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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 27 KB, 600x471, onsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10377217 No.10377217 [Reply] [Original]

If given the opportunity would you visit an onsen /jp/?

>> No.10377224

Yeah. I used to love having baths as a kid but I haven't been able to have one in over 10 years now.

It's something I really miss.

>> No.10377233
File: 177 KB, 440x376, Best Yayoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if gay guys get erections in the onsens then fap a grat one when they get home from seeing all the little boy cocks.

>> No.10377234

they do look pretty nice.

don't like the idea of being naked in public though, do you use board shorts or something? that'd be fine but if the bath is loaded with dicks it's going to detract from the experience.

>> No.10377244

You can go to ones that don't require you to be naked but where's the fun in that.

>> No.10377250
File: 254 KB, 754x1100, jp meetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10377256

I read a great doujin once about a girl who's an exhibitionist and visits a mixed hotspring to show off her lewd body.

if I was a girl in Japan I'd want to do that.

>> No.10377261

nah. the rules are too strict. can't relax at all.

>> No.10377260

you sound like a massive skanky pants. i would bully you.

>> No.10377286

Yes. I really do want to go. Do they have priviate couples Onsens in Tokyo or maybe just outside of Tokyo? How much might they cost? I wonder. I would really be moved if I could have sex in an onsen, but if not than the mere tranqulity would be enough for me on my first visit at least.

>> No.10377290

there are loads of JAVs like that

>> No.10377331

Ew. I can't stand multiple partnered jav, let alone any man being in a jav. I don't even know how to download or find sites that play jav anymore. My computer is weird.

>> No.10377344


>> No.10377353

The idea of being in the same water as another persons butthole disgusts me. Especially if they are legitimately dirty when they get in.

>> No.10377354

Not exactly the same but we have natural hot springs in BC as well so me and a few friends went to these ones in the middle of the bush. The river was a few inches lower at the time so you could go into the lower pool as well.

Definitely a really relaxing time just getting in a hot spring out in the middle of no where, so to answer your question: yes.

>> No.10377356
File: 253 KB, 1366x751, keyhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot a picture of them.

>> No.10377387

One of the earlier chapters of exhibitionist girl's play. Started off as a good series then devolved into ntr.

>> No.10377404 [DELETED] 


>> No.10377412


im circumcised but my dick just retracted to what little foreskin it had. it hurts.

>> No.10377417

I go a few times a year to different ones all over the place. The rocky mountains are great. They're all over around here. I'm normally really shy but something about being a few hundred miles from home in some relaxing hot water really takes that away and I get to have nice conversations with people visiting from all over. Being in them alone on a slow day is great too. Nothings better than a late afternoon dip when it's snowing out though. Being in a hot spring alone when it's dark and snowing out is really the best. The chilly snow contrasted with the hot mineral water is really nostalgic.

>> No.10377438

I kind of want to go to one in iceland where you can get in while it's snowing. although it would probably be shitty if it was with a bunch of other guys.

what was it called? I like that kind of scenario.

>> No.10377446


>> No.10377461


no too lewd

>> No.10377465

Is it really ikay and safe? I would be nervous of being swept away by the river and it's under toes. Plus can hot spings explode with too hot of water? I guess I really am ignorent or maybe a know nothing when it cones to natural hot springs

>> No.10377480

The river level was two inches or so lower than the wall on the bottom pool so it was fine. There was a bucket near by to add river water into the pools to bring them down to a nicer temperature, otherwise it was scalding hot.

>> No.10377484

The top of the wall that is, it was really cool to be right next to a raging river like that. I suppose if something caused the river level to dramatically increase, then you'd be pretty out of luck though.

>> No.10377496
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>> No.10377521

Hm. Okay. Thank you. I will look into this more, because I really want to do exactly what you yourself did out in the country side.

>> No.10377525

Are you in BC somewhere? If so just check out hiking sites for different hotsprings, theres a bunch out there to go find.

>> No.10377526

No, I'm easily aroused and would get an erection knowing that there are women on the other side of the wall.

Public erections are embarrassing.

>> No.10377528

Wow. That actually sounds disterbingly terrible in a frightning way.

>> No.10377531

My skin is too sensitive for the onsen.

>> No.10377539
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 6a00d83453a73169e20147e0d60127970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I am not. I live in a place with deeper history than most in my country and I would even go as far to say more wilderness than most see, but alas we do not have anything in my area that equates to you my friend. I always imagined going to a hotel inn up in the mountians in Japan with the hot springs, just like in that one hot spring episode in thatcone anime (The one where all three magic witches need the super powerful magic genes if the main character who he himself cannot use magic as they all attend their magic, yet normal, high school. Damn, just can't remember the name. It's been so many years now.).

>> No.10377559


>> No.10377565


>> No.10377569

Sean dude is that you bro

>> No.10377579

When I was a kid my mother would heat up water and place it inside a huge bucket where I would go in and just enjoy it every morning before going to school. Going to a hot spring is definitely on my list of things to do before I die.

>> No.10377580

I went to multiple onsen already
It's nice

>> No.10377582

That is it.

Doesn't he live in the U.S though?

>> No.10377586

Sure why not. I've heard it's mostly old guys there, though. And old, very hairy women.

>> No.10377590

I've been to an onsen. It was everything I thought it would be: old, naked japanese guys, not a lot of talking, and very hot water.

The rotenburo was nice since it was snowing outside, but then some guy got in with his two little kids and one was like an 8 year old girl, so it was a little awkward.

>> No.10377594
File: 101 KB, 600x406, 1350056047828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10377722

Tow rocks above looked like black cats.
I'm depressed, OP.

>> No.10377730
File: 53 KB, 640x480, hottara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hot sprintg left unmaintained"

>> No.10377740

Fat-skinny people, Tall-short people, young-old people, AIDS-lepper people, bathing together in one pool.

How Unhealthy.

>> No.10377751

This is 25 minutes from where I've lived for the past 13 years.


I have never been. I have no intention of going.

>> No.10377755

Onsens only sound good if you're going in with a hot girl and there's nobody else there.

>> No.10377779

I want to sit in that hot water with a cute girl.

>> No.10377791

Why stop there?

>> No.10377800

What else would I do? There's a lovely view and a cute girl it'd be nice and relaxing

I'd take it easy.

>> No.10377808

I'd take it easy too.
*whips out dick*

>> No.10377813

it'd already be out if you're in a onsen.

>> No.10377816

People who say "but it's dirty!" clearly have no idea how onsen work.

You clean yourself off very thoroughly using shower hose things before you enter the bath.

>> No.10377819

I don't think they're serious, sperglord.

>> No.10377826

Cleaning yourself then going in a bath? How redundant.

>> No.10377828

I'd be super anxious about my small genitals, even among Asians.

I guess there are people with smaller genitals who just don't give a fuck and I respect their ability to take it easy.

>> No.10377829

Why would you go in with a towel?

>> No.10377837 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1125x831, 120117a_as036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if you run into lewd woman while there, /jp/?

>> No.10377840

That poor guy probably can't even get it up anymore.

>> No.10377845
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, d754132e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could even bathe with the snow monkeys.

>> No.10377849

imagine getting hot monkey dick in the snow

>> No.10377850

Girl on the right is a slut.

>> No.10377859

She's russia, that's why.

>> No.10377874

Odd thing to say.

>> No.10377883

Wtf is that old man doing over there with that thin leg sticking out next to him?

>> No.10377884

You can tell because she's shaved.

>> No.10377891

So is the other lady.

>> No.10377911

I forgot Japanese women don't shave. Euro slut.

>> No.10377915

Well I would have sex with the woman on the left reguardless.

>> No.10377944

So you got more?

>> No.10377969

Please don't request NSFW content on a SFW board!

>> No.10377986


>> No.10378598

You're right. I won't anymore. You just don't come across these first hand Japanese slut photos outside of /jp/. Believe me, I've looked.

>> No.10378604

Indeed. Much better than photoshopped cosplay bitches and idol whores.

>> No.10380907

I'd love to go on a group trip with some cute /jp/spies.

>> No.10385150


>> No.10385158

Onsens are the best. Just you and your best friends and all your penises relaxing and becoming clean.

>> No.10385200

I haven't gone to an onsen specifically, but I've been to public baths, which are pretty much the same as onsen other than the fact that it's artificially heated water instead of a spring.

It's incredibly less awkward than I thought it would be, especially if you go with friends. Yeah, you're all naked and that's weird, but if you're talking to each other by looking at each other's faces (which is how you SHOULD talk to people), you don't really see each other's junk much. You're not trying to look at their junk, they're not trying to look at your junk, so talking and hanging out at a public bath becomes essentially like hanging out anywhere else, except you're getting to relax in hot water. It's nice.

>> No.10385214

>The idea of being in the same water as another persons butthole disgusts me. Especially if they are legitimately dirty when they get in.

That's why you're supposed to wash BEFORE getting into the water.

>> No.10385234

You never know. They may have very large asses which does not allow them to reach near their anuses but becomes relaxed with the hot water and consequentially pours a bunch of shit on the hot spring.

>> No.10385258

People have told me that after they poop they sometimes won't wipe and just jump into the showers. Everybody better be washing after they are done wiping when planning to be in an onsen.

>> No.10385277

>Not staying at Hakone Inn
Which Hakone Inn hotel would you stay in, /jp/?

>> No.10385292
File: 339 KB, 996x912, 658567364346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really gorgeous. Too bad I'll never go there.

>> No.10385316

When I lived in Korea I frequented Jjimjilbangs rather often. I imagine it would be about the same (when it comes to levels of embarrassment at least).

The experience outweighs the embarrassment.

I hear that Japanese tend to be a bit more picky about letting foreigners in their onsens though...

>> No.10385334

Well even if that is the case, the small leftover shit/sweat/dirt particles are left over in the water for weeks/months/years and that builds up to be one disgusting mix

>> No.10385343

Did you fug any Korean girls in your visits to the jjimjilbangs?

>> No.10385360

I would go in wearing a bathing suit. My cultural standards of modesty don't involve being naked with other men, unless we're engaged in gay sex or team sports.

>> No.10385365

>Japanese tend to be picky about foreigners in their onsen
Too bad, for I am a enormous foreign-sized foreigner that could trample over any obstacles or guards they used and invade their hot baths, their allowing me or not because I believe we all have the freedom to invade and trample over other people's things if they do not allow us to do so.

>> No.10385373

don't have a tattoo.
viola: enter.

Also, there is nothing embarrassing about the human body unless you are an American who is scared to death of genitals and natural sexuality.

>> No.10385383
File: 86 KB, 565x1200, photo1200viola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viola: enter.

>> No.10385408

Somewhatctrue excluding rape and the Church.

>> No.10385422

Eh, I'm exceptionally tall and hairy.

>> No.10385443

They don't want Yakuza, and Russians (They're the trouble makers) in their Onsen, that's all. (Or any loud tourist)

>> No.10385460

It's time to man up.

>> No.10385862 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 800x533, Yakuza-3-ryu04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the only one I've ever seen on /jp/ before this thread.

>> No.10385983
File: 202 KB, 863x431, 1338564882984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to travel Europe very soon and I wanted to go to Japan for a month after that but fuck, I only have $30,000 and don't want to blow it all...
Europe alone will be $3-4k, total.
Going to Japan will be $1,500 flight, $900 21 day rail pass, $1,000 for hostels + $$$$$$$$$$$$$ onsens and food.
then Vancouver + train home
There goes $~10k. Oh well, once I get back I should have the motivation to make goals and get a real job to afford nice things. Either that or NEET/sudoku.

>> No.10386003

I can hold my breath for a really long time. I would swim around underwater with goggles on and suck dicks!

>> No.10386007 [DELETED] 

suck my cock dude

>> No.10386059

>I'm going to travel Europe very soon and I wanted to go to Japan for a month
there's nothing to see here, or in japan
dont waste your money

>> No.10386066

He can revel in our tightly-packed streets and sensible use of space.

>> No.10386477

The bacteria is killed by the hot water you twit.

>> No.10386508

Very interesting, please, do tell more of your fascinating stories for us, you fucking neurotypical.

>> No.10386515

Why are you so mean. I enjoyed his story.

>> No.10386516


>> No.10386519
File: 37 KB, 400x300, iya onsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like dogashima. I've been there, but it was in the summertime and I ended up getting heatstroke and missed out on the onsen.

Picture is of a rotemburo in the iya river valley -- have to take cable car to reach the river baths from the resort. It was lukewarm, but that was fine since it was pretty warm out.

I've also been in onsen-fed baths in hakone and at hakuba, but neither were rotemburo.

I don't think I've ever been to a hotspring in BC. How strenuous a hike was it to get to those pools?

>> No.10386521

I didn't.

>> No.10386522

If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.

>> No.10386530

If you so enjoy shit, why don't you just go somewhere, where shit is abundant in masses ?

>> No.10386566

Are you coming to the uk?
Because you shouldn't

>> No.10386576

Its more that you have to do like 60 kilometers on a pretty shitty logging road. Then once you get up there, you have to go down this like 20 minute trail that has completely eroded away, as well as make your way back up it after being in hot springs, which definitely isn't easy.

>> No.10386580

Theres a bunch more hot springs in the Whistler/Pemberton area as well, I believe you can even drive right up to a few different ones.

>> No.10386593

Currently posting FROM an onsenin Yudanaka (near Nagano). Had my first Onsen today and it was amazing. All onsen require that you wash first before entering the water, (there are showers and wash basins outside the main water room).

The one we are staying in (Yudanaka seifuso) has private Onsen and two public onsen, all in cedar wOod rooms. The two public ones are Split into male and female.

I'm at an onsen right now suckers

>> No.10386672

That sounds really nice. Were you embarrassed at all? Are you a gaijin? Are there many locals? What did they think of you?

>> No.10386703

Sure, why not. I'm a Finn so sweating like a pig with a bunch of naked strangers is nothing new for me.

>> No.10386752

Nope! I'm a gaijin (not embarassed), and I had no qualms about showing my Wang to everyone there. I'm a little overweight too, but everyone is there to have an onsen and not too look at other people's bits.

This onsen is so lovely, the owners wide made us a lovely 5 course meal with everything!! And we are sleeping on tatami and futon now too! It's snowing outside right now, I'm in heaven!

>> No.10386775

Oh cool. That sounds really good. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.

I'm going to Japan later in the year so I'll be sure to try one.

>> No.10386823

Osorezan, besides being one of the gates to the afterlife, is also a hydrothermal area, and has three small bath houses, one for men, one for women, and one mixed. I went into the men's house, and found two tubs fed with a continuous stream of sulphury water at just the right temperature. After I had been soaking a while, a Japanese man came in, and asked if he could take pictures.

>> No.10386882
File: 2.60 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20121221_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys keep from overheating? I have to get out after a few minutes minutes otherwise I feel like I'm gonna die.

>> No.10386897

Of you naked? My, my...

>> No.10386901

Did you call him a hentai?

>> No.10386905

We have bath houses in the US. Only homosexuals use them.

>> No.10386908

So how often do you go?

>> No.10386918


As many times as the number of girlfriends you had.

>> No.10386922

ice burn

>> No.10386920

Not of me specifically, just of the bath.
But I stayed in the tub a bit longer than I had planned, because of that.

>> No.10386965

>Do not take your towel into the bath.

B-But my cartoons...

>> No.10389100

You can put it on your head I think

>> No.10389379

>I only have $30,000
The /jp/ jew is back guys.

>> No.10389392

You could, but I was the only person who actually did that, so I just put it on the side like everyone else.

>> No.10391392

soaplands k thkz

>> No.10391395

Don't do it. $10,000 is over a year of food and NEET support.

>> No.10391577

I don't think I'll visit an onsen if and when I vist Japan. I think I would feel very out of place.

>> No.10391601

>can hot spings explode with too hot of water?
Yes, I went to noboribetsu in Hokkaido, they have a hot spring there that supposedly exceeds 100°C which kinda breaks physics because it's meant to be steam by then.

>> No.10391608

You should go anon. It'd be nice and no one would know you.

>> No.10391689

Only if water was clean, no filthy gooks bathing before me. Well, unless gook lolis, i have nothing against lolis.

>> No.10396596

Is it okay to go in the mens bathroom even if I have micropenis? It looks a lot like clitoris.

>> No.10396607 [DELETED] 

I don't know but I guess it would be funny even for them.

>> No.10396633

I'm sane enough to not get into the same bath other, unknown to me, people were/are using.

>> No.10396642

Enjoy getting skin fungal, sitting in someone's urine, swimming in the same water in which some geezer farted and spit etc

>> No.10396656

But the hot water will kill all of that leaving it pure and chaste like a school girl.

>> No.10396665

You've never been in a public bath before?

>> No.10396683

Only if I had a huge dick.
If the water was hot enough to kill them you wouldn't be able to get in.

>> No.10396698

Actually I've been to public bath, sauna and banya. Even public pools seem to be safer.

Never again

>> No.10396992


>> No.10397003

Speaking of videos, what are some Japanese onsen movies?

>> No.10397051

I only found that one in the related ones, but it's too lewd
how its 'onsen' in japanese?

>> No.10399762

But i have a onsen right here in Chillán

>> No.10399798

I live about an hour and 20 minutes away from a Japanese style onsen place. I will be attending there for a day trip sometime in the next few months.

>> No.10399861


>> No.10399866

Hell yes. If its anything like the hot springs we have in Canada, It feels fucking good.

>> No.10399890

The water is a little heaver because of all the sediments in it. The increased mass increases the boiling point.

>> No.10399898

I think my dick in your butt would feel even better.

>> No.10399940

Hey, you meant well. Maybe you can grow up and make a take it easy movie about an onsen mansion hotel in Japan. That way all of /jp/ can watch it together in a not so lewd onsen our self's. Just taking it easy.

>> No.10399994

Yes I would most likely, much less disgusting than an average public pool.

>> No.10400031

Pools have filtration systems and chlorine. If anything, it would be more disgusting, especially if it's a natural one.

>> No.10403567

A lot of them are free flowing water they use from incoming mountain streams they just heat in the mountains too. You have to remember that.

>> No.10403601

I would but only if I was with a group of people. Not people I knew very well though, like acquaintances. I want to be able to break off contact later in case I embarrass myself.

>> No.10403807

You wouldn't embarrass yourself and if you're with your friends it'd be fun.

>> No.10405965

How do I not feel embarrassed at my friends and strangers seeing my lewd areas?

>> No.10405991
File: 139 KB, 640x480, please kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one of those horrible off-topic >>>/trv/ threads that the OP has to bump once a day for an entire month. Just for those two or three posts per week that add to the amazing, exciting, and intricate discussion of Asian culture and traditions.

You know, like contained water

>> No.10405999

hurry up and make more 2hu threads you /q/ueer

>> No.10406007

I know it's an unpopular opinion but I think videogames are more fun than sitting in a pool of water for a while. Sorry, wapanese.

>> No.10406010

If only one of those imagedumps was about the videogame.

>> No.10406024

Forgot to mention I also think 2D pussy, tits, and ass is more fun to look at than some 3D gook wallowing in his filth

>> No.10406030

God forbid other people's interests diverge from yours.

>> No.10406044

That's hardly for you to decide, autismo.

>> No.10406040

If /jp/ were a basket of white laundry, this thread would be a black sweatervest. Your interests don't belong here.

>> No.10406053
File: 15 KB, 512x419, 1353739772619 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't the one that decided.

>> No.10406055

I'm an onsen otaku.

>> No.10406064

Okay let's stop having fun guys.
The anal buzzkill just showed

>> No.10406072

i want /v/ to leave

>> No.10406075

I want /q/ to leave.

>> No.10406085

I'm a fucking your mom otaku

I like how /q/ cops like yourself realized how much you fucked up during the summer, so now you're reversing the roles.

>> No.10406091

I see. So 'we' are the people who are trying to tell others what they can and what they can't discuss on a containment board for niche interests.

>> No.10406121
File: 808 KB, 1893x1938, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/q/ cops fought for their right to shitpost /jp/ with Japan/General threads in 2012. They got it for a while. Now sometimes these threads are deleted like they would have been in 2009, other times they aren't and it sticks around like an eyesore for a tenth of a year.

Anyways I'm hiding this thread. Have fun spamming more threads about ultra sugoi Japanese photos of Japanese birds crossing Japanese subway bridges. Ja ne

>> No.10406129

Assblasted like HELL

>> No.10406594

shut the fuck up.

like it makes any difference at all.

>> No.10406780

that pic is just sad

>> No.10406785

>Anyways I'm hiding this thread.
Finally, you got around to doing what people have been telling you to do for years on end. Congratulations.

>> No.10406855

You're all acting like this is a foreign and odd practice when the Greeks and Romans were bathing with other men after a long hot, sweaty wrestling match.

And to the topic at hand, I would although there would be more old dudes than beautiful and elegant girls and women bathing with me. Reality sure can a bitch.

>> No.10406859
File: 165 KB, 285x358, nigggggggggggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10406929

Don't you know? /jp/ is booru image dumps and /r9k/ lite.

>> No.10407035

Hi neo/jp/. If you knew anything than you would know /jp/ isn't that, but all these 2.0 think its cool to go to other boards.

>> No.10407060

Opinion invalidated. I've been on /a/ before /jp/ even existed.

>> No.10407072

Maybe if it has mixed bathing so I can see beautiful naked Japanese women.

>> No.10407131

Same. I appologize then. I just would like to ask we not bring in /r9k/. The essence of /jp/ is unique and seperate from othwr boards.

>> No.10407137

I would do it, I think it'd be fun. It seems like a good way to small talk with some Japanese people. I'd want an Oji-san to wash my back for me :3

>> No.10407188

The "essence of /jp/" is a containment board for niche interests. And a huge portion of mental diseases. Best example is this thread and the people bitching at it.

>> No.10407502


Why don't you try couchsurfing?

>> No.10411895

let's not let this amazing thread die, shall we

>> No.10412090

W-who wants to take a hot bath in my thick semen??

>> No.10412114

I don't think Nips are very keen on letting gaijin into their homes. It might work in Europe, but then again, there's no reason to come here in the first place.

>> No.10417071


Me and several other overweight neckbeards.
