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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10198094 No.10198094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do NEETs make friends? I feel like I'm going crazy from lack of socialization

>> No.10198100

Step 1: Be anywhere outside of your house

Step 2: Be polite, considerate, and reasonable

Step 3: Repeat as needed

>> No.10198103

Are you really a NEET?

>> No.10198104


Try taking up an MMO such as Eve Online.

I can't do IRL communication, but Eve is really easy. I find myself being sociable, making small talk with other players in the local system, and stuff like that.

>> No.10198105

/jp/ is for my friends.

>> No.10198107
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I thought we were your friends!

>> No.10198112

be a cross-boarder

>> No.10198114
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omegle with /jp/ tag

or wait for one of these threads and ask someone to give you a throwaway email

>> No.10198119

Haven't been for very long, but yes.

I may differ from your average NEET in that I make friends easily and people seem to like me with little effort on my part. The steps I listed is my fool-proof method for making friends, but I should alter step 2 a bit: If you have to choose between being yourself and being polite, considerate, and reasonable, be polite, considerate, and reasonable. Otherwise just be yourself. (I know it's the most normalfag advice you could expect to hear, but seriously, basic manners and etiquette will take you far, and if someone doesn't like you for you you probably don't have any business befriending them anyway.)

>> No.10198117

MMOs sounds like a good idea. Maybe I will give that a shot

>> No.10198127

This only works if you aren't a pile of shit. Not applicable to /jp/

First impressions are the worst for me

>> No.10198130

i found steam to be a good enough dating site

>> No.10198144

Define "pile of shit." Because I would consider myself such. But that sentiment may be an artifact of the mental aberrations the head doctors think I posses. Point is I still do pretty well friend-wise. Though maybe it's because I'm tall with a deep voice. Maybe I should change my advice to "be tall, witty, and have a deep voice."

>> No.10198145

I just talked to people on Omegle.

>> No.10198151

NEET does not mean antisocial, btw.

It's just coincidental that a lot of "NEETs" here also aren't very social.

>> No.10198153

Pls stop posting

>> No.10198155

How difficult is it for a long time neet to transition to becoming a full time student? Is there any government program to help us afford it?

>> No.10198156

Unless you're a NEET living with a roommate, I can't imagine they would have too many opportunities to socialize, something generally done at work or school.

>> No.10198161
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buy a cheap coffee somewhere and sip on it for hours
you'd be surprised how many people want to get a conversation going

I talk with old people all the time

>> No.10198166

You're socializing with me right now.

>> No.10198164

I have a good sense of humor so making friends is pretty easy for me. I still prefer to keep to myself though.
If you think you can make people laugh without embarrassing yourself then go with that, it's an easy and quick way to make friends. Just don't overdo it and hold a normal conversation every once in a while.

>> No.10198165

I think I'm leaving this circlejerk I'm in now, turns out that all of em' are a bunch of normies that wants to become /fit/.


>> No.10198168

I did it. It's just a matter of willpower.

But then again, I'll probably drop out soon. Because I don't have any willpower.

>> No.10198167

This. Just because you don't work or go to school doesn't mean you're socially inept. It usually just means that you are lazy, unlucky, or don't give a fuck/

>> No.10198170
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I really do enjoy literature but I'm afraid of someone intelligent trying to speak to me about a book on my table and I won't be able to keep up. That is even more terrifying than being alone

>> No.10198173
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Make a tulpa and then you can socialize with yourself.

>> No.10198176

Why can't you just force yourself to study?

>> No.10198180

because I don't have any willpower.

>> No.10198181

does your lastfm handle start with an o and end with an e by any chance? you sound famiar.

>> No.10198182
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I don't always do bookstores, those coffees are expensive
I do fast food joints a lot
Mickey D's is $1 a coffee with unlimited refills
Grab the free news paper and let the current events topics start rolling

>> No.10198185

Not him but I probably have less willpower than him.

The answer to your question is because I have to force myself to force myself to study and I give up at that phase.

My subconscious will to enjoy myself is just too strong to consciously work against.

>> No.10198188

Because studying is fucking boring.

>> No.10198193

Gift me a game on steam and I'll be your friend

>> No.10198194

/jp/ - Social

>> No.10198195

I don't have a lastfm.

>> No.10198197

I have a question. I haven't spoken to my best friend from high school since I went into hermit neet mode years ago. If I were to contact him again what should I say? He knows I'm a loser already

>> No.10198205

I believe moving on with my life will be a big motivation factor for me once I start going to class. I have been a NEET for far too long

>> No.10198206

How do NEETs meet girls? I haven't had sex since I started NEETing it up last week and I'm going crazy here.

>> No.10198202

Don't. That would be a sign of weakness.

>> No.10198204

I haven't made a friend in 9 years.

Get on my level, normalfags.
