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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 535 KB, 640x480, SWR v1.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1022087 No.1022087 [Reply] [Original]

The old one is autosaged.

Now post some IPs.

>> No.1022102

Haha, Letty is huge.

>> No.1022116

Ever seen an Icemen? then run away when she starts posing in her trident fighting style.

>> No.1022117


>> No.1022150


>> No.1022246

Regarding the ZA WARUDO business in the last thread:
>That is some serious bullshit. I guess you have to become a *fag to enjoy this game. Middle road is no fun.

Yeah, it's bullshit, but when Sakuya crouches and gets ready to timestop, I guarantee that most people panic. First they "OH SHI--" and start to run, then realize that won't do anything, so they try to attack you out of it when it's already too late. Sometimes you can just do Sakuya no Sekai bare with no cover from across the screen and it'll work. Go figure. What's really bullshit is all the things you can dodge via backdash, but I'll save you the rage.

>> No.1022259


>> No.1022264

Ignorance is bliss. I still like this game, for casual playing.

>> No.1022265
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>> No.1022281
File: 133 KB, 450x500, 1214596758387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1022316

>That is some serious bullshit. I guess you have to become a *fag to enjoy this game. Middle road is no fun.

This isn't true even for more serious fighting games like 3rd Strike. It doesn't matter how much you suck or how casual you are, if you're not having fun you're doing it wrong. I still enjoy losing over and over at the arcade.

>> No.1022332

There are too many un-fun things in this game that can be subverted via faggotry.

>> No.1022362

>> No.1022365


Don't blame the game for your shortcomings. If you don't like it, don't play it.

>> No.1022388


>> No.1022387

It's not my fault that, for example, the game was designed to not allow you to block ground-attacks from the ground, which few characters have, and that it's very easy for you to be forced into that position with no way out.

>> No.1022392 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1022396
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>> No.1022401
File: 32 KB, 425x480, 1216346681545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about how awesome I am.

>> No.1022420

Take this shit to IRC. Every fucking SWR thread turns into faggotry and complaining. If you want sit and complain about the game's failings, take it over there.

>> No.1022451

sup lag

>> No.1022460


>> No.1022456


>> No.1022462



>> No.1022463


>> No.1022464


>> No.1022480


>> No.1022484


>> No.1022492

The only characters I can think of that can consistently make someone fall for that are Komachi, Yukari, and Iku. Komachi's 66A and Yukari and Iku's 623Cs have high vertical reach despite being unblockable in the air. People are impatient a lot of the time. They get put in the corner against Yukari and try to jump out too soon and eat a 623C. If you just wait that out and keep blocking, her pressure ends right there and you can jump out safely. Yukari's B teleport techtrap is called that for a reason. You don't tech, you don't get trapped.

Komachi and Iku can't pressure well, either. You can just wait until you're absolutely sure you can jump out or counterattack safely and you won't get hit with them.

>> No.1022491
File: 114 KB, 441x420, 1216347707917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yea justice

>> No.1022486


>> No.1022488


>> No.1022562
File: 38 KB, 270x321, 1204422519390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1022579

Komachi can't pressure? Haha what.

>> No.1022585

any hosts?

>> No.1022592

She can but I'd say that you've gotta be pretty damn good at the game to pressure well with Komachi.

>> No.1022593

ggs It seems like I'm better with Aya then I thought.

>> No.1022598

You'll have to make replays of all of that. Example: Komachi has you in the corner. Can't border escape or you'll get hit. Can't jump because 66a. Keep blocking and get chipped to death by 623.

>> No.1022602


>> No.1022609

>If you just wait that out and keep blocking, her pressure ends right there and you can jump out safely.

No you can't. I don't know what Yukaris you've been playing.

>> No.1022621
File: 53 KB, 748x657, 1207180154964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's certainly not very good at it. She has only a low guard crush that you can see coming a mile away, and she has no other way to drain spirit quickly. Yes, she can limit your breathing room/force you to graze, but once you're pushed to the corner, blocking everything correctly and waiting for her to do a complete 5AAAA, 623B, or 214B/C makes tons of time for you to jump out. Or you can just wrongblock the second hit of 5AAAA and jump straight up, at which point she can do nothing.

The only reason Komachi is considered higher tier than Reisen is because her damage isn't terrible. Other than that, she lacks a lot to really make for threatening (albeit safe) pressure.

>> No.1022632

I also don't know what Komachis you've been playing.

>> No.1022639
File: 76 KB, 450x600, borderoffailure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck and need practice. Come kick my ass. US Midwest

>> No.1022647

aww still lag =/ lol

>> No.1022649


>> No.1022725

Komachi's at a disadvantage during all of those things, more than enough time to jump out. Same goes for Yukari's 623C. Don't try to counterattack, just escape.

>> No.1022743



>> No.1022748
File: 26 KB, 65x70, mega_eirin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1022748 US East

>> No.1022843

gg, getting owned alot lately.

>> No.1022844
File: 20 KB, 65x70, mega_cirno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1022844 US East. Again

>> No.1023158

Sorry, but I'd have to control both characters at once. The Timestop replay was hard enough. I do consider myself a Komachi main, though, and I know that there's nothing to stop you from jumping away or doing a graze attack after any of those moves listed above.

>> No.1023357

ggs Your Youmu is really a challenge for my Sakuya. I could only get you with her 66C most of the time.

>> No.1024768


>> No.1024798

East Coast beginner, been out of practice

>> No.1025000


>> No.1025254
File: 52 KB, 480x600, Casual Alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1025254 WC

>> No.1025394

age for hosts

>> No.1025405

why the fuck is this board so slow 10800 euroswr


>> No.1025408


>> No.1025517
File: 82 KB, 428x787, Alice71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make the conscious effort to try to mimic your Alice, but then I forget it halfway through the fight again. I just can't get the gist of her. And quit screwing around with Sakuya. It's no fun when I know you're not even trying anymore. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1025530

There is a lot of trying involved in knife-only matches, thank you very much. I have the same odds of winning either way (zero).

>> No.1025537

>And quit screwing around with Sakuya. It's no fun when I know you're not even trying anymore. ಠ_ಠ

Why did I lol?

>> No.1025544

>>1025405 here. Sorry, crashed on my end.

I was done anyway, gg. Sorry for the first match, I hadn't played this game in awhile.

Youmu is still overpowered lawl.

>> No.1025548

Cannot unsee.

>> No.1025857

eurofag back 10800 euroswir

No items, three stocks, Fox only

>> No.1025872


also ft5 plz

>> No.1026376

Bumpan for hosts

>> No.1026401

>> No.1026590 US East

>> No.1026614

GGs, Abba. I hate that you were toying with me, but I hate your chase downs even more. Either I'm too predictable, or I'm too predictable.

>> No.1026700

How about we just Hamachi this?

I know it adds lag, but it's just the same without Hamachi - there's lag since we all live so far away from one another. And by experience, the lag totally goes away after a while (active playing or not) in both cases due to the auto-delay choosing feature i guess.

- we can see online/offline
- real IP not shown
- chat
- ping
- easier to invite someone to play MB or some other game.

But no one in /jp/ seems to use it. Am I missing something here? Seriously, now.

>> No.1026711


Hamachi has always had issues with installation and stability and adds unnecessary lag.

-Chat: Use the thread OR just get in IRC with most of us
-Real IP: Who gives a shit?

>> No.1026729
EU/Sweden, Sakuya/Remilia/Yuyuko/Aya/Random
Weather on

>> No.1026736

This I never knew, anon. Guess it solves the chat, additional lag, and online/offline and ping part all in one go.

As for IP, there are some who just do not feel comfortable showing their real IP - and then there are those who have webservers intended for a small public audience that might get a massive hit and eat their bandwidth alive, etc. You can do a whole lot with IP - trace someone back to their chair if you really want to. But yeah, meh about that.

>> No.1026743


irc.mizuumi.net, #swr

>> No.1026752

Also, if you ever want to turn into a faggot, that's the place to go.

>> No.1026777

I'm waiting for you, Anon...

>> No.1026783

I kind of figured this out already, been going here on and off for the past few months. Still, thanks.

>> No.1026787

Can't connect.

>> No.1026811

Letty's boobs are not a character what the hell is this shit

>> No.1026836


gg whoever played against me, lol. Please excuse the horrible lag we had, my internet connection has been bad today, but I didn't think it was that bad.
Not rehosting.

>> No.1026872
File: 234 KB, 424x600, SWRLetty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the actual SWR portrait, then

>> No.1027304
File: 146 KB, 187x263, 3qr3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1027304 US East
Someone come own me.

>> No.1027319


>> No.1027330
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.02 - Weather: ON - Spectators: OK
Intermediate+ Yukari and Patchouli

>> No.1027504

GGs whoever I played.

>> No.1027617

GGs Bench. I'd play more but my battery is dying. Sorry.

>> No.1027630

Yeah, good games Dimglow. I don't usually play against Patchy so it's hard to predict what her moves are.

>> No.1028293
File: 426 KB, 600x800, 1205206198888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1028293 West Coast

Come and get it.

>> No.1028317


I'm sorry, give me a minute. I messed up Yuyuko's deck.

>> No.1028320

something wrong?

>> No.1028325

I want to suck Aya's feet ;_;

>> No.1028335

Enjoy your gonorrhea of the mouth.

>> No.1028337

You're not alone ;_;

>> No.1028365

Her eyes ruin this pic.

>> No.1028416
File: 321 KB, 700x700, 1216438159058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaze in awe as I use the wrong moves and waste my spellcards. US Midwest

>> No.1028430

Good games Aya

>> No.1028435
File: 355 KB, 750x750, 1216438455018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GGs. Finally have an excuse to use this picture. West Coast

>> No.1028464

Wow. Why did I take damage while I was grazing that super?

>> No.1028469


Type-3 attack. Don't ever try to graze Aya's 5-card Tornado; that's like trying to graze IaMP Master Spark.

>> No.1028471

>>1028469 West Coast

>> No.1028475

Fuck this game! Everytime I downloaded the shit wouldn't install.

>> No.1028481


>> No.1028490

Where did you guys download yours? Don't say doujinstyle because their download sucks ass.

>> No.1028497

What's the error message?


>> No.1028500


Sorry, phone. Rehosting.


Got it off Share on the midnight it was released. Aside from that, look for a torrent yourself or go to DoujinStyle.

>> No.1028508
File: 60 KB, 400x517, 1216439653320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Midwest

Tonight's Special: Kitchen Cutlery Sale! All knives must GO!

>> No.1028532


Can't read Japanese but it usually opens up,flashes something then the exe disappears.

>> No.1028559

Not sure what that is, but did you change the compatibility of the exe?

>> No.1028565


So sorry abba, but I got to pick up someone from work. Just when I forced you to pick Alice against my Iku, hehehe.

Be back in about half an hour.

>> No.1028570


I'll try that right now.

>> No.1028576


>> No.1028584

I've already gotten my ass kicked by you today, but meh, I'm bored.

>> No.1028599

needs more hosts

>> No.1028627

I'll only be hosting for the next 2 minutes, so...

>> No.1028696
File: 113 KB, 1280x961, 1216441926990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok what the hell is going on? I updated my directx and I've changed tried all the compatibility options.

Is th105 the exe to install it?

>> No.1028697
File: 360 KB, 1024x721, 1216441933840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs there. Refreshing!

>> No.1028734
File: 97 KB, 247x695, 1216442237927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1028734 West Coast

>> No.1028854

GG, again, abba. But seriously, WTF at Suika sliding into Yukari before getting fucked over by the barrier!

>> No.1028856

u need to install it, u may have to install east asian language with japanese unicode on.

>> No.1028853

>Don't ever try to graze Aya's 5-card Tornado; that's like trying to graze IaMP Master Spark.
Reimu: oh what's this GRAZE ROFL XD

>> No.1028860

Direct X error. Probably got to download d3dx9_33.dll file. Google.

>> No.1028871
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I mean, seriously...

>> No.1028873
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>> No.1028878
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>> No.1028880
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>> No.1028882
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>> No.1028887
File: 134 KB, 640x480, 1216446672330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...WTF!? Clean hit, and clearly standing in blind spot... le sigh.

>> No.1028891


>> No.1028886

What the hell

>> No.1028893


You got unlucky or that is the most skilled Yukari player ever. Ever.

Also it was Suika's drunken swaying that got her hit, probably.

>> No.1028894

Oh, at first, I thought you were bitching about Yukarin, but then you RAAAAEG about your overpowered shit vs underrated character.

>> No.1028907

I put nothing past abba. I get goosebumps just THINKING that that shit was planned... I'm chalking it up to dumb luck to be on the safe side.

>> No.1028909
File: 328 KB, 640x480, 1216447077277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1028912


powor of gap

>> No.1030349

Leaving to Japan soon, this will be one of my last EU swirrhurr games EU hosting

>> No.1030374

hosting for another 5minutes

>> No.1030442
File: 36.00 MB, 640x1920, 1216482154262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1030442 West Coast US


Hahaha. That spellcard has invincible startup, which is why your move didn't touch Yukari at all and ended up killing yourself. Reversals are just too silly in this game. Push button during blockstring, receive 3000+ damage.

Me and Magi did this once. I ended up losing horribly anyway, but he thought he could stop my 66A frametraps with invincible Reimu Pillar. BUT I SURE SHOWED HIM HUH DERP DERP

>> No.1030521

I am so rusty, it's just pathetic. Sorry for no challenge.

>> No.1030526


>> No.1030542
File: 612 KB, 700x700, 1216484040555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Trying out pedo maido. This will be far from perfect or elegant.
Powerlevel cannot be read, rust is covering it.

>> No.1030550

Dammit. Spellcards should be activated with more than just a single macro button. 236B+C maybe?

>> No.1030570


Yeah. That way, you can still use reversals to great effect, but *not in the middle of a goddamn blockstring*.

I've done an Illusionary Dominance on a blocked Yukari dial-A. There's a very short gap in between the 3rd and 4th hit where if you're quick enough, you can mash out B+C... while holding the back direction to block.

I don't know what Tasogare was thinking when they made one button supers.

>> No.1030775
File: 86 KB, 430x610, 1216487406308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Midwest

>> No.1030777


I did both and it still doesn't work.

>> No.1030787

Or just remove the invincible startup on most spellcards...? I don't know.
As much as I like butterfly rings, they are indeed far too easy to use, even if some people can bait me into wasting them. Cough abba.

>> No.1030786

Or just remove the invincible startup on most spellcards...? I don't know.
As much as I like butterfly rings, they are indeed far too easy to use, even if some people can bait me into wasting them. Cough abba.

>> No.1030849

Oh, and late thanks for the games, Abba.
Was I being tremendously annoying, or am I just getting the wrong impression?

>> No.1030848

ggs to whoever I was playing

>> No.1030854

I disconnected accidentally. I actually meant to watch since I haven't played in a month, so that'd explain my terribleness. GGs!

>> No.1030909

There should be a tutorial on how to install this.

>> No.1030926

I don't know what happened. I fucked up everything. Everything. Words cannot express my rage.

>> No.1030931

1-download iso.
2-mount iso
4-patch 1.02 from swr.mizuumi.net

>> No.1030935

That's what I thought. I could see the vein bulging frmo your neck from here.
I just thought you were being overly reckless in that last match. Like nearly everything I threw at you hit in the beggining.
Ah well, I'm sure you can crush me later.

>> No.1030942

That's what I thought. I could feel the veins bulging from your neck.
I just thought you were being overly reckless in that last match. Like nearly everything I threw at you hit in the beggining.
Ah well, I'm sure you can crush me later. Not like you didn't already, but...

>> No.1030961

That was pretty fucking gay. I'd like there to be more than just 2 Type-3 supers in the whole game, too.

This this this this WC

Internet has been extremely retarded as of late, may unexpectedly disconnect for no reason.

>> No.1030969

And what good is that supposed to do? So it takes three frames to get a super out instead of one? I KNOW I'LL INPUT IT EARLIER XD

>> No.1030990
File: 206 KB, 1000x705, 1216489952679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast EU Hosting

>> No.1031009

Whoa, that was pretty gay. Makes my Suika whiff look minuscule...

>> No.1031015
File: 93 KB, 908x605, 1216490260938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1031053

damn it i can´t read that

anyone here who can explain me how i can host/join games ?

>> No.1031061


>> No.1031083
File: 303 KB, 811x700, 1216490998371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, the dollmaking feels so useless. I managed to win most of those, though.

Maybe if you couldn't buffer it or something, but people don't randomly super in the middle of a blockstring in other fighting games for a reason.

>> No.1031088

Now explain to me what the difference is between that and 'not even trying'.

>people don't randomly super
Not even going to comment.

>> No.1031111

>people don't randomly super
I do. Mostly accidentally, because I have an itchy trigger finger.

>> No.1031117
File: 130 KB, 605x640, 1216491604846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting again
US Midwest

>> No.1031123

>in other fighting games

Key words.

>> No.1031136

Mag, get on IRC real quick.

>> No.1031139

He IS on irc.

>> No.1031144

What I mean is if someone were to do that, it would clearly be deliberate. At least I hope so.

were deliberate.

>> No.1031195
File: 24 KB, 450x485, 1216492780991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1031199


>> No.1031211

Aya's was, clearly, but >>1028887, NO WAY, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE!!

>> No.1031220

I would hope so, since I was the one that did it. I actually didn't know there was a blind spot in the level 3 version. Either way: just as planned.

>> No.1031233

EU Hosting

>> No.1031252

Canada EC btw.
I also suck by irc standands.

>> No.1031300
File: 77 KB, 701x391, 1216494837416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1031316

Ah, what I meant is that reversals are usually meant to be used when someone jumps or charges at you and attacks without thinking about it, NOT during "durr 1 frame where I'm not in blockstun". It's also dumb because Chiquita's level 5 reversal doesn't even work on a counter hit, when reversals are supposed to be a counter anyway. Couldn't hurt to dumb down the damage, either, especially Illusionary Dominance.

>> No.1031326

Isn't that the whole point of a reversal? You know, you're REVERSING the roles of attacker and attackee?
>"durr 1 frame where I'm not in blockstun"
is called innovation.

>> No.1031382

That's not how momentum works. You can just watch a match and see who's clearly got the initiative. You shouldn't be able to lose all momentum because the other player was mashing their reversal card in the middle of your frametrap, it should happen because of carelessness while continuing to build on it.

>> No.1031390

Now you're starting to sound faggy. It's not mashing, it's abusing a gap. And yes, you should lose the momentum, which is why it's called a -reversal-.

>> No.1031397

I'd hate to see what you'd do when someone bara-cancels you in Melty Blood.

>> No.1031400


>> No.1031413

A 'tourneyfag' wouldn't fall for random mashing anyway. There is a difference.

>> No.1031420

GGs, you almost got me a few times

>> No.1031416

Except it becomes impossible for characters without airtight blockstrings to pressure any character who has one of those cards available. The number of characters who have airtight blockstrings is very small, and go figure, most of those characters are very high tier.
What determines strength in SWR are four major points:
1. Does the character have a dashing graze attack to break enemy blockstrings? Some characters have excellent safe attacks (Aya's dashing air dive hits grounded/airborne very well and can be canceled into a card) and some characters have nothing (Patchouli can not escape blockstrings or even attack a danmaku making opponent at all.)
2. Does the character have a physical skillcard or attack to prevent the opponent from escaping blockstrings, or is their blockstring airtight? If the opponent tries to graze out of your blockstring repeatedly you can use the physical followup to punish them. IE Yukari's parasol spin. Again some characters do not have this, like Sakuya or Patchy.
3. Do you have skillcards with invulnerability on startup? Even prorated a single level 4-5 spellcard from some characters is 30-50% damage to you. If your opponent throws a loose blockstring, you win. In other words by having the card available your opponent's offensive capabilities drop to nearly nothing.
4. Is the character's j.A awesome? Sucks but maybe 50% of the physical damage you take in a SWR match will start on a j.A. If your j.A rocks then you rock. If it sucks then you're pretty much SOL.

>> No.1031425

Give me an example of one of these godly cards that can completely shit down the throat of anyone doing a blockstring, and tell me exactly when that card can be used during it.

>> No.1031426


yeah it was pretty close some times.
looks like i should keep on training

>> No.1031471

ggs I really hate that train

>> No.1031473

Awfully quiet all of a sudden.

>> No.1031474

Reimu: Omnidirectional Demon Binding Circle, Wind God Kick
Marisa: Star Sign "Escape Velocity" (can be risky depending on angle)
Alice: Nothing
Aya: Tornado [5 cards], Illusionary Dominance
Sakuya: None (not sure here)
Youmu: Level 5 dash cut, Pink Pillar (slow but works)
Patchouli: Sun Sign "Royal Flare" (VERY RISKY), Moon Sign "Silent Selene" (only if opponent is on left, blindspot on right.)
Yuyuko: Both Butterfly Rings
Remilia: Both Crimson Crosses
Yukari: Both four cornered boundaries
Suika: Giant Growth (Bit slow), Level 5 Rock Throw (Can be risky)
Reisen: Dunno lol
Komachi: Dunno lol
Iku: 3 card lightning, 3 card drill (some cases)

>> No.1031486

I don't think you know what a blockstring is.

>> No.1031490

I'm not the person you are referring to but can you explain what a block-string is?

>> No.1031492

>and tell me exactly when that card can be used during it
Pick a card, any card.

>> No.1031496

I think you must be an Aya, Reimu or Tenshi user who actually has airtight/safe blockstrings and don't realize that the vast majority of the cast has no choice but to leave gaps in their strings (letting them eat it from any of those cards) or run away, reducing offensive potential to pokes and capitalizing on errors.

>> No.1031504

It's like a combo you use when someone is blocking to pressure their guard into breaking or forcing them into a disadvantageous position so that you can get a hit off.

>> No.1031507 EU

>> No.1031509

If the opponent blocks the first hit, they can't do anything but continue blocking until a gap opens up.
What this faggot doesn't realize is of course you're gonna get hit by a card if you keep attacking during that gap. That's why you bait them.

>> No.1031513

It's kinda bullshit, yeah. You get hit once by 66c and there goes half your health, and there's nothing you can do about it. I really hate it, unless I'm the one doing the trainage.

Thanks for the games, Duckator (Did I get that right?).
You might want to slow down on the rushdown and become better friends with the block button. Arrow. Whatever.

>> No.1031579


>> No.1031660



>> No.1031716


what the hell are you ?

>> No.1031730


>> No.1031733


Yeah sorry

up again

>> No.1031736

What happened? Tourneyfag? What was his name?

>> No.1031737

A link to any guide for connecting online in Hamachi or the game would be appreciated, by the way.

Sorry, I just can't read moonrunes.

>> No.1031760


the first 3 games where pretty much fun but then .....
dude, i didn´t even had a chance

>> No.1031762


>> No.1031767

a touhou fan disgusted by the lack of mokou/yuka/th10 in swr

>> No.1031802


Allright, I'm done. gg.

I lol'd at crouching sakuya, such bullshit.

>> No.1031804

Time for a new thread.

>> No.1031825

post some hosts

>> No.1031837


