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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10398065 No.10398065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which is the epicest 2hu tumblr?

>> No.10398072

Better check your privilege OP

>> No.10398075

In before this thread gets deleted because /b/ and /v/ don't like this particular content-hosting website.

Still waiting for WordPress and Pastebin to be banned.

>> No.10398079

why dose tumblr like the suit bunny and medic girl the best?

I see them a lot in these sort of pictures

>> No.10398085

They were both in Overdrive (a cool video, look it up).

>> No.10398088

leomdoesto is part of /jp/ now. Cool.

>> No.10398096
File: 55 KB, 500x404, tumblr_inline_mgftlnPdoR1qfk8ky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was always part of /jp/.

>> No.10398097
File: 40 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mfzh79L8h81r1gahfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they like the slut too

>> No.10398098

Who decided this? Because he's wrong.

>> No.10398100

tumblr is for women.


>> No.10398107

forgetting what?

>> No.10398110


>> No.10398112

Is it safe to assume the guy posting these on /jp/ is the same guy spamming pictures from that ugly camwhore?

>> No.10398117


>> No.10398121

>/jp/ regurgitates flan randomness, useless bunny, and slutty Sanae memes over and over
>gets butthurt and hostile when normies from tumblr do the exact same thing

News flash:You're just as bad as them.

>> No.10398123

This upsets me. The guy isn't a particularly bad artist or anything, he has a good comic style going, but he's chosen to leech off an existing franchise to boost his popularity. The same can be said of all Touhou fan works, but if this was a webcomic of original characters than nobody would care, whereas the notable Touhou fan games and comics would still be enjoyable even without the Touhou aspect.

>> No.10398129
File: 456 KB, 900x1200, 1354870474538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I'll assume it and watch my back from now on.

>> No.10398133

You're mom regurgitates my semen over and over too, but at least she doesn't misuse the quote and spoiler functions, you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.10398127

shut the fuck up

>> No.10398128

but touhou originated in jp

>> No.10398135

moot leech off touhou to earn money

>> No.10398137

News flash: What you said is not news.

Coming up: Who is this faggot quoting? What's inside that misused black box?

>> No.10398139

Please do not misuse the quoting function or else _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Surprise!!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Consider this your final warning.

>> No.10398142
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>> No.10398148
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can you guys please stop
it makes me really upset

>> No.10398150
File: 44 KB, 500x700, tumblr_m9ubkppAlS1r1gahfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10398162

that shes a slut lol

>> No.10398169

I'll show those attention whores something even better.

*grabs dick*

>> No.10398182

Can we just ban 2hu altogether?

Anyway, how the fuck do touhou "fans" even like this shit when clearly the characters drawn by these "artists" are just empty husks being used as a vehicle for the artists humor? Apart from their powers or whatever, just to add a little flavor.

In any case, it's just a bunch of people using this shit as a platform to gain popularity for their autistic talent and a little soapbox to blog from. People into this shit have no right to cry about ironic shitposting because they're 10 times as bad.

>> No.10398184

*Has a cardboard box attached to a piece of string hovering over an obvious trap with a carrot as the bait, Flandre in a nearby bush ready to pull the string and trap Reisen if/when she takes the bait* - Lil B

>> No.10398179
File: 40 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m7yh5gPGhy1r1gahfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10398180

These would be better if they were original creations.

What was that Tumblr about the fluffy round cat? It had GIFs and stuff.

>> No.10398203


thank you based anon

>> No.10398199

>Can we just ban 2hu altogether?
Can we just ban mlp altogether?
I honestly can never tell if the people who complain about 2hus on /jp/ are really serious or not.

>> No.10398231

you can think this way about every touhou fan work.

>> No.10398239

Why do they even go on /jp/ if they hate 2hu?

>> No.10398240
File: 99 KB, 571x1148, 1358945847267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rage comics and Touhou Tumblrs are the sprite comics of the 2010s. Deal with it.

>> No.10398248
File: 59 KB, 558x326, 2hu tweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case any anons wanted to use this to increase the epic factor of our next donge thread

>> No.10398255

are you using 2hu unironically?

Newfag neo /jp/er

>> No.10398263

It's not the only on-topic subject on the board, dipshit.

>> No.10398274

It's one of the two on-topic subjects on the board:
1. Touhou
2. Visual novels

Everything else should be deleted. At the very least, you shouldn't complain about either of these just because you only like the other. I don't go to /co/ and bitch about comics.

>> No.10398277
File: 12 KB, 184x184, b14c2bd537bdbb106d5ce851910ebb62108cda4b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am in STITCHES here

>> No.10398278

Are you pretending to be retarded or do you actually think this?

>> No.10398289

Dude "where do you see yourself in twenty years?", "/jp/-centric smartphone apps" and all the other threads the janitor makes are also /jp/ subjects. /jp/-related food isn't though. Remember that.

>> No.10398293

This is what 2hutards actually think.

>> No.10398296
File: 39 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m2btpwaVos1r1gahfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10398297

This thread is up in BUTT FLAMES

>> No.10398300
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>> No.10398303
File: 16 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m2btodZ4SE1qfk8ky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10398307

I genuinely think this. I understand why /jp/ exists, but everything else can go elsewhere. Touhou and VNs *can* go on /vg/, but they have a specific board (like /m/, /vp/ or /mlp/) and that board is /jp/.

Now that /vp/ and /mlp/ exist, I actually think /jp/ should be deleted and /th/ + /vn/ put in its place. They're both wide-ranging media and condensing the serious discussion into two threads makes little sense when there are so many games and derivative works.

>> No.10398311
File: 365 KB, 856x599, fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy epicness

>> No.10398317


>> No.10398318


>> No.10398319

Oh hey I remember you from /ghost/.

Yeah man, us 2hutards on the Touhou board. What's next? Warhammer fans on the traditional games board who don't think people should discuss Halo there?

>> No.10398320

What I worry the most about this is the amount of subhumans tring to talk about japanese-only games.

>> No.10398326

I don't post on /ghost/, only some vague comments on foolz archive for some 404 threads. I take it by /ghost/ you mean warosu.

>> No.10398325

I may be retarded, but is this legit?

>> No.10398332

Where board will the shitposters go to?

>> No.10398327

This is the otaku culture board.

>> No.10398330

This really takes me back.

>> No.10398339

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      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ..

>> No.10398341

I made a thread about this. Nobody cared. I understand I'm in the minority, but I think it's something more people should think about. moot didn't want to make niche boards, but Touhou is hardly niche and VNs are a whole category of games with thousands of releases. We have other franchise-specific boards, so /th/ wouldn't hurt.
Really, what else is there? Many people have pointed out how every other topic can go elsewhere (tea to /ck/, NEET advice to /adv/, etc.). I don't get why some people complain /jp/ is "becoming 2D/random" when that's exactly what it is. I think a "Touhou/VN" board would be better, but they make more sense as separate boards.

>> No.10398344

/v/, /sp/, /mu/, /b/ or /q/ where all shitposting spews uncontrollably.

>> No.10398345

Warosu is a reported attack site.

>> No.10398346

Make it again. It's a good idea.

>> No.10398348

That name doesn't mean anything. Were you here for the name change thread? /dg/ would have made more sense.

/b/, where they belong.

>> No.10398352
File: 516 KB, 862x754, 1354573017177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kinda old by now, but yes

>> No.10398356

The problem with /q/ is that no worthy /jp/er will bother going there. Only a circlejerk with such self-righteousness that in my one visit there I thought I was genuinely reading janitor and mod posts without trips. And they decide for you the direction of the board. Those sneaky fuckers made blog threads allowed and hail it as a great anti-shitposting victory, jesus christ.

>> No.10398358

That's a terrible name. The majority of VNs aren't doujin games, not to mention our other content.

>> No.10398364

I'm going to somehow make a game that tries to predict how long it takes for each thread to become a metathread.

>> No.10398366

This thread really derailed. Good job, gentlemen.

>> No.10398367

/jp/ is just like /v/ when /q/ came out (and before you say crossboarder (as if it means anything) you must be fucking blind to not have seen that shit all over /q/)

there was an image that was like "the degrees of /v/-related posting" with the max being videogame related posts and the minimum being something unrelated with /v/ taped on

think that 150 post "/jp/ ringtone" thread yesterday, shit was so unrelated it made me so mad i had to stop browsing for five minutes

anyway that's the shit that should get deleted

>> No.10398369

>it made me so mad i had to stop browsing for five minutes


>> No.10398370

>think that 150 post "/jp/ ringtone" thread yesterday, shit was so unrelated it made me so mad i had to stop browsing for five minutes

It won't get deleted and it will never be deleted. So as long as the right people make those threads.

>> No.10398374

>it made me so mad i had to stop browsing for five minutes

That doesn't sound very mad. I've heard of people that stopped browsing /jp/ for days because of how shitty it got.

>> No.10398372

>i had to stop browsing for five minutes
Was it comforting to go visit your homeboard?

>> No.10398371

Where are /jp/ers supposed to go when that happens? None of us want to share a board with subhumans from /a/ and /v/ who just happen to like Touhou/VNs. The main topic of /jp/ isn't Touhou or VNs, the topic is /jp/ers and the things /jp/ers like.

Your idea is terrible and I hope you feel terrible.

>> No.10398375
File: 246 KB, 800x600, 70f9760f28a3a95c1d0208b5a29705c7c7aab4a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing will come of it, though.

>> No.10398378

M-m-mah taking it easy!
Shitposters are really disgusting.

>> No.10398379

/jp/ is already filled to the brim with /a/ and /v/, you're just too deluded to notice.

>> No.10398383

The main topic of /jp/ is Japan.
It isn't named after Japan General again to stop the autistics from doing threads about shit like Japanese economy and Japanese politics.

>> No.10398384

/jp/ is already the Touhou/VN board. If people from /v/ want to discuss visual novels on /jp/, they will discuss them on /jp/. If they want to discuss them on /vn/, they will discuss them on /vn/. Same goes for Touhou and /th/. You can practise the same elitism or whatever, just with a focused topic.

>> No.10398389


I'm glad nothing will come of it, because it's fucking retarded

You stupid anti-ironic shitposting fascists don't fucking get it and never will

>> No.10398389,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ - my friends are here

>> No.10398389,2 [INTERNAL] 

Back to /jp/ /q/nitor.

>> No.10398389,3 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up, friend.
