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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 108 KB, 1400x1050, 1356539580695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10266361 No.10266361 [Reply] [Original]

/tg/ is making a computer game.

Why isn't /jp/ making a computer game?

Oh, that's right, because you can't.

>> No.10266377

But I already did make a game... it was with pygame...

>> No.10266402

I once made a two scene VN on python with imported sprites and backgrounds that I had nothing to do with the production. It was one of the most fulfilling moments of my life.

>> No.10266400

All anyone does on /jp/ is throw around ideas, and they're usually shit. Everyone's too lazy to actually pull forth any effort to actually work on anyway.

>> No.10266407
File: 21 KB, 256x259, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw five or six /jp/ers make a vn on another forum
tfw they steal the story and the art sucks
tfw no1curr

>> No.10266421

Touhou Moon
RIP in piece project ;_;7

>> No.10266423

It's called Dandelion Girl, anon-kun.

>> No.10266438 [DELETED] 

How long are you going to cling to that? It wasn't even a board project.

>> No.10266488

Look, lets do it right now. Even if you have no skills (i don't). I am so fucking tired of these threads.

I don't know any other chatrooms, just get in here, christ.
Let's get this over with already!

>> No.10266558
File: 2.96 MB, 178x148, 4_4anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was working on one and used to post in ADGD threads, but the project is on hold now. I'm working on a bunch of smaller projects before I go back to it again
I was pretty ambitious in the beginning, I wanted to initially make a library that would make it easy to make an STG with 3d graphics. That went to shit

>> No.10266577 [DELETED] 

/vg/ talks about mmos.

Why isn't /jp/ taliking about mmos?

Oh, that's right, we already got a tread about it.

But how about feminism?

>> No.10266598

Feminism is for /v/ /r9k/ and /pol.

>> No.10266602

In which programming language people make video games? I can only create text based game.

>> No.10266638

C, C++, Java are the basic ones. i dunno about the others.

>> No.10266678 [DELETED] 

Why do these indie games always have to have such ugly styles?

>> No.10266715

Oh great, not only does it have terrible art, it has fake so-retro scan lines.

>> No.10266920


Get in here, any help would be appreciated!

>> No.10266950

If some people from here were to get involved in a project like that, we'd only tell them to get out whenever they post about it anyway.

>> No.10266953

They should at least stop trying to mimic cactus.

>> No.10266958

I half completed an RPG/shump engine in C++ and SDL before getting bored.

It kind of sounds like the guy already knows C/C++. What you need is a graphics library. Like SDL.

>> No.10266962

It's artsy or whatever.

Sometimes it really works, but there are far too many faux retro or "I watched Sin City so now I know what noir is" games out there.

>> No.10267080

/jp/ made kitawa shitjo

your move

>> No.10267148

Rita please respond.

>> No.10267191

Most of the people who "made" it were butthurt crossboarders who couldn't just stay in /jp/ forever.

>> No.10267196

/prog/: son i am disappoint

>> No.10267204

That's so random.

>> No.10267210

Join #/jp/truuproject if you're interested.

>> No.10267223


Please care.

>> No.10267266

who wants to make a /jp/ vn novel in renpy

>> No.10267272

/jp/ is too depress to finish anything

>> No.10267292


Remember Japanese Bird VN?

>> No.10267297

yeah i do
we should get mugen involved

>> No.10267352
File: 434 KB, 1064x600, 0GpN9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should make the world's first non-Mugen "Ren'Py Date Simulation Engine" game.

Instead of Glasses-chan and Glassesless-chan, we can have Meido-chan and Shitposter-san.

>> No.10267363

It started being "made" before /jp/ even existed you fucking tool.

>> No.10267368

The sole reason why I don't read anything in Ren'Py is because it usually creates the illusion that I'm reading a Mugen work even if it isn't.

>> No.10267373

I wanted to make a Yume Nikki style game with combat in RPG Maker but I lost motivation while trying to make a tilesheet.

>> No.10267374

And the people who were in charge were always stuck on /a/. That was my point.

You tell me why do you brand it as a /jp/ project when it doesn't even have an explicit home anymore except for 4chan in general.

>> No.10267386

If the project was started in 2008 it would have been on /jp/, it's that simple. The home of the completed game is /vg/. The concepts of board topics and project ownership are not complicated.

>> No.10267390

No it wouldn't, it would still be credited to /a/ as they gave the best feedback and responses of all boards, plus /vg/ didn't even exist when they were almost done.

>> No.10267393

So let's summarize this post:

1. You don't understand the difference between "was" and "is".
2. You think creative works are credited to audiences that enjoy them.

Great show, mate.

>> No.10267395

>You tell me why do you brand it as a /jp/ project

Nobody does. This board was created after it was started. A few devs posted here and we had threads about it (moot even renamed the board to "/jp/ - Katawa Shoujo" once), but nowhere did we claim it as our project. I wouldn't even call it a 4chan project any more.

>> No.10267415

What in the world are you on about?

You even mentioned /vg/ for no reason as if they could be in any way credited as the oriignal Members's board or Feedback.

And you don't understand the difference between original content and mainstream one.

It was also posted in /a/ that early, which led to surprise, interest but also confusion.

>> No.10267423

It was posted in /a/ because /a/ was the VN board at that time.

If /jp/ had been around it would have been started in /jp/.

It's nobody's work now.

>> No.10267424

``I don't like it; therefore I don't want to be associated with it.''


>> No.10267464

The reason I don't associate /jp/ with Katawa Shoujo is because /jp/ wasn't associated with Katawa Shoujo. Even gimpling-sama didn't get what he wanted.

Also, I liked the game.

>> No.10267555

Why does /tg/ always feel the urge to advertise their shit on /jp/? Aren't they confident enough in their work? Marketing is what you use to sell a bad product.

>> No.10267571

>Marketing is what you use to sell a bad product.

That's not true, lots of good products go unnoticed because of no marketing, marketing is essential even for a good product.

>> No.10267594

I understand that, but if you take in consideration OP's tone you can understand he's trying to make a case for his game being the best game ever. ZUN and others didn't have to do that. They promoted their game by politely talking about it and asking people to try out their games' demos.

>> No.10267604


You raise a valid point, I cannot help but to agree.

>> No.10269778

It doesn't matter who made it. Katawa Shoujo introduced all the wrong kind of people to visual novels and as a result all the KS kiddies huffed and puffed to get VNs put on /vg/ because /jp/ IS A BIG MEANIE.

It's not even that good. Lilly was the only worthwhile route and the girl I wanted to have a route (Miki) didn't get one.

>> No.10269813

What happened to Maid Academy Island?

When can I get my "/jp/ Tactics"?

>> No.10269834

I'm already programming a princess maker clone. Wish I could spend more time on it, but I already waste too much time on the internet trying to make money, so my parents won't kick me from my house.

>> No.10269869

I've made five or six computer games, sperglord.

>> No.10269881

Rita please respond

>> No.10270735 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 680x527, touhouhijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do something with WebGL but I don't have any non-shitty ideas besides Cirno Racing or yet another ghetto STG.

>> No.10274787
File: 345 KB, 830x830, 1348838104265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10274793

jesus christ why is op so mean?

>> No.10274800 [DELETED] 

Nice one OP, saved straight from page 10.

>> No.10274805

I like how ugly pieces of shit that look like some forgotten trash for the Amiga are considered videogames this generation.

>> No.10275188

What happened to the PowerPoint VN we were making?

>> No.10275197

Because jp are autistic kids that live with their moms at the age of 22.

>> No.10275677
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a /jp/ game with an anon here once.


>> No.10275705

Hey, I remember when this guy was making a D&D parody platformer game, then abandoned it.

>> No.10275704

And it doesn't work unless it's just a creative pack of keyloggers.

>> No.10275708

No wonder, /tg/ is one of the best boards right now.

>> No.10275710

Because I don't want to invest good ideas or work in a project that will end up abandoned.

>> No.10275735

Did they recover, or has the rest of 4chan just gotten shittier? I stopped browsing quite a while ago. All the content creators abandoned it, and "quest,", gay porn, and "wch d&d u raep??" threads replaced them.

>> No.10275739

I just checked.

You sir, are a liar.

>> No.10275763

Ah, sorry. You probably need to install this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/Download/details.aspx?id=20914

>> No.10275775

Make a 2hu MMO.

>> No.10275819
File: 277 KB, 806x623, 9Racer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i get here

i made a toho game around comiket 77 or so when everyone was screaming for cirno racing. i don't know anything about toho but it was pretty fun to do.

>> No.10275839

It's shit.

>> No.10275848

you need to up the texture quality, it's blurry as fuck.

>> No.10275859
File: 2.63 MB, 402x313, messageSys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some progress on mine today. It is an online multiplayer angry-birds clone in which you have to build your base first.
You place touhou characters and use them to attack. graphics are all place-holders since i cant draw for shit ;_;

>> No.10275866

sayori place-holder best place-holder

>> No.10275914 [DELETED] 

Some sort of multiplayer sandbox world set in Gensokyo?

>> No.10275925


Trash game. Trash person.

>> No.10275951

Some sort of grindfest shit where you play as a little girl, shot danmaku instead of casting spells and take quests from 2hus. +million outfits to customize your character. You could even have religions/shrines instead of factions and fight over faith.

>> No.10275981

Then make a better graphic for the
post it here and ill use it at once

>> No.10275997 [DELETED] 

Grind based games are shit.

We need something where people can take it easy. Collecting crap together. Solving puzzles together. Building stuff together. Trading.

>> No.10276009 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 1024x1024, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mention it ; )

>> No.10276003

You aren't supposed to use it at all. Your insistence on including it into your "game" only goes to show that you (and it) are trash.

>> No.10276004

I've made game before but none of them were any fun. Just simple little games that were unnecessarily complicated to implement. In end I do not believe I could ever make a game worth playing, or for that matter, I do not believe I could ever accomplish anything worth the time of a human being.

>> No.10276020

Add sloving incidents (group questlines) instead of clearing dungeons.

>> No.10276021 [DELETED] 

Holy crackers, yes.

I wish I knew how to draw/do 3D stuff.

>> No.10276031

>group quests
this isn't going to work out

>> No.10276034
File: 300 KB, 640x480, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this. I'm a big fan of particle engines.
>I was working on one and used to post in ADGD threads, but the project is on hold now. I'm working on a bunch of smaller projects before I go back to it again
I am exactly like this. I want to keep working on mine but I have a lot of extra projects I'm busy with.
What is this wiki for? Are we supposed to put our games in it?
Inexperience is the biggest problem for me.
Then start one by yourself.
It looks pretty.

>> No.10276039
File: 2.01 MB, 401x313, new.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10276049 [DELETED] 

This looks much less subhuman-like, fo sure.

>> No.10276076
File: 162 KB, 490x423, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey fella adgd. I didnt know you frequent /jp/ also

>> No.10276093

/jp/ is making a game called "The Zybourne Clock".

>> No.10276101
File: 2.24 MB, 801x602, gameplay_small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course i do, more than /agdg/ since there seem to be more capable/friendlier people here.

Here's a gif showing some gameplay during building phase.

>> No.10276130

I am incredibly interested in this. I will wait no matter how long it takes.

>> No.10276152 [DELETED] 

That Box2D feel.

>> No.10276182

I've been working on an RPG for the past 4 months, it's a good waste of time.

>> No.10276244

Me too, but it's pretty bad. Wanna share what you have accomplished so far?

>> No.10276256

I have an idea for a 2hu MMO turn based tactical RPG similar to FFT, Tactics Ogre and other games like that, but no way it would even be possible to turn it into an actual game. Still, one day I should note everything down just for the record.

>> No.10276268
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 1303671844064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it be impossible to turn it into a game?
Programming something like that is no magic for a programmer who knows his shit.

>> No.10276279

I have no skill to do it. I wouldn't be able to ask someone to do it even if I had a ready script. And the more I think about it the more new things I add and it would be just hella complicated.

>> No.10276297

I'll do it, what's your email address?

>> No.10276309

I don't even have any notes at the moment, everything just in my head. I wonder how much of that I've already forgotten.

>> No.10276338

Please anon, won't you let me make a game with you?

>> No.10276381

I-I just don't want to get in contact with anyone even if I register a new mail just for this. But I may write everything down and post it on /jp/ in the future, so then decide.

>> No.10276418

How will I know you have posted it?

>> No.10276601

How does the name "Gensokyo Rivalry" sound as game name instead of "Angry Maids"? Im kind of unsatisfied with "Angry Maids"

>> No.10276683

Not that Anon, but it matches "Angry Birds", which the game is similar to.

>> No.10276693

I hope the game isn't about hitting Sakuya with a catapult. ;_;

>> No.10276705

Ok then, if you are really interested just leave me your address here (send a blank mail or anything): based2hu@gmail.com
I will answer once I have something ready.

>> No.10276708 [DELETED] 

Angry birds is just a ripoff of CTC so what?

>> No.10276724 [DELETED] 

I don't remember Crush the Castle having multiplayer and base-building.

>> No.10276748 [DELETED] 

sorry I never paid much attention to Ängry Spürds. Were these modes/features available from the start or did they come at a later version?

>> No.10276781

My fault, thought you are talking about "Angry Maids", which has multiplayer+physics. And no, that hasn't been done before as far as i know.

>> No.10276940

What other content were you thinking of adding?

>> No.10277543

/tg/ is infested with neurotypicals because it takes a group of people to play tg's, implying that they have friends

>> No.10277549

You don't need to be friends, you can game with total strangers.

>> No.10277563

It can't be done.

>> No.10277574

Because it is common knowledge that fucking /tg/! Gets shit done. Unlike anyone else. Fuck you all.

>> No.10277576

That's why you have characters, so you don't need to interact with each other normally or know each other as people.
