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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10282877 No.10282877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Janitor, every time you see a thread, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is it Japanese or otherwise Japan related?
If yes, go to 2. If no, delete the thread.

2. Is it non-doujin anime/manga/video games?
If yes, go to 3. If no, leave the thread.

3. Is it Touhou or visual novel related?
If yes, leave the thread. If no, delete the thread.

It's that simple. If people do not want to discuss a topic, they will not discuss it. Moderation is not quality control.

>> No.10282885

Why would you want to delete doujinsoft that isn't Touhou?

>> No.10282900

You're getting confused by a double negative.

Take Cave Story:

1. Yes, go to 2.
2. No. It *is* doujin, therefore leave the thread.

>> No.10282922

>Moderation is not quality control.

Yes it is.

>> No.10282942

Moderation IS quality control; Especially on a board like this

Also, your thread meets 0 out of 3 of your own requirements except for the token image. Kindly leave and kill yourself.

>> No.10282949

No it isn't. Global rule 6 is entirely subjective. If you delete/mute for global rule 6 rather than global rule 3 (uncalled for catchphrases like "whata the fuck man xDD") then you are violating one of the janitor guidelines:
>Janitors ARE NOT...
>Interpreters: Rules are to be enforced as written. Janitors enforce site policy only and personal motives should never influence deletion. They are objective, not subjective.

>> No.10282970

Oh shut the fuck up stupid janitor. /jp/ used to have pride in it's self-moderation abilities before 2011

>> No.10282976


>> No.10282994


Please shut the fuck up, VNTS-san. No one likes you, the board is ours, and you will burn yourself out within the year if you continue this. Meanwhile we continue to post whatever we want.

>> No.10283001

Its impossible to self moderate these days, and any time you tell people their shit thread is off-topic it doesn't have any effect, basically you have to wait for the reports to be answered. You try and spam an off-topic thread, like back in the day, and now you get banned yourself.

>> No.10283009

You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.10283009,1 [INTERNAL] 

dat paranoia

>> No.10283031
File: 572 KB, 1000x1424, 1123299-arcueid_brunestud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you already failed from the first step. Just because it's Japanese it doesn't mean it belongs in /jp/
So we get streets and comiket, but not geisha and noh theater.

Global rule 6 is still there and moderation is expected to uphold it, yet not look too closely. Reply numbers are not a sign of anything and more often than not it's the worst sort of threads that get bumped and plenty of replies in a short amount of time, so "people want to discuss it" is not the best rule of thumb and you have to take other guidelines.

And before you say it's a subjective rule, you're supposed to go at it with the idea of content subtraction. Quality threads add to the board and its culture, but most threads don't do anything. They don't add anything but they don't remove anything. The threads that are subjected to global six are the ones that damage the board environment by being so low quality that it brings down the quality of discourse, contribution and general userbase. For example, you can ban a spurdo fugg thread for quality instead of just off-topic.

In other words, your flowchart is no good. Good for a laugh though.

>> No.10283040

Get a load of this newfag who has nothing better to do than punch out a wall of text that nobody is going to read.

>> No.10283047


well uh

/jp/ has ten pages containing about 15 (?) threads each

one page, page 0, has active threads that are being used by people. the rest are days old and not posted in. let's go ahead and include page 1, as well, for safety

so, you have about 120 free spaces for threads

do you think 'off-topic threads' (not spam, which should be and is deleted) will make up 120 of these thread-spaces?

i'm just struggling to understand where this rationale is coming from. if you added up all the 'off-topic' things that are posted and enjoyed, other than spam, it would not even come close to totaling 120 threads. why delete them? does it hurt your goony ego to see posts you don't like on the catalog or something? really shitty moderation

>> No.10283063

>And you already failed from the first step. Just because it's Japanese it doesn't mean it belongs in /jp/
Hence the specific criteria that follow.

>So we get streets and comiket, but not geisha and noh theater.
Why not, though? Really, why not? It's no myth all of our topics overlap with other boards. What's wrong with a geisha thread? If people aren't interested, nobody responds. It's not a cause for deletion.

>Global rule 6 is still there and moderation is expected to uphold it, yet not look too closely. Reply numbers are not a sign of anything and more often than not it's the worst sort of threads that get bumped and plenty of replies in a short amount of time, so "people want to discuss it" is not the best rule of thumb and you have to take other guidelines.
Yet you still can't force people to discuss a given topic. If a thread is "bump" "bump" "bump" then ban the poster for flooding. Any thread that is blatantly rule-breaking (spam, NSFW, etc.) will get deleted for breaking those rules.

>> No.10283065
File: 65 KB, 500x500, distraught sasquatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.10283067

He made a good point, troll threads get a lot of replies, just look at that retarded /mu/ thread a few days ago.

>> No.10283068

>And before you say it's a subjective rule, you're supposed to go at it with the idea of content subtraction. Quality threads add to the board and its culture, but most threads don't do anything. They don't add anything but they don't remove anything. The threads that are subjected to global six are the ones that damage the board environment by being so low quality that it brings down the quality of discourse, contribution and general userbase. For example, you can ban a spurdo fugg thread for quality instead of just off-topic.
The dull but not particularly low quality threads are what this board is lacking. Why should a geisha thread be extracted? What offense is it causing? It detracts nothing from the board, yet it could be interesting for people who want to discuss it. The janitors treat global rule 6 as quality control (because that's really what it is) and it's entirely subjective, contrary to what janitors are supposed to be like. The existence of a thread only two or three people care about does not lower the quality of the board.

>In other words, your flowchart is no good. Good for a laugh though.
Write a better one, then.

>> No.10283092

I actually just meant the spam threads, or the ones that consist of an image with no text. You've gone off on a tangent it seems, I suppose I should have said something else other than "off-topic."

>> No.10283100 [DELETED] 

Fair enough, you have your right to have your ````''"fun'''''', just stop posting blatant /b/ shit and pretend it's relevant because shitposting is part of the board culture, because my friends are here or I don't like it in there.
I don't want to come here and see the first page flooded by pictures of cocks.

>> No.10283108


>I suppose I should have said something else other than "off-topic."

uh yeah i guess you should pay attention to what words come out of your fat dumb fingers

>> No.10283117


ok but your 'fair enough' does not really matter

we need to hear the janitor say 'fair enough' or else resign/be demoted

>> No.10283118

That was uncalled for. There was no reason to insult his fingers.

>> No.10283161

People like you make me not want to post on 4chan anymore, not because of the stupid insult, but because you might actually be serious.

>> No.10283161,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10283161,2 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is /q/ as HELL.

>> No.10283161,3 [INTERNAL] 

I hate writing long replies in on-board meta threads, this thread will be deleted before I get to reply.

>Nobody responds
Board interest is not a good enough metric since we're in a board with a strong shitposter community that will keep unrelated stuff bumped and a cargo cult elitism that shuts down the grey area topics anyway.

You're wrong in your rebuttal to global six. If you read properly, one wouldn't be able to hit geisha under it since it doesn't detract from the board. It doesn't even enter the picture. Low interest is not the gauge for global six either, so you're not making any sense. Yeah, it would be nice to have a wider topic pool, but "if there are people interested, it should have a space!" is not a good guideline for it because it opens the space to abuse.

>Write a better one
It's not boolean for starters, so there goes that.

See, I knew it: 404

>> No.10283161,4 [INTERNAL] 

interest != replies

Shitposters and spammers aren't interested in the threads they flood.

>> No.10283161,5 [INTERNAL] 

OP, ask yourself a question:

What gives you the right to shitpost and derail threads?

>> No.10283161,6 [INTERNAL] 

Expound further, because that doesn't mean anything on its own. Blog threads get hundreds of genuine replies without spam and they're still low quality.

>> No.10283161,7 [INTERNAL] 

My God given right to freedom of expression, liberal

>> No.10283161,8 [INTERNAL] 

Those threads should be deleted to begin with, though.

I like the geisha example so I'm sticking with it.
If some dorks choose to derail the thread with posts like "le epic otaku culture thread brah xDDDD" then they're just being douchebags for the sake of being douchebags. If it wasn't that thread, it would be another. The fact that a thread gets fifty replies like that doesn't mean people are interested in geisha, it means that some shitposters are shitting it up because that's what they do.
If, however, a thread gets fifty sincere replies about geisha, be they a genuine interest in Japanese culture or just some examples in otaku media, then people are interested. If a thread gets two replies and then it dies, then people aren't interested. Either way, it's no reason to delete the thread. That's a janitor deciding, "This thread is not the status quo. It is not a topic I want on /jp/. I should delete it." This is bad.

>> No.10283161,9 [INTERNAL] 

If we're going to keep with the geisha example, then we're not having the same discussion because that's not a topic that gets deleted under global six. I don't know how to make this clearer.

Global Six: Threads that are related to the board and its topics (touhou in this example) but are considered to be not only a non-contribution, but that it subtracts from the board by being so bad (whch 2hu wud u fugg).

What you're trying to argue are the off-topic rules and the guidelines to consider an off-topic thread good enough to remain in the board by virtue of interest, even if limited and in the face of shitposting. And like I said before, if the thread is non-contributing but not harmful either it does get a chance. In theory, dunno how current meido rolls with this and "Let them have their fun" is probably not even a major policy since 2011 ruined things for everyone.
And that's the problem, it's not deleting because of personal bias or status quo, but rather trying to avoid problems. Far easier to delete a troublesome greyarea topic than going post by post and delete the shitposting. And then sitting there to clean the ones complaining about deleted posts. And then wondering if the thread had a chance in the first place after deleting 100 more posts of meta about the topic's place in the board.

Because seriously, fucking Ar Tonelico. it deserved a space in the board but they were such a goddamn headache to deal with.

So, back to geisha. If it did end up being deleted, it wouldn't be under global six. It'd be under off-topic because it wasn't worth the effort aka moderation is lazy and overworked.

>> No.10283161,10 [INTERNAL] 

There is a reason janitors can't present themselves in an official position or disclose it. You are not supposed to put in your own head there's only one janitor and that he decides everything that happens within a board. There are mods, global janitors and other janitors for a single board. Stop this disdain for an idealized concept. You have no knowledge of moderation's inner workings for a reason. There's hundreds of possible reasons a thread may be deleted.

>> No.10283161,11 [INTERNAL] 

Well my original argument was that most grey area threads should always be left. If it's hugely off-topic, fine. If it's Japanese then leave it, unless it's something like Ghost in the Shell or The Legend of Zelda. A thread about geisha detracts nothing from the board, but may add to it for the people who are interested. We have 160 slots for threads. Not all should be 50+ reply status quo Touhou/VN threads. If nobody is interested in geisha, the thread is pruned after hitting page 10. It should not be deleted because that is the janitor attempting to control content (I'll use this word instead of quality) subjectively.

>> No.10283161,12 [INTERNAL] 

And where are you getting the idea no one agrees with you?

>> No.10283161,13 [INTERNAL] 

Janitors, mods, who gives a shit, they are shitting up the board

>> No.10283161,14 [INTERNAL] 

Go sleep, Trevor.

>> No.10283161,15 [INTERNAL] 

And I agree. We die from stagnation, not crossboarders or newfags. Not even the shitposters are as big of a threat compared to systematically reducing the topic pool until there's nothing left. We're already running out of things to discuss after all.
The problem is that it's not up to the moderation and it's a userbase problem. You can't have a thread that goes outside the narrow area of what's deemed acceptable without a meta-derail, board redirects and questioning the decisions to allow some off-topic. Faced with that, no wonder moderation prefers to not take a chance and just delete everything rather than deal with "who geisha otaku here" retaliation later on. Not only that, but you run into the consistency issue. You allow geisha, but why delete the cosplay. Why streets and not bridges, why tea and not novelty canned drinks.

In short, it shouldn't be deleted and deserves at least a chance. It gets deleted anyway because most of the time it's not worth the time and effort investment due to the cargo cult elitist.
One could say "they should just delete the shitposts then", but it's not simple and it attracts further attention. Shitposters don't file out calmly after their board redirects are deleted after all.

And yet we do get some off-topic threads. Protected and highly contested, with a lot of "why are my reports being cleared" and proxy abuse if we believe that guy. My point is that janitors do not control content and it's not a biased process but rather resource management. And it looks arbitrary as fuck from down here.

Once again, the disclaimer that this is how I see things and may not reflect current moderation practices, specially whenever they get tired of the dozens of opposing views in the board. It's impossible to keep all of /jp/ happy.

By the way, Japan gets so many novelty soft drinks because every brand is competing for visibility and shelf space in the convenience store system. Hard to be attractive with the same old cola so they come up with cucumber, yogurt and watermelon just to keep things in the forefront. Not very smart, but that's business. Must suck if you ever fall in love with a bizarre flavor and never find it again because it was such a limited run. And thanks for reading this far. This was long, even for me.

>> No.10283161,16 [INTERNAL] 

get a hobby
stop the meta whining

>> No.10283161,17 [INTERNAL] 

>Not even the shitposters are as big of a threat compared to systematically reducing the topic pool until there's nothing left. We're already running out of things to discuss after all.
Call me when they kick Touhou and VNs out of /jp/.

>> No.10283161,18 [INTERNAL] 

Wow why did you write that you massive autismal nerd

>> No.10283161,19 [INTERNAL] 

Because AoC.
I love how some people are legitimately trying to do that.

>> No.10283161,20 [INTERNAL] 

Sure thing buddy

>> No.10283161,21 [INTERNAL] 

>We die from stagnation, not crossboarders or newfags.
No AoC. Keep your video games, blogging, soccing and anime on their respective boards.

There's no need to bring in more off-topic content just fo rthe sake of filling up all the 11 pages.

Especially when much more on-topic threads ("Japan/General", Touhou, etc) get deleted so your "anti-stagnation" policy can bring in more /a/b/v/soc/r9k/ garbage.

>> No.10283161,22 [INTERNAL] 

7 hours.

>> No.10283161,23 [INTERNAL] 

Penis in vagina.

>> No.10283161,24 [INTERNAL] 

It's all about extremes with you and I'm sick of it. I'm talking about being more open with unfamiliar topics, not opening the doors wide to greentext blogging. And it's not about filling all the pages just for the sake of it. I'm more than content with a /jp/ that has only a single page. It's about being concerned for the fact that we've pushed most of our VN discussion to a single thread and touhou threads are in most part either imagedumps or discussing which one you find more sexually attractive.
Entropy catches up with us all and we will find the limit for the board at some point. Some would say we're already past that now, with the rise of ironic shitposting culture and all.

So yes, I think that your misguided elitism is more harmful to the board in the long run, specially if you try to remain blind at how much shit is produced by our own userbase rather than importing it from the larger boards. And don't get me started on the mental gymnastics required to hold up both the idea that every topic has its board, and that crossboarders are scum.

>> No.10283161,25 [INTERNAL] 

> we've pushed most of our VN discussion to a single thread
No. It happened naturally.

>touhou threads are in most part either imagedumps or discussing which one you find more sexually attractive.
That's what Touhou is all about. Cute images, a bit of trivia, fanwork and fanwank.

>misguided elitism
It's not about elitism as far as I am concerned. It's about fairness and consistency. I come to /jp/ for what it is, a sink board for all "general weeaboo" stuff. I don't come for video games, blogging, nor any of your other unfamiliar topics such as bridges.

But right now, unfortunately, all that "general weeaboo" stuff, which is supposed to be core /jp/ material, is for some reason frown upon.

There's no way a sane janitor would clear the report queue for video games all while removing Japan/General and Touhou threads minutes after they are posted.

>> No.10283161,26 [INTERNAL] 

Though if you excluded the shitpost Touhou threads, about only half of the total would be left

>> No.10283161,27 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up, Tokiko. Go shitpost on some other board.

>> No.10283161,28 [INTERNAL] 

Shitposts are shitposts, Touhou or not. Those are easy to spot with the help of a bit of common sense.

The funny thing is, a "which Disgaea character would you fuck" has infinitely higher chances of survival than a Touhou thread of the same shittyness.

>> No.10283161,29 [INTERNAL] 

>It happened naturally
Probably, since /jp/ does tend to self contain. But that doesn't justify VN threads popping up outside of it and then getting nothing but redirects to the ongoing thread. Even NEET have more ongoing threads right now.

>fairness and consistency
You can't measure it from down here. Every single decision will appear to be arbitrary because you don't have the full moderation context.
>"general weeaboo" stuff
I would like to see you define it. Or at the very least justify why your personal reasons to be here supersede the board's. You say you're not here for videogames, but our biggest topic is a series of doujin games. As much as I hate blogging, this has been the designated space for this particular evolution of the so ronery threads from the pre-split days. And then you rail against bridges of all things and I have to wonder if it's not just you, with a particular image of what the board is about which coincidentally includes only the things you like, trying to push it as what the board is about.

>removing core content
You keep saying this, I keep waiting to see an example of it that isn't a textless OP, >/jp/ or some other non-quality thread. And even when you do find an example of a questionable deletion, we just don't have all of the information around the red trashcan. Was it someone getting banned for another post, or a ban evader, or a self-delete, we don't know. And of course can't forget slips of the finger, or being dumb enough to fall for proxy reports. Incompetence is always far more likely.

>[...]clear the report queue
And we finally arrive to the crux of the matter. "Consistency" is "acts like I want them to", "fairness" is "deletes what I reports" and "board related" is "what I like". Let's begin by how conceited and selfish you are. You abuse the report tool repeatedly in order to tell if and when a thread has it report queue cleared. You keep at it, forcing your opinion when the staff has already judged it and clear it. And to top it all, you get upset when they ignore your reports. And they're right to do so. The report tool is for calling attention to posts and threads moderation has missed so far. It's not a vote and it's not orders they have to carry out for your own satisfaction.

So. Your backseat moderation doesn't go as you want. And I'm happy for that. All we get to do from the sidelines is try to make good threads to replace the vacuum of all the shitposting being deleted. And I never see you complain about that by the way, it's always the videogames and greyarea when there's a steady stream of spam at all times that you don't even care to mention. And I see it in the backpages, shitty threads that were missed by the moderation and will die peacefully because nobody reports them. Where is your obsessive reporting then? Why hasn't moderation noticed a thread like >>10280970

Not because of you, that's for sure.

>> No.10283161,30 [INTERNAL] 

Leave if you're unhappy with the situation.

>> No.10283161,31 [INTERNAL] 

>then getting nothing but redirects to the ongoing thread
That's just shitposting, most likely by the same tiny group of people. That's why we have janitors, right?

>I would like to see you define it.
There's nothing to define. It's basically what /jp/ was created for.
Also, I'm obviously talking about /v/vg/ video games, doujin games are one of the reasons I come to /jp/.

>Your backseat moderation doesn't go as you want.
You completely missed the point.
Ignoring stuff you don't like is easy as hell. It's not about getting mad at things not being deleted, it's about following a thread, seeing it 404ing, getting back to the frontpage and noticing how it's full of your so called "topic overlap" nonsense. How do you think it feels?

Shitty threads that are missed by the moderation are perfectly understandable. What's not normal is when those shitty threads keep popping up on the frontpage with the report queue constantly purged.

That lichess thread is very interesting, you see. I'm fairly sure that when a janitor sees such a thread, he starts panicking about whether he should delete it or "give it a chance". But when he sees a Touhou thread, it's immediate termination more often than not, most likely without even a second thought.
By the way, I always mention Touhou because it's faster to write, but the same applies to any obscure weeb material from Japan/niconico/2ch/futaba. Those threads have much lesser chances of being given a "chance".

tl;dr: drop your "my friends are here" mentality. You don't need to bring everything to /jp/. I like baking cookies but I don't make NEET cookie baking generals on /jp/ just because "I feel safer" there than on /ck/.

>> No.10283161,32 [INTERNAL] 

I really do wonder how it feels to be a gigantic faggot. Please continue to elaborate on that matter, as it seems you're an expert.

>> No.10283161,33 [INTERNAL] 

And I've already told you why just deleting the board redirects is useless because there's no discussion to replace it. It's a stillbirth thread if there's no interest outside of the shitposters and I feel like I'm going in circles here ffs.

You're not even reading what I'm saying, this is a waste of time. If you can tell the report queue is constantly purged then your report is meaningless. Will the janitor reconsider deleting a thread he deemed acceptable just because of a single poster abusing the report tool? No, and you keep mentioning it as if it was a unforgivable slight when reality is that they have now more reasons than anything to keep clearing it.

If the threads you follow are constantly being deleted then I have bad news for you: Your interests are not wanted, you have bad taste and should seek a board closer to what you want.

>I'm fairly sure that when a janitor sees such a thread, he starts panicking about whether he should delete it or "give it a chance".
Once again, you have no idea of how things are from the other side. And just because you keep repeating it doesn't make it true. You are fixated on the idea that the current meido is systematically getting rid of good topics while allowing utter off-topic to go unpunished. You reject anything that goes against this and keep deluding yourself as if this was something that anyone could plainly see. And I keep checking the archives in case something is out of order or there's abuse to report back and I keep coming back with nothing.

>my friends are here mentality
And yet you keep claiming that crossboarders are scum. You can't have it both ways. And yes I agree that topics belong in their relevant boards, but if a good discussion arises then why are we being anal about it? There's no point in irrupting into it, derail it with meta, point to /ck/ and then looking self satisfied about it, as if you had done the board a favor. Other boards are able to handle it gracefully, without pushing figure threads out of /a/ just because someone is obsessed about where everything goes.

tl;dr >>10222970 could have been a good thread if it wasn't for people like you.

Anyway, I have already wasted too much on you and you're going to keep up with the "report clearing" bullshit so I'm done. Keep things up without realizing how much of an imposing asshole you really are, I'm sure it will work out for you in the end.

>> No.10283161,34 [INTERNAL] 

I have nothing against undeleted threads I don't like. I don't have any problem ignoring things. It's not about "crossboarders scum" shitting up "my" /jp/. I'm not sure where did you get that I "irrupt" and spam redirects in threads I don't like.

>Your interests are not wanted
My interests are very broad. But one thing is sure is that I don't come to /jp/ for /soc/r9k/v/ and /b/ material.

>report clearing
That's how you notice the "unfairness" part. It's pretty easy, you make or reply to a Touhou thread, a couple of minutes later it gets trashed, while bridges-like threads get the report queue cleared.

And yes, I know, mentioning Touhou automatically labels you as a shitposter. I just dug my own grave here.

Thank you for your hard work AoC.

>> No.10283161,35 [INTERNAL] 


hey guys get in here, let's make manga /jp/ relevant!

>> No.10283161,36 [INTERNAL] 

AoC is probably already there.

>> No.10283161,37 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see him

>> No.10283161,38 [INTERNAL] 

Does /jp/ have some new dedicated mod? I keep getting hit with a ban evasion ban when I haven't even been doing anything to bring attention to myself.

>> No.10283161,39 [INTERNAL] 

Got banned for ban evasion a couple of days ago for posting an imageless, 40 characters long reply.

>> No.10283161,40 [INTERNAL] 

Is that just the default ban request of a certain janitor?
Oh my God, JC! A power-abuser!

e-mail moot. make a thread on /q/. whatever. It looks like someone's over-doing it and making frivolous ban requests. The part about it that is disturbing to me is not on the janitor end, but the mod end. Who is accepting all of these requests with no QC investigation?

>> No.10283161,41 [INTERNAL] 

>yfw when permab& from #4chan because some butthurt lurkers can't admit I'm right so they start a shitfest to get me b&


>> No.10283161,42 [INTERNAL] 

maybe if you wouldn't call yourself kuroko spammer

>> No.10283161,43 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe you shouldn't evade bans.

>> No.10283161,44 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe you're mum is a whore.

>> No.10283161,45 [INTERNAL] 

I evaded the initial ban for evasion since I had not evaded any ban in the first place.

>> No.10283161,46 [INTERNAL] 

No, maybe you should stop being so assdevastated about my name.

>> No.10283161,47 [INTERNAL] 

hey look what's happened

>> No.10283161,48 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off faggot
