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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.09 MB, 3264x2448, ThemFeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10321059 No.10321059 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when your host mother, father and even the little girls write you a Christmas card in Hiragana so you will be able to read it.

That feel when it arrives on the 5th of January

That feel when めり くりすます :_;

>> No.10321068

Not even Katakana.

>> No.10321070

Ah, how nice. They seem like such nice people.

>> No.10321075

how could you live in japan and not even learn any kanji you peasant? also, host family? are you 14?

>> No.10321077

I find it funny how you got special treatment by them writing it out in kana instead of kanji.

>> No.10321080

They really were.

It's a recommendable experience for anyone on the fence.

>> No.10321085

implying people enjoy writing kanji

>> No.10321082

Reported to the FBI.

>> No.10321087

The writers were young girls, sperglord. Did you even read it?

Oh wait, you can't!

>> No.10321091

>Christmas card

Why would you write that on the envelope?

>> No.10321092

Enjoy being that loner hipster gaijin everyone gives a wide berth

>> No.10321097

So the post doesn't mistakenly give it priority over other mail. Japanese efficiency and what not.

>> No.10321098

I'm just going to be that guy and ask:
Can anyone translate it?

I can read the runes out loud, but I have no idea what I'm saying. Sorry, /jp/.

>> No.10321099


He said, "host mother, father and even the little girls", and that it was written in hiragana so he could read it, doesn't matter if it was written by little girls. And yes I can read it. It says 元気にしていますか? またいつか会えるといいですね

Can you read that? Or are those wittle kanjee too tuff for babby?

>> No.10321101

At least one of us is living the motherfucking dream. Be happy for someone else for once.

>> No.10321103

How could you possibly not know the kanji for 会う、元気、and 遊? How small were they?

>> No.10321104


In case it was received before Christmas, obviously.

>> No.10321108

How did this happen? How did you get yourself a host mom and dad?

>> No.10321112

(unrecognizable) *name* Merry Christmas

Are you well?

It would be nice if we could meet again some day.

Lets play again <3

Ririko <3 Nanako <3

Read the fucking letter. The girls wrote it. How autistic could you be?

>> No.10321120


The OP said it was written in hiragana so that he could understand it.

You guys really need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.10321121

My uni has a exchange program with uni's in Japan. They arrange everything. And I get to go every year because my major is international aid and there is no opportunity for fieldwork in my country. Also the gubament pays for it. Because EU citizen.

>> No.10321122

Ask OP when you go back to /v/.

>> No.10321126


Seriously, how dumb do you have to be.

You think Japanese children who can write that don't know the kanji for 元気, 会う, 遊び dumbass???

>> No.10321131

I like how the thread turned to shit because of OP being a peasant.

>> No.10321133

That's nice op. How was your trip, op?


Thanks for being that guy

>> No.10321136

Correct, this letter was written by 4 different people. the father wrote in English. The mother the first top part. And the girl wrote the final sentence at the bottom.

And yes I can only read Hiragana and about 20 basic Kanji like 歳 and 語

>> No.10321137

OP, at the very least you should clear GPS data before posting. I normally wouldn't say this, but the feel stuff made me realize I'm not dealing with someone from /jp/.

>> No.10321138

All two of you who are making a fuss?

>> No.10321144

Not that guy.

>> No.10321149



>> No.10321152

"that feel" is grammaticaly incorrect, don't forget to spellcheck when you post next time

>> No.10321156
File: 948 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_1347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was very good. Got to see many places from Tokyo to Fukuoka. And the people were so nice. Here's the food for my going away party. Look at all that!

>> No.10321158

My exiv2 says there isn't any? He took it with an iPhone, though. Those normally leave it in there for some reason.

At least he didn't quote it. It's a harmless catchphrase that has entered the accepted 4chan lexicon. Deal with it.

>> No.10321160

lol poeple eatin wth chopsticks

>> No.10321167
File: 451 KB, 850x901, uuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel
>That feel
>That feel

>> No.10321168
File: 1.49 MB, 722x962, party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my going away party. Look at all the food they made. Was really nice of them!

>> No.10321178

They probably yearned for the day the baka gaijin left the house.

>> No.10321179


>> No.10321181

Thank you. You are a nice guy.

>> No.10321187
File: 136 KB, 1282x962, pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was also pie. When was the last time your Japanese mother made pie for you?

>> No.10321196

Cool, but why was your other pos deleted?

>> No.10321190
File: 75 KB, 342x260, 1355210123289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIT! It's so touching, I would cry at that moment if I were you.

>> No.10321192
File: 95 KB, 449x351, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I see.

>> No.10321194

whoa, nederdraad?

>> No.10321201

I can't picture OP as someone other than Sean.

>> No.10321204

>I would cry
B-But shamefur dispray.

>> No.10321212

Smells like fresh meat in this thread. Either that or complete weebs.

>> No.10321226

If you're from the Netherlands, why did they write it in English? Are you both some sort of Angloboos?

>> No.10321234


>> No.10321235

Kan ook een belgensnoerke zijn

>> No.10321241


Everyone in the Netherlands speaks English. & It's probably easier to find a Japanese family who knows some English rather than Dutch.

>> No.10321253


neither, that's all the dutch I know.

>> No.10321276
File: 69 KB, 1274x858, Kaart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you guys are being so incredibly nice I will also show you what the front of the card looks like

>> No.10321277

Kanker op.

>> No.10321269

Perhaps because png carries no EXIF.

>> No.10321279

All you know is cancerwhore and netherthread?

for shame anon

>> No.10321292


Well, I wasn't the one who said nederdraad.

>> No.10321298


>> No.10321300

At least you browse 4chan without shitty userscripts or custom styles.

>> No.10321314

He obviously wanted to show it off.

>> No.10321326

>show off
>non riced classic theme desktop

>> No.10321329

At first I was happy for OP.
Then I saw the filename.

As nice as it is OP, you need to just fuck off.

>> No.10321330


>> No.10321336

never because am not a some loser who wants to go to Japan

>> No.10321345

And at least quadriplegics browse earth without using shitty motor functions.


>> No.10321357

typical /g/ ricer faggotry

>> No.10321347

This could have been cute. But someone that uses "that feel" should go feel their way out of /jp/

>> No.10321353


>> No.10321354

I mean the keyboard. not his decade year old operating system.

>> No.10321360

Don't you have a desktop or browser thread to whore attention from in /g/?

>> No.10321361

How nice OP, must have felt very good after receiving that card.

I wish I went Japan and lived with host family... too bad I lived in a dorm with bunch of other gaijins. Except for Comiket and Akiba, I had a very bad memories with them...

>> No.10321363

"that feel" and your lack of kanji ruined it

>> No.10321375

I like how wastes of life like you say how much more streamlined and intuitive you waifu-showcasin web2.0 abortions are when in fact they are less intuitive and streamlined even than normal 4chan.

I bet you use foobar, too.

>> No.10321383

/g/? be fucked if I'd hang around for more than a second in that shithole.

Hating ricer themes I can understand (as I do to), but some scripts add insane amounts of functionality.

>> No.10321387

What the hell is wrong with Foobar? It's about as simple as you can get.

>> No.10321395

Yes they do and yes you hate /g/ a whole lot now go back to /g/ ``kudasai''.

>> No.10321388

>I bet you use foobar, too.

Who doesn't?

>> No.10321389

I find that spending time with fellow foreigners negates the entire reason for traveling such a distance. The best experience you can have is just applying for a highschool or uni transfer. Or just go and travel like a normal tourist. Anything in between is just not worth it.

>> No.10321392

I don't know about those guys, but I just use Tomorrow Night because it's easier on the eyes.

>> No.10321393

Jesus christ, this fucking guy.

>> No.10321404


>> No.10321402

Are you still stuck on Winamp or something?

>> No.10321407
File: 78 KB, 393x430, 1340699752535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10321408

Pretty much anyone who isn't a hipster wannabe dj whose understanding of music-oriented programs doesn't go above customizing a userbar.

>> No.10321410

Please tell me how old the girl is. If I sign up for to be taken in by a host family, will I also get a little sister?

>> No.10321411
File: 358 KB, 794x797, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whats ricer about this m8?

>> No.10321420

Please. Your music selection only proves everything I've said to be correct about people like you.

>> No.10321421

Prolly iTunes because "it just works"

>> No.10321422

True and I totally agree with you.

But my main goal was getting credits for my degree, not traveling. Oh and don't mistaken this with "uni transfer".

Maybe next time, I'll go there alone and meet some random Japanese and create wonderful memories.

>> No.10321424

Just how retarded are you?

>> No.10321426

OP is most likely from /a/ or /v/. He should have posted there, but did not, not for fear of his thread being deleted, but rather no one giving a shit about christmas card in runes.

He probably consider those boards his "bros", but even then he can't share his glorious experience in glorious nihongo with those bros, and has to come to a foreign board.

Such tragic solitude of a shitposter.

>> No.10321429

Please respond.

>> No.10321431

Okay, so please explain what's wrong with it instead of flinging around insults like a child. I hope you can convince me.

>> No.10321433

I know this thread wasn't exactly made by someone who browses /jp/ frequently, but I had no idea /jp/ was infested with so much people defending style scripts and crappy music players.

I'm really sorry that you have to see them all sperging out, OP. I'm happy that you had a nice experience in japan and left it with an unbiased opinion about the country.

>> No.10321435

Anonymous I don't want to shock you or anything, but you're the one shitposting here.

>> No.10321437

Now use an actual argument against it rather than flinging shit like a chimp.

>> No.10321439

Really, the 1998 look? Hipster much?

>> No.10321441


>> No.10321443


Fuck you and your autistic shitposter quotation marks.

>> No.10321446

I wish I were you

>> No.10321447

Jesus christ, people in this board consider acceptable to use foobar?! What the hell got into you?

>> No.10321448
File: 1.27 MB, 720x961, people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10321449


I don't do it for the looks. It's just faster than Aero/whatever else. & I've been using Windows since 95 so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.10321451
File: 359 KB, 1944x2592, 2013-01-05 16.52.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is from a few years ago, but it did have kanji.

>> No.10321457

My Christmas card from japan is more like "Thank you for shopping with us!"


>> No.10321459

>i cant trash his media player for being riced so i trash his music instead. That will show him!

>> No.10321460

It's objectively the best choice.

>> No.10321463

What else are you supposed to use?

>> No.10321466

and katakana, 10/10, would not sage

>> No.10321471

Oh God...

>> No.10321472

Thank you for sharing OP, this is sweet and I hope to someday have such a nice experience

>> No.10321473

foobar is the only music player on windows that's not bloated as fuck, if you like your programs to be responsive then you should use it.

>> No.10321474

Nice. And you kept it for 4 years too !

>> No.10321475

Maybe it's you that something has gotten into. Maybe it was all along.

But if it really was us something got into it would be because winamp, itunes, WMP and whatever other options are pretty shitty, that's all.

>> No.10321478

RealPlayer, obviously.

>> No.10321483

That feeling of absolute jealous. My host family was nothing but old people...

>> No.10321484

I love how this thread turned from Christmas card to media player...

Too many shit posters in /jp/.

>> No.10321480
File: 79 KB, 368x427, die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the thread exploded once someone mentioned how using foobar and style scripts is for attention-whoring hipsters.

They probably called each other on twitter to defend their deity software.

Foobar adds nothing other music players haven't already put on the table. The only thing noteworthy about it is how you can customize the userbar. I guess that's enough to make it go hand in hand with people who have their browser filled with unnecessary shit for the purpose of looking unique. I have no idea what kind of high karma reddit-using steam member social butterfly made it popular, but he sure fooled a ton of people.

>> No.10321485

I have memories of realplayer I'd rather forget.

>> No.10321495


foobar has been the best browser since before reddit even existed mate. mainly because when you only had 1gb of ram you didn't want 150 of it going to winamp/itunes/whatever other shit player. it's simple and easy to use, that's why it's popular.

>> No.10321497

Could you be one of those idiots who threw an autism fit when foobar went closed source?

>> No.10321499

What uni? I'm EU as well, but unfortunately I live in a place where only mafia is free.

>> No.10321501

It's just a matter of being unique, like you said. The sad thing about it is that these people all gather on the usual threads, ignoring everyone else and proceeding to post their own desktop/browser picture planned down to the pixel. It never goes through their mind that other people are doing the exact same and that they're gonna get ignored just like they ignored everyone else.

It really saddens me to know /jp/ has so many people like that. I try to forget it, but there's always one or two threads like that popping up.

>> No.10321503

It went something like this
>christmas card
>no kanji
>why no kanji
>OP is peasant
>EXIF data
>OP is Dutch
>That keyboard
>No shitty add-ons
>/g/ throws a shit fit
>/g/ counters by trolling foobar
>/jp/ falls for it

>> No.10321506

The thread "exploded" because shitposters like yourself decided to start trashing good programs without any evidence that actually proves they're bad other than "you CAN rice it" and "You're music taste is shit!".

Whoever mentioned scripts also mentioned that rice was disgusting too, and scripts are for functionality purposes. So that little argument died down quickly.

Now tell me, why do you continue to shit up the thread?

>> No.10321509

lack of 楽しい and 過ごす

>> No.10321512
File: 83 KB, 450x500, 1354923236154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. Unlike some of you, I'm actually impressed there are at least a couple of sane people on this board who share my opinion about all this nonsense.

>> No.10321518

If you project any harder you could give powerpoint presentations with your dick.

>> No.10321522
File: 90 KB, 405x412, 1339749717812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10321523

>/g/ throws a shit fit
If "Addons add functionality, why are they shit?" is a shit fit, then this world is doomed.

Also, who are you quoting?

>> No.10321526

Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>>/g/ counters by trolling foobar

Because an opinion you can't accept has got to be a troll, am I right?

>> No.10321527

i use foobar and i don't have any 4chan settings or anything other than default windows.... it's just a good music player. i don't understand the hate

>> No.10321533

Go back to /g/.

>> No.10321536

who the fug gives a shit, not related to otaku culture


>> No.10321537
File: 49 KB, 605x412, nuremberg-trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions can be wrong.

>> No.10321539

Seems to be a mechanical keyboard, model?

>> No.10321540

>i don't understand the hate
Hipsters gonna hip.

>> No.10321541

>people argue about which media player they should use
>media player

Fuck me. This thread is populated with shitposters.

>> No.10321544

How was the stay OP? I'm genuinely interested in how you spent your time in Japan.

>> No.10321546


Aww, how nice.

I was a foreign exchange student in high school. I haven't gotten any cards like this, but every time I make a post in Japanese on Facebook, I get a bunch of likes from former classmates.

I went to Japan again to visit. One of my host families still had pictures of me with them up on the walls. They fed me tons and tons of delicious food... Oh goodness, I miss them dearly. I'm currently looking up ways to go back to Japan (as in, trying to find ways to study or do work in Japan so it's not just an expensive vacation) so I can see them again. I love my host families so much!

>> No.10321555

Why is meido ignoring a thread not related to otaku culture? It never was related from the start either.

>> No.10321559

I wouldn't say they completely ignore each other, since there's usually one or two people complimenting each other on their choice of whatever snowflake software they use and then blog post about it. But 80% of those threads is exactly as you describe.

Yes, I pulled those statistics out of my ass.

>> No.10321564

OWLTECH OWL-KB109BM(B)II Mechanical Japanese Keyboard

>> No.10321568


WAIT NO THAT'S WRONG. I got a birthday card from my first host family. I wonder where I put it...

>> No.10321570

are you a janitor otaku?

>> No.10321573

lol didn't know Japanese makes mech keyboards.

>> No.10321575

no fun allowed

>> No.10321578

I hate all of you. If only you show-offs would be gone.

>> No.10321582

are you a fuggin blogloving weeb faggot?

>> No.10321583

What even is this host family stuff?

Is it mostly for younger people that are still in highschool, or could a college student look into something like that, I don't know anything about this subject at all.

>> No.10321587

Thanks for the info.

>> No.10321590

It was great. I actual stayed in 3 different places. Yokohama, Nagasaki and Kyoto. The last two were the best. It was my second exchange in Japan. I was in Japan for about 6 months this time. I also got to see many cool side things, Nara, Osaka, Fukuoka, Kamakura, Sasebo, Shimabara etc.

I can relate. It is such a awesome experience. I will be going back for a year from January 2014. Absolutely cant wait. I am currently taking Japanese classes at my uni to prepare.

>> No.10321593

I picked it up a long time ago for being lightweight as well as the feature where minimizing it left it off the bottom bar and early flac support

other than that, it's that I find its search features and add folder that adds all sub folders to be convenient

and I thought it was popular from before reddit was even up

is it like mainstream now?

>> No.10321597

It's just a regular cherry switch keyboard with Japanese keycaps.

>> No.10321616


I think you should not go here anymore. >>>http://www.2chan.net/

>> No.10321619

average japanese poster

>> No.10321620


>No Osaka

You're missing out.

And wait, this was your second exchange? How long was the first? How old were you? Usually people only get to do one exchange in their lifetime, if they get one at all.

I was a foreign exchange student to Osaka for a full year (closer to 11 months, but eh). I got to the point that I could THINK in Japanese; I loved it.

>> No.10321637


Wow, you were so close to actually BEING Japanese!! AMAZING!

>> No.10321638

that's wrong, he sounds too normal and good of a person to go there, just send him to 2-ch

and anyways, there's tons of /jp/sies that post in both places

what you end up learning is that learning your way around a new language's net is difficult and most people just stick to their own

>> No.10321652

All the japs in /int/ are proxy or gaijins living there.
I've already talked with some japs and none of them was this bad with English.

>> No.10321657


exactly. I don't want such people here.

>> No.10321659

I actually went on as a exchange student (high school) in Japan for a year, a few years ago. I ended up banging two school girls during my trip there. My entire class loved me and showed extreme interest because I was a foreigner. I'm mixed with Asian, so I didn't really get that many questionable glares. Anyways, the two girls were friends, Eri (who was pretty much a tsun) and Saki (just a really nice person) The teacher assigned everyone study groups and we all had to meet up afterschool. Eri ended up being in my group and my host family's house was in the same neighborhood as Eri's, so me and her would often meet up outside the study group. But to make a long story short, we ended up having sex one day when school got out early. Later on in the year, I met Saki (a third year) through Eri. She invited me, Eri, and two other people over her house one day and after some talking, eating, and laughing, Eri and two other students had to go home. Saki told me to stay because she wanted her family to meet me. After a while I asked her when her parents would be getting home and she just started kissing me. I won't go into details, but it was probably one of the greatest nights of my life.

I still talk to Eri and a few other cool people I met during my stay. Eri and Saki are still friends and sccording to Eri, Saki has a boyfriend and is going to be a second year in university this fall. Too bad consider she was really pretty, but oh well.

>> No.10321661


How do you guys even post on futaba without a very private or paid for japanese proxy?

They detect every free proxy I try. Why do the seriously hate everyone who isn't japanese?

>> No.10321665
File: 48 KB, 268x404, 1315080729787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I got jelly, but then I realized I'm dealing with a band of normalfags.

Still jelly as shit though, but fuck you. I will find my own loli one day

>> No.10321666

It's worse to me that they block even 2ch.

>> No.10321670

Because non-Japanese shouldn't be posting on a Japanese speaking board.

>> No.10321674
File: 721 KB, 965x1040, winamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute OP

>> No.10321679

Nether me nor OP is American. we still post here.

>> No.10321685


That's not something to be proud of. Do you rice?

>> No.10321691
File: 200 KB, 370x370, i hate you so much.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hear you. Report these normies.

>> No.10321692

I hate you so much.
So fucking much.
And all of you as well!

>> No.10321698


hurr durr. such a stupid reply.

>> No.10321699

How come you chinks post on 4chan all the time?

>> No.10321706


pls respond

>> No.10321707
File: 3 KB, 155x186, Modern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10321712

>Using windows shit

>> No.10321713

classic theme is prettier

>> No.10321741

工 廾丹卞ヨ 几工尸己 工 山工己廾 卞廾ヨ 几工尸己 句工ヨ

>> No.10321746

山廾回 片丹几勹工 回卞丹片凵 廾ヨ尺ヨ?

>> No.10321747
File: 107 KB, 667x900, 1321566090176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I want a Japanese mom too now.

>> No.10321779
File: 34 KB, 462x284, 1357393857565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10321792


is this the new 1337speek?

>> No.10321794

radicals, how do they work?

>> No.10321786

I think that's about the basic Gaijin in Japan experience. As long as they are not autistic. People forget that nips are human too and have just as much hate for a spaz as Aryan people do.

>> No.10321836

Watch out, we have a JAPENESE EXPERT on /jp/!

>> No.10321838
File: 67 KB, 460x274, lolbama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10321843
File: 86 KB, 400x400, kill yourselves out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10321857

己廿匚片 冊と 匚回亡片 コ廿句臣

>> No.10321866

Took me a while to figure out.

>> No.10321878

That's me. Thanks for making my day.

>> No.10321905

>After a while I asked her when her parents would be getting home and she just started kissing me.

This sounds just like a plot from my hentai.

>> No.10321939

Why are you impersonating me? I was the one who originally posted that.

>> No.10321943

Can't access front page.

>> No.10321949
File: 84 KB, 1440x810, 1343647672722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when does /jp/ quality control approve this thread for thread of the year?

>> No.10321960

It has to be approved by the high autism council.

>> No.10321967

As a member I can say my vote is already in. Sometimes the autists get all autismal on what isn't or is considered thread of the year.

>> No.10321976

This Thread Is Epic.

>> No.10322004

This early in 2013 and we already have threads of this quality. Going to be a great 2013.

>> No.10322028

He's dead Jim

>> No.10322078

I remember when I got a card after I cam home in the summer. Such a great feeling. Like you are not forgotten. No one but my aunt ever sends me a card...

>> No.10322094

I am confused, I am not getting the jokes.
Explain yourself. Please respond

>> No.10322105

suck my cock dude
i hate nips i wish the nips die
who kanji otaku here

>> No.10322114
File: 57 KB, 550x500, 6a5fcab2cbd339e6966ab2f4e0aabcf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.
That made my day.

>> No.10322124

jesus you guys

>> No.10322144

this thread is disgusting.

fucking reported.

>> No.10322196

めり くりすます

>> No.10322228

Please let this catch on, this is so good.

>> No.10322696
File: 21 KB, 301x451, Learn_39a394_187873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is so 2005
