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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 557x559, A woman with the mind set of a samurai___My_perversione_Edit~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10205495 No.10205495[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The only feel that belongs on /jp/.

As NEETs, Otaku, Hikikomori, and Dysfunctional members of society we form the most obscure and hard guidelines for women that lay out side of our pure 2D waifus.

1.) What it would take for you to accept a woman in your life.

2.) The most lewd and otaku like fetishes.

Me for both:
A woman who has the ideology, heart, and aesthetic pursuits of a onna-bugeisha (Those who don't know, it's like a samurai woaman.)

>> No.10205522

My ideal woman is a man

>> No.10205528


>> No.10205534

I just want to be loved by someone to whom I'm at least a little bit attracted (not obese or super underweight). I really have no standards. Not that it matters.

>> No.10205536
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>> No.10205541

They would have to be me.

This is possible by taking some of my DNA, replacing the Y chromosome with an X and then growing the child in a surrogate mother through in-vitro fertilization.

>> No.10205546

I'm not sure if I want a real woman
I don't know if I deserve a woman

As long as she would devote herself to me that'd be fine.

>> No.10205548

1. Pure virgin: never been kissed, held hands, performed oral sex, etc.; no sexual contact in any way with either males or females.
2. Dedicated and loyal: would never cheat or consider cheating and would be wholly devoted to me, as I would be to her.
3. Not a feminist.
4. Accepting of my foot fetish.
5. Be attractive to me, but I have odd standards so this one isn't really asking a lot. But I would have to feel some attraction.

>> No.10205554


6. Does not want children.
7. Shares some of my interests and is okay with my continuing to pursue the ones she doesn't like.
8. Has no male friends at all and has no female friends that are bad influences upon her purity.

That's all I can think of for now.

>> No.10205562

I value my privacy too much. I think I could only date a low maintenance girl who only needs to see me twice a week.
I don't think I could stand her if she had the same tastes has me, she needs to spend time alone doing a craft or something.

Too bad only single mothers hit on me. Fucking sage for my blog.

>> No.10205568

I see a surprising amount of women (read: more than zero) in doujinshi stores. I want to know more about them.

>> No.10205573

Sorry anon this is the real world we're talking about not an eroge, you may get one or two of those things at the most.

>> No.10205576

Yes, real women are whores. It's a real shame. I'm fine with 2D but those are the things that I would require to consider 3D.

>> No.10205581

I just want Denko (´・ω・`)

>> No.10205584
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Tfw your kawaii Otaku Tsundere ex-Korean gf and you start to intimately talk again and to get back together.

tfw she deletes your happy birthday wish on her facebook page

I don't know how I am suppose to take this...

>> No.10205586

Why did she stop being Korean?

>> No.10205610

You know what I meant.

>> No.10205615

no I don't

>> No.10205620

Maybe if you cook her a nice dog for dinner she will come back to you.

>> No.10205630

What the hell do you even do with a girlfriend? Aside from sex I mean.
I tried to write a VN but I gave up during the dating parts. It seems so boring.

>> No.10205646

She won't, she is not Koren anymore.

>> No.10205650

It really is boring. My first girlfriend had trouble answering her phone because she was too busy studying. One day I went walking all over campus looking for her. It was winter and I had mono but I still made the heroic effort to force myself out there. When I finally tracked her down in one of the libraries she couldn't understand why I was worried about her. I felt so terrible about it. I was really sick and fatigued and it was cold and I walked all over but she just didn't care.

>> No.10205660

She should have gotten a restraining order.

>> No.10205654

1: To share interests
2: Not be depressed

Anything else doesn't matter. 1 and 2, it seems, are mutually exclusive.

>> No.10205665

I had a girlfriend when I was in high school. There's something about it, about being with another person intimately. I can't describe it, but it can be very good. Ultimately the negatives outweigh it, though. Real girls are terrible people.

>> No.10205689

*kawaii Otaku Tsundere Korean ex-gf

>> No.10205698

How could you date someone who eats dogs?

>> No.10205714
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im all of those but also a feminist so fuck you i guess

>> No.10205710

How is that a problem?

>> No.10205720

Fucking mongrel.

>> No.10205725

that's not nice

>> No.10205735

That's the most important one. No man will ever find an empowered woman attractive.

>> No.10205741
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We never talked about that, so I'm not sure.

>> No.10205762

What's disgusting is that chances are if I ever did get a GF she would probably be Korean since my town is 90% Korean and in my corporate neet workplace everyone is Korean also.

Why must I be the only white man stuck in a sea of Koreans? Why do they even come to fucking New Jersey to begin with? Go someplace else you Koreans.

>> No.10205760

To be honest I wouldn't mind dating a strong empowered woman who had the pants in the relationship. As long as she remained loyal to the relationship of course.

>> No.10205772

>What it would take for you to accept a woman in your life.

If she were to feed and house me, anything. As long as she's able to put up with me being a useless piece of shit, I don't care.

>> No.10205778


I too live in a place with a lot of Koreans. I wouldn't mind a qtkoreangf, but I don't go outside and they don't talk to anyone anyway.

>> No.10205776

But are you cute?

>> No.10205777

When I went to Boston with my family over the summer for vacation, the population was literally 50% Asian. I was amazed since I'm from the South and I've probably met a total of 10 azns in my whole life down here.

>> No.10205779

i wish i was korean...

>> No.10205781
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>> No.10205783

It seems to involve doing lots of stuff in public to show off the fact that you are a couple

>> No.10205802

The ones here are varied, the FOB ones only talk with the other FOB ones, but the ones who were born in America socialize with the white people their age. They all apparently came over in the mid/late 80's and then the kids they had here are now in their late teens to early 20s which are the ones I deal with every single day of my life since I'm the same age as them.

>> No.10205823


Ah, here it's a big engineering college town in the Midwest, so they're all foreigners. Frankly most of them come off as haughty and obnoxious, but I think that has more to do with them being rich kids in college. The Chinese for the most part are pretty cool. There are probably some Japanese floating around as well but they likely never see the light of day.

The rest of the town is pretty diverse as most middle class midwest cities are, but campus is like little-seoul

>> No.10205856

Please stop following me

>> No.10205869

Which college, exactly?

>> No.10205875
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This is the woman that I am in love with. No other will ever take her place in my heart.

>> No.10205881

My college was pretty similar, it was 30% Korean, 30% Indian, 20% white people, and the rest was everyone else. The Americanized Koreans aren't too bad, they generally socialize with white people since that's what they grew up with. Only the new ones seem to not associate with the whites.

>> No.10205897
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> 1. Pure virgin: never been kissed, held hands, performed oral sex, etc.; no sexual contact in any way with either males or females.
> held hands
> with either males or females

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha look at this dipshit.

You do realize that byyour criteria, preschoolers are no longer virgins?

Lots of luck; the only girl who'd meet your standards would be one born in a leper colony.

>> No.10205899

All I know is that your're yet another an Asian-fetishizing retard with poor grammar.

>> No.10205902

No, plenty of men do. It's the boys who aren't.

>> No.10205903

Ideal female.

-Can program
-Likes whiskey
-Sharp tongued

>> No.10205908


>> No.10205910

Baby I can learn to program for you.

>> No.10205917
File: 27 KB, 570x290, catfight2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no me first.

You can probably find one, too. You sound like you have your shit together.

>> No.10205926

please don't do something like this. Just because someone doesn't have your same tastes doesn't mean you have to demean them.

>> No.10205927

Female, please don't start this here.

>> No.10205929

If the shoe fits.

>> No.10205932

I'm on /jp/, so it's implied.

>> No.10205934


Sorry..sometimes even I forget where I am. U of I at Champaign-Urbana, i.e. the most depressing place to be unsuccessful in Illinois.

>> No.10205938

No, me!

>> No.10205945
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I don't even really care. What do you even do with a girlfriend other than sex?
I guess that. Someone who is at least can give me an erection, is a reasonable human being with at least overlapping hobbies and ideas so that we wouldn't have any/many character clashes in a relationship.
Basically just like any friend you can have, only this friend I fuck. There really isn't much to it at all, I think that's what everyone searches for. A friend to have sex with.
Problems come later because people don't give you enough space. It sure it easy to love /jp/ on the internet and call you guys my boyfriend, but that's because any time I want to I can just ignore you by leaving /jp/, and coming back at my convenience. I can't say I've ever had any relationships either with family or acquaintances that required compromise on the level of a girlfriend or boyfriend, so I'd be stubborn about a lot of things.

This whole feel when no gf thing is very silly too. What's the big deal? If you haven't found a gf already and someone declined you before and you're angry and sad about it, it's nothing to worry about at all. it just means you were not compatible anyways. If someone doesn't agree with your world view or that you want a pure stinky neet pussy gf or whatever the fuck other fetish and you can't find it, it's really useless to try and force it or be down about it. Just do what you want to do and what happens happens. Maybe you'll find a gf or maybe a bf, who knows.

>> No.10205942

Huh, I'm there too...

>> No.10205952

you two should fuck

>> No.10205964

That sounds unpleasant for some reason...

>> No.10205982

>What it would take for you to accept a woman in your life.

she must have a stanky NEET pussy

>> No.10205978

Ideal Woman:
>Moderately Attractive
>Has a (relatively) good-looking mother
>Nice and responsive to my needs
>Crazy for me
>Has trustworthy friends and a calm lifestyle
>No STDs

It doesn't bother me if she isn't a virgin as long as she wasn't the town bike or a dirty skank. I don't think I want my hypothetical girlfriend to be otaku; it's better she's kept in the dark...

>> No.10205985

Companionship is what I'd really want the most out of a relationship. Just having someone to talk to and enjoying your time with them would be enough for me. Just having another person care about you must feel really nice.

I wouldn't mind the sex though, that would probably be good.

>> No.10205993

i already have friends and internet for that.
only thing I can honestly say a woman can supply that no one else can are;
-flesh daki
-flesh onahole

>> No.10205994

Yes, companionship is also of utmost importance for me.

>> No.10205996

Which engineering?

>> No.10206009

Yes, but having a face to face conversation with someone that you care about that also cares about you is better than online friendships. Just having someone there that you can talk to about stuff and do stuff with would be nice. I hate other humans for the most part, but having a real life friend that you can do stuff with is very gratifying.

>> No.10206016

Eh, I don't enjoy conversation much. Especially face to face. Maybe that's a side effect of too much internet discussion. Having multiple tabs open and over 4 things talked about at once.
I like to write down everything that is on my mind about a subject, and arrange it in the proper order that it should be as a response afterwards.

That doesn't work very well in real life, and I can't talk as fast as I type, so its just annoying. Conversation is not only slower, but I can only hold one at once. It's kind of awful.

>> No.10206017


Don't go to school there, and can't stand the school's culture or the town. trvNEET4lif

>> No.10206023

I love talking with people about things that interest me. I think politics is my favorite subject to talk about. I'll never talk with a girl about politics though because it seems like 99% of them don't know shit about politics and have no real viewpoints.

I did have a conversation about politics with an incredibly obese girl once though. Talking with her was great, too bad she was at least 3 times my size.

>> No.10206027

I got an idea. You get the fuck outta here, okay, then get the fuck back to /r9k/.

>> No.10206025
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She must be
-Capable of reasoning, open-minded
That's basically all I need.

>> No.10206045

>Capable of reasoning, open-minded
then she wouldn't be loyal, she would see the advantages of the big black dick and then ditch you.

>> No.10206047

do men really make these thread?

>> No.10206048

What happened to the truNEET piss bottle threads, /jp/?

>> No.10206051

That's just not true.

>> No.10206052

>1.) What it would take for you to accept a woman in your life.

Doesn't bleed.
Doesn't get old (in the wrinkly saggy sense).
Can think and determine if what she says makes logical sense before she says it.
Doesn't want to change things to suit her belief set.
Doesn't mind me jacking off to anime characters and playing with legos and video games. (Read: won't delete or throw out my stuff)
Is cute without implants or heaping makeup on her face.
Small(of height and waist) and has small breasts, or at least the kinda frame that doesn't make larger breast look weird.
No kids.
No visible hair lower than her nose.

>2.) The most lewd and otaku like fetishes.
Has kitty/fox like ears.
Is actually a maid, not my girlfriend.
Has long hair and always wears cute clothes when not in her maid dress.
Doesn't talk unnecessarily.
Is probably a robot. (the humanlike type)

>> No.10206060

My perfect woman would be one that doesn't shit, piss, vomit, get sick or fart. She also has to be metal and full of gears.

>> No.10206064

I grew up there, I don't remember it being that bad.

>> No.10206076


>What do you even do with a girlfriend other than sex?

Are you stupid? Or have you never heard of romance? An intimate romantic relationship oine at that. A companion that understands and cares for you who will always stay by your side till the end of times.

You don't seem to possess a heart. Not like it matters, but giving such a statement is rather naive and foolish. May you know love someday and find your one and only counterpart.

>This whole feel when no gf thing is very silly too.

It is. They should fucking stop whining and do something about it instead.

>> No.10206080

Not necessarily. Mutual loyalty can be a conscious choice and has its benefits, especially if you aren't driven only by sexual desire.

>> No.10206084
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>She also has to be metal and full of gears.

Right or left?

>> No.10206110

You know the only reason that myth continues is because black men are inferior in every other way.

>> No.10206152
File: 268 KB, 1038x881, women money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only two ways that women care about.

>> No.10206162

Do something about it how? Meeting suitable women is a rat race, they've already been drowned in male attention, how is anyone supposed to stand out? 2D is the only option.

>> No.10206167


>> No.10206171


>> No.10206196

Small time

>> No.10206197

I just want to drop on you all, it's very possible to find a women who doesn't bleed.

I don't bleed, I haven't for 3 years now. It's not menopause, it's a depo shot. Women also tend to never get pregnant on this.

I cannot verify the truth of any other wishes though. For that I am deeply sorry. Good luck finding your dream women.

>> No.10206213

That's because you haven't hit puberty. back to gaia for u.

>> No.10206247


It's like searching for a treasure without any map. One might feel it's useless as the desired result isn't coming to fruition.

It's a long journey. Don't foolishly expect that you would find a rare item so quick, and don't expect that digging up for that rare one will be easy. You have to possess the right tools required for obtaining the treasure. Dedication and perseverance are obviously a prerequisite.

All of these would seem futile until you get ahold of that treasure.
All of these would be so worth it by then.

Until that moment, never give up and hold your head up high.

>> No.10206265

And when you find that treasure, who's not to say others haven't found it first? Or that others weren't better treasure hunters?
