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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10270799 No.10270799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can't hide from me, sagers.

>> No.10270804
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>> No.10270812

i don't get it

>> No.10270819
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Sage is basically useless now in the eyes of the catalog.

>> No.10270826

i didn't people actually used that on /jp/.

guess i'm too used to opening all 10 pages and skimming through it like a grandpa.

>> No.10270850


stay pleb and igno. it's all about efficiency nerd.


So what's your point? It still doesn't affect the thread's lifespan till pruning.

>> No.10270854

You can't hide from me, shitposter.

>> No.10270858

I browse /jp/ through Warosu. If I see a thread I like that hasn't been deleted, I hit "[Original]".

Am I the only one?

>> No.10270864


>> No.10270866


>> No.10270872

i bet you play games on easy mode, because ít's "more efficient"

>> No.10270875


>> No.10270914

I use foolz because it has millions of pageviews, so my chances of being stalked by the admins are lower. Also because I have no idea who runs warosu or what kind of person he is.

>> No.10270920

Stop being paranoid. No one is out to get you.

>> No.10270923
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>> No.10270927

efficiency (countable and uncountable; plural efficiencies)
- The extent to which time is well used for the intended task.
- The extent to which a resource, such as electricity, is used for the intended purpose; the ratio of useful work to energy expended.

Playing on easy mode is unefficient because the ratio of fun to time and energy expended is worse.


>> No.10270930


>> No.10270935

it takes less time and energy to beat a game on easy mode
making it more efficient

>> No.10270943

Ur mom was efficient when she rode my cock ;)

>> No.10270946

You say that, but plenty of individuals who run sites do this. People like Tokiko and !WAHa like to go through their web server logs and play internet detective. We don't even know who the Warosu owner is. If he's someone like Anonymous Jones or our meido, we're fucked.

>> No.10270945

It's about having fun you damn assmongol.

>> No.10270953

I'm sure Warosu gets more hits on /jp/ than foolz.

>> No.10270957

grat thred :D

>> No.10270963


Let's talk this objectively. Why not use foolz instead? It's virtually better, functions and interface wise. The only thing I can think of one not using it is due to the unreasonable obdurate hatred towards its admin or the stigma surrounding it. Welp, it's not my problem anyway.


I doubt that, but then it's all baseless assumptions.

>> No.10270964

>Using foolz

I want crossboarders to leave

>> No.10270968

It's not. It's a shit thread.

>> No.10270972



I want shitposters to leave.

>> No.10270971

Who are you spoilering while crossboarding?

>> No.10270973

i'd rather be alone than in the company of foolz

>> No.10270977

>It's virtually better, functions and interface wise.
It's not, it's only acceptable if you use the Fuuka theme.
It's also slow as fuck even though the servers are only 600km from where I live.

>> No.10270978

Maybe no one is out to get ME, but how do you know the warosu admin doesn't keep track of people's posts and searches in his site? I know woxy could be doing the same in foolz and who knows, maybe some 4chan mods do it too, but the more people there are, the easier it is to go unnoticed.

>> No.10270981

The only downside is how slow it can be.

>> No.10270987

Is there a way to confirm this?

>> No.10270993

Just check the ghost activity.

>> No.10270994

Mayhem, is that you?


>> No.10270999




>> No.10271000

The Warosu guy never updates his shit in a timely manner. He's only just fixed the new spoilers.

And by "he" I mean "Eksopl". Probably about two weeks ago.

>> No.10271005

pls dont post offensive threads


>> No.10271006

He gets distracted while saving all that CP to his drive.

>> No.10271008

javascript a shit

>> No.10271009


Nah, the default theme has better contrast than fuuka and overall it's more well designed.


Pretty much.




That can also go on both sides.

>> No.10271011

Even if that were true, what do you know about the warosu admin? Who is he? For all we know, he could be some massive neckbeard who spends 16 hours a day obsessing over /jp/ drama, and that scares me. At least woxxy posts with a tripcode, you can read his posts and try to deduce what kind of person he is, and how interested he is in our board. Granted, "woxxy" could be a fake persona created with the sole purpose of luring us into a false sense of security, but he doesn't give me that impression.

>> No.10271012


>Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body.

>> No.10271018

>Nah, the default theme has better contrast than fuuka and overall it's more well designed.

Don't you think an archive website should look like the website it's archiving?

I mean, archive.org doesn't add its own styling to other people's pages.

>> No.10271024

I don't care about that. I've never posted on either ghost board for the reasons I mentioned above. What interests me is the amount of pageviews

>> No.10271023

'Nah, your opinion is incorrect.'

>> No.10271025

This. We can safely assume Woxxy is just some egotistical faggot who likes Twitter, iPhones and /a/. We can assume the Warosu admin is a dedicated /jp/er, and he has access to a lot of information on us (I don't know if you've ever ran a web server, but you have crazy amounts of data you can access very easily).

>> No.10271026


If you're gonna argue about that, it's exactly why there is an option to choose themes so people like you can stop bitching over it already.

>> No.10271028

If you support foolz, you support censorship
Don't support foolz

>> No.10271029

>That can also go on both sides.
Exactly. So one archive has ghosts and is fast, the other is ``Waiting for archive.foolz.us...''

And I'm not even talking about the ads and other jquery.js modernizr.js bootstrap.js plugin.js useless crap.

>> No.10271030

If the Warosu admin was that much of a /jp/ autist then it wouldn't take him days to delete the CP that pops up or address problems.

>> No.10271031

Warosu archives the cheese pizza threads and I don-t want to go to jail.

>> No.10271032

I just mean in general. Doesn't this Anon think that, and why doesn't Woxxy think that?

Keep in mind there was originally only that theme and Woxxy expected us to use it. It took a lot of controversy for him to introduce the Fuuka theme. I don't think we should hold grudges, but we shouldn't forget that, either. Same with his plan to introduce interstitial ads and premium accounts.

>> No.10271036

I hate archives in general.
Image board ephemerality? Gone.
The need to lurk properly? Gone.
Privacy and rights to your content? Gone. This one may sound silly, but I don't mind if someone saves a photograph I took. What I do mind is a website saving it and permanently offering it the public. I can't even opt out.

>> No.10271042

That's how Internet works. Once it's online you are screwed. There's nothing anyone can do about that.

>> No.10271043

Best catalog. Turn off JS, see what happens.

Turn off JS, see what happens.

>> No.10271053

>Best catalog.
No comments to Ctrl+F. No filters. No hiding. Slow as fuck. More bloat than neet.tv/4chan.org

>> No.10271060


He's a huge guido faggot. I don't like him either but I can't deny that his product looks sleek.

Foolz archives a lot more boards compared to warosu so maybe that's where the speed downside comes from.


I occassionally get the feeling and thoughts of how archives forever changed the nature of 4chan. moot talked about it before but I cant remember the specific word he used for it. Temporary I guess? Dunno, but yeah I do know the sentiment.

>> No.10271061

I agree and I don't want to be a whiny little bitch (muh intellectual property) but there's a certain level of security in knowing what I post will be gone from the masses in a few hours or days. Obviously if I post something worthwhile it will be saved and probably reposted, and I don't mind that on an individual basis. What I do mind is, say, taking a picture of my room and oh look there's my address on the wall. Now someone can harass me at virtually any point on the future.
I'm not a tripfag or a shitposter or anything, it just makes me paranoid and ruins one of the things I liked about 4chan pre-/a/rchive. We're all logged and recorded. This might matter to some important people, like if you were whistle blowing or something. I considered breaking an NDA here once, but I knew my boss at the time would probably google it and find it on easymodo.

>> No.10271068

>I cant remember the specific word he used for it. Temporary I guess? Dunno,
It was probably ephemeral, that's the word most people use.

>1. Lasting for a short period of time.

>> No.10271069

It's annoying, but there are alternatives. If you want to post OC (like a story or a picture you made) you can always post it on /b/. It's full of 13-14 year olds, of course, but there's always a professional or two lurking, as unbelievable as it sounds. I've gotten some fantastic advice on programming and photography there. Frankly I have no idea what I'm going to do once foolz starts archiving /b/, I think I'll just have to get a life.

>> No.10271072


Yep, you nailed it.

Relevant threads to the current discussion:
http://archive.foolz.us/q/thread/150179/ http://archive.foolz.us/q/thread/304449/

>> No.10271074


This exists for a reason, archiver scum.
moot needs to ban the scrapers.

>> No.10271080

With the front page, the catalog, and an archive, you're browsing one board with three separate tools.

it's so fuggin complicated!

>> No.10271086

I brought this up in /q/ a while back, he says there's not much he can do about it.
I wonder how much is "not much"

>> No.10271089

There's also RSS and now there's an API so I'm expecting an influx of 4chan viewer APPZ.

I like the page model. It's simple, it makes sense, it encourages good habits and appropriate sageing.

moot needs to stop fixing what isn't broken and start fixing all the things that are broken.

>> No.10271100

>fixing what isn't broken
I'm pretty sure the api is mostly used by the built-in JavaScript extension. The thread async updater for example makes the browsing much more comfortable.

>> No.10271101

But there's really almost no difference.
Anyone and everyone could have saved your metaphorical photo at one point.
When you post something that you wish to keep to yourself, openly - you lose rights to it. Unless you have the necessary paperwork to prove that it was yours. Archives are, technically, bound by that as well though. No difference there. Either way, it's your own fault for posting sensitive information.

Threads being deleted from the boards still has a huge significance. While they're up, your identity can be determinded by the mods. The archives have no such information, so your privacy isn't being compromised.

Only your no lurking point is valid. Which is debatable.

>> No.10271107

That's for the fast boards. Flaunting the fact you're using the catalog to the plebs that probably don't have scripts and still f5 manually just to prove that you're an elite 4chan user may work on /a/, but not on a slow board like /jp/.

And last time I checked the catalog doesn't show the most recent replies of threads.

>> No.10271116

I really think I might just be a little paranoid.

One thing I can see mattering to regular people is unfinished work and mistakes. Maybe you post something to get feedback, you don't want people to go ahead and save/share/photoshop/steal it yet, so it's nice to have v0.5 gone forever when you release v1.0. Similarly, you might fuck something up and delete it, but the archives catch that. I've seen a few people intentionally point out a mistake the archive caught, or refer back to a mistake someone has previously made. If they had been the only person who saw it, fine, but now everyone can see it forever.

>> No.10271133

>And last time I checked the catalog doesn't show the most recent replies of threads.
This is a shitty feature. The catalog is about threads, not replies.

>> No.10271166

Your post confuses me.

I am aware of the Catalog and scripts, but I use neither because I am an old school elitist. Does this make me a pleb as well?

>> No.10271162

It's true that archives make this a lot more convenient, but anyone could have saved your original draft and posted it themselves. And the result would be the same.
You should also remember that unless you deliberately plaster your name on your work, nobody will know it was you. Even if you do do that, there's still room for doubt unless you really go out of your way to prove it. Like through some other site or something.

>> No.10271182

A shitty feature of what, browsing manually? Sure, the catalog is about threads, but specifically threads that might disappear in less then twenty minutes because the board is fast. I doubt that should be a concern on /jp/.

The only "efficient" browsing tool that I can think of is that one /b/rowser, but I think it's been broken since last year.

That pleb part was sarcasm.

>> No.10271186


You're overlooking it. With archives, anyone at any time can search up any term, any image, look up any information, etc. all they want. Search trips, sensitive topics, all the fuck you want.

Even non-residents could search up a board's history due to archives. Ain't that kind of terrible? There's more to it if you try looking at it harder.


What's so wrong with it? At least I don't have to dl "browser" in order to have a look at the current active threads and their activity. It now can be all done in an internet browser which is pretty awesome imo. I do use the catalog to keep check of the latest discussions (replies) made as to notify me that there is activity going on a thread. In this way, I can see which are the "hottest" threads in a given particular time.

>> No.10271193

>A shitty feature of what
A shitty feature for a threads catalog, since it's all about... threads.

>I doubt that should be a concern on /jp/.
The catalog is only there to help you find and track threads easier. It's not meant to replace the frontpage or anything.

>> No.10271209

I use the catalog instead of the front page.

>> No.10271222

So do I, but still, it's not meant to replace the frontpage completely.

>> No.10271239


>> No.10271258

>A shitty feature for a threads catalog, since it's all about... threads.

I was going to say you're dumb because it's useful information, but you do have a point. It's better to judge threads based on their topic than what their last post was or even how many replies they've had. People gravitate towards the popular threads and I think some smaller threads might suffer for it.

>> No.10271416
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>> No.10271423

kill yourself

>> No.10271449

Get in here foolzbros

>> No.10271462

Who the fuck uses catalog on /jp/ ?

>> No.10271465

The admins of both /jp/ archives will delete your image if you ask them to.

>> No.10271470

trooJPSIES browse through each page individually using 56k on 1995 CRTs

>> No.10271484

Are you implying that you browse other boards?

>> No.10271495
File: 96 KB, 491x430, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a strong br who don't need noman?

>> No.10271589

Most of us do

>> No.10271609


>> No.10271632

speak for yourself, crossboarder scrum.

>> No.10271650

Are you a strong aspie who don't need no javascript?

>> No.10271654

this stupid "crossboarder" meme is probably the worst thing to happen to /jp/ next to NEET being a glorified status symbol

>> No.10271656
File: 1.29 MB, 1483x1494, master_race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main difference between the gallery and the catalog.

U MAD autists? brb gonna watch some anime.

>> No.10271675
File: 320 KB, 650x604, satoripoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't he call it ``memearrow''?

>> No.10271677

What the HELL is wrong with that guy's face?

>> No.10271682

He looks a bit like T○kik○.

>> No.10271718

stop fucking doing that

>> No.10271737

Calm down, nerd.

>> No.10271962

fuck off, homolord
