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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10187796 No.10187796 [Reply] [Original]

>Among the people who use the Internet, many are obtuse. Because they are locked in their rooms, they hang on to that vision which is spreading across the world…On the message boards [Internet] someone can still make a rebuttal, but this remains at the standard of toilet graffiti. One does not need to sign it. It quietly arrives directly at your door. It’s so convenient that careless people use it without remorse, without stopping [for consideration]. Obviously, not all Internet users are not like that…I just want to say "come back to real life [réalité] and get to know the world". For example, when it was decided to redo episodes 25 and 26, the news spread quickly from Gainax’s server across the Internet. If we had not set the tone, completely outlandish rumors would have emerged. But by revealing the information, plenty of incoherent statements like "they make it for the money" were thrown in our faces. I realized my own hypocrisy when I let myself be convinced that, not knowing our financial situation, this kind of talk was only fair. Whatever they say, I do not think you can see other negatives in Evangelion! (Laughter) By not paying attention to childish ideas which they are subjected to, we take the anime-fans for being stupid. They do not leave their [comfortable little] world. They feel safe. They have nothing solid in themselves on which to rely. That’s why I tried to go to the rescue of Japanese animation. I do not say, like [Shuji] Terayama, to "throw away your books and flee the city", but to go to town and meet people. Why can I say that? Well, I noticed what I was missing for me, in my heart. For twenty-one years I have been an anime-fan, and now, thirty-five years old, I notice with sorrow: I’m nothing but an honest fool

>> No.10187802
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>I’m nothing but an honest fool

>> No.10187809
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See you on page 10, greentextwallulilianno-kun

>> No.10187810

>For twenty-one years I have been an anime-fan, and now, thirty-five years old, I notice with sorrow: I’m nothing but an honest fool
So that's what happens when you get into your thirties and still haven't grown out of anime?

>> No.10187815

Anno hasn't grown. Eva is getting worse every iteration, and it was bad to begin with.

>> No.10187816

Atleast he has a job in the industry

>> No.10187817

Hey, I'm Anno, I'm going to say all this shit, then go back to working on more Eva, derp.

>> No.10187819

Oh that Anno, always saying stuff.

>> No.10187821

I seriously haven't watched any Evangelion episodes/movies/OVAs. What's so good about it? Just asking.

>> No.10187823


Why don't you watch/read it?

>> No.10187824

It's funny how he castigates people for hating change and then goes on to bitch about how things are changing.

>> No.10187825

it was 2deep4its age

>> No.10187830

Warning: same guy who said it was bad replying. It has a good cast of characters, development, interesting designs everywhere. Some well done episodes and scenes, like everything with Gendo. Sadly it beats you down with nonsense too often for my stomach. It's the product of a person who can't see straight, and it's getting worse every time.

>> No.10187832
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escapism in japanese otaku style

>> No.10187857

i haev very cool otaku cartoon

plz listen my opinion PLZ

>> No.10187861

How did he manage to make a 26-episode anime about religious bullshit and convince all of you that it's an 'otaku culture masterpiece?'

>> No.10187863

Does Anno ever reference his other work? I understand Evangelion is the money maker, but still. EVA this, EVA that...

>> No.10187867

Anno a shit. The original series and EoE wasn't even made by him, it was made by his depression. Besides that, nothing that he has been involved in is of worth.

>> No.10187871 [DELETED] 
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>think Evangleion is about religious

The whold show is a big metaphor of otaku culture

>> No.10187873

Well, what did you expect?

>> No.10187874


Sure it is.

The whole show is a normie cash-play with shoddy symbolism thrown in so ~epick otakus~ feel like it belongs to them and not the teeming masses it was designed for. Show me any instance of concrete reference to the hikki/NEET life in Evangelion.

>> No.10187875
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>still think Evangleion is about religious

The whold show is a big metaphor of otaku culture

>> No.10187877

You think Shinji was normal?

>> No.10187878

There isn't really anything Anno says that isn't wrong. I'd imagine that the kind of people who would disagree with his views have very limited hobbies or interests. Basically the same people who reply seriously to NEET lifestyle threads.

>> No.10187879

Why does everyone hate Eva so much? It's a solid show. Much better than most of the crap the anime industry shits out.

>> No.10187881
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>don't know the metaphor means

how old are you? 10?

>> No.10187883

Your first sentence clashes with the rest of your post.

>> No.10187886
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>> No.10187888

Did you mean "is wrong"? If you did, the real world rhetoric gets old fast. It's impressive that a man can waste his life thinking about pointless things like growing up without actually ever growing up.

>> No.10187890
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because I am edgy and hipster

>> No.10187891

I'm pretty sure you're missing a negative

>> No.10187894

>real world rhetoric
That's not all that he's saying.

>> No.10187898

doesn't the sentence
>There isn't really anything Anno says that isn't wrong.
mean that everything Anno says is wrong?

>> No.10187900

Haha, I misread it. I wouldn't have noticed without your post.

>> No.10187906

Nothing changes if you don't act, is essentially what he's saying. That means that we should want to change. Why? Because of happiness. Sure. Why is happiness external? ...

Maybe I'm biased. I'm not the picture of a typical otaku with a degenerate life. But it sounds like real world rhetoric to me. It assumes there's a need for change in the first place. Maybe for people who want it.

>> No.10187903


"Everything Anno says isn't wrong"
"Nothing Anno says is right."

>> No.10187914

Remember when Anno is edgy and hipster?


>> No.10187920

I wish I could be passionate about anime, but like with other TV and movies I have a tendency of turning my brain off while watching it, so any deep metaphors or plot holes go over my head.

>> No.10187947

I have already spent 3 years in /jp/

I've been a fool to myself

I thought that I could live for no one else

But now through all the hurt and pain

It's time for me to respect

The ones you love mean more than anything

So, with sadness in my heart

Feel the best thing that I could do

Is end it all and leave forever

What's done is done it feels so bad

What once was happy now is sad

I'll never love again

My world is ending

>> No.10187964

Lmao. Awesome.

>> No.10188004

Anno always came off as a self-loathing normal wannabe to me. I have never, and still don't, understand precisely what people have against the idea of enjoying a life alone. It's always attempted to be portrayed as some sort of pathetic retreat away from reality, some sort of "settling" instead of going for a nebulous greater happiness that only trunormals will ever know

Far be it for me to imply the sort of otaku that all but worship moe anime live healthy lifestyles, but it is not for me, nor anyone else, to judge another's happiness. Provided that they are truly content at the end of their day with their interests and their lives, that should be enough

..of course, it doesn't help that it seems like a lot of otaku *do* just have some sort of fake-happiness where they distract themselves with meaningless anime or video games. But then, frankly, *most* people indulge in such distractions. *Most* people just put on a happy face even though they hate their lives. Otaku are just easier to single out

>> No.10188020

Completely agree.
That's the reason most people are so desperate to have friends and all that kind of ridiculous things.

>> No.10188034

Like fuck he didn't do it for money, he is still milking the franchise.

Who the fuck does he think he is anyway, he makes cartoons for a living.

>> No.10188033

Oh man, i don't often find reasonable opinions about such things. But yeah, i completely agree.

>> No.10188039

I'm so happy, come on get happyy~~

>> No.10188038

They are NOT cartoons, they're anime.
Yamete kudasai.

>> No.10188040

He can't help it. Think about how much societal programming goes into every human being. Very few ever totally break off from what is expected of them by the norm. Even on /jp/, while it's propagated that most have broken through the barrier, the number is actually close to around 1%, and even that is being generous. These statistics were excavated based on conversations with hundreds of people on this board. I pose as a friendly, cute shut-in and prey on every single person that posts their e-mail on this board. I have not found one person that was legitimately happy. Everybody was venting about how much their life sucks.

Sorry to disappoint. This board isn't what everyone makes it out to be. There's an ideal vision, sure, but hardly anybody is living it.

>> No.10188043

Animes are japanese cartoons, tard.

>> No.10188045

There's nothing wrong with enjoying/being happy with a life of solitude...provided that you're being honest with yourself

Fuck off

>> No.10188048

I don't think you could call that a fair sample. All your information is from people who post their emails. It's not paradise for most people here but I don't think it's fake.

NEET threads are obviously full of lies, of course.

>> No.10188053

No dad, they are not cartoons. They are deep representations of High School life with complex spiritual meanings and themes. Works of art that only Nippon is capable of producing, that a worthless westerner like you wouldn't be able to understand. Here, just watch for a second.

>> No.10188056

>I don't think it's fake
It's fake. There aren't that many people on /jp/ to begin with.

Oh and also, to all those people whining about their /jp/ friends abandoning them after a while, that was probably me. I have many, many accounts and once I get fed up with a person, I abandon the account, effectively cutting off all contact forever.

>> No.10188058

I'm sure there's a pretty scientific name to say that people who post their mails hoping for human contact on 4chan of all places aren't going to be past the whole barrier thing you speak off so your claims have no actual value because you can't say how many people who don't actually post their mail there are

>> No.10188062

You're under the impression that we believe most here are not normal on some level. But the fact is that /jp/ is remarkably abnormal sometimes for where it is. It attracts that kind of people. 1% is too exaggerated.

>> No.10188067

>1% is too exaggerated.
Not really.

>> No.10188071

Keep asserting without proof.

>> No.10188072

You can believe whatever you want. You will always be a normal in my eyes.

>> No.10188079

>I have never, and still don't, understand precisely what people have against the idea of enjoying a life alone.
Why are some people so eager to mix societal responsibility with being a "normal"? Keeping shit running with dignity is pretty much the opposite of using underhand tactics to acquire personal gratification. It's very difficult to be genuinely creative as a hermit/hikki/NEET. Becoming a hermit should be the extreme last resort, like it is.

>instead of going for a nebulous greater happiness that only trunormals will ever know
There's that word again. Putting happiness above everything else is a method of bringing back the stone age.

>> No.10188085

>Sorry to disappoint. This board isn't what everyone makes it out to be.
I'm sorry to disappoint, but no one forced you to be so dense.

>> No.10188084

A week ago I listened to part of some guy's presentation of his self-help book.
He said things like "But when you think of being alone for a week, or going on vacation alone, or resting an entire day at home without talking to anybody, we always think 'How Horrible!', we never think of being alone as something good".

I was moderately shocked. It was a clear confirmation of something I already knew, but it was a bit shocking still.
Unlike me (and a certain part of the population), the masses _are_ confused in that sense. They _do_ live in more or less constant fear of spending one moment alone.

But there's something more scary than that. I suspect those same individuals who think they always have to be speaking or listening are not automatically pleased with any interaction that fulfills that need. Thus are born people who mingle with anybody who laughs at their jokes, but at the same time do not feel that interaction filling them.
Like somebody who is always hungry and stuffs himself full of white bread because it's cheap and painless and easy to acquire, and doesn't fully realize why he feels weak.

I'm a piece of shit but if anything, I'm glad I'm not a bonobo.

>> No.10188093

Such a child, and so full of hypocrisy. If only that mid-tier anime you made didn't give you such a big head.

>> No.10188090

>I have not found one person that was legitimately happy. Everybody was venting about how much their life sucks.
Good luck finding anyone in life that's truly 100% happy. It doesn't matter what pool of people you look at, everyone has shit to feel bad over. Even normals hate their lives, complain about their jobs and are depressed over the realization that life is a repetitious cycle. Quarter and mid life crisis are all about the realization of that fact. Most people in general feel like they're wasting away and hate themselves. It's a product of humanity, not normality.

Truly legitimately happy people are hard to come by in general.

>> No.10188091

I wouldn't trust a self-help presentation. It's a mixture of marketing, playing on weaknesses, and targeting stupid people. That means telling lies.

>> No.10188099

home along on a fridey night?

>> No.10188098

Shouldn't you be posting your SteamID in the NEET thread?

>> No.10188113

I've never seen Eva but I love fapping to Mogudan Rei.

>> No.10188130

>Like somebody who is always hungry and stuffs himself full of white bread because it's cheap and painless and easy to acquire, and doesn't fully realize why he feels weak.

Funny considering that describes the exact situation of many people on this board.

>> No.10188131

Oh, it's not like I'd buy or read his book. I'm not exactly using this guy's words as an argument, but rather extrapolating them to represent an aspect of people's minds.
I'm reasonably sure he hit the spot and wasn't just trying to make people think they need his book.
You just need to observe any group of idle young people, and chances are they'll be together just to feel there's somebody to laugh with them.
Not that that's a problem, but it becomes one when they become uncomfortable after one hour of being alone.


>> No.10188137

I should have said that, yes. It's a different problem that could be described in the same way.

And if you thought that having a problem makes your observations about others' possible problems invalid, you're wrong. Just saying.

>> No.10188154

I don't think /jp/ is like cheap bread. There are good things here.

>> No.10188166


i don't think you quite understand the analogy anon

>> No.10188168

Not really, unless you're talking about some faggots who are just visiting. The train passes at a certain point.

>> No.10188171
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>Otaku, in a narrow sense, do not change. I resigned myself to the fact that their understanding would probably not change in my lifetime. Of course, they are conforming to a single standard. As long as they are alive, they only like the same things. They’re not looking for change. They endlessly seek the same pleasures. Even if you say that other interesting things exist, they can’t be bothered. It’s something they didn’t ask for and don’t care for.

>> No.10188174

It's funny because this can be applied to anyone, not just otaku.

>> No.10188178

Please explain.

Sounds like intolerance. I'm not sure he understands the concept of people that are different.

>> No.10188183

Anime etc. are distractions till people die, but what isn't? How can people claim that their way of spending time is better than our way? I feel really hopeless so if someone have a good answer that isn't just "because they make a difference" I would be happy to listen.

>> No.10188188

The analogy that guy was trying to make is:
somebody (/jp/) who is always hungry (looking for love, friendship, sex, emotions) stuffs himself with white bread (otaku media like porn games, anime, doujin) because it's cheap, painless, easy to acquire (easy piratable, confined in the space of a personal pc) and doesn't realize why he feels weak (dissatisfied with their lives)

>> No.10188184

>Implying the Internet 16 years ago is the same Internet as today

>> No.10188185

It depends on what you want out of life. Nothing more. Read up on taoism if you want some ideas.

>> No.10188186

only normals change

>> No.10188194

>How can people claim that their way of spending time is better than our way?
One is a solitary activity, the other involves people. When you do activities involving other people you open more doors and options. Whether it be networking that allows you to further career, find a job in general, find love, find general events revolving around things you desire, etc, it's easier to obtain things when you're closer to other people and spend time with them. Solitary activity is technically a dead end if you're trying to push your life farther into a particular direction. Solitary activity is wonderful at keeping things unchanging since you won't stumble across events or opportunities.

>> No.10188196

A life of stability allows one to do nice things to a certain extent. Destroying society obviously destroys that stability. Becoming a hikki is _the_ protest vote, the ultimate rejection.

>> No.10188214

No wonder, I only come to /jp/ for the people. I liked here before I ever knew about Touhou.

>> No.10188217


somebody (me) who is always hungry (looking for otaku media like porn games, anime, doujin) stuffs himself with white bread (otaku media like porn games, anime, doujin) because it's cheap, painless, easy to acquire (easy piratable, confined in the space of a personal pc) and doesn't realize why he feels weak (dissatisfied with their lives)

>> No.10188229

That's a narrow view. People have themselves to learn about when they are alone. There's plenty to miss when you're busy chasing after other things.

>> No.10188227

Smells like KS general.

>> No.10188237
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>> No.10188249

>People have themselves to learn about when they are alone.
People don't like to learn about themselves in that way. Most people don't want to sit down and think about shit, because it makes them depressed. Being active takes your mind off things and you don't have to think about where you are in life. People chase after things because by improving their conditions and doing activities they don't have to think about anything. Being idle builds depression and being alone with your thoughts isn't exactly pleasant.

>> No.10188251

It's narrow, but it's the view the typical /jp/ poster loves to ignore. The point is that it's difficult to reintegrate once you've spent a certain amount of time in genuine solitude.

>> No.10188274

Anno is a vegan so I feel safe in ignoring everything he says.

>> No.10188287

I think there are a variety of reasons why "normals" would react negatively to the idea of people enjoying an isolated lifestyle.

Some people are legitimate extroverts and truly don't understand how someone could enjoy not being social.

Some people are probably simply afraid of the idea of being alone, and so they scorn it (it's not exactly uncommon in humanity to sneer upon things that are different and possibly frightening in their difference).

And then some people (Murrikans and Elevens in particular) have been taught that you need to be productive to get anywhere in life, that hard work will be rewarded. When someone with this mindset that contributes to society but isn't truly happy sees a happy isolationist that doesn't contribute to society but still gets their, uh, "autismbux" to fuel their private passions, it's 0% surprising that the first person would get mad about the second person's lifestyle. Perhaps they shouldn't get mad at another person finding happiness, since that's more spiteful than anything else, but perhaps a case could and should be made against handouts for people that genuinely have no intention of ever doing anything socially productive with that money, people that are, for all intents and purposes, leeches. I know that I'm always a little bit disappointed whenever I see someone on /jp/ with that sort of attitude, that they are entitled to welfare, welfare they refuse to spend on anything outside of plastic women. Not angry, because getting angry about the livelihood of Anons is fucking stupid, but still a little disappointed.

>> No.10188298

I would suggest scorning only the second group, those that themselves scorn out of ignorance. If they don't want to make an effort to get it, or they refuse to not be ruled by their groundless paranoia, then fuck them. Those that genuinely don't get it, the first group, should have introversion explained to them, and then a second judgment should be cast based on their reaction. (I had quite a few extrovert acquaintances-to-friends in college that didn't care that I had my weeaboo hobbies even though it wasn't something that interested them, so it's less of a fruitless endeavour than is may seem.) The third group should be pitied, if anything, I guess.

>> No.10188309

People may have surprising strengths and weaknesses. Why is being vegan such a grandiose display of idiocy that it invalidates everything else?

>> No.10188317


>> No.10188336

You get disappointed in humans because they leech of the state a little bit?
Man, if you look at it on a greater scale then you must be disappointed in humans 24 hours every day for the evil things they do just to please thenself.

I know that I would be if I wouldn't have stopped caring long ago.

Getting angry at leeches just seems so silly as long as there are rich people causing much more economical damage while having much better lifes and doing even less than your average NEET

>> No.10188340

You're too quick to group and segregate people in order to try to understand them. There are about as many reasons and opinions on social isolation as there are people, and every single person bases it on their own experiences - whether those experiences be positive, negative or both. Introversion and extroversion means nothing in this regard, as being introvert just means you need a little alone time to recharge after social encounters. There are many introverts who don't want complete social isolation and only need a day by themselves in a week of ongoing social encounters.

Negative thoughts regarding social isolation stems from personal experiences and what makes that individual feel better or worse. A person can tell you what has made their life feel like it's worth living and what has made their life feel stagnant. That's the only basis a person needs, look at Anno. He's only saying what he's saying because of his personal experiences on the matter. It has nothing to do with the way you're grouping up shit at all.

>> No.10188393

>Getting angry at leeches just seems so silly as long as there are...
I disagree strongly. One wrong does not justify another. Make yourself strong, study the wrong and teach everything you know about it to others. At this point, others agree with you and you can overcome the wrong.

>> No.10188400

What the fuck are you on about you sperglord?
leeches do less damage than those "productive" individuals that fuck way more people over, yet you idolize them.

>> No.10188402

This is the worst thread on 4chan.

>> No.10188406

This thread is on multiple boards, so that's impossible.

>> No.10188411


The responses bolster the level of awfulness.

>> No.10188413

>You're too quick to group and segregate people in order to try to understand them. There are about as many reasons and opinions on social isolation as there are people, and every single person bases it on their own experiences - whether those experiences be positive, negative or both.
Cool phrase full of air.
>Introversion and extroversion means nothing in this regard
That's an obvious lie.
>A person can tell you what has made their life feel like it's worth living and what has made their life feel stagnant. That's the only basis a person needs
Thank you for informing me. Why should I believe you?

>> No.10188418

If you're living life to le fullest, why are you here?

Go enjoy your life. Enjoy the HECK outta it.

>> No.10188419

>Why should I believe you?
No one said you had to. Believe whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.10188421

>leeches do less damage than those "productive" individuals that fuck way more people over
And I tell you that it's totally irrelevant.
>yet you idolize them
I don't.

>> No.10188427


You must not enjoy reading very much.

>> No.10188424

Because I enjoy this more.
Not everyone has the same hobbies and aspirations as you.

>> No.10188443

>That's totally irrelevant
Then what do you have against NEET?

>> No.10188447


please stop replying to this amazingly shitty thread

did you get here from /a/ today or what

>> No.10188463

This thread isn't that bad. The guy he's replying to is, however.

>> No.10188469

shut up

>> No.10188478
File: 28 KB, 1280x544, American.Psycho.2000.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.mp4_snapshot_00.22.55_[2012.12.06_20.47.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Facet 1 Interpersonal
>Glibness/superficial charm
>Grandiose sense of self-worth
>Pathological lying

>Facet 2 Affective
>Lack of remorse or guilt
>Emotionally shallow
>Callous/lack of empathy
>Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
>Facet 3 Lifestyle
>Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
>Parasitic lifestyle
>Lack of realistic, long-term goals
you're all psychopaths /jp/ that's p scary

>> No.10188490

wow so cool just like jim carrey dubs guy xDDD

>> No.10188491


Wow, that really is me. Every single symptom. Especially the 'failure to accept responsibility for own actions.'

Remember when everyone was having a big NEET argument about how accountability is fake, and how every decision is influenced by happenings outside the person's control? I started that.

I don't really mind being a sociopath though, because people tend to like me, I'm not unstable/dangerous, and it makes me unique.

>> No.10188493

I think that's Christian Bale not James Carrey

>> No.10188497
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I think this one is more you.

>> No.10188500

The sad part is that people actually believe things like that.

>> No.10188514

>You have a great need for other people to like and admire you. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your advantage. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. Your sexual adjustment has presented problems for you. Disciplined and self-controlled outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You pride yourself as an independent thinker and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. Security is one of your major goals in life.

>> No.10188522

Is this my horoscope?

>> No.10188519

Thanks for my horoscope.

>> No.10188526

Horoscopes make predictions and forecasts, doofii.

>> No.10188541

They tend to make statements about the present as well.

>> No.10188554

The series is great, it's just the fanatic community that is horrible.
I mean, EoE was meant to be a subjective, open-ended story for personal interpretation, but instead the internet autists made a whole Wiki (EVAgeeks), dissected all the symbolism, debunked every theory and came up with one definitive interpretation that's "correct" and you're in the wrong if you disagree with them because they are high powerlevel burnt-out oldfags.
Also there's a lot of random scientific and religious references that don't really mean anything but are quite cool, and it's the only anime that had two whole episodes devoted to psychologically analyzing its characters.

>> No.10188595

They leech. Comments like "But others are even worse!" make my fingers move on the keyboard.

>> No.10190367


I was about to post something along these lines, but then I saw that this guy had posted first. So, quoted for emphasis. I'm sure it'd be called sample bias or something like that

>> No.10193090

Of course many people on this board are not happy. Like "real life" (the domain of "normals"), /jp/'s discussion happens in a social context. How people act is dependent on their social situation. This is not something unique to /jp/, but rather an immutable part of the human condition.

People on /jp/ may feel as though they suffer more than most, and it may sometimes seem that way, but it's really difficult to say. Would I choose the mind of another just because they seem happier? The mind of a drug addict in the midst of a euphoric high? A person with Down's syndrome? A person who posts every weekend night about how much fun they have getting blackout drunk with their friends on their Facebook feed? Someone on /jp/ who claims to have found their personal route to happiness by becoming hikikomori?

I am me. I suffer, like all. But the routes through suffering taken by others are not the same routes taken by me.

>> No.10193129

If NEETs are so happy, why are they always so defensive about their lifestyle? If you were really happy why would you give a fuck about what other people think of you?

>inb4 sage

>> No.10193131

They're just the vocal group, the rest of us are just taking it to easy to get involved.

>> No.10193133

To be fair it's not like you can promise these guys that real life is going to be any happier.
Specially if you're a social outcast with a fucked up face and a horrible atrophied body.

>> No.10193137

>inb4 sage
Where the FUCK do you think you are?!

>> No.10193139

/jp/, where even the positive replies carry a sage.

>> No.10193162

But psychopaths are actually successful in their occupations due to extreme self determination and lack of empathy to do what would be considered stressful emotional wise.

We're just people who probably refuse to work at kfc temporarily.

>> No.10193174

Am I correct to assume that otakus and other such people have higher excpectations/demands from life than the average person?

This is how I've always personally felt and I often see similar ideas expressed online.

What I mean is, most people don't ask for that much. They work in a job they dislike because they get money to spend on their hobbies etc. They have a marriage that is not satisfying but at least they are not alone. They have friends that are not necessarily close but again, better than being alone. Their life is mediocre but they are pretty happy.

Many otakus seem so idealistic at heart. They want a job they actually enjoy and would like to be succesful in it. They seem to want TRUE LOVE even if they don't believe it exists. They have no interest in superficial friendships, they need deeper undesrtanding.

Most of all, I think otakus find real life too bland. Trough fiction they can enjoy "pure feelings" and experiences. Things like innocent/selfless love, true friendship, great success and even negative things like sorrow and horror.

>> No.10193181

>Most of all, I think otakus find real life too bland. Trough fiction they can enjoy "pure feelings" and experiences. Things like innocent/selfless love, true friendship, great success and even negative things like sorrow and horror.

Yeah, you can get that from reading fucking books.

>> No.10193185

Well, if you run into someones house and throw around assumptions you have to expect that people actually try to justify themself

>> No.10193193

How is reading books any different than wathcing anime? Both are escapism.

>> No.10193195

>implying /jp/ is your house.

I wouldn't run into someone's house uninvited, an imageboard on a popular website isn't some kind of sacred space off-limits from inquiry or criticism.

>> No.10193202

And yet your postingstyle indicates that you are a unwelcome crossboarder whose opinion should be disregarded if he is too lazy to get used to the board etiquette

>> No.10193205

I understand the board etiquette just fine. Look at how I sage my own posts just like the cool kids on /jp/!

>> No.10193208

Sorry, I messed that up, let me try again.

>> No.10193209

Crossboard filth ruining another civil thread as usual.

>> No.10193215

I'm not a shitposting crossboard-meme forcer but you do sound obnoxious.
I have browsed /lit/ for a while and they regard fiction books like guilty pleasures or childish trash.
Also, the closest thing to an anime book is a light novel which is still otaku media and not that much different from just reading manga anyway. Fiction is just nerdy escapism and is childish by definition just like what this guy >>10193193 said.

Maybe the reason why NEETs are so defensive of their lifestyle is because of people like you.

>> No.10193227

> Fiction is just nerdy escapism and is childish by definition
Why do people see that as a bad thing anyways?

I sure would like to be a child forever...

>> No.10193235

>I sure would like to be a child forever...

Okay, Oskar. Maybe you can go and join the circus, too.

>> No.10193248

That's the only kind of respond I ever get when saying that.
I get compared to some fictional character.

But explain to me, what exactly is wrong about staying a child at heart?
Why do I need to grow up just to realize how shitty and unfair the world is?

>> No.10193256

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Of course, I never really grew up myself. Fancy that.

>> No.10193262

Part of being alive as a human is experiencing humanity. Maintaining the mindset of a child your whole life is not very conducive to growing as a person. Not saying you have to be a normalfag, but stimulating your mind with new ideas, learning new things, and exploring new horizons is good for your mental development. Monks are solitary and sometimes hermits, but they still get more out of life than someone who wants to be a child until they're dead.

Of course, you are free to live as you please, but your lifestyle may foreclose on many potentially positive outcomes and possibilities.

>> No.10193263

Not him.
I think when people say they want to be a child forever they really mean to say they want their parents to clean after their mess and pay for their shit forever, Chris-chan style.
And why is it wrong, well because you aren't able to look after yourself and aren't prepared to take on real life alone. That does suck, one year of doing mind numbing McDonalds work is still work experience and does have its value, at the very least you proved you can stick to your responsibilities and are reliable.

I don't think the guy you're replying to is the same as before, he seems like a bully.

>> No.10193267

Adult = suffering
Kid = fun

Go out and ask anyone that you know, most of them would like to back to their childhood.

>> No.10193272
File: 10 KB, 249x238, fastntnig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fiction is just nerdy escapism and is childish by definition
Gee, what a terrible thing to say. Ignorant, too.

>> No.10193274

Nostalgia for a past you once knew is different than never having grown out of your ideal state.

>> No.10193284

Who says you can't have the innocent mindset of a child while learning new things?
When I say that I stay a child I don't actually mean having a underdeveloped brain, which sounds like it has it's merits too but that's another topic, I mean that I maintain the carefree attitude of a child
Being grown up and grumpy isn't fun, the adult world isn't fun and society isn't fun
Ignorance is bliss after all

>> No.10193285

I meant that all Fiction has no real practical use and is only good for recreation, like a toy or masturbation.

Not that there's anything wrong with that in moderate bursts, but obsessing over fiction will only fuck you up in long term. And reading books don't automatically make you smarter, high fantasy and sci-fi books are really the exact same thing as anime sans visual porn.

>> No.10193293

I stand by it, I know people who watched "intelligent" movies like Godfather or Schandler's List and the only thing they could comment was how bad ass the violence looked. They got it completely wrong.

Consuming a lot of fiction and wikipedia entries doesn't necessarily make you smarter, the majority of fiction is just pop trivia. But I digress and went off-topic.

>> No.10193297

ITT: Privileged white males complaining about things other people have to suffer for so they don't have to.

>> No.10193303

Nope, I got a degree, got a permanent job, said fuck it after 1year and do freelance for a living a now.
I only take a job when I run out of cash, rest of the time I am just NEETing and bumming. Life is good.

>> No.10193306

I don't seriously need to reply to this, right? >>10193293

>> No.10193309

Are you trying to shame me?
Because /pol/ tried that tactic over and over and it didn't seem to work.

Seriously though, that guy is right, adulthood really is shit, even teenagers can drive and have sex these days, there's no objective advantage to being a grown men besides making fun of failed nerds online so you can feel better about yourself.
I think acknowledging life is shit and that it won't change is the first step towards conforming and stepping out of your autistic shell. It's realistic.

>> No.10193321

Watching the Schindler's List alone won't make you into a well-informed person. Studying WWII Germany and the Holocaust then watching the movie as a complement probably does.

That's my point, entertainment is mental junk food. You might try to make it into something fulfilling but in the end you're just consuming trivia, might as well play videogames and watch anime. At best you can become a hipster and cite the name of a bunch of old unknown media.

>> No.10193323

>Schandler's list

>> No.10193330

Whoops, shamefur dispray.
I need to slow my posts down.

>> No.10193331

Schindler's List is all bullshit anyway. It's a fiction created by Spielberg to make people care about the Holocaust. Ask /pol/ they'll tell you all about it.

>> No.10193332

...or recognise it when people are making a blatant Shakespeare reference.
Well you could just stop unless you're purely trying to post flamebait.

>> No.10193339

Sorry, I will, at this point I'm just letting things off my chest. Fiction is for hipsters, if you intend on normalfagging it up go study something technical and get better at your mind-numbing soul-crushing job instead.

>> No.10193413


a real sociopath wouldn't admit to being one

>> No.10193446

my two cents


>> No.10193491

You'll forgive me if I don't take /pol/'s word for it when it comes to anything relating to the Jews.

>> No.10193497

>Susan Cain: The power of introverts - YouTube
>► 19:05► 19:05
>Mar 2, 2012 - Uploaded by TEDtalksDirector
Last I heard, the term "introvert" was outdated/discredited.

>> No.10193524

Introspection and shyness are discredited now?

>> No.10193528

Not as long as there's people to pander to.

>> No.10193555

She actually did address that in her speech, that psychology acknowledged no one is entirely fully extroverted or introverted, most people are somewhere in-between but still tend to identify themselves as either one or other.

>> No.10193557

it's because it's not a reference to hikki/NEET life. it's anno's rendering of The Wall, alternatively anno's own version of No Exit. it's not a very deep anime and i don't like it very much and i think the fanbase is retarded.

>> No.10193573

Janitor needs to start deleting anno threads as soon as they come up

>> No.10193572

2012 interview

– In Eva, there was a criticism of those fans who turned away from reality and escaped to the work. Has that consciousness remained unchanged?

>A: In the original Eva, there were many people who took something that I created as a source of amusement beyond those limits and made it into an object of dependence. I wanted to take responsibility for the fact that such people had been so "inflated." I wanted to bring the work back within the boundaries of entertainment. However, I have now withdrawn from dealing with it [or: from treating it thematically?]. Such people will not change no matter what I say. I now well understand that there is nothing I can do.

Rebuild = normalfag anime

>> No.10193711

Janitor needs to keep the porn linkspam and non-topic posts off /a/ and let /jp/ do whatever the fuck it wants. Because it will anyway.

>> No.10193728

They re-did episodes 25 and 26? Those were good episodes, despite being emotional nonsense. I liked them.

However, I always thought that the movies were necessary to fully explain the Human Instrumentality project. You would really have no idea what it was about with the anime alone.

>> No.10193778
File: 526 KB, 1920x1080, 1353982376236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I take LSD and watch Evangelion again, do you think I'll be so consumed with emotion that it will kill me?

>> No.10193790


>> No.10193792

Just in general don't take lsd, idiot.

>> No.10193805

End of Evangelion was episodes 25 and 26.

>> No.10193814

LSD is great.

>> No.10195616
File: 47 KB, 393x620, yes, yes, dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10195625

Anno looks like a Marxist scholar. I wouldn't trust anything he says.

>> No.10195634 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 640x640, 1278566647682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just in general don't take lsd, idiot.
seconding. Finding a way to do it outside of an annoying social context is the hard part.

Tripping balls alone in the dark to pink noise is the best.
