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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 202 KB, 894x1000, 1354038139262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10361205 No.10361205 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese bullying system is really efficient?

>> No.10361231

Children are terrible, more news at 11.

>> No.10361238


>> No.10361235

I wonder what wild sexual things they can get girls to do with bullying technique.

>> No.10361236
File: 8 KB, 500x500, anime question girl FLAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does oxdox mean

>> No.10361240


Man, if someone said circle, ex, square, circle, ex to me, I'd kill myself.

>> No.10361243 [DELETED] 

Realistically, I think it's more likely that only girls bully each other, and not boys.

>> No.10361248

The schools are the biggest bullies. They put crazy pressure on students. Psychology says, "Japan, this is bad. You should stop."
Japan says, "Fuck you, gaijin pseudoscience. We honor Japan tradition!!!"

Backwards ass country. No wonder they're dying out.

>> No.10361250


It's a Microsoft gaming console, of course.

>> No.10361252

It looks like she's planning on blowing up the school.

>> No.10361255

I thought the one with squares and circles was Sony.

>> No.10361264

"Haruna was very upset that nobody would teach her the real Konami code."

>> No.10361275


Hey wow, you're rigFUCK YOU.

>> No.10361277

Nah, it's us PC gamer master racers, because we run CIRCLES around you SQUARES ;)

>> No.10361286

Time to put an end to public schooling.

>> No.10361292

1/10 made me reply

>> No.10361297


Now you've done it.

>> No.10361296

At the age of 5, children should be given a picturebook on critical thinking, a pamphlet on how to use Google, and one of those cheap laptops they give to nigger countries.

>> No.10361299


When do they get sex ed?

>> No.10361308

No google. We can't enter an age where a website does our thinking.

>> No.10361314

I once read on Sankaku Complex (the source for all accurate otaku news) that Japanese parents help their children masturbate from an early age. I think that's something the whole world should adopt, then children won't be freaked out and abused and raped by viewing lewd images on their niggertops.

>> No.10361317

Why do people think Google is so evil? Everything you find evil about Google already exists and has for the larger part of a century.

Google just cuts out the middleman.

>> No.10361322

They receive practical sex ed at the age of 5 from their parents obviously.

>> No.10361334

I second this really hard.

>> No.10361338
File: 96 KB, 500x335, richard-stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> In one of your articles, you wrote: If your daughter gets pregnant by the football captain you blame the school for poor sex education. A responsible teacher would have taught her effective birth control techniques as well as pleasurable sex techniques.

> Yes, a good education should include those.

>> What exactly did you mean by ``to teach pleasurable sex techniques''?

> My idea of a sex class is like a massage class or a dance class. You have a class of 10 to 16 people, either equally straight males and straight females, or all gays of the same sex. And one or two teachers.

> The teacher would demonstrate a technique by doing it to a student and inviting the student to do it to the teacher, while the other students watch. Then the students would do the technique with each other, in couples usually, and every so often the teacher would call on one group to advance around the circle.

>> No.10361340

Because google tracks you and is part of a multi national corporation.

>> No.10361341

Would you want your mommy to jerk your microscopic ponos to dry orgasm, anon-goshujinsama?

>> No.10361342

How could they bully? Asians are all so damn ugly.

>> No.10361348

I like my mom but no thanks

>> No.10361343

Digging the close proximity of these posts.

>> No.10361350

It's like how Klingons say stuff like "Your mother has a flat forehead."

We can look on and laugh as the Aryan master race, but to them post-ugliness is serious business.

>> No.10361354

What a foolish man.

>> No.10361365

How would you handle Japanese bullying? Most times you don't see the aggressor and the teachers don't give a fuck.

>> No.10361375

japs are so tiny i'd snap them in half

>> No.10361376


I'd tell the bullies that square circle ex circle

>> No.10361384

I'd grow my Japanese kids to be non-bullies. A huge portion of especially the more normal/gifted bullies have parents who "encourage them to be assertive in interpersonal interaction".

>> No.10361390

Then you'll just end up with a child that gets bullied.

>> No.10361409

It's simply moronic to encourage the law of the jungle and wish that your kid will become the biggest gorilla. He should do questionable shit if/when he gets bullied, not as a precaution to avoid it.

>> No.10362028

More that the teachers are always some combination of powerless and apathetic.

>> No.10362038

A good way to make sure that you raise an entire generation of friendless internet addicts.

>> No.10362053

>He should do questionable shit if/when he gets bullied
No, that also leads to more bullying. You don't have any idea how this works, do you? You are supposed to avoid being a target for bullies to begin with.

>> No.10362077

I want to be bullied by an average brown japanes schoolgirl.

>> No.10362100

damn queer,. youre the biggest faggot ive seen tonight-

>> No.10362102

>Sankaku Complex

Forgive me, but please die in a fire.

>> No.10362105

How do I do that?

>> No.10362112
File: 5 KB, 550x532, die.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You throw this around while being surrounded by flame.

>> No.10362116
File: 55 KB, 460x371, hot_monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something along these lines.

>> No.10362117

That actually sounds fun thanks anon you know how to party.

>> No.10362180


sankaku complex is worse than /jp? maybe they need more porn ads

>> No.10362245

The Japanese are just super-passive about everything, even bullying. They won't address the problems head-on and if anything, encourage the victim to change schools

>> No.10362272

Are you quoting Richard Stallman? I fucking hate that enemy of my freedom.

>> No.10362276

I always wondered if that was necessary.

>> No.10362285

In a country when the government doesn't give a shit about you, then why not?


What a jerk.

>> No.10362290 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10362301

Look out, we got a Japan expert in here!

>> No.10362324
File: 18 KB, 500x551, akb48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of bullying...

>> No.10362600

○ = wuld fuk
□ = alright?
× = fagget

What does the shapes mean anyway

>> No.10362618

They're playing tic tac toe

>> No.10362623 [DELETED] 



>> No.10362630


>> No.10362635


>> No.10362636 [DELETED] 


>> No.10362640

Just give up.
/jp/ is beyond salvation.

>> No.10362642 [DELETED] 

I would whip out my massively erect cock and tell them if they bullied my daughter again they would taste the fury of my hot semen.

>> No.10362646


>> No.10362648 [DELETED] 

But they go after the people that avoid being a target first.

>> No.10362652

Become the bully to avoid being bullied.
Line up scapegoats to draw attention away from yourself.

>> No.10362653 [DELETED] 



>> No.10362655 [DELETED] 

If everyone was a bully there would be no more bullies. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10362665 [DELETED] 

If you met a /jp/sie in school, would you bully them?

I would. I'd bully all of you. You'd become my pet project.

>> No.10362667

I would make them my underling and teach them cool stuff.

>> No.10362672

/jp/'s bite back you know!

One day, when you least expect it, you will be assaulted with pens and such.

>> No.10362674

This was my fetish when I was a kid

>> No.10362677

Like what? How to make men come with your armpits?

>> No.10362679

Man I love that song it speaks to my soul.

>> No.10362683

How did you know!

>> No.10362690 [DELETED] 




>> No.10362693


>> No.10362700 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 367x222, ruseman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Twas but a ruse

>> No.10362714

What a terrible person you are leading me on like that.

>> No.10362716

I prefer wait and bleed by slipknot

>> No.10362719 [DELETED] 

I'll slip my knot right up your ass mien gott!
*whips out dick*

>> No.10362725

Well where's the dick dude I expected a dick.

>> No.10362730 [DELETED] 

That's the trick, you are the dick.

>> No.10362734

That's quite clever.

>> No.10363412

>No, that also leads to more bullying. You don't have any idea how this works, do you?
Yes I have. You need to escalate it or it will never end. Why would it? Proper behavior has already been thrown out of the window. The bullied person should always start stirring shit up because if he doesn't, he'll end up as a suicidal NEET anyway and the bullies learn that wrongdoing is, in fact, an extremely effective way to get what you want. The victim should act: he has nothing to lose and much to win. Adults just don't like it because it causes them trouble.

>You are supposed to avoid being a target for bullies to begin with.
Hence the "if/when he gets bullied".

That's why there seems to be no bullying in some schools.

>> No.10363429

Aren't supposed to pick a bullied girl and make her your lifetime maid or something?

>> No.10363510

>The victim should act: he has nothing to lose and much to win. Adults just don't like it because it causes them trouble.
This allows us to gather a list of suitable traits:
-submissive (perceived inferiority, doesn't have to be related to actual skills and capabilities)
-introverted (implies relatively bad communication skills in kids)
-authoritarian and organized beliefs/family (won't trouble adults, believes in resolving things through formal negotiation)
-uncharming personality/relatively weak friend network (others won't turn against the bully out of sympathy)
-general passivity (a rock doesn't show signs of being bullied - it just exists)
-low intelligence (too stupid to figure this all out, might appear annoying/weak to others)
-depressed (pre-existing is better - the change in demeanour won't alert others)

>> No.10363558

The hawk-eyed observer may notice that each of these attributes is _non-beneficial_ in today's society. What if they seem to be ingrained in someone's personality?

"Now this is the Law of the Jungle—as old and as true as the sky;

And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.

As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back;
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."

>> No.10363883
File: 73 KB, 1024x600, stallmanaboutsex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10363892

The hawk-eyed observer may notice that we don't live in the Jungle.

>> No.10363955

Indeed. Nowadays we have contracts that emphasize productive creativity. Who would dare to disrespect them?

>> No.10363967

I will respond to that question with this.
In its own way it weeds out the least suitable.
To say that we will ever get out of the jungle is just naivety.

>> No.10366634
File: 142 KB, 620x620, fragezeichenyomou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i read more about bullying in Japanese Middle-/High-Schools?

>> No.10366643


>> No.10366649

Hey guys, look. It's the lich king!

>> No.10366651
File: 424 KB, 705x1087, just another normal day in moonland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily life of a boy in Japan.

>> No.10366675

I remember when I had this fantasy back in elementary school.

>> No.10366682

why does this show up as korean then when i google it?

>> No.10366686

Because you dont know how to use google?
Stop feeding google with corean entertainment gook lover.

>> No.10366694

your post confuses me

anyway that shit isn't japan at all its korean shit

>> No.10366739

Japan has some of the finest bullies around. That's the only reason I'm learning Japanese. I really want to to get a bullying mentor.

>> No.10366745

whc /jp/sy wud u buli?

>> No.10366750

Nigga, the only reason you got link to coreanshit is because google think you are a coreaboo.

>> No.10366766

Everyone who posts in idol threads.

>> No.10366849 [DELETED] 

Elementary schoolers do not have fantasies.

Stop sexualizing children!

>> No.10366879 [DELETED] 

So... You fantasized about having sex with your classmates when you were a kid? PEDO FUCK!

Children do not find other children attractive. It's impossible because they are pure beings. Also, children are not attractive in any way! You can't like them, ever! In your whole life!

>> No.10366896

weird when i dont even have any google related accounts. i thought they cant give you suggested sites otherwise

>> No.10366926

I know you're just shitposting but I still remember how flabbergasted I was after the first sex ed lesson in the fifth grade. Realizing that my parents had actually fucked blew my mind.

>> No.10366936 [DELETED] 

>Realizing that my parents had actually fucked blew my mind
Same here. It was awkward.

Also, I remember having a dream where some loli in my class grabbed my dick and stripped naked and shit.

I... never unsterstood why my classmates hated the lolis and fapped to the young teachers instead. It was the opposite for me.

>> No.10366996 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you were a big fuckin' nerd.

>> No.10366997

>I... never unsterstood why my classmates hated the lolis and fapped to the young teachers instead.
They were just talking shit because they wanted to imitate their mental image of a manly big boy. When I actually started fapping at the age of 14, I sure as hell wasn't interested in the teachers. The talkative dorks had also shut up about adult women at that point. I think I know why.

>> No.10367007

What the hell do they actually teach in sex education classes? My weird school dropout/reenter stuff kept me from attending one of those classes.

>> No.10367024

They say that pOnOs goes into vagOO and le babby is borned. In addition, love is a beautiful thing and non-virginity is not a status symbol. Always wear a rubber ghost.

>> No.10367027

simply for the win EPIC summary, /jp/bro :-) mind if I add this to my 'wintasticullar posts' .txt file?

>> No.10367032

*gives permission*

>> No.10367039 [DELETED] 

14? Holy shit. I started at the age of 9. And when I was 14, I realized something was different. I liked my classmates, mainly because I have a huge pubic hair fetish, but those girls from my little brother's elementary school seemed way, way hotter and pleasant to me.

>> No.10367051

And you guys keep writing how non-pedophiles are in denial. That's alien as HELL d00d.

>> No.10367054

Eggcelent. *takes a deep bow and backs away into the shadows*

>> No.10367057 [DELETED] 

No roleplaying

>> No.10367058 [DELETED] 

What do you even mean?

>> No.10367063


I will culturally enrich them with a good ol' Southern beatdown.

>> No.10367079 [DELETED] 

They should just humiliate the bullies just like they do to the weaker kids.

Let's force some loli bully to remove her panties and then everyone in the class will spank her. She will never be able to look at their eyes again, because they all saw her shameful ass cheeks.

>> No.10367101


>I liked my classmates, mainly because I have a huge pubic hair fetish, but those girls from my little brother's elementary school seemed way, way hotter and pleasant to me.

This is like reading how someone would rather eat saw blades, even though they're a bit on the hard side, than potatoes.

I know that sexuality is a highly individual thing but people are taught otherwise. Even Maslow grouped it together with eating and breathing. I guess sex must be so important as a motivator that a mass delusion of everyone's similarity has to be upheld.

>> No.10367102 [DELETED] 

You are fucking sick and any of you faggots /jp/sies who fap to this though are also fucking sicko fuckos.

>> No.10367106 [DELETED] 

Sorry, but you two don't make any sense. Is the first anon implying that I'm in denial? Is the second anon inplying that I'm delusional?

I honestly can't understand how these two posts are a reply to mine. It feels like they quoted the wrong person or something.

>> No.10367122

>Is the first anon implying that I'm in denial?
No, I'm sorry for connecting the standard troll phrase about non-pedophiles being pedophiles to the discussion without mentioning it explicitly.

>Is the second anon inplying that I'm delusional?
I don't know, but those who are eager to mold others to fit into their own projection tend to be. Sexuality is still a relatively free-for-all zone for such behavior because uncontested heteronormative monogamy serves the society so well.

>> No.10367132 [DELETED] 

I wasn't molding others, I just told my experience. So I'm not delusional, I think.

>> No.10367142

That's what I'm happy about. Other people's experiences are interesting.

>> No.10368126


>> No.10370727

>I think that's something the whole world should adopt

Imagine the Fox News headlines.

>> No.10371579

Goddamn, looking back I was a shithead.
Loved to pull the strings out of people's hoodies.

>> No.10371590

As if anyone uses those strings.

>> No.10371593

>gaijin pseudoscience

Last I heard Japanese psychiatrists and psychologists were saying that it was a bad thing too.

>> No.10371608

I'd rape that fucking oxdox right in the mouth.

>> No.10374055
File: 124 KB, 452x640, baa56c3b_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10374068

/jp/ is worse than /cgl/ and it your fault

>> No.10374071

The world needs more bullying, look at the average kid today. The women are whores and the men are sissy little faggots.

>> No.10374079


>> No.10374107

>The women are whores and the men are sissy little faggots.

They are sissy little faggots precisely because they were bullied.

>> No.10374110

What you're describing is the result of feminism.

>> No.10374120

In the good old days they'd have hardened the fuck up.

It builds character.

They're sissy little faggots because they run from their problems and refuse to grow up.

>> No.10374121

>It builds character.
Only an american would think that, bullyiong is retarded and only works to make people damaged.

>> No.10374129

Not even a seppo.

I guess it's what you define as bullying.
Certain there is nothing wrong with name calling and a bit of biff

>> No.10374161

>and a bit of biff

U wot m8?

>> No.10374385

>Only an american would think that,
Only a retard would think that
too bad America is full of retards lmao

Seriously, if people wanted to live decently, why wouldn't they just imitate gifted and proven individuals? The kind of people who can't afford to be shit in any area of life.
Nurturing a rough'n'tumble culture doesn't make much sense unless:
1) you personally enjoy it because it allows people to do dumb shit without getting condemned
2) refining it would inevitably alienate people who are important to you

Luckily, the older you get, the more answer 2 loses credibility.

Kids get it but they pretend they don't. They're like apes until practical reasons -- increasing age-related expectations -- make it impossible. They stretch it as long as they can because it's easy. Dissidents who make the mistake of demonstrating how great kindness can be are shot down.

A class is as strong as its weakest link. The weakest link is the student who can't deal with his perceived inferiority without acting out. He's the one who drags everything down to his level whenever he feels like it.

>> No.10375689

English sauce ?

>> No.10375766

multiple thought threads, a product of the fantastic japanese schooling system

>> No.10375777

From the rooftops

>> No.10375773

Kids are soft these days, killing themselves over shit happening on facebook or whatever social media sites they use. The news would have you believe that their suicides are perfectly justified.

Maybe I'm just a humongous asshole but that's fucking silly.
