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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 461 KB, 1051x1453, Mayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10264772 No.10264772 [Reply] [Original]

Please use this thread to discuss VOCALOID related topics such as albums, producers, characters, new releases, and music production.

Last Thread

>> No.10264774
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Someone was kind enough to make this last thread.

>> No.10264780
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>> No.10264931

Someone made their first upload onto nicodouga on Christmas. He might be worth keeping an eye on if he starts making more music. Don't know what to use for a name since nicodouga and piapro accounts have different usernames. I guess Shio is fine until he says otherwise.

>> No.10265426

It's funny to see oldschool Producers rising from their graves now that Kaito V3 has been officialized

>> No.10265936

Kaito is a favorite of older producers!

>> No.10266357


Looks like KAITOV3 comes with something called Piapro Studio.

>> No.10266373
File: 430 KB, 800x1122, glorious holic-chama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's terrible

>> No.10266390

>no utsu-P
kill self

>> No.10266401

Avanna sounds good


>> No.10266546

does anyone have [COSMIC RECORD] Downloader
i found a torrent but no seeds, and all DDLs gone.

>> No.10267885


>> No.10267900

lol holy shit in the thumbnail i thought the teddy bear was a big fat titty

>> No.10268255

Please don't use those types of lewd words here.

>> No.10268397

Okay. I'm gonna say this, because no one else has. I think that most of the English Vocaloids are not as good as they could be! Why make vocaloid, if no one of that language can understand it?

>> No.10268404

every time i see this thread i think the same thing.

found another torrent with some seeding, so never mind on this.

>> No.10268551


English VOCALOID projects are more exspensive to create and they don't sell as well BUT their quality is slowly rising.(I personally REALLY want a Sonika V3)

>> No.10269068
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HokBoy made a megamix for Funwari-chan's 2nd EP release. Worth checking out if anybody here is a fan of the Funwari-chan. There's a Shinnari-chan song in it too.

>> No.10269174

Huh, this is a lot better than I expected.
Still, there's a long way to go for them.

>> No.10270292


Happy 5th anniversary Rin and Len~

>> No.10271252

Odds and Ends is my new favorite song since I got around to finally reading the lyrics.

I'm happy that Ryo has come so far from his hardships.

>> No.10272488
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miki is so cute.

>> No.10273005

Yes she is

>> No.10273611


>> No.10274829

Morning bump

>> No.10274994

Good taste in voicebanks in this thread.

>> No.10275089
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Can any kind anon provide a download link (yes, spoonfeeding) to a Deco*27 Decoustic album?
or a working password for http://www.mediafire.com/?8auofvt7hlhi6pa ?

>> No.10276225


>> No.10277874
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SeeU and Glam will perform together again!

More info


>> No.10283770


>> No.10283784


KAITOV3 is getting more and more interesting I actually might consider purchasing him and supporting Crypton.(I don't want KAITO's history to repeat itself)

>> No.10286642


>> No.10288324

AHS products are now official distributed in Germany and come with German navigation. My dreams of a German language VOCALOID is getting closer and closer!

>> No.10291773


>> No.10294021
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So, what's your favorite Vocaloid that came out this year? Mine's probably IA

>> No.10294270
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She is, but I wish they hadn't given her boobs...

>> No.10295494

I like Avanna best to be honest. Her design is shit but her voice is beautiful.

>> No.10297023

2013 bump!

>> No.10297422


Is it time yet, /jp/?

>> No.10298415


>> No.10298510

Aren't Vocaloids just inferior 2hu's?

>> No.10298845

Vocaloid girls are cuter

>> No.10299091

2hus can't sing

>> No.10299414

Have Crypton confirmed whether Meiko or Luka are getting a V3 release?

>> No.10299484

Meiko, yes. Luka, I think so. Either Miku or Meiko will be coming after Kaito.

>> No.10299594
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Any other major c83 releases worth mentioning? I'm looking forward to this one.

>> No.10300874

All Crypton Vocaloid are being upgraded to V3
Miku is coming out soon after Kaito (this was confirmed a while ago)

>> No.10302414


>> No.10302821

Im crossing my fingers for CV04 and Project If late this year since Crypton is finally getting shit done (They've been working at these projects for a few years now)

>> No.10304478



>> No.10306946


>> No.10307754

Sleep bump

>> No.10309540


>> No.10310042
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>> No.10310063

Sinsy (Web based singing synth) singing "Yesterday"



>> No.10310097


Avanna has an official twitter just like Sonika now.

>> No.10311125


>> No.10311206
File: 255 KB, 791x400, mayu_vs_tei02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the great question.
Who would win?
9000 hours in GIMP

>> No.10312271

Mayu since Tei dislikes murder (it's in her profile)

>> No.10313317
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What if MAYU made a move on Len?

>> No.10313838
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Am I the only one who likes Miku?

>> No.10313865


>> No.10313896

Knew it

>> No.10314687

Then Tei would fuck her up and battle of the yanderes.

>> No.10314716

Indiferent as a character, but her body type almost fully overlaps with my ideal.

>> No.10314962

I like Miku!

>> No.10315004

Mitchie M said he's interested in English Miku.

>> No.10315057
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everyone loves miku. she is just overused and /jp/ loves to be little hipsters.

>> No.10315061
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>> No.10315065


there's an S.C.X album somewhere but i haven't seen it

>> No.10315074
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native engloids are bad enough. it's just way too hard a language. that's why they keep pushing back her release. I listened to a few songs from the beta and they were not impressive..

>> No.10315115
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I used to be pretty into Vocaloid music, and I've generally liked everything they've put into the EXIT TUNES Vocalo- compilations, I even own the earlier albums.

But, recently I've tuned out of Vocaloid, these past 2 years. And when listening to the newer Vocalodream and Vocaloconnection, not much really stands out to me.

Have musicians gotten less creative, or am I the one at fault?

>> No.10315174
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well almost all of the compilation albums are entry-level by design. there is almost no need to listen to them because the good songs seem to get recycled and remixed over and over anyway. however vocarock collection 4 came out recently and i liked it, although i already heard a lot of it from other albums.
it seems to me should think about what genres and styles of music you like and then look for albums of that style, instead of just downloading general vocaloid.

and there have been a ton of good albums coming out recently, and more are coming out of C83.

if you post what kind of music you listen to i may be able to give some specific recommendations later.

for me MOKSHA is pretty much album of the year but it might not be your cup of tea

>> No.10315432

ZG pushed back Avanna for a year and she sounds wonderful (Unlike most engloids you can understand what she is saying without much tuning)

>> No.10315534

You're looking in the wrong place if you want more creative vocaloid stuff. EXIT TUNES is usually just made of songs that get 100,000+ views on nicodouga. The only major label that's trying to actively support underground artists is probably GINGA.

>> No.10315549


Are you even trying to look for it, anon?

>> No.10315557

That was posted before it was on Mikudb

>> No.10315941

How do they pronounce "VY1"?

>> No.10316434

Umm, vee-why-one? How else would you even pronounce it?

In other news, Kaito English's new demo sounds fantastic: http://c1.piapro.jp/modpub/mp3/vocaloid3/KAITOV3_demo08_EmphP_Rose_Thorn.mp3

>> No.10316457

He probably thought they used the Japanese word for 1 but that doesn't sound good.

VY1 has many names though (Mizki,Kiku Kobushi) so you could use those too.

>> No.10316491

Hey, this isn't bad.

Guess I'll stick to Mizki then.

>> No.10316508

That song was written by the designer of Avanna!

>> No.10318002


>> No.10318510


of course not..


「Love it!」S.C.X


These were released at Vomas23, so I don't know if these are what you meant. Found on taggleburr's blogspot.


if you've looked at the essential list (>>10264774) , you'll find that I haven't added exit tunes compilation albums on there
, but i did added other kinds of compilation albums for another reason.

like what >>10315174 said, compilations are entry-level by design, but the idea behind my essential list is to help people get an idea of what kind of music to listen to because there are well over a thousand vocaloid albums out there, and I don't like the idea of giving people a hard time finding the right albums. There are albums that may have this creativity you mentioned, but you just have to look for them. My essential list might help you find them, or it might not.

As for why I have those other compilation albums, it's to introduce listeners to other voice banks so they can have an idea as to what kind of music they want to listen to. If people prefer a specific voice bank without outside influence, that'll improve their taste.

>> No.10318621
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Has this been uploaded yet? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.10318672

Doesn't look like it but I'm interested in it too. Really liked the first Tabgraphics release. The second one was OK.

>> No.10318939

What are your favorite gumi albums?

>> No.10319727
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i was actually thinking of the i-style project album. clean tears worked on 3 out of 5 songs.

>> No.10319795
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5150, MOON, MOKSHA, GUMI ROCK are my favorites. GUMI ROCK is a compilation though so there will be repeats.

>> No.10319841


here is another one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SwzG2mlx8k

sounds way better than english miku

>> No.10319975

Okay, the english library sounds good. But that song? Terrible, just terrible. Especially for a demo.
Vocaloid weeaboos truly have the shittiest taste

>> No.10319989

Of course they have terrible taste, they're actual weeaboos for the most part.

>> No.10320007


the song was originally made in japanese, which is why the english version sounds dumb. it's also why the song was selected.


not the original version but w/e.

>> No.10320139

Where's append?

>> No.10320832


>> No.10320873
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this album is really good, recently uploaded in mikudb

>> No.10320976


ah okay I dont know where I can find it then, sorry.

>> No.10322232


>> No.10322692


>> No.10322701
File: 245 KB, 579x804, 32480001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any downloads for Unfragment Remixes up yet?

>> No.10322832

I can't believe taggleburr didn't buy this one...

>> No.10322843

I actually like some of that guy's other songs though. But yeah, Circus Monster is shit. Hard to believe it got to like 16 in the weekly Vocaran at one point.

>> No.10322853

No, circus Monster was written by an American, in English. He made the Japanese version second. And it got to be the demo but a while back the Eng version of it actually got into the rankings, prob the first American producer to make it in.

>> No.10323851

Is their any good documentation on learning to create music digitally? When I search on google I just get random forum topics usually talking about things I don't understand.

>> No.10324649

Gosh darn the Mayu picture is hard to see on the catalog

>> No.10324688

>Still waiting for AKB48xVOCALOID and PERFUMExVOCALOID

I can still dream...

>> No.10324831


they are both made by the same person, circus-P/doofus-p. he released a compilation album in 2012 and half the songs are english and half are japanese

>> No.10325799

I never said they weren't the same person...?

>> No.10326141


you said he's an american who wrote it in english, as if that precludes him from making the song in japanese. which he did, first.

>> No.10327597


go to RUtracker and search for "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory 2nd Ed". It's a start.

>> No.10328636 [DELETED] 


>> No.10329606
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I never noticed how hard they were promoting IA until I saw her website.


She's doing good for a 2012 release

>> No.10330856
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>> No.10331507


>> No.10333378
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>> No.10333398
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>> No.10333413
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>> No.10333422
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>> No.10333424
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>> No.10333446
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>> No.10333593
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>> No.10333698
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>> No.10333714
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I think you are bumping too often.

>> No.10333735
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>> No.10333770

Yeah it's rather impressive. But at the same time working on a project like that is any artist's wet dream so they won't lack support.

>> No.10333896

I just started listening to Teto.
Wow, was I missing out.

>> No.10333909

I don't know why people say English vocaloids are bad. I think Sweet Ann is one of the most human sounding vocaloids out there

this one is especially eerie.

>> No.10333922

People usually talk about English of Japanese VA voicebank, such as Miku English and Luka English.

>> No.10334027


why would anyone want to listen to Miku sing in pig gaijin english?

>> No.10334082
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they are bad compared to the japanese vocaloids. which is what everyone is listening to, to begin with.

>> No.10334085


whoops meant to reply to >>10333909

>> No.10334104

It's really just that the right people aren't using them as soon as SeeU came out she had a bunch of Korean songs but out but in the 8 years english Vocaloid have been out less than 1000 original songs have probably been made for each engloid which is really sad.

>> No.10334171
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well korean (and even chinese) are both languages that are far better suited to vocal synthesis than english is, even if they are not as good as japanese.

no one is interested in the engloids for a reason. yeah english kaito and english miku will definitely get more attention then the native engloids do.

but no one is going to unlock the secrets of v3 oliver and make a masterpiece. english is probably one of the least suitable languages for vocal synthesis on the planet and nothing is going to change that.

>> No.10334299

Engloids have been on the same level as Japanese Vocaloid since V2 (Ann and Prima are higher quality than Miku and Luka) and synthesis of smooth english could also be done back then (See MasterVocaloid) so it's time to stop blaming the language or the engine and face the fact that real english musicians have a bias against synthetic vocals that other countries don't have (Miku was a fun joke product until Ryo showed that you could really create something with her )

>> No.10334846

The majority of people using Miku English will probably be Japanese producers that just want to use her for a few verses here and there or something. A common complaint with Miku seems to be that her English pronunciation is particularly bad.

>> No.10334897
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>real english musicians have a bias against synthetic vocals

That might be true, but I think the real difference is appeal. Japanese vocaloids have the "moe" appeal(more often than not), which attracts a large part of the otaku community, increasing the number of fans and people collaborating. Not saying all songs are "cute" but I think most of it aims at the otaku base.

The base, which the west seems to be lacking in.(compared to Japan)

>> No.10335412


just because they have higher quality samples doesn't mean they can pronounce the language better. they can't. I don't know of any engloid that can correctly pronounce the word "heart".

it doesn't matter how high quality the samples are, the reason they don't sound good because of how many samples it takes to construct a word in english.

>> No.10335710
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Anyone watched the latest weekly ranking?
What do you think about the new layout?

I think the transparency under the text is a bad idea. The background(movie) can make it hard to read. Other than that, I don't mind the modern look.

>> No.10335772

let's be honest vocaloid vocals sound robotic as hit right now. Better record actual vocal and then edit it, it's sound 10 times better

>> No.10335792
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>vocaloid vocals sound robotic as hit

I humbly disagree.

That, and not everyone is looking for human like voices.

>> No.10335794

It all depends on how you use them MitcheM tunes them with the editor first and then makes the pitch and note transitions more realistic in melodyne.

You can't be lazy if you want a nice sound from a Vocaloid.

>> No.10335804


the point is not to sound human, they are more than human


>> No.10335812

Still sounds like robotic shit to me.

>> No.10335813

>The point

Actually the original point of Vocaloid was to give artists a singer for their songs and revive dead singers (They have done both)

>> No.10335820
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Yukari is best V3.

>> No.10335839
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If you don't like Vocaloid, why are you even here?

>> No.10335854

I'm glad i'm not the only one who watches that UTAU series.

>> No.10335862
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>not chainsaw

>> No.10335879
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I'm only watching it as I go over the weekly UTAU rankings cherry picking songs. But it's funny even if I only understand half of it.

>> No.10336021
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teto is the best

>> No.10336035
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I could do lightsaber if you wanted.

>> No.10336171

Yeah, the subtitles are usually in the same spot as the info. I don't like it.

>> No.10336254

Seventh Dragon 2020 II is going to have a DIVA mode for its BGM. It's supposed to make it so Miku sings the BGM instead. This means the music gets remixed too. The artists list they got is actually pretty impressive.

>> No.10336437
File: 487 KB, 1120x840, 1339628393237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's cool. i should really get around to unlocking my psp so i can play all these DIVA games

>> No.10336452
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, comeatme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me!

>> No.10336856

I love when these threads become active.

>> No.10337078


i don't know, sometimes i get the feeling there are only like 5 people who ever post in these threads

>> No.10337246
File: 234 KB, 854x480, sadtruth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad and likely truth...

>> No.10337267

There is me (I start all the threads and bump them)

2 anons atleast

And 1 tripfag that comes every thread

So I would say about 4-6 is correct but it's still nice not to have to discuss this stuff on the elitist forums like VO.

>> No.10337355
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well anonymous imageboards have spoiled me in general. i can't stand any forum with avatars and post counts.

the utau forums are even worse though. i will never understand why so many people make their own UTAUs that no one else will ever lose and then roleplay as them when there are so many good UTAUs already.

>> No.10337430

I have been thinking of making an UTAU but I am kinda against it because I don't think anyone would use it constructivly.

I wouldn't use my voice ofcourse because I want to make an UTAU that is high quality so that others would want to make music with them or at least draw them instead of them just being an OC VOCALOID that "loves Len and hates Miku".(I wouldn't expect Teto,Ritsu, or VIP popularity but I want to create something like Mitani Nana)

>> No.10337533


well by all means go for it.

it is definitely possible to make a high quality utau, its just that most people do not put in the effort. they just want an avatar to roleplay as.

>> No.10337555

I know high quality is possible but getting people to use it is hard.

>> No.10337721

The UTAU fanbase is slowly evolving into an exclusively weeaboo thing.

There's so much immature shit associated with it thet people who actually want to make the technology evolve and have the skills to do so don't want to have anything to do with them.

And of course since said weeaboos can't make the differece between an UTAU and a Vocaloid it's plaguing both fanbases. So I don't mind UTAUs myself but at this rate they have no hope of being taken seriously

>> No.10337849


the western UTAU community has always been and shall forever remain a bunch of 15 year old girls.

>> No.10337931


VO is making an UTAU duo as their official UTAU mascots.

>> No.10338835


>> No.10339207

My favourite song is CYTOKINE's palette world breakdown.

Is there anything similar that you guys can recommend?

>> No.10339415 [DELETED] 

Maybe something from same artist

Closed System
hatch the new Flow

>> No.10340138
File: 269 KB, 640x360, yukarivoiceroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about her voice...
Sometimes I feel like I could listen to her talking for hours...

>> No.10340389

Don't worry man, I feel exactly the same way, also with her singing.

>> No.10340983


Realistic Ritsu

>> No.10341053

So what is this v.Connect-STAND? Google didn't yield anything at first glance.

>> No.10341215

I think it has something to do with Cadencii (A software to use multiple synthesizers at once and the tool needed to use Sinsy) but that's all I know.

>> No.10341309

When will we have english vocaloid's rapping/singing coherently?

It is then that I will ruin the vocaloid scene for everyone

>> No.10341323

You can do it now

Big Al



Sweet Ann

>> No.10342013
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>> No.10342539

Is there a big difference for append and CV03?

I saw on the wiki,
>Miku append
>Miku CV03
>Miku append 2

Will there be a big difference? doesn't append make the voices sound smoother/clearer or something?

>> No.10342569

Miku CV03? CV03 is Luka you probably mean Miku V3.

Miku - Original 2007 Miku
Miku Appened- More Voice Variation
Miku V3 - Upgrading Miku to Vocaloid 3
Miku Append 2 - Upgrading Miku Append to V3

I think the only difference will be smoother vocals since V3 makes notes work differently.

>> No.10342579

Excuse me for being retarded, but...append is a voice variation? and append 2 would upgrade Miku append to V3?

>> No.10342594


V1, V2, and V3 are the vocaloid programs themselves. you can get V3 as a stand alone program. Miku V3 means the miku voicebank made for vocaloid 3. it has higher quality samples and a few other changes that i don't remember. but you can use the miku V2 voicebank in the V3 program if you want.

the appends are voice variations like SOFT, SOLID, DARK


there is no difference between appends for V2 and V3, other than "optimizations".

>> No.10342747

Ah, I see. Thank you.

>> No.10343211




The voice of Nanahira in a cute UTAU (Haruka Nana)


>> No.10343213
File: 262 KB, 700x1187, Haruka_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.10343298

Nana is really good!

>> No.10343312

That was hardcore and funny at the same time.

I think after Ritsu and Teto that Nana is the most advanced UTAU even though she rarely gets updated.

>> No.10343468
File: 533 KB, 800x566, 1912856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad she doesn't have many originals.

>> No.10343477

She still has a bunch for an UTAU not named Teto.

>> No.10343507
File: 436 KB, 960x720, 1251689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I think I could count the good songs on two hands.

>> No.10344121
File: 1.07 MB, 1960x3123, 1846952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10344442
File: 332 KB, 1000x1414, twice_kondoru1374_201009161223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10344457
File: 270 KB, 850x850, 1344245193974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10344506
File: 273 KB, 512x384, hoshiiyomuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10345118


>> No.10345336

baker uploaded a mix CD. Closest thing to an original CD since AREPK a year and a half ago.
Related to baker, I wonder if anyone is going to rip that TamStar Records CD that came out at Comiket.

>> No.10345415

Does anyone here have their own UTAU voicebank or have worked with UTAU? I had made a couple of UTAU back in my weeb phase but after a year got discouraged since the overseas community is a bunch of angry sixteen year olds. Anything worthwhile to get into now?

>> No.10345557


well teto, ritsu, nana, and im sure others have all gotten new voicebanks recently. (sakebi, kire, and S2 respectively). the utau community is not worth the effort in my opinion.

and i don't see the point of people making their own UTAU when there are so many good ones already.

>> No.10345823

There are many gaps in the vocal ranges and quality of UTAU banks so more should always be welcome BUT making an UTAU should be about quality and not community circle jerking.

I think the UTAU community needs a yearly poll like touhou has maybe these categories:

-Best Newcomer
-Best Original Song
-Best Producer


Things like this always inspire people to do their best.

>> No.10346000
File: 230 KB, 512x384, whocould.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but who could conduct such a survey?

>> No.10346029

Ameya maybe?

>> No.10346055

Good luck with that.

For popularity there's the weekly ranking though.

>> No.10346092


the rankings are 95% vocaloid though

>> No.10346560

201 bump

>> No.10346956

Then there's the hard-way: go on Nico search the tags, and order by views, or something...

>> No.10347133

Megpoid The Music's official site got updated. It has videos of the game itself and revealed more songs in the game too. Comes out March 28th for PSP.

>> No.10347251

>The sounds when you hit a note
why do they include that in a preview?

>MeguMegu Fire-endless Night clip
>not a single spark on the stage

This is for the PSP, right? I hope the framerate will be better than in Project Diva...

>> No.10347618
File: 1.40 MB, 1536x1151, ‚ä‚©‚肳‚ñA_wheat_flour_201205010648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari bump

>> No.10347634

I don't think I can participate in these threads for the next few days dueoto net problems so could you guys please bump often and maybe start the next thread in case I can't?

>> No.10347640
File: 32 KB, 158x144, 1307714845557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10347682

I keep scrolling past this thumbnail and it looks lewd.

>> No.10347806 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 618x588, 1014891%20-%20IA%20Vocaloid%20sandyrex[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10347826
File: 409 KB, 800x450, GETOUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out!

>> No.10347835

I didn't want to say anything but that doll thing really does look like boobs.

>> No.10347837

its true

>> No.10348008
File: 148 KB, 566x800, Illu_Vocaloid_RingSuzune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10348086

Huh, where's the link? I went to the ameblo blog and my runes are eluding me.

That line-up of producers are basically all my favourites too.

>> No.10348111

She dangerously resembles Miku...
Can't really blame them though...

>> No.10348189
File: 27 KB, 250x250, cover11-250x250[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i don't think so.

the only thing she has in common is the hair color and thigh highs.

she doesn't have twin tails
her headset is a keyboard instead of a pitch bend/wobble control
she has high heals instead of giant boots
she is wearing a frilly dress and ribbon instead of a school girl uniform and tie

although they did give miku green hair in this promotional picture to differentiate the two. if she had different hair color there would be no comparison at all.

>> No.10348212

You mean this? I assumed everyone knew about it already...

>> No.10349045
File: 321 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-2013-01-12-04h12m05s148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight bump

>> No.10350602
File: 359 KB, 1024x768, Gratitude_sisterofscarlet_201011241000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning bump
Oh wait...

>> No.10350694


anybody knows whatever the fuck it says please translate it
fuck fuck fuck i didn't see it coming fuck you 150P but i love you so my fuck is negated
what is this he didn't put it in his CD goddamn low quality

>> No.10350702

i mean the my vid is low quality
non premium

>> No.10351911

Thank you for your opinion.

>> No.10352197

Has anyone here actually been to VOMAS? How was your experience? Did you buy anything/talk to your favorite Ps?

>> No.10352580
File: 111 KB, 512x384, 5735246843249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is a far place for an unemployed yuropoor like me...

>> No.10353052
File: 381 KB, 512x384, goodnight_general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night VOCALOID General.
May these threads see more activity in the coming days.

>> No.10353104
File: 131 KB, 495x700, ab9a7f0e8f6270623e7eff43af9ddd3676a247c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been lurking for a while, I don't have much to contribute though.

>> No.10353431

released from our company and then, finally reached a milestone of the 10th anniversary this year. Party thanks to everyone for your support. VOCALOID is, I think a lot of that comes from singing meeting the next 10 years, a variety of the world spread by it, and I want to bring to the world the great music with everyone. This year will start a project to commemorate the 10th anniversary. As the first step, we also plan to launch a special Library to commemorate the 10th anniversary from us. I We would like to continue to provide to everyone a new way to enjoy unprecedented VOCALOID. Intends that the new party, instead of once again standing in the spirit of development, will continue to respond to the patronage of everyone to the efforts of all employees the opportunity to further resolve 10th anniversary. In the future, I would like to ask your support for your patronage by any means.  January 9, 2013 Office for Yamaha yamaha + Hideki Kenmochi VOCALOD Project Leader

>> No.10353442


>> No.10355159

What is this, Google Translate?

Happy New Year, everyone!
Back on February 26, 2003, VOCALOID was announced by Yamaha, and afterwards, various sound libraries have been sold by many companies. This year marks its 10th anniversary, and it is all thanks to everyone’s support.
For the next ten years, we here at VOCALOID would like to continue to work with everyone to bring wonderful music into being, in a diverse world whose horizons have been expanded by the numerous encounters enabled by the sound of a singing voice.
This year, we will start projects to commemorate this 10th anniversary. For our first project, we at Yamaha would like to bring to market a special sound library that commemorates these ten years. In doing so, we hope to bring to everyone a brand new way of enjoying VOCALOID.
We would like to take this anniversary as an opportunity to reaffirm our determination, return to our core spirit of product development and redouble our efforts to make us worthy of your patronage.
We would appreciate your continued kind support and patronage.
January 9, 2013
Yamaha Corporation yamaha+ Promotion House
VOCALOID Project Lead Kenmochi Hideki

>> No.10355238
File: 137 KB, 100x100, FavMikuAlbums.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- Some of my favorites

Mikuchan link in case anyone here doesn't know
about it already ; http://mikuchan.org/miku/

>> No.10356029
File: 553 KB, 956x1200, 1355791768713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man this sounds amazing.

>> No.10356049
File: 143 KB, 800x600, lkdfmlkmbld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news with Len?
While I'm mentioning him I might as well mention Rin too. Those two are great.

>> No.10357513
File: 126 KB, 400x405, cosmowata_cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocaloids aside, anyone likes any Producers singing songs they produced with Vocaloids? I find myself attracted to Cosmo's voice.

>> No.10357793

Interesting, link me one you like.

>> No.10358019

weekly Miku Monday's up. join us.


>> No.10358088


Cosmo and Owata gaying it up.

>> No.10358096

I like Scop, MikitoP, Hachi and wowaka's voice. Especially wowaka... His new (non-vocaloid) album from C83 was great.

>> No.10358108

I like Hachi as well, but his choice of genre isn't my cup of tea... Owata has a nice voice as well. For some reasons, most covers for Vocaloid songs are best done by males. That said when I'm no homo.


Upload when? ;_;

>> No.10358328

Well... that was... funny?

>> No.10358601
File: 16 KB, 100x100, Nanamacne-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


macne bump

>> No.10358626 [DELETED] 

How do I download vocaloids? What is best public tracker for vocaloids?

>> No.10358627 [DELETED] 

Why do english speakers listen to vocaloid even if they can't understand it? Because it sounds pretty.

>> No.10358628 [DELETED] 

suck my c0ck d00d

>> No.10358696


you can download pocaloid 2 for most of the V2s. im not sure about the V3s.

>> No.10358744
File: 176 KB, 709x709, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why no love for otetsu? nobody ever talks about or links to otetsu, and none of his albums ever show up in those essentials lists people make. this is one of those cases where i'm consistently frustrated that an artist i think is brilliant isn't getting enough limelight.

otetu's released nine albums jam packed with killer vocarock and is regularly featured on exit tunes compilations, including having his very own best of compilation. it's some of the best vocaloid rock from a country much superior to ours with deep, intricate meanings that us baka gaijin simply cannot understand. watch for a second.


>> No.10358768

Yuuyu isn't that bad.
Of course acane_madder is great too. I wish she made more songs where she sang herself.
I'll mention otetsu. His own voice fits his songs perfectly. It's like a regular V-kei singer's.

>> No.10358795

if memory serves me right he's not all that bad-looking either so i wonder why he isn't sitting pretty making mad yen flow off of major record deals right now.

>> No.10359517

>This video does not exist.

are you implying something?

>> No.10359816

I just stumbled on Funky Husky Cool Girls and it's just really life enhancingly awesome. I pulled Virgin - daisuke-P off the tracker it's a pretty great as well. But there doesn't seem to be a wealth of work from daisuki-P (the producer?). Can jaypee recommend any similar sounding works? I need there to be more than this.

>> No.10359862

Yuuyu's covers of PinocchioP's songs are great too

>> No.10360483
File: 792 KB, 925x1255, yufuminiori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10360724


>> No.10360760
File: 757 KB, 931x1256, yufubackori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish UTAUs were more popular...

>> No.10360942



>> No.10360944
File: 76 KB, 353x337, 134477680618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10360960
File: 335 KB, 1254x1771, Ritsu_newcos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because several of them have potential.

>> No.10361822


people can't just like something because of it being popular.

>"OH, these people like UTAU, I'ma like UTAU so i can be liked by others!"

>"if everyone else likes UTAU, then chances are I might like it too!"

those are the big no no's that I want to avoid.

tastes should be based on your own opinion and not what everyone else thinks and likes. It's important to have good taste because it helps you develop your own opinion on things, you dont depend on others on what you should like, and it'll help you appreciate things a lot more. Most importantly, it helps you develop willpower for yourself so you wont be easily swayed by other's thoughts.

call me a hipster if you will, but being able to have your own taste and opinion helps you build character. building your character means you can express yourself truthfully and be unique. if everyone shared the same opinion, they can all be easily controlled and have no willpower for themselves and it forces other people who have different opinions to be "casted away". that's why reddit and vocaloid otaku is such shit, and part of why the vocaloid transpacific project is going to make things worse.

I don't disagree that UTAU has some potential, though. It's just that people need to find out what UTAU is for themselves and/or have to decide if they want to get into UTAU without the influence of others.

>> No.10361865
File: 210 KB, 350x1000, Momo_official.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I could have worded that better, but I meant "among the song creators".

I do agree with your points on the fan-bases though.

>> No.10361872

I forgot to add...to clarify, here's what I mean by having taste:

you like something because of different aspects of So and so and not just because of it being popular.

if you like something that is popular, it's fine as long as you dont just like it because of it being popular. It's also fine to have "Guilty Pleasures" as long as the reason is justifiable.

>I like DECO*27 because how miku sings in his songs, and there's something about his songs that I like

it's like sampling a lot of various alcohol and wine and beers until you find the one that you really like and that you had no one else recommend you that drink. It's how I put it metaphorically speaking.

>> No.10361889


oh my bad lol. If i'm not mistaken, you meant "potential for the UTAU voice banks to be used by producers and composers for great songs"

if that's what you mean, I would agree as I'm sure the voices like Yufu sekka, for example, might have rigid use but still she could be used for some great songs i'd imagine.

I would actually love to get into UTAU myself. I just need to find the time to do some research and find out how I can get started.

>> No.10361987
File: 140 KB, 424x720, Utanemimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally love every Vocaloid/UTAU who can impress me with at least one song.
Defoko was a real surprise though. She was really weird at first, but then I came across "Purplink", and that changed everything.


>> No.10362354
File: 326 KB, 1920x1200, wall1920x1200_nana2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoops there is supposed to be an S at the end of that


>> No.10362777
File: 64 KB, 400x600, chara_stand_nana2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, pretty good!
Her 2S is pretty impressive:

>> No.10363541
File: 107 KB, 540x540, 37d8181ba7924253f7ae7520c0f08d66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10363992
File: 534 KB, 1200x877, 6e02e65989377798fcb28016934ab2f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10364400
File: 991 KB, 1280x1024, 448599edbbd2076e17510e79f2e6284b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10365343
File: 712 KB, 1000x652, ‰©F_AKI12288_201107012132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10366605
File: 44 KB, 574x406, hatsune miku project diva 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doesn't seem like i will beat ''Hard'' anytime soon. But i'll keep trying. I still struggle on getting standards and excellent on Normal level. (´・ω・`)

Still playing Project 2nd since no vita.

>> No.10366827

I was like this when I first started playing 2nd, now I don't play anything easier than Hard, ahaha.

>> No.10368083

I know there is weekly Vocaloid rankings uploaded by sippotan on niconico, I think a daily one too by someone else, but is there a monthly rankings anywhere? I used to check new uploads everyday but I haven't in about half a year so I'd like to see what has been popular.

>> No.10368155

Get Extend!

>> No.10368158

Meiko is best pony

>> No.10368360

wow, /jp/ likes vocaloid now?

I might start visiting you again then

>> No.10368452

Only some of us do, which is why it's better to keep everything in one thread.

>> No.10369048
File: 924 KB, 1000x675, –’©Šç–_m20021210_201111232230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10370685

Mikito has his first major label album coming out on April 3rd.

>> No.10371399


>> No.10371433

Kous is my absolute favorite.

>> No.10372273 [SPOILER] 
File: 769 KB, 2048x1536, P1050194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what came in the mail today.

>> No.10372349

>not unfragment remixes

I am disappoint...

>> No.10372508


>> No.10372545

I can't wait holy crap. What I'd do to get my hands on his other albums...

>> No.10372582

I want to get that CD so badly.

>> No.10372633 [SPOILER] 
File: 790 KB, 2048x1536, P1050197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was lucky because I only found out about it a month after release. But I still got the phone-strap, mouse pad and poster .

>> No.10373464

The OP movie for 7th Dragon 2020 II.

>> No.10373485


>> No.10377166


>> No.10378031


Interview with HikkieP/Ohtaka Tomooki. Talks about the current vocaloid scene, his new album, and why he's glad his new album is out. There's also a link to another interview with him 2 and a half years ago that's interesting to read at the beginning too.

>> No.10379739

Unfragment remixes is apparently up on astost. Does anyone have access to it (I don't) and can reupload?

>> No.10381872


>> No.10384266 [DELETED] 

Don't strain yourself posting a link or anything.

>> No.10388530


>> No.10389606 [DELETED] 



PW: pshpsh


PS, MIKUDB updated the torrent, so now you all should be able to find about 90% of the albums found on the album essential list (>>10264774)

an update will be coming to that Essential List, though.

>> No.10389611 [DELETED] 


oh fuck I accidentally the mf link. my bad


>> No.10390151


pw: pshpsh


btw, MikuDB updated the torrent, so it should have about 90% of the albums from the Essential List (>>10264774)
for you to DL. Update for the Essential List is soon to follow.


>> No.10392742



>> No.10396899


>> No.10397009

ever think that the vocaloid voicebank market is getting saturated?

excluding UTAUs and engloids, there has been a lot of voicebanks released lately and they don't even sound that different from one another, it's hard to keep track of them all

>> No.10397645


they have some variety but yeah thats what I was thinking too, I just couldn't find the right word for it which you did.

mew, akikoloid, galaco, mayu, yukari, CUL...yeah. It's not that they're bad, but are similar in the sense that they're female alto's...too bland.

IA would have to be the only good japanese girl voice to come from V3 though.

>> No.10401303

>IA would have to be the only good japanese girl voice to come from V3 though.
I personally disagree, I can't stand IA's voice. It's so bland.

>> No.10401614


well they all sound distinct at least. and i don't think galaco and akikoloid are even publically available.

>> No.10401624

Galaco was a limited edition prize for getting 1000 views on nico V3 contest (There were 2 seperate chances to win her and I got her the second time) and Akikoroid's status is strange because they were promoting her like she was going to be released and then kept her for themselves.

>> No.10402227

We could use some good male vocaloids coming out.

>> No.10406160

Male voices are harder to sell

>> No.10409206

Has it been a month already?

>> No.10411716


>> No.10413303

Second episode of Mikumentary is out

>> No.10413335

Probably cause most of them suck, except for VY2

>> No.10413343


>> No.10414964
File: 901 KB, 1770x1254, b3e072b1a2e61de19816d295de1132c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2013 Yuki Miku is pretty. I love her wavy, odango twintails.

>> No.10416404


VY2 is terrible though. The only good male voice is piko.

>> No.10416741
File: 347 KB, 634x474, screenshot42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, he has his kicks.

>> No.10416741,1 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone re-upload Unfragment Remixes lossless? please!

>> No.10416741,2 [INTERNAL] 

die flacnorm

>> No.10416741,3 [INTERNAL] 

live midineet
