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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 712x476, [Bloat]_The_End_of_Evangelion_[A854019B].mkv_snapshot_01.25.29_[2013.01.11_17.47.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10364253 No.10364253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much do you hate the janitor on a scale of 4 to 7, 7 being moderate hatred?

>> No.10364257

I don't give a fuck about the janitor.

>> No.10364259

I like the janitor.

>> No.10364264


>> No.10364262

Get the fuck out, jannie

>> No.10364267

I'm not so much of a nerd as to hate someone I will never know or have contact with.

>> No.10364268

The poor guy was assigned to a board he doesn't understand and lacks the ability to learn... I can't hate someone for those reasons.

>> No.10364278

I went out and got a cake and everything to celebrate your dumbass fucking off. Now it'll just go to waste.

>> No.10364279

So I guess you don't hate incompetent fucks like President Bush either, then.

>> No.10364282

that's stupid
you're stupid

>> No.10364285
File: 175 KB, 2560x1440, 3131313132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro brotip: That wasn't my thread.

In fact, I was banned when the thread was made.

>> No.10364287

The current janitors are exceptionally good so my answer is six.

>> No.10364291

I am getting ban requests for stuff that is usually fine (Jokingly saying "No Bully") but he lets shit threads stay up for hours (even when they are unrelated to /jp/).

I honestly feel whoever our janitor is doesn't browse our board enough.

>> No.10364293


>> No.10364293,1 [INTERNAL] 

You should really check your screenshots before you post them. If I felt like it I could completely fuck over your life right now.

You better hope nobody else sees it.

>> No.10364293,2 [INTERNAL] 

Do you seriously think that Trevor cares?

>> No.10364293,3 [INTERNAL] 

You mean Trevor Richardson of the Greater Denver area (formerly Tallahassee, FL) who is 24, goes to FSU, majored in Biology, and has posted his street address on at least 2 occasions as well as his e-mail, countless IP addresses, outside forum accounts and Steam, and who has multiple stalkers?


>> No.10364293,4 [INTERNAL] 

how did he major in anything if he was a shut-in?

>> No.10364293,5 [INTERNAL] 

You idiots fall for anything. Gullible. Worthless.

>> No.10364293,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,7 [INTERNAL] 

Outside of maybe a few labs you can study everything at home and only show up for tests.

Back when I was at uni before dropping out my friend majoring in bio told me that practically none of his classes required attendance and that it was the perfect major for him since he had a full-time job. It's a fairly lax major compared to other STEM programs.

>> No.10364293,8 [INTERNAL] 


Do it /b/ro. One less shitposter on my glorious board.

>> No.10364293,9 [INTERNAL] 


I finally decided to do some researching of my own based on your information and I found some pretty damning evidence. Namely, /jp/ images found on "Trevor Richardsons" portfolio website.

I suck at making these images, but whatever:




Also, while making this post I noticed a recurring word in Trevors urls: Tar07d. Tracking this has yielded some completely undeniable evidence that this "Trevor Richardson" person goes to /jp/.

Here's the image for that:


There's no denying it now.

>> No.10364293,10 [INTERNAL] 

Le Fishy face.

>> No.10364293,11 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit Trevor got buttfucked hard

>> No.10364293,12 [INTERNAL] 

>There's no denying it now.

No duh, how do you think I knew all that? We've been calling him Trevor for months. None of that is anything new.

What's it like being so out of the loop?

>> No.10364293,13 [INTERNAL] 

That site with the Prog Linux user was posted here which is where the comments came from.

>> No.10364293,14 [INTERNAL] 

I was under the impression people were calling him Trevor because the name leaked from his email screenshot.

>> No.10364293,15 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit this is too much autism for me

>> No.10364293,16 [INTERNAL] 


Oh really? Then why Haven't I see his picture, or any of those other new links posted on /jp/ or the archive.

>We've been calling him Trevor for months. None of that is anything new.

No shit. I expanded on already known information to bring new information to the table.

Are you trying to deflect? Did I perhaps hit a personal nerve?

>> No.10364293,17 [INTERNAL] 

No, you're literally years behind:


That site had tons of /jp/ users on it but I guess he cleaned it up.

>> No.10364293,18 [INTERNAL] 

You should do a /jp/ shitposting portfolio to send to his future employers.

>> No.10364293,19 [INTERNAL] 

No, I'm just astounded by your autism.

Why are you so interested in him to begin with?

>> No.10364293,20 [INTERNAL] 


why biology

>> No.10364293,21 [INTERNAL] 


Why not? It's not like this shit is difficult.

This information took about 30 minutes of googling and archive digging. Hardly my lifes work.

Why are you so interested in defending him?

>> No.10364293,22 [INTERNAL] 


Wow I think I remember seeing this.

>> No.10364293,23 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not defending him, I just posted all his personal information for all of /jp/ to see.

I'm just curious why you care so much as to much an enormous image reeking of autism along with a post that you clearly put a ton of time into. It's not like it was ever a mystery who he was.

>> No.10364293,24 [INTERNAL] 

I think hes trying to devalue your research by throwing autism around, much like he usually does.

>> No.10364293,25 [INTERNAL] 


I'm not sure if I should be flattered or filing a restraining order. What the fuck?

>> No.10364293,26 [INTERNAL] 


So let me get this straight.

You compile a large portion of his personal information, and post it for all of /jp/ to see.

I expand on said information, to bring additional Trevor connections into the open to further cement and support the "Trevor = that shitposter" theory, and make all of Trevor's denials void.

I then spend 30 minutes compiling this information into an image, and that makes me the autistic one?

WE all know he's Trevor. That's nothing new. And this isn't some "OMG GUYS I THINK HE MIGHT BE TREVOR" post. This is merely compounding on PREVIOUSLY KNOWN information (that you apparently provided?) to make all of Trevors denials VOID.

I really don't see how someone that compiled the original information could call someone adding onto said information "autistic" while whining about how they "care so much about it". When it's obvious that they cared enough to find the information in the first place.

>> No.10364293,27 [INTERNAL] 

I think you should have spent days on it. Might have found something that could really fuck him over and get him to stop posting on /jp/.

>> No.10364293,28 [INTERNAL] 


Don't worry. It's not like I'm going to act on any of that information and harass Trevor in real life. I don't really give that much of a shit.

>> No.10364293,29 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't "compile" anything, I ripped it all straight from another post on /ghost/.

Why are you getting so upset?

>> No.10364293,30 [INTERNAL] 


Maybe. The Tar07d connection ran dry and I didn't really feel like googling his name any further than "Trevor Richardson FSU"

Someone else is going to have to do that, because I'm not going to look for anything else.

>> No.10364293,31 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't really give that much of a shit.

So I guess the post linked to is just a hallucination, then.

>> No.10364293,32 [INTERNAL] 

Meh, that was pretty basic research really. I'm sure you could do the same for pretty much anyone with one or two of their past usernames.

>> No.10364293,33 [INTERNAL] 

A better question would be why would you, a person actively distributing Trevor information, be upset enough to attack my additional information in the first place?

>> No.10364293,34 [INTERNAL] 


I think he knows.

>> No.10364293,35 [INTERNAL] 


Google the following:
"Trevor Richardson" FSU

That was literally all I had to do. No effort needed.

>> No.10364293,36 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not talking about the "research", I'm referring to the enormous image and the fucklong post.

You can't seriously look at that and not tell me it doesn't look your some facebook stalker.

>> No.10364293,37 [INTERNAL] 

I honestly don't think that would have taken all that long at all. I'm not even the poster in question, and its not like you don't completely deserve this.

>> No.10364293,38 [INTERNAL] 

I wasn't attacking your information, I was calling you autistic for putting so much effort into it in the first place. Like I said, I just copied another post on /ghost/.

>> No.10364293,39 [INTERNAL] 

Deserve what?

I'm not Trevor if that's what you're thinking.

>> No.10364293,40 [INTERNAL] 


That post wasn't me.

If you think that image took any real effort to make then you're mistaken. Print screen + cut doesn't exactly take days to do.

The bulk of that post is mostly comprised of stacked links as well. There's hardly any words in it. So I can't fathom how you could consider about half a paragraph of words fucklong.

Keep deflecting. Maybe if you call me autistic enough the information will vanish.

>> No.10364293,41 [INTERNAL] 

Oh my bad, you write exactly like him, nevermind then.

>> No.10364293,42 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor Richardson's Overview
Education Florida State University
Connections 0 connections


>> No.10364293,43 [INTERNAL] 

Why would I care if the information vanished? I basically posted everything that you did in a single sentence. Hell, you based your little research sweep on what I posted.

>> No.10364293,44 [INTERNAL] 

>Connections 0 connections

Were you honestly expecting anything else?

He spends all his time ironically shitposting on /jp/ and e-mailing moot to delete /jp/.

>> No.10364293,45 [INTERNAL] 


Yeah, I put so much effort into the picture. I toiled for over 25 minutes! Check out those unaligned screen shots and text. That stroked text had to have taken at least 5 minutes alone.


Except you didn't. Where's the link to his websites? His picture? His forum account on spanishhour? Hell, find me any references to any of those on the archive. Except for the http://2007.ispace.ci.fsu.edu/~tar07d/webdev/mysocial/user.php?userID=49 site, you won't.

Stop it, you epic ruse man.

>> No.10364293,46 [INTERNAL] 

I wish you guys would put this much effort into stalking me instead.

I'm so lonely.

Please track down my address and rape me. I don't even care if you're cute.

>> No.10364293,47 [INTERNAL] 

Are you really having a dick-waving contest over stalking some autistic shitposter?

Nobody cares about his websites or his fucking spanishhour account, and a simple right-click shows his "picture" is just some stock image from google.

>> No.10364293,48 [INTERNAL] 

Sure thing Trevor, get fucked shitlord

>> No.10364293,49 [INTERNAL] 


Keep lashing out at me. I might get upset.

>> No.10364293,50 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not Trevor. My name clearly says Anonymous.

>> No.10364293,51 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,52 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor looks like a qt.

>> No.10364293,53 [INTERNAL] 

My only post in the thread was >>10364293,25 , I'm busy exporting these websites that I forgot about and their databases so I can delete them.

get wrekt, permavirg

>> No.10364293,54 [INTERNAL] 

That's not me. I'm much more kawaii.

>> No.10364293,55 [INTERNAL] 


pix pls

>> No.10364293,56 [INTERNAL] 

Why would I have a camera? I'm not some slut.

>> No.10364293,57 [INTERNAL] 

I wish Fishy would spend his time with better activities.

>> No.10364293,58 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt it, you go around whoring yourself out for attention on a daily basis.

>> No.10364293,59 [INTERNAL] 

Then why don't I use a trip whenever I post?

Check and mate.

>> No.10364293,60 [INTERNAL] 

We already went over this, I'm surprised you've already forgotten. Not that you would need a tripcode anyways, you've spammed "your images" so much that they identify you instantly.

>> No.10364293,61 [INTERNAL] 

You avatarfag with your images. You even make sure to point out that when other posters use them.

>> No.10364293,62 [INTERNAL] 

That feel when you can no longer shitpost on /jp/ without being accused of being Trevor.

>> No.10364293,63 [INTERNAL] 

I rarely even use my images anymore. In case you didn't notice you're basically asking to get swiftly banned if you post any of them.

Why would I not get pissed if other people were using my images?

>> No.10364293,64 [INTERNAL] 

>I rarely even use my images anymore.

Which is a shame.

>> No.10364293,65 [INTERNAL] 

>I rarely even use my images anymore.

Could have fooled me, I find it hard to believe that other people are imitating you to that degree.

>> No.10364293,66 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you hate /jp/ so much? It's the only question I can ask when you have spent so much time spamming it.

>> No.10364293,67 [INTERNAL] 

Theory: Trevor posted >>10364293,9 to further troll /jp/ into the omnisphere

>> No.10364293,68 [INTERNAL] 


No, I'm not Trevor. Sorry.

I am a long-term shitposter though.

>> No.10364293,69 [INTERNAL] 

How is that hard to believe?

There's literally hundreds of my images with beards drawn on them floating around the archive.

>> No.10364293,70 [INTERNAL] 

The moustache dude draws on everyone's images, stop singling yourself out.

>> No.10364293,71 [INTERNAL] 

I should probably warn you that I sent my eagles out after you.

>> No.10364293,72 [INTERNAL] 

I really hope this trevor image doesn't become a new form of Jewnes shitposting.

>> No.10364293,73 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, but he started drawing them specifically on my images and still draws them primarily on my images.

His business is clearly expanding, though. I imagine mine will become a minority pretty soon.

>> No.10364293,74 [INTERNAL] 

I can assure you, theres no specificity in the image choices.

>> No.10364293,75 [INTERNAL] 

There was originally, and I'm entirely willing to throw down over it.

>> No.10364293,76 [INTERNAL] 

I thought he was a truNEET /jp/er.

>> No.10364293,77 [INTERNAL] 

That isn't the case.

>> No.10364293,78 [INTERNAL] 


>explaining the picture

James = Trevor
Pyramid Heads = /jp/ Anon(s)
The monstrosity on the top center = the physical representation of /jp/ (makes sense if you remember the storyline)

>> No.10364293,79 [INTERNAL] 

So, what?

You want to throw down?

>> No.10364293,80 [INTERNAL] 

Go away.

>> No.10364293,81 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10364293,82 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,83 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have Dissociative Identity Disorder?

>> No.10364293,84 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, that's really going to work when you're being all rude like that.

>> No.10364293,85 [INTERNAL] 

Aww, are you jealous we aren't talking about you, !bar?

>> No.10364293,86 [INTERNAL] 

zunbar was this from ogre battle? i remember having the ps1 version back in the day (and still) and this song sort of hit my memory.


>> No.10364293,87 [INTERNAL] 

I have Kicking Your Scrawny Nerd Ass Disorder.

And I'm all out of bubblegum.

>> No.10364293,88 [INTERNAL] 

Do you ever have serious conversations with anyone here?

>> No.10364293,89 [INTERNAL] 

please leave, !bar

>> No.10364293,90 [INTERNAL] 

All this massive, concentrated autism makes me wonder about what I did with my life. Still, I'm happy to be here with you, /jp/.

>> No.10364293,91 [INTERNAL] 

it totally was from ogre battle. god i need to play that game again sometime soon. i was replaying my original 90s copy of tactics ogre for the ps1 the other day and i forgot how shit the original translation was.

lanselot = lans
"they treat us like shit"
"your priestess bitch"

>> No.10364293,92 [INTERNAL] 

No, I'm ironic 24/7.

In fact, I'm being ironic right now.

>> No.10364293,93 [INTERNAL] 

Thats unfortunate.

>> No.10364293,94 [INTERNAL] 

>100 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

It's happening.

>> No.10364293,95 [INTERNAL] 


Ironically ironic.

>> No.10364293,96 [INTERNAL] 

Shit, no wonder people think that you're me and I'm you, or something.

>>my very own clone.jpg

>> No.10364293,97 [INTERNAL] 

Can you stop talking about yourself for more than 10 seconds?

>> No.10364293,98 [INTERNAL] 

can you stop talking about ZUN!bar for more than ten seconds

>> No.10364293,99 [INTERNAL] 

tar07d.wordpress.com is no longer available.

The authors have deleted this blog.

[B]rip in piece[/b]

>> No.10364293,100 [INTERNAL] 

100 GET!!

>> No.10364293,101 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,102 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,103 [INTERNAL] 

Two dubs in a row.

How is that even possible?

>> No.10364293,104 [INTERNAL] 

s lay the g ay

>> No.10364293,105 [INTERNAL] 


I've still got pictures of it, but they're uninteresting and not worth posting.

Don't know what caused him to delete it though, because I didn't really find anything important. Most of the site was just college work.

>> No.10364293,106 [INTERNAL] 

I wasnt keeping up with /jp/ celebrity?
Why do people care about trevor? Is he /jp/ janitor? If he is can someone hire a hitman to off him.

>> No.10364293,107 [INTERNAL] 

>Is he /jp/ janitor?

That would be the ultimate irony.

>> No.10364293,108 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor confirmed for /jp/'s janitor.

>> No.10364293,109 [INTERNAL] 

I would laugh, I would cry.

Twist of the century.

And I still don't know who this Trevor guy is except that /jp/'s most determined autistics have been raving about him non-stop for the last few weeks or months.

>> No.10364293,110 [INTERNAL] 


To put it briefly, he's one of, if not the most influential shitposter in /jp/s history. He's been at it for years and if you take his word for it, is responsible for a lot of /jp/s memes like floor shitting etc etc.

>> No.10364293,111 [INTERNAL] 

He's literally the highest caliber autist /jp/ has ever seen.

>> No.10364293,112 [INTERNAL] 

Lots of people have been making shitty posts in /jp/ for years. Big deal.

>> No.10364293,113 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10364293,114 [INTERNAL] 

Next step: How do we ruin his life

Can we also make trevor face a new me me for whenever he posts and quote I am a man of few words

>> No.10364293,115 [INTERNAL] 

I seriously don't understand what makes him special, unless he's responsible for almost all of the shitty spam threads ever, and almost all of our shitty posters turned out to be him in disguise.

>> No.10364293,116 [INTERNAL] 

If you take my word for it, I'm moot, and I'm deleting /jp/ tomorrow.

>> No.10364293,117 [INTERNAL] 


Moot pls

>> No.10364293,118 [INTERNAL] 

>>unless he's responsible for almost all of the shitty spam threads ever

That's why he's special.

If 4chan had an award ceremony for "most dedicated troll throughout the years" and "most physical hours ever spent trolling on 4chan", Trevor would take top honors site-wide.

>> No.10364293,119 [INTERNAL] 

So was he the one that people kept calling squiddy?

>> No.10364293,120 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10364293,121 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, definitely.

I just didn't know back then.

>> No.10364293,122 [INTERNAL] 

i cant replay the original tactics ogre anymore. the translation is just so fucking bad and i am still running off of a high from the PSP remake two years later

>> No.10364293,123 [INTERNAL] 

like i can appreciate the gameplay but oh god

>> No.10364293,124 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, so I guess I do know some of his work.

I hope he will bring back Kinectimals.

>> No.10364293,125 [INTERNAL] 

rip trev

>> No.10364293,126 [INTERNAL] 

He's responsible for all that Ron Paul, Accel World and niggy spam.

>> No.10364293,127 [INTERNAL] 

Does t***or have any incriminating posts that we can send to his administratora? Something racist or anti israel should do the trick

>> No.10364293,128 [INTERNAL] 



But due to the anonymity of his posts I doubt the administrators would go for it though.

>> No.10364293,129 [INTERNAL] 




Have fun.

>> No.10364293,130 [INTERNAL] 

Here's the corrected second link:

I got lazy to edit it out.

>> No.10364293,131 [INTERNAL] 

tfw forced memes nobody gives a fuck about

>> No.10364293,132 [INTERNAL] 

f uck your c ock

>> No.10364293,133 [INTERNAL] 

Was he also the one who did Chie, Nocturnes, and the original hotglue pasta? Or was that somebody else?

>> No.10364293,134 [INTERNAL] 

This has to stop squiddy pls

>> No.10364293,135 [INTERNAL] 

tfw trevor is getting buttowned

>> No.10364293,136 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,137 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,138 [INTERNAL] 

Ya blew it

>> No.10364293,139 [INTERNAL] 

just copy the last part, open the link, then paste it at the end

>> No.10364293,140 [INTERNAL] 

I think he's also behind the anti-loli posts (generally containing those cornell.edu links), since they all suddenly disappeared from a loli thread around the same time he was shitposting on the frontpage.

>> No.10364293,141 [INTERNAL] 

shit thread

>> No.10364293,142 [INTERNAL] 

tfw gigs keeps posting because everyone is ignoring him

>> No.10364293,143 [INTERNAL] 

He's just trying out new gimmicks.

>> No.10364293,144 [INTERNAL] 


Thanks for the update, gigs.

>> No.10364293,145 [INTERNAL] 

i took a piss and ate an entire frozen snickers bar

>> No.10364293,146 [INTERNAL] 

4:40 AM

>> No.10364293,147 [INTERNAL] 


I'm subscribing to your feed. Can't wait to hear more about your antics!

>> No.10364293,148 [INTERNAL] 

someone in /ghost/ takes everything i say seriously

thats hilarious and sad

>> No.10364293,149 [INTERNAL] 


Wow! That's Sugoi, gigsy-chan. I love it.

>> No.10364293,150 [INTERNAL] 

you are the same dude trying to troll me 24/7

i can tell by your posting style

>> No.10364293,151 [INTERNAL] 


This sting of posts is actually the first time I've ever talked to you.

>> No.10364293,152 [INTERNAL] 

Gigs, come to Anime Expo.

>> No.10364293,153 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.10364293,154 [INTERNAL] 

saten-san 落ち着け

>> No.10364293,155 [INTERNAL] 

tfw gigs is completely nuts

>> No.10364293,156 [INTERNAL] 

keep on trolling me 24/7 anon

i dont think its healthy but i really cant make you stop doing it.

>> No.10364293,157 [INTERNAL] 

tfw you've only talked to gigs over the past few days and he thinks you're someone else

>> No.10364293,158 [INTERNAL] 

enjoying your ban for trying to derail that one thread?

>> No.10364293,159 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not even banned lmao, stay wrek'd fag

>> No.10364293,160 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,161 [INTERNAL] 

dude calm your crazy its like 6AM

you have school today

>> No.10364293,162 [INTERNAL] 


gigs pls

>> No.10364293,163 [INTERNAL] 

Don't talk about me when I'm sleeping, ``kudasai".

>> No.10364293,164 [INTERNAL] 

I double dare you to use those fuggin quotes again I swer to christ i'll hook u in the gabber m8

>> No.10364293,165 [INTERNAL] 

Do you really believe there's only one person who hates you?

>> No.10364293,166 [INTERNAL] 

How's the crazy anon, man?

>> No.10364293,167 [INTERNAL] 

Take your pills dude

>> No.10364293,168 [INTERNAL] 

i have a few haters hating on my fly style but i know that one is crazier than the rest.

>> No.10364293,169 [INTERNAL] 

havent seen him following me around in a while he is probably banned

>> No.10364293,170 [INTERNAL] 

It's ``'', not ``".

>> No.10364293,171 [INTERNAL] 

>a simple right-click shows his "picture" is just some stock image from google.
Nice try, Trevor. You just got owned!

>> No.10364293,172 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when decided on optometry

>> No.10364293,173 [INTERNAL] 

That's not Gigs.

>> No.10364293,174 [INTERNAL] 

It's hilarious how reliably gigs!bar shows up to shitpost in threads that aren't about him.

>> No.10364293,175 [INTERNAL] 

it's a real shame he derailed this quality thread

>> No.10364293,176 [INTERNAL] 


You should put that tripcode back on.

>> No.10364293,177 [INTERNAL] 

i didn't think anybody cared

you really do love me

>> No.10364293,178 [INTERNAL] 


do you even know how wrekt you are?

>> No.10364293,179 [INTERNAL] 

>crying about a shit thread that was deleted going off track on /ghost/
>really crying irl


>> No.10364293,180 [INTERNAL] 

oh wait my ability to detect irony was hindered for a moment

>> No.10364293,181 [INTERNAL] 

yeah thats you you gay. you cant disinfo here bitch

>> No.10364293,182 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor confirmed for owned.

>> No.10364293,183 [INTERNAL] 

I don't go to Purdue, and you better watch your fucking mouth, asshole.

Nothing here is new, I posted half of these sites myself over the course of my /jp/ career.

The only ownage is that you guys found my spanishhour account. That's pretty fucking embarrassing.

>> No.10364293,184 [INTERNAL] 

post you're pics

>> No.10364293,185 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you just hack my Blackboard account and get my ID picture yourselves?

I mean, you guys are clearly elite hackers here. Step it the fuck up.

>> No.10364293,186 [INTERNAL] 

shut it shitlord, u just got pwned

>> No.10364293,187 [INTERNAL] 

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

>> No.10364293,188 [INTERNAL] 


So what's the significance of tar07d anyhow, is that your student account name or something?

First name, middle name, last name, enrollment and.. course?

>> No.10364293,189 [INTERNAL] 

>Step it the fuck up.

Do you really want me to? I mean, I don't really hold any "overt" malice towards you, but if that's what you want.. I can abide.

>> No.10364293,190 [INTERNAL] 

First name, middle name, last name, and dick length.

07d = 07 meter d

>> No.10364293,191 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,192 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,193 [INTERNAL] 


Please respond.

>> No.10364293,194 [INTERNAL] 

So that's why u shit up jp eh lol

>> No.10364293,195 [INTERNAL] 


Please. Respond.

>> No.10364293,196 [INTERNAL] 

Well, that was quite a treasure hunt.

>> No.10364293,197 [INTERNAL] 

shut a fuck up, ''please``

>> No.10364293,198 [INTERNAL] 

oh god its almost 2hundred my heart is going doki doki

>> No.10364293,199 [INTERNAL] 

my life will soon be complete

>> No.10364293,200 [INTERNAL] 

        ,:::::::':::::::::::::!::::::::!::.:.:.:.:! .}::|/ .|/''|:==.:r!.:.:./.:/|.:.:.:.:.:/.:.:.:':.:.:.|
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        ,::::/:::::::|:_:::::|::::::|:!:::::|:::|y'`汽ミx    j/ l/ lメj.:./.:/.:/!:.:.:.;′
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       ./::/::::::::::::::::ゝ- `ヽ:::::リ::!           气ミx/厶イ::/:!::|.:.:.,
      /::::{:::::::::::::::::/     ト、|/       .::: l  .::.j,゚`イ::::l::レ::::|::.!.:.;′
    /:::::::|::::::::::::::::|  \  ;゚  、      '  ,:゚ /::!.:.:.!::!::::リ::|.:/
_,.x====::、_::!::::::::::::::::!   ヽ。    ` ー- 、_   .,:゚ ,イ::::|.:/|::|:::/:::l/
  `ヽ    |:::::::::::::::::ト、.   \         ,。゚,..イ:::!::::!:! L:!/j::::|
    \  !::::::::::::::::| ヽ o'   \     。 イ::.:.:.!.:.|.:.j.:| ヽ/!:/
      ヽ !::::::::::::::::!  ハ     ` ー‐f='゚:::.:.:|.:.:./:::.レ'!:/   }′
       Ⅵ:::::::::::::::{    \__  __./  .!O:::::.:.:!.:/:::::ノ ノ'
   ` =- 、 }::::::::::::::|   \ `ヽ_ ´イ /!::::::::.:.:|.:| ヽ′
    ヽ   ヽ';::::::::::::!    \   /   !::::::::::::!::!  ヽ


>> No.10364293,201 [INTERNAL] 

Tomorrow's going to be interesting.

>> No.10364293,202 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,203 [INTERNAL] 

Saten-san made this thread for me <3

>> No.10364293,204 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor, please check your gmail. Or spam folder.

>> No.10364293,205 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, Trevor is a bona fide legend...

>> No.10364293,206 [INTERNAL] 

>bumping something about Trevor and praising him to try and rile up the board

That was last year's meme.

>> No.10364293,207 [INTERNAL] 

>mfw I have had a router/modem Gateway combo device from my ISP for the past 2 weeks and can't change my IP with it and have been actually waiting out my bans all this time, 6 bans so far I think.

Hoooooly fuck now I understand why people hate the jannies and mods so much. I should be getting my old modem back today though so when I do then it's fucking war on Janny

>> No.10364293,208 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10364293,209 [INTERNAL] 

Obvious samefag is obvious. This Trevor Richardson is a /jp/sie and active 4channer, but he isn't Trevor the shitposting retard of /jp/. It's just a random anon whose name happens to be Trevor.

>> No.10364293,210 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw Trevor is older, smarter and doing something with his life

I thought he was an autistic shutin like me

>> No.10364293,211 [INTERNAL] 

You were saying, virgneet?

>> No.10364293,212 [INTERNAL] 

No he's just a boring normalfag
Riding the bus to college and back and hanging with his fratbros

>> No.10364293,213 [INTERNAL] 

You hypocritical piece of shit. It's because of people like you that anyone who has legitimate complaints about the janitor is treated as nothing more than a "retarded shitposter". How about you judge the facts for yourself instead of joining a cause merely because you happen to be a victim?

>> No.10364293,214 [INTERNAL] 

yesterday i was mistaken for a ban-evading retard and banned for a month

someone really has it in for you guys
