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File: 108 KB, 250x312, faceless_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1022620 No.1022620 [Reply] [Original]

One thing you hate in your visual novels.
I'll start.

The faceless protagonist, yea I get the point behind them but I don't see them as really justifiable in a game where you have so little input. It's even worse when you get to name them cuz instead of being an analog of yourself it ends up being more like a pet you occasionally kick in the right direction in the quest to get it laid.

>> No.1022631

What type of fruit is that?

>> No.1022636

Looks like an unripe tomato.

>> No.1022638

I'm getting sick of the whole incest but then last minute "not related lol" thing.

>> No.1022641

Nigger, that's Belgian surrealism. Nobody knows what kind of fruit that is.

>> No.1022664


Seconding this. Incest cop outs infuriate me. Especially in Tsukihime, because they didn't even let you fuck Akiha in a DREAM because the "not really related lol" hadn't come out yet. Fuck I hate that, nothing is hotter than incest.

>> No.1022673

The fact that they feel like 80% dialogue.

>> No.1022674

In as far as official translations are concerned: "There is no way they are AT LEAST 18 years of age. Just deal with it."

As far as base VNs are concerned: "I hate random 'wandering aimlessly around town' sequences."

>> No.1022696

I dislike the fact that despite offering the illusion of choice, they stick you to a completely linear storyline; almost all of them have a beginning section where you can choose which route to go on, and once you've decided, that's that, its over, and for the rest you might as well be reading a book--the choices are meaningless, and often you only have one choice that doesn't lead to death.

I'd much rather have a 10-hour VN that branches a bit more than a 40-hour VN that just locks you linearly.

>> No.1022697

I couldn't of worded it better myself.

>> No.1022774

Shit, seconded too.

Bad Ends need to be fleshed out!

>> No.1022779

Incredibly long explanations about things that mean jack shit in terms of the plot.

>> No.1022780

Got any examples of each?

>> No.1022788
File: 251 KB, 575x800, r6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon, let's talk about vampires again!

>> No.1022796

I hate how sometimes, the endings are ultimately the same, just with characters swapped around.

>> No.1022800

Meido Arc is MOEEEEE~

>> No.1022824

I fucking hate slice of life sequences that take forever.

>> No.1022832


>> No.1022838
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>> No.1022893
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Generic looking guys; for example Muv-luv, the guy you play is utterly so bland he looks downright creepy compared to everyone else.

pic related

>> No.1022915


>> No.1022916

I'll list a ton.

- I hate poor pacing. VNs should never begin with aimless walking for an hour and then end in a rushed 10 minutes. I know time is relative to reading speed, but you know what I mean.
- I hate forced pacing. Don't make me do the same shit just with a different character.
- I hate strange decisions that seem to have life-changing consequences. My decision on which milk to buy should not determine my romantic life.
- I hate the "structure" of sex scenes. It always seems to be the same: oral or first penetration, then a scene with more kinky shit, then more kinky shit, etc etc.- try to make it more natural.
- I HATE filler dialogue. Come on people, keep it moving. This isn't Moby Dick.
- Similar to >>1022638, give me real incest.
- I hate stereotypical characters. Give me something with more intrigue. Type-Moon does this relatively well, but the best example I can think of is Yume Miru Kusuri so far as breaking out of the mold is concerned.
- I hate harem situations. I don't mind if there are only two choices, flesh them out more. We don't always need a lolita character.
- There need to be more adult character paths. I'm tired of little girls. Appeal to my MILF love.

But yeah, I just want stuff that's more interesting, from a gaming and literary standpoint. I've always wanted to make one myself, but I'm not arrogant, I'm not gonna act like I could do one that well.

>> No.1022922
File: 360 KB, 1024x768, taiga fighting saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- There need to be more adult character paths. I'm tired of little girls. Appeal to my MILF love.

>> No.1022934

>- There need to be more adult character paths. I'm tired of little girls. Appeal to my MILF love.
The problem I see with this is they always manage to stereotype this. It begins with "but you're my student/i'm older than you!/you're just a kid" and then you have to work your ass off to prove your worth or some shit and leads to a h-scene and happy end. Every fucking time.

>> No.1022937
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>> No.1022938
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>> No.1022945
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>> No.1022950

This is how F/SN should've ended. Fuck.

>> No.1022963

>>1022916 here.

I actually kinda agree. Even though I'm willing to accept that, I think it becomes something of a storytelling crutch- your basic throwback so you don't have to be original. I don't mind ages being acknowledged, what I mind is when it's just some sort of teacher/mom fetish thing going to shit.

Even though it's a porn game, Hitozuma Hime Club ("Secret Wives Club") did this fairly well, though again, it was all basically porn.

And, of course, Gibo was awesome if only because there was the chance you actually got killed straight out.

I'd love to see a game similar to Hitozuma Hime Club without the heavy sex reliance- I think it'd make for a unique yet in-depth game. With the right kind of writing, one could make for a deep game that examines something other than the traditional highschool scene.

>> No.1023024

Solution: Don't make a VN. Make an actual game instead.

>> No.1023096

Look at me I'm a fucking ninja!

>> No.1023103

Taiga is the perfect waifu.

>> No.1023110

The idea of naming a visual novel character after me makes my skin crawl.

I like a little bit of actual story. Personally, I think sex and humor go best together.

>> No.1023160

That would require programming skills.

>> No.1023168

Technically, so would making any vn. Not much, obviously, but it's the same logic.

>> No.1023253

And my LOVE LOVE KISS CHU Adventures had all started on that fateful day.

I wake up to the sound of _____, who comes to me in the morning to wake me up to which I (DO/DO NOT) comply. (Optional events: Morning wood, Near Kiss, Anal probing)

I wash, dress up, and head out to school with her, side by side, talking about yesterday's meaningless events. (Optional event: Maid, Car accident)

We meet my good friend at school, the (Homo, Girl Hungry Loser, Nerd, Actually a good) friend, whom I've known for some indeterminate amount of time. We chat and foreshadow on the fantastic events that may or may not (have) happen(ed) which would propel the next year of my life into a heaven of harems which would grow, then fight amongst itself, narrowing my choices until I end with the bittersweet romance of my one true love, her major obstacle to our being together, and the prize at last of having my loved one in my arms, sexual escapades all along the way.

TYPE-MOON (Insert a BAD END for every 100 lines of text)

Optional: Add Fantasy + Serious Business to appeal to mainstream.

Key (Every END is the BAD END)

Skyfish (Ha Ha Ha! You're magically forced to follow my commands!)


Optional: The game is inspired by a historical event, and all of the men are now represented by cute fuckables forced into the tight, body-hugging confines of otaku culture stereotypes.

>> No.1023263

I hate how right you are.

>> No.1023266

>TYPE-MOON (Insert a BAD END for every 100 lines of text)
Sounds like my kind of game. Any more like this?

>> No.1023273

Why mess with success? It's a winning formula.

>> No.1023305

Sex scenes. They seem to add them as an afterthought. I'm looking at you you UdderRayRomano.

>> No.1023317

everything beyond the trailer was an afterthought for that one though...

>> No.1023335
File: 37 KB, 533x403, uglyKyoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at the Gore Screaming Show protagonist's face and you try telling me that not seeing the main character's face is a bad idea.

>> No.1023360

Here's what we need in a visual novel:

The NEED for multiple save files.
Let's take this tree concept, lop off all the branches and graft them together into some weird loopy thing.

Let's say you fall into a hole.
The game forces you to save.
Whenever you reload this save, you'll still be stuck in this hole... UNTIL you create a new save where you construct a ladder.
You throw the ladder into the hole.
Now you reload the previous save file... and there's the ladder.

tl;dr flags that affect your current route are triggered in seemingly unrelated routes. You have to play all routes at the same time.

>> No.1023366
File: 417 KB, 1280x960, 424cace564b12c1ff141e58f8884016e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit. Main character face.

>> No.1023374

Genius. FUND IT.

>> No.1023413

This has GOT to be the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my life. Metagaming, in a goddamn visual novel!? Get the fuck out.

>> No.1023427

wow, it could work

>> No.1023438

I hate meaningless philosophical reflections that happen in the middle of some important shit. (I'm looking at you here Nasu with that bullshit) Some shit will be going down that the protagonist's life will depend on and then all of a sudden he will get all existential or nihilistic and shit out of his mouth.

>> No.1023443

Already done. It's called Eve Burst Error faggot. And I think Desire does it too.

>> No.1023451

Yes, but it's only 99.4% finished, with no signs of completion.

>> No.1023465

Ever Burst Error only did two, and they were different people.

>> No.1023476


Didn't Ever17 more or less do something similar?

>> No.1023479

No, it only did perspective changing at the prologue, epilogue and Coco's route.

>> No.1023480

Raspberry by GIGA. It's a call back to the times when popular erosoft companies were a little more shy with loli girls and clever healthy girls were the norm.

Features are very mainstream for the time:

-Eye-catching Red-White, armpit-exposing cafe uniforms.
-A ridiculous storyline that's easy to get into.
-Kinpatsu Tsundere!
-Everyone is good friends.
-Orgy scene after clearing the game!

It's simple, humble, and consensual so it may not appeal to those with more extreme tastes.

>> No.1023505

Misae route where?

>> No.1023508

>Misae end
I guess

>> No.1023661

Meh, I just hate the protagonist in general. So far, Tsukihime is the only thing I've played thats come close to a slightly interesting protagonist.

>> No.1023680

What pisses me off is that they aren't translated.

>> No.1023713

HOLY FUCKING SHIT STOP MOANING LIKE YOU'RE HAVING A HEART ATTACK This, this is the worst fucking thing. So many H-scenes will have the girl sound like she's being tortured and beaten when the protagonist is just lightly touching her breast.

Also, H-scenes where the protagonist doesn't take off ANY clothing but the girl is entirely naked. What the fuck? Are eroge protagonists in such a rush they don't have time to do anything but put their dick through the hole in their jeans?

>> No.1023718

Unvoiced protagonists when the game is otherwise full-voiced. So they voiced every meaningless male character but refuse to do the protagonist, that just pisses me off.

>> No.1023719

Not satisfying enough for your clothed sex fetish?

>> No.1023728

Also, since when non-promotional screenshots from doujin Touhou games get deleted?

>> No.1023729

In Nitro+ games everyone has voices in EVERY scene

Hearing a man grunting and moaning in an H-scene is not a turn on

>> No.1023731

That's how they do it in live-action japanese porn, too. Mute is your friend.

>> No.1023757
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no route

>> No.1023764

Fuck yes!

>> No.1023804

I think Brave Soul does it very well. The protagonist have eyes (Gasp!) and is hunky enough for my liking. He also HAS a voice, and thankfully his grunts are not heard in the H scenes.

>> No.1023811

Castle Fantasia 2 did a good job of this too if I remember correctly.

>> No.1023856

I wish VN developers learned that they should only voice every scene but the h-scenes.

>> No.1023857
File: 170 KB, 800x600, tomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hear the protagonist's voice in Ruitomo. Traps are always voiced by women anyway and it very specifically states Tomo has cute little girlish moans in the H-scenes. I want to hear them. Why can't I hear them?

>> No.1023870

They can go ahead and put voices in the sex scenes. But tone those voices to the minimum.

>> No.1023873
File: 40 KB, 636x346, 1194192110494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you like how i moaned in School Days, /jp/?

>> No.1023875

Yeah, but if they make the Tsukihime remake voiced it will probably be worksafe. So I'm just giving them that option.

>> No.1023884


Yes, I did.

>> No.1023903
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no route

>> No.1023908

I hate how the characters never change clothing. They wear the same outfit, day in, day out. Winter, summer, raining, snowing, same fucking clothing. I have noticed a few eroge that will actually give the characters different clothes/sprites, that's awesome.

>> No.1023915

I hate how main characters never take showers.

>> No.1023916

GOOD ENDs. I don't mind happy endings, but when there's a NORMAL END and a GOOD END, the normal one is nearly always the better. The good ends just always end up feeling like forced "Everything works out for everyone and they all live happily ever after!" Hollywood endings.

>> No.1023977

I'm tired of seeing eroge with giant breasts that are bigger than the characters' torsos. Or people ejaculating LITRES of man milk.

>> No.1023985
File: 333 KB, 800x600, Formal Fucking Attire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can never have too much, Anonymous.

>> No.1023990

gore screaming show needed more gore and screaming and less romance

seriously, what the fuck is romance doing in an eroge named gore screaming show!?

>> No.1023992

Or shits.

>> No.1024554

Gore is just a very kind romantic gentle soul.

>> No.1024639

in any VN (or every game for that matter) where you have to name the main character
What? they expect me to name him after myself or what?

>> No.1024647

The thing I hate?
Myself. It seems I'm too old to learn moonrunes too, and I'm limited to read only translated VNs

>> No.1024674
File: 97 KB, 800x600, Rin Rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting Tsuchimi Rin in a faceless protagonist thread.

>> No.1024792

Fuck you I'm a ninja!

>> No.1025041

What are legendary heroes doing in an eroge called Fate/Stay Night? Seriously, when I heard that title, I thought it was about a fateful one night stand or something like that.

>> No.1025046
File: 127 KB, 800x600, furufuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuu is a trap, has a face, a character sprite but no voice. Strange.

>> No.1025074


Because nobody wants to see the protagonist naked, lest they begin to desire him.

>> No.1025144

I hate the severe lack of reverse traps.

>> No.1025169
File: 343 KB, 800x600, amakaratwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amakara Twins has a trap and a reverse trap.

>> No.1025187

Tons of rants here. So here are the obvious ones

Many protagonists parents are DEEEEEEEEEAAAD or are on business. For those whose parents are dead, they sure seemed to cope with life very easily.

Few important relevant male characters for certain cases. Main characters seem to have very few male friends for reason. Usually one in most cases.

Cliche archetype. Childhood friend, Vampire girls, usual loli etc.

>> No.1025206

Shit, downloadan

>> No.1025208

Plotline centered around the special events during school year(valentine, sports festival, culture festival etc) gets tiresome after the sixteenth or so game.

>> No.1025216
File: 52 KB, 553x503, lawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There need to be more VNs that have male ends. And I don't mean namby-pampy yaoi otome games, I mean like getting a Shinji route in Fate/stay night!

>> No.1025228


But I don't want to share Issei with Shinji. He'll rape my delicious Issei.

>> No.1025331
File: 408 KB, 1920x1200, rondo_robinetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how things work in cycles: I'm quite tired of the "contemporary Sometown, Japan" setting so I greatly enjoy eroges that feature interesting interpretations of foreign lands(especially Italy, Germany, France and UK).

>> No.1025413

Is that the one where the protagonist is a butler?

>> No.1025443

Indeed it is, goes by the name Rondo Leaflet.

I think on the same day(summer 2007) they released two other butler themed games like Bullet Butlers and Ah! Ojousama.

>> No.1026612

Tsui☆Teru has two traps and a loli.
The loli and one of the traps are identical twins, and the other trap looks more feminine than either of them, yet still manages to constantly remind me of Suika.

I know fuck all about the game, but that's all right, because the CG set is on /rs/, and it's amazingly faptastic.

>> No.1027597

I donno man. I am okay with seeing the Brave Soul protagonist's muscled body in the scenes. In fact it helps me imagine myself in his place, being someone who isn't ugly and gets laid.

>> No.1027659

Am I the only person who doesn't imagine myself as the main character and just reads VNs for the plot and the porn?

>> No.1027870

No, but it helps fapping

>> No.1028756


It's an APPLE you NIGGER. "The Great War" by René Magritte.

>> No.1028770

Go back to bed, OeWei.

>> No.1029788

No. I hate characters that seem designed for self-insertion. Faceless, generic hair, no personality. They make the story boring as hell.
