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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10236474 No.10236474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Curious about moving to japan some time in the future for work and school as opposed to a European nation like I was considering before. I know Japan is a pretty highly racist nation, but I heard divided reports on how racist they are torwards us white folk, I'm also a female, and I've heard gender roles are even... stricter might be the word Im looking for, In japan.

What could I expect as far as how I'll be treated and what's expected of me as a foreign white female in Japan?

Also this is a few semesters off, I would learn the language before going, at least basic conversational and kana.

>> No.10236480 [DELETED] 

This is something that I just posted on /a/. They told me to repost it here, and I thought it was worth a shot.

I live in Japan, and it fucking sucks. I made a thread about this a lonnnng time ago, but this bears repeating.

1. Anime and manga are more expensive in Japan. The prices are ridiculous, and it's hard for me to justify buying anime even though I feel it's important for fans to make an effort to support the industry.

2. If you are a girl, you will be groped and treated like shit. I have had men grab my ass in public *7* different times in the past year and a half. My Japanese friends say that women should just grit their teeth and bear it, since if you try to do something about it you will be publicly shamed. I also feel dirty and pathetic when these incidents occur.

3. Office culture in Japan is...intense. You are expected to show up at social gatherings even if you do not want to. And at these social gatherings people have the EXACT SAME CONVERSATIONS AGAIN AND AGAIN. I've had like 50 conversations on the power of beer to refresh you after a day's work. You have to say "good morning" every day in a very specific way, and if you don't then someone will approach you and tell you that's not how things are done at company XYZ.

4. The people treat gaijin like shit. Even the ones who try to be nice come across as condescending and rude by American standards. There are also a large number of Japanese men who think gaijin women are sluts and that they can get you to open your legs at the drop of a hat. Fuckers.

I wish all the Japanohiles could actually visit GLORIOUS NIPPON. They'd change their tune.

>> No.10236482


>> No.10236534

Pretty funny that a friend of a friend of mine actually said that it's a very intense country when dealing with offices and these kind of business. Refusing to go in a bar with your boss is like signing a death sentence, and when you're there, you're supposed to drink at the same time your boss is drinking. Your superiors will also purposely scream at you very loudly so you pay attention to what they're saying. If you don't get it, you're fucked. But I'm pretty sure that in relation to gaijin, it depends a lot on where they are from, and as far as I know, the biggest hatred there is to chinese people. American people, it varies a lot on where you are. But things tend to get stricter in the southern part of Japan. Or so I've heard.

>> No.10236559
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Salary man life sounds like a real hell on earth.

>> No.10236566

Don't even try to bring your feminist bullshit to japan.
It's an honest country that doesn't care about your pathetic feelings.

Only the strong, and the people adapted to the culture, can survive in Japan.
Spoilt western whores don't stand a chance, and honestly, that's a good thing.

Japan is somewhere where you're truly equal, and that means that those who've been given higher positions will treat you like shit, it's a fact of life, and if you can't take it then you should return back to your crib.

>> No.10236584

It actually sounds nice and refreshing when I compare it to the vague bitch-stabbing Lord of the Flies work culture that I'm used to. When everything is clear and rigid, everything is clear and rigid. When there's no protocol, it's up to you to be a "nice guy" and being a swagtastic person becomes another crucial job skill.

>> No.10236590

I bet you'd fit right in.

>> No.10236594

>Wanting to move to a place where you're expected to choke on corporate and authoritarian dick
(At least in the west you suck Gubmint and Jewish dick, in incremental yet increasing doses. Over there you have to kiss ass to some dickhole in a suit and tie. And everyone else too.)
>Wanting to move to a place where all labor is even more soul crushing and regimented than in the west
>Wanting to move to a land full of people who either think you're a dirty western piggu or an eyesore.

It's better to just stay in the western hemisphere and steal their Entertainment.

>> No.10236608

>It's better to just stay in the western hemisphere and steal their Entertainment.

This. There's really no reason to move to Japan. There are better countries, Look up the Quality-of-life Index and the Happy Planet Index. Find a nice country to work and raise a family in. You can learn Japanese and watch their cartoons from there.

>> No.10236644

If you can adapt to the culture and lifestyle without being a whiny American pigu who thinks his ass is the most important in the world and thinks he'll be treated as the king of nipland on his arrival, then yes, you should try going there for a year first.

>> No.10236649

Pretty much this. If you want to take it easy and be near to Japan so you can experience their hanami and comiket, just go live in Hawaii. Plenty of cheap flight between them since the nips love to go to Hawaii.

>> No.10236647

Hey OP, I just wanted to say you are a pretty sad person.

>> No.10236664

I moved to Japan a long ago and it was one of the best choises in my life, but keep in mind that it's different from the western world. Women aren't treated as highly as in the west either.
If you want to know what people who moved to Japan think about the country, you should check out some J-vlogers on YouTube. There's alot of them who are living there for more than and express their opinions on alot of subjects.

>> No.10236687
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I like pokemon too OP
