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10249636 No.10249636[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of this series? I recently finished the first one and, while it was nothing special, I quite enjoyed it.

How are the sequels?

>> No.10249640

The greatest love story ever told.swf

>> No.10249641
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I played the one with the loli and the teacher, it was very cute.

>> No.10249651

I would like it more if it wasn't a nukige series.

Now get out to >>>/u/

>> No.10249658

They aren't nukige, they just have simple stories and characters. Which is fine and actually quite refreshing.

>> No.10249655 [DELETED] 

Condense your shit. XD

>> No.10249666

I like them but they definitely go downhill the minute the characters have sex, as it never seems to stop.

>> No.10249680

This, the pacing upsets me. They start out cute and stuff, but then it dives right into sex presumably because Fuguriya assume I have ADHD. I'd prefer relationships between characters that took their time a bit more.

>> No.10249687

...no, the main focus is sex scenes, they are yuri nukige.

Masturbation material.

Cute yuri romance is just incidental to that.

>> No.10249689

I like the Hanabira VNs. I'm not really big on nukige, but the cuteness compels me to keep reading.

>> No.10249699 [DELETED] 

In some VNs, the developers have to include sex scenes because the customers expect them and won't buy otherwise. It's usually too difficult to find a good way to include so many sex scenes into the story, so they end up reducing the overall quality of the VN.

My thought: why not write the core story without sex scenes, preserving its quality, and include eroge side-stories or CGs in the 'extras' category?

>> No.10249704


Why no nukige tag, then?

When I think nukige, I think "porn". These are erotica, not porn.

>> No.10249719

Click "all" instead of "summary" you retarded piece of shit.

(not like VNDB is any kind of authority)

Now back to >>>/u/ where you belong with the rest of pretentious delusional morons.

>> No.10249721

What in the HELL is wrong with your eyes

>> No.10249724

I agree, but it's not like late H-scene eroge don't exist. I wish developers would be a little more bold in easing into H rather than thrusting you into the lewdness less than half an hour after you start playing.

>> No.10249730

I've only watched the one OVA.

It was kawaii as fuck.

>> No.10249731

Oh, it only has a weighting of 2.5.

So what makes something like this nukige and not, say, Wanko to Kurasou?

>> No.10249736

>When I think
That doesn't make something true. A nukige is any VN that has sex as the primary focus of the game. This VN essentially just has cute scenes between the girls as a break from the sex scenes. Go spread your ignorance somewhere else.

>> No.10249746 [DELETED] 


Are you really throwing a tantrum about something that silly?


>> No.10249747

You seem awfully offended by this.

What eroge aren't nukige, then?

>> No.10249751

Yeah, it's nice but always the same shit. You read one, you read them all. My favorite was with the loli too. And the worst with the glasses (?) girl that kept whining about herself.

>> No.10249780

Yeah there really isn't all that much difference between them. I've read three different ones now and they're all effectively the same sex scenes with slightly different characters.

>> No.10250535

>>Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 6- Released
>>Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 8- Released

>> No.10250549

It's a nice series, but I wish they'd focus on the characters and the story more instead of sex scene after sex scene. Mai en Reo in particular are very nice girls, but they don't really develop because of the constant sex.

>> No.10250581

Wanko is also a nukige.

>> No.10252637


it's a fucking nukige just go away and take your thread somewhere else.

this is why visual novels should never be translated
