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File: 232 KB, 1280x960, Konachan.com - 24887 ever17 komachi_tsugumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10372590 No.10372590 [Reply] [Original]

Someone explain to me how this newfag, who actually finished Ever17, even dares to criticise Ever17, and call it "the very definition of overrated"?


>> No.10372592


>> No.10372597

Who kicked the can?

>> No.10372598


I am going to summarize what he probably said like this:

>> No.10372603

Yeah, he was late for half a decade.
There is no way he can play Ever17 without being spoiled. I pity people like them who came late to the party and got spoiled and then ended up whining thinking it is overrated.

>> No.10372605


Nothing wrong with that right? We've already got a gazillion review on how Ever17's great. If this person actually manages to add to the discussion then good for him.

>> No.10372603,1 [INTERNAL] 

this game sucked ass and dick at the same time

no pr0ns at all, literally this game was for gay people

>> No.10372607

cool email bro, my little brother's name is Jacob.
Also advertising your blog is sneaky shit, don't do that dude.

>> No.10372618


Dude, calm down... It's a 2002 game... He probably like just played one route and got bored or something...

>> No.10372620

PowerPoint games are boring as shit. I've never played a real game and thought YOU KNOW WHAT THIS NEEDS? MORE EXPOSITION.

It's taking games in a completely backwards direction.

>> No.10372621

They're called personal opinions. Get used to it, the world is full of them.

>> No.10372623
File: 95 KB, 300x381, not_likign_thing_trophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10372624


What does your bro have to do with my email? And no, I came across this on redit

>> No.10372626


I think your problem is that you're viewing them as games.

>> No.10372636


Wat du u call them then?

>> No.10372640

>What does your bro have to do with my email?
his name is jacob
>And no, I came across this on redit

>> No.10372639


>> No.10372642

OP your life would be better if you just decided to disregard anything that gaijin have to say about anime, VNs, video games, etc.

>> No.10372646

newbies, finks they know everyfin. Just ignore him.

>> No.10372643
File: 28 KB, 425x283, zork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like someone took a text adventure and said, "you know what this needs? Pictures."

>> No.10372645


No shit, brah? They still aren't games.

>> No.10372649


Visual Novels.

>> No.10372653

dat's like saying Halo is not a game, it's a first person shooter

>> No.10372656
File: 121 KB, 685x1028, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A visual novel is an interactive fiction game,

From Wikipedia. It cites this QUALITY book, so you know it's accurate.

>> No.10372657

It's called personal opinions. Beside, if you read what he has to say. He's actually making a lot os sense.

>> No.10372663


Halo has something which is essential for a game - gameplay. A VN hasn't.

Are you writing retarded on purpose? It's irritating.

>> No.10372666

define gameplay

>> No.10372669



>> No.10372670

If you don't know what gameplay is, then saying VNs don't have it is rather silly don't you think?

>> No.10372673
File: 139 KB, 681x566, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about game books? Choose Your Own Adventure or Lone Wolf, for example. They aren't games?

>> No.10372675

>If you don't know what gameplay is

Who said that? I'm not going to play semantic bullshit ping pong with you. You know pretty well what gameplay is.

>> No.10372676

Not going to read the blog and give some shithead a hit, but Ever17 is definitely overrated. Not as much these days now that there are more VNs translated, but four or five years ago it was always touted as the very best VN, which it isn't. You even get some people saying it's the best fiction story ever and other crazy shit.

>> No.10372680


I've never heard them being called games. Also no games.

>> No.10372682

>You know pretty well what gameplay is.
Damn right.

>I'm not going to play semantic bullshit ping pong with you
Then you are uncertain on your stance about what gameplay is. Don't try to argue if you can't put up a point to back yourself up with.

>> No.10372687

>Then you are uncertain on your stance about what gameplay is

There is no stance. It's a well defined term and not something open for an interpretation.

>> No.10372684

i have the cave of time book

>> No.10372692

>ARIA is a work of art. Its dreamlike serenity demonstrates that beauty can be found even in the most insignificant corners of life.
>Many people can proudly say that their lives has been changed by these great works of art

hahaha oh wow

>> No.10372693 [DELETED] 

>There is no stance. It's a well defined term and not something open for an interpretation.
Your previous post begs to differ.

>I'm not going to play semantic bullshit ping pong with you

By saying that you're implying there would have been an argument on the meaning of the word, when originally I only asked you to define "gameplay". At that particular time you implied it was open for interpretation. I'm sorry, anon but you've lost this. You should pick your lines more wisely.

>> No.10372697

>There is no stance. It's a well defined term and not something open for an interpretation.
Your previous post begs to differ.

>I'm not going to play semantic bullshit ping pong with you

By saying that you're implying there would have been an argument on the meaning of the word, when originally I only asked you to define "gameplay". At that particular time you implied it was open for interpretation. I'm sorry, anon but you've lost this. You should pick your lines more wisely.

(reposted with post link)

>> No.10372704

>By saying that you're implying there would have been an argument on the meaning of the word

I was implying that you asked something pretty obvious, probably with the intention of arguing about it. Nothing more, nothing less. However, we can argue about the most obvious things in the world, but it would nothing more than a big waste of time for both of us.

Point is, you shouldn't argue for the sake of arguing.

>> No.10372711

Are you the one who asked me if I (not the person you're currently talking to) made a post a few months ago about how nobody responds to my posts?

>> No.10372714

I would love to know who exactly is overrating stuff, because I can't seem to actually find them, nor can I understand how it plays into my own appreciation of a work. People who use the term "overrated" to describe/critique a work are needless contrarians that offer no valuable insight and instead simply appraise something against the assumed opinions of others. They're pretentious idiots who think their opinions are somehow more valid or meaningful than everyone elses by the simple fact that they run contrary to them (when oftentimes, they really don't).

I never have and never will take anyone who uses the term "overrated" seriously and neither should you.

>> No.10372720


Who the fuck are you.

>> No.10372725

>Film student

Guess this explains where all these shitty film critics get their start.

>> No.10372732

They have been called game books since the '50s, man.

>> No.10372862

What is this nigger talking about half the time? He's incorrectly using complicated words just for the sake of using them.

>> No.10372865

>sucks to infinity

>> No.10372877

What sort of moron takes the ``overrated" stance in an argument. Ever17 is trash, that's the stance you take, otherwise, what are you even doing?

Oh right driving clicks to your shithole of an interblog. Fuck off shitlord.

>> No.10372893

Never7 is more generic, dull and overrated than any top VN you could mention that isn't Nitrorslut shit. It's still one of the top Nakiges and it wasn't even that fresh or good, I was entirely disappointed when I read it.

Ever17 is perfect and should still be on the very top.

>> No.10372904

Sounds like every VN review ever.

>> No.10372959

Not woth the money. $39.99 for what is basically a slideshow..I don't think so.

>> No.10372964

You could say that about pretty much all kinds of things.

You have to be really retarded to justify any Ever17 hate with that.

>> No.10372989

Poor translation quality (grammatical errors abound), unappealing gameplay, little to no replay value.

>> No.10372994

Questing, when does Ever17 get good?
Shits so slow

>> No.10373018

The last route. I can't remember how long it takes to get to it, 20 hours?

>> No.10373021 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.10373030

This is why you English-only people are such scum. You take some shit translation and act like that is representative of the game at all. Some dumbasses take a game and shit all over it, and you say, "Oh wow that game is terrible." You are pathetic and I wish you weren't able to play visual novels at all just so we would be spared from your stupidity.

>> No.10373053

>Y-you just d-din't understand the deep themes of the game b-because you didn't PLAY it in glorious nihongo, it's not shit because you didn't read the real thing

- your mum

>> No.10373065

>>Y-you just d-din't understand the deep themes of the game b-because you didn't PLAY it in glorious nihongo, it's not shit because you didn't read the real thing

For any medium this is a valid argument. If you read Dostoyevsky and you say it is shit because there were grammatical errors in the English translation, your opinion is completely irrelevant. You have not interacted with the actual book, and have only made a fool of yourself. This is no difference, you fucking peasant.

>> No.10373068


>> No.10373073 [DELETED] 

SOA is NOT shitty!!1!1!! Just read the EPIC LN and you'll understand how GLORIOUS~ it really is! :*-(

>> No.10373077

According to the review above. at the
"the instant of enlightenment is the cause for all the heart stopping, breathtaking, awe inspiring epiphany."

>> No.10373078 [DELETED] 

>replay value
That's the same a saying you hated a book because you couldn't read it twice a day without getting bored.

>> No.10373080 [DELETED] 

Stop questing and start raiding!

>> No.10373089

If you read something translated and think what you read is shit it doesnt have to be directly related to the translation. Translations dont destroy the plot or story, only the way they're presented to the reader/player. It would require a major fuck-up to invalidate the experience of a translated read when it comes to the actual plot or story.

>> No.10373097

Stop trying to defend the idiocy of saying something is bad because its translation has grammatical errors. You're likely some fucking English-only idiot as well. Suck my cock, please.

>> No.10373091
File: 468 KB, 600x736, Gilgamesh.full.1137010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take you seriously when you keep saying peasant.

>> No.10373101

Yet the whole multiple route thing is solely to add replay value.

>> No.10373102 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 640x478, epicstorym8ty:===D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10373105

You still understand what's going on, don't you? It doesn't change the fact that the plot has numerous holes.

>> No.10373107

I think the review above counted playing all the routes once as one play through

>> No.10373119

Good example. So if someone was watching Death Note with english dubs and said "The plot was stupid, the solutions they reached wasnt even remotely believeable and was just bad writing." that opinion would be invalidated because keikaku = plan?

>> No.10373130
File: 150 KB, 781x700, learn-to-read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Learn to read before you flame. Though I don't agree with everything he said, but that post raises some pretty interesting points.

>> No.10373127

If you people seriously think that the only thing that matters when reading something is "understanding what's going on," you are fucking idiots. There is more to translation, such as attempting to convey the original style of prose and nuance of the text, etc. If these things are lacking, then much of the original text will be lost. You will likely still understand what is going on, but you are not truly interacting with the text as the author has written it. You're fucking stupid and I think your opinions here confirms why you people who rely on translations are such scum.

>> No.10373138

I dont think you're understanding what I'm saying at all. I agree that there's alot of things in a story that's lost in translation, but some things are still there and people having to rely on translations can still catch those things and have an opinion about it.

>> No.10373141

>but you are not truly interacting with the text as the author has written it

Of course, translations written by the original author are the best, but you can't always have that. Practically never, actually. However, while the translation may lead to a book sounding poorly written, the plot itself isn't going to change by a poor translation.

>> No.10373152
File: 36 KB, 1024x504, not woth the money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez guys, I was just joking around. I didn't mean to trigger another shitty argument about translations.

Ever17 is still overrated though.

>> No.10373563
File: 35 KB, 512x768, ah ha moument_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Soz OP, but your newfag writes some mean shit!

>> No.10373564


>> No.10373566 [DELETED] 

Shut up and kill yourself already.

>> No.10373570 [DELETED] 

You're wrong. Case and point, digimon dubbed.

>> No.10373571 [DELETED] 

what evs don't be crampin my style ya nigger I bet yous don't even gets none pussy, lol

>> No.10373666

Do you have a point to make? Or are you disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing?

>> No.10373935

So in conclusion:
* Bloggers are retarded
* Games aren't games
* You're not allowed to have an opinion on something if you read a translation

Great thread.

>> No.10375030

Some people just enjoy being at each other's throat for no reason.

I thought that blog was OK. Even though I don't agree with his conclusion, but the guy clearly thought things through, as oppose to the idiots in this thread.

>> No.10375035

You replied to my post just to bump the thread, didn't you, Synian-san?

>> No.10375109

You are too observant. I confess, I did.

I will not reply to this thread any more.

>> No.10375175

Bloggers are retarded, and none of you should have even bought into OP's attempt to advertise his shitty blog. It should be obvious from the way he worded his post that he's the guy who wrote the article.

>> No.10375178

Ever17 was great right up until some point near the end of the ``true'' route. At that point, the writers discard absolutely all sense and the story turns from excellent high quality material to fucky garbage.

You see, what happened was that they were knitting a giant plot to make the story interesting, but at the end they realized they couldn't actually connect everything together properly, so they just said "fuck it" and started making characters invincible at will.

In addition to this, for whatever reason, they failed to hold even a basic understanding of time travel. Because of this, they ended up with a situation similar to Back To The Future, where Marty McFly (the character in said movie) is vanishing from toe to head because he altered the past in such a way that he would never be born. This might be acceptable in hokey/campy/comedy stuff, but Ever17 was DEEP and SERIOUS; that shit just doesn't cut it.

This is similar to another game by the same people, Remember11, the difference being that in Remember11, they did not say "fuck it, let's give people magical powers for no explainable reason", they said "fuck it, let's not explain anything".

Some day I'll have to try Never7. That will be fun.

>> No.10375259

> When deciding the quality of any work, usually
> the most important criteria is not how
> enjoyable it was, or how technically advanced
> it was, but rather what kind of message was
> being delivered and how well it was delivered.

The quality of a story is most definitely
determined by how enjoyable it was. Whoever
wrote that blog post is a total moron.

>> No.10375266

But he took a contrary stance. Everyone knows that means you're not the same person.

Btw I hope nobody buys this shitty game:
It's only $10 on Steam but you still shouldn't buy it.

>> No.10375304

didn't you quote the original
>When deciding the quality of any work

>The quality of a story

Read properly, you moron

>> No.10375312
File: 927 KB, 512x384, Washing Machine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one?


>> No.10375323

gasp! Why is she in a washing machine!?!

>> No.10375330

>spoiler tagging back to the future
I applaud the effort anon, but it's ok.

>> No.10375389

This work IS a story, fagstorm.

>> No.10375395

If you just look at the story, then it really do suck.
