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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10347289 No.10347289 [Reply] [Original]

NEET/Hikkomori Lifestyle Thread

>> No.10347294


>> No.10347298

oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.10347302

One of my wise honorable friends called that overgrown baby. Or something like that... He was so wise... I could have never guessed. RIP

>> No.10347303
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>tfw want to eat /jaypoo/'s cum but they only replay with #slaythegay

>> No.10347304

>dat feelio when no qt kaguya gf

>> No.10347309 [DELETED] 
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oh cool i was just about to make a thread
here goes

in my relationships the girl was always more passive and less emotional. I see this also in others people relationships

i feel that us men need a gf mostly to love a woman. not be loved

Ps, fatties show a lot of emotion for some magical reason. for example they will initiate cuddling and patting. thoughts?

>> No.10347310

someone post that picture
i want to read about him again

>> No.10347314

Women are just sluts so its beneficial for them to be non-committed because they are always waiting for the chance of someone richer coming along

>> No.10347316

i wish i could have a gf like kaguya

>> No.10347319
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>> No.10347323


(Twice the handholding so it is lewd multiplied by two [* means multiplication])

>> No.10347320

Can't tell if ironic or just someone who got lost here

>> No.10347328

Fat people use every opportunity to make physical contact because they have are insecure.

A slim person would prefer to keep distanced.

This is fact.

>> No.10347331

thank you
nobu is awesome

>> No.10347336

I am slim and I enjoy physical contact.

>> No.10347338
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I wish I could meet him, he seems like a cool guy.
Here is Sazawa-san, role model of /jp/.

>> No.10347355

My girlfriend and I just broke up. #yolo

>> No.10347357

Want to cuddle?

>> No.10347363


>> No.10347366
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>> No.10347372


>> No.10347376


I really need a boyfriend, I'm serious. Email in field.

>> No.10347386

btw im a girl

>> No.10347390

That would be nice with breasts...

>> No.10347412

I need to go to the store to buy more food but I don't really want to. I might see how long I can last before the hunger becomes more important than my fear.

>> No.10347454
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I can;t wait until spring/summer so I can finally talk to some fun new people and not have to deal with you same grumpy buttholes who get to spend everyday in the winter with nothing better to do then complain about the quality of /jp/ all day.

Fun times coming soon to a board near you.

>> No.10347465

hang in there, comrade! same situation here... I may last 2 full day, but after my stomach might howl too noisily...

I hate how cashier look scornfully at me... or maybe am I imagining those looks due to the personification of my low self-esteem through the gaze of other... Rah going out will force me to think about it and I don't want

>> No.10347505


Fuck you talking about? Spring is the worst time to be on this board and everyone knows what summer is like.

>> No.10347576

You could also go to these new people instead of waiting for them
Here I'll lead you the way
You are welcome

>> No.10347588

Have you ever experienced a black out? I mean a legit blackout, like in the movie the Butterfly effect? today someone called me while I was home alone, the ringtone sent chills across every fiber of my being. It was a girl (my cousin), I got so nervous I started trembling and had to sit down. That's all I remember, I hanged up 3 minutes later unable to remember a single word I said, drenched in sweat and shivering. Jesus.

>> No.10347591

I don't pick up my phone

>> No.10347594

I've only ever fainted a couple times due to malnutrition.

>> No.10347603


>> No.10347614

It seems like you were overreacting.

>> No.10347631

So my sister signed up to host a Japanese student for a semester at in High School. I did it too back when I was in High School but I got some normalfag guy who tried to hit on everything with breasts. My sister got a Fujoshi. How can I tell? When we picked her up at the airport, her luggage had Full Metal Alchemist, Code Geass and Gundam 00 pins and shit stuck on them. When she got to my house and saw my Touhoe'd out wallpaper, she asked how I knew something so obscure. Also saw G Senjyo icon and nodded approvingly. Anyways on this coming weekend we were thinking of taking her into the city and let her see American city life. Would a fujoshi appreciate a bigass city mall or something? She is from Kyuushu from some small ass town so I'm hoping seeing the city will amaze her if not just entertain her.

>> No.10347632


Yeah, I used to use benzos.

>> No.10347638

That's so stressful and afterward you feel so pathetic... It happened to me once...

My mother confronted me, because for one year i've been playing without doing anything else but being a burden for my parents, the fact she was moved ashamed me, so i kind of held my respiration, going dizzy and trembling. I never remembered anything, until i was on the ground with my mother's face near my head, with a scared yet angry expression. I knew after that I just collapsed in front of her...

Since that day, i decided to not be a hindrance anymore, and I study hard now ! (i've given up on my study then)

>> No.10347642

I like how this board considers the Japanese as though they are animals or children.

>> No.10347643

We're all animals and children here.

>> No.10347652

mostly animals

>> No.10347669
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>> No.10347678

oh shit man is that grinface LOL man i was looking through 4chan history on ED the other day and saw the face. holy crap it made me laugh. i mena, what the heck. can't even stop laugh now.

>> No.10347686

Glad to be of service. If you want more lulz, open the surprise box below:

His chin looks like a dick.

>> No.10347697

i think there's something wrong with your dick

>> No.10347704

Which Touhou would she fug?

>> No.10347749

Is Arch Linux the NEETest Linux based OS?
I mean, you need a huge amount of free time to make something useful out of it.
Or would it be Gentoo?

>> No.10347765

You should use an operating system that respects your freedoms.

>> No.10347783

LFS is.

>> No.10347785

No, but here is a list of NEET approved distros: http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html

>> No.10347840

Linux respects your freedom.

>> No.10347841

ur mum does it way better faglord

>> No.10347843

Looks like I will need some ice for that BURN.

>> No.10347846


>> No.10347863

What you are referring to as Linux is in fact GNU/Linux, or as I have recently taken to calling it, GNU+Linux.

>> No.10347882


Gentoo includes nonfree firmware blobs the option to install nonfree software.

>> No.10347907

There are no longer non-free blobs in Gentoo, however they still promote non-free software in their default repositories.

>> No.10347913

I meet a another neet hikki from one of these threads and we were exchanging emails.
They deleted their email account randomly last month and I'm still upset over it.

>> No.10348005

Again this piece of shit thread?
What the fuck did I tell you about posting this gay crap here, faggots? Fuck off to >>>/soc/ or >>>/r9k/ already and take you gayshit and AIDS with you.

>> No.10348015

>NEET lifestyle

>> No.10348043

She has probably been to a city what you need to show her is true America food with 200lb hamburger

>> No.10348047

How can I find japanese NEET/Hikikomori/otaku? All sites I know to find japanese people I just end up finding normalfags. Last time I've met a 39 year old housewife.

>> No.10348052

That shitty rule need to be deleted and the faggots who came up with it rounded up and shot. Fucking subhuman animals.

>> No.10348054

Maybe because Japanese antisocials and hikikomori don't spend their time trying to meet people over the internet.

>> No.10348055

I meet him in a thread like this one. We shared interest and was really nice, now he's gone.

>> No.10348056

Yeah, but they're still around somewhere. I know that they probably don't have much interest, but I'd like to practice my japanese skills and at the same time talk about things I like, instead of talking about "which present should I give to my son at christmas"?

>> No.10348058

No one said he japanese

>> No.10348060

I didn't imply he was. I'm asking a question slightly related to what he said.

>> No.10348095

the thing about god pisses me off tbh

>> No.10348113

how do i becum a neet??? my mom wont let me she says i have to go to college but i dont want to and she says i am not artistic enough to get payments

>> No.10348124

I used to have a NEET friend. He hasn't spoken to me in a while though.

>> No.10348283
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That copypasta still makes me smile about the impossibility of it all.

I blacked out once when it was real scary, but it wasn't really because I was unhealthy, when I've felt that way I just go to sleep after drinking something or snacking. Although once I got heatstroke and fell into immediate slumber for about 40 minutes that felt like a whole night's sleep.

I was alone at home and wearing headphones, listening to music sitting cross-legged on the living room's floor with my laptop and I could chill quietly somewhere outside my room. I thought it would be a good time to do so since nobody was home. I don't remember well what I was browsing, but I lost visibility about 30 minutes later-- something was covering my head. Then I felt about 3 consecutive blows to my head and that someone was restraining me when something just sparked in my head and I started flailing, I guess. Somehow it worked though and I was able to catch a glimpse of two guys hightailing it to the back door. One was carrying the really fucking old (for that time) Celeron laptop that was in front of me just seconds ago. Since that was my most prized possession back then, I chased after the one I saw was carrying it (there are 2 routes to the back door and they split up).

>> No.10348286
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There is a sort of hill/valley created by a river near my backyard, and he headed that way, running down the slope. I guess since he was carrying a really fucking bulky laptop he was slower than me so I was able to catch up and I tackled him so we went rolling down the hill. Somewhere along the way he dropped the laptop. He recovered footing though and ran away, crossing the river. I was able to notice he wasn't carrying my laptop though so I searched for it until I found it nearby.

I was really exhausted since that was probably the fastest sprint I had done in my whole life. I started climbing up the hill which was sprinkled with vegetation I could grab on since it was rather steep and it was an old but bulky laptop. That was when I noticed I was covering them (and the laptop) with blood, and after that a heavy feeling of wooziness invaded me. I guess I was being driven by pure adrenaline I think, and the sight of blood brought my mind down. I was able to climb up though, by force of will. Apparently neighbors had heard their dogs and the ruckus and one called the police who then took me to the hospital. I felt I wanted to sleep from exhaustion, but I had read enough shit about sleeping while being hurt so I focused on just staying awake while my mind kept blanking out sporadically. Being dragged up a vehicle with a cold metallic floor, and then the white lights of ER are the only moments I really remember.

>> No.10348289
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After that I don't remember much until I was awoken and got operated on. Apparently I had received hard enough hits on my head that I was bleeding out of there, as well as having received 5 stabs, one on the left side of my neck under my ear, two on my back, one near my left ribcage and another one near my left armpit. I was interned in the hospital for 2 months, I began to be hypersensitive to bright light and I had to begin taking epilepsy medication. Had to wear glasses about 2 years later, although I don't know if that's correlated. That was when I was 17, a week later after my HS graduation, so I basically missed going to uni and started NEETing after that.

tl;dr Don't go out of your fucking room with headphones on.

Sorry for the blogpost.

>> No.10348371

>If you follow the NEET news, they changed the scale with the new year. It's more refined now in that if you only have some slight autism, you may get less/no autismbux.

Is this true?

>> No.10348372

It came up in another thread, i'm pretty sure it's normalfag butthurt fantasies

>> No.10348402

Is anyone else more depressed than usual because their favorite 2D character isn't real and they can't delude themselves enough to believe otherwise? I don't care about making friends, I just want intimacy with her.

>> No.10348408

You could lucid dream

>> No.10348410


I didn't even read it all, but I wish you had died. Seriously, people who use headphones are the biggest idiots in the world.

>> No.10348411

I'm depressed that you exist

>> No.10348425

Yeah I know, but I don't want to mess around with that after reading about cases of sleep paralysis and other unsettling experiences.

Well then you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.10348428

No one here has autism. We are bipolar and schizophrenic geniuses who will absolutely always be guaranteed healthcare because of our unpredictability and proneness to violence.

>> No.10348433

>We are bipolar and schizophrenic

Those don't quality for SSDI

>> No.10348435

nothing ventured nothing gained

also there are methods to break out of sleep paralysis but i forget them offhand

>> No.10348436

>unpredictability and proneness to violence

Why not just throw you in jail?

>> No.10348437
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Do you ever feel like the last NEET?

A lone warrior. Alone shaolin style. Walking through this world alone, but that's what happens when you're a samurai.

>> No.10348441

sleep paralysis only comes into play with lucid dreaming if you use a specific method to initiate a lucid dream

if you dream normally you can enter a lucid dream simply by becoming aware of the fact you're dreaming and have no risk of sleep paralysis

>> No.10348442

Speak for yourself, smart guy.

>> No.10348445

I think the opposite would be more common. The one guy being the last worker after all his co-employees were laid off.

>> No.10348456

>if you dream normally you can enter a lucid dream simply by becoming aware of the fact you're dreaming and have no risk of sleep paralysis

I've had it happen to me many times. It is not guranteed but still possible.

>> No.10348457

Are you referring to that method where you deliberately keep yourself awake and get into sleep paralysis?

>> No.10348461

I was dreaming once and I realized it. All I did with my lucid dream was walk around for a bit and run some laps. Then I got bored and woke up.

I have no imagination.

>> No.10348467


I also forgot to add that I used it to pretend I was a ghost so I could grope women's breasts.

>> No.10348468

Yes, you like lay on your back and don't move or something. you enter sleep paralysis followed by a dream

>> No.10348472

You didn't try to fly?

>> No.10348476

I've read everything. Do you still have any side-effects from this experience? Also, did you tighten up the security of your house after this accident?

>> No.10348482

It's not as simple as that. It has to be at the point in the night where you would enter REM sleep. If you do it at the wrong time you will not be able to dream. So you have to figure out when your REM phase is and then maybe wake up at that time and then try to do it.

>> No.10348483

How would you feel if I told that dreams are actually different planes of reality that we can only visit on a very specific state of mind and self awareness, shaped by our the powers of our imagination? And that two people 20 thousand miles away can actually find themselves in the same plane, at the same time and place if they wish for the same thing?

What I'm saying is, learn to control it (guides are useful only as a placebo, it has to come from within) and have sex with a touhou next time.

>> No.10348496

I usually do nothing when I realize I'm in a lucid dream. Like if I dream about flying abroad or having a girlfriend something in my brain tells me this isn't real, so I immediately think "I'm dreaming" but instead of altering my surroundings or doing something supernatural I just go with wherever the dream takes me. Sometimes I even forget that I'm dreaming even while inside the dream.

I read about this "different plane of reality" thing a few days ago. I find it both exciting and frightening that you actually share your dream with others. The most terrifying case was encountering weird figures with blurred or hooded faces that cannot be altered. For example if you are being chased you can throw obstacles on them but they can't be directly affected by your willpower.

>> No.10348497

>How would you feel if I told that dreams are actually different planes of reality

I'd tell you to go back to /x/ and that there's not a shread of evidence for anything you just said

>> No.10348504

Yeah, astral projection is bullshit. It has been unable to stand up to experimentation.

>> No.10348510


I jumped while I ran around a forest. It was kind of like flying because I was so fit and healthy.

Then I woke up and was sorely disappointed with myself.

>> No.10348511

>Like if I dream about flying abroad or having a girlfriend something in my brain tells me this isn't real


>> No.10348512

I'm sorry I didn't. It's not like I was strolling mid-day, I was in my house with doors supposedly closed though. I found out later that a family member had left it that way and just left the house without saying anything. I don't want to use speakers, music sounds horrendous that way. Especially on a laptop.

Yes, I'm still photosensitive, but that's about it. I don't think I can count a heightened paranoia to every sound I hear that's not strange and to checking the door locks.
I tightened security as well, but now I just go out less and use buds and keep one ear uncovered.

>> No.10348514

It's pretty funny isn't it? It's my most trustworthy way of doing a reality check.

>> No.10348516

When my Internet was went down yesterday I realized how addicted I was to the Internet.

First I didn't know what to do so I just went to sleep. After taking a short nap the Internet still wasn't up. At that point I was taking desperate measures to go online. I didn't even have anything to do online other than browse 4chan, but the actions I took was as if sometime vital was happening and that I needed Internet access no matter what.

After having a short snack I went to sleep again. And then the Internet was backed up. Tomorrow I'll need to call comcast that I don't need their new service anymore.

>> No.10348517

I was debating making one of those cheap masks for 5$ with LEDs on a timer that flash

bright enough that you "see" them and your dream flashes red, but not bright enough to wake you up

some people took that idea, stole it, kikestartered it and are selling it for 90$ now after getting over a million for funding.

>> No.10348523

I could be flying through outer space without a suit shooting laser beams out of my eyes and I would still consider it to be perfectly reasonable and not a dream.

>> No.10348522

I always tether from my smartphone if that happens

>> No.10348526

fuck yeah capitalism

>> No.10348530

I guess that's what you would call a normal dream.

>> No.10348527

Don't they charge you extra for that in addition to the normal data charge?

>> No.10348533

I want to disappear.

>> No.10348534

Only if you tell them you're doing it.

>> No.10348539 [DELETED] 

Either play as a thief in video games or get help. Good luck.

>> No.10348573

Was it nigras that attacked you?

>> No.10348609

No, one was caucasian and the one carrying the laptop looked like a South American indigenous guy.

>> No.10348891


>> No.10349140

Last night I had a dream about walking around a city and taking pictures. I distinctly remember using a 35mm lens and thinking how perfect it was. Then afterwards in another dream I dreamt of running my finger between the legs of a loli. She was on her back in a bed with her legs spread and knees to her chest and was wearing no panties. I remember taking my finger and applying a bit of force as I dragged it from bottom to top and felt her shudder. I can still remember how warm and slippery it felt.

The mind is amazing.

>> No.10349227

Goodnight friends.

>> No.10349241

I'm drinking Kraken rum and playing Trine 2 Director's Cut on my Wii U. Likely going to stop playing the game in a few minutes, though, as I don't like to game while intoxicated.

>> No.10349248

Get your brain checked you disgusting immoral pedophile.

>> No.10349249

It must be hard using a Wii U controller with hooves, then add being drunk to that mix, it would be damn near impossible.

>> No.10349263

i had your 2nd dream except i was the loli (which wasnt strange at all to me cos u kno, dreamstate) and all i could think was "why is this nigger touching me".

>> No.10349264

50mm>35mm for street

>> No.10349269

I'll tell you my problem. I'm going through Tae Kim and I need to finish up this small section (1.5 pages in the pdf file) and he throws out 25 new words into the 15 or so example sentences there. Made me fucking mad.

>> No.10349271

See, what did I tell you about dreams being different planes of reality shaped by our own will where we can meet and fuck strangers from across the globe?

>> No.10349272

I had a dream I was with my family in Japan and we hung out a bakery shop eating cookies and stuff. Then the dream shifted to zombies for a while and then ended with a big muscular guy slowly flexing out of water naked hugging another man (looked really realistic too). I woke up, slapped myself, and looked at cute pictures of girls all day to make sure I stay straight.

>> No.10349287



>> No.10349289

As of late I've been very stressed out over my entertainment intake in my spare time. It's like I have no idea what to prioritize, whether I should finish this game I've been playing through, should I watch this movie I just downloaded, should I watch season 1 of this anime that's getting a sequel, so on and so forth.

How do people deal with this? Frankly it just seems like browsing /jp/ and losing an hour long game of Dota 2 is the easy way out of being bored.

>> No.10349292

Looks like you've been infected. It's only a matter of time before you're sucking cocks in the locker room at your local gym.

>> No.10349294

Don't think. Feel.

>> No.10349302

If you can't choose it means that you don't actually want to do any of these things. You need better entertainment.

>> No.10349298

I had a dream I had sex with someone and it was awful.

>> No.10349299

I know the typical answer is to just do whatever you feel like doing, it makes sense, but I've been VERY bad about this as of late. I don't get anything done.

>> No.10349303

This is actually good advice. Don't ever overthink about what to do or what you're doing. Just do it if you feel like doing it, especially if it feels good.

>> No.10349314

I get that feeling a lot too. Either try something else or just take a break from everything. Or whatever, it's never worked for me. Always wanting to do something but never knowing what, it's a shitty loop. Maybe it's time to off yourself.

>> No.10349322

I like 35mm better.

Sometimes I wonder.

>> No.10349323

Cut off the internet and get work on your backlog.

>> No.10349327

What else is there to do? I don't care for reading.

Dying is too much of a pain in the ass.

>> No.10349328

I guess it depend on what you shoot more of. 50 seems better if you typically focus on people, 35 for buildings and other scenery.

>> No.10349336


Work out a bit. I don't mean start lifting weights and browsing /fit/, but just going out for a walk or a short run can be very relaxing and will help you think. If that doesn't help, just try de-stressing and taking a nap. Usually that works for me, otherwise I'm not sure what to do other then sit around and stare at blank walls.

>> No.10349333

Yeah, but it's smooth sailing after that. There are plenty of ways to do it too

>> No.10349347

Me too except I'm watching idol videos ^^

>> No.10349354

>What else is there to do? I don't care for reading.
Audiobooks. Take walks, cook, play grindy games and listen.

>> No.10349394

What was so bad about it?

>> No.10349418


I couldn't get off. It was annoying, yet my partner was having a blast.

>> No.10349419

My ass is sore.
And no, not from what you faglords are imagining.

>> No.10349428


I was imagining you sat down for too long on a hard surface. Now I know for sure you've been having anal sex with other men.

>> No.10349436


>> No.10349496


>> No.10349500

Sounds fun, enjoy yourself!

>> No.10349509

Er, those already existed for sale for $100 or so 4+ years ago. Unless the original company went out of business?

>> No.10349565

I'm fucking miserable all the time, I hate myself, I hate how I upset other people, I hate how I never get anything done, I hate this half-alive, half-dead state, this "floating world" I can't seem to escape no matter how many times I tell myself I'm going to change.

Please, someone put me out of my misery or force me to change from this pathetic creature I've become

I can't handle existing like this, a discarded person in a discarded life my family has left behind

I can't handle being alive if it's always going to be like this

>> No.10349574

I'm thinking about dropping out of university

but I have all that debt

>> No.10349580

I'll kill you. Where do you live?

>> No.10349588


you won't be able to pay it off for decades whether you finish your degree or not. You already goofed by taking student loans, it doesn't matter now.

>> No.10349592

I'm useless and ugly, I have no skills and I no longer enjoy anything.
Why bother living?

>> No.10349593

5183 Blue Mountain Road, Wilseyville CA, 95257

I'll leave the front door open.

>> No.10349600

Cute house!

>> No.10349604



>> No.10349615

I'll kill you too. All I need is an address.

>> No.10349619

My parents gave me an ultimatum, live in their house rent free while going to school or live on the streets. I chose school.

I can;t be friends with you guys any longer.

>> No.10349623

How does it feel to know your parents don't give a shit about whether you go homeless and starve to death?

>> No.10349628

They think that kicking me in the ass will make me a normal person; from school they expect me to find friends, a GF, and motivation. Sadly the only thing I care about is eroge, sports, and anime.

>> No.10349629

That's western parenting for you. Once your kid is 18, who gives a shit, let them die.

>> No.10349634


>> No.10349631

Waaaah my life sucks wahhhh

Grow a pair mong. You're alone in this world, loved or not.

>> No.10349632

I am 23, they gave me 5 years to start giving a shit.

>> No.10349635

And? Like that makes it any better?

>> No.10349644

It does, 5 years is plenty of time to make a life for yourself if you art mentally ill and/or stupid.

>> No.10349641

Just fucking open a portal to gensokyo.

>> No.10349652

I hope you never have any children, as you'd likely be fine with letting them die as well. Fucking western scum.

>> No.10349658

I am on /jp/, I will never have kids. I am impotent anyways.

>> No.10349681

double fug

>> No.10349686

What the hell? I thought /jp/ was American/European only...

>> No.10349695


it makes sense if the few asians on /jp/ only hang out in the NEET threads

>> No.10349700

If I live here it doesn't mean I like it.

>> No.10349767

asians won't get government handout. but their parents won't kick them out.

>> No.10349779

my parents threatened me into going to school and getting a degree and getting a job and all any of it did was make me want to kill myself more. at least my job is online so i never have to leave my room

>> No.10349782

Tomorrow I finally attempt to use my crippling anxiety for money

Manager at work has fun putting me in positions where I have panic attacks, I hope she dies a painful death.

>> No.10349783


>> No.10349795

does anyone know any good suicide methods none of the pills i have have good overdose potential.

>> No.10349811

Buy better pills. Suicide isn't something you want to cheap out on.

>> No.10349821

What's the easiest way to make money online?

I only need about $10 a day.

>> No.10349822

im not sure what over the counter pills would work and i cant really go to the doctor and ask them to give me more dangerous meds since i already fucked up and mentioned i was considering suicide

>> No.10349824

>i already fucked up and mentioned i was considering suicide
Are you retarded?

>> No.10349831


Even the shittiest blogs with a minimum amount of traffic will generate that much.

Just make a NEET blog where you take pictures of piss bottles and pieces of shit on the floor and post about it on /jp/ and /r9k/ to generate traffic.

>> No.10349865

Take a shit on the floor every day, upload a shit every day onto your new site, floorshiteveryday.jp

Then after 12.5 years make a time-lapse video of your shit


Imagine that except with shit

>> No.10349890

im autistic

>> No.10349912

Is it difficult to make money through YouTube?

>> No.10349914

I use busybox, though.

>> No.10349917

if you're an average /jp/ user than yes, very

>> No.10349918

Holy shit, his left eye just started floating away.

>> No.10349921

Please explain.

>> No.10349923

You need to have charisma.

>> No.10349933

What is the objectively best NEET outfit?

I wear gym shorts and a longsleeve tee most of the time.

>> No.10349938

Gym shorts and short sleeve tee.

>> No.10349940

People as perfect and beautiful as us would have a hard time lowering ourselves to entertaining the youtube audience.

>> No.10349942 [DELETED] 

Spent the whole night inside I guess. My girlfriend is in Maine right now and I have been playing a bunch of old RPGs all night.

>> No.10349956

I wear a XL shirt and then bottom underwear. Even though i'm sort of S to M sized.. It's pretty comfy, especially when the shirt reaches my thighs.

>> No.10349965

That sounds cute!

>> No.10349980

are you a girl?

>> No.10349982

btw im a girl

>> No.10349992

im also a girl

>> No.10350029
File: 87 KB, 300x300, sylphyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone in /jp/ are little girls from japan so it's nothing special

>> No.10350030

The government won't give me money any more.

Outside is a fun place to live too, right?

>> No.10350035


You're all welcome.

>> No.10350047

aren't you cold?
I'm wearing 2 layers of pile

>> No.10350052

just undergarments. i put on a shirt i have lying around and pajama pants when going to get water/toilet break

>> No.10350059


Wow, I thought I had seen this before, but it was the previous video I'd seen. When the 6 year video was released, it had a lot of comments about how ugly he was. People can be terrible.

>> No.10350064


>> No.10350093


I've seen a guy breakdown and mention he'll consider suicide.

What's more bizarre is the fact the his parents took it as a "threat" and he got arrested. what kind of fucking bullshit is that?

>> No.10350099

suicide is illegal!

>> No.10350138
File: 254 KB, 555x399, 1339258942857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want to make a new thread for this so I'll post it here.

I had this sudden thought yesterday, Why is a board on an American imageboard called otaku culture?

Two points against this in my head were
-Otaku is an insult (It would be like /jp/ - Nerd culture)
-It's undefinable as hell

It just doesn't make sense

Anyway to be on topic
Trying to be NEET in the UK is suffering

>> No.10350149

I think they should rename /jp/ into nerd culture.

>> No.10350153


I can no longer get government money because I had been collecting it for too long and refused to do the "workfare" slavery.

I still have ~3k left from University (the money goes a lot further when you don't socialise), but that isn't going to last forever.

>> No.10350150
File: 503 KB, 1356x1499, neetisthenewnerdxD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because "I'm a NEET loser hikkikomori" is the new "I'm such a nerd xD".

>> No.10350151

I want /jp/ - Baka Gaijins

>> No.10350152

It isnt that cold here.
I can tolerate it since I mostly don't move much besides getting up to go to the bathroom and sitting up the bed to eat.

>> No.10350154

because just because this is an AMERICAN imageboard. doesn't mean it's just for americans.

>> No.10350156

/jp/ should be permanently renamed to Misunderstood Geniuses. I'm going to e-mail moot about it.

>> No.10350159

I want to ask, is being sick considered NEET? I can't go outside since i'm sick for the past 10 months. does that make me a NEET?

>> No.10350160

But everyone in /jp/ is either a trap from the UK, a fat gringo, a repressed teen or a tryhard hispan. Saying there is japanese people on /jp/ is probably like saying there is a hope in government.

>> No.10350161


>This Documentary explores the world of three women who are sexually and emotionally attracted to objects. These so-called ‘objectum sexuals’ shy away from contact with other humans in favour of structures large and small.

See what exists in this world? Filthy normalfag plebs, all of you.

>> No.10350164

. . .
I can't fucking. believe. this. shit.

>> No.10350166

Gym shorts, undershirt.
Pajama bottoms and long sleeve shirt.

>> No.10350171

B-but i'm not in any of those..

>> No.10350180

sounds like men having 2d 'waifus'.

>> No.10350185

Guess what is already becoming a hipster/repressed hipster trend. Not much longer until we see Jim Parsons playing the part as a 2008 /jp/sie.

>> No.10350188

How come this /b/-tier shit thread is allowed on /jp/? Well, it's no wonder, since /q/ visitors are /v/a/ retards who wanted to come here and shit up /jp/ with their /soc/ meta blog shit.

>> No.10350190

why would you ask a question and then answer it yourself

>> No.10350196
File: 65 KB, 623x416, 1343880777722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you see? We are on the making of t-shirts like "Keep Calm and Shut In". We fucking did what this image tried to prevent.

>> No.10350198

So retarded people here would get a hint that this faggotry doesn't belong here. Go create a "/jp/ NEET" thread on /r9k/ or some other kusosure.

>> No.10350203

I know. "Objectively best NEET fashion"?

>> No.10350216

Why did you bump this?

>> No.10350228

What is nokosage, dude?

>> No.10350236

Does anyone think of projects to do to keep themselves entertained? I've set out to make a short video of a scenic highway nearby. I'd like some opinions about the audio though. Would you prefer a video with sound from the on camera microphone, picking up ambient noise (as well as music), or to have a music track added over the video?

>> No.10350241

It's not /jp/-related, so I don't care.

>> No.10350245


>> No.10350247

>picking up ambient noise (as well as music), or to have a music track added over the video?
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10350252

Seriously, why would call attention to yourself with a normal sage?

>> No.10350262

I'd just like to know. I'm unsure.

>> No.10350282

You think you're cooler than me just because you're nokosaging? Sounds like /a/-style.
Nothing beats a good old "sage" in the e-mail field, amateurs.

>> No.10350304

>implying NEETS would visit /r9k/

why are you so bothered with these threads ?

>> No.10350323

why are you bothered when people talk about girl problems and workplace in these threads

>> No.10350325

Coldest temperatures since 1988. 30F low tonight. Supposed to be 28F low tomorrow.

I'm so super excited! I love any change in the weather.

>> No.10350328


those obviously aren't NEET, you should be mad at the normalfags instead of shitting on the entire thread...

>> No.10350343


It's gotten into the 60's here, which is probably approaching a record high.. American midwest should be deathly cold this time of year. Climate be fucked, yo.

>> No.10350353

no, i'm asking why you even care if they're not NEET

>> No.10350380

I don't want people bringing up that stuff in /jp/ because that doesn't belong in here

in the other hand, considering NEET threads are allowed in the rules, despite the fact that some normalfags or people pretending to be a NEET will show up regardless, the concept of the thread isn't something that couldn't belong in here.

>> No.10350383

Something is definitely happening. We had the hottest summer and autumn here in 2012 since some time in the 90s, now we're off to the coldest since the 80s.

I wonder what next summer will be like.

>> No.10350423

What audiobooks and grindy games would you recommend?

>> No.10350436

so basically you only care because the rules say that people with jobs aren't allowed in these threads, is that correct

so girlfriends and girl issues are totally on-limits as long as you're NEET

>> No.10350438


pick one

>> No.10350444

I don't understand why a NEET can't have a girlfriend.

>> No.10350451

NEETs can barely survive on their own.
What makes you think they would want to feed another mouth or the girl wouldn't leave because no money?

>> No.10350458

How do College kids have girlfriends/boyfriends then?

>> No.10350459

Chav's, Streetrats and gangsters all manage fine.
even normal extroverted people who just happen to be NEET can manage to get a girlfriend.

>> No.10350463


NEET - not in education, employment or training

what's so hard to understand? you can't be NEET if you're working. go make a blog thread if you want to do general blogging

>> No.10350466

Trophies, similar goals.

>> No.10350469

you can't be this stupid, I take it you're just trolling

>> No.10350474

It was a sincere question. Please don't call me names.

>> No.10350477

I'll play Dragon Nest (korean dungeon crawler mmo) with you

>> No.10350480

I'd like a girlfriend but only if she were a cute loli. We'd do fun things during the summer like going to swimming holes and water parks and roast marshmallows in the backyard and watch the stars. Maybe on the weekends we'd have a picnic at a nice park and watch the birds.

During the winter we'd snuggle under the duvet and watch movies or TV or play video games and drink hot chocolate and eat lots of tasty soup.

I think that would be really nice.

>> No.10350540

So you only would be interested in a girl if she was underage? You pedophiles seem like the most vapid people I have ever heard of.

>> No.10350548

Don't expect somebody with a mental defect to be a good person.

>> No.10350549

how do you find the motivation to eat?

>> No.10350555

Sometimes I pretend I'm in a survival situation and end up eating like it's my last meal.

Most of the time I only ever eat one meal a day though.

>> No.10350556

Along with masturbation and beer (which occur less frequently), eating is one of the few things I look forward to. It's just fun.

>> No.10350565

not that guy but loli doesn't always implies pedo, I don't care about age really, it is just a number to me, personally I like girls the most from their late pre-teen years to their 16~18s, pseudo-loli looking girls so to speak

wouldn't be on a hypothetical relationship with a girl younger than a very developed 14 yo, childish bodyshape is a turnoff for me.

>> No.10350571

It'd be ideal. I have a hard time believing any girl my age would like to do the things listed.

>> No.10350574

if you don't really give the slightest fuck about getting fatter just eat only your favorite meals everytime

I can't into cooking nor I have the motivation to eat (I can go for days barely eating anything and I think that has to be your case) but ordering pizza, ice cream and the like always motivates me

>> No.10350592

What's your poison /jp/?
What do you indulge in or need your fix of?

>> No.10350593

holy fucking shit you dense motherfucker just answer the question or outright declare that you refuse to answer it

why do you object to people with jobs and girlfriends posting in your precious thread


>> No.10350596

i drink a lot of alcohol but recently it's been giving me serious heartburn

>> No.10350597

>college kids
you wot me?

>> No.10350599

how come you post in our thread instead of spending time with our thread :P

>> No.10350601

please be smarter

>> No.10350603

speak english you fucking ignorant cunt whore

>> No.10350605

Food and Alcohol

Hopefully weed again when it's legal and thus far cheaper

>> No.10350607

I can't go a single day without blogging about my life in /jp/.

>> No.10350608

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.10350655

but why?

>> No.10350660

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10350740
File: 157 KB, 1952x1344, 280992_369503633117867_812752524_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much actually. Arch is super customizable, so a complete install can be set up by parts one at a time after a day at work. You can, for example, set up the base system and aurbuild on Monday (and trust me, it's EXTREMELY helpful to use aurbuild), GUI and basic everyday programs like Google Chrome and a file manager on Tuesday, audio on Wednesday, video on Thursday, and extra tools on Friday.

>> No.10350770

Wouldn't "2lewd" also work because of implied multiplication?

>> No.10350771
File: 170 KB, 338x375, 1357999140356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's more bizarre is the fact the his parents took it as a "threat" and he got arrested.

>> No.10350783

r u on a fugging embedded m8?

>> No.10350799

How do you know he deleted his email? Did he tell you that?

You could always try again, though.

>> No.10350812

When reading posts like yours, I'm always afraid that they're about me. Please tell me you're not talking about me.

>> No.10350830

It usually works for me.

If I'm not at the grocery store or at home on my computer, then it must be a dream.

>> No.10350834

What is the point of those?

>> No.10350839

It's even worse when you feel guilty for watching it. I always feel guilty when I waste time on something. I just end up browsing /jp/ all day instead.

>> No.10350855

When you see your dream flashing red, it's supposed to help you realize you're dreaming, which leads to lucid dreaming.

>> No.10350857

Learn Japanese. You will never feel like you are wasting time watching anime ever again.

>> No.10350858

Nice. There's a street near you called "Poor Man's Way".

I would come kill you, but how do I know it's not a trap and you're telling the truth?

>> No.10350872

Are you sure? 10$ a day is a lot.

That's 300 bux a month.

>> No.10350885

>Over the last two years, YouTube has quietly transformed from the province of amateurs to an increasingly cutthroat ecosystem where everyone — stars, networks, advertisers — is competing for views, viewers and view time.

It's not good for NEETs.


>> No.10350898

Ambient and noise with crossfades.

Do you want me to help? I don't think I can, but I can try.

What are you using to film it?

>> No.10350905

She'll grow up into a bloodsucking whore, but not before shipping you off to a Siberian gulag for the rest of your life. Siberia is cold.

>> No.10350913

I don't watch anime, though. I play shitty games.

>> No.10350947

please respong

>> No.10350971


>> No.10351368

fug, why do these threads are the most active when i'm sleeping

>> No.10351433

Or if not that since it would only happen in our wildest dreams, a boyfriend around my age who likes the same shit, it would be like having another me around I can do things with to make life at least a little more fulfilling. But since I never leave the house and can't do shit with my life anyways that also isn't an option. I don't like to think of these things because it just makes me to upset. My life is centered around being so out of my mind that I don't care about them.

>> No.10351452

I always dreamed about having a brother my own age. I wonder how different my life would be.

We would work in NEET-shifts, with one sleeping and the other on the computer. We could achieve great things together.

>> No.10351594

I really am sorry for you, that's exactly why brother are awesome... i got 2 and we've got the same hobby and interest so we can share everything together, (with my little brother we enjoy playing Touhou and doing some race-challenge or so) and we switch to NEET life when one of us have had enough, i'm not a NEET myself but my brother is and we're living together and he costs so few I don't care

>> No.10351634

What are your native language?

Feels like it was run through google translator.

>> No.10351652

>what are your language

>> No.10351841

It was an intentional, nerdlord.

>> No.10352463

Did you suck his cock dude?

>> No.10352681


>> No.10352855

you can suck mine, then

>> No.10352884

The exact same thing happens to me.

>> No.10353169

Does that mean the ambient noise with a track overlayed, but not loud enough to block any of the original noises? I don't know anything about sound. I'll find something that works eventually. A 5D2 will be filming it.

>> No.10353486

I starting running at night again.

It feels great to breathe the night air. Makes me forget about all my anxiety and stress.

>> No.10354488

I'm 22 and only worked for 3 months when I was 18, currently jobless until now and doesn't go to college. Does that make me a NEET?

>> No.10354497

What does it matter? No one is going to ask you for a NEET card here and no privileges will be provided regardless of your status.

>> No.10354520


Just wondering, am I the only one who had skip work for several years.

>> No.10354766

I used to go on night walks but I stopped because of the holiday season.

>> No.10354820


Im afraid of black people so I dont go out running late anymore, I used to though.

I've been getting way too fat lately, I can't stop but eat during these late night periods, and then I fall asleep.

How does /jp/ stay slim? Some of myclothes arent fitting me as well as they used to

>> No.10355040

I love going for night walks but the winter is too cold for me. I hate the Winter can't do anything outside and since that's all I really got it makes me depressed as shit. I always find myself wandering around outside when it's warm enough, I get harassed by people sometimes but no one ever wants to pick a fight with me. yard work can also keep me entertained if it has to do with wood and stuff.
