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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10243734 No.10243734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10243745

he has probably "read" more eroges than i ever have with his machine translations so i cant argue against his superior opinion

>> No.10243749

Which machine translations?

>> No.10243757

Hongfire is such a weird place.
Thank god I've got you, /jp/.

>> No.10243763


More like dongfire

>> No.10243767

>I hate complex things. I like easy things
More like "I hate complex things because my machine translation tools can't handle it"

>> No.10243797

Where's the Brazilian copypasta about NTR?

>> No.10243798

That br is still around?

>> No.10243802

I love my fellow countrymen so fucking much, huehue.

>> No.10243839

HUEHEUEHUEHUEHEUHEUEHUEHUE BRBR? gibe me moni pl0x or i report u

>> No.10243852

Why do BRs force their own meme so much?

>> No.10243856

Because they're legitimately retarded. Brazil is the most pathetic country in many aspects. Even Finland is more creative than them. Brazillian memes consist of literal translations of english chanspeak.

>> No.10243866

Probably just a gringo thinking it's going to get someone offended. Have a better meme.

For me , fhc from Brazil, NTR only exist when this happens with a wife, bride or a girlfriend of the protagonist ( a girl that have a official love relationship / commitment with the protagonist of the game ) and the protagonist really love this woman very much, and this woman love the protagonist very much too, however, for some reason, she is forced to make sex with other man ( maybe bacause of a “uncontrollable sexual desire”, or maybe because of blackmail, or like the “payment” of a “high debt”, or, just a normal RAPE ) I not know, the reason will be explained in the game, but, the fact is that the girl need to love the protagonist and the protagonist need to love the girl. NTR without love, for me, is not NTR.

However, for sure exist others different kinds of NTR, since NTR is jealousy and jealousy is a feelings, then, it can change between different persons. No one have the same feelings, no one have the same mind. Then, NTR is something of personal interpretation.

Games exactly with the kind of NTR that I like are very much rare, then, If I keep only with this kind of thing in my mind, I never will play any game. I need to try to satisfy me with the few NTR that are available, even in games that not have EXACTLY the kind of NTR that I like.

>> No.10243868

Then, some people have jealousy of their mother or sister, other people feel jealousy of a unrequited love, like a childhood friend that you love very much, but, she end up in love with other guy. Or maybe a friend that work in the same job. This can varies very much beetween each game. The unique TRUE fact about NTR is:

1- The protagonist see the girl making sex with other guy, and the protagonist feel sad, frustated, angry and disturbed seeing this sexual act. The protagonist fell JEALOUSY in few words, then, this is NTR.

Then, NTR is not related ONLY with a girlfriend or a wife, but, with any woman that exist in the game where the protagonist is aiming, but, the girl end up making sex with other guy instead of the protagonist.

Other different kind of NTR that I love is the game where the protagonist love a girl and the girl love the protagonist too, but, the protagonist have the NTR fetish, then, the protagonist request for the girl to make sex with others guys just to please him. I love this kind of NTR, the girl really not wanna to do it, but, she agree with this just to make the protagonist happy. For sure the protagonist fell jealousy seeing the woman that he love making sex with other guy, but, he LIKE to feel it. This is a fetish. This is NTR.

>> No.10243870

A game 100% without NTR are so boring. Sometimes, I play pure love games without NTR, but, games with some kind of NTR are ALWAYS much more interesting than games without any NTR. The best thinhg in NTR is the "suspense" the excitement resulting from uncertainty, why happened the NTR ? Why the girl that you love betrayed you ? What will happens next ? How will become the relationship of the girl and the protagonist after the NTR ? the apprehension, the anxiety that you fell while you are playing a NTR game are UNIQUE. NTR games NEVER are boring.

1- You can imagine the woman that you love sucking the penis of other guy in the front of your eyes ?

2- You can imagine the penis of other guy being inserted in the vagina of the woman that you love, and shooting sperm inside of her ?

3- You can imagine the woman that you love screaming of pleasure and happiness while are making sex with other man in the front of your eyes ?

This is the soul of NTR.

>> No.10243883

I got real-life NTR'd once. Probably good, because I'd have became totally normal otherwise.

>> No.10243887

>Brazillian memes consist of literal translations of english chanspeak.

That is really retarded. Can any jungle bunny verify this?

>> No.10243909 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 450x300, 135604227687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly puns from broken machine translations. Yep.

>> No.10243914
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>> No.10243918
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>> No.10243919

I like when brazillian tribespeople try to pretend to be foreigners online.

>> No.10243924
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>> No.10243928
File: 81 KB, 639x800, 134481082311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm very proud of my primal ancestry.

>> No.10243929
File: 106 KB, 640x359, robert-de-niro-taxi-driver-1976-martin-scorsese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a foreigner, fuckwit.
I am pure American white, now get the fuck off my site you tryhard sageing faggot.

>> No.10243932
File: 1.59 MB, 1400x875, 134472641850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10243935


Get out disability, no one wants you here.

>> No.10243936
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>> No.10243937

You already drove him away, but you can't do the same to me, bitch.

>> No.10243938
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>> No.10243939
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>> No.10243940
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>> No.10243942
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>> No.10243945

Just checked his website
>Best viewed with NC4/IE5

>> No.10243946
File: 5 KB, 255x80, hue-saturation_tool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10243947
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>> No.10243949
File: 207 KB, 640x480, Doukyuusei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is obviously a deluded fan boy, but Elf did make some damn good games. They're one of the big players that made eroge what it is today.

>> No.10243951
File: 73 KB, 532x672, [001123].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I go to the rainforests of brazil can I fuck young teenage jungle-girls easily because of my white skin?

>> No.10243952
File: 160 KB, 640x511, 135609804113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be google for another image pack, have a swine.

>> No.10243957

How do you pronounce "hue"?

>> No.10243958

Pic related -> Pica relatada (A pun because pica means dick in brazillian slang)
Shit bricks -> cagar tijolos
You're doing it wrong -> Você está fazendo isso errado
Thread -> Fio
Newfaggot -> Bicha nova
Anon - anão ( a pun because anão means dwarf, but phonetically it's close to anon)
Many other shitty literally translated slangs but I prefer to not bother because they're just awful. The worst part about the brazillian chans is that they point at 4chan saying that it's a failure of a board, yet they are a fucking failure of creating any redeemable OC or any worthy discussion. The fastest boards from the 2 biggest chans are /r9k/ 2.0. And I won't even dare to touch how pathetic the brazillian weeaboos are, at the point of female otaku-wannabee calling themselves "otome".

Anon-kun, I didn't mention anywhere in my post that I wasn't brazillian.

>> No.10243962
File: 56 KB, 359x538, 135609941234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child prostitution is a very real thing in Acre and the northeast states, but you're probably gonna get raped to death.
We both know you don't have the guts.

>> No.10243966

>Pic related -> Pica relatada (A pun because pica means dick in brazillian slang)

It's double funny because in English a pica is 1/6 inch.

Brazilians confirmed for small penises.

>> No.10243971

Wasn't there some Anon on /r9k/ who claimed to have married a 10-year-old girl there (or something like that)?

Someone post the screencaps.

>> No.10243973

No. they will kill you

>> No.10243977


Well, Brazil doesn't sound like a very nice place.

I should probably just go to the Philippines


Most likely complete bullshit.


>> No.10243979
File: 31 KB, 202x154, 134481160852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> at the point of female otaku-wannabee calling themselves "otome".
Your own fault for watching Encontro com Fátima Bernardes and taking that shit seriously.
Also you're being unfair, most of the board has its own culture and they only look down on 4chan because they're trying to seem like elitist hipsters.

>> No.10243988

I liked her photos.

Being a criminal will only get you in trouble.

>> No.10243996

Fuck the police.

>> No.10243997
File: 63 KB, 500x500, taina2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a mainstream BR movie about butt naked cute kurumin girls doing cute things in the jungle.

Apparently Japan liked it too, color me surprised.

>> No.10244010

Brazil has fucking hot women with huge asses and they all love sex and anal though. I want to go there just to fuck some huge ass Brazil women. its true they all love anal right, cuz every porn video has them fucking their huge ass. Is it easy to find a slut in Brazil with a huge ass?

>> No.10244015

/jp/ - Brazil General

>> No.10244021

Well it just seems like sex is viewed more free there, like you can easily have sex with anyone. plus they wear thongs and love anal and it goes with there huge asses. Is anal view as just normal sex there? because every porn video all the women seem to like it.

>> No.10244025 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 700x629, Christmas fridey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10244053

Only in liberal shitholes like Rio and Campinas.
Don't get your hopes up if you're not rich.

>> No.10244059

I thought it was part of their culture?

>> No.10244064

Are you rich and hot?
Then yeah.

>> No.10244069

Isn't Brazil the country where they get tax cuts for Plastic Surgery?

>> No.10244071

but i heard you can just walk around and find a chick that would want to fuck, like sex is that easy. like they have sex workers all over the place and women that just want to have sex for free. they also walk around in thongs right? like anywhere they want?

>> No.10244074

I hate people who play VNs through machine translators. Why? Because you never know who they are. It could be whatever person you are talking to about VNs. But why is it a problem? Because they don't have any clue what they are talking about. All of their opinions are trash. What VNs have they actually played? Fucking none. They've only played garbled shit translations and probably didn't know what was going on half the time. Their opinions are worthless. I don't even know why such people even bother to play VNs as a hobby, when they are clearly cut off from it on a fundamental level due to their lack of Japanese knowledge. And they're likely the ones to go spew their filthy opinions everywhere as if they have anything informed or worthwhile to say on the subject, when they fucking don't Fuck them. If you're going to use something with a text hooker, you should only be using it copy+paste Japanese words you don't know to streamline your learning. Anything else, fuck you.

>> No.10244078

So are there still tribes like this in Brazil? how do the tribes interact with the more modern Brazil people? can the modern Brazil people go in and just have sex with the tribes too? do all the tribes women walk around naked?

>> No.10244079


>> No.10244083

Which part of being rich and hot in a big liberal city can't you understand, exactly?
The same is true about our trannies.

>> No.10244084
File: 108 KB, 450x557, 1345244672403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So are there still tribes like this in Brazil?


>how do the tribes interact with the more modern Brazil people?

they don't

>can the modern Brazil people go in and just have sex with the tribes too?


> do all the tribes women walk around naked?

only a few ones

>> No.10244095
File: 39 KB, 535x335, 0,,15371742-EX,00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do exist but look like total shit, and they seem to really like socialism for some reason.

>> No.10244101
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>> No.10244102
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>> No.10244108

I wonder who make these fanarts of her

I'ts not like someone care with her or something

>> No.10244109

Yeah whats up about Brazil trannies, you seem to have a lot of them. are men who have sex with them considered gay or is it normal to have sex with them and a women at the same time?

>> No.10244116

Trannies are just a niche of prostitution, they are not accepted at all and mostly hang out at the same gay bars and streets.
Actually everything's pretty normal over here.

>> No.10244122 [DELETED] 

To my disgust and surprise, a huge BR thread on /jp/.

There's no place where I can forget about my own country anymore? D:

>> No.10244126
File: 720 KB, 787x793, fc0809411b998b03f37bfa5989df00c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have an absurd amount of trannies, but they are shitty people in general you don't really want to get associated with.

>> No.10244138

I blame the jews and fins.

>> No.10244139

I really dont see any problem with your country, i mean your women have huge asses, like anal and thongs and are open to anything ( from what it seems from tons of porn and videos). I mean how can you even be a virgin, your not right?

>> No.10244141
File: 578 KB, 623x466, 13213663458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/br/ - Brazilian Culture

>> No.10244146

yeah but if you see a hot one, can you just fuck it with a women easily? is it considered normal to just fuck one for the fuck of it?

>> No.10244143

we're poor

>> No.10244152
File: 23 KB, 500x650, 1292817138890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apenas lide.

>> No.10244158

I'm not because I was a normalfag until the segundo grau (high school), so I got into some 3dpd pussy back when hormones were raging.

With college came the obsession with anime, then japanese games, then I started to learn japanese and things went and soon enough I was a complete <s>WIZARD</s>.

But if I can say something positive about my country, it's that there's not a huge culture of parents kicking their kids out of the home after they graduate, so I look forward being 40 and still living with mom.

>> No.10244164
File: 142 KB, 650x772, 129458398819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, definitely not something you want to tell your friends and family. Sorry bro.

>> No.10244168
File: 1.75 MB, 335x284, huehuehuehuehue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10244170
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>> No.10244171

You can't be wizard if you've had sex, you fool.

>> No.10244174
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>> No.10244175

I don't like Brazilians because the average brazilian otaku is like the average /a/ user, who watch anime and cry about not knowing Japanese everyday.
And also this huehuehue thing is annoying. It's worse than the white argentina shit.

I blame all the anime spam here to Brazilians, and the only reason /jp/ has too many brazilians is because they don't see to like a fast board like /a/.

>> No.10244176
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>> No.10244181
File: 150 KB, 720x960, 533554_445002705564333_1129983780_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeaboos here are as bad as the american ones
and anime stuff isn't popular here, they all only care with sports and whores

>> No.10244187
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>> No.10244188

Where the Brazilian beach lolis at

>> No.10244190

My fellow brazilians, let's come back to Bananal? Please? Leave /jp/ alone.

Não quero macacos na porra do meu /jp/, já basta no Bananal.

>> No.10244194

This thread is janitor-approved. One of them is brazillian.

>> No.10244200

>That face when you realize you were discussing touhou in English with other brazilians all this time.

All my life is a lie.

>> No.10244206

>One of them

there's like only 1 janitor in /jp/

>> No.10244208 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1248x1630, 131186973621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new here, Kuruminha is a 2hu, this is a dump thread and therefore it's board related.
Have you reported this thread yet?
Bananal é chato, lá a moderação funciona. Devia ter visto essa merda ontem, puro spam a nível /b/, pelo menos eu estou postando garotinhas fofas.

>> No.10244212
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1349576453312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is actually a board home to many races, white and non-white
Such as slavs, chavs, amerifats, wetbacks, gooks, niggers, and many more!

>> No.10244215

but ironically not Japanese

>> No.10244217

Take your shitty spam somewhere else.

>> No.10244222
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, 132682079342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every comiket there's an influx of BRs and crossboarders, I don't know what you guys are so shocked at.

>> No.10244227
File: 13 KB, 108x126, kuruminha_is_sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japaneses hate us now don't they?
