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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 801x548, Life hack #4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10332927 No.10332927 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10332956

Beato is so wise.

>> No.10333279

But you're still travelling at the same speed, minus the speed of your jump!

>> No.10336354

Let's say you are falling 8 stories. Your speed would be 97 mp/h. You would only need to be able to jump 4 feet high and have good timing and you would come to a total stand

>> No.10336369


You can jump at a rate of 97 mph?

>> No.10336375

What about the ceiling though? its IN an elevator, not on!

>> No.10336389

I felt super clever when I thought of this, only to find out millions of other people thought of the same thing and there was a television programme about it.

I fucking hate living in the 21st century.

>> No.10336403

At first I thought people like OP were trolling but then I realized that they were just retarded.

>> No.10336407


>> No.10336573

If you jump 4 feet high on normal ground, your initial velocity is only 16 ft /s or about 11 mph. That's no where near the 97 mph you'd need.

>> No.10336584 [DELETED] 

If you jump 4 feet high on normal ground and initially at rest, your initial velocity is only 16 ft /s or about 11 mph. That's no where near the 97 mph you'd need.

>> No.10336642

The correct way is to use your grappling hook to pull yourself up to the ceiling and you won't hit the ground.

>> No.10336667

Of the elevator or the shaft?

>> No.10336678

You should have lived in the middle ages. Then you could have been an illiterate peasant who toiled all his life in the fields until he worked himself to death in his late 20s.

>> No.10336679

Won't the grappling hook break/tear your arm off? People get torn with lesser forces.

>> No.10336680
File: 101 KB, 370x501, whoadude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're like

>> No.10336682

The elevator, unless the top is open then of course you'd want to use the shaft.

>> No.10336690

The impact would cause you to get crush on the ceiling of the elevator then.

>> No.10336696

Most grappling hooks that you can buy for this purpose will have an arm brace that will help deter the force. Even if your arm gets injured it's better than dying.

The arm brace should be strong enough to prevent you from crushing into the ceiling normally.

>> No.10336709
File: 14 KB, 640x480, elevator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I meant, wouldn't it be like this?
Sorry for the crappy drawing.

>> No.10336710


>> No.10336721

That cackle face of her still gives me a hard on.

>> No.10336772
File: 253 KB, 842x508, sanae is very mad at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sadistic asshole. You just had to draw the rope held by the man's penis, didn't you?

>> No.10336800

It was suppose to be his waist

>> No.10336841

Now I'm curios. Can the penis support the weight of the average /jp/sie?

Anyone care to test? Lots of you are masochists anyways, right?

>> No.10336917

Aren't most elevators built with some sort of shock absorbers at the bottom in case of a fall? It would be pretty stupid to not prepare for something like a snapped cable.

>> No.10336957

They're probably not enough to save someone

>> No.10336964

Then what would be the point of having them?

>> No.10336968

To say they do, or maybe to prevent too much damages to the building?

>> No.10336983
File: 10 KB, 500x500, elevator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10336994

It will save you if you fall a couple of levels, but not if you fall from the top of a skyscraper.

>> No.10337054

You wouldn't be able to jump when you are on a surface falling that fast.

>> No.10337068

I-i-is this what they call 'Elevator Otaku'?

>> No.10337075

So is there any reason this wouldn't work?

>> No.10337081

The force of impact would be too strong for you to stay on the railing. You'd still probably be propelled to the ceiling, or your arms might rip off.

>> No.10337101

So you'd probably survive, then.

>> No.10337108

No, you'd probably be crushed on the ceiling.

>> No.10337119

Better than dying at least.

>> No.10337135

How do you survive being crushed into the ceiling? It's implied that you'll die

>> No.10337147

>How do you survive being crushed into the ceiling?

Very carefully.

>> No.10337153

Don't crush my Japanese spirit.

>> No.10337215

It probably can, but I don't even want to imagine the pain.

>> No.10337324

I'm limpdick

soft master race

>> No.10337451


>> No.10339445

Would you rather lose your legs or your arms?

Anyway isn't the best thing to do is to remove your clothes and use them as a cushion to make the impact less bad and the pressure well dispersed?

Just like people lying on nail bed, surviving an elevator crash is easy if the pressure is well dispersed.

>> No.10339715

3 - ceiling follows gravity too, so it crushes you

>> No.10339729
File: 5 KB, 512x374, elevator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10339730

I like how /jp/ threw a fit about that dressup game but not this thread.

>> No.10339734

If a gigantic vehicle travels at 50 km/hour to west (constant velocity). Inside you are onboard on a vehicle that traveling at 50km/hour. Whats your total speed?

>> No.10339737

You can't even jump, because both you and the elevator are falling with the same acceleration and cannot exert force on each other

>> No.10339738

OP's technique does actually work if you can jump hard enough.
If you impart enough force onto the elevator you can counteract the force you built up by falling. However, this force is equal to the amount of force that'd you'd transmit on landing. You'd have to jump so hard that your leg bones shatter into a thousand pieces.

>> No.10339739

Yes you can exert force on each other. But it'd be like moving an object in zero gravity, both you and the object will follow newton's laws- you push the elevator and there's an equal but opposite force with you.

>> No.10339743

Depends on how close to the equator you are.

>> No.10339751

When a elevator is in free fall you are in free fall too, there's no normal force between the elevator and your feet, therefore it's impossible to jump inside the elevator.

>> No.10339788

Newtonian mechanics, how do they work?

>> No.10340155

>Whats your total speed?
It depends what speeds you take into calculation (speed of earth around the sun, rotation of earth, rotation of solar system, etc.)

If you ignore all those it would be 100 km/h for a outside observer

>> No.10340168

/jp/ - Janitor-approved Physics

>> No.10340203

This is wrong, I don't know where to begin.

Okay people.

Fuck... okay.

1. Yes, conceivably if you jumped the MOMENT before impact, you could decelerate.

Problem: You have absolutely no way of knowing when that moment is.

Problem 2: Your timing is shit

2. Elevators almost NEVER free fall. There would have to be at least a dozen mechanical failures for it to happen.

3. You fucks will argue about anything

>> No.10340215
File: 102 KB, 510x400, 1234894410961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10340233

problem 3: if you're going more than like 50 mph it won't matter either way

>> No.10340254

Is /jp/ retarded today? Do you guys really not understand simply common sense? I'm not even saying "physics" or "logic", literal common sense.

Have an educational video.


Your in a giant metal cube falling from the sky.


Legs, easily. Not even a question.


It's 0.

>> No.10340266

How many memoryfoam mattresses would you need to bring into an elevator to survive the fall?

>> No.10340293

Those are crazy expensive. I'd rather just die.

>> No.10340395

Could be any speed between 0 and 100 km/h, depending on where the vehicle within the big vehicle is heading.

>> No.10340422
File: 8 KB, 670x371, sadcce3as.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just thinking about this and something is bothering me

case 1: you're in a vehicle going east at 50 km/h.
speed is 50 km/h
case 2: you're in a vehicle going north at 50 km/h.
speed is 50 km/h
case 3: you're in a vehicle going east at 50 km/h, which is in another vehicle going east at 50 km/h.
speed is 100 km/h
case 4: you're in a vehicle going east at 50 km/h, which is in another vehicle going north at 50 km/h
speed is (50^2+50^2)^(1/2) = 70.71?

what the fuck? how does that make sense? it's not like the two vehicles are ever moving against each other in either case 3 or 4, but the end result is much different.

>> No.10340444

The earth rotates around the sun at 107,826km/h

Is any of that speed imparted to you at all?

>> No.10340449
File: 3 KB, 640x400, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about vectors
<- like this
you end up in the same place but the straightest route is the most effective and the speediest one

>> No.10340468

yeah but you aren't going in zig-zags when the two vehicles are moving at the same time. it would end up being a straight line as one goes east and one goes north. it just seems weird to me even though i understand it.

speed is relative. the sun moves around the galaxy as well.

>> No.10340814

The only reason the earth isn't still considered the center of the galaxy is because the math is too hard if we made everything relative to it.

>> No.10341749

Remember that the new vector is 70.71 km/h NE, NOT north OR east.
>yeah but you aren't going in zig-zags..
Pretty sure he wasn't saying that they move in "zig zags", rather the opposite
And because some things would be moving faster so much fucking faster than the speed of light. What is Occam's razor

How are you people this retarded
