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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10209738 No.10209738 [Reply] [Original]

I had a dream I was wondering through the Garden of the Sun, the sunflowers were so tall that they blocked out the sun. Everywhere I went, when I looked up, the sunflowers were looking back down on me, like they were watching me. I finally got tired and just decided to rest in a large open area, I saw Yuuka standing around gazing into the sun. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't move my mouth. When she finally took notice of me, she just smiled, and that's all she did. Soon she walked up to me and never changed her expression, then without warning, she closed her parasol and bashed me in the head with it so fucking hard that I woke up with a killer headache.

Have you ever had a Touhou related dream, /jp/?

>> No.10209755
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i had a dream where i was fingering yuyuko and made yukari drink her juices
dont remember anything else about it

>> No.10209751
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I was back in high school watching some baseball game while sitting next to Satori and Rin. I turned to Satori and asked her, "Where is Okuu? Is she here?". Then Orin leaned forward straight into my view, as if she wanted me to pay attention to her, and blocked Satori from answering me. She then leaned towards me, her hands on my shoulders, and gave me a short but sweet kiss. She was blushing and her eyes completely love struck, yet she looked sad and embarrassed about it. Probably because she knew I only loved Okuu.

She was very cute though, and she even had her hair down.

>> No.10209750

Only the STG parts, because my brain is trying to remember how to do it again, I guess. I tend to get dreams about video games and other manual tasks (like chopping onions, for instance) but with not other media.

>> No.10209760

That's not very nice, I poured my soul into remember that dream. Don't crush it like that, meanie.

>> No.10209771
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Ok, you made pull out my dream book.

So it starts of with me, a friend and fucking Suika rolling down in a jeep after escaping a dinner party with my family. We start losing control and go downhill extremely fast. After a while we start nearing in on a city with a small residential area and tons of nuclear plants. Our jeep goes fucking flying right through one of the plants, causing Chernobyl 2. Somehow, our super speedy jeep is able to escape the radiation, but not for long. Luckily, a government helicopter fly's in and drops down a rope, in which we grab on and fly to safety.

>> No.10209789

I had a strange dream due to one of my occasional Touhou practice binges.
In this dream I could fly around outside the normal play area rectangle, and into the score box and such.
The bullets still would home in on me outside the normal area, and in fact they were invisible while in the border, which made playing very difficult because for some reason the respawn wouldn't happen in the "default" location.

>> No.10209792


I believe he is implying his dream experience is copypasted.

>> No.10209802
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Oh, I see. Now I feel embarrassed for saying that. I want to delete my post but some people will still see it...

>> No.10209809

Better kill yourself to escape the shame.

>> No.10209816

It is as >>10209792 said.

Did you like it or something?

>> No.10209827
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N-Not now! I still have things that I want to enjoy! But maybe around 25-30. When is that one super volcano gonna erupt?

>> No.10209843

It sounded like one of my chinese cartoon harems.
Another dream I had was just me going about my usual routine of the day and then Yukari gapped right next to me in a wall. Then we exchanged eye contact for about 3 minutes then she closed the gap and I continued what I was doing. And then I slipped on a banana peel and woke up.

>> No.10209863
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Already told this one to /jp/, but I'll tell it again.

I was in a big metropolis type city in a subway station. I was Udonge and Eirin was at my side, the subway trains were roller-coaster cars instead (Just the individual ones). We were investigating some hit & run for some reason. We rode around the tracks a bit in these big enclosed cars until we got off at another part in the city. We eventually came up to a warehouse and found the culprit, who was a guy in a business suit with a remote controlled car. He tried to run me over but I dodged that shit and he ran away to a hospital with us chasing him. I woke up as soon as we made it to the hospital.

>> No.10209906

Not a touhou dream but I have no where else to share it and I want to write it down so i dont forget

I had a really cool dream last night where I was in space and was with some family members. Apparently a few of us including me were able to fly solo fighter jets, similar to macross ones, it is slightly blurry but I remember there being a war between 2 factions going on, and we were kind of like soldiers for one of the sides, so we had to kidnap some important girl from the other side. The overall space environment was fairly small, or seemed that way due to the speed which the jets traveled in space, and the place where the girl was was a neighborhood type area at night, I remember running into enemy soldiers there when looking for the girl and one of my partners was tagged with something that put him to sleep instantly, so after killing those people and getting the things that put you to sleep instantly, we heard more people coming and took the girl and then hid in a dumpster nearby. She was going to yell so we used one of the sleep things on her and then I remember getting out and getting back in our jets to fly to our side again. This is when I woke up.

>> No.10209910
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Yeah, last night i dreamt that i had to make a delivery in this huge ass 18-wheels truck, for my surprise Reimu was the driver. I asked her what i had to do, she just pull out a M16 from under the seat and told me to shoot any suspicious vehicle and in case of things getting nastier i should also shoot the police, i asked her what the hell we were delivering that needed this extreme measures.She replied, cocaine, tons of cocaine, do you have the balls, bitch? I said yes, I think we successfully made the delivery.

>> No.10209959

I dream about danmaku in 3d pretty often. Normally one of my triggers for lucid dreaming is anything relating to flying, so it feels like I lean back in a swimming pool, that floaty feeling, then a bubble sort of pops under my back, and I can fly and I'm lucid in the dream.

I did have a weird dream about having to beat reimu and marisa to a huge dam to stop an incident before them, gensokyo was going to get flooded by an imaginary ocean from that dam, becuase it started leaking and lots of huge ocean-youkai kept trying to flood in. At one point I had to fight both of them (reimu and marisa) as a duo, and marisa gave me her broom and a thumbs up afterwards, like she was cheering me on to finish up and solve the incident. The danmaku patterns were really pretty, especially marisa's.

>> No.10210028

that chest is ridiculous

>> No.10210037

I found flandre in an attic once. She was sad and crying so I gave her a hug

>> No.10210065
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fuck these are kickass dreams. Why can't I have kickass dreams

>> No.10210068
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This happened awhile ago and I've only ever told one person about it so my memory is a little foggy about how it went specifically. It was a very strange dream though.

Basically, there was this concentration camp where I was being held captive with many other people. Just by being enslaved by the people running the camp you were subjected to constant physical pain and agony, and the only way to earn your freedom was to mine enough of a certain mineral (for what reason I have no idea). You could basically equate it to hell.

Well, after many years of hard, painful labor, I was on my final day before I was about to earn my freedom. However, much to my surprise, Okuu was recently captured and was going to be forced to work there as well. Just before I was about to buy my freedom with all the minerals I had gathered for the slavers cause, I bought Okuu her freedom instead of my own so that she didn't have to spend even a second being subjected to the torture in that concentration camp. Naturally, I myself had to start all over, but all that mattered to me is that Okuu was free and didn't have to suffer the same fate as I did. I love you Okuu.

>> No.10210077

Last night I dreamt that I was in a car with a few other people, inluding Yukari. We were being chased by the Terminator.

>> No.10210078

You are a good man.

>> No.10210300

I once had a dream where I was on a luxury cruise, and for some reason Keine was there so we decided to hang out. After a little while, the ship started sinking, and all of the ship's crewmen started to freak out. Even though they were all panicking, they tried to calm down the passengers, and tell them that it would be alright. Which was funny, because no-one was actually scared aside from the crew

And then they handed out free gatorade

My dreams are really stupid

>> No.10210356

I have bad dreams about dodging bullets and playing the games making it hard to sleep at night because I play the games too much and am always unsuccessful.
