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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1032935 No.1032935 [Reply] [Original]

Now, I don't know if I'll ever get a chance for this, but I was thinking.

Say you're in a situation with a real girl (3D pig disgusting...this is hypothetical)
and she wants to get sexual.

Do you turn on the sex scene music from your favorite VN?
I was just wondering because Tsukihime track 5 came on during my playlist, and my mind went straight to sex.

So, during sex, would you play VN music?

>> No.1032941


>> No.1032940

What's sex?

>> No.1032943

Who the hell plays music during sex? This isn't the 80s.

>> No.1032945

real life version of what happens during the scenes where you fap

>> No.1032946

Yes, I would play Yakety Sax. With my mouth.

>> No.1032948

God, I hate summer.

>> No.1032950

It's like danmaku only happens in games

>> No.1032959

i've been here since february

>> No.1032963


Oooooooooooh I don't get any of that.

>> No.1032965

That's even worse, considering summer is only used in a figurative manner.

>> No.1032974

it just makes it worse that you use it as an insult then.

if this was posted around march, it would have been received better. Now people mark everything they dont like as "summer"

>> No.1032986


>> No.1032994

The issue here is even if we mentally accepted girls as anything but 3D Pig Disgusting (TM), that doesn't mean we'd suddenly get laid.

But yeah, there might be something hilarious about this topic. I've always wondered if I gathered a bunch of VN players in a room and played that song how many would get awkward, get erections, or whatever.

Pavlov's Dog redux, baby.

>> No.1033002

Nah, most of the oldies would have just ignored it.

>> No.1033007


Yeah, I'm with the other Anon, summer confirmed.

>> No.1033016

ah fuck you guys, the post isn't about 3D or anything like that. It's about the subconscious psychological connection ties between memory and music.

It's supposed to be a relatively humorous hypothetical situation. sorry there's not more 2D involved

>> No.1033020

Tsukhime's eroscene music is nice but it goes back to the beginning after like ten seconds.


>> No.1033023

holy shit, i was thinking the same thing some time ago

>> No.1033061


First you take a scan of your favorite 2D girl and compare it to the real girl:

-If the real girl is cuter than the 2D girl then turn on VN music and proceed to sex.

-If the real girl is NOT cuter than the 2D girl then tell her she fails and ask her to leave.

>> No.1033098

if that's your logic, then none of us will ever get laid.
nothing is better than 2D

>> No.1033120

I use track 5 to read sad parts in Manga. I think it's a very sad track not a sexual one even if they used it for such thing.

>> No.1033115


I think you want to get assraped by a bunch of VN players.

>> No.1033137


My standards have caused trouble and I apologize, oh yeah don't forget 3D is Pig Disgusting.

>> No.1033178

I can see what you mean by it being a sad sounding track.
And I guess sexual wouldn't be the right word for it...

But I think it gives off a mood of actually caring about the person and being tender about it. It's not like rabbit kind of sex, it's more like...well, how they did it in the game

>> No.1033196

It's not like they know where the music is from anyway.

I'd play Rin's "Mana Transfer" music.

>> No.1033189

Do you care about me, Anon? (ノ´∀`)ノ

>> No.1033223

It's not whether they know where the music comes from or not, it's that you know that the entire time you'd be replaying the scene in your head over and over again.

Of course, Anon, and I always have!

>> No.1033241
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Why would you do that?

>> No.1033251

For the loals

>> No.1033272


>> No.1033275

I thought I was the only one, except I use track 7

>> No.1033303

fuck, track 7 is sad.

It's sad, the kind of sad you feel during autumn around halloween when something bad happens, and you just stand there, with the cool breeze blowing on your face, because you don't know what to do.

>> No.1033311

I used track 5 and 7 while reading ai-ren at the end.
Damn that was the most depressing thing I've ever experienced.

>> No.1033319


>> No.1033320

I use Tenchi hou take for that

>> No.1033324


Revised Rules:

Step 1 ask yourself, "Am I a virgin?"
-If Yes then turn on VN music and proceed to sex, nobody wants to be a virgin forever.
-If No then proceed to Step 2

Step 2 you take a scan of your favorite 2D girl and compare it to the real girl:
-If the real girl is cuter than the 2D girl then turn on VN music and proceed to sex.
-If the real girl is NOT cuter than the 2D girl then tell her she fails and kick her ass to the curb. Then proceed to Step 3.

Step 3 take 2D scan and fap all night long.

>> No.1033330

So you never listen to Emiya?

>> No.1033332

no 3d girl can be cuter than a 2d girl ;_;

>> No.1033355
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Emiya is like the Chuck Norris of music

>> No.1033367

those rules sound very reasonable. /jp/ approved

>> No.1033370

Let's think for a second, when was /a/ split in two, and /jp/ formed as a result?

>> No.1033389


Depends if the girl is into Anime/ Japanese culture, otherwise its a one-way ticket to loneliness

>> No.1033415

two choices: one, you don't tell her where the music is from and try to bs her or, you turn on some emiya and rage on her.

>> No.1033430


>summer approved

>> No.1033485

I play track 10 whenever I have accomplished a great feat.
