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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 155 KB, 600x844, 1348707819976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10387365 No.10387365 [Reply] [Original]

Today my chrome's settings got reset for some reason and it don't want to change its language to glorious Japanese again.

This is a NEET thread to make it /jp/ related.

>> No.10387371

Had to shovel snow today.

My arms hurt.

>> No.10387389


Here's your problem.

I'm going to disassemble my old graphics card later and stick it in the oven with hopes of fixing it. Wish me luck.

>> No.10387387

i jacked off today and found out i had a detachable penis

>> No.10387393

I just filed my appeal for autism bux, wish me luck.

>> No.10387402


If you told anyone who hasn't heard about this before that you were doing this, they'd call you a fucking retard.

By the way I wished you luck.

>> No.10387406

Non-free software alert!

>> No.10387408 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 738x1024, 1346955353473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just scratched my anus and now my finger smells like poo.

Here's a chink cartoon girl to make it otaku culture.

>> No.10387409

Mail didn't come and I have something I ordered online not being delivered till tomorrow. Fuck Martin Luther King day, the postal service seriously needs to stop because of it? Looks like I'll be waiting a little more. In other news I'll make myself a bowl of rice and teriyaki/soy sauce like usual for dinner.

>> No.10387417

Wet snow and/or large snow falls are the fucking worst.

Especially if your house is on a corner which makes you have to shovel even more.

>> No.10387416

oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.10387419

Why is she vibrating?

>> No.10387421
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T-thanks Ika.

>> No.10387436
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>Mail didn't come and I have something I ordered online not being delivered till tomorrow.
i've got 7 games, 2 onaholes and 1 figure in the mail
also i didnt go to work or school today and i wont go tomorrow or the next day or the day after

>> No.10387443
File: 22 KB, 192x192, 4653734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she is in the silent mode

>> No.10387446


>> No.10387453

kero kero suruna

>> No.10387457

Are you implying you have a job and/or are still in school? This is the NEET thread mind you.

>> No.10387458
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>> No.10387463
File: 163 KB, 600x440, 799346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i meant i wont go to school or work, because i am a NEET

>> No.10387464

Please stop posting that stupid catgirl.

>> No.10387465


>> No.10387468
File: 322 KB, 729x717, lolsuika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10387472


>> No.10387474

Then why say that you're not going to work or school anytime soon when it is a given in a NEET thread?

>> No.10387475
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>> No.10387476

who are you quoting?

>> No.10387481

i bet u guys dont even use adblock lol

>> No.10387482

Please don't misuse the board redirection feature.

>> No.10387483

What's with all the Youtubeposting lately?

>> No.10387484

that's not chen you fucking retards

>> No.10387486

Remove honk from premises. You are the honk idiot, you are the honk smell.

>> No.10387487

What's youtubeposting?

>> No.10387489

A post that looks like a Youtube comment, naturally.

>> No.10387491

>when it is a given in a NEET thread
because it's not

>> No.10387497

But that's what NEETs do.

>> No.10387506

80% of people who post in these threads are not NEETs

>> No.10387510

They are NEET in spirit, which is what counts.

>> No.10387512

Do you really think someone would post in a NEET thread when they aren't a NEET?

>> No.10387513

no it's not

>> No.10387518

I fapped for the first time in a week I think, I can't even remember.
It was less than enjoyable compared to previous ones, I mean it felt good while I was doing it I guess but I kept thinking about other things completely unrelated to arousing material.
Even before I started, I couldn't make up my mind on what to fap to. Everything was there but I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't even think about masturbation during that time, I just decided that I didn't do it for a while.
I don't think I even orgasmed, I came and that was it. I didn't feel particularly bad but I didn't feel good or even relieved afterwards, it was just so mechanical.

If I could, I'd be feeling terrible because I can't even enjoy masturbation anymore, let alone VN and games. I hope it passes soon.

>> No.10387519


>> No.10387524
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1357796963054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you ever feel lonely you're a falseNEET. Shut-ins who are only isolated because they failed at real life are not welcome here.

>> No.10387525

That's just silly.

>> No.10387526

Who gives a fuck, daily shit thread with a lot of NEETS posting in it. That's what it always boils down to.

>> No.10387532

Any new NEETs in this thread enjoying their 3rd day in a row of NEETdom?

>> No.10387533

It's okay to be lonely at times.

>> No.10387534

it's just the usual amount of NEETs
the main reason these threads turn to shit is the non-NEETs shitting in them

>> No.10387538

Ah same here, it was on Saturday night, I'm feeling really depressed in general so pleasure is dulled for the most part in everything I do. It'll pass, I came a lot but it didn't feel that good.

>> No.10387539

Woo! I love having a three day NEETend! Too bad I have all this homework to do. School sucks.

>> No.10387541
File: 74 KB, 333x282, 1358576636783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never feel lonely because /jp/ is always with me.

>> No.10387545

You're a fucking loser, kill yourself.

>> No.10387555

No bullying.

>> No.10387560
File: 386 KB, 1280x1707, 1352944716317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no blly.

>> No.10387572

fuck off ugly slut

>> No.10387595
File: 66 KB, 720x540, 1335963091219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to sleep
stay NEET

>> No.10387598

who truNEET here?

>> No.10387604

Goodnight friend.

>> No.10387643
File: 688 KB, 286x310, chips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I noticed recently that I was starting to gain a little weight and I don't want to become a fat NEET, so I just stopped eating pretty much. What's wierd is that I don't even feel hungry.
I used to live on various pre-cooked food like pizza or various noodles and obviously this paired with lack of excercise caused me to gain weight. Now I only eat maybe two or three slices or bread every day.
And I noticed like I said that I'm not really left hungry. I still have appetite for warm food but for now I can restrain myself.

Just thought it was an interesting observating that this 'law of thermodynamics' argument holds some truth afterall: If you don't do much you don't need to eat much.

>> No.10387648

>Be in highschool
>computer class with idiot teacher
>find out where all the student folders are
>make new folder for me and a couple of bros to share info
>some autistic retard tries to do the same
>he proceeds to torrent UT04, MsOffice, and Photoshop CS2
>also writes a text file on how shitty the school security is
>gets caught, and he blames me
>I saw it coming so ran away to library computers
>access the shared folder, can't delete because one of my friends fucked around with the permissions
>track him down in class, and got him to log in and delete it
>delete folder completely
>waltz back into class
>teacher thought autist was bullshitting, and let me off the hook

>> No.10387656

hu r u qt

>> No.10387657
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>> No.10387658

That sounds better than eating regularly and doing NEETgymnastics really.

>> No.10387670

I just have to stop snacking out of just needing the taste of something in my mouth sometimes. If I can stop doing that combined with exercise I would feel much better about my body. Wouldn't be much better from what it is still out of my control but more acceptable to me.

>> No.10387678
File: 64 KB, 209x276, 1355543903914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10387682

Well, technically anyone who becomes a shut-in has "failed at real life".

>> No.10387688

I'm in a similar routine, except I never really cared if I gained weight because I rarely do.
I've been surviving on one meal a day along with some snacks in between. I don't feel hungry at all, although my stomach growls before I sleep which I stop with warm milk.
I went to sleep without it once and the next day was no different except I woke up when the sun already set.

I could probably last longer but I feel like I'm only eating so I don't die. It's probably destroying my digestive tract though.

>> No.10387690

There are even people who admit to having a job or going to school in these threads. It's not silly at all.

>> No.10387691

Wow, this is exactly what I'm trying to do right now. I got chubby since I don't lift or anything, a few days ago I stopped snacking and eating as much in general. I started to eat one meal for dinner, something small like some soup or some fruit or something. Hopefully this helps

>> No.10387703

Being NEET is supposed to be a choice, just like being gay.
You can change your mind at any time to build a normal life but it's hard to fix a hard worker who learns to take it easy.

>> No.10387705


>> No.10387713

Be careful, it doesn't matter if you eat very little, but eating constantly is important.
Some years ago I used to stay many hours without eating and without feeling hungry. I thought it wasn't a problem as long as I didn't feel hunger, but whenever I saw blood or accidents on TV (for example) after having eaten nothing in the last 12 hours or so, all the blood would rush to my head, I'd lose all of my senses and nearly pass out, so I had to lay down and close my eyes until that feeling went away. Whenever someone saw this happening, they'd say my face turned completely green.
Eventually I started to fear for my life, and started to eat at least a single tomato every 4 hours, and it hasn't happened again. I like tomatos.
Eating is important!

>> No.10387715

She wears the same glasses as me.

>> No.10387717

This sounds ridiculous. Seems to me you just can't see blood.

>> No.10387718


Good luck, anon-san.

>> No.10387727 [DELETED] 

Stop making up things!

Everyone knows that a reduced caloric intake increases lifespan. Then again, I doubt most people on /jp/ will live to 40.

>> No.10387728


>>10387688 here,
Never had anything like that happen so far but I do feel considerably weak and drozy (But I think its only a slight difference from when I ate 3 meals), but I do sometimes feel like just collapsing on the spot because keeping my body up is such a hassle.

>> No.10387732
File: 341 KB, 280x359, 1351561155629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had problems with blood and gory things, I don't think anyone in 4chan should. It only happens to me when I haven't eaten in hours, or alternatively, when I haven't slept in 2 days or more.
I'm not a medic but I'm just worried that it might happen to another /jp/sie.

>> No.10387770

Not him, but I fear blood a lot. ;__; Last time I saw blood I passed out.

>> No.10387772

why can't I get anything done?

>> No.10387785

I saw a dead psuedodog in the Cordon today. It was funny.

>> No.10387792

You're not good at breaking things down into smaller jobs and as a result your tasks seem disproportionately difficult.

>> No.10387793

I think my house is being haunted or something. At night I hear knocking on the walls and the other night my door opened

it wasn't like a person opening the door quickly, it opened very slowly and stopped half way

also today I went to the kitchen early in the morning and all the cabinets were opened as well as the oven and fridge

>> No.10387798

Kissing you while you sleep is hungry work sorry

>> No.10387824

did these get deleted?

I couldn't find the other thread

>> No.10387837

>It is predicted that by the end of this year, female gamers will outnumber men for the first time.

Bullshit. Playing on your shitty phone is not the same as playing on a console or computer.

>> No.10387846

It was your parents.

>> No.10387855

ask the ghost if it wants to watch anime with you

>> No.10387853

nuhuh it was a ghost

my parents were asleep downstairs

>> No.10387860

Tell us about it.

>> No.10387866

Is the ghost with right now? Tell it to get on its ethereal knees and suck on my dick.

>> No.10387869


Next time you go into the kitchen, make sure you're naked. It'll probably scare whatever it is away.

>> No.10387933

Anyone ever have Deja-Vu?

I feel like I've lived this NEET life before

>> No.10387971

Every day feels the same.

>> No.10387977

Nope. Something new happened to me today.
I was sitting on my foot then I had to get up to go to the bathroom but then I feel because my foot was asleep.

>> No.10387981


>> No.10387993

This happened to me once. Usually I feel my leg get tingly when I sit on it for too long and I sit another way.

This one time however I felt nothing, maybe because it was freezing in the middle of winter. I was sitting on my leg for possibly a few hours, got up for one reason or another and I couldn't move my whole leg. It was so numb I couldn't even feel it when I fell over. It was actually kind of cool in an odd way but scary at the same time.

>> No.10387995


>> No.10388154

do that to your arm and jack off

it's called the stranger danger

>> No.10388160


That slug is so moe.

>> No.10388201

Pretty sure its just the stranger, dude

>> No.10388209

There was a power outage for the last 2 hours
I thought I wud die, i missed u /jp/

>> No.10388252

After I got my power supply from the electronics store downtown I stopped at the mall and I noticed while walking to the entrance that there were some black government SUVs in the parking lot with guys wearing body armor and khaki pants with hand guns standing around them. I walked up to one and said I was curious why they were there and he told me they were watching the bus stop. Dunno why that single bus stop needs DHS monitoring.

>> No.10388331

later this evening there will be a shooting at whatever mall you were at

false flag to help Obama's anti-gun laws take effect.

>> No.10388367

my house is falling apart, theres cracks that get wider in the ceiling and walls everyday and everything is either broken or breaking as i type.

I hope it doesn't collapse and kill me. then again sometimes it wouldn't seem like such a bad way to go out. my death might make a good news story and maybe my family would get legalbux or insurance

>> No.10388391

I would be very sad if you died.

>> No.10388444

sounds badly built if it's literally falling apart

>> No.10388467

Why are you typing in kerocolors?

>> No.10388494

I just got a letter giving me an appointment with some government instance.

They want me to bring proof that I'm actively looking for work or else they won't give me welfare money for at least 6 months.

I'm so fucked.

>> No.10388500

Just send in applications to places you know won't hire you.

>> No.10388542

Mom said I should go out and date someone.
First time she said that to me after years of Hikki life.
What should I do?

>> No.10388545

Ask her to be your date.

>> No.10388551

go out and date someone

>> No.10388554

Date another man.

>> No.10388558

I'm glad they are doing their job, serves you right fucking leech. Which state are you? I need to call and thank my representative.

>> No.10388560

That won't work.
But I don't know anyone.
I don't have friends either.

>> No.10388564


>> No.10388567

Say you have an internet girlfriend.

>> No.10388568

it won't be suspicious that all the applications are from between receiving the letter and the appointment. good job

not america

maybe i'll file for depression and the i can get exempt from working or something

>> No.10388570

Do this. I'll be your internet gf.

>> No.10388576

Being a NEET for 2.5 years now and it seems like I am going to be committed to a mental institution.
I just hope that they'll diagnose something which gives me benefits in some form.

Also I had to leave my house for 3 hours today and that was the worst thing that happened to me for these years.

>> No.10388577

What country do you live in?

>> No.10388580

It seems pretty easy to get benefits over here.

>> No.10388591

I checked the mail 5 times today only to realize just now that it's MLK day so we wont be getting mail today.

>> No.10388597

What are you waiting for?

>> No.10388596

Quien Ni-Ni aqui?

>> No.10388631

Try using a browser that isn't shit.

>> No.10388635

Some kind of notification for a hearing so I can get autism bux. It's been a year, so it should be soon.

>> No.10388641

Enjoy being denied repeatedly.

>> No.10388831

I recently decided to step up my internet privacy/anonymity a lot. However, wouldn't it come off as suspicious to my ISP if I suddenly dropped off the radar just like that?

I don't really do bad things on the internet, but I don't want those fat-cats on wall street knowing what I fap to.

>> No.10388837

What do you fap to?

>> No.10388844

Almost exclusively 2d feet and foot accessories.

>> No.10388881

It's tough being a NEET when the gubbermint won't give you free cash. I wish I had rich parents or something.

>> No.10388892


Where are you getting your money from?

>> No.10388894
File: 76 KB, 489x409, bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just win the lottery like me.

>> No.10388900

Sucking dick and stealing from my grandparents.

>> No.10388910

Anyone here playing TERA on Fraya server? My Elin is very lonely and is in need of company. Do not apply if you want to violate me.

>> No.10388914

I've already been denied once, but this time I have lawyers. They don't get paid if they lose, so hopefully they'll do their job and this time I'll get an approval.

>> No.10388916
File: 77 KB, 489x409, 1358809703481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10388924

Yaawwwn.... Is it free already?

>> No.10388927

I just sent in my appeal form, but I don't have a lawyer. I shouldn't need one since I'm applying due to a physical disability, so I wouldn't have to prove as much, but they'll still probably dick me over.

>> No.10388928

F2P officially hits in February but you can start playing already for some reason.

>> No.10388933


F2P for NA or EU?

>> No.10388938


>> No.10389805

That's a really cute image OP. Thanks for using one like that.

>> No.10389813

stop that, it's insincere.

>> No.10389824

how are you "stepping it up"?

>> No.10389867

Hey, I was being honest.

>> No.10389885


I was going to post this picture as a thread because people are being mean on the front page.

any in-bed-all-day otaku here?

>> No.10389889

I got the shits, it feels bad

>> No.10389896

I only leave my bed to find an empty bottle to piss in.

>> No.10389914

Use Chromium if you respect your freedoms

>> No.10389945

Lately I've been playing Sonic games to comfort me. In particular I've been playing the Generations versions of the Genesis levels.

Some guy is porting some PS3/360 levels to PC in Generations. When I watch the videos of him playing them, the Generations levels feel so small. Their music isn't as good as the music for the Genesis levels.

Speaking of Genesis, why was the music from that console so good? All the music had a certain sound to it, kind of melancholic.

>> No.10389977

How'd you get it? Bad food?
I remember I went to a family reunion and everyone but me + a few others, got sick because the main dish had contaminated meat.

>> No.10390020

I hate leaving the house but a few days ago I decided too. I now have a bacterial infection all over my face I have to wash it with this gross soap and ointment it three times a day. Ain't never leaving the house again.

>> No.10390043

At least you don't have a smelly ass. I don't know exactly what caused it but I had it growing up. I suspect it was somehow bacterial-related (maybe ass-mold) because it only happened when I would sit in my leather computer chair while being fat.

>> No.10390045
File: 63 KB, 453x411, 1348373750930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I just signed up for disability money just so I can buy a new computer. Now that I have a very good one I can just stay with my parents and not continue with their shitty "find work and be a slave" program.

>> No.10390063


>> No.10390078

looking for real friends please respond

must have money

>> No.10390087

I have a bacterial infection too, it's a rash all over my body. I didn't go outside, though.

>> No.10390088
File: 20 KB, 580x398, nofuckinjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO bourgeois scum. I got no fuckin job at all man.

>> No.10390096

I would totes hang out with that yellow monkey.

>> No.10390101

MAN this guy is such an epic tru jp bro.

>> No.10390152

>tfw he might already be dead
inb4 who u quote?

>> No.10390174

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10390180

I like going out for walks. It's good preparation for being homeless.

>> No.10390189

Pretending to be homeless to get free food from shelters is also a good way to prepare for your inevitable homelessness.

>> No.10390202

Can't you just leech off your parents?

>> No.10390209

I think I could deal with being homeless without notice.
I don't particularly fear anything anymore and not above doing what needs to be done to survive.

>> No.10390222

I have a phobia of homeless people. Which sucks because I'll probably end up becoming one if something happens to my parents.

>> No.10390250
File: 19 KB, 480x270, finnish cell 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone want to be homeless
just go to prison and take it easy

>> No.10390256

We're not all that lucky.

I know what you mean. I feel ready to just give up and let go. Almost. The one thing I'm scared of is being dirty. It sounds petty, but I can't fucking stand feeling dirty, especially having dirty hair. That shit drives me crazy.

>> No.10390280

Coincidentally I feel exactly the same way, I don't feel at my best unless I've bathed and cleaned my hair.

Though recently I've forgone doing it every second day to save money but I hate it when my hair gets really greasy after the third day and I just want to scratch my scalp even though its not really that itchy.
I think I could solve the problem with a hat but I rarely go outside so there's no point.

>> No.10390293

I'll play little girl simulator

post a throwaway email (1948). cumnaly

>> No.10390296

why are European prisons so nice?

Here I'd get raped by minorities

>> No.10390300

I hate that feeling so much. I can go one day at best, but after that I can't stand it. I think if it was for certain that I'd be homeless the first thing I'd do is have my head shaved.

>> No.10390309

I was semi-homeless for a while and it wasn't so bad.

>> No.10390313

What's the longest you haven't had a job?

I'm going on 4 years this May

>> No.10390318

I've never had a job.

>> No.10390328

I had one once

night security in a dangerous part of town with wild hobos and druggies.

You know a job is going to be bad when they make you buy a stab vest. Quit so quickly.

>> No.10390327
File: 571 KB, 689x1000, 24429864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 years

>> No.10390329

I've never had a job.

>> No.10390331

19 years

>> No.10390333

That'd probably be the best idea, especially in summer. I wouldn't have time to think about looking presentable.
It would be cold in winter but you could just get a wool cap or something.

Another problem I think most people considering homelessness overlooks would be what would become of their otaku hobbies. Granted you'd be forced into the situation with little preparation and would be focused on not dying, but I imagine you'd still have spare time and need something to keep you from giving up so easily.

>> No.10390338

Never had a job.

Work: Not even once.

>> No.10390340

Since most of you are NEETs do you grow your hair out?

I was thinking of getting a shaver to buzz cut

I don't like thick long hair

>> No.10390344

I shave my head once a year, long hair is a hassle.

>> No.10390348

How do you guys know work if so bad if you've never tried it?

>> No.10390350

Getting a job is the hard part. Unfortunately, it's really, really hard. If getting a job were easier, I'm sure more NEETs would give it a chance.

>> No.10390351

I know people who work and they're all miserable. I don't want to risk my happy life just so I can fit in with the rest of society.

>> No.10390360

i have long hair
i'd like to shave it all off, but i'm ugly enough as it is

>> No.10390365

Who do you have to look good for? Us? Just shave it off, you'll love it after a while.

>> No.10390366


>> No.10390367

Government should have more jobs that are impossible to get denied from

>> No.10390372

Have any fun stories from that? Why didn't you stick with it and become a real popo? Quite a few officers used to be security guards at one time or another.

>> No.10390370

Joke's on you - you don't need to go to prison in Finland (or in any other Nordic country). It's cheaper to keep non-criminals out of them.

>> No.10390373

I get a haircut once my fringe reaches my eyebrows.
I have incredibly thin straight hair, which I can make look half decent but as soon as any form of weather so much as makes contact it becomes frizzy as fuck.

It used to be better when I was younger and I didn't even try to make it look good.

>> No.10390375

What are you thinking about? It's possible to be denied admittance to the army for having flat feet or whatever. Plus that's not a job, that's a suicide method.

>> No.10390378

They do for certain 'disadvantaged' categories. Do you have one that qualifies?

>> No.10390382
File: 35 KB, 300x248, 1346318868905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First job interview in eight years tomorrow.
Have I betrayed the NEETs?

>> No.10390389

i'm not trying to look good, just not butt ugly

>> No.10390388

You have brought dishonor to us all.

>> No.10390392

I don't know

Labour camps or something

As long as you're not a druggie

Too many jobs these days NEED you to be social and I don't like that.

>> No.10390394

nah you'll fail all is well

>> No.10390395

I worry about what will become of my stuff. I obviously can't take my figures and my dakimakura with me, but I can't just throw them away either. I also worry about all the data on my computer. I hate the idea of someone going through it all. Even if I have nothing to hide, I still can't stand it.

>> No.10390398

>Labour camps
That's what you send prisoners of war to during combat. Maybe you mean job training programs? That still isn't a job, it just helps you get one, possibly.

>> No.10390401

There should be some sort of individual military unit where they recruit people who have nothing to live for.

You wouldn't need to tell them any revealing information should they get captured and equipment could be cheap mass-produced basics.

It'd easily solve dangerous jobs that aren't worth risking the life of a trained soldier.

>> No.10390407
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Is it weird that I want it to fail?
Ironing my "nice clothes" that I haven't worth in 2 years as we speak.

>> No.10390408
File: 20 KB, 363x445, 200631662421558551_Door_Lock_Installation_Kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a lock and key.

>> No.10390410

No. You'll be feeding them. You may become very successful, pay lots of tax in the absolute sense (not %) and grow angry at them for mooching off more money than you think they deserve though. In that case welcome to the Republican or conservative party of your country.

>> No.10390412

What am I supposed to lock them inside of?

>> No.10390418

Your room. They have door handles that have locks in them.

>> No.10390422

It'd be problematic but you would either have to sell them off or put them in storage if you could fund the fee. Though that would mean you could live in the garage... Perhaps if you kept them at your parent's house, but why not live there in the first place.

This is turning out to be a hard decision.

>> No.10390419

I hope you get the job.

>> No.10390421

I'd sign up for that

I have nothing to lose anyways

>> No.10390428

Homeless people don't have rooms. That's part of being homeless. Unless you mean leave them behind and my old house, which I'm pretty sure would eventually be emptied out to allow for someone else to move in.

My material positions are what is keeping me from throwing away all material positions. I just can't win.

>> No.10390435

>You wouldn't need to tell them any revealing information should they get captured and equipment could be cheap mass-produced basics.
They already exist, anon.

>There should be some sort of individual military unit where they recruit people who have nothing to live for.
Depressed people make bad soldiers.

>> No.10390441

Do you expect homelessness to be a temporary thing?

>> No.10390444

Indeed. They have enough trouble with supposedly "mentally stable" soldiers offing themselves as it is.
Do they even allow you to enlist if you've been diagnosed with depression?

>> No.10390449

I want to suck /jp/'s dick :3

>> No.10390452

Could try to drug them up with meth and some other uppers. That and give them a scapegoat for their problems based on the enemy. As long as you don't need them to do detailed, intricate work it might work. IED meatshields the professional military doesn't have to feel bad for would be great.

>> No.10390453

I don't have a dick

>> No.10390454

Mine is covered in smegma, is that fine?

>> No.10390460

that's also fine
maybe, i dunno what it tastes like.

>> No.10390464

How does this happen? I shower once every week tops and never had visible smegma.

>> No.10390469

I try to build up as much as I can in case I run into a lady who wants to try and steal my virginity.

>> No.10390471

Depends when. When they're desperate, don't ask don't tell.

>> No.10390478

No, but it's kind of hard to comprehend. I mean, imagine living your entire life like that. It's kind of hard to wrap your head around. I thought I understood it, but it's stuff like that that makes me realize I don't.

>> No.10390474

I only shower once a month and I don't masturbate too often

>> No.10390477

That sounds disgusting frankly.

>> No.10390483

You've obviously never run into a harlot out to ruin a man's chance at wizardom.

>> No.10390504

Have you ever smelled your toenail cheese?

It smells like that but more cheesy

>> No.10390514

Have you ever or do you ever expect to be employed?

>> No.10390518

What the heck is toenail cheese?

>> No.10390526

Smell one of your toenails next time you clip them and you'll know what they're talking about.

>> No.10390529

Never been employed, and I'm rather negative about my prospects. It's not like I haven't been trying either, which a lot of people like to assume. Fuck me if no one is hiring, what am I supposed to do?

>> No.10390539

I take it you've applied to most employers with entry-level positions in your city? Retail and the like? Have you contacted your local government resources for helping people find work?

>> No.10390541

Well, right now anyone could just take your stuff, so what difference would it make? You have to sleep eventually.

>> No.10390546
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Who here would feel a lot better if they were cute slim girls?

>> No.10390558

>It smells like that but more cheesy
For once, I'm glad the jews mutilated my dick.

>> No.10390562

Yeah, same old "we need someone with experience but we're not willing to provide someone with the experience."
The government resources are almost all devoted to helping laid off people get jobs again. My town got hit hard by the crash so people like me aren't their focus anymore.

>> No.10390561

I would probably except I'd end up like an unemployed Anzu.

>> No.10390568

I have an uncut dick and I never get smegma.

I shower like once a week too.

>> No.10390571

>For once
You mean you aren't always grateful that your Jewish overlords allowed you to become more like them?

>> No.10390573

Your family could probably pull some strings though the job would probably be less than desirable.

>> No.10390579

Even shit like the local McD's and shelf stocking at big box stores? Well, if your town really got raped by the recession then I guess a lot of people are competing for those positions.

>> No.10390582

/jp/ aka People Who Need To See A Psychiatrist

>> No.10390586

What's it like having a foreskin?
It seems inconvenient and makes the head sticky.

I can just reach down and fondle myself without taking my dicks clothes off.

>> No.10390590

It's actually very handy. I use it to store M&M's during long car rides.

>> No.10390593

Neurotypicals get out of /jp/.
Nobody on 4chan is even remotely mentally stable.

>> No.10390596
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And your face needs to see a plastic surgeon.

>> No.10390600
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>> No.10390601 [DELETED] 

get a job you fucks

>> No.10390603


You can't force to me to leave, I can just post here and tell you how much of a fucked up loser you are until you kill yourself, it's your destiny anyways so you should be glad for me helping you.

>> No.10390604

Who the HELL are you?!

>> No.10390605 [DELETED] 

who the HECK are you?!?!?!?!?!?/!?1?!?1??!

>> No.10390607
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>> No.10390608
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Simple Epic.

>> No.10390612
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Nice 1

>> No.10390615

To be honest if I could have a board as a best friend it'd be /jp/.

>> No.10390619

If getting lectured ruthlessly by family and strangers face to face doesn't even phase me, what makes you think you, a faceless string of letters that make sense through pure coincidence, even have the absolute miniscule insignificant chance to effect me at all?

>> No.10390623

You realize it'll never be mutual without ulterior motives.

>> No.10390627

They say they'll help me but it's always "Oh yeah I'll be sure to get on that." But I guess I don't have a choice but to wait anyways.
Pretty much any position will get snapped up. I managed to get an interview for a job just doing storeroom inventory but while I was there waiting I heard someone else being interviewed and it sounded like an middle aged man. I didn't get the job in the end.

>> No.10390640

So someone who doesn't want to be a wageslave has "failed at life", huh?

Interesting logic there, normie.

>> No.10390650


You don't think it will, but eventually it will all get to you and you'll kill yourself. You can't live forever on your family's money and the government.

>> No.10390653

Well, as long as you're looking, you might find something eventually when (if) the economy turns up.

Is there something that's preventing you from stuffing them into a cardboard box and stuffing it in your parent's basement / attic when you leave?

>> No.10390654

Are you immortal?

>> No.10390659

It isn't called wageslavery if you got money :p

>> No.10390661

Girls can leech off of men indefinitely so yes

>> No.10390663

By society's standards, yes.

>> No.10390668

Fuck off.

>> No.10390665

I make money off the internet

any other neets with clever ways to get money? You don't have to share your secrets

Right now I manage 20-30k a year so it's like a part time job

>> No.10390667
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Fuck your society then.

>> No.10390670

no bully!

>> No.10390678

They're incredibly nosy and would no doubt go through it and maybe even throw it away once they saw what it is. They'd probably blame my unemployment on it.

>> No.10390685

What if I have really bad social anxiety?

>> No.10390689

social anxiety is all in your mind

clean your mind

>> No.10390691

That's like asking to clean the desert of sand.

>> No.10390692

I wish I had something to do. Like a goal to work towards little by little.

>> No.10390694

I make youtube vids

it makes me feel useful when people comment and like.

>> No.10390696

Thanks for the laugh, for real.

>> No.10390701
File: 54 KB, 654x439, 1326410430710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it /jp/ why are you so negative about everything? Surely things will work out if you put some effort in!

>> No.10390702

I dont know why you guys care so much.
If you have a place to stay, isnt starving and can enjoy your hobbies, just be a truNEET.
The situation isnt changing anytime soon.
FalseNEET please go.

>> No.10390703


pls leave

>> No.10390705

Into what? I have nothing to do. Nothing interests me except the things I can't do (being a lone gunman in a post apocalyptic world, magic, conspiracies etc)

>> No.10390706

How do I do that?

>> No.10390713

How many NEETs are in your country?

Canada has 1 million strong

>> No.10390716

>Statistics Canada carried out the first comprehensive study into the state NEETs in Canada in 2012. It was revealed that around 13% of Canadians between the ages of 15-29 fell into the category. Despite the percentage being the second lowest in the G7 nations the total number of young Canadians that were classified as NEETs currently stands at 904,000.
The study also revealed that out of the total 904,000 NEETs around 513,000 were not looking actively for jobs. The study also suggested that long-term unemployment was not necessarily due to wider disenchantment with the labour market but rather arose out of varying factors. The study also revealed that 82% of the young people not in the labour force did not actually want to be placed in long-term employment. The study classified the Canadian NEET population not to be "in a high risk, negative state"

>> No.10390722

>Canada has 1 million strong
I didn't know that.

>> No.10390728

I don't like the term "NEET"

technically, there are a lot of people our age in western countries who can't find work and aren't going to school. But the thing is, most of them have social lives and spend all their time hanging out with friends. I want a new term that refers specifically to shut in NEETs with poor social skills who steal money from their parents and starve themselves to buy figurines.

>> No.10390732


His society is your society, Being a shut-in don't isolate you in the society. Unless you live in a "No mans land". Then you build your own society

>> No.10390733

shut in NEETs are Hikikomori, no?

>> No.10390734 [DELETED] 

Canada is a bad place to be a NEET. I am unable to get money from the government no matter how much I try.

>> No.10390739

Not a minority? hehehehe

>> No.10390742

Almost 8 million.
Too bad most of them are normies and narcos.

>> No.10390745

>The study also revealed that out of the total 904,000 NEETs around 513,000 were not looking actively for jobs.
I wonder why /jp/ is as small as it is. There are about 50 000 young Finns NEETing it up fo' real.

>> No.10390752

most of those NEETs are alcoholics and druggies

too dumb to use computer

>> No.10390756 [DELETED] 

I'm a NEET alcoholic druggie who posts on /jp/. I'm very good at computers and internet.

>> No.10390763

your ass must be raw from all that gay prostitution

>> No.10390802

That's incorrect. If you include older folk (30+), i.e. the real alcoholics, the number is over 250 000. I wasn't referring to the 50 000 immigrants, retards, criminals and high-school dropouts that have been visible in the media lately.

"Students", actual graduates and nerds who just leech off their parents without registering aren't included in that number. No one talks about them..

>> No.10390820

Maybe you can find someone in your town to keep them for you.

>> No.10390850

What's the most popular Japanese porn site?

>> No.10390862 [DELETED] 


>> No.10390983

I like it

>> No.10391116

fc2 maybe

>> No.10391381

I should have gone to sleep but it's going to get too bright before I can doze off. Looks like I'll be going the full 48 hours.

What are /jp/'s sleeping patterns like?
I assume you other NEETs are nocturnal.

>> No.10391409

pretty much, it's about 1 am here and I slept earlier.

the sun rises on the same side as the window in my room, but my bed is in the corner, right under it so i don't really ever get hit with sunlight.

>> No.10391417

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10391445


sleep all day

stay up all night

>> No.10391476

I wish I could do that, but I have to help my mother doing some homework everyday so I can't sleep after 10am.
It's not like she is making me do physically exhausting tasks, but I guess she just wants me to do something since I didn't even graduate from high school.

>> No.10391778

Just start using a piece of clothing as a blindfold.

As soon as I started doing that I was pretty buch beyond saving.

>> No.10392066

Got up and was reading this thread a bit, that talk about becoming homeless is really scary. I couldn't make it out on the streets with nothing, I'd probably commit suicide if it came down to that.

>> No.10392592
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I like to keep a fairly normal sleep schedule. It makes it easier to motivate myself to do things.

>> No.10395436

how can I make neetbux if I'm not autistic?
