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10387061 No.10387061 [Reply] [Original]

New Rika story.

>> No.10387077

are you sure?

>> No.10387076

She gets killed, right?

I don't play through this shit.

>> No.10387084

Maybe she go to the forest make some new house

>> No.10387090

In what order am I supposed to read this?

>> No.10387091

From start to finish.

>> No.10387093

No, I mean in the official VN, she gets offed and murdered a bunch of times, right?

Or am I thinking of something else?

>> No.10387097

hundreds of times

>> No.10387102


>> No.10387111
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>> No.10387115


>> No.10387120

But can't her gasoline keep her warm?

>> No.10387122

I love you rika anon

>> No.10387130

The caterpillar knows no bounds.

>> No.10387140
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>> No.10387153
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>> No.10387156

Will she take her revenge on the caterpillar? Will she befriend him? Will she ally with the moon to lay him low?
I cannot wait to see how this epic ends.

>> No.10387201
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>> No.10387216

did she died?

>> No.10387237

Oh god, Takano was the true villain all along!

>> No.10387262

Oh my mii

>> No.10387270

Beato come to animu room!

>> No.10387295

Epic. Simply epic. Those noodly appendages.

>> No.10387311

time to put a penis on her mouth like ye olde times

>> No.10387628

So nipah

>> No.10387647

I look forward to your RGD comics in the future!

>> No.10387651 [DELETED] 

>I look forward to your Higanbana comics in the future!

>> No.10387661


That too.

>> No.10387672 [DELETED] 

why /jp/ so autism

>> No.10388520
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>> No.10388533

How did she survive?

>> No.10388540


>> No.10388556
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the rika furudo got trapped in tv and broke out?

>> No.10388563

It is her
1. Table
2. Window

She was scared ad tv and watch mashrooms, sticks, stones

>> No.10388581 [DELETED] 

I hate how Higurashi's shitty fanbase completely ignores Rika.

I hate how they call Frederica "Rika", too.

I also hate how they think DEEN told them anything about the actual story. The whole fucking cast was mischaracterized, goddamit.

>> No.10388584
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>> No.10388610

Thank you for the rica story

>> No.10388615


>I hate how Higurashi's shitty fanbase completely ignores Rika.


Rika is one of most loved Higurashi character.

>> No.10388628

This is probably my favorite post on /jp/.

>> No.10388647 [DELETED] 

You mean Frederica Bernkastel.

I've never seen any doujins, fanfics, etc. featuring Rika. And by Rika I mean the actual Rika. A quiet, innocent little girl from Hinamizawa who doesn't know shit about different fragments.

I know she doesn't get too much character development (even Ooishi is better in that regard), but she doesn't deserve to be ignored like that.

>> No.10388700


No, I'm talking about Rika

Check this http://www.07th-expansion.net/2012vote/hig/result_hig.htm

>> No.10388738 [DELETED] 

Rika isn't even a secondary character, there's no way she could be that high.

The people who voted for "Rika" only call her "Rika" because they are all anime-watchers, like 90% of the shitty Higurashi fanbase.

I agree with the top 3, though. And I'm glad Mion won, she is a bro.

>> No.10388754
File: 29 KB, 600x239, Takano_More_cool_that_that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takano is only bro

>> No.10388774 [DELETED] 

[X] removal of all TIPS and cast review segments
[X] showing arcs out of order
[X] forgoing the core "mystery" element for a "madness" element
[X] DEEN crazyface
[X] showing Frederica Bernkastel on camera
[X] skipping scenes

DEEN = worthless

>> No.10388779


Look, believe whatever you want but Rika is third, it's a fact.

And we're talking about a poll on the 07th Expansion's site, not on the DEENìs site or some anime's site.

>> No.10388802 [DELETED] 

You called me a faggot.
I told you you were wrong.

I called you a faggot.
You told me I was wrong.

We called OP a faggot.
And finally, we were both right.

- Frederica Bernkastel

>> No.10388807

>Frederica Bernkastel
I want to fuck you so bad.

>> No.10388819 [DELETED] 

The character is officially "Rika" until EP9, that's why she's called Rika on the 07th Expansion's site.

That doesn't change the fact that the actual Furude Rika is ignored by most fans as I said here >>10388647

I don't know why you keep denying it. Do you hate Rika or something?

>> No.10388821


shut the f*ck up with your crazy theories

>> No.10388829 [DELETED] 

It's not a theory, animefag.

Go back to /a/.

>> No.10388867


>That doesn't change the fact that the actual Furude Rika is ignored by most fans

Anime fans you mean.

And since it's a poll on 07th Expansion's site we're talking about the VN fans (and the manga too maybe)

>> No.10389036
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WTF are you guys talkin about

>> No.10389088

What the hell are you on about? Rika is by far the most popular Higurashi character.

>> No.10389131 [DELETED] 

You are a perfect example of how shitty the Higurashi fanbase is.

Fuck DEEN and Ryukishi for not suing them.

>> No.10389147

No, you are a perfect example of what you are talking about. Everything you are saying is wrong and you are acting like an autist.

Please go away.

>> No.10389157

Please reconsider the use of the word "autist" in your vocabulary.

>> No.10389176 [DELETED] 

I wish you were dead, you fucking retard.

Keep sucking DEEN's cock.

>> No.10389181

Amazing argument. Pointing out that I am using the word 'autist' in a non-standard slang way.

>> No.10389184

It's the perfect word to use to describe your extremely autistic behavior.

>> No.10389189

I dont think DEEN did an amazing job either but I just want people like you to go away so the fanbase is less retarded.

>> No.10389210

I'm not the other guy, I'm just overseeing this conversation and making sure it goes according to /jp/ standards.

>> No.10389213 [DELETED] 

I'm a big fan of 07thExpansion.

It just saddens me to see how most Higurashi fans have only watched that mockery of the original, which wasn't even an adaptation. They keep saying how shitty Umineko Anime was, even though Higurashi did way, WAY more damage to the fanbase.

>> No.10389224

Who gives a shit? Stop unnecessarily bringing it up in every thread.

>> No.10389256 [DELETED] 

>Who gives a shit?
I can't find anyone to talk properly about Higurashi. They are all animefags.

If I find someone who doesn't know anything about it, they'll spoil themselves with the anime.

It's horrible and fuck you.

>> No.10389351

No, its just you. It wasnt a mockery just because it was done in a way you didnt like. I didnt like it as much as the original of course but it was still enjoyable. Theyre obviously not going to make a 100% faithful adaptation and what they made was definitely passable. All adaptations made for TV change things around anyway due to time limitations and whatever,

Just because you cant find anyone to talk about the VNs with doesnt mean you have to type stupid shit on the internet though.

>> No.10390467
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why his posts were deleted? : /

i wanted to ask him what he talk about, because there is only one rika-chama

>> No.10392764

Is Rika Nipah miior nipah?

>> No.10392807

Rika Nipah is more nipah than mii.

>> No.10392807,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you like the autistic Rika that just says nipah and mii more than the one that actually has a brain?

Also literally nobody is anal about specifying between Rika and Frederica because it will make people think Higurashi's Frederica is the same as Umineko's Bernkastel, which is a far worse misunderstanding. Higurashi's Frederica is way closer to Rika than she is to Umineko's Bernkastel.
Higurashi's Frederica is Rika + memories of other fragments selected by Hanyuu.
Umineko's Bernkastel is Higurashi's Frederica + all other memories of the fragments + all the trauma and pain + hundreds of years of being a voyager witch, including games unrelated to the Higurashi gameboard. The game that Bernkastel and Lambdadelta had had that they often mention is NOT related to Higurashi. Higurashi's Frederica is more than a hundred years old, Umineko's Bernkastel is more than a thousand years old. Many of the years that Bernkastel has on Frederica do in fact come from all those remaining memories from Higurashi's gameboard, but it's safe to assume a lot of those years are also from other games as a voyager witch.

>> No.10392807,2 [INTERNAL] 

>The game that Bernkastel and Lambdadelta had had that they often mention is NOT related to Higurashi.

That's just plain stupid. There'd be no reason for R07 to mention it and make it look so similar to Higurashi if that game wasn't in fact Higurashi.

>> No.10392807,3 [INTERNAL] 

He might have just done it to make people believe something that isn't true, just for the hell of it. Seems a lot like him to me.

>> No.10392807,4 [INTERNAL] 

He's just being vague about it, but I'm pretty positive this isn't one of his red herrings.

>Higurashi's Frederica is Rika + memories of other fragments selected by Hanyuu.
>Umineko's Bernkastel is Higurashi's Frederica + all other memories of the fragments + all the trauma and pain + hundreds of years

And where is the difference exactly? Umineko's Frederica is simply Higurashi's Frederica with more years of experience. She might have played more games, but it's still her.

>> No.10392807,5 [INTERNAL] 

no umineko discussion on W pelase

>> No.10392807,6 [INTERNAL] 

And Higurashi's Frederica is just Rika with a hundred years worth of memories. "Higurashi's Frederica Bernkastel is the same as Furude Rika" is at least just as correct as saying "Umineko's Bernkastel is the same as Higurashi's Bernkastel". I have no problem with someone saying either. I just got annoyed with the person in this thread nine months in the past who was getting angry over people calling Frederica Rika.

>> No.10392807,7 [INTERNAL] 

>Why would you like the autistic Rika that just says nipah and mii more than the one that actually has a brain?
There's no autistic Rika, she just pretends to be a normal kid and fails horribly at it.

The real 10 year old Rika would never say stupid stuff like nipah and mii. She would get bullied to death!

>> No.10392807,8 [INTERNAL] 

This would mean that whenever Rika jumps worlds she replaces a non-autistic Rika with a seemingly autistic one, and nobody ever notices or complains.

Prove it.

>> No.10392807,9 [INTERNAL] 

>memories of other fragments selected by Hanyuu
This is important. Frederica wouldn't be able to get out of that hellhole if she had memories of her DEATH and TORTURE at Shion's hands and other awful shit like that. It would be pointless to let her remember that crap.

Maybe the Umineko Bernkastel is really a different Bernkastel, made up of all those especially shitty memories.

>> No.10392807,10 [INTERNAL] 

Actually not. Frederica lives in the meta world and Rika in the physical one, so the difference is more than just a change in how much time they lived.

>> No.10392807,11 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody complains because everybody loves Rika. She can do whatever she wants. She can even consent to sex!

>> No.10392807,12 [INTERNAL] 

In the next WTC there will be another Rika clone who seems connected to Rika and other Rika clones but no concrete evidence will ever be provided.

She is literally only there because R07 is as autistically in love with Rika as nipaa mod.

>> No.10392807,13 [INTERNAL] 

Frederica doesn't get sent to the meta world until Saikoroshi-hen, at least that's how I took it.

>> No.10392807,14 [INTERNAL] 

People would definitely notice if one of the Higanbana kids (who are around Rika's age) became a fucking "nipah" autist overnight.

This proves that the original Rika is childish and autistic. Literally worse than Maria!

>> No.10392807,15 [INTERNAL] 

Shion is the only bully in Hinamizawa and only targets Rika in Saikoroshi. The complete absence of Mion in that episode was awful.

>> No.10392807,16 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah. That's when Rika stops messing around with kakeras and leaves that job to Frederica who becomes an entity of its own.

>> No.10392807,17 [INTERNAL] 

I thought she merged with Bernkastel every time she died, before jumping into a new world. That Bernkastel scene in Minagoroshi is something that happens every single time.

>> No.10392807,18 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when Ryu hates Higanbana even more than Square Enix hates Dragon Quest
>feelio when the series is fucking dead

>> No.10392807,19 [INTERNAL] 

I trust Ryukishi, but I really don't fucking care about Hanyuu's backstory and the idea of aliens existing in Higurashi is just awful.

>> No.10392807,20 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, so the mentally mature Rika that comes from the many memories of other fragments, also called Frederica, is still Rika, at least up until the point that she's separated from her. That's the Rika I love. That's all I really wanted to say. Or is it literally only the guy in this thread who calls the mentally mature gameboard Rika "Frederica"?

>> No.10392807,21 [INTERNAL] 

The Rika you love would feel bad if you called her Rika. You don't really love her!

>> No.10392807,22 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fug furude rigga in the butt

>> No.10392807,23 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you think Ryukishi hates it?

>> No.10392807,24 [INTERNAL] 

If he really loved "Rika" he wouldn't have turned the sexy alcoholic "Rika" into an evil lesbian bitch. I would be fine with it if they were separate entities, like if she split apart from the original Frederica and became an entity of her own, similar to what happened with Frederica and Rika, but there's nothing suggesting that's what happened. The "Rika" that everyone knows from Higurashi is the sexy alcoholic, she's the protagonist of Minagoroshi-Saikoroshi, not the nipaa mii Rika, so why did Ryukishi think it was a good idea to turn the character that people love into a shitty troll bitch. Again, I would probably like her if she wasn't literally the Frederica I love, but that she is just destroys a character that I loved much more. Lovers of the autistic Rika think they have it hard because she doesn't get as much attention, at least she's the one who gets to continue to live a happy life with her friends, and not be tainted.

>> No.10392807,25 [INTERNAL] 

The autistic Rika never existed in the first place. It was all an act!

>> No.10392807,26 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus Christ calm down. Rika never turned in Bernkastel, Bernkastel is just the personality of her that split off to go in the sea of kakeras. The Rika you love is still the one who gets to live with her friends.
