual option

>> No.10429585

haha you make me laugh /jp/

>> No.10429592

So it is a fighting game? What genre is this? It looks like shit btw

>> No.10429634

This looks consensual, or at the very least like slave training.
No rape, no virgins and no lolis. No download

>> No.10429759

>No rape,
There's plenty of rape.

And I'm pretty sure the consensual part is more of a breaking than actual consensual. Doesn't change that it's a mediocre game.

>> No.10429789

Doesnt the fact that this glorify rape disgusting to you? How do you support this?

>> No.10429797

No actual human beings are involved. Unless you are a bleeding heart ultra conservative, I wonder how you cannot see that.

>> No.10429798

im not a faggot that gets offended by fiction

>> No.10429807

I think you are on the wrong board mate.

>> No.10429853

looks like you didn't sleep with any girl ever...
Many girls enjoy to roleplay a rape situation with their partner.

also its a fucking game, who gives a shit about it.

>> No.10435998 [DELETED] 

>What genre is this?

>> No.10441916
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