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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10216274 No.10216274 [Reply] [Original]

Has /jp/ ever had touhou related dreams?

I recently had a dream that Yukari took me out of my neet like and brought me to Gensokyo.She then threw me out and told me to live with Reimu.

Reimu let me stay but one day Marisa came over and did a spell that backfired that ended up killing me and the only way to save me was to make me into a half ghost.

Why is Marisa always such a bitch?

>> No.10216276

Please don't be mean.

>> No.10216280

Are you OP? I'll bite

One time in a dream I was in a room that was mostly empty except for the chair I was sitting in, and I couldn't move because I was paralyzed in some way. I only remember Reisen being there and staring at me with those red eyes of hers like I had committed some grave offense, shit was creepy

>> No.10216282

I'm about to go to sleep hoping for a nice touhou related dream.

>> No.10216283
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I always have recurring dreams about me and Yuyuko eating yakitori while drifting in the sea of Youmu's half ghost.

>> No.10216285
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that would have been scary as hell.

>> No.10216289

I ended up wandering into Gensokyo and was taken to the human village. Lived there as a normal human while visiting Reimu as much as I can.

Ended up dieing on a walk to the shrine. Was visited by Reimu when I was about to travel to the afterlife, but Yuyuko made me a ghost and I ended up living with her and Youmu.

Back to visiting Reimu, but always stuck with cooking chores for Yuyuko. Yukari stopped by very often, and Reimu and Marisa came occasionally also.

I'll never experience this life.

>> No.10216293
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I had a dream that I was running away from Mokou. She was out for blood or something, she kept shooting fireballs at me and I had no idea why she was mad at me.

>> No.10216301
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> I only remember Reisen being there and staring at me with those red eyes of hers like I had committed some grave offense

>> No.10216307

Oh my god, you might be right

>> No.10216317

My dream would sound more like a blog than a dream on here, and it was only mildly related to touhou, but was more related to work, so I won't post it.

>> No.10216379

I had a couple of wet dreams but it would be lewd to describe them here.

>> No.10216386

I only ever played the porn game version of that. It was pretty good. I think I'll play it again now.

>> No.10216385
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I love reading these threads.
Too bad I've never seen a Touhou related dream myself. Life is unfair.

>> No.10216401
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I once had a dream that I was in some sort of super police-state alternative world. As in, I was in there and going "Wtf this isnt my world!? Help!" Then randomly Suwako hops to my sight and I run over to her, and she goes on how cool it is she found someone else who is from the other world. She then told me that every other touhou got jailed into some prison island. Then random passerby told us that the prison island is guarded by those white snake things Suwako has. She threws a shitfit because her minions were used liked that, wrecked a police car, got jailed, and ordered her snakes to wreck up the jail and free everyone, and then there were touhous flying around wrecking shit up. Then I woke to the alarm clock and I didn't get to see how it all ended. Fuck.

>> No.10216403
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I had a strange dream where me and Remilia were attempting to solve some kind of murder mystery.

I have no idea why because I don't even like Remilia.

>> No.10216419
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I don't even remember my regular dreams. Maybe 1-2 short dreams a month. Tried writing my dreams down, relaxation, different sleep schedules. No use.
I so wish to be able to have lucid dreams.

>> No.10216423

I dreamed that I was playing with some Touhous in the woods near our house. They went off alone. It was getting late so I went to find them, and after some distance I found a tree with all their hats and ribbons and things piled up next to it. There was an arrow carved into the tree. Like they had gotten lost and showed me which way they went and left the clothing as a marker.

One of them had left an apron, so I balled up the rest inside of it and set off following the arrow. As I hiked I had to keep adjusting the big load of hats and sometimes I would drop one. The area didn't look familiar, and soon I realized I was lost too. I knew there was a town nearby so I went in that direction. I reached it and wandered around without finding anyone to help me. I woke up without ever seeing the Touhous again.

>> No.10216428
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I had a really sad dream where I was brought into gensokyo through some unknown force. My existence upset the balance and I had to go on a suicide mission to stop it and fix everything.

I remember Reimu kept begging me try another way, but I knew there was no other way.

I still remember her crying face.

>> No.10216434
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I usually get lewd dreams involving Yuugi. They're lewd, but cute, and it's always feminine Yuugi.

>> No.10216435

Touhous never appear in my dreams. Most of my dreams are about me being alone in really big, elaborate bathrooms. I wish I could have more interesting dreams.

>> No.10216480

I would kill my entire family to be able to die protecting reimu.

>> No.10216487

Not touhou related but yesterday I had a dream that I was fighting a giant Bowser boss in a desert while me and my allies were on some unstable tower made of wood and in the sand were somekind of sandsharkdogs that would kill us if we touch the sand.
We struggled to find a weakpoint and we had no chance.
Then I leveled up and was able to use some "God hand" light magic which would have a low chance to work but deals lots of damage.
Dunno what happened then, I think the police showed up and wanted to fight Bowser but got smashed

>> No.10216501

Had a dream with Koishi in it once. She tackled me and generally fucked with me because I was not able to recall what happened whenever she left my field of vision.

Weird because I don't even like Koishi. Why would I have a dream with her in it?

>> No.10216503

She would kill them herself and eat their hearts. Would you be able to stand by and let that happen?

>> No.10216509

I love Koishi and I only had a dream with her once.
We were living in a old small house and I had to go somewhere while Sakuya was our maid

>> No.10216506

The only vivid one was when I was a maid working in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Everything was what you'd expect working for some rich family except it had a touhou flavor to it. Basically I worked for what felt like a day in waking life and I met all the EoSD cast at one point.

>> No.10216516

I would help her. Then I will kill myself if she wants.

>> No.10216529

I lucidly dream about grimsokyo continuously. Please make it stop. Please.

>> No.10216538
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Didn't we just have this thread not that long ago?

This happened awhile ago and I've only ever told one person about it so my memory is a little foggy about how it went specifically. It was a very strange dream though.

Basically, there was this concentration camp where I was being held captive with many other people. Just by being enslaved by the people running the camp you were subjected to constant physical pain and agony, and the only way to earn your freedom was to mine enough of a certain mineral (for what reason I have no idea). You could basically equate it to hell.

Well, after many years of hard, painful labor, I was on my final day before I was about to earn my freedom. However, much to my surprise, Okuu was recently captured and was going to be forced to work there as well. Just before I was about to buy my freedom with all the minerals I had gathered for the slavers cause, I bought Okuu her freedom instead of my own so that she didn't have to spend even a second being subjected to the torture in that concentration camp. Naturally, I myself had to start all over, but all that mattered to me is that Okuu was free and didn't have to suffer the same fate as I did. I love you Okuu.

>> No.10216555

There are no Buddhas in hell. Sticky ecstasy will take your minerals and keep you both in hell.

>> No.10216561

I had a dream I was playing perfectly.

Also, what keys do you use for movement? I'm thinking of switching to WASD.

>> No.10216577

Okuu belongs in Old Hell, which is different than Hell.

>> No.10216582

I had that dream where I was the one operating some kind of a slave labor mining camp for what reason I have no idea.

After many years of exlpoitation I was on my final day to gather enough that certain mineral to achieve that whatever objective. However, much to my surprise, a nuclear-powered raven was accidentally captured. Some fuckhead bought her freedom instead of keeping shit for himself, which somehow touched her heart and made her decide to nuke my entire camp to free the slaves.

I fucking hated you, Okuu.

>> No.10216894
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I dreamed that I was attempting to buy a Sanae wig for my little brother. Who does not like Touhou in the least.

>> No.10217310

I remember some tripfriend trying to create a unified dream world where we could all be with our favorite Touhous. I gave it a shot for a little while and ended up having a dream where I walked through an opening with a bright white light (just like in the movies) and came out walking through the sky on a path of stones that were just floating there. Next to me was Yukari.
We walked for a bit and talked, but I don't actually remember any words that were said. Eventually, I think the stones dropped from under me and I woke up.
I woke up with the feeling that, although I had made it to this dream world, Yukari was informing me that I wasn't allowed to be there.

>> No.10217359

Do you remember what here voice was like?

>> No.10217435
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repost from a thread a while ago, excuse my poor english.

I was a fairy, a toho fairy, a Cirno alike. small wings, blue dress, no silly hat. me and other 2 fairies explored or patrolled a large area. i was the leader. it was a huge forest with tall mountains and an underground river with glowing flora. a really beautiful and mysterious place. we could see in the dark too. our mission was to reach the "forest palace" we knew that place was haunted by ghosts. the palace had this faint, jade colored glow. the ghosts had an ethereal form, vaguely humanoid. we flew really fast in a delta formation covering the entire forest and the subterranean places in very little time. i had the power to manipulate rocks and plants (like minecraft or something) that's why we could enter inside the mountains. sadly, we could not reach the palace. i just woke up.

>> No.10217502

I'm sorry, I don't.
In fact, I can't even be sure that we actually spoke. Maybe we simply just... understood each other.

>> No.10217910
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I had a dream where I was Ran's shikigami (I guess she had two?) and I was on my way back from getting groceries when Mamizou appeared and offered me a drink. I got drunk and passed out and woke up with her fucking me. Apparently it was her way of pissing off Ran, because when I got back Ran was mad.

>> No.10217926
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Also had another dream where Ran had Chen and I go deliver something. It was really snowy and I was driving a truck with Chen in the passenger's seat. Chen couldn't read the map for shit or give me directions and the truck was sliding around on the icy road and everything. Chen started crying and saying sorry because she wasn't very helpful but I told her it was alright and I never did end up crashing.

>> No.10217951

Reposting from the thread about a day or two ago.

I had a dream I was wondering through the Garden of the Sun, the sunflowers were so tall that they blocked out the sun. Everywhere I went, when I looked up, the sunflowers were looking back down on me, like they were watching me. I finally got tired and just decided to rest in a large open area, I saw Yuuka standing around gazing into the sun. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't move my mouth. When she finally took notice of me, she just smiled, and that's all she did. Soon she walked up to me and never changed her expression, then without warning, she closed her parasol and bashed me in the head with it so fucking hard that I woke up with a killer headache.

Another dream I had was just me going about my usual routine of the day and then Yukari gapped right next to me in a wall. Then we exchanged eye contact for about 3 minutes then she closed the gap and I continued what I was doing. And then I slipped on a banana peel and woke up.

>> No.10218350

That's pretty cute. Do you remember what their voices were like?

>> No.10218382


Well when I think of Ran and Chen I think of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GDD2yJbWk8

so I don't think it could be anything but that. They weren't speaking japanese though, so... not sure how that works.
