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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 461 KB, 685x685, beryl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10255276 No.10255276 [Reply] [Original]

Would you fuck Raspberyl?

>> No.10255284

Of course, she's just my type.

>> No.10255292


>> No.10255302

Demon girls is a stupid fetish.

>> No.10255307

When I said she was my type, I meant I like bookish girls with childish bodies. I don't care about the demon part.

>> No.10255315
File: 35 KB, 250x453, 250px-Hanako_Big_(Disgaea_2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Hanako or Etna is sexier.

>> No.10255318

Holy shit yes.

>> No.10255324

You're so gay.

>> No.10255337

Oh shit. I finally got to the part of the game where power leveling is easy as hell, and now I just have the urge to grind whenever I'm not playing. It's so monotonous, yet... Yet I can't stop!

>> No.10255339
File: 512 KB, 995x367, Koakuma thumb wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon girls is a stupid fetish.

Actually, the attraction is quite logically consistent. Demons are portrayed as powerful, competent, sexual, and often diabolically intelligent. Apart from the whole "embodiment of evil thing," they would be ideal mates, both for reproduction and long-term partnerships, since they would be able to both bear and protect strong, successful offspring, and furthermore, their nonexistent morals would likely permit the male to breed with other females without destroying the relationship, making them both an affirmation of the desire to sire many offspring and disregard societal standards, and to have a reliable, high-quality life-long mate and partner.

>> No.10255344

>I want to be raped, have my soul devoured, NTRed, then taken to hell forever.

Just get yourself a cute angel or goddess chick. Why would you like sluts?

>> No.10255358

Yeah, Flonne too. I like ditzes better, ut Raspberyl is kawaii too since she has the same VA as Rise and Tish.

>> No.10255363
File: 203 KB, 600x900, SWEATER LAMIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Religion and Sexuality don't mix well, and like it or not(and it better be the latter). It is often more 'natural' to associate sex with wicked creatures like demons, whereas fetishes for Angels/Goddesses evoke cognitive dissonance and don't work as smoothly.

Besides, this is all armchair psychology, I personally like snakes.

>> No.10255373

I like you. You remind me of this.


>> No.10255411

I consider Raspberyl the best supporting female main character of the series. The idea of a loli demon girl acting like an upstanding person because she wants to be a delinquent is adorable.

>> No.10255424


>> No.10255447
File: 63 KB, 482x480, 26_216590_75920b19e380369[9].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fetishes for Angels/Goddesses evoke cognitive dissonance
Why? Angels boffed humans in the bible even. I think it's more the rape and unexplained pregnancies that were blamed on demons usually.

I'd think more people would think of Venus/Aphrodite if you asked them about a supernatural sex being than a succubus.

Anyway to each their own. Me, I like them wings.

>> No.10255449

>Them feathery wings.

>> No.10255454
File: 42 KB, 365x420, 33631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute angel
Angels are not cute

>> No.10255484

If angels aren't cute, how come a whole town wanted to rape them?

Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.10255488


>> No.10255512

Because you can do more to a slut. Would a pure girl be willing to happily drink my pee? I think not.

>> No.10255525

Wouldn't it be more fun to slowly corrupt the pure girl until she does?

>> No.10255538


They passed up virgin loli sex cause they wanted to fuck the angels that badly.

>> No.10255578

>One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.”

Bible approves of reverse loli rape?

>> No.10255587

Where does it say what they did was a good thing? Though that was before rules and shit existed anyway.

>> No.10255612

Only if it was her dub voice

>> No.10255719

this board is full of pedos, i can't believe this

>> No.10255728

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.10255743

Eh. I'd prefer Nekomata or Succubus, maybe a Priestess or Ronin.

>> No.10255790
File: 381 KB, 568x900, 32294846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.10255852

Oh man, he was way too eager to give his daughters away for no reason.

>> No.10255875 [DELETED] 

/jp/ pls...

>> No.10255930

Sure but I'd rather ravage Etna's anus! Sounds super slippery and warm!

>> No.10257927

Because it was hate rape obviously

>> No.10257946

>Sounds super slippery and warm!

What makes it sound like that? Her farts?

>> No.10258551
File: 671 KB, 1000x1000, b415815c87bdd7bcf8a950ccdcc539bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I would just take her on a date or something. As >>10255315 said Etna is easily 10 times better though.

>> No.10258556

No, because there is a giant penis growing out of her ass

>> No.10258583

Jesus christ, is /jp/ full of secondary NIS fans too.

Etna is a jerkface who can't even say how she really feels to even Laharl, who normally is too obsessed with styling and doesn't help her case, she has too much power and control over everything and isn't easy to dialogue with. Raspberyl is a chatty wannabe delinquent who usually has a helpful and useful demeanor, she just has a large following of helpers and likes to challenge people.

I think the choice is obvious...you wouldn't even be able to poke Etna with a candy cane before dying horribly or getting devoured by a bunch of prinnies. NTRing Raspberyl away from that faggot Mao would be satisfying and the correct answer.

Also, how the fuck is this /jp/ related.

>> No.10258620
File: 422 KB, 800x890, 946112b88e80309c9bb7ba4b78292554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you going a little deep into this anon?

>> No.10258642
File: 117 KB, 800x800, b308d80f6bd1e9700686e2a2e465324e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO. Etna is shit.

If I had to pick anything, it would be this.

>> No.10258675

You mean Laharl was busy being too much of a badass.

>> No.10258680

She was old enough to get pregnant, so she would've been a really ripe loli at best.

Is the rest of the old testament this good?

>> No.10258682


I would fuck Raspberyl.
Thank you for your time, OP.

>> No.10258684

The Alarunes are male.

>> No.10258686



>> No.10258691

They're androgynous. They can change body to fit the needs.


>> No.10258693

That's pretty gay

>> No.10258698


Please do not insult those who were born with genetic deficiencies.

>> No.10258713


>> No.10258750

They look like women so, no, it's not gay.

>> No.10258754
File: 141 KB, 550x700, 0355a3b7287630a17f65cfcab56bca52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10258816
File: 17 KB, 300x421, 192474-almaz_disgaea_3_pictureboxart_160w_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Disgaea girl

>> No.10258827


>> No.10258831

I don't think that word means what you think it does.

>> No.10258838

I tried to watch Disgaea but I felt like I was 20 years older than the target ausience.

>> No.10258842


>> No.10258846

I think your sarcasm detector is broken.

>> No.10258855

I think he's talking about the anime, which is retarded since he should just play the game.

>> No.10258851

Anime is something you watch

>> No.10258852

>over the internet

>> No.10258857


The anime sucks cock, and Beryl's not even in it.

What a turbo nigger.

>> No.10258859

>almost 2013
>can't into tangibles

>> No.10258887
File: 40 KB, 300x300, 1353658504208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, true secondaries actually like Desco. And only have played D4.

-- Secondary choices --

[11/24/2012 4:35:16 AM] xxxx: I thought you were talking about MC's
[11/24/2012 4:35:33 AM] me: in general
[11/24/2012 4:38:33 AM] xxxx: Desco
[11/24/2012 4:38:55 AM] xxxx: but I have a soft spot for sweet little Marona
[11/24/2012 4:40:10 AM] me: ... marona is a phantom brave character
[11/24/2012 4:40:21 AM] xxxx: who also showed up in Disgaea 3
[11/24/2012 4:40:23 AM] xxxx: And Prinny 2 I think

-- Secondary strategy --

[11/24/2012 4:54:37 AM] xxxx: I used a succubus and a nekotama for a while
[11/24/2012 4:54:42 AM] xxxx: In the end, I only kept the nekotama
[11/24/2012 4:54:54 AM] xxxx: Magic was pretty much shit until you got to the later stages

-- Secondary opinion --

[11/24/2012 4:42:24 AM] me: axel is cool too though
[11/24/2012 4:42:27 AM] me: he's lived a hard life
[11/24/2012 4:43:06 AM] me: oh yeah
[11/24/2012 4:43:07 AM] me: but axel
[11/24/2012 4:43:12 AM] me: now THAT'S a disgaea character
[11/24/2012 4:43:20 AM] me: get your "cameos" and "DLC" out of here
[11/24/2012 4:43:39 AM] xxxx: axel
[11/24/2012 4:43:40 AM] xxxx: pff
[11/24/2012 4:43:43 AM] xxxx: axel is laaaaame
[11/24/2012 4:43:48 AM] xxxx: blonde chest hairs

>> No.10258933

Where is all of this from?

>> No.10258947

Typical convo in your household.

>> No.10258969

>[11/24/2012 4:54:37 AM] xxxx: I used a succubus and a nekotama for a while
>[11/24/2012 4:54:42 AM] xxxx: In the end, I only kept the nekotama
>[11/24/2012 4:54:54 AM] xxxx: Magic was pretty much shit until you got to the later stages

Holy shit, I really died...of laughter.

I truly hated most monsters until I tried Alraunes even though some of them could get decent AoEs and whatnot, none of them were as decent as actually getting a fucking S sword user or some ultra rice shit like that which actually lets you get xp faster with little thought or costs put into it. And if it's not some melee ricer, it's a Mage.

Haven't tried Disgaea 4 with all those monster changes though, I'm still angry at NIS for not translating Append, no idea if he really did the correct thing or not, but from my experience with previous ones, doing that shit only slowed game and gave me wasted slots.

>> No.10259035

I can't play Disgaea on consoles. These games are made for portables, dunno why they still bother releasing on PS3

>> No.10259258


Because no one gives a shit about the PS VAGINA until it gets hacked.

>> No.10259274

I used to buy Nippon Ichi games and I wasn't really sure why, because they were 100% unfun grindfests whose only challenge was your patience, but then I realized I just liked masturbating to the characters so I saved a whole bunch of money by just browsing certain tags on boorus.

>> No.10259288


Sounds like most of the touhou fanbase.

Welcome to the world of a secondary!

>> No.10259307

It's actually the opposite with me and Touhou. I think the entire backstory behind it is inane as fuck, but I play the games because they are fun and challenging. I'm not a secondary with anything really, because there is nothing of creative value in the extended world of a video game. I read actual fiction like a healthy person. I just like masturbating to 2D girls from certain series.

>> No.10259387

Disgaea 4 will be on the PSV soon, probably in 2013

>> No.10259959

Are you saying you don't like Desco? Who's the ``secondary'' here, I wonder.
