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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 106 KB, 820x615, 1281833983889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10209536 No.10209536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I haven't slept since I woke up.

>> No.10209549

It was supposed to rain today but so far there's been no rain. I'm really excited for the rain to come.

>> No.10209553

There's like three other NEET threads for you to post your garbage in.

>> No.10209569

Link or didn't happen.

>> No.10209600

I laughed at this one to myself.

Not a gay long laugh or anything, but I did produce a "hah" sound. Is it normal? Should I get it checked out?

>> No.10209601 [DELETED] 

Why do you need a piss bottle when you sleep on a sidewalk?

>> No.10209616 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't understand.

>> No.10209619

In case he gets thirsty.

>> No.10209667
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>> No.10209737
File: 504 KB, 640x480, NEETlyfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a kawaii NEET, uguu~

>> No.10209748

He actually is pretty cute. I'd fuck him, in a non-gay way of course.

>> No.10209820
File: 662 KB, 640x480, uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-NEET lyfe...

>> No.10209830

...y-you too.

>> No.10209833

please post penis

>> No.10209836
File: 47 KB, 180x240, tumblr_m9q94jaGnX1qc16z0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't died since I was born.

>> No.10209875
File: 505 KB, 640x480, l-lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-That's lewd!

>> No.10209878

It still hasn't rained. I feel really let down.

>> No.10209907

I never sleep.

>> No.10209913


what the fuck this guy looks gross.
Wash your face, I can see the grease on it.

>> No.10210273

She pretty much abandoned you emotionally. Just like your original mom. Being the Fate is suffering.

>> No.10210326

Why did you have to be so mean to him?

>> No.10210359

I go to sleep every night hoping I don't wake up. It never works.

>> No.10210627

We're always asleep in this 'reality'. Only in our dreams do we truly wake up.

>> No.10210635

I made a claim to get medical insurance, it was denied because I haven't worked 5 years total.

No medication for NEET me.

>> No.10210644


>> No.10210676

It finally started to rain! It smells amazing and it's making me want to take a drive. This rain is the highlight of my day.

>> No.10210692

Hey, it just started raining here too.

>> No.10210700

I just got back into my apartment after playing in deep snow.
The room is seldom so comfortably warm.

>> No.10210733

How about you play with this
"whips out dick"

>> No.10210737

*bites off dick*
Wrong move turbonerd.

>> No.10210739

If this weather continues I'm going to make soup tomorrow.

>> No.10210744


>> No.10210984 [DELETED] 

What type of soup?

>> No.10210989

Cum soup

>> No.10210995

Probably just chicken vegetable.

>> No.10211013

I woke up at 4PM today, but that's only because my grandma woke me up cause the internet people were coming over to fix some wiring issue.

I'm never getting my life together.

>> No.10211044
File: 175 KB, 640x360, disco clark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I Ohhh I I love the neet life,
I got to boogie on the disco 'roooooooooound, oh yea.
Oh, I love the neet life,
I got to boogie on the disco 'roooooooooound, oh yea.

>> No.10211748

oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.10211762

I've been watching Japanese play Ketsui all day. I still don't feel inspired to play, or do anything else in particular. <s>I might go see Madoka tomorrow though</s>

>> No.10211852


That's because you're here shitposting and not trying hard enough to find one.

>> No.10211911 [DELETED] 


There's like fifty other touhou threads for you to post your garbage in.

NEET lifestyle is accepted otaku culture. We can make as many threads as we want.

>> No.10211913


...fuck.. oh god.. I've got no FUCKING job, dude

>> No.10211926


Typical NEETposters.
Ban all NEET threads.

>> No.10211965

oh GODAMN dude what the FUCK

I have NO GODAMN job, dude. FUCK

>> No.10211971
File: 15 KB, 467x346, 1355122902911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they're all about different things.

A NEET thread is a NEET thread. "What are you drinking", "Do you ever ____" and "How do you ____" threads can all be compressed into a general "NEET Lifestyle" thread.

>> No.10211996

There is only one. This guy >>10209553 was wrong. The previous thread was already on page 9 with over 300 replies and another was made three minutes after this one. You're arguing about things that don't even exist.

>> No.10212002

Today I take my last finals for this semester. Then I am officially a NEET for 14-15 days before the next semester starts.

>> No.10212005


>> No.10212009


you're still in education inbetween semesters you fucking nerd. are we all neets at night then, if we only work 9-5?

>> No.10212088

I am simply incompatible with work. Whenever my dad gets me to apply for a job, I get rejected automatically by the pre-application personality test. Those fuckers are impossible to pass without lying like a motherfucker.

>> No.10212092

Drinking beer listening to rock music while waiting for finals then i can really neet it up! NEET5lyfe

>> No.10212233 [DELETED] 


>And they're all about different things.

They're all shit.

>Ghost tits!
>Why is Tenshi eating a corndog so cute?
>Reimu is declining.

And the rest of the threads are just pictures of random touhou without any text at all.

Touhou threads are the most rampant shitposting that's on /jp/, NEET threads don't even come close to rivaling the amount of trash that touhou produces here. The entire board is filled with garbage threads about sniffing touhous and other stupid shit.

>> No.10212289

So what

>> No.10212310

But those threads are the meat of /jp/. If you don't like it, then /jp/ isn't for you.

>> No.10212321

You seem to forget that /jp/ was made to contain touhou into one board.

We're the only game in town, give it up

>> No.10212421

Touhou is pretty toxic and cancerous, so I can see why /jp/ was made.

>> No.10212417 [DELETED] 

You forgot that that's only one of the reasons it was made,

>> No.10212441




Jaypee is 2hu and autism only, didn't you know? Get the fuck outta here, you f-faggot!

>> No.10212526

>NEET for 14-15 days before the next semester starts.
Wow you really are fucking retarded you know.

>> No.10213538

God damnit I woke up a half hour ago and someone's already called the house five times.

>> No.10213561

i bought all the ingredients to make a nice dinner tonight but somehow managed to fuck up so now i'm eating beans on toast

>> No.10213611

I wonder how someone that retarded is succeeding in college.

>> No.10213625

are you NEET if you're unemployed and not seeking employment and mooching off your roommates until they kick you out

>> No.10213772

Please stop replying to blatant trolls.

>> No.10213787


>> No.10213832

I don't like your tone, kisama.

>> No.10213834

Today I was shitting blood.

Such a strange experience.
And it keeps happening more and more often.

>> No.10213853

Was it bright hemorrhoid blood or dark blood?

>> No.10213870

Really red blood.

It's probably hemorrhoids, except I don't really have that much problems with them. They don't hurt or anything.

>> No.10213868

So...does anyone else have this?


I urinate at about a 55 degree angle to the right because of it.

>> No.10213880

I started Zoloft this Tuesday.
On 25 mg right now, going to be gradually climbing to 100.

I'm going tot try to fap and report back on the experience. My dick feels limp.

>> No.10213902

I've been on Prozac for almost a year (started at 20mg now at 60mg) and haven't had any side effects, and my NEEThood is still flawlessly intact.

>> No.10213916

I can feel two hard lumps in my abdomen, in different places and different sizes. I've also been shitting bright red blood for a few months, but it stopped now.

I am too NEET to go see a doctor. If it's nothing I'll just feel like an idiot, and if it is something serious I'll have to treat it and that means I lot of human interaction, I don't want that.

>> No.10213909


Could be an anal fissure, try not to strain when you go next time.

>> No.10213919

That looks scary! My dick is just really crooked.

>> No.10213926

If you can't finish don't overdo it. You'll just hurt your dick.

>> No.10213954

Keep it up.

>> No.10214006

WTF?!?!!? is that a bottle of piss?

>> No.10214013

it looks like Pine-Sol..

>> No.10214021

how can I find an intelligent NEET that isnt a complete creep to relieve my sexual tension and loneliness?

>> No.10214025

laughing at the stupid stuff /jp/ says is amusing, but look inward and not outward. you'll just feel empty when it's said and done otherwise. find stuff you enjoy and get energy from that. /jp/ can't fill any void for you, it can only give you momentary joy.

take care of your mind, body, and spend time thinking about what you want to do. near term or long term and work towards it slowly, or quickly. try and step out side of your usual circle and expand it.

i'm that true hikki guy speaking from some experience.

>> No.10214033

Smart NEETs don't show themselves. Sorry!

>> No.10214039
File: 93 KB, 511x380, the_world_ends_with_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try and step out side of your usual circle and expand it.

>> No.10214041

I don't see why you'd want to try. I feel much happier now that I fap maybe once a month or so. Or maybe it's the pills..

>> No.10214044

Nonsense. Don't be a quitter anon.

>> No.10214047

Define the word "creep".
I hate when people overuse that word.
Also you can email me at sdvxcgf465436@yahoo.com
I am not a creep because i do not explode when i come near someone

>> No.10214052


>> No.10214064
File: 251 KB, 1587x950, 1341271046907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is dangerous...

>> No.10214071

Sounds like a hernia.

>> No.10214087

yeah a CREEPY cover.

>> No.10214084

you don't even know me, bro
way to go judging a book by its cover

>> No.10214093

Would you fuck someone whos ugly? I'm not fat but my face is a 5/10.at best.

>> No.10214097

i dont care about your dick size or anything like that as long as you take showers.

>> No.10214104

Stop being gay for a second and see the big picture.

>> No.10214109

Consensual guro is my primary fetish. Does that make me a creep?

>> No.10214110

everyone has different tastes and rating systems, send me your pic and i'll decide.

>> No.10214140

820x615 is hardly big.

>> No.10214173

if you were a pixel you wouldn't think that!

>> No.10214184

I'd feel pretty confined if that was the extent of my world...

>> No.10214201

they don't choose to be pixels..

>> No.10214207

I didn't choose to be human.

>> No.10214234

What a shame...

>> No.10214268

Become a youkai like me

>> No.10214283

How? Do you think this guy who killed all those kids today wanted to be a youkai too?

>> No.10214295
File: 105 KB, 400x400, 27187994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10214297

Well of course.
Everyone knows that if you kill yourself to get to Gensokyo you will arrive as a human, but if you do something youkai-like before you make the portal that you will be arrive as a youkai.

>> No.10214312 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 509x382, jyfjhfgjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you seriously using one of my /jp/ images without my permission?

>> No.10214317


>> No.10214334

That felt like a perfectly normal fap.
I am kind of dissapointed.

>> No.10214344 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 509x382, 1355529981039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10214358 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 510x382, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your NEET/Jaypee music.


>> No.10214365

He should've opened up Shiki's tight asshole.

>> No.10214376

>I am kind of dissapointed.
You shouldn't be. SSRIs either interfere with sexual function or have no effect. Their side effects aren't fun. Try stimulants next time, they act as aphrodisiacs, Bupropion included. There is also Clomipramine which causes some people to orgasm when they sneeze.

>> No.10214379 [DELETED] 

I thought she was ugly in the real world.

Can you fuq in the underground?

>> No.10214384

I think so. What would be stopping them?

>> No.10214396

took you almost 2 hours
you call that a normal fap?

>> No.10214406

2 hours? He posted just a few minutes ago. Wait... Fucking NEET perception of time. I swear it was monday yesterday.

>> No.10214418

Us neets huh :)

>> No.10214420


>> No.10214456 [DELETED] 


I'm laughing at you so hard right now.

>> No.10214466

Why do I drink. I just end up feeling so lonely and crying myself to sleep because I have no one to cuddle with. When I'm sober I'm extremely asocial and just want to relax and take it easy.

I take a few drinks and I feel like I would let any jock fuck me and then never talk to me again even though I wouldn't go near people like that sober.

>> No.10214474

neet this!

>*grabs hikkibux (lol...)

>> No.10214475


>Not being NEET.

I do wonder what will happen to me in the future when I lose my autismbux, though.

>> No.10214485

I actually laughed at this. I should open a portal before I degrade any further.

>> No.10214502

alcohol destroys your inhibitions. are you that hikki girl from the other thread?

>> No.10214510

yes. But when I think about I knew no one would fug me anyway so I just end up feeling even worse.

>> No.10214511

>I take a few drinks and I feel like I would let any jock fuck me
If only. I'm rude and/or mute even while drunk. It's the reason why my hobby of drinking in company was very short-lived. "Lighten up" my anus.

>> No.10214513

I love alcohol, the only times I can truly feel happy is when I'm drunk. I get to forget al the bullshit I have to deal with otherwise. I wish there was a way to become permanent drunk.

>> No.10214540

i made this response to your post in the other thread in the chance you missed it. >>10214025

it touches on what i'd say to that post. also, drinking won't solve your problems.

>> No.10214552

I have no one to talk to. I have no e-friends to play games with or just talk to. I can't go out and socialize because I cant deal with people. I cant get medication because I end up abusing everything and even if I didnt I wouldnt be able to talk to a doctor. What can I do.

>> No.10214561 [DELETED] 

You can take it easy.

>> No.10214572
File: 18 KB, 673x695, someonewdfugu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10214592

Yes someone out of 7 billion people on earth. Easy search with crippling social anxiety.

>> No.10214604

Do you really want to get laid?

Or only while being drunk?

>> No.10214625

you're talking to a real person right now. as for e-friends, they're a temporary stopgap. i can't say you won't enjoy some of them, or more particular the time you spent which is enjoyable with them. i can say, at the end of the day you're the one sleeping in your own skin. you can't become attached at the hip with someone. you should stand own two feet socialization or not.

look for avenues to direct your energy at and also which are constructive towards your overall goals. i said it in that post, you need to think about what you want to do. spend time actually on this subject.

as for meds, i'm against medication for psychological problems since it has such adverse side effects with minimal benefits in my view.

>> No.10214621

Can't really say. I have bad days and good days. Like once a month I feel extremely lonely and horny but when that feeling hits I literally cry myself to sleep. I've been a shut-in for 6 years now.

>> No.10214676

Are you taking meds?

That shit really helped me back in 2006.

Now I'm happy as fuck, every day is a good day, though It might be artificial, I feel great and I think that's one of my prorities.

>> No.10214674

You don't need to lose weight, just find someone fatter than you.

>> No.10214678 [DELETED] 

What type of medication are you on?

>> No.10214687

But fat people are ugly. Especially if they are fatter than you. Besides, being able to breathe and tie your shoelaces at the same time feel great. Surely even NEETs can appreciate that.

>> No.10214692
File: 51 KB, 860x638, 1351281618596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might get a roommate soon. I'll throw a welcoming party in true NEET style! Horror movies and liquor!

>> No.10214704

i dunno man. it depends on the level of obesity we're talking about here. Personally I think a cute girl who's a bit chubby to be more appealing than a skeletal wreck

>> No.10214710
File: 487 KB, 1024x768, 1351876347559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for example

>> No.10214711
File: 326 KB, 600x600, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'll fast. I've been getting a little chunky.

>> No.10214712

but I'm skinny.. Just ugly.

I've tried making e-friends. I'm very good at Dota2 and even had some top NA players as friends but they treated me differently as soon as I opened my mouth on voice chat. It made me feel extremely uneasy and I ended up deleting them form my friends. I just wish I had at least one person like me to talk to that wasn't anonymous.

I was committed to a mental institution to check what medication would be suitable to me about 7-8 years ago. All that medication did for me was make me unable to sleep and the 2 months I spent in involuntary care made me even more anxious. I dont think I could even leave the house at this point. I don't think I've been out further than my own backyard in the middle of the night since 2008.

>> No.10214715
File: 188 KB, 850x1258, I get turned on by little girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even someone who is morbidly obese can tie their shoelaces without losing their breath. Besides, women don't turn me on anyway, so it's either a skinny woman who I don't find attractive or a fat woman I don't find attractive. I would rather just stay a virgin for now, but if I really wanted to get laid, I don't see why I wouldn't just go for some fat cow.

>> No.10214719

>towards your overall goals

>> No.10214729

Is your accent annoying or something? You could consider speech therapy if so.

If you're looking to pick up new people to talk with, I'd suggest posting a throwaway email and see who takes the bait. Who knows, you may get lucky and find what you're hoping for. If not, no loss.

>> No.10214730

Same concept, find someone uglier than you.

>> No.10214735

Trust me it's better to be alone, trying to take it easier than yesterday and getting comfy as FUCK every night, just think less, and have more fun, the first step is stop browsing /jp/.

That works for me, except the last part... but I only browse Shitposting threads and VN/general.

>> No.10214741

>Is your accent annoying or something? You could consider speech therapy if so.

>> No.10214752

The MMO that I was bullied off of by my "friend" is having a really big update, and I'm tempted to go back; but I don't want to have to deal with him if he decides to message me, and I can't bring myself to remove him.

At least he plays on the other server, so I don't ever have to run into him in-game, unless it's in dungeons or pvp..

>> No.10214765

they treat me differently because I'm a girl.

If I didn't post on /jp/ I would have literal zero social contact outside of saying a word or two to some random person on games.

>> No.10214770

>at least one person like me to talk to

Here is my e-mail. I've had a really close online friend, but he went to real life full time. I miss having a person who I can talk to without many reservations.

>> No.10214793

i actually play dota a moderate amount, i'm not good but i've been playing off and on for 4 years, but i've been playing wc3 more than dota 2. add me it's in my email field.

>> No.10214810

>I take a few drinks and I feel like I would let any jock fuck me and then never talk to me again even though I wouldn't go near people like that sober.
As I suspected, women really are all whores deep down it seems.

>> No.10214812
File: 683 KB, 512x288, memo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a girl

>> No.10214816

Why are NEETs so mean?

>> No.10214831

Are they?

>> No.10214845

All men are perverts deep down, so why would it be any different for women

>> No.10214855

I'm not

>> No.10214868

true hikki girl, do you not want to add me on steam or did you miss it? i had wanted to chat further cause your admission about dota really caught me by surprise.

if not, no biggy.

>> No.10214873

Don't talk like you know me, trick.

>> No.10214876

Then you are an expectation, and I'm sure there are expectations amongst women too.
Never going out is no excuse to generalize everything like a normalfag, if anything you have even less right to do so due to lack of actual experience

>> No.10214883

But you already said that you want to get laid.

This is confusing.

>> No.10214885

The years have made me think that men might not be as needy when it comes to emotional closeness, romance _and_ sex. If the world suddenly fell into celibacy, women would suffer more, both emotionally and economically.

>> No.10214890

Super Secret Hidden /soc/ thread.

>> No.10214891

You already are a normalfag.

>> No.10214893



>> No.10214897

I'm not even the same person, I just stumpled into this thread to say Hi.
You should pick up trips or names so you wanabenormals don't get confused

>> No.10214898

I don't think /jp/, let alone the supposed "truneets", even know what normalfag means or when to use it.

>> No.10214912

I think your mom is a slut

>> No.10214909

Internetterms have many different meanings for many different people.

>> No.10214924

That's true I suppose.
I guess I've been bitter this whole time. Ever since I got vastly underpaid part-time employment and one very close friend, I feel out of place even in what was once my own home(here). Which is weird, seeing how I'm still far, far from neurotypical and still spend most of my free time here.

I don't know. I just want my home back. But I don't want to lose the things I've gained.

>> No.10214932

Man, why are you telling me this?
I just came here to blast you ass and point out how dumb you are.
I didn't ask for your fucking lifestory

>> No.10214939

Go back to /soc/ spergweenie.

>> No.10214996

you can make a smurf steam account with those extra invites you get from dota 2 if you don't want to add your main steam account and add me with it. just thought i mention it before i see this as concluded.

>> No.10215061 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 1887x1003, gw22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We rate our characters in mmo-s
pic related my char

>> No.10215083
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, TheSecretWorldDX11 2012-10-04 22-00-26-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son, you look like a girl.
You gay or something?

>> No.10215124 [DELETED] 

dam... guild wars 2 download servers are crashing T_T
time to watch
The lovely Bones

>I was alive in my own prefect little world


>> No.10215148

Someone opens a working portal to Gensokyo for her and she wants revenge. What an ungrateful bitch.

>> No.10215286 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 1024x683, 1354641974667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been learning how to hack with python and watching math videos on khan.

I wish I could afford to get a CS degree to replace my currently worthless one. Getting a a second BS seems kinda dumb, though.

>> No.10215300
File: 693 KB, 1024x1450, 5490323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyaruko doesn't cross dimensions well.

>> No.10215315 [DELETED] 

nigga u gay

>> No.10215324
File: 148 KB, 500x500, leavejp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please goy, you like photoshop, plastic surgery and 3DPD too much. Get a high-rate credit card from your friendly neighbourhood bankers and get out.

>> No.10215343

She look ugly, like a girl from Final Fantasy.

2D wins again

>> No.10215358
File: 92 KB, 596x691, pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like Final Fantasy girls.

>> No.10215392

I'm talking about the new ones like Lightning

>> No.10215441

I woke up at 5p.m. today. My sleep schedule is really fucked up.

>> No.10215493

I was a NEET for a good while, but I had to take care of family and stuff. Now I work 50-60 hours a week with a day off if I'm lucky. Recently I got three days off and decided to delve back into my NEET lifestyle. I locked myself up, set up my laptop in bed and did nothing but play VNs and sleep the whole time.

It's amazing how much more you can feel when you stow yourself away with a good story or two and your thoughts. Dealing with normal people and a monotonous life dulls the senses and makes you forget who you are.

>> No.10215539
File: 783 KB, 1000x900, 24934610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fucked up at all. In fact, under circumstances where you weren't pressured to wake up, whether it was by light or responsibilities (alarm), your waking point would slowly move through the day.


You shouldn't worry about it and should just take it easy.

>> No.10215556

Lately I've taken an interest in watching videos of people being examined in one way or another. Be they medical examination, scientific, or even divination. I don't know why, but I just find it interesting. Sadly, there's very little material regarding this niche of interest, and it gets repetitive quite quickly.

>> No.10215583
File: 778 KB, 1200x800, IMG_3274-20121214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cookin's a nice hobby

>> No.10215584

Share some of your favorites, I'm interested.

>> No.10215595

What are those things on the left? I want some.

>> No.10215599

Looks like a turnover pastry.

>> No.10215600
File: 392 KB, 620x877, 20593119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those chocolate chip scones? Looks delicious.

>> No.10215601

Is that European for "scone"?

>> No.10215607
File: 39 KB, 425x334, single-apple-turnover_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not a European term. It's a pastry that is folded in over itself, giving it that look.

>> No.10215634

It was a scone recipe, folded it over a lot of times.

>> No.10215639

Can you share the recipe, I want to give it to my mom. I imagine they would be really good with black tea if you used dark chocolate in it.

>> No.10215685

There aren't really, that's the sad part. The few videos I've found aren't very good.

>> No.10215694 [DELETED] 


>> No.10215704 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 270x240, Hawkins_1_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/! /jp/! The other day, I went up to my girlfriend, I said, "Y'know I'd like a little pussy". She said, "Me too, mine's as big as a house!"

>> No.10215707

Have you went to sleep yet?

>> No.10215714

Has anyone else noticed that they've become more "polite" post-NEET? I'm not truHikki since I still have to go outside for errands, etc., but I've found since I've stopped going outside much my greetings and thank-you's to cashiers, bus drivers, etc have gotten much more elaborate as my ability to make small talk has drastically decreased.

It's like...actual Otaku shit. It's weird...

>> No.10215724

It always comes out sorta weird. Like I thank people just a fraction of a second too late. Maybe I'm too quiet? Or I wait for them to look back in my direction? The worst is when they just flat out ignore me. I wonder if they didn't hear, but if they did and I say it again, it's like I'm expecting them to reply..

>> No.10215754


This is the recipe, I put maybe 2/3c chocolate chips in.

>> No.10215766

Nowhere else to post this, so I might as well do it here.

Filed for disability a few months ago, saw my disability doctor a few weeks ago. For some reason, he's sending me to another doctor to be examined. Not sure why.

Conditions: ADD that was so bad it got me pulled out of school in the 3rd grade. I've been homeschooled ever since, social anxiety, obesity, sky high blood pressure and vision problems.

Why the fuck is he sending me to another doctor? The little "test" he gave me made me feel like a complete fucking idiot. I don't want to have to do it again. I went in nervous as fuck and left feeling like the dumbest person in the world because I couldn't answer many.

I guess it's good news, though? It sure beats getting outright denied.

>> No.10215772

I've heard the people in charge of giving out disability have a reputation for giving people the runaround.

>> No.10215776

Same here.

The reputation is warranted.
It's likely you'll be denied and have to push against it.

>> No.10215785

But the thing is, he's sending me to the doctor who got my dad on disability. He's a really cool guy, and he's a Christian. He spent like an hour talking to my dad about Christianity and Jesus, and since I live with my parents, he was happy that I stayed home and took care of my parents. He was talking about how kids these days are mean to their parents, and the he really appreciated the fact that I'm always there for my family.

Definitely gonna wear my gold cross on the next appointment.

>> No.10215787

What I've been wondering is if your application doesn't go through/gets denied the first time, do you need to appeal it or can you just put in another application? Which is more effective?

Making an appeal doesn't sound like it would do much good, mainly because it means having to personally fight against the decision they made. I'd rather just send in applications until I go through.

>> No.10215790

when you appeal it, you take it to a judge and HE makes the decision. not a disability judge, a real judge. the kind that puts your ass in prison for perjury, you fucking fraud.

>> No.10215801

I've become more polite. If anything I've become less polite lately due to my social ineptness. I often don't know what to say so I just ignore people, think maybe I'm thanking or greeting too frequently, etc. Simple stuff like thanking is a given though.

>> No.10215805

If it's real gold wear something cheaper. You don't want to look like you have money to throw around on jewelry if you're trying to get bennies.

>> No.10215807

What if I have a real disability? The reason I'm uncomfortable with appealing is specifically because dealing with people makes me uncomfortable, and I'd like to avoid it as much as possible.

>> No.10215811

Replace the first sentence with "I've always been polite."

>> No.10215843

I've been worried a lot as of late. It's a bit of a long story, but I live with my Grandmother who started getting into a legal dispute with a guy that literally lives right under us. He's very mad at her and mentioned in the past that he will make her regret this by reporting her to social security and whatnot. I'm afraid that if he gets kicked out of our house, he might try to get us back by having our house robbed or something. (We also do not live in a good neighborhood)

I worked very hard to be conservative with my money and build up a small collection of games, movies and figures through my NEET lifestyle. If I lose any of this I might just end up killing myself, I don't think I can handle the shock. I wish there was something I could do.

>> No.10215898

I've definitely become more polite over the years. I don't know if that's just me getting older or something caused by beint NEET.

>> No.10215900

Trade one of your figures for a pistol

>> No.10215905

Get a sturdier door and proper locks, set up a motion camera somewhere in the room as well. You'll have to hold off on figs and games for a bit though~

>> No.10215906

If I'm in a situation to shoot something, I'm probably in a situation to die. Which I guess doesn't matter in this scenario.

>> No.10215925

I doubt robbers would be interested in your NEET collection. As for games and movies you could always just pirate them back. Why didn't you pirate them in the first place?

>> No.10215937

Throwing out a fellow basement dweller? Shame on you.

>> No.10215934

shit i'm getting backpay soon and i'm thinking about buying an oz of gold. like a coin or a bar or something

should i?

>> No.10215944


>> No.10215949

I'm not throwing him out, my grandmother is. Quite frankly I don't care whether he's there or not.

>> No.10215954

you know, an ounce of gold bullion.

>> No.10215962

other people can't actually report you to social security and say how you're not disabled or whatever and expect you to be removed.

it's not so easy to ruin others life as that. they already know there's plenty of sickos who would love to give them a call and makeup a story and get it removed for revenge.

him making her pay will probably be to try and not pay rent or leave the condition of your property in poor state when he leaves without trying to clean it up. there's a chance he could mean something violent, but if you feel he may get violent while he's there you can always have the police remove him.

>> No.10215982

>other people can't actually report you to social security and say how you're not disabled or whatever and expect you to be removed.

But he can say that he's paying her rent while she's getting the SSI cheque, or something along those lines.

>> No.10215988

Three days ago I saw a shooting star, then the next day I saw another. I thought I was very lucky until I realized there's currently a meteor shower happening.

>> No.10215993

Cute post dude.

>> No.10216002

yep he could do that if she didn't report he's paying rent and lives with her. if she did then it isn't a problem. you have to report changes to income/rent if you receive ssi

>> No.10216010

i should add though, they'll do their own investigation so it isn't like if he lies she'll get into trouble. you also have to port the number of residents living with you also, iirc when you renew it.

>> No.10216015

I don't think she did any of this, as far as I know. I essentially the big plan was that he would move into our empty bottom apartment and fix it up for a month, then move out. Things moved a little slower and the situation eventually escalated into a year long stay in our bottom apartment.

It's all just a mess.

>> No.10216018

*I think essentially

>> No.10216034

she can just explain how he was suppose to fix the place and then just stuck around unplanned leeching off you. if anything she can take a pay cut in her checks for a while to pay back the amount she didn't report and after that's done she'll receive full amount again if she explains it correctly. if it gets into the worst case situation.

>> No.10216045

I don't even think the guy paid rent. He agreed to start doing it last month but he just kind of dodged her when she started asking for it, which caused this tornado of nonsense to happen. No papers written on either side, the guy didn't have to pay rent initially, he could live for free so long as he worked on the bottom apartment.

Word of advice to fellow /jp/ posters, don't let your family members bring random, homeless white guys sitting in front of Home Depot into your household.

>> No.10216051

your grandmother is being pretty nice. she could easily have the police come remove and then dump all his stuff in front of your place telling him never to come back again. if he is seemingly going to get violent then that's the best choice.

>> No.10216528

Oh yeah. I just woke up.

>> No.10216992

It's Saturday. Same as every other day.

>> No.10219553
File: 493 KB, 1000x1000, 23696786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a nice run today. I love the feeling of getting nice and worn out, taking a shower and then stretching out in bed to relax.

Are you taking care of yourself?

>> No.10219560

I want a girlfriend.

>> No.10219568

Stop forcing this shit

>> No.10219566

Drinking vodka and waiting for my Saturday night animes to come out.

>> No.10219592
File: 166 KB, 712x700, 4759361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's forcing anything, I know there are others that enjoy the same lifestyle and this is the thread to talk about it. You should think about why it's so offensive to you, it's not healthy to be bitter.

>> No.10219623

I'm not that guy, and I don't give a shit about being healthy.

>> No.10219715

Are you just that Gomenasai, but tripfag trying to switch it up because everyone was telling him to fuck off

>> No.10219740
File: 139 KB, 617x700, 12342385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, as long as you're happy.


>> No.10219769

why don't people ever use names like emperor, despot, czar, majesty or something else besides king? how many kings at floating on /jp/? king is low tier.

>> No.10219817

le archduke face

>> No.10219935
File: 465 KB, 826x1138, 25836301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have and do. People that opt for lesser roles or euphemisms just haven't made history, I guess.

>> No.10220000

why is there so kings trip users on /jp/, is what i meant. nothing you guys have done counts towards history so i think you're confused.

>> No.10220028
File: 507 KB, 800x790, 28762438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be more hesitant to take things at face value.

>> No.10224589

The woman at the Jobcentre that I see has made me sign up to see the therapist woman they have there. My appointment is in a few hours. What the fuck do I say? I'm obviously not going to tell her the truth (that I'm suicidal and would rather just shut myself indoors, job-free, for the rest of my life)!

>> No.10224597

A few days ago when I was playing a game online I spoke and someone with a higher pitched voice who I'm assuming was a girl said that I had a nice voice and that she'd let me fuck her, in the ass. I didn't know what to say so I pressed alt and F4 and haven't played since.

>> No.10224601

I'm surprised you were able to speak on voice chat int he first place, I can't.

>> No.10224618

I use it when voice commands don't cut it, basically for people in specific spots like someone on platform, in closet, in pit, ect.

>> No.10224697
File: 214 KB, 782x900, 31776546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you missed your chance to experience the fabled “True Love”!

>> No.10224721

I've been a truNEET hikky for six years, since I was a young teenager so I don't really have any idea how to function as an adult, and next year I'm getting kicked out of home. I'm on autismbuxs and my family has so generously agreed to help me set up automatic payments for things like power and water, but how can I cope with the rest of it all? I know I can have food ordered to my home and I only have to leave to see the doctor, but what will the change be like? Is there anybody here who went through the same thing who can tell me what it's like? I'm really anxious.

>> No.10224725


>> No.10224890

Any NEET girls here want to marry a handsome NEET guy?

>> No.10225357

no such thing. only guys NEET pretending to be female trolling.

>> No.10225538

I want go for a long walk but it's snowing heavily, -11 Celsius outside. I hate my ugly apartment.

>> No.10226442
File: 566 KB, 1305x900, 29101327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am spending the day cleaning and decided to finally replace several burned out lightbulbs. They had been dead for 2-3 years so it's very unsettling. I wonder if dealing with more light throughout the day will change anything.

>> No.10226521
File: 30 KB, 340x191, 1345071277952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ how do i become a NEET?

>> No.10226524

Stop, drop, and roll.

>> No.10226558

oh jesus christ

I've got no fucking confidence man

>> No.10226566

i have jism in my beard

>> No.10226571

Damnit Shiro I could probably come up with the relation to paradox and your whole being.

>> No.10226619

I went to /r9k/ a few days ago since everyone for years always told me it was the NEET/depression/shut-in board and I never actually visited it for more than a quick glance before.

I found a lot of threads of people with low self-esteem that thought they were useless and pathetic, but what they were complaining about wasn't actually pathetic but regular, normal problems every person in society faces. In fact, they all misused the word NEET. NEET on that board just means "I feel like a loser today". "Shut-in" means "I didn't feel like talking to people today".

When I tried to engage in NEET discussion they all called me a troll and then said that no one would ever live their life that way. I know /jp/ NEET threads are mostly a joke, but those who believe /r9k/ is the place to be for it are insane.

>> No.10226674

I'm drinking some Coca-Cola. My mom gave them to me. The can has polar bears on it. I have to actually go outside today, or I could go another day, like tomorrow.

I need coffee creamer. I was thinking I would just buy some when I was already out doing errands, but I could also just go to the quickie mart and fill up a coffee cup with creamer and the employees would be none the wiser.

>> No.10226724


/r9k/ makes me angry too, they wave around spending the weekend inside their rooms as some kind of achievement and think it entitles them to use the word shut-in, and a girl just wanting to be friends is equal to have no friends at all or being unable to leave the house.

>> No.10226757

Are you misunderstanding something? If you went to /r9k/ expecting advice on how to NEET more comfortably you went to the wrong place. /jp/'s NEET thread is not a joke, it's the real thing. You are supposed to go to /r9k/ to curse your fate, wallow in depression and hope for the reintegration in the society.

Nowhere except for /jp/ NEETdom is tolerated. Even here NEETdom is nothing to proud of, /jp/ is simply the only place where people won't yell at you to get a fucking job.

>> No.10226812

>Are you misunderstanding something?
No. I think you are though. Like I said, I never browsed the board for more than a quick glance before so I didn't know what their stance was. I was just bored and curious due to the years of accumulated "get this NEET shit off our board and go to /r9k/" posts. Even when /q/ was created there were people trying to get NEET shit off this board.

I'm not looking for advice to NEET better or to fix my life and be normal, I just like to discuss NEET or shut-in lifestyle. Nor is /r9k/ the place to go even if you want to fix yourself and reintegrate into society, seeing as how 99% of the userbase won't even believe you if you talk about your lifestyle. /r9k/ is effectively whining about normal everyday problems and there isn't even a remote resemblance to actual shut-ins there, not even ones trying to fix their lives because they're already all normal - that's the only point I'm getting at. They're integrated into society fine, they're just not happy about their social status. There is nothing NEET (that I can tell) or shut-away about that board, aside from the fact they misuse those words on a regular basis.

>> No.10226885

>"get this NEET shit off our board and go to /r9k/"
I don't know why would people say that to you on /jp/ unless you were talking about getting a job or something. Fuck them. NEET threads are for NEET discussion.

>won't even believe you if you talk about your lifestyle
My experience differs. I made a NEET thread on /r9k/ a couple of months ago and it was fairly well received. I even managed to talk on IM to one of their NEETs.

>> No.10226949

>I don't know why would people say that to you on /jp/
It was in the past, not recent. I just thought about it recently and decided to do some personal digging.

>My experience differs -
That's pretty interesting, my experience was the complete opposite. They were even hostile, in fact. That's weird. Very weird. Even if you click on the board right now and go through all the pages there isn't a single real shut-in thread up or any kind of thread that indicates that they're disconnected from society. If there are real shut-ins on that board they must be a massively huge minority. That or they were all wiped out in the last few months.

After my experience I just hope to never hear people say that /r9k/ is a shut-in/NEET board or that it's the board for discussing it. If NEET threads are ever removed from /jp/ there will actually be no place to talk about it - /r9k/ is not an option in any form and I seriously hope people don't actually believe it's viable for this kind of discussion. Not even as "fix your shut-in ways!" kind of way, since the talk they give you there is equal to the kind of talk you could find on any other board.

>> No.10227037

/r9k/ a shit

>> No.10227048

>I don't know why would people say that to you on /jp/
The reasoning goes something like, "get a blog, you fucking faggot."

>After my experience I just hope to never hear people say that /r9k/ is a shut-in/NEET board or that it's the board for discussing it.
/r9k/ is the blogging-about-your-life board for NEETs and normals alike.

>> No.10227070

>/jp/'s NEET thread is not a joke
HELL yeah *squeezes a little one on the floor*

>> No.10227088

I have to get my wisdom teeth out soon, I'm worried about what I'll say after I wake up from the sleeping gas in my high from the anesthetic. I might talk about lolis and all my weird fetishes since people say weird things in that time and generally don't remember saying it. I also have to pull money out of my investment account to pay for it all, I don't want to call my investment bank and ask for a check, that sounds horrifying.

>> No.10227099

Correct. This is a proper trueNEET behavior. One hundred percent serious. Just don't get too proud of yourself, it was a little one after all.

Also I made a thread to see what would happen.


You may go shit on /r9k/'s floor or something. Maybe preach about the joys of staying at home all day and picking shit from between your toes when you inevitably step on it.

>> No.10227128

It actually fucks you up pretty good but you shouldn't have to worry about going into long winded sentences about loli impregnation, inflation, and tentacles, you'd be lucky to mumble a few words and they'll probably be about innocent things like food, sleep, and how high you are.

>> No.10227312

I was considering getting only partial anesthetic because I was worried about falling asleep, I'm still a bit worried really due to others telling me stories where they were a bit crazy.

>> No.10227814

What do you do when you want to see a shrink but you have no money?

>> No.10227818

Commit a crime

>> No.10227830

I don't want to go to prison though. There's no internet in prison.

>> No.10227843

Go to the ER and say you were going to commit suicide

>> No.10227845

They have free clinics you could always visit. I'm not sure about the quality of service

I have a question as well. How does a NEET go about having their teeth corrected? Most of my insecurities are about my teeth and feels like I can't do anything about it

>> No.10227845,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the fug

>> No.10227845,2 [INTERNAL] 

NEET scum.


>> No.10227845,3 [INTERNAL] 

I deleted the thread because I started to feel like Dr. Frankenstein.

>> No.10227845,4 [INTERNAL] 

can we neet
