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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 13 KB, 284x177, Mahjong Saki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10368863 No.10368863 [Reply] [Original]

> Playing riichi mahjong
> Got a nice pure double chow hand building
> Only need one more six bamboo
> Declare riichi like a boss
> Suddenly draw third then fourth East wind
> Opponent also calls riichi
> Decide to call a concealed kong to try for a matching dora
> Pull supplement tile from the dead wall, discard it
> Has a pung of the original dora tile
> Tanyao, pinfu, ippatsu win with riichi
> Gets my riichi as well
> All his winnings come from me
> Instantly out of game
> Eating ramen for the next week

>> No.10368869

why the HECK are you saving thumbnails

>> No.10368871
File: 77 KB, 500x561, 1344491120058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what any of this means, but the words are like delicious candy for my eyes

>> No.10368875
File: 310 KB, 1600x2260, Perfectly Normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10368880

Does that actually happen in Saki??

>> No.10368895

these are the kind of mental retards that mahjong attracts

they also samefag threads that they make about it ;)

>> No.10368894

fucking google it fuck

>> No.10368908

Dumb thread aside, is it worth learning? Like, is it a fun game?

>> No.10368921

not only is this disgustingly green I don't think you even understand how to play riichi. there are so many chombos in your story that I don't even feel like listing them all.

>> No.10368930


By the sounds of it, no. Noobs are idiots or trolls and veterans are self-righteous.

Come learn Koi-Koi instead. Unlike mahjong, the cards can travel with you.

>> No.10368950
File: 144 KB, 850x531, sample-8e87f17a4da1dfdf5bba63ec3b07c324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the picture, if anyone wanted it. If not, I'm off to MOS Burger.

>> No.10368959

It's a fun game. The english-speaking community seems like they have a lot of obnoxious people so I have stayed away from them for the most part while still lurking to pick up on translated strategy articles and such.

There's already a mahjong thread though:

>> No.10368966

see you later

>> No.10368985

You almost had it!

>> No.10369000

At least it wasn't a chankan

>> No.10369007

At least it wasn't a spligsplug

>> No.10369024

Are they playing mahjong in outer space? Or is that a mirrored table and there are girl's legs hanging from the ceiling?

>> No.10369221

it's a glass table dude. you should be wondering why the one girl took off her bottom first in a strip game, or why the wall is weirdly built with no discards.

>> No.10369240 [DELETED] 

When the PSP-3000 came out five years ago in 2008 I remember Neogaf pointing out in great detail how games looked worse. Thats pretty much the sole reason I never bought one.

>> No.10369268


>White guy in a hostel in tokyo
>talking about mahjong
>girl who is working there says oh you know how to play
>show her my tiles
>says there is another guy who works here who can play
>meet him
>he posts on a message board looking for a game
>meet up with 2 other guys in Ikebukuro
>they are taken aback that a white person knows what an mahjong is
>question that I know how to play
>first hanchan
>win by chan kan after giving up a three way wait just so I could aim at the guy in the lead, on 1 sou
>get stared at
>asked if I meant to do that
>make the retarded mahjong sono toori pun
>laughs everywhere
>go out for round of drinks and gyoza afterwards

>> No.10369281

>want to play riichi mahjong
>learn japanese
>this isn't so bad
>I'm learning quickly
>it's like I'm really going to be japanese
>kanji comes in
>well this can't be so bad I'll just use kanjidamage
>kanji isn't losing HP as fast as it should
>double-check its stats
>these stats sure are similar to be-
>kanji is a bear
>mauls half my face off
>lose cognitive function
>reduced to /v/ level shitposter
>burst into treats
>run away crying with my face cycling from one unrealistic reaction image recreation to the next
>want to fuck
>stumble into my little sister's room for emotional support
>forget about the spaghetti reserve for demonstrating the evils of refined grains
>spaghetti falls out of pocket
>run frantically to kitchen to find something to scoop it up
>/v/ opens the door
>gets on the floor
>everyone walks the dinosaur all over my spaghetti
>sister seeing all of this
>she doesn't want to fuck
>fat cow of a /v/ female crawling on floor sucking at the spaghetti
>badly wants to fuck
>mauled for the second time in only 5 minutes
>pass out

>> No.10369289

wow you are so ironic! here is a starbucks giftcard for your post.

>> No.10369297

Hu u qut

>> No.10369302


>> No.10369304

I would like to play in a mahjong parlor but I think if I actually had to play with some real mahjong tiles I would fumble them everywhere and draw from the dead wall. Are you European or something and can go to all those fancy European mahjong events?

>> No.10369311

I'm american. I bought my own set and taught some other people how to play so I normally play a game once a week IRL, and tenhou at other times.
You need to play for money though, if you don't people play like 7447 retards.

>> No.10369354

Well done, then. I can't even imagine teaching 3 acquaintances how to count to 9.

>> No.10369421

what's with all the green text

>> No.10369432
File: 15 KB, 448x320, Animahjong X PerfectA2-02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking it easy

>> No.10369485

>draw third then forth East


>> No.10369531

are there any of these sexy mahjong games that don't look like they were made for the pc98?

>> No.10369580

No, because they stopped making them after the PC-98 era. At least strip ones.

Now a days it's just win and you get an ero scene. In nearly all of those, you could just replace the mahjong with some other form of game and nothing would change.

>> No.10369591


>> No.10369589

Continue accepting the /a/v/ greentext trend because you're so adverse to the idea of being considered edgy, different or hipster that you absolutely must do what everyone else is doing, but please do it on a board that isn't here.

>> No.10369647

Oh that looks neat! Thanks alot

>> No.10369660

Can't find a download anywhere...Do you happen to know one?

>> No.10369674

nevermind found one with 1 seed.
if anyone wants it I'll also seed it when I am done.

>> No.10369688

I have the game.
Should I upload it to AB to get my ratio up?
I havent use my account at all since I got it here few days ago.

>> No.10369800

whats AB?

>> No.10369839

Also since you have it, how is the language? I'm acceptable in japanese but only know ~400 kanji so its tough. I've never read a VN in japanese before.

>> No.10369855

Japanese of course/
It is just animated mahjong porn.
You win, you see animated porn and then you go on beating the next girl in mahjong.


>> No.10369876

ah. Ok. Thought it was more of a story with mini game mahjong, not mahjong with a minigame story. Thanks.

>> No.10370270

can you see the girls during the round? half of the fun of strip games is being able to look at the naked girls while you're playing, but this always seems to get left out. I guess it's hard to fit everything on the screen at once.
