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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10315176 No.10315176 [Reply] [Original]

>2012 has definitely been a good year for us here at MangaGamer. The number of fans registered with our website has continued to grow, not to mention our overall sales and income. And that’s just on the digital side of our business. Between this increase in overall sales and the expansion of our hard-copy lineup, a lot more of our games are starting to turn a profit, and that means more opportunities for us in the coming years. Speaking of which, guess what the 10 most popular games were in total overall 2012 sales on our website? (Note: This ranking does not include any hard-copy sales.)
>1. Boob Wars
>2. Dengeki Stryker
>3. Magical Teacher
>5. Otoboku
>6. Shuffle!
>7. Koihime Musou
>8. Sexy Demon Transformation
>9. Harem Party
>10. ef -the first tale.

(Source: http://blog.mangagamer.org/2013/01/04/the-worlds-not-over/))

So there's our confirmation that we're not getting more story games because MangaGamer is doing badly and they just can't afford them at the moment.

>> No.10315189
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>because MangaGamer is doing badly


>> No.10315236

Yeah I don't think they ever said things were doing badly. Nukige sell better, but we knew that for quite some time. I don't think there's anything there to suggest they won't be doing any more story games.

>> No.10315251

You'll never have Kara no Shoujo 2 translated ;_;
Yes, I bought it.

>> No.10315249
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They always used to complain they're in the red because of EVIL PIRATES, saying we'd get more non-nukige if their games sold better. Lately they've been doing that less and just insisting we get as many non-nukige as we'd been getting before (which is bullshit, see https://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S10185597#p10205095)), but the fact is that even though their sales seem better than ever before, we're getting less non-nukige than ever before. All that's currently in the release schedule that isn't a nukige is Tick Tack, which is a Shuffle fandisk.

>> No.10315254

Does that mean they're going to pick up KnS2 and release Cartagra?

>> No.10315268

I hope they keep up with OVERDRIVE titles. I'd like to see Dengeki Strykrs sequel as well as the Deardrops/KiraKira cross.

>> No.10315272

lel who the fuq gives a shit
just read em raw

>> No.10315276

Yo NNL what's good you mad about it or what

>> No.10315279

>1. Boob Wars

That 1 month piracy delay pretty much made this title a success, eh?

>> No.10315297

Or perhaps that it was porn and porn sells well in general, the fact that it had a premise that made it really stand out among other porn games, and that unlike other nukige this one actually had a decent amount of hype before release?

Tasty Shafts had like a 2 month delay or something before it finally got cracked, yet it didn't become a huge hit. On the other hand, Koihime easily outsold it (note that it was released in 2011, its position in the list is solely from long-tail sales), even though that one was pirated almost instantly.

>> No.10315300

so, considering dengeki stryker and deardrops sold quite well, the reason kara no shoujo didn't sell is just because it's 2grimdark4u

>> No.10315308

'It' referring to Boob Wars, by the way, not Tasty Shafts. Koihime sold so well that it's even #7 in 2012, counting sales only from a year after its release onwards.

>> No.10315325
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The reason Kara no Shoujo sold badly is due to them having the worst launch I've ever seen in my life. For the first couple hours, they had a beta version up with a bug that spoiled the entire game for you. Then, for almost two full days, customers simply couldn't download the game (as they were fixing it, veeery slooowly). MangaGamer didn't even make any attempt to explain the situation to customers about the spoiler bug in early downloads and the downtime afterwards. Meanwhile, pirates could just fix the bug and play the pirated version without any problems. At that time, I really regretted buying the game directly after launch instead of pirating it.

>> No.10315347

I seriously reckon for MangaGamer to make a huge boost in sales, all they need to do is get one of their games greenlit on steam.

It's thanks to steam that heaps of those companies that do translating/licensing can acquire bigger and better games.

The guys that did RPGMakerVXAce, did so well for themselves, as did Carpe Fulgur.

If they can get Higurashi or Go Go Nippon on steam, I think they're set to get whatever cool project that everyone wants them to do.

>> No.10315418

I hope VNs never go big in the west. Localizations and fan translations should just go to HELL.

>> No.10315462
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Soo when are they getting this game?

>> No.10315465

Wow. I mean, I don't dislike nukige but, what the fuck, west?

>> No.10315471

Is dengeki stryker even any good? does it get real deal or something? most people talk about it in a very good light.

>> No.10315490

I personally feel they should pick up more titles that also appeared on anime. I only had to see Otoboku once and then I've been sitting hoping it would be translated every year since.

It doesn't hurt either that plenty of anime turn into VNs without porn, which could let mangagamer get stuff up on steam and make money.

>> No.10315502

Silly english only plebs. Just die already.

>> No.10315551

Has anyone heard any news about there manga and video line?

>> No.10315570
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>English translation

>> No.10315871

>MangaGamer is doing badly
I wouldn't say things are really good, but they're certainly getting better. Sales for individual titles is still low, even our top selling title didn't break 700 copies for last year, but we've gotten a big library and the games seem to sell well over a long period of time. Not losing money's a good thing.


2013 should bring around 8 new releases. 3 story titles (Harukoi Otome, Tick Tack, plus one unannounced), and 5 nukige titles in the works (Orion Heart, SSSS, Eroge, two unannounced seal titles, and maaaaybe another game from a new company). Don't quote me on that, and there's other stuff in the works too, but I think that's the plan..

We are in talks with a few companies for some big name titles, as we are in pretty desperate need of some new flagship titles, but it sounds like we're running into some roadblocks (like the famous 5pb cockblock). Here's hoping though.


It certainly made a big difference. Daily sales drop by 60-70% after a crack is released. I don't want to be the guy to be 'piracy is bad blah blah blah', and I can't say how much it actually changes lifetime sales, but it does seem to make a difference. Still, the lack of a crack hasn't stopped Slave Witch April from sucking for example, which is currently behind Loren, an OELVN we're offering on our site.

The Kara no Shoujo release still makes me cry.

>> No.10315925

why are Nukige so popular? I mean I would think if you were gonna read that much text you would at least want a story or plot not just constant sex.

>> No.10315943

Sex sells? Maybe nukige has an easier sales cycle because of impulsive buying.

>> No.10315954
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>story or plot

>> No.10315957

Do you guys see any patterns that you can use to boost your sales?
Like... people seem to prefer titles with some gameplay = let's try getting more of those.

>> No.10315958

Any progress with Higurashi on Greenlight?

>> No.10315991

I'd assume piracy affects the lifetime sales of porn in particular a lot.

People don't respect porn, particularly in the west, so the "I want to support the devs" mentality that makes people pirate a game and then buy it if they like it isn't present.

And while some people might budget for entertainment, and actually buy stuff they consume as much as they can afford it, almost no internet-savvy people budget for porn.

It would take a lot to change that.

>> No.10316013

Yeah I'd agree with this. Most people don't look down on others who buy music, games or movies, but when someone buys porn everyone says that you can get it for free easily.

>> No.10316082

Thats because porn lacks artistic value in most cases. And yes that includes 2D porn as well.
The over saturation of it on the net does not help its case either.

I think mangagamer still does decent enough because the Japanese still censor their porn and MG can offer the uncensored version.

>> No.10316191

You don't have to give a definite answer for obvious reasons, but is there at least a chance we might see Kara no Shoujo 2? If sales basically stay the way they are now, for example.

>> No.10316211

Maybe for actual real live porn but erotica is pretty popular in sales. Look at Shades of Gray, it's a bestseller and it's fan fiction.

>> No.10316261

Evospace mentioned on the blog that the Japanese staff is meeting with Innocent Grey in February once they finish working on KnS2 to discuss possibly doing additional IG titles. Having someone on MG staff to do scripting/porting opens the possibility for doing titles that were previously out of reach because of technical reasons. We'll have to see how things turn out from there, I'd actually be pretty happy if I could work on KnS2 or Cartagra.

>> No.10316376

If you read the recent mangagamer's blog carefully, you'll spot a few partially obscured boxes on the latest blog picture ( 2012Lineupv2_full.png ).
Users were able to identify few of those boxes, which will most likely be upcoming mangagamer licenses:
Seeeki! Bukkake Bokujou! ~Oshiru Ippai, Seirei-tachi o H ni Shiiku!~
Todoroke Seiki no Daihatsumei Ai to Okori to Kanashimi no Himitsu Kessha Dai Ni Kagakubu
Touma Kojirou no Tantei File ~Opera Za no Kaijin Satsujin Jiken~
Kougyaku no Kishi Miles -Boukyaku no Hate, Inshoku Jutai-

>> No.10316425

as expected, nothing good...such a shame but again to be expected from MG.

>> No.10316445

Meanwhile at JAST: ...

>> No.10316535

How long until we get vn dubs?

>> No.10316567


Do you avoid picking up loli material like this one? >>10315462?

Just curious.

>> No.10316842

Are the seal titles that easy to guess? There's still two more though!

Hopefully if things go good in the short term, we'll have some really good titles to announce. There's some pretty cool things in the works, I hope we can get some of these games.

I think MG is pretty easy about titles that have loli characters in it, but I don't think they would do a loli specific title, and certain games like that Naisho no Naisho or Crayon Tulip definitely won't happen. It's just too risky, and it rules out hard copies for sure, there's just too much chance that someone might run afoul with the law.

>> No.10316864

What are the odds of getting Euphoria? If things with Eroge go well, I presume?

>> No.10316894
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>> No.10316905

B-but naisho clearly stated those girls were 18 and lolige never lies.

>> No.10316923

It also has the lolis saying it's okay to do them raw because they haven't started having their period yet.

>> No.10316927

Some girls don't have their periods until that late. My mom had hers at 18 or 19.

>> No.10316931

There is no truth more honest than that.

>> No.10317006

did your mother get pregnant before that age?
It is possible to get pregnant even before your first period (in the iminesce of it) and then to not have a period at all during all pregnancy and longer if she has another pregnancy right after.

If she was still a virgin who did not have her period up to 18yo I'd find it highly unlikely and laughable even XD

>> No.10317033

It's extremely common for anorexic girls to not have periods for example. Diet and various substances can have an impact.

>> No.10317065

I'd buy 10 copies.

>> No.10317117

If you translate Extravaganza I will never pirate another VN ever again.

>> No.10317151

I say this in every thread but I wouldn't even care that all that's getting localized is nukige if they were at least good nukige instead of bargain bin shit. even if it cost more to pick up I bet a game from lilith or kaguya would sell way more.

>> No.10317175

The only thing I want translated at this point are 18+ otomege.

That's it.

>> No.10317178

True enough. There is plenty of nukige out there with at least a passable plot.

>> No.10317351
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I'd very much like this getting translated.

>> No.10317352

What about picking up Hentai movie released and reselling digitally uncensored? Does anyone do that? I know some German company has picked up a few titles that have been censored for years and are now uncensored... But how come more won't pick up titles from pixy-soft or other companies? I mean; piracy sucks and it gives companies reasons to be dicks to honest buyers... But having it buyable, without going whiney about it, might help people buy after they "try" and since its digital, no one gets embarrsed... Assuming that;s what its all about, besides "theft"
I think hentai is a great art form, fuck the haters. I'd rather see hot 2Ds going at it, then a 3D shooting another 3D, that seems stupid to me.

>> No.10317397
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You know, their games would actually sell if they actually fucking marketed their games. Too bad mangagamer is run by a bunch of incompetent chimps. It's like a collection of a bunch of circlejerks from #denpa trying to run a business.

>> No.10317441

This describes Mangagamer perfectly.

>> No.10317466

Until MangaGamer starts releasing professional quality translations I am not going to buy anything from them.
You can support the developers without subsidizing a substandard translation/localization company and reseller.

>> No.10317489

>I bet a game from lilith or kaguya would sell way more.
I'm not so sure about that. I think the people who don't buy nukige have such a prejudice against the genre that they wouldn't buy one even if it was genuinely good. Look at the VN general thread: even most of the people here who know Japanese and thus have access to all the good nukige out there still have the Western stigma that nukige are all shit.

If they did get some sort of deal with omega-star they'd probably do Kanojox3 first.

>> No.10317576

I'd buy 20 copies and never pirate anything ever again.

>> No.10317599

I would tell the internet that I would buy a bazillion copies and never do anything bad ever again in my life, then proceed to just pirate it anyways.

>> No.10317612

Will /jp/ stop bullying me if I translate a lolige? Perhaps suck my cock dude?

>> No.10317628

I will suck your cock and do anything you want. I'll go to the store wearing my "Primary school girls are great!" shirt.

>> No.10317827

look at it the other way. right now the only ones who buy nukige are people who don't care about quality and are probably just in it for the novelty factor. if you had better games then you would still get those people, plus some ammount of people who do care about quality. there's also the fact that a lot of games have animu episodes which pretty much work as free advertising. just looking at one tracker the first episode of kyonyuu fantasy has over 60000 torrent downloads. how many people do you think are even aware that manga gamers is even selling boob wars?

>> No.10317852
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One of them is Chou Dengeki Stryker for sure

>> No.10318102

I'd like to do higher quality nukige too... The reason for the softhouse seal titles is fairly obvious though. The problem is that bigger and flashier games don't always sell more, even if they cost way more to localize. Still, I don't think we have any 'great' nukige in the lineup, so maybe one might shake things up.

I probably shouldn't say this, but the English staff has been pushing for Euphoria. Clearly there's concerns about the content, which is probably the biggest issue, but it could happen some day.

I admit that there's still issues, but things have improved drastically since the early releases with MG (which were a mess), and the quality of releases should continue to improve. I hope that at some point you'd give them a try again.

You are right about marketing, but marketing a pornographic product online is not that easy unfortunately. It is something we are trying to work on.

>> No.10318127

This might be a bit out of the current discussion, but does bamboo still do those livecasts? The last time I saw something about it was when he brought over Tammy and I fucking missed it since I found out when the broadcast ended. I regret not being able to speak to her and I was too far from AX to even consider that.

>> No.10318185

Hey, since JAST is supposedly doing STARLESS (though they seem to be pretty frozen considering they couldn't get an already-fantraslated short VN like Saya no Uta out in years...), Euphoria sounds like exactly what you'd need to keep up the with the competition in the "extreme content" category!

>> No.10318852

Personally, I believe most H anime is drawn sloppily around the censored parts, since those won't be visible in release anyway. So what good does having a uncensored version do when it's even less hot than the censored one? That being said, with production values being as low as they are for H anime, all those titles are shit anyway.

>> No.10319091

The translations aren't going to improve as long as Kouryuu is the one translating. Whoever translated Otoboku needs to be fucking fired.

>working on

You guys have been saying that for years now, but all you guys do is blame pirates.

Another problem would be releasing the Himeya version of EBE. Which is the exact opposite of well translated and edited. It's an insult to the people who worked on the game.

You're free to plaster you new releases all over your own homepage. Unfortunately, you don't do that. Try learning from Peter, please.

>> No.10319105

They posted something about Starless on Christmas. Saya no Uta is still being worked on.
At least you can actually expect them to be well translated.

>> No.10319159

Yes it is! Perfect.

>> No.10320067

>Whoever translated Otoboku needs to be fucking fired.

Is it that bad? I haven't seen people complain in general, and this is the first I heard of it.

And I wish people dropped the nukige talk. Unless you specify subtype it tells me nothing. What really sells? Yaoi? Loli? True Love? Rape? S&M? Big breasts? Incest? I don't know, because people insist on lumping it all together.

>> No.10320199

All covers identified: http://vntls.tindabox.net/news/mangagamer-2012-lineup-analysis
Nukige, nukige, Tick Tack (Shuffle fandisk), nukige, nukige, Dengeki Stryker (fandisk I think? Or is it a proper sequel), nukige, nukige, all nukige all the time. What a surprise.

>> No.10320205

Nukige are the only VNs worth playing. At least they don't pretend to be a higher form of entertainment and art.

>> No.10320239
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>> No.10320243

You're confusing the games and the people who play them again Paul, take your medicine

>> No.10323188

I can't fap to nukige, they're just too boring and slow. For some reason 'nn.....aah!...not there!' and 'aaah....haa, haa...' repeated over and over again makes me laugh, not feel aroused.

So all that leaves is story, and we're not getting any from MangaGamer.

>> No.10323219

That vampire loli nukige is better than any ero-VN for faps.

I reckon stories gets ruined by crappy sex scenes, or even the whole route thing where you have to pander to some girl. I don't want to play some pathetic girl chase just to get the best ending.

>> No.10323232

I want to know too.

Also Go Go Nippon.

Getting on steam will help you guys heaps.

>> No.10323554

How's the shuffle translation? I've been thinking of picking it up for a while now.

>> No.10323588

Was Boob Wars translated?

>> No.10323591

Who is she from?

>> No.10323610
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You probably mean where.

Bishoujo Mangekyou

>> No.10323623

They did a complete re-edit when they printed the hardcopies, and also updated their download version. I haven't read the re-edited version though. The English in the original was a little iffy at times, but it should be better.

>> No.10323653

That cg set was too lewd for me

>> No.10323692

Sorry if im being dense here, but does this have anything to do with deardrops?


>> No.10323821

No because you are a huge DORK

>> No.10323941

It's from one of the albums
