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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10310793 No.10310793 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you life your waifu?

>> No.10310796

As much as Komeiji.

>> No.10310808
File: 111 KB, 600x480, 09091984151256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life your waifu

ls that supposed to be some kind of pun-rhyme thing?

Anyways, Yuno Gasai is my one and only. #1 Yandere and kawaii as fuck.

>> No.10310824
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, 1356324002611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le ironic waifu love xD

>> No.10310823

I don't have a waifu, as I'm not delusional.

>> No.10310828

What about having a waifu is delusional?

>> No.10310833
File: 265 KB, 835x1194, reitrans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you people with modern waifus: have you ever had another waifu, or did you just not feel like having one before recently? Pic related is mine since 2002.

>> No.10310842
File: 127 KB, 500x708, 095872c29ee25e2672da4489880a7b07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rei is the first anime girl I went crazy for too.

>> No.10310843

Yuno Gasai poster replying here.

Yeah, I did. In terms of "older" anime, I was always a fan of Asuka from Evangelion and CC from Code Geass (if you count Code Geass as older). As well as Miku and Megurine Luka.

>> No.10310848

I'm glad normalfags started doing this waifu thing. It made me realize how stupid it was and encouraged me to stop being an idiot.

That's also when I stopped going on /a/.

>> No.10310852

fuck off you little post-eva biter

>> No.10310854

ITT: People getting butthurt over other's fantasies.

Keep raging f/a/ggots

>> No.10310856


Loving someone that doesn't exist is fairly delusional. Especially considering that these characters usually have very little depth and are just otaku-pandering archetypes created by Japanese media companies to make money.

>> No.10310861

so you like real girls instead now, or what

>> No.10310863 [DELETED] 

I love my wheyfu so much, br/a/h. :)

>> No.10310866
File: 9 KB, 242x208, 895632486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very little depth
>otaku-pandering archetypes created by Japanese media companies to make money

You just completely contradicted yourself. They may not seem deep to people who don't subscribe to those archetypes, but to someone who does they're the perfect woman.

Now tell me what's wrong about having a fantasy about your perfect woman? That's like saying fapping to porn is stupid because you'll never have a shot with a pornstar.

>> No.10310868

Nobody cares if you fap to a pornstar's videos, but putting emotional investment in her is probably a bad idea.

>> No.10310871

You're not even making a point anymore.

>> No.10310875

You frustr/a/ted br/a/h?

>> No.10310878


Not the same poster.

>> No.10310883

I just wanted to poke a hole in your analogy. I didn't read the entire thread.

>> No.10310889


I didn't contradict myself. Just because the otakus are only interested in shallow archetypes does not make the characters have any more personality. Anime characters are like webcam whores, it's a facade to create money, you don't want to be the freak who comes in the chat-room and starts talking to her like he's her boyfriend do you?

>> No.10310891
File: 876 KB, 1024x768, 234567890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dolphin her!

>> No.10310904

Sure is cute. I've seen her a hundred times yet still don't know who she is.

>> No.10310917
File: 123 KB, 800x600, BestHoshimemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third worst girl from hoshimemo. Pic related is best girl. <3 夢

>> No.10310957

I love my waifu. I don't even care that much that normalfags are using it now, " oh I can't tell someone on the internet that I have a waifu, boohoo."

>> No.10310977 [DELETED] 

smelly dumb waifu scum

>> No.10310983


I'm just not in this waifu shit any more. Also I never stopped liking real girls.

I'm an idolfag.

>> No.10311006


Please leave.

>> No.10311011


>implying /v/ would you talk about waifu's

They hate weeaboo shit.

>> No.10311017

Wouldn't "waifuism" logically be more appealing or accepted on /jp/ than it is to /a/, considering that it's "Otaku Culture" we're talking about?

Deluded wota and chuu2 people would be the first thing I think of whenever I think of otaku.

Who forced the "waifu=bad" tradition on /jp/?

>> No.10311024

Too popular for /jp/.

>> No.10311035

>Deluded wota and chuu2 people would be the first thing I think of whenever I think of otaku.

Exactly. /jp/ hates its own name.

>> No.10311038


"Waifuism" is connected to otaku culture. No one denies that. What we don't want is normalfags from other boards coming here and talking about their waifu that changes every season or every time a new video game comes out.

At least that's how I feel about it. Can't speak for everyone else.

>> No.10311051

>What we don't want is normalfags from other boards coming here and talking about their waifu that changes every season or every time a new video game comes out.

How has no-one noticed that the only people who still imply they do this are trolls? No normalfag would even bother

>> No.10311058

> No normalfag would even bother

Have you been on any board outside of /jp/?
Have you been on Tumblr?

>> No.10311062

> Also I never stopped liking real girls.
Oh so you were a faggot. That explains it.

>> No.10311103

>Have you been on any board outside of /jp/?
I can tell a troll when I see one. Plus I ignore most people who use the term incorrectly (at least based on how I think it should be used)

>Have you been on Tumblr?
Why would I? I honestly don't care about that site in anyway. though from what I learned in my /r9k/ days I'll say this point

Do you really think if we moved waifu discussions to /jp/ people would suddenly move from tumblr (mind these mostly look down on 4chan as a whole) just to post?

>> No.10311114
File: 625 KB, 1018x1440, waifu fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see anything wrong with obsessing over an character archetype, but having one particular character as your "waifu" is just a marketing scheme. You have to buy the merchandise of her- get every copy of everything she is in, since if you don't it shows you don't really care about her.

>> No.10311128

You could always go through with the effort of creating one of those "tulpas", rather than wasting it on materialistic things.

>> No.10311148

I really don't see the need to look down on those that make the decision to delude themselves in a girl that does not exist. What benefit do you even gain? Its not like you're a perfect being that does nothing out of the ordinary. What is ordinary anyways?

Yes, I have a waifu. I know its a delusion but I'm okay with it.

>> No.10311151

I love my waifu, but I don't feel the need to post her all over the place so everyone else can oogle over her.

>> No.10311157

I don't even mind that it's a marketing scheme.

No matter what I do someone in modern society is probably benefiting or trying to deceive me but there's not much I can do about it.

>> No.10311162

Why would it even matter if you fall in love with a character designed to appeal to people for the purpose of making money? I haven't spent a dime in my case so its not like I was deceived.

>> No.10311165

Its better than falling in love with a woman who just wants your money.

>> No.10311175


You have no money.

>> No.10311212

You can always go into debt.
