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File: 191 KB, 550x800, ipaddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10270168 No.10270168 [Reply] [Original]

I need some kind of giant tablet/ipad/whatever the fuck they are called to read manga on, /jp/.

But I have a lot of questions:

What the fuck is an ipad? What the fuck is a tablet? What's the difference while you are reading manga?

How big can their screens be and how much do they cost?

>> No.10270195

Only idiots buy tablets.

>> No.10270200

A tablet is basically half of a laptop, and you can touch the screen. It's harder to type or do serious work with one because they have touch screens and they often have weaker processors than a laptop. Tablets also can be quite expensive, though they've dropped in price lately. They're good for watching anime in bed or reading manga on compared to a laptop because they're smaller, but I wouldn't drop more than $200 on one. If you got the money, buy a laptop. They're just toys that got popular because idiots are idiots.

As for size and cost, just search for "tablet" on Amazon, moron, this isn't /g/.

>> No.10270205

>What the fuck is an ipad?
A brand of sanitary napkins.

>What the fuck is a tablet?
Either a carved stone or a pill you swallow.

>What's the difference while you are reading manga?
One stops you ruining your favorite pantsu, one helps you feel less ill (or teaches you scriptures from God, but you can't read two things at once!)

>> No.10270211

I have a big ass laptop, but it's old and almost broken.

I thought about buying a new one, but I don't really need a laptop for anything. I just used the old one to read manga.

>> No.10270218

Buying a device like a tablet to only use it to read manga is stupid and inneficient. Unless of course you wanna show all your friends how trendy you are and all your epic mangas in school while pretending to listen to the lectures.

>> No.10270227

I recommend buying the $250 Kindle or Nook or Android tablet then. Once you root it, you can do a lot of cool things with it, and if you just use it to read manga, it should be perfect.

>> No.10270271

OP here.

I got a present from my aunt. It's an e-book and it kind of sucks, so I want to sell it and use the money to buy something where I can read manga.

I'm not an idiot. And Amazon won't tell me which is the best to do what I want to do.

>> No.10270277

If reading manga is really what you want to do, then what you have is better than a tablet.

>> No.10270286

A windows 8 tablet uses windows 8, an iPod/iPad/iPhone/imAFagetSoWhatever uses "iOS," Android supposedly uses "Android" but I guess that just means you can also put linux on it same as with the windows widgets.

>> No.10270288
File: 40 KB, 212x192, 1234887971354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to sell an e-book and use the money to buy something where I can read manga.
>I'm not an idiot

>> No.10270293

Most Android tablets have Google's Android OS on them, crippled in whatever ways the manufacturer sees fit unless you root them. Android is a bit less functional / hacker-friendly than your generic Linux distro, but for what it does, it works.

>> No.10270294

ipads can read .pdfs pretty well and have some other useful apps, but I wouldn't recommend getting one.

How do those handle .pdfs? Really big one. (D&D books.)

>> No.10270306
File: 526 KB, 900x600, Retard op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't >>/g/tfo
Fucking google it, we aren't your geeks, because you're too lazy to look it up yourself nigga

>> No.10270317

I had a nook when it first came out and big PDFs would lag a lot and not look all that great. Maybe a more expensive Android tablet would handle it better but I have no clue.

>> No.10270321
File: 191 KB, 612x678, grrsefcfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that I'm the only one allowed to post Pun Pun on /jp/, right?

I claimed it like 2 years ago.

>> No.10270366

Get some e-reader, root it, and install some neat Linux distribution

>> No.10270378

Get a Kindle if your budget is under 200, over 200 then get a nexus 7.

If your budget is above that then just get a Windows 8 tablet. It's like a laptop but in tablet form and you can do real work on it unlike ios and android tabs.

>> No.10270389

>le me in 1993
>running vi
>editing fast as fuck

>le me in 2003
>running notepad
>editing moderately as fuck

>le me in 2013
>trying to run text editor on le tablet
>can't do shit cap'n

>> No.10270402

Nexus 10.

>> No.10270515

i got a samsung note, it's great since i rarely make phone calls and the stylus works wonderfully

>> No.10270549
File: 50 KB, 407x405, 1315179491321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yjr ipad is a tablet.
it is also considered the top of the line #1 tablet.

ipad is also 4:3, so manga looks better

>> No.10270647

Tablets seem like one of those things that you think will be cool to own and use but after you buy them you kinda just leave them there and never used them for anything. I think that's what I'd do, anyway.

>> No.10271169

Ok, everyone. I'll keep the e-book and use my shitty laptop to read manga.

Window's image viewer sucks hard, which one is the best?


>> No.10271374


>> No.10271387

/g/ isn't the right place for this either, moron. All the tech support and 'Which tablet/laptop/phone/etc should I buy' threads are part of the reason that board is so shitty.

>> No.10275179

Alice is cute

>> No.10275226

I use mine. It stays cool, unlike my laptop, which burns my cock off when in bed.
