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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10274342 No.10274342 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10261016

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10274355

Going to start cannonball, since I didn't like suigetsu 2. I hope it's as fun as the premise sounds.

>> No.10274359

I love the word firework in Japanese. "Flower Fire" sounds so beautiful and artistic.

>> No.10274371



>> No.10274383

>対魔忍アサギ 3 is out
Who else's body is ready? Lilith Soft/ Anime Lilith have the only nukige I play.

>> No.10274385

No, he even admitted that he hadn't played WA2 before and left the judgement to Famitsu.

Fair enough; we've never played White Album 2, so we'll leave it to them to judge what makes for a superior eroge (the Japanese term for the girl-oriented adventure genre, short for "erotic game"). "

I think it's fair enough.

>> No.10274430
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Tried out the trial of this NTR game

>> No.10274436

Question: Are there any non-otome/yaoi VN with more male characters than female? Or an equal number of both?

or is that too homo

>> No.10274455

Says the one who plays games made for and by fat otaku who can't get any real shex.
How can a trial of an NTR game show off it's NTR without ruining the story of the full game?

>> No.10274457

Dies Irae

>> No.10274462

I will never get playing NTR games. I like NTR in h-manga because it is short and you don't have to go through a narrative through the MC's eyes while the NTR is occurring.

Also with a title like お兄ちゃんにはぜったい言えないたいせつなこと。 no way am I playing as I have a pure love imouto fetish/

>> No.10274471

It's more like it's counterproductive rather than homo. If your heroines have to be female, the sheer protagonist:heroine ratio makes it difficult to achieve.

>> No.10274472

Already played it, looks like it's going to be pretty good. The imouto is moe.

>> No.10274486
File: 144 KB, 640x720, c756605table1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know there was an NTR loving portion of /jp/... I mean look at this pic and tell me that it makes you feel good.

>> No.10274488
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>> No.10274494

What? We've been talking about NTR games in this threads since ages.

>> No.10274501

That doesn't mean that you should. Hongfire is where you guys usually congregate.

>> No.10274505

My problem is that by definition (NTR game) the "twist" is already known from the beginning and it's impact is lost because you are already expecting.

Not that I actually play NTR games, though. I'm just talking out of my ass and as far as I know I'm just being judgmental over low budget nukige that get released every month, so feel free to call me an ignorant idiot.

>> No.10274511

I am curious, how do you know when you're ready to read something like Dies Irae with minimal problems?

Does my Japanese reading comprehension have to be on par with my English reading comprehension?

>> No.10274516

When you can understand the grammar since you can easily look up any words you don't know.

>> No.10274524

It makes my dick hard

>> No.10274528

Did the trial reach a sex scene or something?

>> No.10274543

> I mean look at this pic and tell me that it makes you feel good.
It makes me wanna puke and then kill myself. But I guess I'm too normal to understand the appeal of it.

>> No.10274546
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I wonder what they're planning to do.

>> No.10274549

The beginning showed her fucking with a fat guy, with the brother watching the tape

>> No.10274554

I can't really picture reading Dies Irae while having to constantly look up words as a very fun experience, peculiar writing and all that

>> No.10274557

>fat guy
Boner killer.

>> No.10274560

The fact that it's advertised as NTR already ruins the NTR. NTR should be a plot twist, a surprise to the readers.

>> No.10274563

That's not how you sell a NTR title unless you want readers who weren't in it expecting NTR to kill you.

>> No.10274568

Me too, there's another ikemen who supposed to be a actor that's going to fuck her, but based on the preview video she mainly going to fuck the fat dude, shit sucks.

>> No.10274572

Well there are 5 endings so I think the ikemen and the fat guy are seperate routes.

>> No.10274576
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>> No.10274579

So it's a workload reason? I guess I'm talking about stories with more side characters than heroines by default.

I'm planning to write a VN someday, but when I plotted the story, the ratio was almost 2:1...┌(┌^o^)┐

>> No.10274580
File: 165 KB, 572x800, everlasting purity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Developing an NTR game must be such a pain. Either you reveal the twist or you get death threats, boycotts and a ruined reputation.

>> No.10274582

Speaking of NTR, Gakuen NTR's trial is out too.

>> No.10274588

Nice, the art is delicious

>> No.10274599

Putting it in the bad ends seems like it would satisfy everyone.

Or maybe just having it exist on the disk somewhere is intolerable.

>> No.10274617

For some reason all the movies in majikoi s play like shit. I don't have much trouble playing anything below 1080p, any idea what the issue is?

>> No.10274630

Don't kill yourself anon you have me.

>> No.10274635

Speaking of NTR games - nothing can shock me anymore after reading ボクの彼女はガテン系. It's pretty much the best cure for anyone even slightly interested in NTR.

>> No.10274640

Do you have download link? I'm using holyseal's and it's too slow

>> No.10274647

I didn't like it. The heroine turned full retard and fell for the most ridiculous blackmail ever. Then it turned into the usual "I can't live without your big magical chinpo NTR-kun~" shit.

>> No.10274697

What Elf game was that again?

>> No.10274700

Kakyuusei 2.

>> No.10274739

Speaking of eroge sales from the last thread; how do Tech Gian and PUSH compile their data/numbers?

Looking at the general indication of Amazon rankings a user provided, the sales (for certain titles anyway) didn't seem too bad. Numbers for PS3 ports were pretty respectable too.

From what it seems, most titles seem to break even considering how the market is overly diluted.
Some do seem to be hit hard though, particularly the all-ages ones like Tokyo Babel.

>> No.10274781
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Ok /jp/ first I watch 26ep of White Album and then I read White Album 2 VN. What do you think?

>> No.10274783

As with any game, if it's well written it won't depend solely on a twist to make the reader emotional. For example in WA2, you know Setsuna tears are coming from a mile away but you still feel bad when you see them.

>> No.10274795

They have nothing to do with each other and the anime of WA is pure shit

>> No.10274796

>Onii-chan ni wa zettai ienai taisetsuna koto

These titles have to go. They're going beyond ridiculous at this point.

I wish to give off an air of cultural superiority when I read porn.

>> No.10274804

I like the abbreviation: OniTaiTai

>> No.10274809

I know this may be a shocking news to VN developers, but heroines aren't necessary in every story.

In fact, many stories don't contain a single major female character at all.

>> No.10274812

You know that you're ready when you start reading Dies Irae and experience minimal difficulty in the endeavor.

It's a VN. Download it, read it, and if it's too difficult, read it later.

>> No.10274815

>heroines aren't necessary in every story
They are if you want sales.

>> No.10274820

People don't read VNs because they want a good story, they read VNs because they want to interact with cute 2D girls. A good story is a good bonus though.

>> No.10274832

Am I the only one who reads VNs for the stories?

Nothing pisses me off more than reading 5+ hours of copy-paste daily life scene.

>> No.10274841

I hope so, I can only fap to NTR if the heroine is (preferably consensually) fucking someone that's more attractive and successful than me in every way.

>> No.10274851

Ignore this guy. The WA is bittersweet and underrated. Fantastic animation and music to boot.

>> No.10274853


I will occasionally read a VN for the story, but most of the VNs I read are "5+ hours of copy-paste daily life scene".

I enjoy both, but there are far more of the latter than the former. My favorite VNs have a strong plot, but that doesn't mean I need to read such VNs exclusively.

>> No.10274856

If you want to read a good story you're much better off looking through your local library.

>> No.10274857

Doesn't the Kyonyuu Fantasy series have a surprisingly high male:female ratio? I haven't played it myself though.

>> No.10274864 [DELETED] 
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NTR me guys!

>> No.10274882

I do read books quite frequently.

It's just that I love the 50+ hour epic nature of VNs. And the visual and audio components as well. Books usually have better stories, but they never manage to be as immersive as VNs.

And while we're on the point, why are all VNs in 1st person perspective? Christ. Try some other, more effective narrative styles such as 3rd person limited.

>> No.10274884

At first I felt like that too, but now I learned to like moege, since they're so common and so many are released every month compared to "plot focuses" VNs. Sometimes I wonder why people like moogy-dono or the green guy from the blog that posts monthly releases even play VNs, if genericness pisses them off so much.

>> No.10274886

There are quite a few VNs with 3rd person narration

>> No.10274888

Well, I guess I never came across one then.

>> No.10274891

To wallow in their sense of superiority.

>> No.10274898

But doesn't that defeat the purpose of choosing the routes as the MC?

Personally I prefer first person to third.

>> No.10274892

This is what becomes of English majors and Philosophy majors with drive, but without talent.

>> No.10274899

As you said, VNs are supposed to be immersive and it's arguable that a 1st person narrative would be more immersive than a 3rd person one.

>> No.10274912

1st person PoV makes it easier to self-insert, but 3rd person PoV decidedly makes for a better narrative and prose.

Well, the purpose of choosing the routes as the MC is to show different aspects of the story in my opinion. I think of it as a time-loop device more than anything else. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with a kinetic novel as well.

>> No.10274916

>interact with cute 2D girls.
>good story
This is pretty much exactly why I read VNs. But for me, both are equally necessary, so I don't read VNs or books often.

War and Peace was not very kawaii

>> No.10274919

Take that back you whoreson.

War and Peace is the classic of the century.
I shed many manly tears reading that.

>> No.10274929

Here are a couple examples of stuff written in third person: Mahoyo, raiL-soft games, Kikokugai, Hanachirasu, France Shoujo

>> No.10274931

>3rd person PoV decidedly makes for a better narrative and prose

I don't think this is true at all. A lot of good books (maybe the majority) are written in 3rd person but I don't think there's anything inherent in it that makes it superior to 1st person. I think it would depend a lot on what kind of story it is and how it's written. To use a VN example, the inner monologues of Takeru in MuvLuv and Haruki in WA2 pretty much defined the narratives of their games and I really wouldn't have it any other way. (Granted, WA2 is a little bit weird in that it occasionally jumps narration POV but whatever.)

>> No.10274938

Umineko also had 3rd person narration. Or at least it sometimes did. The POV jumped around so much it was a bit jarring actually.

>> No.10274958

To add to this: Saihate no Ima, Tail games (Dea ex machina, Venusblood series, etc...), large parts of Dies Irae, large parts of Zero Infinity.

>> No.10274972

I'm pretty sure at least parts of the steampunk series games are in 3rd person. Or maybe it's because you can see the main PoV's sprite, can't remember.

>> No.10274996

The normal narration in the Steampunk series is 3rd person but sometime you get the inner thought on one character.
Usually you see their portraits too.

>> No.10275014

There is very little that a first person narration can do that a third person narration can't.

But it can do some things better, especially if your narrator is an interesting person, or if the appeal of your story is based on being able to mentally insert yourself into a specific role.

sure is /lit/ in here

>> No.10275035

>if your narrator is an interesting person

I can count on one hand the number of protagonists that were interesting in VNs. Which is quite strange.

VN is a perfect medium to explore non-conventional protagonists such as schizoids, autists, sociopaths, etc.
It's a shame that such an opportunity is still being wasted.

>> No.10275040

I'd assume otakus would hate it even if it was a bad end, because then they'd have to admit the possibility that a character they like might actually be an NTR slut. Only way to keep it a bad end and please everyone is rape, I think.

Does rape counts as NTR?

>> No.10275054
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>> No.10275059

Only if the girls enjoy it. Or if they engage in it over and over again.

I don't believe a one time rape counts as NTR.
But then, I'm not a definitive authority on the matter although my expertise in the field is unquestionable.

>> No.10275066

Or a protagonist with synesthesia. That would be so perfect. You'd actually be able to experience synesthesia, instead of reading about it.

I wonder if synesthesia can be artificially induced if one reads VNs with them in it long enough?

>> No.10275134
File: 85 KB, 580x490, A_ApeMuCAAAXVKC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, how much kanji did you learn before getting to a point, where you can read VN's? Since august I learned about 300 kanji, finished both Genki books and I fell myself like a shit, dont' even know what to read or how to learn more. I'm far from reading a real stuff and don't know how to increase my vocab. At least there is Anki for learning kanji.
Maybe, there are some really easy VN's?(by language difficulty I mean)

>> No.10275163

Go read Strawberry Nauts if you're into moege.
Read Itaike na Kanojo if you're into suffering.

300 kanji is enough to get started.

Go bother /a/ Japanese Language threads for their pasta.

Use ITH and memorize words you don't know.

Finally, use the archives instead of asking the same goddamn question that has been asked 50 times over.

>> No.10275164

VNs assume the reader is around 18 years of age, possibly older, so no such thing
play videogames or read manga if you want easy language

>> No.10275184

To be fair, those targeted 18+ year olds aren't exactly the height of culture and language.

I suspect that VN is much easier to read than proper literature, but this is a pure conjecture.

>> No.10275193

It's also not true, a lot of actual novels are pretty easy to read.
Easier than stuff like Muramasa, and let's not even talk about the raiL-soft games

>> No.10275195

>Go read Strawberry Nauts if you're into moege.
>Read Itaike na Kanojo if you're into suffering.
He can go read Sekka's route in Kimi he Okuru, Sora no Hana if he wants both in an incredibly easy to read package (somehow even easier than Strawberry Nauts and Lovely Quest). Also has yandere.

>> No.10275205

I consider raiL-soft games to be literature.

They're not just porn.

>> No.10275206

Murakami is very easy to read. As is Hemingway and Fitzgerald.

>> No.10275210


Please tell me you misspelled it.

>> No.10275217

even a moege is going to be hard to read with only 300 kanji, which is basically nothing
unless you consider looking up five words each line and taking a month to read a couple of hours worth of game fun, in that case go ahead

>> No.10275218

And Murakami is disowned by much of the traditional Japanese critics.

He is known for being popular, not for being the pinnacle of Japanese literature.

But then, so was Shakespeare, Dickens, Jane Eyre, etc.

>> No.10275221

Yes, pardon me, I'm being stupid.

Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana. There you go.

>> No.10275230

It is the quickest way for him to get up to proficient level, even though the initial difficulty spike might be a little bit difficult.

If he has command over grammar, ~2000 words, and ~300 kanji, he only needs to put in 1-2 months of "reading" to become relatively fluent.

>> No.10275232

Part of the reason for that is that Murakami hates cliques and refuses to be part of any. So in turn, they kind of hate him for it. Also, "traditional Japanese critics" of anything are more often than not highly retarded and should be ignored to best of one's ability.

>> No.10275240

Kanji spam is obviously the height of literature along with purple prose.

>> No.10275244

Eh, I thought that the reason is more of that Murakami's writing is not exactly Japanese style. Modern or classical.

His writing is closer to Latin American surrealist tradition more than anything else.

>> No.10275261

Well, Moogy-heika-dono-sama agrees so it must be true.

>> No.10275297

I thought Kanji spam and purple prose were VNs for a second.

Tone down the level of discussion here. I feel like a retard right now.

>> No.10275342
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Finished with Suigetsu 2.
Being reverse raped by Saki was hot, too bad her design sucks, but her route was pretty bad too.
Mediocre game full of wasted potential.

>> No.10275351

>reverse raped

Please use the term rape. There is no such thing as a reverse rape.

>> No.10275388

Good thing I dropped it midway through Hinata's route then, fucking bore.

>> No.10275423

For anyone wondering, the trial has the fat guy fucking the sister on TV in the beginning which didn't really count as a full h-scene and the fat guy fucking a random woman and that's it.

>> No.10275450

So it was a shitty trial that did not really showcase the key aspect of the VN?

I swear these developers are retarded.

>> No.10275446

I have synesthesia. It isn't that exciting. In fact, it would be pretty annoying to play a VN written with my particular brand of it, because I see words and letters (and kanji) in color, and trying to read a VN where every letter is a different color would get old really, really quick.

>> No.10275463

It was only one H-scene in the beginning to set up the evilness of the bad guys.
Do you usually judge the game studio based on a single vague comment about an incomplete product?

>> No.10275480

Why /jp/ love NTR?

>> No.10275493

Do people really get uptight about which nonstandard romanization method other people use?

>> No.10275492

I was thinking more along the lines of sound-color synthesia and numberform synesthesia.

Although color-graphemic synesthesia would work if the texts are normal, but the texts in the CG are colored for significant phrases/notes.

>> No.10275502

The main selling point of the VN is going to be the NTR, obviously.

They had to emphasize this point in the trial for it to really sell. And if the developers are using the precious trial to not draw in their target customers, I'd have to question their intelligence.

>> No.10275504

VN general is not /jp/


>> No.10275520
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stuck in a hotel room at 29c3 and this is the best I got right now
it's not actually that bad though

>> No.10275516

>easy to read
Picked up.

>> No.10275526


>> No.10275530

How is it playing VNs on a phone/tablet? Clannad for 350 yen sounds pretty tempting.

>> No.10275538

Is there any site to check new translated VNs?

>> No.10275546

>is already known from the beginning and it's impact is lost because you are already expecting.
It depends really. In some NTR games, and a lot of games featuring NTR, it is still possible to get a happy end, and not have the girl sleep with other dudes. So while you're playing, you may not know whether or not you're on the way to the good end or if she is sleeping around while you aren't looking.

>> No.10275557


How are you feeling about 29c3?
Apparently, it's going to be quite worse than last years... Perhaps even bad.


>> No.10275558

it's way better than being bored
a tablet would be better than a phone I guess

and I think the clannad thing is just a"basic" version and you have to pay more for more routes or something
at least it wasn't as good a deal when I looked or up recently

>> No.10275578
File: 455 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2012-12-28-12-31-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently decided to try ひまわり on my tablet since I couldn't find any seeded torrents and haven't been motivated enough to set up Share or PD and it's not as bad of an experience as I expected it to be. I would still prefer having it on my desktop, but at least in this case, it's fine.

>> No.10275572

I think the common route is 100 yen, and then 250 yen to keep playing, but I can't figure out whether that's 250 yen total or per route. Either way it's a steal considering the PC version is 5000 yen plus a proxy plus international shipping.

>> No.10275581

Himawari and Aqua After are both available in dlsite.

>> No.10275586

This game looks doujin as shit but it has a ton of releases. Is the story really good?

>> No.10275589

The ports improve a lot of things art-wise, but yeah, good stuff.

>> No.10275593

It also has the best heroine of all times.

>> No.10275601

I thought the CGs added in the psp version were pretty bad.
The music too, at least the remixes.
The original doujin version used free music but the music direction was great.

>> No.10275606

>were pretty bad
Better than the originals and at least they were there.
>but the music direction was great
Which is kept, only changing a few tracks.
Not to mention it's voiced.

>> No.10275613

Yes the voices acting adds a lot and there is the 2 side stories too
I'm not saying the port was bad

>> No.10275617

Can you feel all that drama seething from the video?

>> No.10275620

well obviously if it was all great I wouldn't be using my time here reading VNs, but it's not exactly terrible either
German talks are ok as I'm German, but it's true that there's a lot more non-tech stuff which sucks
it's only the 2nd day so I can't really say much yet

>> No.10275634

Same writer as Prism Ark so it has some potential.
I should do the trial

>> No.10275641

Reminds me a lot of AIR in some parts.

>> No.10275684

Dammit. Failed at mid-text greentext termination again.

I'll figure it out someday.

>> No.10275682

I like Yanderes with a sense of prose though.
>I will gut you like a fish does the work, but I'd really prefer someone who will poetically spell out how they'll torture and murder me.

>> No.10276389
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>> No.10276400

a VN, obviously.

>> No.10276454

It's called having shitty trigger discipline.

>> No.10276457


>> No.10276520
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>> No.10276527

The setting including the gray christmas was good enough for a spin-off.

>> No.10276532

isnt that a yaoi game?

>> No.10276541

I would have liked it better as one, Shirou, Wilhelm, gold and silver made for good heroes.

>> No.10276564

Speaking of C83, are we looking forward to anything?

>> No.10276608

Giga testing stuff

>> No.10276642
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This is why I can never stop playing eroges.

>> No.10276697

What are good Sci Fi/Mecha VNs? Already finished the Muv Luv trilogy.

>> No.10276853

Baldr Sky

>> No.10276896


>> No.10276914 [DELETED] 

Screw the imouto, hopefully there are good vanilla scenes with Nanako

>> No.10276916
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Screw the imouto, hopefully there are good vanilla scenes with Nanako

>> No.10276928


Pouting imoutos are lovely, I commend your taste.

>> No.10276938

Yeah, I love back log functions, too.

>> No.10276955

Many NTR trials don't get to the actual NTR. NTR is not just about the sex, building the relationship between the protagonist and heroine is also important and often that's the part the trial covers. I'm going to assume you are not into NTR, in which case you shouldn't be making claims about what NTR makers should and shouldn't do. Incidentally the same goes for the guy earlier in the thread who said NTR has to be a "twist" or it's ruined.

>> No.10276956

how's the is the kanji in baldr sky? I'm done with jouyou kanji.

>> No.10276963

I thought that Baldr Sky was very easy to read.

>> No.10276967

only people who cac read rakuen at 30 pages per minute can play baldr sky

>> No.10277017

No. The dialogues are easy yes, but the infodumps are not.

>> No.10277047

Baldr Sky had info dumps? I thought the whole thing was very easy to read. Even for most of the tech vocab, they helpfully put the English equivalent in the furigana.

>> No.10277050
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I've played Twinkle Crusaders enough to get bored of it.
How different/Hard Princess Witches is?
How the battle system work?

>> No.10277060

know the difference, it can save your life.

>> No.10277075

It's simulacra and simucrum (derived from the former I'm assuming).

>> No.10277098

>Baldr Sky had info dumps?
Of course it has. It's sci-fi.

And no you can't skip them and be fine, they explain really important parts of the game. Unless you want to end up like those retards on /vg/ that thinks the world is a simulation and other retarded theory.

>Even for most of the tech vocab, they helpfully put the English equivalent in the furigana.
That's only for made up words or words they redefined/appropriated. Technical jargons do not have furigana. Also the game doesn't have a TIPS section so enjoy wikipedia.

>> No.10277100


Well there were the school lectures. They were a bit of world building, but for the most part they were just discussing real world topics anyway. There was definitely some info dumping in the last route too.

You are right about the tech terms though, that is what makes it easier to read sci-fi than military or historical VNs in my experience.

>> No.10277127

I never said he should skip anything. I just gave my honest opinion on how hard the game was from what I remember. The lectures were a lot shorter and much easier to follow than say Yuuko's pseudo-physics nonsense in MuvLuv.

>> No.10277162

Yeah but you don't really need to understand those technobabble nonsense in Muv Luv whereas the infodumps in Baldr Sky are important keys to understanding the true ending.

>> No.10277192

Finished muv luv series. Multiple times in a row. That shit was epic.

>> No.10277200 [DELETED] 

Translated. Take it to >>>/vg/

>> No.10277206
File: 48 KB, 600x358, how-about-no-bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10277208

Translated VNs are allowed on either board.

>> No.10277306

Not in the VN thread. Make your own thread if you want to discuss translated VNs. You are tolerated, not accepted.

>> No.10277491

Did anyone finish Ourai no Gahkthun -What a shining braves- and can tell me how it was?

>> No.10277530


wow, that's some circlejerking right here.

>> No.10277533

can you anons post your VN images while posting?
I'm studying kanji and grammar and I want to see if i'm able to read something.

>> No.10277536
File: 180 KB, 810x629, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a tough one

>> No.10277561

is there any point to reading the bad ends in saimin yuugi?

>> No.10277572
File: 251 KB, 1296x758, Of course. I was a bit disappointed that none of the cream fell on top of your food, though..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and your おちんちん should be able to read this.

>> No.10277577

The correct term is elitism you retarded fucking hack please leave

>> No.10277585

hi moogy

>> No.10277642

Quick question about Oretsuba R. Is Ai's new route written by Ou Jackson? If not, is it worth the loss of h-scenes?

>> No.10277855

has anyone played the new taimanin asagi game? I thought about playing it but trying to follow the story from all the other games is too much work for a nukige so I just looked through the cg rip.

>> No.10277940

I just started Sharnoth. The minigame feels like a pretty big waste of time.

Will I miss anything important if I just skip them? I don't particularly care about the extra CG.

>> No.10277949


>> No.10277956

王 Jackson? King of pop?

>> No.10277970

You can skip them?
All but the last couple are pretty easy, and boring as a result, and I don't think they have much plot, except for the last one. You'll know when it's coming so don't worry about which it is.

>> No.10277997

The full voice version gives you an option to skip them, but you can either skip all of them or none of them.

>> No.10278002

Well, let me amend that. The dialogue surrounding the minigame matters, don't skip that, if that's what you meant

>> No.10278025

You can see a couple of extra cgs but other than that not really. They're pretty short though so you might as well.

>> No.10278035
File: 580 KB, 800x600, AI6WIN 2012-12-29 15-21-57-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This story was at least half believable until this. This must be the world's stupidest black mail.

>> No.10278046

Seriously, it's like they replaced the heroine on the first two parts with an extremely retarded doppelganger.

>> No.10278049

Pretty much trial-and-error gameplay. Definitely worse than Kurukuru, but by my understanding, the gist is as follows.

Basic elemental triangle still applies (fire > thunder > aqua > fire), though that grey card/element in your pic is either a void element or a pass. I haven't really figured out how to get past void attacks, though placing Masaki against it won't make you take damage.

Also, as you'd expect, character placement is key. Kururu is your wild card, while Masaki is your reflector/meat shield. Iinchou randomizes while Ringo can only use aqua and Karen only uses fire.

There's assists later that happen randomly on a successful attack. Kururu/Mike use Starlight Heal (EX Healing), Iinchou/Hamuchuu use Bloody Lick Touch (EX Drain). I'm not sure what Ringo's Aqua Boost does, but Karen's Dragon Shot is a weak multi-hit attack (very important against a certain boss who can only be damaged after a 10-hit combo).

>> No.10278054
File: 58 KB, 450x362, tony-montana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any vns like scarface or the godfather. like a serious man who works his way up from the skums and become too rich for his own good, or a mafia story like the godfather. you know what be cool? A story where a half japanese/half Italian during the early 1930s finding out hes related to a huge mafia crime boss in new york and moves there to move up in life. Any thing like that?

>> No.10278058

Whoops, forgot.

The little/big magic thing is tricky too. Little magic overpowers big magic even if the big magic element is superior (so little fire > big aqua).

>> No.10278068

The closest thing I can think of is G Senjou no Maou and even then it's not really like your description.

>> No.10278071

Slums* oh and a in a vn like that, the half jap/Italian would have to learn how to talk like the mafia, would be hailoius. oh and somewhere in the plot the Italian mob wants area in japan so it turns into a huge goal for power in japan against the yakuza. Any thing like this at all?

>> No.10278077

Wait really? nothing like this at all? out of the thousands of vns? im actually really surprised.

>> No.10278080


almost all of those thousands of VNs are set in high schools, I think there might be a couple that aren't.

>> No.10278091

yeah thats why high school setting is shit.

>> No.10278092

VNs usually follow a model and have their own stereotypes and characteristics. Most of them do not want to appeal to the kind of public that would read some kind of VN like that. But surely, if you ask us about a VN filled with loli twincest, there'll be at least one around. Also weird fetishes.

>> No.10278102

The main problem is I think that the mafia genre in Japanese media is miniscule compared with American media. Part of the reason is that you don't really want to piss off the yakuza lest you want your studio to get set on fire or your hands get chopped off.

>> No.10278109

> Most of them do not want to appeal to the kind of public that would read some kind of VN like that.
I really dont see why they wouldn't want to read something new and interesting for a change. Its funny because when you look at the most popular and remembered eroge and vns , there the ones that strayed anyway form that shit.
but its a story about the mafia and its fucking fiction made for nerds, would yakuza really care or even know about it? actually they would think it would be cool i think.

>> No.10278115


what you meant to say is "VNs pander heavily to nerds and thus are almost entirely unoriginal except for to change the template to suit whichever type of nerd they are pandering towards"

>> No.10278119

Yakuza otaku?

>> No.10278124

If you make your story anywhere close to realistic it'll have to paint the yakuza in a bad light and doing that is a big no no. Look what happened to this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C5%ABz%C5%8D_Itami

>> No.10278133

But seriously out of them all there is only one >>10278068 and has to do with the yakuza a bit, not the mafia. im just surprised no japanese watched the godfather one day and went, holy shit this would be cool in a vn. >>10278124
What do you mean in a bad light? the mc would be like Scarface or be in a family mafia, he wouldn't be against it, he would be a power hungry, god complex,wants all the women,money,power type mc.

>> No.10278140

>>10278115 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genre_literature

>> No.10278150
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 22540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the plot?

>> No.10278155

also if its about the Italian mafia, the yakuza wouldn't care.

>> No.10278165

Alright besides mafia stuff, any mc that just starts out in the slums thirsting for power,money,women? and then becoming all that and gets way too powerful for his own good?

>> No.10278167

Yakuza in movies are traditionally portrayed as bumbling but lovely idiots and the last keepers of the bushido tradition. So there's not really a big realistic mafia genre.

Japanese people don't care about the Italian mafia. It's not relevant to them.

>> No.10278170


u sound a lil obsessed bro maybe you oughta calm down

>> No.10278205

I'm just interested if there is something like that, just saying would be cool.
>Japanese people don't care about the Italian mafia. It's not relevant to them.
And thats why they would be able to make a serious vn about it.

>> No.10278227

Would Eustia count?

>> No.10278223

Just play some video games, dude. There are plenty of games that meet your criteria.

>> No.10278231

I want a visual novel, not a video game.

>> No.10278237

And also most video games have shit story unless they are centered around it.

>> No.10278240

Then you're shit out of luck.

>> No.10278243
File: 285 KB, 408x600, 4582127561702_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to get into Oyako Saimin, but holy shit was that fucked up. All I wanted was some hypnotic erotic light reading.

Now I'm reading Imouto ga Boku wo Neratteru. MUCH funner. Hell, 10 minutes in my first choice let me wear my imouto's pantsu on my head like a mask.

>> No.10278264

Does anyone happen to have a crack/nodvd thing for Baldr Sky Dive1? The download I got didn't come with one it seems.

>> No.10278261

Read >>10278140 and understand why you'll never have a VN like that, or a major company will never pick up such idea.

>> No.10278272

Install Dive 2 and start the game from dive2.exe. Dive 2 automatically encompasses Dive 1 if you have it installed.

>> No.10278278

Oh thats interesting, thanks.

>> No.10278295

For surprises, better if you don't search that deeper.
But, well, it's beyond well executed and Masaki is maybe my favorite protagonist along Kaito.

>> No.10278305

Thanks, gonna check it when download is complete.

>> No.10278313

IIRC it's just the generic AlphaROM signup tool.

>> No.10278381
File: 157 KB, 819x638, princesswitcheskonami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, thanks to you, I just did some experimenting with the battles and figured out a few things. At this point though, I might just type up a little guide and post it somewhere.

Also, seriously? They used the Konami cheat twice? Though I think Masaki was confused here...

>> No.10278411
File: 289 KB, 350x675, Kazehime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other eroge openings that utilize Japanese style instrument/thematics similar to Kachou Fuugetsu? (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9365245))

The only other one I can think of is Asairo's opening.

>> No.10278424

doesn't gekko no carnevale have italian mobsters?

>> No.10278479

Not mafia-themed either, but you can check Kyonyuu Fantasy, where the main character works his way up from the bottom to becoming the new king (depending on the route).

>> No.10278580
File: 249 KB, 850x1180, bg_visual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10278588

Do people still use Chiitrans to play their games? I was wondering if there's something better to use because I have been starting to have problems with mine, the text extraction does not work on some newer games correctly.

>> No.10278611

Chiitrans has a clipboard monitoring option IIRC. Just use that and hook the text with ITH.

>> No.10278615

Just download ITH....open your fucking mind son.

>> No.10278625
File: 240 KB, 1281x748, 61546413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp we have a winner for most BORING fandisc ever created...

What happened to you BaseSon? You used to be cool.

I want my Karin back.

>> No.10278629

Is there some Japanese law stating that Japs can only use the same 4 piano pieces for their games?

>> No.10278642

How do you feel about Yoru no Himawari?


>> No.10278641
File: 366 KB, 1284x721, 1342577198480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, i though you people played your VNs without translations, but if you do, then use them for japanese learning only since the sole reason i'm learning Japanese is so that i can play my VNs, or are you people using your translation tools just for the heck of it? If so, then what's the point in me learning Japanese when you anons are just using translation tools to play your VNs? am i just wasting my time learning the language then?

>> No.10278644

Machine translation tools are for the poor anons with no work ethic. They'll never be able to appreciate good writing unless they someday ascend to the fluent moonspeaking master race.

>> No.10278645

Just download HCG set.

>> No.10278648

Stop being a dumbass, we've been over this already. Machine translations are a crutch, not a substitute for learning the language.

>> No.10278650

Well, if there was any doubt left in my mind that they're trying to troll us, there is none now.

>> No.10278652

Learning Japanese is a /jp/ meme.

Did you actually take it seriously?

>> No.10278654

I'm not sure what they're implying though. Is Kamisama a reference to Sumaga?

>> No.10278657

Why do you say that?

I don't know the story behind it, but the PV seems like a typical Nitro+ title.

>> No.10278663

Last time I checked ITH and Jparser weren't translations tools, check your privilege scum

>> No.10278666

There's no way a company like Nitroplus would go to the trouble of showing us a PV that tells us exactly nothing about the game unless they're trying to hide something. If it were really a normal renai title as they've been claiming, they'd have shown us at least a cute CG or two to drum up enthusiasm.

I don't know what form the twist will take, but I wager they're trying to pull another Saya.

>> No.10278667

That's why I said that the PV makes it seem like a typical Nitro+ title.

They're actively trying to show the fact that they're "hiding" something.

>> No.10278674

It's an NTR game.

>> No.10278678

Not happening after what happened to Elf.

>> No.10278679

If you're still around I don't think anyone mentioned Daiakuji which has relations to the Yakuza, you might like it. Still doesn't have that cool Mafiosi feel.

>> No.10278682

Exactly. At the very least, it's not going to be Lovely Quest.

I doubt it. That's too simple for Nitroplus, and after Kakyuusei 2, eroge devs know you don't mess with that shit lightly.

>> No.10278697

seriously i wouldn't mind another koihime fandisc I want to see their kids interaction

well i hope Sengoku koihime won't be like appare

>> No.10278763

YOU FOOL appare IS sengoku koihime

>> No.10278766


>> No.10278794
File: 284 KB, 1280x1280, 1356774323897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kageaki is such a devil

>> No.10278800

Ai's route wasn't written by Jackson but by the guy who did Sekaijo (he is also Jackson's disciple).
It's not a bad route at all though.
Oretsuba R also has a bit of censoring, mostly with the drug usage.

>> No.10278908
File: 227 KB, 1288x747, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started この大空に、翼をひろげて yesterday and have been enjoying it so far. Is there any order I should do the routes in because I'm having a hard time deciding which I should do first. Also, why are all the ramps in the school so steep? I would hate to have to deal with those if I was crippled and had to use a wheelchair.

>> No.10278911

Just do Kotori and Amane, skip the rest.

>> No.10278986


Second this, the twins and the childhood friend route feels subpar.

>> No.10279001

Kotori first, then Amane since her route kinda delves deeper story-wise. And like the anons said, skip the childhood friend because it's that bad. The twins are just badly/decently written which you can skip if you don't want their character.

>> No.10279003

Thirding this, the Ageha and Asa/Yoru routes are not by the same writer who did the common part and Kotori+Amane routes. I think you need to do Kotori's route before you can get on Amane's

>> No.10279140

Any possessive heroine?

>> No.10279154


None, try Renka in gun knight girl.

>> No.10279203
File: 343 KB, 1280x720, konosora1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be more concerned about why Hat wears... well... a hat.

>> No.10279229
File: 187 KB, 1296x758, difficultchoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I saw a difficult choice like this was in muramasa.

>> No.10279230


Seconding Gekkouh Carnival. It isn't that great though.

>> No.10279239
File: 362 KB, 806x628, ss (2012-11-27 at 05.22.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember there being one in Subahibi too

>> No.10279257
File: 142 KB, 1286x724, ev_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun Knight Girl would be a masterpiece if Ken-ken was the protagonist and Yui-nyan the main heroine

>> No.10279337
File: 414 KB, 1280x960, what_to_do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This seems to be something that many protagonists mull over.

>> No.10279357
File: 345 KB, 821x658, InGameScreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Tsumashibori ;)

>> No.10279445
File: 78 KB, 800x800, 1353611975019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Netorare Type A

>> No.10279455
File: 89 KB, 637x800, 9e8b207c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://visualnovelaer.wordpress.com/ what happened to goddess? ;_;

>> No.10279462

Exactly. Even if they were going the typical renai route the music would probably be a lot more uplifting, and there certainly wouldn't have been a moment near the end like with the bat.

I'm guessing the two girls and the protagonists were friends or knew each other somehow, but somehow the bat ruined everything. Maybe one of the girls got killed and she's refusing to let the protagonist go?

>> No.10279476

Persona 4 like a fucking casual.

>> No.10279659

>but somehow the bat ruined everything

...Why are you so literal. I'm 80% confident that the bat is meant to be symbolic.

>> No.10279745

I hope the kamisama thing doesn't turn out to be the same as Sumaga and Axanael

>> No.10279796

How are Black Cyc titles? Are they just nukige or what?

>> No.10279852
File: 204 KB, 1039x678, princesswitchesresult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Anon, look what you made me do.

Meivous is such a fucking bitch.

>> No.10279857
File: 409 KB, 500x356, Alice_win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Party time. That bitch can rot without her attention for all I care!

If only fuwanovel would go down also, then all my dreams would come true.

>> No.10279873

Princess Witches is a masterpiece

>> No.10279923

You can date/fuck both twins at the same time, which I thought was nice for a "serious" game.

>> No.10280011

Hard eroguro paired with a generally surprisingly good plot for a game of this type. Sadly they've gone considerably under ever since Ueda Metawo left them.

Try Gore Screaming Show if you like a decent horror.

I personally enjoyed Gun-Katana for the loveable ensemble cast, even if the godawful FPS part looked like it belonged in the Doom era.

>> No.10280029

Oh my god. I just found out Yu-No's scenario writer is dead.

>> No.10280084
File: 61 KB, 240x320, 9c5e4dff910ab8294208657c687cd3cb5a966b18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. His company is creating a memorial release for him.

>> No.10280099

>OOO Infinity

But what does it mean?

>> No.10280106

It mean "you are a faggot anon"

>> No.10280111

only a fancy effect to remind you of how he doomed the industry into trying to rehash spacetime fuckery plots forever more?

>> No.10280112


>> No.10280121

This is /jp/.

>> No.10280123

What are you even talking about?

>> No.10280179

I'd also recommend Extravaganza and MinDead Blood, probably the two best Black-Cyc games imo

>> No.10280275

Hi /jp/

Which 戦女神 should I play?
Verita? Zero?

>> No.10280284

Zero, then Verita, they're two parts of the same story that continues to Ikusa Megami 1 and 2
Or play 1,2 first and then Zero/Verita if you like order of release more

>> No.10280303

Not really, played kamidori before himegari so...
Ty, will do.

>> No.10280411

Best route for Corona?

>> No.10280413

so quick question and I'll be out of here is 5pb actually charging $80 for a demo or is the full version of total eclipse going to be ps3 only?

>> No.10280423

Well, didn't Leaf charge the full price for WA2 introductory chapter too?

>> No.10280438

Well only reason I ask is it's being listed as full on vndb and I really don't want to drop $80 on a demo, as far as their reasoning I don't care I just don't want to waste my time.

>> No.10280451

You can try torrenting it and see if it's the full version.

In fact, just check the filesize when the torrent's up. That should give you a clue.

>> No.10280465

Alright, thanks I guess I'll just wait till February, I was just wondering if anybody else heard any news about it and if they were actually going to release the full game

>> No.10280469

why would they charge for a demo? the demo has been already released, what are you talking about?

>> No.10280502

In this day and age it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to sell the demo for $80 to try and turn a profit from putting all the other muv luv games on the ps3, I know they are trying to cash in on the anime and blah blah blah but I just want to be fooled and actually want to play the full game

>> No.10280589

Was YU-NO the first VN to show that ~this medium could be so much more~ or was there something before it?

>> No.10280598

There's heavy rumors of IM 1/2 Remake floating around and those two not having aged pretty well so I would start with Zero and Verita, and maybe read Genrins before Verita too

>> No.10280600
File: 33 KB, 400x300, fefe7ffa665ce0827b3e3d19e5d74ae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yu-no was pretty big in terms of scope and scenario, yes. There was also other ELF stuff before. Leaf's Shizuku and Kizuato too.

>> No.10280609

Disregard everyone.

Read 永焔の戦姫. It's a summary of Zero, 1, and 2.

Then play Veritas.

>> No.10280606
File: 866 KB, 2000x1449, Konachan.com - 2942 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also Chunsoft stuff from the 80s if you wish to delve deeper.

>> No.10280625

And if we go past pc-98 and pc-88 we have stuff like White Album, To Heart, ONE, and Kanon.

You can read Shii's article: http://www.shii.org/geekstories/eroge.html

There's not enough focus on how important stuff like EBE and Yu-no are, but it's pretty decent when you consider the retard who wrote the article.

>> No.10280687

why would you skip Zero, the best game in the series? Also that includes Kishougun 1&2, not Ikusa Megami 1&2

>> No.10280835

Thanks, will do. I'll try them out.

>> No.10281085 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1280x1024, 9089878798776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn.
What is wrong with the reg.exe.
The file is in the Mount Image, but the installer wouldn't read it?
What to do?
I am missing something?

>> No.10281175

New thread >>10281127
