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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10262718 No.10262718 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, /jp/. Have you ever wished to be born as a japanese?
If so, did you change your mind? and why?

>> No.10262728

I'd much rather have been born Romanian.

>> No.10262735

what's that?

>> No.10262744

Only so I would already know Japanese and have an easier time buying the things I want. If those weren't part of the package, then no.

>> No.10262740

That's a very nice picture. I really like it.

>> No.10262747


>> No.10262752

Those aren't Romans.

>> No.10262759

Not really

>> No.10262760

Neither were the Gauls.

>> No.10262762


>> No.10262763

The Japanese school system and society is too pushy.

>> No.10262789

Not really, if I had to go through the Japanese school system I'd probably kill myself before I finished high school.

I do however have this fantasy where I die and my soul inhabits the body of a braindead, comatose, Japanese little girl.

>> No.10262791

Born japanese? Hm.
I dont really care about nationality that much. I am what i feel i am. Fuck whats on paper. The only benefit would have been to learn japanese the baby way. Which would have been better than doing it now. Oh well.

Would my life be better If I were in japan, instead of germany is the question. Well, probably. I dont know, how can i know for sure anyway? At least they seem to value famaliy more over there, they do not here. Not where I live.

They have culture over there that is actually worth going into imo, our culture ? germany. what a joke, just like america.

Would I be happier if i were married to a japanese woman?
Oh well, what a question. I dont know. They seem to be either perfect or the other extrema, utterly slutty. But is it anywhere else otherweise? I find there apperance cute though. I like cute looking woman instead of oversexualized ones.

Would I be happier with a job in japan ?
Considering i am working in the gaming industry as an artist. Maybe it would be quite cool to live there, because of all the technology and stuff.

There is lots of other stuff you might consider before doing a conclusion, but Id say.
Yeah, would have been cool. I either would have a very nice and stable life with all sorts of festivals and rich traditions and a family that loves me, or I would have grown to be the same weird guy i am now and the situation would have been the same.

Conclusion: I dont fucking know. I'd want to try swapping lives with a japanese dude though.

>> No.10262793

I suppose it would be neat to grow up in a country which is hardly anything like mine, but then if I was born Japanese then I would be wishing I was born in the US/UK or some shit. No win situation.

>> No.10262801

Get load of this nerd

>> No.10262803

Ah, fuck, so many mistakes. Overlook them please, I am tired as fuck.

>> No.10262814

I've thought about it, and I know full well I'd turn into one of those ultra nationalist NEETs who are the butt of many a stereotype. Blinding pride in my homecounrty might be a worthwhile trade, but ultimately, that fact that mine is so terrible is what allowed my family to be the utter shit that they are, which in turn has allowed them to have no expectations of me what so ever. Sure, I'd have easier access to my hobby shit over there, but I wouldn't be able to leech nearly as carefreely in all odds, therefor it's not really worth the trade. Unless born as a Nipponese womencreature.

>> No.10262817

I think the loss of English based pop culture would be worse than the gain from learning Japanese. I know I wouldn't be motivated enough to learn a second language in any life.

Add that to the horrible school system and constant pressure, I don't think I'd enjoy it any more than my current life.

>> No.10262829

about the constant pressure and pushing society.
Think about it.
Being in such an enviroment and being born into, would think of it that bad as you do now? Its like a born blind person not missing his eyes, cause he doesnt know better.

I think it would have its benefits over the lifestyle in the west were you not getting pushed a bit and rather encouraged to stay at home and sleep all day and be in a huge debt. seem to be the trend nowadays. Is that the meaning of life, or is it hard work? Neither of those ? I dont fucking know. I am talking crap.

>> No.10262832

When I was like 9 years old an obsessed with DBZ I wished Japan had won the war and america would be full of japanese people. Was also into neon genesis, md geist, fapped to sailor moon and some other shitty animes I can't remember cause that was like the 90s or some shit. Was all over anything that looked like anime in a video game. Wanted to go to japan so badly so fucking badly.

But once i hit middle school I stopped being a faggot and lost interest in anime and japan, I hate japan now.

>> No.10262838

I wish I was born in the roman times so I can fight along gilgamesh

>> No.10262842

The "Man, he does write walls of text" guy again.

I am not really into anime or manga or that stuff, (why even am I on /jp/ i sometimes ask myself // whatever) but i like japan in asia in general.

Why is it you hate japan now ? Whats the reason?

>> No.10262848
File: 24 KB, 356x356, 1311756779620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have culture over there that is actually worth going into imo, our culture ? germany. what a joke

Jesus. How ignorant are you to believe that Germany has no culture....? Or do you just have no interest in history, philosophy, literature, classical music, etc etc

>> No.10262859

I like being white, but being nip means I could crossdress easier, and I'd be in the country and be able to see lolis like in the picture. Ones with glasses and enjoy going on walks and are interested in everything

>> No.10262865

I don't like how the average Japanese person looks I would rather be Chinese.

>> No.10262866

HISTORY? german fucking history.
That stuff has been torn into my brain since i left kindergarden.
I am fed up with all the 2WW stuff.
I've been listening and hearing about it for too long now. last 5 years in school - histroy lessons - every year 2WW.

Philosophy is nice and cool, I like to read philosophical books.

Literature, well. Classical music ?
I only listen to 80 music and some movie background osts.
I dont care about modern musical cultures, i dont even have a radio or a TV at home.

And beside all this, what does this have to do with culutre? Only a little imo

>> No.10262870

Anywhere that isn't a multikulti proto-failed state.

Japan fits the bill.

>> No.10262873

I'd take the Japanese rote memorization educational system over the forced socialization and oral excessiveness of my native country any day.

There's no fucking simple GED. How the hell am I supposed to take oral and written exams in nearly every fucking subject to attain high school level competence? It's like they fucking want me to neet.

>> No.10262880

Even without the holocaust German history is full of savagery. Bunch of sick barbarian fucks before Rome, they never change.

>> No.10262878

Me again.
Bavaria has culture, the norther regions aswell.
I am not saying we have no culture at all in germany.
Thing is I was never taught those stuff. My parents and the whole family gave a shit about culture, and the ppl I work and live with have nothing to do with bavarian culture either.

Its dying out, thats what i meant. I have ne feel for it. I rather would live somewhere, where culture is relevant, important, everyday life. Must not be japan, its juts an example.

>> No.10262885

Japan is full of minorities just asian minorities instead of ones of different races.

Ainu complain
Koreans complain
Chinese complain
Taiwanese complain
Okinawa things complain

>> No.10262891

Take it to /his/ you two.

>> No.10262894

I can't help but imagine you stutter there infront of the class while everyone's having a laugh at you.

I'd fug ur beta ass so hard.

>> No.10262896

Yeah, you are right, but like you said. its a minority.

I've I listen closely to my surroundings in the subway, 2 out of 10 ppl talk german (in germany), the rest is greek, turky, france, chinese etc. Germany is a failed mulitcultural soup that has WAY to many immigrants

>> No.10262898

i bet you take oral exams every night

>> No.10262899

I would love to be Japanese or even Korean to take advantage of their public transport system I live in rural America and I can't leave my house because I don't have fucking car (I never want one)

>> No.10262902

Derailing hard now though. I'll retreat for now.
back to topic.

>> No.10262903

They're not 20-25% of the population like here.

>> No.10262905

Thousands of Japanese girls have lost their virginity this past night in Japan.

>> No.10262906

I actually hate that too we can't ever grow as a country if we are still clinging to other cultures.

>> No.10262907

I was already born to an Asian country so the education systems aren't so much different. As for anime and Japanese media, I already knew Japanese so there isn't much point in being there except for learning more Japanese. But it's worth it to visit their historical and cultural sites though. I would love to be born as a Japanese if I get to visit Gifu/Nagoya/Kyoto every year.
My country is shit at preserving and promoting history and culture.

>> No.10262914

As much as I think japanese culture is really better than western(american, pretty much), the ways it can be bad would probably be very pointedly bad, for me. Growing up at least. Im pretty much glad being a weaboo, I guess.

>> No.10262916

I think it would be pretty cool. I would be a completely different person, I would experience different things in life. But mostly, the reason to why I think it would be better than being born in my current country is that I could make money out of doujin shit and shitty VNs and not make any effort to produce something useful.

>> No.10262917

I'm guessing Singapore, Hong Kong, or Korea. Am I correct?

>> No.10262918

>Asian country

What country?

inb4 philippines or singapore

>> No.10262932

Tell me, would you be able to do so? It's fucking impossible unless you're a social normalfaggot. Well, I'm not and I've had social problems my entire life.

The only thing this situation encourages me is to do like Breivik and kill all those fucking sociodemocrats.

>> No.10262935

Yeah, as a kid I wanted to be one.
This was back when the internet was practically nonexistent in my country and my only knowledge of Japan were folk tales, Kurosawa movies and a couple novels.
This gradually changed as I got exposed to more and more information.
Now I only wish I was born rich.

>> No.10262943

Not that poster, but I did pretty good at these and still hated it. You don't have to fail at something to not like it.

>> No.10262953

I have the ability to fit in with normals, or at least put on a false face for them. In reality I don't give a fuck about them, and would rather be chained to a house forever with an unlimited amount of money and a computer than having to live with them.

But sadly the world doesn't work that way.

>> No.10262969

Well, as school has doubtless screamed at you, you can blame the Prussians for that. Who in turn, you can blame the French for, who in turn...

It goes without saying that you're not going to be educated with actual german culture, since everyone all afraid of you guys getting big again, the choices where the Russian puppet state and the American puppet state, all things considered there would have been some vestiges of proper German culture had the Russian side reunified you fine folks right before it fell. Instead you bow to America, who bows to Isreal, who wants to make sure you have nothing but contempt for the german people, lest you go and inconvenience them again.

>> No.10262978

I am like that as well, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I have amazing pretending skills.

>> No.10262979


Vietnam. The country is hopelessly corrupt.

>> No.10262994

>It's fucking impossible unless you're a social normalfaggot.

Get a load of this gamma bitch.

>> No.10262988

I knew it. I KNEW IT. I refrained from posting but I KNEW it.

>> No.10262992

The coprosperity sphere could have prevented that.

>> No.10262999

Yes, I feel sad everyday just thinking about the fact that I will never have child memories in Japan

>> No.10263005

I think there are only so many Vietnamese ppl in /jp/. Are you from VNSharing, sicko or GameVN?

Fuck that shit. The Japanese forced the Vietnamese peasants to grow cotton for their uniform instead of rice, resulting in starvation and death in millions. I don't want to derail the topic so I will stop here.

>> No.10263004

I know just what you mean. Many places in the west claim culture by history, but their people live like americans. It is sad.

>> No.10263017

Anyone who is sane would not be japanese. Sure it could be fun the first day or so but to inherent all of japans national problems would be insane. Why do you think suicide and no sex is such a problem there? There is just so much shit that is going wrong. The average japanese person is overworked. Their libido is just out the fucking window and most of them dont even care about relationships let alone sustain their population.

Mind you I am only listing two of the many problems japan currently face.

>> No.10263013 [DELETED] 

It was a tough time, attempting to stop farflung powers from dominating the region, all peoples had to suffer a little. It could have been better after the round eyes had been chased out.

>> No.10263024

Only when I was in middle school and thought Japan was the best country on earth because I was so influenced by anime. However, at some point you realize you don't get to choose what nationality or religion you will be born into and you need to accept whatever you were born as. Thanks to my overly negative personality and the world's opinion of people like me, I know that "problem" all too well.

I still think Japan has a lot of upsides, more so than my own country, but I wouldn't want to live there as a non-Japanese. The EU and North America would offer me more opportunities.

>> No.10263025

Im not vietnamese myself but I just had a hunch. Maybe its cause im still in high school and theres a vietnamese exchange student in one of my classes, so one of my first thoughts when "asian nationalities" is vietnam, after japan. Just a hunch though.

>> No.10263036

>High School

Have you been held back

>> No.10263038

That argument lacks much of it's punch when spoken to a group who already is suicidal and sex starved (allegedly).

I think the main appeal for most people here is access to otaku goods without being raped at airports there and back, life there is shitty but so is life where they're at now trading one bad spot for another with some minor perk to it is probably a reasonable course of action in a good many people's minds.

>> No.10263041

And the west is hopelessly hedonistic and masturbatory. Morality tends to be seen as a cutesy old fashioned thing and a major theme of popular culture is that there are no good people, only varying degrees of awfulness. A large section of the population is horribly misinformed and stubborn in it. Japan has its problems, the west is not better though.

>> No.10263058

I never said that the west is any better.

>> No.10263068

I've always found it ironic how insanely perverted Japanese people are when it comes to 2D and porn, but in reality they have a rapidly aging society and basically zero sex drive.

>> No.10263109

Id be happier to take japans problems than americas, with the good things japan has.

>> No.10263121

I know right? Nearly every anime and visual novel got this childhood memories thing. I have some childhood memories myself, but hardly anything as exciting as they portray it in anime or VNs. Not to mention I have lost contact with every single one of my childhood friends like over a decade ago. In otaku media you would often have the MC and his childhood friends still best friends in high school and shit.

Stuff like this depress the fuck out of me sometimes. I haven't even gone to collect my diploma because I didn't want to meet any of my classmates, let alone in prom. They just mailed it to my house.

>> No.10263124

I believe it is how the japanese tend to suppress and generally not let their emotions show too much in public. Or maybe it is how most males say how expensive a japanese woman can be or just how much of a hassle getting into a relationship is believed to be and they dont care for 3D anymore because of that.

>> No.10263167

What has it got to do with showing emotion in public? I've never come across someone who declared their undying love while the entire street watched. But yeah, I guess the Japanese mentality is at fault here. Outsiders may get the impression that their society is almost perfect with all the politeness and whatnot, but in fact they are just not allowed to be "free" with what they really think. This creates situations where people don't mind if they get bent as long as they don't disrupt the "harmony" around them.

I think the part about Japanese women being expensive is just a stereotype because you will find gold diggers in every country, and last time I checked Western women don't excatly throw themselves at any of us either. Before you throw the Western girls slut argument, you should know that many Japanese girls are sluts too. Just look at those bar hoppers who go hunt for gaijin men so hopefully they will buy them Louis Vuitton handbags.

>> No.10263216

Why are you guys assuming I am stating that the west is better? I never said that the girls in the west are any better. There are sluts everywhere, it does not matter the country. There are other problems that contribute to japan's declining population. Being over worked and the japanese mentality is one of the problems I stated.

If I had to be turned into an actual pure breed japanese I would do my best to repopulate japan. As I am now I dont want to sully their precious DNA even further.

>> No.10263379

North German I'am guessing

>> No.10263383

>Have you ever wished to be born as a japanese?

Never, but I have wished to be born with half a chance, socially, regardless of nationality.

>> No.10263393

>Have you ever wished to be born as a japanese?
>did you change your mind?

>> No.10263396

Some times I think it might be cool for various societal reasons that are absent from the west, but then again picking up East Asian girls is way easier when you're white.

>> No.10263402

No, but I wonder what it's like to grow up in a society where 13 is thought of as old enough, instead of anything under 19 being for hellbent nazi pedomurders

>> No.10263421

No. My life wouldn't be that different, I would only feel more lingering shame about my lifestyle.

>> No.10263423
File: 616 KB, 705x741, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason I like it is because it IS so different

You don't care if you don't fit in with something you were never meant to
That's the whole point

>> No.10263427 [DELETED] 

you are about to find a very very big surprise if you ever come to Japan

>> No.10263428

My idea life would be a Japanese professional racecar driver

Instead I got white American neet

Oh well

>> No.10263467

I dream of being in of AKB but I was born wrong so I can't ever live my dream.

>> No.10263475

You can also own cheese pizza in Japan without it making your heart dark and your sould becoming hell worthy.

>> No.10263473

maybe next time...

>> No.10263488

Culturally the Greeks have more of a link to the Byzantine Empire than the Romanians. After all the official language of the empire was Greek after the 7th century. (And Greeks self-identified as Romans until the 19th century.)

>> No.10263495

Fug the poh-leese.
Cheesey pizza 'erray night.

>> No.10263492


There's plenty of places where you can nab a young girl.

Hell head to Estonia where you can nab a cute girl at 14.

>> No.10263496

I already know it's legal to have mixed baths under a certain age.

>> No.10263497

Shit, if I was born Japanese I'd have all dem idol bitches quittin to get on my alpha male cock.

>> No.10263501

This is a meaningless question. Had "I" been born in Japan I would be different both genetically and culturally. That person would have been completely different and thus not me at all.

>> No.10263502

14 and 18 is almost the same.

>> No.10263507

Shut up and draw Rika!

>> No.10263513

I'm much happier because of my big american penius.

>> No.10263514 [DELETED] 

no I mean that the average Japanese mother would report you to the police if you even stare too long at her daughter.

>> No.10263518

They'd report you for looking at any woman but them, or for looking at them if they didn't think you were cute.

>> No.10263519


Nab is a very poor choice of words.

>> No.10263526


Average housewife is an easy screw.

>> No.10263528


Not even, but for everyone else there's Thailand, or some shithole in South America.

>> No.10263539 [DELETED] 

some of them are
more than half of the nova teachers are fucking their students.

>> No.10263568

The Romanians are, however, the most recent to make a meaningful claim to the succession of the now nonexistent empire. Though, I guess if the greeks REALLY wanted to, they be in the best position to bring it back.

>> No.10263575

But south americans reach puberty at 9 and everyone in Thailand is ugly.

>> No.10263585

I think the light skin Thai girls and trannys can ve cute if they have enough facial surgery.

>> No.10263594

I'm from Thailand and I'm offended.

Yeah, I'm ugly as fuck.

>> No.10263602

Oh, /jp/.

ITT: white people wishing they were Japanese because multiculturalism sucks.

>> No.10263605
File: 243 KB, 1113x526, Pure nipponic girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would I be happier if i were married to a japanese woman?

>> No.10263606


If I had been born Japanese, I'd just wish I were French or something, so I fail to see the point of it all. I guess I'm content as I am.

>> No.10263607


>aged under 30.


>> No.10263613

I still have three months!
Meh, like I care.

Is she trying to puff up her cheeks to look cute or something?

>> No.10263618

What about Russia? Seems to be Japan tier and russian lolis are the best in this world.

>> No.10263620


The under 30 bit makes perfect sense. She said boys, not men.

>> No.10263630

I always feel disgusted when I see sluts trying to act cute and innocent.

>> No.10263639


You can't legally fuck a Russian girl under 16, but from what I understand the punishment you get is incredibly lax, and skirting the law is the norm.

>> No.10263647


What website is that even?

>> No.10263670 [DELETED] 

its fake

>> No.10263674

What is the punishment? Are the ceepee laws like in Japan? Is their society brainwashed or not?

>> No.10263686

>entire childhood is spent studying
>entire adult life is spent working

I'd rather just teach English for $20/hour, 20 hours a week

>> No.10263696


And that's why tripfags belong to Reddit.

>> No.10263700

2nd best to nip lolis.

>> No.10263705

A text book slut if I ever did see one.

>> No.10263711

Why do you love kids so much, /jp/? They keep screaming, running and smell like... nothing. What the fuck.

>> No.10263714

Crayons, mostly.

>> No.10263724

They are pure. They never think about ill thoughts or perverted shit like sluts always do. They arent gold diggers and fucking $5 street whores. All they want is to take it easy and to be loved and cuddled.

>> No.10263727

I find it cute when a little girl lacks some teeth.

Then the tooth fairy leaves a pack of crayons under her pillow.

>> No.10263731

>Their libido is just out the fucking window and most of them dont even care about relationships let alone sustain their population.
Sounds like the perfect place for me, then.

>> No.10263730

Crayons and milk! Oh god the crayons.
No, I don't know why we worship the child female.
Y'all Freuds/Derridas/Darwins might be able to find a reason though.

>> No.10263738


Try harder, Freud. I'd rather be a kid while loving a little girl.

>> No.10263739

Maybe for you but personally, I dont want glorious nippon to be and extinct race. I really wish they made more babies. Preferably with other pure breed japanese.

>> No.10263750

>I'd rather be a kid while loving a little girl.
its funny..I remember when i was like 6-8 I was sucking on a little boy peepee and fondling girls asses. I was scared after the act because I thought I was a pedophile. which was strange for me to think that at such a young age since I was the same age as them at the time.

>> No.10263759

>Their libido is just out the fucking window
Maybe because you can see an elementary school from that window.

Japanese men don't reproduce because the average Japanese is more intelligent than the average human being. That's why Japanese women don't shave their bushes, they know intelligent people love them. But they are all pedos, so only a few freaks like adult women. And these freaks are idol-worshippers who can do incredibly crazy things for them.

There's nothing wrong with their libido. They are either pedos or misanthropes. Maybe both.

>> No.10263765

And I think being overworked to death contributes to that as well. I think that is why NEETs are such a big problem over there. If I lived in japan and was japanese I would refuse to work as well seeing as how hellish it can be

>> No.10263767 [DELETED] 

yeah cause every profile on every page is 100% real and nothing is fake...

I am getting too old for this board...

>> No.10263769

Yes you are, you should eliminate your trip and fucking kill yourself already.

>> No.10263770



No where near as shitty as the west, suicide rates are high, because the standards of society are high. Some people can't handle pressure and it's practically traditional to kill yourself after a shamfur dispray. On that note obviously it's not a place for /jp/.

>> No.10263788 [DELETED] 

mm yeah whatever nerd.
Be pathetic even at Christmas.

also" hurr durr kill yourself"
My god 2 years ago people actually had some decent and original insults, you are pretty much showing how rotten you must be from inside.

I honestly wish you the best but I doubt you will even live till 2013

>> No.10263789

"kill yourself" isn't meant to be original at all

it's a classic, one for the ages

>> No.10263796

Most likely, some Nipponjin wish they had been born in america. At least, women and teens seem to think like that

>> No.10263798

I came up with it, if you want to use it you need to sign a contract with me and pay royalties. If you don't I'll subpoena your information and sue.

>> No.10263800

Oh dont get me that holier than thou shit. You are a worthless spammer and you will always be one. You should have stayed banned

>> No.10263803

good luck, i'm behind seven proxies

>> No.10263804 [DELETED] 

A little girl is also the perfect companion for easy conversation, peculiar insight, and tender connection over simple things.

Little girls are perfect, because they embody the mystery of life and yet wear it so casually, so calmly, as if being the dwelling place of future life were such a simple thing.

>> No.10263808

Little girls are perfect, because they embody the mystery of life and yet wear it so casually, so calmly, as if being the dwelling place of future life were such a simple thing.

A little girl is also the perfect companion for easy conversation, peculiar insight, and tender connection over simple things.

>> No.10263818 [DELETED] 

Your mom should have banned your dads cock for creating a subhuman.

also calling people " worthless" over the internet whats next, will you come to my house and beat me up?

better shut up before I shut your mouth with dicks (unwashed)

>> No.10263822
File: 428 KB, 720x410, vlcsnap-2012-12-25-20h54m36s85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anything, in japan you can purchase a DVD like pic related without worrying the police will arrest you the momento you open your wallet

>> No.10263838

>My god 2 years ago people actually had some decent and original insults

Come on, you don't need to blatantly lie.

>> No.10263855

I'd rather be born a japanese fat disgusting otaku hikki NEET than myself really. But that's only because of akiba. Better than being a hikki NEET here in the middle of the country.

>> No.10263865

Sounds nice for knowing Japanese for my current hobbies but then I wouldn't know english that well and english is something really important to be well educated in. Plus if I grew up Japanese I would have to worry about all that crazy shit Japanese people have to worry about, I do wish I was forced to be taught more in the schooling system.

>> No.10263914

>then I wouldn't know english that well and english is something really important to be well educated in
It's never compulsory to be the average stereotypical retard. I started reading English fantasy novels when I was 10.

>> No.10263958

I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but why do you continue to use a trip? Isn't creating an identity for yourself on an anonymous image board defeating the purpose? All the trip seems to do is bring out insults and hatred towards you, which usually ends up derailing the thread.

Please reply as I am genuinely interested in understanding the mindset of people who create and use trips.

>> No.10264065

English is really fucking hard for Japanese people.

>> No.10264067

It's not.

>> No.10264077

What the HELL /jp/ seriously...

Where's the janitor?

>> No.10264081

I'm mixed, wouldn't want anything else.

>> No.10264083

I still wish I was born Japanese so I don't have to learn a second language as an adult to fully appreciate kawaii otaku culture. Since they have a declining birth rate maybe they wouldn't view you as a failure if you aren't out getting drunk and having sex with five different women every night like in the west. But the work ethic is a lot worse.

>> No.10264119

this is my first time on /jp/ and i will be leaving soon but all i want to say is why the fuck would you want to be japanese. in fact what is up with this board. the japanese are really fucking weird and if you've ever been it's just really odd and hard to describe how detached they are from themselves and the society they live in. and the girls holy shit are retarded and they don't even know it. there is know way i would ever want to be japanese

>> No.10264128


>> No.10264133

Tons of grammatical errors, didn't read.

>> No.10264134

I wish I had the body of an Asian female. Well, an attractive one anyways. I also wish I were thin and filthy rich, with a few degrees under my belt.

That'd be nice.

>> No.10264142

i'm tired as shit

This is my first time on /jp/ and I will be leaving soon but all I want to say is why the fuck would you want to be Japanese? In fact, what is up with this board? The Japanese are really fucking weird and if you've ever been it's just really odd and hard to describe how detached they are from themselves and the society they live in. And the girls, holy shit, are retarded, and they don't even know it. There is no motherfucking way I would ever want to be Japanese.

bye /jp/ have fun /jp/ing

>> No.10264165

>pure breed japanese
No such a thing.

>> No.10264175

I wish I had been born as a cute Japanese lesbian with social anxiety. Never changed my mind.

>> No.10264184

Yes. I still do. For the genetic superiority and natural fluency in the language. But really, anything beats being a slav.

>> No.10264196 [DELETED] 

>Be honest, /jp/. Have you ever wished to be born as a japanese?

Absolutely, it would be better than being half. I used to fantasize about this a lot when I was a little kid.

>If so, did you change your mind? and why?

There's no point wishing for the impossible.

>> No.10264194


Could this be the start of an epic new copypasta?

>> No.10264225

Stay. You can't judge /jp/ in a short time. As long as you stay polite, stay.

>> No.10264277

Fuck you.

>> No.10264293

What is so bad about being a slav?

>> No.10264336

The terribly brutal culture of cynicism.

>> No.10264348

How is cynism bad at all?

>> No.10264353

I have but not because LOL JAPAN SO AWESOME XD but because it's probably easier being Japanese than black.

>> No.10264377

Knowing that there isn't anything good in the world (and not having any hope for the future) isn't a good feeling. The slavic idea of "normal" is the Western idea of "clinically depressed."

>> No.10264380

But cynism is edgy and cool.

>> No.10264385

I wish I was because it'd at least give me a good reason why I know Japanese. I'm Chinese, know jack shit all for Chinese. Immigration would probably be easier too (not like I want to live permanently in Japan though). Easier for a Japanese to become an American than an American to become Japanese.

>> No.10264389

Becoming American is actually really hard.

>> No.10264392


For first-worlders, yes.

>> No.10264393

It's not being cynical, it's being honest.

>> No.10264395

>Becoming American is actually really hard.

Yes, and it's still a fuckload easier than becoming Japanese.

>> No.10264418

Japan is not even in the top 10 countries for the Human Development Index so I'm happy where I am. Plus if I was also born a girl/women in Japan then my life would be even more shit.

>> No.10264427

>Plus if I was also born a girl/women in Japan then my life would be even more shit.
Why? You get to be a housewife, no need to work.
Unlike in the west where both sexes are expected to work.

>> No.10264429

As if a shitty cultural marxist index can decide how happy people living in a certain country are.

>> No.10264432


Most Japanese wives also work. This isn't the 19th century when women were forced to become housewives and have their minds dimmed by house chores.

>> No.10264433

Even cynics know that there's something good in the world. Little girls. I'm not kidding.

Also, the western world has always had wrong and retarded ideas.

No, you just have to turn off your brain. That's all.

>> No.10264434

>how happy people living in a certain country are.
>Japan's suicide rate
>Japan's birth rate

>> No.10264445

>No, you just have to turn off your brain. That's all.

You just about cut me with that edge of yours.

>> No.10264462

>cultural marxist
What does this mean?

>> No.10264470

Somalian suicides are extremely rare and they breed like rabbits.

>> No.10264476


>> No.10264481

And they are happy.

>> No.10264500

That chair has such a hard outline. 3D objects aren't supposed to have outlines like that.

>> No.10264505

I'm glad I'm white with blue eyes. Feels good, man.

My life would not have been better if I was Japanese. I wouldn't be myself.

>> No.10264508
File: 222 KB, 976x600, [Commie] We All Know That Feel - 22 [1084F246].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10264516


>> No.10264522


Y-y-you too.

You wouldn't be the same person if you grew up in different circumstances with different genes. Both nature and nurture are altered by this scenario.

>> No.10264523

Little. Girls. Are. Not. Cynical. They. Rather. Have. Tits. Than. Be. Cynical.

>> No.10264525

I feel bad for the millions of people who never had a chance to exist because I was born in their place. It must be worse than death.

I'd like to meet one of them in an alternate reality.

>> No.10264539

>I feel bad for the millions of people who never had a chance to exist because I was born in their place.
As an optimist, I feel good for saving them from the suffering.

>> No.10264548

I wouldn't be able to smoke weed and sleep all day.

>> No.10264557

I feel even better because some of them were probably cute little girls.

They should thank me, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10264564
File: 118 KB, 900x613, Its F----- Nothing-Yokohama Protical..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10264567

No, I'd rather wish to become a fellow Nordic.

>> No.10264588

Unborn lolis do not have feelings for ya.

>> No.10264613

I wish I was born alien with cloaca.

>> No.10264617

Yes, I wish I was born in Japan. I can't stand my country's corrupt, mediocre, morally defunct, completely social-oriented culture.

I'm a honest, hardworking person and I'd like to contribute as much as I can to society. In my country, this isn't possible, instead you get ostracized. Most of the so called drawbacks of the Japanese society fit my mindset. Also, I like their traditions a lot.

>> No.10264622

I whish to live in a country where I can't see retards wearing Guy Fawkes masks everywhere.

>> No.10264625

I want to go far, far away from democracy. It's the most retarded idea ever conceived, thanks god our democracies are fake.

>> No.10264652

>Because of all the technology and stuff.

Sorry to dissapoint you, but after you leave tokyo, you won't see any cool technology. They use walkmans and fax machines and really old stuff. 25% of their population is over 65 years old, so the general populace just isn't too accepting of new tech.

>> No.10264655

Old people are the best friends and little girls are the best lovers.

I don't see anything wrong in that 25%.

>> No.10264658

Japan has the second fastest internet speeds in the world, I believe. South korea is #1, so either of those countries I would be fine in.

>> No.10264660

Are little girls really the best lovers?

>> No.10264662

They are generally not accepting of technology, you're an outcast nerd if you even use your computer.

>> No.10264670

They also throw rocks at cars. Kyoto is far enough away to border the dark countryside.

>> No.10264673

No. Have wished to be born into more wealth and privilege though. Somethings tells me I'm not alone on this one. But those with the means live well anywhere really. The elite in shithole countries still live infinitely better than me and I'm not even a poorfag. Being able to buy citizenship and live anywhere helps.

>> No.10264675

They smell nice and cry for retarded reasons, so you'll have a lot of chances to make them feel better by hugging their warm bodies for a whole hour.

>> No.10264677

Citizenship doesn't mean shit if you do something morally reprehensible outside of America. They'll bring you back and punish you.

>> No.10264680

That's why people like corrupt Chinese government officials who've embezzled millions upon millions flee TO the US and Canada. If you're not powerful enough to be above the law in your own country, you can always run to safer havens.

>> No.10264689

>The elite in shithole countries still live infinitely better than me and I'm not even a poorfag
I'm sorry to say this, but it seems you have some sort of delusions. You think being middle-class in a first world country is like being a millionaire to the rest of the world?
>Have wished to be born into more wealth and privilege though
Yeah, you and like 95% of the population.

You sound some fucking underageb&. Get out, etc.

>> No.10264719

It's just like my favorite Oingo Boingo song!

>> No.10264726

>You think being middle-class in a first world country is like being a millionaire to the rest of the world?

Not him, but according to this table, compared to me they are millionaires.

>> No.10264733



>> No.10265198

This was a thread and you should feel.

>> No.10265247

Once I did, but then I realized it made no sense to wish I was something I am not and never could be.

>> No.10265287

The good olde days...

>> No.10265383

Sooooo desu neeee

>> No.10265409

Well, /jp/'s cynicism sure makes me feel good about being Japanese...

Really, it's not that bad. It's just another country.

>> No.10265422

Are you insinuating that you believe to be japanese?

If you are can I come over ans smell you and feel your skin against mine and ravish your delicate japanese body?

>> No.10265424

Fuck Japan, my grandfather fought for the freedom of my proud nation, and I ain't becoming some slanty-eyed nip fuck so that I can tread all over liberty and freedom.

>> No.10265430

You are so obvious.

>> No.10265434

I've actually had a weeaboo do that once, except he stalked me home and bit my neck since he was into hellsing at the time. The most terrifying day of my highschool years.

>> No.10265456

Now that's fucked up.

>> No.10265464

You sound like those retards who behave like christians in front of their christian grandparents in order to not offend them.

>> No.10265470

as a Japanese man I would happily trade with a white or black man if it would mean I wouldn't be hung like a hamster anymore... seriously, I'm tiny :-(

>> No.10265475

I'm Japanese too, but I'm 173cm. Basically perfectly average in Japan, so it's a non issue. Are you living in a western country or something?

>> No.10265478

It's a meme you dumbasses.

>> No.10265479

He's not talking about his height, you dummy.

>> No.10265487

Yes because all this cool otaku stuff could be so close to me. Now everything feels so distant. Without understanding of language and Japanese culture I feel I can't enjoy otaku culture as its finest.

>> No.10265497

Well, then. I'm also at about the same as the white average in that department as well, so I suppose I'm content for that too.

>> No.10265501

Holy shit, get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.10265520

Why? And let that fucking crossboarder insult this thread thinking he is better than us?

>> No.10265531
File: 935 KB, 1920x946, 1356073041927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Japs, White Amerifats are pretty subpar. It's only thanks to the master negro blood that boosts their national average.

>> No.10265547

This is selfreported.

>> No.10265555

I don't know who's trolling who anymore, but please stop.

>> No.10265661

Nice fours.

>> No.10265671

>I'm also at about the same as the white average
5cm isn't the white average.

>> No.10265707

No. I enjoy Japanese culture. It's something to look at and enjoy but I would most certainly not want to be Japanese. I'm 6'1, have blue eyes and a reasonably sized penis. I won the genetic lottery and I have no intention of having to roll again. Having dark hair, a small penis and being short is not something I want. Regardless of how much I enjoy there culture.

Remember cunts. The grass is always greener on the other side. As someone who spent a year in japan, back when I was much more of a weaboo(to the same extent as some of the lost souls in this thread), and I can honestly say that I have no intention of ever returning. /jp/ culture is best enjoyed from outside of japan.

>> No.10265711


Fucking auto speller piece of shit

>> No.10265759

What's wrong with a small penis? Their average love interest can only handle small childlike penises, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10265755

>I'm 6'1, have blue eyes and a reasonably sized penis

Except that you don't have any use of those traits, judging by the fact that you're on /jp/.

>> No.10265756

Why would I ever want to be something other than a White person? This makes no sense.

>> No.10265765

While there would be certain benefits to being born Japanese, such as knowing the language fluently without having to put in the work as an adult, and having easier access to things I would like to purchase, there are innumerable downsides: fucked up repressive culture, terrible school life, long work hours, super strict anti-piracy laws, etc. It seems like it's better to simply learn the language and consume media from afar. That's what I'm primarily interested in anyway, their media. Making a visit someday might be nice, though. I wouldn't want to live there.

>> No.10265780

>terrible school life

I find bullying really beautiful in a nostalgic and screwed up way, though.

>> No.10265783

Only if it involves little girls, though.

>> No.10265796 [DELETED] 


>> No.10265864

You forgot the part when Japanese people sound like utter shit when they try speaking German, French, Italian and basically any language that isn't Japanese unless they grow up as bilinguals.

>> No.10266465

They sound moe.

>> No.10266665
File: 42 KB, 512x512, 1356331743786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a Nikeijin. It's was super fun and convenient that my grandparents live literally a 10 walk minutes away from Akihabara so my mom took me a lot when I was a kid. I got introduced to Otaku culture, doujin cuture, games, and ero all through my trips back to Japan. Without being nikeijin I might have become a normalfag white man who did a ton of sports and get smashed at parties. For most of my childhood I was on the bridge of whether I wanted to fully commit myself to Soccer/Baseball/Swimming/Waterpolo and a bunch of other sports, or if I really like Japanese culture and games. It's pretty evident what decision I chose. I discovered ero doujinshi firsthand when I was 16 at Comiket. It was a wonderful experience. As much as one would think that being surrounded by sweaty otakus would be displeasing, the atmosphere of being at a live comiket was rather euphoric.

I kind of got the best of two worlds, I was able to visit Japan for fun without being restricted by Japanese society and strict work/school structures. During my middleschool years I had a thing where I was a temporary student in a middle school for two months in Japan. It was fun as I got to experience the in-classroom lunch atmosphere as well as the fun it is to be with classmates.

Other than that, I have some pretty great parents who supported me really well and took me back to Japan frequently to visit family, so i am grateful to them.

I don't have any regrets asides the racist assholes I bump into time to time. I'm not pressured into the white-man alpha male competition and live a relatively modest life. Also, cooking rice dishes for dinner every night is simple, easy, tasty and cheap which makes my food budget under $40 for two weeks excluding going out to eat.

Thank you, and please excuse my blog-like moment.

>> No.10266680

Mixed jap dirty not pure

>> No.10266694

Both parents are Japanese. I am just born in Canada

>> No.10266701 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 769x516, 1356556374481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10266727

At one point in time when I was full on weeb, but not now. Nope.

I lowered my weaboo skill level down after staying in Japan for 2 years. Seeing all these deluded people in this thread makes me laugh and cry, looking at some of the posts is like looking at myself before I ever went to Japan.

I'd rather be African than Japanese. Ok, maybe not.

>> No.10266731

Tell me about your experiences during that 2 year period. I'd like to hear about it.

>> No.10266743

I've never wanted to be Japanese, that's insane.

But a Big Dog white guy in Japan with money, stomping around like I own the place? Fuck yes.

>> No.10266781

>Witnessed 11 suicides
>Experienced the salary man lifestyle - Do it and you'll realize why so many people kill themselves
>Found out the true nature of Japanese women, through my own relationships and the relationships of my Japanese friends
>xenophobia that makes Nazi Germany look like a democrat convention
>Was swallowed by the negative attitude that seems to erode my very soul
>Ultimately the novelty of the whole thing disappeared in the first 4 months or so
>Plus many more things I really can't be bothered writing about. there should be an r9k thread archived somewhere with some of my stories

I'll just enjoy my otaku hobbies from outside of Japan from now on and I'd recommend the same to everyone else but I doubt people will listen. I had someone tell me the same thing before I went there but I didn't listen.

>> No.10266793


The grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.10266803

Kind of like I expected it to be then.

>> No.10266817

>Witnessed 11 suicides
Explain further and in great detail.

>> No.10266826


>Experienced the salary man lifestyle

sounds like you dun goof'd

>> No.10266829

Sure is a lot of disillusioned idiots who don't think Japan is just like any other country in this thread.

>> No.10266837

Please point out the exact posts of the ones you think are delusional then.

>> No.10266855

Honestly, you guys sound like you're butthurt because you've got to make an effort to integrate into a society that isn't a western and white one.
Oh no, I'm not a part of the ethnic majority, I'll just go complain about how xenophobic this country is!
You would think the same thing if you were say, an Arab immigrating to the US, or a Japanese person immigrating to France or something.
You all sound like a bunch of disillusioned children who react in the same way as middle-aged Japanese women do when they come to France for the first time and find out it isn't some fairy tale wonderland.

>> No.10266863

Tell us about your experiences in Japan

>> No.10266873

I said "disillusioned", not "delusional".

All these people are disillusioned idiots who are crying because Japan is a country just like any other, and not some haven where everyone is an otaku just like them.

>> No.10266871

I lived in shared apartments for the first year since it was cheap and I knew some of the people from online chats/forums. 3 of the suicides were hangings and 2 of the were otakus who lived in an apartment 2 doors down and 1 of them was a friend who I shared an apartment with. 5 were people who jumped of buildings. 2 of those 5 were women and one of those women jumped down right in front of me. The rest were all seen from a little distance. The last 3 were train jumpers. Not pretty.

Yep. I regret it big time. Great way to understand the average Japanese lifestyle though. Not a lifestyle that I would wish upon even my greatest of enemy.

>> No.10266885

You're either from Korea or Eastern Europe if you think that witnessing eleven suicides in two years is normal.

>> No.10266887
File: 63 KB, 712x720, 1355917042353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad that I am white.

I have the Germanic blood of powerful barbarians pumping through my veins.

>> No.10266900
File: 6 KB, 264x400, 1346484642579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is normal, that is just the kind of work we live in, deal with it.

>> No.10266901

Just give us your personal count, then.

>> No.10266910

I studied in Kyoto for about two years and it was a pleasant experience. The people were just like any others from other parts of the world. Some are nice, some are assholes, some are xenophobes, but most of them are just normal people.

It's not like my home country didn't have these kinds of people, and every other country I've been to or lived in has people like that. People just get mortified when they suddenly realize that when they go to a country where they don't belong to the ethnic majority, they might actually be ridiculed by xenophobes.

I experienced more of a culture shock when I was in America compared to when I was in Japan.

>> No.10266913

About twenty-three. It's been a bit slow lately.

>> No.10266914

Your country?

>> No.10266915

I'm from Northwestern Europe and people kill themselves all the time.

>> No.10266919


>> No.10266923

I hear about it, but I don't see it. I'm not exactly a person who's out and about all the time but I'm nothing close to a shut-in.

>> No.10266936


I thought Scandinavians were so happy. Or do you mean Scotland with Northwestern Europe? In that case it's understandable.

>> No.10266947

We have this thing here that's pretty similar to what people perceive Japanese society as being like:

I'm pretty sure most Scandinavian countries are in the top 20 for suicide rates, whereas the UK is at around 60th place.

>> No.10266985
File: 33 KB, 488x541, 1348946798533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to be born a slav

>> No.10266991

Is this the only 2d moe slav picture? I know there is another edited one of this but it would be nice to see more like it.

>> No.10267006


You guys should really look up on this, because everyone seems to be either in the honeymoon or negotiation phase of culture shock.

>> No.10267035

I'm from Spain, last month the media reported 3 suicides in 3-4 days.

>> No.10267038
File: 24 KB, 221x221, Slavtori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10267130

But that is because we are in harsh times, my fellow countryman

>> No.10267171

What the fuck is a slav?

>> No.10267178

Why is there a kid in OP's picture? GROSS.

>> No.10267251

She's really cute.

>> No.10267311

Cute not pedo.

Japanese lolis aren't hot at all.

>> No.10267316

I said she's cute.

>> No.10267329

I don't like kids with glasses. I dunno why.

>> No.10267367

You shouldn't like kids at all

>> No.10267370

Nope I would probably be poor and unable to be a neet.

>> No.10267379

I love kids in many ways.

>> No.10267384
File: 186 KB, 766x511, _47418576_-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except boys.

>> No.10267391

I found this quote from Lewis Carroll:

"I have had prayers answered - most strangely so sometimes - but I think our heavenly Father's loving-kindness has been even more evident in what He has refused me."

What does he mean? God is good because he refuses to let him fuck little girls, no matter how much he prays?

That's deep.

>> No.10267403

I'd rather learn Japanese and live in Japan as a foreigner; that way I get all of the benefits of being a minority and white and also get to be surrounded by the games and material that I love.

>> No.10267405

That girl is moe

>> No.10267413

White people can't be a minority anywhere, even if they actually are.

It's like how racism against whites "doesn't exist".

>> No.10267426

You can't be a minority with all that privilege. It's a perk of living in occupied territory.

>> No.10267449

White people can't be a minority because white isn't a race. You have to be more specific about what kind of white guy you are.

>> No.10267494

There are whites, brown, blacks, yellows and reds. No other race exists in the world.

>> No.10267538

So there is no difference between a Dutchman and an Irishman?

>> No.10267545


That's extremely broad. Is Indian brown the same as Hispanic brown?

>> No.10267551

Are you implying that different races make people different? You rassest!!!

>> No.10267565


Also, American natives were red.

>> No.10267568


Ethnic groups: 98.5% Japanese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Chinese, 0.6% other (Source: wikipedia)

Sure is full of minorities

>> No.10267578

But that's stupid and what do native Americans have to do with anything?

>> No.10267591

I'm not red, honky

>> No.10267603

"Kill everyone in this thread!" - me

>> No.10267611


Right on. Hey how much land will you give me for these beads?

>> No.10267642

You can't be a native, they were all either killed or mixed with Spanish people.

Shitty mexican's aren't natives, that's why you aren't red.

>> No.10269013

Taking Japanese classes and interacting with Japanese people has made me not so much of a weeaboo and I've still never been to Japan yet. I don't want to be Japanese anymore. If I were in Japan, I wouldn't have hard drives full of Japanese shit. I'd just be a normalfag Jap.

>> No.10269089

Moritte Accabo.

>> No.10269294

Can we discuss instead the cute little girl in OP's pic?

>> No.10271864

bump lol

>> No.10272282

Same, bro.
