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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10231290 No.10231290 [Reply] [Original]

Is the english speaking touhou fandom dying out?

>> No.10231299 [DELETED] 


>> No.10231307

Requesting that screencap of people mistaking Rei for Cirno.

>> No.10231314

Not at all, why would you think that?

However, I do wonder if 18+ Touhou is dying and if there's a new site people get all their touhou h-doujins from (besides exhentai). There hasn't been much updates in a long time even as new doujins came out.

>> No.10231316

Everyone seems busy nowadays.

>> No.10231329 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 593x792, 1353396524741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.10231338
File: 103 KB, 997x837, da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can hope.

>> No.10231353

I hope they all die and burn in hell, those imbecile uncultured swines.

>> No.10231354
File: 961 KB, 689x960, 1328253093960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know. Have you made any observations to base this claim on?

no matter how you look at it, this is a good thing

>> No.10231357
File: 38 KB, 500x500, declining2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou is declining.

>> No.10231365

That's obviously not a fan.

And why bully children?

>> No.10231379

That's not a good thing at all!

I really miss the days when people like Meiling freely dumped new h-doujins right on /jp/ and everyone could talk about it together

>> No.10231385 [DELETED] 

no fun

schlomowitz will not allow it

>> No.10231389

Excluding the weeaboos and youtube users, there don't seem to be many english speaking fans to me. However, I'm usually on Tumblr and sometimes the Touhou forums and there's never many comments/pictures by many different people.

>> No.10231395

Now you have exhentai for doujins, so you don't need to dump anything. Just post a link and talk about it. How hard is that?

>> No.10231396
File: 905 KB, 5000x2500, 1355867797861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep the faith brothers.

Gensokyo Protects.

>> No.10231403
File: 273 KB, 700x793, 31121491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone here has enough data to give you anything more than anecdotal reply, OP. I personally agree with our friendly fish poster, but I don't think it's because the fandom is shrinking.

The Western fandom doesn't really have its own identity, as long as it's strong in Japan I think it will continue to be strong in the West. The only thing I can imagine happening is something could steal the attention of the "secondary" audience, but if you just like playing the games you'll probably always have company.

Everything has to die sometime, though.

>> No.10231414

Ahh, I'm only worried about it because I became a fan recently (last year) and didn't want to be TO late to the party.

>> No.10231419
File: 78 KB, 280x320, doubtful ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't want to be to what?!

>> No.10231498

I've become a fan maybe half a year ago tops, and only realized that /jp/ was /2hu/ about a week ago

>> No.10231513

It's getting bigger and shittier than ever, with all the underage retards.

>> No.10231537

I actually think /jp/ as it is now is much more raunchy and perverted than it used to be. It's not like I don't expect there to be sexual comments, but we used to be able to have more serious discussion too.

I don't care about H doujin but I don't like the idea of it introducing people to Touhou. It can't possibly be good.

>> No.10231546

That's more or less how it's always been? Touhou has really never been big with the english-speaking community. I have to admit though, I'm very out of touch with the non-japanese fandom.

>> No.10231556 [DELETED] 
File: 482 KB, 500x1000, flan sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cute

>> No.10231573

You should be ok. I have been in the fandom for about 5 years, and not much has changed. There used to be a bigger constant influx in new fans a few years ago maybe, but those don't necessarily add much to the fandom as a whole. If anything, i'd say that the Touhou community has simply stabilized. It's important to remember that since the first boom sometime in 2005-06, Touhou has pretty much only grown bigger and bigger. But it can't just keep doing that forever, especially since access to Touhou is still limited to a relatively narrow audience. We've reached our limit. Does that mean Touhou is dying? I don't think so.

>> No.10231575

She should make that torso belly only over her midriff. Otherwise that's a clever suit!

>> No.10231579
File: 476 KB, 925x651, 65df4187e8ed59b90430ec02722c6dbe7edd17aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry guys, as long as we stay true to Gensokyo, it'll always be right within our hearts.

Don't let these shit slingers distract you from the good ideals of Touhou.

>> No.10232216 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 800x497, declining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou is declining

>> No.10233220

Raunch flavored <3

>> No.10233268

It's because the western world doesn't produce anything. Japan is busy making doujinshis and stuff but the West does nothing else than wait for Japan to release something.

>> No.10233288
File: 39 KB, 500x651, tumblr_lxp8y5XDKI1r1gahfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind it.

>> No.10233313

The good old times of /jp/ may be over but as long as we preserve our ideals things will be allright

>> No.10233338

I think you may say interest in Touhou peaked. This doesn't mean it's over, it means there won't be much more retards asking "which anime is this?"

Also, the attention whores who are in a fandom for the fame will probably abandon ship to whatever new fandom is becoming popular. For example, this retard here: http://askudonge.tumblr.com/

Tell me why I should be sad about this, again.

>> No.10233358

less translators if you rely on that sort of thing

and if you don't need them what are you still doing here

>> No.10233394
File: 281 KB, 735x566, 1346743489831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people sure are slow, here you go my friend

>> No.10233452
File: 107 KB, 497x595, sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man, why did you DO this to me?

>> No.10233462

Dear god I hope so.

>> No.10233474
File: 38 KB, 500x380, 5nZ6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10233480

"DO not Steal"

I raffed, that I rused

>> No.10233482

Yes because last game was a shit. Tasofro will also help by realising another boring fighting game.

>> No.10233516

Thank you.

>> No.10233526

Does the western touhou fandom do anything except come up with retarded fanon, fawn over japanese fanworks, or shitpost on /jp/?

I don't even count western "art" because it's all tumblr shit that looks the exact same as "art" for any other fandom in that shitty hiimdaisy style. Also, the crossover between the western touhou fandom and shit like homestuck and MLP is nauseating.

God, why can't we just get touhou off /jp/ and replace it with japanese /lit/ and /int/ and /tv/ material?

>> No.10233539

yes, there is no breeding population

>> No.10233549

>God, why can't we just get touhou off /jp/ and replace it with japanese /lit/ and /int/ and /tv/ material?
Because nobody cares about that weaboo shit

>> No.10233574
File: 893 KB, 600x849, moorina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a number of good Western artists; they just tend to not obviously stick out since they post on Pixiv with Japanese sounding names.

Translation is still ongoing for various efforts. The important thing, though, is to get organized, as the Western fandom tends to be quite scattered across the web, and I think more creative projects may actually get off the ground if fans gathered together to express interest and offer assistance.

>> No.10233600

I agree with you, but you do know that 4chan, and by proxy /jp/ is mostly underage retards now, right?

>> No.10233603

The western "fans" produce things, but they're mostly shit.

>> No.10233632 [DELETED] 

>yes because /jp/ is all about touhou, shitposting and more shitposting
It actually is. Outside of the 6 general threads that have good discussion in them.

>> No.10233625

yes because /jp/ is all about touhou, shitposting and more shitposting
I bet you're one of those idiots who think /jp/ should be deleted.

>> No.10233628

Leomodesto can be a fame whore, but this drawing you posted is parody. His potatoes look more polished than that.

>> No.10233642

gb2 reddit ``please!''

>> No.10233649 [DELETED] 

Shut up, /q/ueer.

>> No.10233653

I've never even visited /q/. I'm more inclined to believe you're from there with your poorly masked hatred of /jp/

>> No.10233658 [DELETED] 

I'm more inclined to believe that this is your first week on /jp/ and you're just taking a break from /a/ if you think so highly of this place.

>> No.10233660

fuck you, buddy. /a/ a shit

>> No.10233686

I really don't see any difference between this and all the other crap that person drew.

>> No.10233690

Your too edgy 4 me.

>> No.10233887
File: 256 KB, 420x600, aiwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree (especially about the crossover audience), but there are some decent Western artists out there, though they are a minority.

>> No.10233897

bkub is a pretty great western artist.

>> No.10234878

People that keep talking about how "2hu is declining" sound an awful lot like the "WoW is dying" crowd. Like, seriously.

Also, >>10233539 made me laugh really loud.

>> No.10234903

/jp/ may have a lot of shitposting but it is not "for shitposting," it's for discussion. I detest the "there are six good threads and the rest of the board is shit" attitude, if only because it contributes to everything else going to shit.

Other things people in the Western fandom do include translate things, compete for score, write fanfic and/or RP, and cosplay.

>> No.10234910 [DELETED] 

>I detest the "there are six good threads and the rest of the board is shit" attitude
It's 100% true, though. There are a few generals (figs, VNs, VNTS, (tea) etc.) where actual discussion happens and the rest are Touhou imagedumps and random shitposting. I mean just look at the catalog.

>> No.10234925

That picture of priscilla is so cool.

But on topic, the fact that ZUN can't make the newer touhous popular is probably a factor in all of this. The print materials might be more popular, but the games haven't been. And they've been taking longer to come out.

I think touhou is on a decline, maybe due to ZUN just moving on with life, what with his wife and everything. Maybe he doesn't have the time to daydream about gensokyo anymore.

>> No.10234931

>great artist

Pick one.

>> No.10234939

In the catalog I see something like fifteen recurring threads and more than that many threads that are neither imagedumps nor pure shitposting. There are discussions that have a lot of shitty throwaway posts in them but that's hardly the same thing.

>> No.10239750

The English speaking Touhou fandom has grow in size AND stupidity. Most of the Spanish speaking side is even worst.

Though, the quantity and quality of unofficial japanese projects has increased too.

So there is no such thing as Touhou declining... at least about how much attention it gets.

/at/ hasn't received updates of new doujinshi in quite a while too. I hope C83 delivers my lewd-fix.
