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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10341110 No.10341110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /jp/ related random facts

In the early 1900s Japan and Ethiopia had a close friendship, and at one point an Ethiopian prince was going to marry a Japanese princess (pic related), but they had to end their friendship when Japan joined the axis because Italy and Ethiopia were enemies (Italy later invaded Ethiopia). The Japanese liked Ethiopia because Ethiopia, like Japan, had resisted European colonialism, and the Ethiopians liked Japan because they saw Japan as a model for Ethiopia's modernisation. Both countries also had a similar history with Europeans.

>> No.10341116

I'm actually a girl :3

>> No.10341117

p. neat

>> No.10341123

Not very /jp/-related. You should have posted one about how samurai used to have sex with their shota apprentices or something.

>> No.10341133

Grorious Japanese were going to taint their bloodline with niggerblood? Disgusting.

>> No.10341137

The first time Japanese saw a black person they thought he was covered in paint.

>> No.10341146

Now I know tohno's raiding /jp/.

>> No.10341166

They raid everything. They're ticks that suck the life force out of any board they taint. They ruined my ylilauta and I will never forgive them.

>> No.10341167

Ethiopia was also the oldest Empire in the world until 1974, having remained independent for thousands of years.

>> No.10341172

It's Jones and the /bun/ /b/ros

>> No.10341174
File: 49 KB, 419x272, aya fumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened in 1974?

>> No.10341186

Marxist revolution deposed Haile Selassie, the last emperor.

>> No.10341188

There was a Communist revolution so it stopped being an empire. It's still one of the oldest countries in the world, though not the oldest. China is still older.

>> No.10341205

Seems like the commies were having fun that year.


>> No.10341431

>at one point an Ethiopian prince was going to marry a Japanese princess (pic related)

Man, he really dodged a bullet there.

>> No.10341489

lol look at those weebs

>> No.10341493

niggers are weebs

>> No.10341994

>China is still older

How retarded can you be? China was never a unified state until Kublai Khan united it, even after his death the country broke up into smaller nations many many many times. China is quite a new country, it's newer than the USA, just like Germany and Italy are newer countries than the USA.

>> No.10342000

I can't help but want to go to /pol/ and post this

>> No.10342078

The state is. The Chinese (as a nation) is ancient.

>> No.10342086

So then I stood up and told that teaching lady there are only three letters I need to know, U, S, and A.

>> No.10342091

No it's not. The first time china was ever unified was Kublai Khan. The cultures are ancient, true, but the nation is not. The oldest state in the world is Ethiopia or San Marino.
Lots of people are retarded and think German, Spain, UK, France, and Italy were always one thing. I don't expect most people here to know that.

>> No.10342100

For three thousand something years China was an ever-expanding civilization-state with temporary periods of fracture, but the people living in it considered themselves one people.

>> No.10342112

Wasn't Qin Shihuang the one who unified China? What business does Kublai Khan have here?

>> No.10342119


>> No.10342127

So, 90% Han and a lot of tiny minority cultures and ethnicity that got swallowed up by the big Han state.

>> No.10342132

That's not true, it was always broken into smaller kingdoms. The Yuan Dynasty was the first time China was ever unified. There's no such thing as a Chinese ethnicity, that's like saying there's an Indian ethnicty. China hasloads of different ethnicities. It would be like saying there's a European ethnicity.

Qin doesn't really count because there's no Manchurians, Mongols, or Uighur. It can't be considered a single entity becuase of many times it broke apart into warring states. The Manchurian, Tibetans, Uighur, and mongols are relatively recent additions to China. China has only been a unified state since the Ming Dynasty. You could even say it's been shorter because it's had 3 civil wars since then. Heavenly Kingdom, Nationalist, and Communist revolutions.

>> No.10342137

>Qin doesn't really count because there's no Manchurians, Mongols, or Uighur.
At the time, those groups were simply not considered Chinese.

>> No.10342140

But that's what I said. "China" is a historical and cultural narrative that stretches back thousands of years; its mantle has been worn by many different governments since the time of Kublai Khan.

The BBC has a good series on this.

>> No.10342154

If you count only traditional chinese ethnicities, then yes they were the first to Unifiy that area of China in 221 BC. Ethiopia however, is as old as 800bc. Even Vietnam is as old as 2879
The sovereign state of china is not thousands of years old though. It's about two thousand and then some. Chinese Ethnicity is only a blanket term

>> No.10342181

That's pretty neat

>> No.10342202

>Even Vietnam is as old as 2879
The state only a very small region and it was only a tribal sort of thing. The country of Vietnam only took the shape as we know today after the southward expansion of the Nguyễn lords in the 16th century. Not to mention Vietnam was under the domination of China for more than a thousand year.

>> No.10342211

/jp/- The Nature of the State

>> No.10342229

but those are niggers

>> No.10343482

>However on the eve of the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, when Ethiopia most needed Japanese help, the Japanese government decided to back its Axis ally, Italy. The Japanese ambassador to Italy, Dr. Sugimura Yotaro, on 16 July 1935 assured Mussolini that his country held no political interests in Ethiopia and would keep neutral in Italy's coming war. His comments stirred up a furor inside Japan, where there had been popular affinity for the African Empire. Despite popular opinion, when Ethiopia approached Japan for help on 2 August they were refused completely: even a modest request for the Japanese government to officially state its support for Ethiopia in the coming conflict was denied.

It's good to have friends whom you can rely on in times of need.

>> No.10344019

Wow The Japanese were being idiotic. On top of that the Japanese decided not to join the league of nations, which put then outside of the other countries. That is a whole lot different from joinging the non-existant axis at that time.

Please show me what you are reffering to when you say the Japanese sided with the "axis" of Germany and Itialy, because that didn't happen until after WW1. When you sau early 1900's it makes it sound like you're talking about 1900 - 1925ish.

>> No.10344050

Sovereignty didn't exist as a legal concept until the Treaty of Westphalia

Besides, there's no real point in arguing over what is and isn't "Chinese," since China as a nation is a conglomeration of foreign influences appropriated and then assimilated into a national identity.

>> No.10344051

Why is Japan trying to steal China's islands?

Is there oil there?

>> No.10344053

You would be surprised how my /jp/sies work in politics.

>> No.10344062

All Islands of the Far East, except Taiwan, belong under the Rising Sun.

>> No.10344069

Duh. Why else would they be fighting over a collection of god-forsaken islets in the middle of nowhere?

Fighting over barren rocks for what lies beneath the oceans that surround them isn't a particularly new phenomenon anyway. See Rockall, Dokdo, and the Spratly Islands. Oil and fishing rights are at the root of all these conflicts

>> No.10344078

>except Taiwan
Nice try, taiwanese weeb.

>> No.10344083

Im Amerikun

>> No.10344085

American-Chinese then?

>> No.10344103

No. Pure White. Taiwan and Japan have a small despuit over islsndds north of taiwan, but even one of the former prime minister of Taiwan says they belong to the Japanese. He also said Taiwan is in no position to be claiming things from the Japanese. Taiwan and Japan are allies against China. Taiwan and Japan get along with each other, more so than Korea and Japan or Taiwan and Korea.

That's saying something Koreans...

>> No.10344108 [DELETED] 

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.10344111

Meh we all are still pretty much stuck on Japanese royalty. We Otaku for dem princesses

>> No.10344127


>> No.10344129
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>> No.10344134

Ignore meta derailers.

>> No.10344153 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10344163 [DELETED] 


>> No.10344167 [DELETED] 


>> No.10344178 [DELETED] 


>> No.10344220

Qin counts because at that time, several states like the Chu were considered semi-barbarian, having adsorbed a lot of indigenous cultures from other areas.
