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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10223134 No.10223134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So. I heard if Japanese young adults don't get into university they kill themselves.

Failed to get in several times and have no plans of becoming an hero, but I'm just wondering if this is actually true most of the time? Are there those that don't and keep on trying? My only indication there aren't is the plot of Love Hina, and a cartoon isn't much to go on...

>> No.10223145

Yes, it's common for people to move to Tokyo and end up living in cheap apartments, attempting the entrance exams every year. Eventually they either become NEETs, Hikki's, or commit Seppuku.

>> No.10223143

I don't know.

>> No.10223151 [DELETED] 

A combination the humiliation of failing, and the pressure from society and parents is what leads them to suicide.

In short, they just want to take it easy, but they can't.

>> No.10223157

A combination of the humiliation of failing, and the pressure from society and parents is what leads them to suicide.

In short, they just want to take it easy, but they can't.

>> No.10223159

How do the NEETs fund themselves? Does Japan have welfare? Forgive my ignorance, I'm new to /jp/

>> No.10223222

It is shameful to their parents for others to know about their children being failures so they fund them.

>> No.10223278


Seems nice...

Also, it's not like japan is any different than here when it comes to find a job without any good degree.

>> No.10223284

There are plenty of jobs available that don't require a degree. If every job required a degree, society would collapse, we simply do not have that many people who are smart enough to succeed in college.

>> No.10223674


I suppose so. I mean, they need bus drivers and shit I guess. And then there are those cosplay cafes but I hear hundreds of people have to audition for them, kind of a "rock star" job.

>> No.10223677
File: 692 KB, 729x1008, 31973051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this as
>young adults don't get into university if they kill themselves.

>> No.10223695

Most young adults don't get into university if they kill themselves.

>> No.10223710


>> No.10223716

You can only become a societal parasite working for the government, sitting at a desk, not doing any real work if you go to university. If you're not clever or hard-working you've got no choice, but otherwise you'll make it just fine regardless.

>> No.10223726
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1237859346781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10223730

That counts for half the world

>> No.10223742

Also true. Which is why I'm not giving up so easy. I WILL get a job with no drive-thru attached!

>> No.10223747

Japanese here. Where did you hear that? Depends on the prefecture, gender, socioeconomic situation, etc.

>> No.10223748

It's important that there's a way to legitimatize lazy dumbasses, because that's nearly everyone nowadays. Imagine if these people had to actually demonstrate having work ethic and skills. So we have a document for that instead.

>> No.10223752
File: 143 KB, 261x432, 1352019335685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you effeminate loser hyperpussy prostate lords who start their posts with "So.".

>> No.10223755

>I hate you effeminate loser hyperpussy prostate lords who start their posts with "So.".

Me too, and i'm not afraid to say it.

What are they going to do? Genuflect on me?

>> No.10223753

Epic anime gif, dude.

>> No.10223757

High school anime club. I don't know why I thought of it recently guess /jp/'s existence just made the question resurface. I'll admit a bunch of Canadian teenagers who think some day they'll move to Japan and be a manga-ka are not the best source for these things.

>> No.10223762

I'm not even mad.

>> No.10223771

>prostate lords
What does this mean? And how do you know what it means?

>> No.10223771,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was banned for this post.

>> No.10223780

Google turned up Ian McKellen has prostate cancer. The more you know.

I think he's trying to imply I enjoy taking it up the ass like it's an insult or some shit.

>> No.10223787
File: 118 KB, 420x630, 1349765456083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes it in the ass from another dude
>not insulted

>> No.10223787,1 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt it.

>> No.10223794

Have you ever had your prostate stimulated? Try it, it's quite pleasant and not insulting at all.

>> No.10223793

Why should he feel insulted?

>> No.10223797

Check your privilege cis scum.

>> No.10223798

Get the FUCK out of /jp/

>> No.10223800 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 463x410, 1350937906818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10223804

Stop posting these stupid fucking shitboarder posts shitlord fuck off

>> No.10223804,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10223804,2 [INTERNAL] 

Banned shitlord

>> No.10223820

>So. I heard if Japanese young adults don't get into university they kill themselves.
Yes, it's true.
Everyone who work at mc donald's in Japan have at least a doctorate degree.

>> No.10223824

Sounds like they got it in Americanism.

>> No.10223825

They have teenagers, ya'know.

>> No.10223829

Prove it dick snot

>> No.10223831

Fuck off

>> No.10223834

u poz?

>> No.10223835 [DELETED] 

This /r9k/ thread doesn't belong here you stupid janitor. It has nothing to do with otaku culture.

>> No.10223838 [DELETED] 

Don't tell NSJ what to do you little sack of shit

>> No.10223841

take it easy

>> No.10223842
File: 32 KB, 259x385, 1351678724108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you live in Japan then your options are limited.

I decided not to go to university, but luckily I live in the U.S and there's tons of rural land so I just saved up a couple thousand dollars, bought a few acres, and setup a yurt on my land since I couldn't afford to hire contractors to build a cabin.

Now I just live in my little yurt with a laptop and a wifi connection and I go hunting when I need food. You can't do this sort of thing in Japan since the population density is too high, there's not much wilderness left for them to live in. If you don't go to university then you really are screwed and there's probably not many other options for you in Japan.

>> No.10223845


They only work at McDonald's until they take the entry exam.

>> No.10223848

pics of ur "yurt" pls

>> No.10223849

Fuck you, neutered pass buying loser.

>> No.10223852

>I go hunting when I need food.
That's pretty cool, dude.

>> No.10223855

Fuck off shitrocket, don't bring your ghost board bullshit over here.

>> No.10223857

I think I'll go to buy McDonalds, actually. What should I order, /jp/? post ending in anything decides xD kakakaka

>> No.10223866

quadruple big mac

>> No.10223862


>> No.10223863


>> No.10223864


>> No.10223865

Feeling left out because you don't have a foolz account?

>> No.10223867

Ronald mcDonald special shit cake with extra pubes

>> No.10223872

Nice ironic use of the wrong archive faggot

>> No.10223871

>post ending in anything decides
Posts end in numbers jackass.

>> No.10223877

Back off

>> No.10223878
File: 129 KB, 800x600, yurt-wallouter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yurts are tiny little houses that look like this. The Mongolian nomads used them a lot.

They only cost about $1,000 - $2,000 to buy and then you just assemble it on your land in a couple hours.

>> No.10223879

I would if I could

>> No.10223886

Maybe I'll go with BK

>> No.10223888

/a/ here, so we use /jp/ to redirect cancer, yet you believe /a/ is the cancerous one. Help me resolve this contradiction.

>> No.10223889

Is that a picture of your yurt though? I want to see how you have yours set up.

>> No.10223898

Every board believes the other boards are the source of all problems.

Contradiction resolved

>> No.10223895

How about you fuck off back to your own board shitboarder

>> No.10223896 [DELETED] 


>> No.10223899

I'm going to kill you and rape the body.

>> No.10223900

Not all dumpsters are smelly.

>> No.10223902

picture of ur yurt, not some faggy google shit, fuggin assmaster

>> No.10223905

You're right, /jp/ sucks. Please get out for your own sake.

>> No.10223905,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10223905,2 [INTERNAL] 

Good job gentlemen

>> No.10223905,3 [INTERNAL] 

Well done, good work.

You all deserve an award.
