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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 101 KB, 937x522, 1357543404885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10329193 No.10329193 [Reply] [Original]

Rustle's Twitter:


Translate it weaboos. All I got is he hates us for pirating his child porn.

>> No.10329204
File: 33 KB, 238x270, rustle face alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just downloaded and masturbated my dick bone to Little Girl 6.

>> No.10329205

Who knew little girls could be so satisfying to our dicks anon.

>> No.10329223

Said the guy that pirated real CP.
That is a new low. Disgusting.

>> No.10329225

he knew

>> No.10329240
File: 272 KB, 1685x1255, 1353413902208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10329242

He's probably more upset at the Japanese who scanned it than the westerners who downloaded it.

>> No.10329244

Who is worse than fapper or the creator of cp?

>> No.10329250
File: 9 KB, 264x400, le edgy man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feelio when i don't give a fug

>> No.10329253

The fapper enables the creator

>> No.10329254

Without fapper, real CP wouldnt exist.
They only exist because of the demand due to sick fuck like rustle.
I am not a hypocrite since I only fap to 2D.

>> No.10329255

What is creator himself wanted to make it to fap?

>> No.10329257
File: 88 KB, 969x188, INSERT KANJI CREATE CONFUSION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I come in dire need of assistance.

What Kanji is that on the bottom line?

>> No.10329259

So the creator is the fapper.
You have your answer now.

>> No.10329262


>> No.10329268

Who said anyone did, fagstorm?

>> No.10329266


>> No.10329273

it's already being distributed all up in them foreign nets mates. disgusting japanese pirates cause this. me fucking pedo book isn't even in stores yet and it's allready available for free all over the place lads.

stupid cunts are always givin it "pedophiles are already morally inferior beings so you cant expect them to buy things" but it encourages no-one to buy my shit!!! this isn't the real problem though.

the real problem is i trace pictures of little girls being fucked also im gay. also im the savior of the child porn industry.

>> No.10329283

He's just talking about piracy overall, and if people who bought the work wouldn't want to buy them anymore because they're available for free. Chill.

>> No.10329295

Thanks, turns out I actually do know that kanji, it just looks fucking weird in the game.

>> No.10329304

le feelio wen /a/


>> No.10329311
File: 27 KB, 400x500, high_five-2495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10329309

Looks like his jimmies are RUSTLED

>> No.10329312 [DELETED] 

/a/bin shitpost /a/ro XDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.10329321

So some guy who draws cp for a living, and at that I would like to mention that more so than nearly any other loli artist he draws with such a realistic style that he is frequently mistaken for tracing real cp. This guy, is getting upset that foreigners from over seas that wouldn't really ever have any way of legitimately obtaining his artwork, because it would be illegal to import it in many countries, are downloading and viewing his artwork. This guy, who has a profession that he probably wouldn't even be able to look his parents in the eye and tell them what he does for a living, is telling all the random fucks that jack off to his twisted shit on the internet that they should be ashamed of themselves because they didn't give him money before viewing his porn.

Now I understand that intellectual copyrights are intellectual copyrights, and although I have my qualms with the current laws, I do understand that artists deserve monetary compensation for their work. However, there is just something wrong about what this guy is saying. This guy has no right to take the moral high ground on this issue.

>> No.10329322

A lot of Japanese artists are wildly behind the times when it comes to piracy and still expect you to pay for their stuff. Most independent Western artists have already accepted the fact that everybody's going to pirate everything and maybe buy the things they think are especially worth buying.

>> No.10329324

>with such a realistic style that he is frequently mistaken for tracing real cp
That's actually a forced meme you dumb retard. And quite a new one to boot.

>> No.10329326

Japan in general is super black and white on piracy laws.
Even stuff that's next to impossible to find like the PC-98 Touhous, they will look down on you for pirating it.

>> No.10329328

Rustle is a shitty artist. I fucking hate /a/. Go masturbate to someone who's actually talented and doesn't draw mentally retarded lolis.

>> No.10329337

Crossposted/spammed from /a/

>> No.10329342

Masturbating to rustle isn't limited to /a/, anon. Why are you so silly?

>> No.10329346

And god dayyum, both boards are getting flooded to death with crap tonight.

Fuck it.

>> No.10329352

If I don't like it it's /a/b/v/ shit and that's it.

>> No.10329356

That's what I suspected.

>> No.10329363

Not me. There is seriously nothing good about his art. The vulva's aren't puffy and the dicks look terrible.

>> No.10329368


"this art doesnt get me willy hard its for /a/ useers only"

>> No.10329372

epic quotes

>> No.10329377 [DELETED] 


i was quoting myself doing an impression of u

>> No.10329387 [DELETED] 

who da FQ u qot

>> No.10329393

Yes. Now get out.

>> No.10329410

Get the fuck out before I get serious.

>> No.10329414

I wonder how many Japs have never played the PC-98 games. Fucking secondaries.

>> No.10329415

You're a shitty masturbator if you're only concerned with genitals.

>> No.10329418

It's not like Rustleshits have stories. It's like the same doujin rehashed over and over.

>> No.10329437

The tits look like shit too.

>> No.10329445
File: 478 KB, 1897x953, ----------.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find it. Sorry.

>> No.10329472

He deleted them.

>> No.10329485

what does that picture prove?

>> No.10329481
File: 462 KB, 978x578, 03715d21609b9d757b8e92ecefb0b0d29fc72205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rustle is a sick fuck who watches real cp. He should die.

>> No.10329488

That you are newfag as fuck


>> No.10329489

dem fugging newfags rite xD

>> No.10329491

that should be a real clothing brand

>> No.10329497

I agree. I find Rustle's stuff really meager. Sex isn't about looking beautiful, making faces or talkin, it's about banging them ho's.

>> No.10329495
File: 590 KB, 1125x1600, exe_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if I don't care?

>> No.10329501

because if your drawing are based on real children it negates the point of fapping to drawings.

>> No.10329507 [DELETED] 


Uhmm, no it doesn't.

People can like both you know. Besides the manga format is much different then anything out there, with dialogue/story/fantasy involved there's a huge difference.

>> No.10329511

work save board reported

>> No.10329513

Didn't rustle post a video of him showing the whole process of him drawing? You know, to prove that he isn't tracing.

>> No.10329516

>People can like both you know.
Yeah, we call these people "sick fucks"
There is noting wrong with fapping to loli. As long as you don't support the creation of real stuff. By supporting Rustle you are supporting a consumer of real CP.

>> No.10329520

please review the global rules before posting

>> No.10329523 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 1049x1500, GIRLzH09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My face when... I don't care.


Yeah, he took like 8 hours to color a fucking floor. That guy (girl?) has some dedication.

>> No.10329525

lel speak for yourself, normallord

>> No.10329526

No. He did not.
Regardless however I personally do not claim he is tracing. Just that his content is based on "things"

>> No.10329532
File: 24 KB, 190x288, 1353962992316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uhmm, no it doesn't.
>People can like both you know.

>> No.10329533

Rustle doesn't trace CP so your point is invalid.

>> No.10329537

-> >>10329526

>> No.10329535

He is a guy.

>> No.10329536 [DELETED] 
File: 604 KB, 2048x2998, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



My face when, I don't care.


He actually did post a video. Not to prove anything though.

>> No.10329540

How the fuck is it hypocritical when I only support loli that DOESN'T actually hurt children?

>> No.10329538

Explain to me why that matters in 300 words or more with citations.

>> No.10329539

Lol u fap to that epic floor rite??

Also, that image looks terrible. Her anus is just a single line with zero detail. If only he didn't spend 8 hours making scribbles on a floor!

>> No.10329543

because I don't like it

>> No.10329542

So what is your point then? Supporting Rustle is bad because...?

>> No.10329544

Loli doesn't hurt children, you gigantic fuckwad.

>> No.10329545

>everyone under 18 is retarded and not capable of making their own choices

Sure is narrow-minded here.

>> No.10329547 [DELETED] 
File: 811 KB, 2000x3022, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With citations? You're talking about opinions on ethics, what kind of citation do you want him to pull up needle-dick?

>> No.10329550

Is this Trevor attempting to have a real conversation.

>> No.10329555

I wouldn't say so.

>> No.10329553

It does if the drawing was based on a thing the author REALLY SAW.

>> No.10329554 [DELETED] 
File: 696 KB, 1412x2000, 691914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not even spouting a meme, the video was literally a sped up version of him spending 8 hours drawing this picture.

>> No.10329557

Because he supports real CP and places keywords in his drawings.

>> No.10329558

>As long as you don't support the creation of real stuff. By supporting Rustle you are supporting a consumer of real CP.
Your logic is so flawed and ridiculous that I don't know where to start.

>> No.10329560

Can we get a link in here please?

>> No.10329562

>he supports real CP

There's zero proof of this.

>places keywords in his drawings

That's not proof of anything. See, if I say r@ygold in my post, that means I support real CP too? Bullshit.

>> No.10329568

It probably hasn't even been half a year since people started forcing that retarded meme and now there are people who actually believe it.

>> No.10329569

He never insulted him though.

>> No.10329565

Try anyway instead of insulting someone you don't agree with.

>> No.10329566

I don't support Rustle because I pirate all his shit.

>> No.10329571 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1049x1500, GIRLzH05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forget where/how I actually downloaded it, and it never told me what plugin I needed.

>> No.10329572

Importing Rustle's shit may be risky anyway, unfortunately.

>> No.10329573

>That's not proof of anything. See, if I say r@ygold in my post, that means I support real CP too? Bullshit.
You said it in the context of this discussion.
He, a guy who draws children in sexual positions, drew it on a picture of such a child. As a kind of "easter egg, look at me" kind of thing.

>> No.10329574

That's how the internet works.

>> No.10329575 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 400x553, 407945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot link.


>> No.10329582

Is there someone who can firgure out a direct link to this video? So I can download it and play it on my desktop?

>> No.10329597

nigga u dumb

>> No.10329591

Oh god, what am I playing?

>> No.10329592 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 1412x639, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw little girl 5/6 is already translated into fucking russian and chinese, but not english.

What the fuck dude? This isn't right. Where are the eng translators who you would've thought be jumping on this?

>> No.10329603 [DELETED] 


Yeah, I know I meant to say just 5.

>> No.10329602

I think this would work


>> No.10330000

that doesn't support nor imply cp though

>> No.10330030

anywhere to dl all his stuff at once? link pls

>> No.10330084

omg, the floor. It's so detailed...
*fap fap fap*

>> No.10330119



>> No.10330139


Wait, what? Am I reading this correctly? Does he actually want to do something about piracy of his works?
To me it sounds like
"At some point I'll probably be unable to sustain myself with my works, but I'd like to deal with the situation before that happens. I know there are a lot of people focusing on derivative works who feel like they can't get involved, but I happen to create original works. So I'm going to take care of the domain and admin side of things. So if I everyone could simply support me in silence it might be a cause worth dying for."

>> No.10330147


>> No.10330160

Wow what a faggot.
Fuck you Rustle.

>> No.10330184

Rustle is shit tier anyways.

So many great, bro artists out there to replace him.

>> No.10330187

I think he fake his blindness to get more money.

>> No.10330205

Doesn't Russy-kun know we can't buy his Shit

>> No.10330207

Ruslte art looks terrible.

>> No.10330208

Every time you pay for Rustle's work, you're encouraging the rape of a real 3D child.

>> No.10330209 [DELETED] 
File: 447 KB, 2000x3022, 031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have pretty shit taste, and you're also, pretty stinky.

>> No.10330211

There are plenty of Import site you filty PIG

>> No.10330213

I like my lolis pure, not slutty. Gimmie Show over this cunt any day.

>> No.10330215

Nips are just anally ached because they can't pirate shit with their draconian piracy laws, and are forced to pay 80k for a single goddamn video game, all while the evil white western devils are downloading whatever the fuck they want for free.

>> No.10330217



>> No.10330227

The 'stories' are also always exactly the same.

>> No.10330225

But Show's the one who actually traced CP.

>> No.10330226 [DELETED] 


Do you seriously think show has shit on rustle?

I might have respected your opinion if you gave me an actually good artist that can compete, but higashiyama show? Nigger please.

>> No.10330231

who u qot

>> No.10330228

>mfw people actually believe this

>> No.10330233 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 1049x1500, I download rustle doujins to look at the front-back covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now this is not true.

>> No.10330236

"hey I know you like me, let's fuck"
"hey I'm a huge slut, let's fuck"
"hey mister, let's fuck"

>> No.10330237


>> No.10330234

I had a dream last night that I was in a thread on /jp/ talking about various H-douijin.

The discussion some how got around to sad h-doujins and someone posted this one particular one. I don't remember the title in my dream but in the picture showed three female futa furries and it was about fucking their biological human father.

I guess the futa furries were once human themselves or something but they wanted to get revenge by fucking their 60-80 something year old dad to death.

I remember not just reading this non existent doujin but seeing this doujin in motion and with voices to the characters.

I saw that the old father was on some kind of stretcher with one of those artificial lugs that someone had to manually operate by pumping air into them with some kind of hand pump. One of the futa furries had the hand pump in their hand while the other one strapped some kind of rope around the old fathers neck and just barely choking him WHILE another futa furrie was face fucking him WHILE another were pumping air into him.

During the climax, all three came on him and in his mouth. I could actually hear the old man say "I...my heart cant take this..." the poor old man died trying to breath to death as he was forced to climax as well.

It was very touching to me from reading this non existent h-doujin in my dreams. The poor old father probably dint mean to turn his three daughter into vengeful futa furries...but then he had to pay the price.

I then woke up with slight tears forming in my eyes.

>> No.10330235


Show is way better in fetish part and his art and story ain't one dimensional.

>> No.10330239

Every doujin ever.

>> No.10330242


Hey shota, wanna fuck?

>> No.10330245 [DELETED] 
File: 531 KB, 1125x1600, exe_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi, I'm a computer virus that wants to fuck you.

(Of course it's going to end up with them wanting to fuck, this is every doujin.)

>> No.10330247

>sad h-doujins
Can anything beat cement girl?

You should read this one if you like the girls.
I laugh at the organic onahole part. Would have more impact on me if I like the show and its characters..

>> No.10330252


Actually Virus and immortal loli was the only one that doesn't feels like a copy pasta.
Other than that are just red light prostitution and shota fucking over and over again.

>> No.10330256

Pressure, Temperature, Humidity Control?

>> No.10330259


The Girl Dreams Dogs

Don't read the comments section unless you want to be spoiled.


>> No.10330263


nah the fapper indulges the voyeurism of
certain pedos, they would still fuck kids anyway... letting people see is just a bonus


even if all cp could be erased from existence, and even if the market dried up... pedos would still fuck chilluns

Very few people actually fund pedophillia, most are leeches

>> No.10330265

This post is so incredibly stupid.

>> No.10330269


pls dont bully.

>> No.10330266
File: 416 KB, 528x396, rustleface9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please no bully Rustle

>> No.10330268

Thanks guys I'll look these up.

That dream felt so vivid. I wonder if such a doujin actually exists though.

>> No.10330270

NOPE. You are worse than rustle.

>> No.10330272
File: 3 KB, 203x209, 1335382289001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of moralfags in threads like these are trolls

>> No.10330274 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1200x1500, Blackthorn_r34_SFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could be worse.


Do you just say that because you want to believe it or do you seriously think that these people aren't being serious?

>> No.10330277


hardcore cp is disgusting, it's much more fun watching them take showers or playing around in bikinis etc

>> No.10330279

There is nothing wrong with it.

>> No.10330280


a longtime lurker does not care about morality... they are either trolls/newfags or maybe reddit queers

>> No.10330287

Can we get the non-Australian translation

>> No.10330296

link me rustles twitter... I get the feeling that the artist is female

>> No.10330304

Lately rumors have been spreading that I trace when I draw, as if it were common
knowledge, but please realize that drawings as poor as mine could not possibly be
tracings. Any skilled artist could tell at once that I haven't traced. The human
anatomy, clothing, and backgrounds in my drawings are far removed from reality.

>> No.10330306

What you going to do? send death threat?

>> No.10330307

What a twist ending that would be

>> No.10330308

Something about enjoying putting shrimp on an interior barbecue.

>> No.10330318

I hate that he has taken foreign trolling seriously and the rumors about him tracing are considered real now.

>> No.10330322


Next on fox news, a killer of mental health; Recent studies have found that long term usage of a website called 4chan may play a role in sociopathic and antisocial behavior.

Long time 4chan users have a much higher chance of engaging in pedophilia, harassing the dead, wanting to have sex with cartoons, racism, not socializing or leaving the house, being homosexual, many other strange or unusual behaviors, and being a massive weeaboo faggot.

>> No.10330326

>Long time 4chan users have a much higher chance of engaging in pedophilia, harassing the dead, wanting to have sex with cartoons, racism, not socializing or leaving the house, being homosexual, many other strange or unusual behaviors, and being a massive weeaboo faggot.

You say this like it isn't true.

>> No.10330327

It's all due to being succumbed to a crowed mentality.

>> No.10330331

Oh well since it was on fox its already full of bullshit and lies so nothing to worry about.

>> No.10330335
File: 510 KB, 2204x2417, c49b4cff7cd000e21499887f2a377f5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why everyone is hating on Rustle.

I think his art is pretty killer.

Little girl unrelated.

>> No.10330337

How is his art "realistic" besides the small eyes?

>> No.10330340

They're just jealous nerds, much of /jp/ loves cute Rustle.

>> No.10330341
File: 108 KB, 872x580, 1355274738466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything in that picture is nice except for the sloth-eyes.

>> No.10330342

What the actual fuck? He should be fucking grateful that his art is popular and that he's well known, that it at least SELLS and is good enough to be uploaded and shared. I've seen plenty of artists who are absolutely fantastic and far better than him in my opinion who have no one. They have trouble even getting sketch commissions or selling their works at all.

>> No.10330344
File: 96 KB, 400x565, LG6_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you hate on a drawing like this

>> No.10330345

I dont get it, what is this picture supposed to depict.

>> No.10330350


Reported to rustle for pirating his work.

>> No.10330353

It's from his own homepage you weenie

>> No.10330356

Pirates pirating I guess. I assumed they are disc containing PTHC that rustle used for references.

>> No.10330357

If Lustulu is really indeed a girl then I wish I could smell and lick her sweaty anus as she draws up more stuff.

>> No.10330359


Reported for uploading his work on other site without his permission.

>> No.10330360
File: 965 KB, 1106x1600, 1357508620912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just got done reading this, couldn't even cum or barely get off to it.

That whole "marry me", and "oh no my friend can't find out" was just stupid and had no sex appeal. Am I reading a romance shoujo manga for little girls or something? What the fuck rustle.

>> No.10330362

i wanna buy LG6 to add it to my collection
why isn't it on toranoana yet?

>> No.10330367

What if shes clean as hell

>> No.10330368


Nothing, I was going to choose another picture but couldn't find it and just chose some random one.

It's a guy with an abnormally odd amount of optical drivers for some reason, go figure.

>> No.10330372

Rustle should sell high quality PDF versions of his work.

I hate looking at low quality scans.

>> No.10330370

The face looks very awkward and the skirt physics are... I'm not sure how to put it. She is pleasant to look at though.

>> No.10330375

Then I would put her in diapers with a buttplug and feed her all sorts of diarrhea inducing food for a week with out going to the bathroom and give her laxatives on the final day then watch her let it explode all in her little rustle diaper

>> No.10330376


Can't find it on his twitter.
Where is it from?

>> No.10330379

he deleted it

>> No.10330383

Hope thats not our fault

>> No.10330381

That picture looks so cute! It looks so innocent and stuff. I hope it was the two girls in that picture that were going to secretly marry.

>> No.10330398
File: 1.75 MB, 1106x1600, 1357508703870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She wants to marry the one on the right's younger brother.

In other news, check out this fucking hilarious drawing of how rustle drew a mom.

>> No.10330403

I'm not saying he was tracing CP, but seeing all his porn works feels like he get all his references from an actual CP videos or photos.
Mostly a dejavu from my old little girl "grooming" collection.

>> No.10330416

Isn't it possible that he could get reference from real children not involved in CP?
Why do they have to get fucked for him to be able to draw them that way?

>> No.10330438


Everyone look at this fucking idiot and his retarded post.

This stupid, dumb piece of shit actually thinks real CP wouldn't exist if no one wanted to view it. As if adults would suddely stop fucking children because of this.

>> No.10330446


>Why do they have to get fucked
Because its a CP?
He even make a PTHC reference, what else do you need?

You can believe what you want and I ain't forcing you to believe me either, I'm just talking based on my experiences of watching old tor collections that i want to forget.

What really get me is the way his lolis doing sex and their position looks awfully similar with things that i saw back then.

>> No.10330447


Back then? Like what yesterday?

You can stop talking in past tense dude.

>> No.10330454

holy fuck sex positions?! Fuck you're retarded.

>> No.10330456


Most of his Little Girl works looks vividly similar with Vicky videos from 6 years ago.

>> No.10330462

But it's not like you need reference of people shooting lasers out of their hands to draw it.
Besides there is plenty of people who know about PTHC.
Also this: >>10330454

>> No.10330478


What if people who fuck kids are trying to get them in the same positions/scenarios as the ones they read in loli doujins like rustle's and you have it completely backwards?

>> No.10330489


I want to say perspective, but i thought you guys will more understand if some people in here actually ever watch the real CP that i'm actually referencing to.
Other artist who draw their manga works mostly done in perspective as if actually flowing like an actual manga in every panel
While in Rustle works looks from the third point of view perspective or a camera,

To be honest most of this only happen in his recent works, his old work like Virus doesn't have this kind of perspective in each panel.

>> No.10330494

You sound like a CP expert.

>> No.10330495

Rustle just know how to make steamy loli sex look like a porno. Big deal.

>> No.10330492

A better question is, is it even that great to fuck a kid? I would imagine they are very tight. Have never watched CP so I don't know. Someone who has should let me know.

>> No.10330506

You're insane or something, stop posting please.

>> No.10330501
File: 362 KB, 1109x1600, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are absolutely tarded.

>> No.10330502

>But it's not like you need reference of people shooting lasers out of their hands to draw it.
Why would you draw boring, ultra-realistic lasers if you could draw cool Star Wars style lasers like the other successful laser hand artists do?

>> No.10330504


Never done it, might try ask an anon in /trv/ maybe one of them knows.

>> No.10330511


Blame /l/

>> No.10330513

I hope you guys are posting with proxies.

>> No.10330514

I'm behind 8 proxies. You'll never catch me!

>> No.10330518
File: 37 KB, 640x480, [000860].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not, why should I care? You think the government gonna come get me for this?

>> No.10330555


I said most of his sex scene.
Just compare his recent work with his old works like Stripe Cats sex scenes, you'll notice the big differences as if it was drawn by different guy.

Even most of veteran artists like Black Dog still can't get rid off their old style as if its a habit even when they already drawing for more than a decade.
I'm not saying Rustle drawing is bad in any way or he is unlikable for using stuff from the internet, many artist do that but I got a feeling that Rustle doesn't even try to hide it.

>> No.10330568

I wish moot wasn't such a faggot and would return /l/...

>> No.10330579

How fast do you his credit card processor would cut him off if he did? I don't think moot, being the jew he is, would could off his own revenue like that.

>> No.10330582


Even if he did, it would be a catastrophe considering the most of people who browse 4chan these days ain't the old regular.

Just bring back the old n4c and i'll be happy.

>> No.10330613

Now let's be realistic about what would happen if /l/ was brought back. I can think of at least several things.

1. Enormous spam on the new board as happens with every new board, shitposting gallore
2. Tons of complaints by normalfags against 4chan/moot on /q/ and elsewhere on the internet, 4chan (re)branded as a pedophile site, possible legal action against moot if the shitstorm is big enough
3. /b/tards start spamming cp on the board
4. angry normalfags/trolls start spamming cp on the board to take it down
5. normalfags/trolls generally shitpost all over the board because lolsorandumxd
6. any decent discussion/thread is immediately ruined and not possible at all

I'd love to have /l/, but in the current situation it's just unfeasible, even if moot himself agreed to bring it back.

>> No.10330630

Why would normals have CP to spam? I think you tried a bit too hard to paint a dark picture.

>> No.10330635

I think if /l/ returns and stays for a long time it will be a step in the right direction and people will slowly become more accepting of loli

>> No.10330636

Normals are the most fucked up people man. Always expect the worst from normals.

>> No.10330647
File: 85 KB, 420x638, 1357287681049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people will slowly become more accepting of loli

wut du fuk mun?

>> No.10330648

There's just no way it will be accepted by the current 4chan userbase. loli is already a fairly controversial topic even on the anime boards, let alone the more normalfag boards like /sp/. /l/ cannot exists because these users will never accept it.

>> No.10330652

Not by the current userbase, no, but younger fags will grow up not having a problem with it and thats how acceptance happens

>> No.10330653

I wish normalfags would just die. They are so useless and without purpose. At the risk of sounding like a hipster cumbucket I wish 4chan as a whole had never become popular.

>> No.10330657

Personally, I think loli is only discussed often because it offers perfect attack vector that people will readily jump on for trolling purposes, mainly the loli/pedo link. I fap to loli, and I believe most other 4chan posters do as well.

>> No.10330658

Yes, just the fact we are having this civil conversation without shitposting proves that sexual images of children are gaining ground.

>> No.10330660

MFW I had to look up what /sp/ was

>> No.10330666


Its happen only because most of /jp/ are 30 years old lewd bastard.

>> No.10330675
File: 1.27 MB, 200x190, clint-eastwood-disgusted-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10330683

What if moot didn't make an announcement and only had the link in frames?

>> No.10330684

>They are so useless and without purpose.
Many feel and/or think that making children is the most important thing they'll ever do.

>> No.10330688

Makes no difference. Someone would spam the link on /v/ and /b/ within 2 minutes and it would all go downhill from there.

>> No.10330690

/jp/ once had a civil conversation on how old a girl needs to be before penetratin without shitposting. This is just a brief reprieve in a long march backwards across the site.

>> No.10330691

And you think it would still be safe? On 4chan? In this day and age?

>> No.10330693

What is he going to do to magically stem the tide of piracy? Does he think he'll make a pay-site ("I will manage the administrative side of things"), like all the furry artists, and this will keep his stuff from being pirated?

Japs are real idiots. They know nothing about the Internet. Piracy will kill capitalism some day.

>> No.10330694

We've been having loli threads without serious shitproblems, either we got rid of the normies or people are acting like adults for once.

>> No.10330695

The answer is obviously 7 or 8 years old.

>> No.10330699

>Piracy will kill capitalism some day.

Lol. Piracy and capitalism can and do coexist. You can't "kill capitalism". What are you, some kind of neo-marxist idiot?

>> No.10330700

>Piracy will kill capitalism some day.
I think you meant to say it will put it in overdrive leading us to a glorious libertarian revolution.

>> No.10330702


>Lol. Piracy and capitalism can and do coexist.

Sure, while products exist in both the material and virtual realm. When they're all in the latter it doesn't work that way.

>> No.10330704


/jp/ is the most weeaboo board by 4chan standard point of view, do you think the normies would come to this slow board on regular basis?
HELL even /a/ got regular loli and onahole threads without a lot of shitpost back then before /jp/ exist.

>> No.10330705

>Piracy will kill capitalism some day.
Not until it's possible to download a car.

>> No.10330706

Well, 3D printers have come a long way, so maybe one day we'll actually be downloading cars and shit.

>> No.10330709

>Piracy will kill capitalism some day.
Luckily, trash entertainment is so irrelevant and easily replaceable that it will never happen.

>> No.10330713

What's Rustle's Twitter?

>> No.10330714

I know Higashiyama Show is looked down on ever since he was proven to be a tracer, but in terms of story and fetishes his works are far above Rustle's. What matters is the impact and a book like Japanese PreTeen Suite is far better than everything that Rustle ever did, with the possible exception of that imortal loli one which was the closest he ever got to telling an engaging porn fic.

>> No.10330715
File: 9 KB, 260x260, sadpanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a idea guys!

What if we bring back /l/ in the same way e-hentai brought us Sad Panda? Some system to keep out the technological illiterate?

>> No.10330716
File: 318 KB, 1000x947, 1334660625361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10330718


/l/ was removed because moot does not like hosting content for pedophiles

go ask in IRC

>> No.10330721


Just make a new n4c.

>> No.10330722

Won't stop the insiders from spoonfeeding others

>> No.10330723
File: 97 KB, 600x600, 1338575243570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Higashiyama Show is looked down on ever since he was proven to be a tracer
Let me just dump some legal prove before people deny it.

>> No.10330724
File: 47 KB, 400x300, 1338636014674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10330726


>before people deny it.

Most of people in here already know that.

>> No.10330727

Do any of you know what 'tracing' is?

Artists work from images *all the time.* You work from a reference if you have it.

This is not 'tracing.' The lines are completely different.

>> No.10330729

There is a difference between tracing and looking at reference.

>> No.10330732


Really, fuckface?

>> No.10330739


>> No.10330736

Yes really.

>> No.10330746
File: 69 KB, 400x247, 29034464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10330742


If this is about Show you're delusional. I love the guy and his works but the hand posted in here >>10330724 is obviously traced.

I'd argue that tracing doesn't demerit the artist if he can make something good with it, but that isn't really the point of this thread.

>> No.10330744

I for one don't give a shit about tracing. If artists can turn ugly pictures of 3d pigs into cute anime girls, why should I be against it?

>> No.10330749


No it isn't. Look at their jaws. Look at every shape in each of those images. They are different. When you're 'tracing' something the proportions don't magically transform.

>> No.10330753


How does it feel to be trisomic?

>> No.10330755

How is a hand intellectual property/tracing?

>> No.10330758

/jp/ = /a/ with more video games

>> No.10330760

Hold your horses. No one is telling you that you should be against it. I just believe you have a right to know about it.

>> No.10330767

What are you even talking about?

>> No.10330765

I don't know if you're being ironic but /jp/ is literally supposed to be /a/ with more videogames, it was split up from /a/ with the intent of housing touhou threads.

>> No.10330766

I've watched ALL her videos and I call bullshit on you.

>> No.10330775
File: 33 KB, 305x350, 1244341493232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post proves.

>> No.10330774


Everything is different but the hand. The other stuff I can take as reference but that hand seems traced.

I'm not an expert but if you don't want to trust a random anonymous opinion then just see what happened to him. His non-h Manga, Prism, was destroyed by this controversy. If there was no merit to those accusations he wouldn't have lost his manga.

>> No.10330779

can someone go through rustle supposedly references work and compare them. I find his defensiveness to be pretty extreme for someone that is innocent.

>> No.10330781

I actually don't like touhou
I like all the other stuff we discuss that is a part of out culture. But touhou is lame.

>> No.10330785

Reminder that we are 250 posts in and probably some 4-5 threads on others boards and we still have no conclusive proof that Rustle ever said anything implied by the OP.

>> No.10330789

It's hard to find conclusive proof for something that doesn't exist. The OP obviously only posted this thread to rile up things a bit more.

>> No.10330790

We are kind of on a different subject now.

>> No.10330786

>If there was no merit to those accusations he wouldn't have lost his manga.
Now this is an awfully japanese way of thinking you have there.

>> No.10330787

Reminder that about 10% of the posts in this thread are actually discussing OP's post specifically.

>> No.10330797

This whole thread can be summarized up in three words.


>> No.10330801

What the hell is wrong with someone expecting compensation for the work he does? Whether you like it or not is irrelevant. People like it so they should buy it. The reason people don't want to buy it is because of the weight of our lame society's morals that can't distinguish reality from fantasy.

>> No.10330809

Nobody was arguing against that though.

>> No.10330810

The point is that we (or most of us) couldn't legally obtain his works even if we tried, so getting mad at us is a kind of pointless exercise.

>> No.10330814

I wasn't really arguing against those that can't acquire his works legally since I would assume he wouldn't care what foreigners think, as most Japanese appear.

>> No.10330816

Doesn't the OP state that he hates how his work has spread over the entire interbutt for free? I'd assume he'd include the western hemisphere into that.

>> No.10330818

Then disregard what I said. I can't actually read Japanese because I don't have the motivation.

>> No.10331018
File: 55 KB, 502x506, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not legit. He seems rather fond of gaijin people, and actually wishes that he could publish his work, but can't due to the language barrier. And I think it says that he doesn't only want to do illustrations of stuff directed towards adults, but also things outside of that.

disregard that, he probably just wants to be like jew moot and get more money out of it

>> No.10331045


Wasn't he already publish one book with his own English translations?

>> No.10331054

No idea. Makes me wonder who the guy that wrote that "im not tracing blabalbal" piece of text is. And if he's realized that the western fanbase is just being ironic about all of that.

>> No.10331061


Yes, I'm certain he released something in Japanese with his own little English captions along the Japanese text. After the tracing accusation he hasn't done it again for obvious reasons.

>> No.10331065

If anything, we shit over anything we value, so he should take it easy and don't take dem stupid westerners too seriously.

>> No.10331072

I would support him warmly

>> No.10331078

Yeah. But that's the problem with Japanese people. They just can't grasp western irony or sarcasm. And that's also why gaijin people tend to find Japanese comedy overly shitty.

>> No.10331145


That sounds cute and ambitious as fuck. The other guy says to not give up this early in.

>> No.10331157


He's bitching that we already hate him. And that before he even released something over here.
How's that ambitious?

>> No.10331168

Why is rustle the only one who colors in his drawings? Hes awesome for that.

>> No.10331173

He should look at it this way: Isn't it better to be hated (even though he really isn't) than to be completely unknown? Most people on /jp/ and /a/ know about Rustle, so his chances at selling something outside of Japan are so much higher than if no one even knew his name.

>> No.10331174

I usually hate full colored drawings. They lack so much detail and kill parts of the fun of imagination.

>> No.10331186

pls respond

>> No.10331187

I was being ironic, if you didn't get that.

>> No.10331200

u r a faget

>> No.10331197

I'd probably pay if there was something like Steam for doujins. I don't want customs finding a box of questionably legal porn. There's really no good distribution method outside Japan besides scans.

>> No.10331212

and you have neither imagination nor taste. full color doujins are like the dubs of anime

>> No.10331223

Completely agreed. No one will do it, though, because they fear that it makes piracy too simple (even though scanning something and distributing it afterwards is only five minutes of more effort).

>> No.10331230


Yours is a very silly generalization. Some authors are made for full color, their black and white art says absolutely nothing.

>> No.10331231


Holy shit I thought that was only me.

>> No.10331281

You make no seen.

>> No.10331349
File: 75 KB, 405x412, rustlepatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone needs to point out where op got his post from because it definitely wasn't twitter. you don't even need to go to twitter to know that. it's not from his blog either. where did you get this paragraph op? you can't tell me he snail mailed it directly to you.

i don't understand why we are attributing something rustle did not say to him. there is no proof thus far that op post is really something he wrote. so i'm assuming this thread was just meant to be slander and to bully rustle. very mature guys.

>> No.10331357

>very mature guys.

My side.

>> No.10331360 [DELETED] 


>> No.10331363

He probably wrote it out himself.

>> No.10331367 [DELETED] 



>> No.10331372 [DELETED] 



>> No.10331450

So, uh... does this guy really call himself Rustle? Or is that just a nickname?

>> No.10331467


>> No.10331473

It is its from 3 separate tweets rustle made put together. I know because /a/ already had this thread and someone capped it.

>> No.10331480

Can you please link to the screencap?

>> No.10331494

I don't have it. But here is rustles twitter account.


>> No.10331498

Do you expect him to use his real name or something?

>> No.10331515

I found the thread, but this is the only screencap I found and it is translated and shit.

>> No.10331512

I don't see the tweets.

>> No.10331518



>> No.10331519

err, remove the 'q' from the url or something...

>> No.10331522

I want to understand Japanese foreign acquaintance. I want to hear all sorts of treatment or adult doujinshi manga and anime from Japan or situation of the country.
