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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 9 KB, 251x201, get off my freakin ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10263667 No.10263667 [Reply] [Original]

"Merry Christmas, here you go anon."
>knock off Miku dakimakura
"Oh... thanks mom."

What just happened.

>> No.10263675

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.10263718
File: 652 KB, 851x1136, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't honestly make this shit up.

>> No.10263721
File: 453 KB, 480x270, 1354508016839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got got set of clothes and shoes for normals + some with dumb phrases written on them, a reclining chair, calendar for 2013 (because I really need to keep track of time as a NEET) some blu-ray of a 3DPD show for normals, gift cards, gift cards and more gift cards, legwarmers and a fucking fedora when all I really wanted was money so I could buy something I actually want
>tfw birthday is the same as christmas so they will leave it at that and pretend they celebrated both

>> No.10263732

If my mom got me that I would go out and get a job the next morning.

>> No.10263740
File: 69 KB, 460x816, I guess it can't be helped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10263799

Is the reverse side lewd?

>> No.10263809

I told them to print 中出しされるの喜び but I got "???????????" instead. They didn't respond to my emails.

>> No.10263841

Nope. Blank.

>> No.10263897

Can I bitch here? Because I've got a little bit of rage in me that needs to get out

Ask for: Pokemon Soul Silver
Gave: Complete Trans-Siberian Orchestra discography sans Beethoven's Last Night (It's on its' way), a Magic Bullet blender and a Shark Steam Vac (she asked for it)
Get: Pokemon Soul Silver, White 2, Black 2, Redline, Mugen Souls Limited Edition w/Figmas and a printed out receipt for Hyperdimension Netpunia V (I'm just impressed she bought it online by herself)

Ask for: The Great Mouse Detective Bluray
Gave: Sex and the City Seasons 1-4 (Have a bet going with my mom on whether or not she'll pick up the rest by her birthday), TruBlood seasons 1&2 and a small host of comedy movies
Get: (500) Days of Summer, a movie I've only ever mentioned to display my sheer dislike of it.

I know I should be grateful for every gift I receive but, I mean, my sister is: Older than me, makes more money than me, has less expenses than me and all I got was a $5 DVD from Target. I mean, we even moved Christmas Dinner to Christmas Brunch so she could hang out with her friends. What makes it worse is that my mom got her a really nice bedroom sheet/curtain set and my sister re-gifted her a winery trip, not even a good winery trip where you can stroll the vineyards and have a wine tasting with light refreshments.

It's just frustrating.

>> No.10263909
File: 212 KB, 408x352, 1339920864379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are faggots.
My family is Jehovah witness, I get nothing for Christmas/birthdays/Halloween. there are no holidays.

Every time some dork complains about their gifts I get kinda mad.

>> No.10263919

I'm not complaining at all. It just caught me off guard more than anything.

>> No.10263917

So? My parents are divorced and on welfare. Christmas is just another day to survive. Waah waaah I didn't get what I wanted. Fucking entitled lot of you.

>> No.10263918

You are not mad. You are jelly.

>> No.10263931

I got nothing for Christmas.

My parents wanted to get me something, but I couldn't think of anything I wanted.

>> No.10263932

Oh ya?
My family is dead.
Every time you fag complain about your family it upsets the fuck out of me/

>> No.10263935

Do you like Miku?

>> No.10263939

I only got $50 money card. Will probably use it to buy food.

>> No.10263945

I'll be homeless in two weeks.

Happy new year to me...

>> No.10263948

Yeah. She's not my favorite vocaloid, but I do like her.

>> No.10263949


>> No.10263950

That's actually pretty nice. Wish my parents got me something related to my hobbies. Or even accepted them.

>> No.10263952

Good. One less shitposter on /jp/.

>> No.10263962

Can't afford rent. I'll be sleeping in my car on the public library parking lot. I only have $218 left so I don't know know what the hell to do.

It's cold as shit outside and it was just snowing today. I have an electric blanket so I'm going to look up on how to hook it up to a car battery or use an inverter or whatever.

>> No.10263960 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you got a fantastic gift, then.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.10263964

Does it bother you that your parents go door to door and pesker people to convert?
We've have these Japanese Jehovas witnesses come to our door about 3 times a year with Japanese pamphlets and everything even after we told them to fuck off/ our family looks after a shrine back in Japan. And yet new people come every few months.

>> No.10263969


What happens when your car batter runs down?

>> No.10263970

Sounds like you got a great gift, then.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.10263979

Idk probably freeze to death

>> No.10263983

Be careful of draining your car battery.

If you have no family/friends to ask for help I would suggest looking into homeless shelters if at all possible. It might feel a bit demeaning, but they're there to help.

Also, are you currently unemployed? if so, have you tried finding a new job/collecting unemployment? You might be able to work out a deal with your landlord if you tell them that you fell on some hard times and you are looking for a job/more work.

>> No.10263990

Thanks, you too.
Running the car for a few minutes should be enough to charge it back up.

>> No.10263993

I don't see the difference between what they do, and what every other normalshit does when they approach you for conversation.
Nothing I hate more than someone who starts talking to me and I don't want to. They are violating me, I am being raped by every word.
Conversations should be something two consenting adults do together, not something one person forces on another. Please check yourselves, normals!

but anyhow, no not really, its none of my business. I study on my own at home whenever I feel like it. One good thing about witnesses is how well kept they have everything. CD instalation archive that's better than crazy better than wikipedia for bible subjects, and pdf bibles for free on their site. Too bad the people are stuck up snobs though.

>> No.10264002

I didn't get shit. Happy Festivus, you dick.

>> No.10264006

I really ought to buy myself a daki. There's no suitable images of the character I want. Also, dakis are a painful reminder of how not-real the character in question is. It's just a pillow. How can you hug it and look at it and not realize this? It strips the character of their tangibility.

I've been on a machine learning ph.D course for six years on the pipe dream of creating a 2D girl AI some day. Maybe I'm squandering my life or something. Too late to turn back though.

>> No.10264018


I was raised one and quit around the time I turned 18. I was never baptized, but the transition was still rough. I moved to another state to get away from it all.

I still don't celebrate any holidays or birthdays, but that's mostly due to a lack of friends.

>> No.10264025

Keep shooting for that dream, Anonymous! We are all there behind you, every step of the way. Some day, you will do something great, and we will all thank you for it and your hard work.

You have gone farther than myself, but I am still following my dreams and goals, one tiny step at a time. We can both do it, one day.

>> No.10264034

If you had a 3D pig for a wife, would getting a pillow with her picture on it invalidate her existence too?

>> No.10264039

I'm not baptized either. They're way too demanding, its crazy.
Then some lady that gives study to my sister wants my mom to kick me out or disfellowship or some sort of other thing like that because I don't attend their meetings.

>> No.10264045


This is some faulty logic, d00d. One agent is real and the other isn't. One pillow is the token representation of something immaterial, so its quality as a representation is obviously going to affect how 'real' someone perceives what it's representing to be. The other one isn't representing an idea, but something which physically exists within the world. It can be as shitty a token as it wants, and it doesn't matter, because the real deal is walking around farting and pissing and living an actual life.

>> No.10264073

Mugen Souls came with Nendoroid Petites, not figmas, nerd.

Merry fucking Christmas.

>> No.10264075

I hope I'm not imposing on you too much, but since I have a chance, can I ask you about Jehova's witnesses?

I'm somewhat interested in religion and such, but I don't really know how to respond and/or converse with the people standing on my doorstep. I've tried asking them in for tea and cookies, but they never want to; is that not allowed, or do they fear ill intentions? Are they required to spend some hours going door to door, or do they need to visit a certain number of houses? Or is it a bit of both, with the time required by the dogma, and the doors allocated by the center?

I'm not actually interested in converting, so would it be rude to try and talk to them? I just want to talk about religion from someone who believes in it.

>> No.10264078

Best solution is to not give gifts to her and not receive them. She clearly does not want to have to give gifts to you.

I'm glad I'm not a normal so I don't have to put up with this gift exchange social dance.

>> No.10264089

I got some jeans and a ZUN hat from my parents. My friend in the Navy said he got me an Orin fig, which I'll get on his next leave. I'm pretty excited about it. Since I also got a little cash, I'll buy myself a Yuyuko Fumo as a partner for my Youmu and a Yowane Haku Nendoroid plush as a partner for my Miku. I've always felt a bit bad for Haku, since I always see pictures of her drinking alone (I realize it's a pun on her name). Now I'll always have a drinking buddy.

>> No.10264095

You can just ask them for free bibles and books I guess. As far as I know there isn't any quota they have to fill, since my mom goes to preach whenever she has time. All the work is volunteer, and the really dedicated ones become circuit overseers and live by just staying over at random houses of people that will accept them. I'm not actually even quite sure what the overseers do other than travel actually. I have no idea about the tea and cookies thing either, i have never preached door to door.

Anyways, just call them and ask them, they offer studies for free and you can just prod their brains there.

>> No.10264116
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x2448, 20121224_210542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this. some books and a shitload of chocolate.

>> No.10264137

Cute folder.

>> No.10264146


Thanks friend.

>> No.10264149

I am a Jehovah Witness. I enjoy not having holidays and stupid shit like that. I just keep doing what I do(eroge) until it's time to go to the kingdom hall every sunday. My congregation is pretty cool.

>> No.10264168

Merry Christmas /jp/.

My mother is getting my Touhou related jewlery.

>> No.10264172

Another guy here, I'll agree its a relief not celebrating holidays. Before I used to love my birthdays and now I dread every year I get older.

>> No.10264185

>What just happened.

I think it means your mother has given up all hope on you getting a girlfriend.

>> No.10264218

Asked for: nothing
Got: nothing

I love you, everyone. Exactly what I wanted!

>> No.10264262

Spyderco makes some of the best folders out there. Nice Knife

>> No.10264272

I'm not materialistic and don't want shit.

>> No.10264290

Here should only post people that don't have any real social interactions. I miss the old /jp/ from 2008 :(

>> No.10264292

Asked for: Love, attention
Got: A kick in my face by my alcoholic dad

Why don't he just kill me already.

>> No.10264304

tits and timestamp please!

>> No.10264303

because he respects you too much

>> No.10267217

Ask for: overcoat, replacement xbox, hugs.
Got: All of the above with kinect I don't care to use and home cooking.

>> No.10267235

>Miku dakimakura

Get out you fuggin secondary. Should've gotten a daki off an untranslated VN instead.

>> No.10267243
File: 98 KB, 720x960, 1355875609478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent Christmas with family and a loli.

>> No.10267252

Your sister sounds like a disgusting normal cunt.

>> No.10268231

so true /b/ro!!! fuck secondaries!

>> No.10268235

Are you male? I mean, wow, get a fucking dakimakura from your own mother?
Your family already lost all hope in you or they're just stupid.

>> No.10269485

Asked for: A simple graphic tablet.
Got: Wacom Bamboo Pen (3rd gen)

Guess thats okay.
Maybe next time I wish for some /jp/ related stuff too.
I always wanted stuff like that (figma's, daki, etc) but somehow every year I decide to wish for hardware or gaming-stuff instead.

I'm so parsee right nao.

>> No.10269488

btw, I meant the Orin fig not the ZUN hat or the jeans.

>> No.10269509

It is my fault I didn't get anything I wanted because I never asked.

You have a cool mom dude.

>> No.10269543

Otaku goods lose their magic if you purposely show them to other people or talk with other people in real life about them.

>> No.10271263

I've been musing over the idea of a graphic tablet, since I feel it'll be cheaper and cleaner than getting stationary and lots of paper to practice art. How is it? A cheap one would suit me just fine.

And yeah, Navy-kun is a massive buyfag. He's got something around 150 assorted nendos, figures, plushes. The fact that he got an Orin fig for me made me burst into treats.

>> No.10274561

I'm still in the process of getting used to it. But I find it quite relaxing.
If you have the money for it buy one. You don't need to get the things for drawing if you want to draw, you just open photoshop and start doing your work.

>> No.10274566

Buy a real keyboard

>> No.10274587 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10274592
File: 589 KB, 2118x1361, UngratefulShits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture.
All of you.

>> No.10274600

I asked for 2 books and 2 posters, and you know what i got?

a fucking computer chair (i already had a perfectly fine one)

>> No.10274645

Oh come on what about that guy who got 500 days of summer, he's got a right!

>> No.10274649

So you get a free dakimakura and you're still upset? Leave.

>> No.10274663

being confused =/= being upset

>> No.10274658

Wow, you're very mean.

>> No.10274816

Wow, I can't believe people are this selfish. My birthday was the 19th and I got a pair of cheap gloves (which I needed), a pajama and an ugly clock I pretended to like. I didn't got anything for Christmas.

>> No.10276944

I work in a garage making $9.50 an hour. They lost hope in me a long time ago.
Why would I be upset? For as much of a useless shit I've been lately I'm thrilled I got anything at all.

>> No.10276959

Fun fact: applefags and being an ungrateful shitling goes hand in hand.

>> No.10276961

Why would they lose hope in you? 9.50 per hour is a good wage, I only make 8.40 per hour.

>> No.10276988

Because I didn't go to school to be a doctor or some shit. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

>> No.10276993

Oh, I'm lucky to have grown up in a family where my father isn't a college graduate, so I wasn't expected to go there. If I went, I would have exceeded his expectations.

>> No.10276997

Hey, at least you got a miku Daki.

I got one of Tsukasa Hiiragi in a fucking gym uniform with bloomers that have ridiculous cameltoe from my weeaboo brother who gave it to me with the stupidest grin on his face.

And I hate lucky star.

>> No.10276999

Is your family Asian?

>> No.10277001

You should be happy you're not going to hell like all these other sinners.

Except Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong too. Enjoy your eternal damnation, anon.

>> No.10277013

My mom makes fun of my dakimakura, talking about how I want to go to the "cartoon world" where everyone does crazy things like pop off their heads and regrow them.

>> No.10277014

My parents both went to college but never stayed in their field for more than a few years, now they both do something completely different. I don't know why they're so pushy about me going for something I don't want to do.
Guh. Yeah, could be worse.

>> No.10277019

We're about the whitest family ever.

>> No.10277023 [DELETED] 

not wanting to pop off your head and regrow it

>> No.10277032

>not wanting to pop off and regrow your head

>> No.10277041

Bless her. She doesn't know how deep in you are.

>> No.10277039

who are you quoting???????????

>> No.10277057

Nah I'm pretty sure she thinks I fuck it, just like she keeps accusing me of ejaculating into the sink.

Always projecting her lewdness on me.

>> No.10277061 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10277066
File: 49 KB, 140x140, 1081541-1328927480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has the worst memes, holy shit

>> No.10277069


>> No.10277073

Is that any way to treat your guests? I told you this board wasn't great.

>> No.10277074 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 650x414, 1233178189940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10277078

shut up crossboarder

it's not a meme, please stop abusing the quote function. and try to fit in or leave

>> No.10277082

No bully. Is that ok? Do I sage now?

>> No.10277094 [DELETED] 

do not abuse the spoiler function

>> No.10277103

>forget it's even christmas
>sister hands me $500

Everything went better than expected

>> No.10277108


protip: it's not a "meme"

>> No.10277110

who are you qutoing dude?? also nice reddit meme i like it :)

>> No.10277124 [DELETED] 

It's a catchphrase and a meme. Get over it.

>> No.10277126

Don't you have a story about falling in love with a pillow to share with us or are you just going to bother me.

>> No.10277132 [DELETED] 

Hopefully he won't take the fitting in thing too far and start posting garbage like this


>> No.10277135

please leave /jp/ crossboarders

>> No.10277147

Thanks man I appreciate you not hating like that other guy.

>> No.10277172


>I've been on a machine learning ph.D course for six years on the pipe dream of creating a 2D girl AI some day.

Are you me?

>> No.10277225

Does it bother anybody else when you spend time picking out gifts that you think people will really enjoy, and then in return you just get, for lack of a better description, random crap that they clearly put no thought into? I got a better present from secret santa on /a/, a homemade scarf, than I did from any of my family.

It irks me that Christmas is now a season of giving things to people could that they could just buy themselves, instead of considering their interests and tastes and branching off from there and picking something for them that they'll really like. My hobbies are no secret to any of my family, but instead of even asking me about them they just get me the go-to gifts for people who they either don't want to spend time looking for, or even expend an ounce of consideration on; clothes and giftcards. I would have been happy with some random manga or anime or something, because they would have at least gone that far.

Am I being selfish, or does anyone else think this way?

>> No.10277245

Did your sister just hand you her paycheck by mistake?

>> No.10277257


That's nothing. I got a self-help DVD about positive thinking from my father haha. Maybe you're expecting too much from people.

>> No.10277270


Maybe that's true. If it's the thought that counts then I got nothing for Christmas.

>> No.10277293

My cousin bought a $400 gift for a girl, he got a scarf.

>> No.10277299
File: 34 KB, 400x566, 12404764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe at some point you'll meet someone who does buy you thoughtful gifts. Until then it's not such of a big deal right?

>> No.10277334

my mom got me a vita.
i gave her a 20$ gift certificate to he favorite restaurant. I'm awful /jp/.

>> No.10277343

I bought some stuff my mom really needed and I put a ton of thought into a gift for my grandma that required some assembly on my end.

My mom spent around $15 on a bunch of dollar store crap like candy bars and bodywash. She borrowed my tape and wasted it overly wrapping them too, I guess she thought that with more effort to open the gift then it will make you want it more or something.

I even told her what to get me for $10 since I could actually use it but she was probably too drunk at the time to remember.

>> No.10277402

You guys have quite failed at life, didn't you?

>> No.10277456

>cartoon world
Did you mom watch too much dubbed digimon?

>> No.10277503
File: 18 KB, 250x185, bonkers loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking Rodger Rabbit or Bonkers sort of thing, where you have cartoons that live with people.

>> No.10277512

And you've quite failed at grammar.

>> No.10277548

You had to hide your powerlevel, dude.
That said, sleeping with miku is not that bad, especially when it's the 1/2 sized plushie, mark my words. That shit be extra kawaii, yo.

>> No.10277619
File: 78 KB, 1000x750, 1351640181156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom got me a coffee grinder for christmas so I could grind up my marijuana and my san pedro cactus cuttings.

I love having a mom that supports my interests.

>> No.10277629

Fucking trailer narco trash. Good christmas btw

>> No.10277651

Fucking entitled jerk.

>> No.10277666

My brother got me a book that I had never heard of and ended up enjoying. He obviously thought it out, and I really appreciated that. The rest of my family got me expensive alcohol. Don't they realize they're enabling me?

>> No.10277673

I didn't get a single present, yet I still gave people presents. Except, nobody liked my gifts, so I didn't even get satisfaction from that.

>> No.10277716

I hate Christmas and capitalism

jews pls

>> No.10277725
File: 130 KB, 800x1100, aw shit my heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a bunch of money (ordered a monoprice tablet with the half of it), some kind of massage thingamajig, and three canvases from mom.
A huawei cellphone from my dad which was really nice of him, even though I had grown fond of my five year old HTC kaiser.
Way too kind of them.
I didn't have much money, but with what I had I gave my mom a wool cap, bag of green tea, and a book. And I gave my dad a set of beer glasses, and a comic pocket-book he wanted.

>> No.10277733
File: 109 KB, 716x1024, l_makidict199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked for this book, and I received it. I actually asked for the whole series but my birthday is the 31st so maybe I shall receive them then.

>> No.10277795 [DELETED] 


>> No.10279954

haha, anyone out there going as far as a PH.D should do this.. i'm personally graduating this year so i'm a bit far but i'm one of the first hope of my university in maths and CS so wait for me :) !!

oh... about the thread, your mom must love you very much OP you got a nice present here. Else, i got nothing but my family doesn't celebrate christmas nor new year so i didn't wait anything... just staying on my computer whole day ...

>> No.10283446

I never really ask for presents, i only tell them "Just give me the money, the thing i want the most can only be purchased on the internet."

>> No.10283458

They never give me money when I tell them that.

>> No.10283479

The problem with getting money as a present is that it's hard to justify not just sticking it in the bank. If you get something as a gift, you have to actually go out of your way to return it first, so it allows you to get something you wouldn't normally buy.

>> No.10283491


That's because you don't explain them thoroughly.

Tell them:

"I don't want you to waste your time and day looking for a gift, it's just a holiday. nothing special and it's surely not regrettable. money is evidently the best present you can give."


I don't deserve a gift nor do i want one. I'm pretty certain my family doesn't care about me, which explains why they would pretend to do so on a pointless holiday.

>> No.10283500

>:) !!

>> No.10283538
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1323790554966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got chocolate, new monitor, new shoes, new cpu, mainboard, video card and case, a bottle of jack daniel's and a tin of gyokuro to keep it /jp/ related.

>> No.10283610

I got 8 mediocre gifts.

>> No.10283638

I gave 8 mediocre gifts and got nothing.

>> No.10283649

Yeah. I try to put thought and effort into my gifts, but some people are hard to buy for. Even when getting stuff people ask for I try to add a little extra. I usually just get Christmas money, which is safe albeit thoughtless. I need it more than anything, though, so I'm definitely not complaining.

>> No.10283715
File: 488 KB, 465x298, 1325203504510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like giving. I don't care about receiving. You remind me of some fucking loser who believed favors are meant to be repaid in full and couldn't take it easy in any timeline because she felt robbed..

>> No.10283743

Oh look, it's motherfucking Mr. Modest.


If you truly were that good of a guy, you'd shut your mouth and simply embrace the feeling of giving. Not brag about it.

>> No.10283745


> 800$ watch
> new phone (samsung)
> make up
> new clothes
> WiiU (it's shit)
> some cash

I hope I can get a new car on my birthday in the spring.

>> No.10283749

If you actually have a Wii U, is it really any good?

>> No.10283757

But the joy of giving is bragging about it.

>> No.10283760


It's currently suffering from PS3 syndrome.

>> No.10283764
File: 88 KB, 250x321, 1308018359776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having 5 boyfriends must be great.

>> No.10283768


it's like big 3ds, and the games are not that much honestly.

probably in Japan it's something great but not here.

>> No.10283773


I work in a massage shop. I meet my boyfriends from there.

>> No.10283787

They should have waited a little longer. I don't get this rush to release in time for the holidays when it's clear as day that there isn't shit to go with it.

It also doesn't help that it somehow looks even more casual than the Wii.

>> No.10283795

I got a flat cap that's too small, a black sweater, thick socks I'll never wear, some firecrackers, a dream catcher, a mug, and a gift card.

My "good gifts" are coming in the mail because they shipped out way late. I'm content. I'm going to go work on my platforming shooter mod so I can give it to people.

>> No.10283873

You guys seriously want a perfect gift for a normal, or a not so tech savvy friend.

Register them a domain, and just get them a free site, they are on sale these days, for $3/year.

They'll think it's really cool and was really expensive, but it wasn't.

You can put some cute pictures on them for innocent little girls.

Or if they are some 'bro' friend, just put up some memes.

It's a smart idea to park some names these days, since everyone is getting domains.

I got one for my imouto and it just says "Jane Smith is the best sister ever, Merry Christmas." And she thinks its like the coolest thing ever.

>> No.10283901

Also since she's really into art, if she grows up to be an artist, graphics designer, it's perfect for her portfolio or whatever in the future.

>> No.10283930

People over 18 shouldn't receive anything.

You are an adult, go work and buy your own things.

>> No.10283956


Fuck your mother.

>> No.10283998

But what if the ones posting what they got are under 18? Is it okay then?

>> No.10284013


>> No.10284151

I got a new windshield for my car, a car service, a 6-month premium for my car insurance, a set of tins that contain different Starbucks teas, and six pairs of bikini underwear all from my Mom. She's the best. I only got her a big rose-scented candle, because I'm poor.

>> No.10284195 [DELETED] 

Stop being bitter about your lack of presents in every thread.

>> No.10284196

What about if I'm over 18 and I still look like I'm 15

>> No.10284248

And then in a couple years when they forget about it, you can stop paying, and it'll be like it never existed. Great.

>> No.10284441

I would hate it if someone did that for me.

I wouldn't want my fucking name on the internet at all, I've don't a superb job in doing it, I wouldn't want someone fucking it up.
