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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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102224 No.102224 [Reply] [Original]

Damn xenophobes.

Why do they always make Americans out to be the retarded bad guys just because we dropped a couple bombs on their self-righteous butts?

>> No.102237

I dunno

>> No.102240

She has a point there.

>> No.102251

1 i think you answer your on question
2 have you been to the south?
i think that covers it on the pluss side
you are the kings of film production
you have all the amzeing extream sport shit
and your macking yourselfs chronicly obease and thankfully your tacking the worl down with you ...YAAAAY :)
god bless and all that

>> No.102249

Well let's see her leaving Japan and following the same rule abroad.

>> No.102255



>> No.102264

She would.

>> No.102266

Yeah, I agree with that sentiment in all countries. Fucking chinks never learn the goddamn language here in America, no wonder the Japs hate them so much.


They typically do. Japs usually make a very strong effort to integrate, which is why it pisses them off when others don't when they come to Japan.

>> No.102268

and i blatently have dislexia thank you and good night *tard slaps self*

>> No.102260

Well she does have a point...

I get so pissed off when people don't speak fucking english IN AMERICA.

>> No.102295

IN AMERICA, war starts you!

No, wait, that's not how it goes.

>> No.102301


Someone IP range ban him.

>> No.102302

whats this show and is it any good

>> No.102306

lol xenophobia.

>> No.102307

It's made of ass, tits and moe.

>> No.102310

Ghosts Slide. Yes.

>> No.102318

Everyone hates Americans. I'm American, and I hate them too. I hate them so much, I hate myself.

>> No.102323

Too many Jews IN AMERICA.

>> No.102329


Get the fuck back to youtube.

>> No.102325

Thread needs more Lunge: I AM A JAPANESE PERSON

>> No.102337

Don't listen to this guy, >>102302

it's Bamboo Blade and yes, while it's not really good, it's still a nice watch.

>> No.102339

She does have a point.

Japs don't like you not speaking moon in their country, and rightfully so.

>> No.102340


No, seriously.

>> No.102346


Aim within the sights soldier!

>> No.102348
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>> No.102364
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Mango version.

>> No.102375


>> No.102393

Americans are always complaining about how not enough people speak English. It's only fair that Japan gets to complain about people not speaking Japanese.

>> No.102419

私は、新しいバベル釣りです IN AMERICA.

>> No.102424

So what's the sauce on this?

>> No.102415



>> No.102425

He is Japanese. Japanese use chopsticks.

>> No.102435


on the OP I mean.

>> No.102440


>> No.102772


Bamboo Blade. Anime about Girls Kendo. Better than it sounds but you've probably seen everything the series has to offer by Ep 8.

>> No.102815
File: 25 KB, 704x400, 1204244685078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bamboo blade is practically a shonen animu with girls.

It's mostly good, but not awesome. It does have a share of tedious moments, but they only upset temporarily, not have you make yourself taller.

You can watch it for Tama-chan alone, but the other chix are decently moe.

>> No.102828

>It does have a share of tedious moments

no it doesn't. now shut up you stupid fuck

>> No.102845


>> No.102853

This is now a thread about wetbacks.

>> No.104851
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>> No.104872

>It does have a share of tedious moments
It's called Slice of Life. It's awesome.

>> No.104905

wtf..why America didn't conquer japan yet.. Those fags will then shut up and we would be able to enjoy FORCED subbing of everything..from VN to animu.

>> No.104932
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>> No.104944


>> No.104949

i fukken lol'd.

>> No.104955


>> No.104958

You do realize that that thread was americans on americans?

>> No.104964

This is why you should nuke them again.

>> No.104969

only asian languages are worth speaking/learning

>> No.104971

so.some fags managed to post on 2chan?

>> No.104973
File: 64 KB, 634x560, 1204262120517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.104976

They'll boycott anime to spite us.


>> No.104982


>> No.104990
File: 11 KB, 248x139, 1204262240915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bamboo Blade is the only moe show I can stand to watch and thats completely down to Tama-chan and Miya-Miya.

Also that American chick was all about the tits, sry no screencap handy.

>> No.105594

dammit just link the thread already

>> No.105594,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.105594,2 [INTERNAL] 

but then why was miya miya such a massive bitch all the time? and why did the teacher always take retarded bets?
