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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 400x466, kanji_ai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
101321 No.101321 [Reply] [Original]

this is why;

1:There is no need for it,the kanas cover everything.

2:It's useless in any modern society. Writing on a Europeans leyboard is hell of a lot faster and easier than a Japanese. And as we all know, computers are the cornerstone of moder society.

3:Reading kanji hurts eyes in the long run. Which can explain the high rate of 4-eyes in China and Japan. It's a lot harder to see all the strokes in "飛んだり" (sometimes flies and) than in the same word written in hiragan: "とんだり." And it takes longer to write!

Weaboo: "But how do I distinguish words that are pronounced the same without kanji?!?!"

Write them a little different you fuck! you don't the see the Europeans creating 2000 extra letters to distinguish "plain" from "plane."

>> No.101339

fail post is fail lets just switch to a superior artificial language like esperanto

>> No.101354

yo creo que todos deberian hablar tacospeak

>> No.101364

Oh god I fucking lol'd.

>> No.101366

>like esperanto
oh lol

>> No.101359

You're saying German is superficial for not having a 10000++ letter alphabet? Japanese kids nearly know half the letters in their alphabet when leaving high school,while European kids know all the letters in their's.

>> No.101360


>> No.101378

what does this kanji mean? no cheating

>> No.101380

Have you ever tried reading solid kana for masses of text? It's fucking annoying. I remember a wiki having the function.

For the Japanese language, it's practical. They considered doing away with it some time ago and decided against it.

>> No.101387

>The Oba-chan Seducer !7kjGbZlVeg
slav refugee nazi etc

>> No.101388



>> No.101398


>> No.101402

It's a mess to read kana-only because they don't use spaces! Kana is basically the Japanese version of the Latin/Arabic alphabet. I don't see how arabic or german is a mess to read.

But then again we know how to use punctuation and spaces.

>> No.101405

what I like from different languages, is to see the shift in mind paths it makes.
You actually think differently depending on your original language, a topic touched by Orwell in 1984.

That said, it's obvious you don't speak spanish. Fucking tildes everywhere just to show accent, which can change the meaning.

lol, answering to a troll post

>> No.101411

ITT: Fag who's too lazy to put the effort in to learning the kanji and/or can't do it.

>> No.101410

lol gtfo ignorant idiot and your talk about "2000 letters"

>> No.101421

Not to mention the tons of duplicate words and verbs. Context works great in conversation, but just for text is not so good.

Perhaps they could use intonation marks to let the reader know which word is which, but even then that wouldn't help anyone in other countries since we usually butcher the intonation anyhow.

>> No.101429

They make children's books with spaces and kana-only. It's still annoying as hell to read.

Using kanji makes reading Japanese 100x easier. Seriously.

>> No.101431

Troll harder.

>> No.101425

I know the kana and that's enough to read chilcren's books. I am not gonna learn the kanji just to satisfy Japanese racist traditions. Change is what we need,and hope can move mountains.

Just look at Obama,he never gave up,and now he's practically the first black president. Myu goal is to lead a movement that will eliminate the kanji.

I may not succeed in this lifetime, or I may.

>> No.101426

Kanji aren't letters. They are ideographs. Also, kanji makes reading a lot faster because you can skip the kana and still get the general meaning.

>> No.101440

No,it isn't a hell to read. Just because something applies to you,doesn't make it right.

>> No.101443

Exactly. If you don't fail at japanese you would realize this. Also try reading something entirely in kana-it sucks.

>> No.101447

I hope you know this applies to you as well.

>> No.101455

tl;dr version


>> No.101459

Why don't the elevens use spaces?

>> No.101476

¿mi papa y mi papá?

>> No.101480

>>101425 I am not gonna learn the kanji just to satisfy Japanese racist traditions.
ohhh heyyyy who wants Japan to change for his sake wowwwww

>> No.101508

>I am not gonna learn the kanji just to satisfy Japanese racist traditions.

i'm glad you understand why japanese still use kanji...they are isolationist and want to make their society as impenetrable to foreigners as possible

>> No.101533

>lets just switch to a superior artificial language like esperanto


silly anonymous, that could never happen :)

>> No.101540

this is why korean is the superior asian language

romans didn't use spaces or lowercase letters and it's still not too hard to read once you get used to it

>> No.101557

LOL Korean

>> No.101559


Hahaha, no.

>> No.101565


Mind Hive

>> No.101590

enjoy your moon scribbles that look like fucking mazes

>> No.101606

LOL Korean

>> No.101634

>The Oba-chan Seducer !7kjGbZlVeg

>> No.101635


I hope you're a troll, cause otherwise you seriously need to learn some things about linguistics before opening your mouth. Or in this case, I suppose typing on your keyboard.

>> No.101636

>I am not gonna learn the kanji just to satisfy Japanese racist traditions.

Debito Arudou? Is that you?

>> No.101651

I have been thinking about this for long. If the kanji had been such a good idea more people would copy it. Instead every scoiety besides the chinese and japanese are sticking to the Latin alphabet model.

>> No.101656

"Love," usually referring to the platonic or familiar kind, and not the romantic kind.

No, I didn't look, and yes, I may be wrong.

>> No.101661

that's not how cultural meme dispersion works!

>> No.101674

Because American pigs use spaces

>> No.101675

lol, they spend the entire elementary school for learn "the basics", while in western world kids learns "the basics" on 1st and 2nd years.

>> No.101671

>>101651 I have been thinking about this for long.
who gives a shit about your ideas

>> No.101693


Classist, I think you'll find.

>> No.101695

lol yes it is. the phonecian alphbet has been spread all over the world because it works well. Why do you think no one uses heiroglyphs anymore?

>> No.101704

And 98% of Americans aren't able to speak or write in proper English for that reason. Yes, this includes myself.

>> No.101710

This is true; however, no one has made any connection to knowing Kanji/Chinese as benefiting the brain and your thought process at all. Latin does though.

>> No.101711

Esperanto still has verb tenses (eg spelling of verb depends on tense), which is retarded.

>> No.101708

I once sent a SMS to my spanish girlfriend.

"Feliz ano nuevo"instead of "Feliz año nuevo". She lold.

Año = Year
Ano = Anus

>> No.101721

What is classified as "proper" English?

>> No.101716

Also, Orwell isn't a scientist reference REAL research next time.

>> No.101723

use 'anno' when there is no ñ.

>> No.101725

>>101710 no one has made any connection to knowing Kanji/Chinese as benefiting the brain
no really who cares? are you Japanese? why do you or the faggot who created this thread care about changing their writing system? some kind of weeaboo crusader who fancies himself the savior of Japan? better go die in a fucking fire

>> No.101735

That's why every latin american nation is in a shit pile of fuck right? I mean, since learning Latin is so damn good for you, everybody should be practically genius'


>> No.101736

Newspeak is the superior language though.

>> No.101745

I think I once saw a research paper on how knowing a ton of kanji correlated positively with being able to memorize and recognize complex abstract shapes, or something like that. No surprise, really.

Don't remember the title (or anything googleable) though.

>> No.101769

Ding, ding, ding. You just hit the nail on the head.

>Hi, Japan, my name is Tripfag. I've never set foot within your political boundaries, but I've got some sweeping social reforms I think you're gonna love.

This basically sums up the OP's comments.

>> No.101789

Dumb troll is dumb. Japs don't fucking get glasses because of the kanji strokes. What the fuck are you saying. I can read a small kanji fine, all you have to know is how to read jap and its fine. If you're going to troll, do it right.

>> No.101792

your Asian classmate is always smarter than you, and since china has the largest concentration of the worlds population then it is safe to assume they are Chinese and read with ALL kanji. i see some threads to tie.

>> No.101810

Kanji is easier to read than kana.

>> No.101815

I hate these troll newfag threads fagging up my /jp/

>> No.101831

well with 3 standard aplhabets and one of them containing unlimited characters aginst us with our silly 24 or what ever it is... and though they still learn the same stuff in chemistry.

Guess they some how are more superior in memory than we are.

>> No.101834

If you think about it, eliminating characters/words from English (which was basically newspeak), is similar to how Japanese with kanji works.

>> No.101845

this, its speeds up your reading. its like when you can read things like
troll stupid you hard isnt kanji reading
once you learn the word, you have just memorized the way the word looks, unlike a child in school that needs to sound it out. kanji just makes it easier with image recognition.

>> No.101858

plus 2

>> No.101863
File: 46 KB, 228x200, 1204237135400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.101872

>once you learn the word, you have just memorized the way the word looks, unlike a child in school that needs to sound it out. kanji just makes it easier with image recognition.
I can't see why that can't be the case with words(?) made out of kana characters.

>> No.101874

Are you suggesting that Ingsoc is taking over Eastasia? That is doubleplusunpossible since we are allied with Easasia and have always been allied with Eastasia. It is Eurasia that we are at war with, and have always been at war with. I am plusunhappy with you, comrade, for your words make you uninnnocent of thoughtcrime.

>> No.101892

as you may or may not know, weeaboo are mentally incapable of learning more japanese than かわいいですね~. so for the few that attempt to take classes, kanji stands as a brick wall they may never pass. this fucktard thought he could convince the Japanese language god, that clearly browses 4chan, to change to language to all kana that he learned over 6 months.

stick to romaji and kawaii neko space mon desune weeaboo scum.

>> No.101930

it is possible, but much easier with kanji that is just a few characters compared to many in a kana version. if you are fluent then it is quicker to write kanji than to spell out the word. also japan is very firm on keeping its culture untainted. that means keeping their language so hard that even some Japanese people cant read it, all in the hopes of keeping us filthy gaijin away from their undersexed women.

>> No.101919

>>101872 I can't see why that can't be the case with words(?) made out of kana characters.
it's more compact

but why am i even arguing, the point is it's retarded to use "efficiency" as a criterion when you're not even fucking japanese

>> No.101950

Which is why they tried to eliminate kanji following World War II, right?

>> No.101968
File: 103 KB, 552x558, 1204237722841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.101990

>latin american
I see wut u did thar

>> No.101996

because they managed to do with it eh?

>> No.102007

*do away with

>> No.102045

There should be no fucking moonrunes at all.
Japs and sandniggers should learn a REAL alphabet instead of using those stupid scribbles.

>> No.102049

Troll thread has inadvertently given me a sudden, odd urge to go study my Genki text.

>> No.102040


Asians can do menial gruntwork, but they can't think for shit.

>> No.102052

Best part of the troll post is boasting about the terrible english notation which generate jewels like "plain-plane".
Sometimes I feel english is actually written in kanji... but that would generate a whole new trolling thread about english itself, and this is not the proper board.

>> No.102055

they don't speak latin in latin america

>> No.102072

I'm interested, please do go on. This thread will do, it is related.

>> No.102079
File: 11 KB, 235x300, 1204238499083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Just do it, Anonymous.

>> No.102096

Oh man, I can't believe other moon languages haven't yet been mentioned. I mean, some of them have 14 cases for nouns alone! right? ... right?

>> No.102235
File: 6 KB, 604x300, 1204239508198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


change to a language that can be easily translated into binary code, for the future AI overlords

>> No.102243

Guess that OP doesn't know of the former Hanzi elimination project, to stop using Chinese characters in China and only use pinyin. Guess what, it failed.

>> No.102250

because if so this thread might actually be saved for me

>> No.102245

marain? is dat sum iain m. banks i see?

>> No.102285

I agree with OP

and lol @

>> No.102324

Maybe you should spend less time on the internet? You forgot capital letter at the start of a sentence,and punctuation....

>> No.102319

Chinks and Japs use western keyboards, though Japs usually have ones with hiragana and katakana. But the chinks usually have to type in english to get their words.

>> No.102369

You stupid asslicker! I saw a documentary about nearsightedness. According to the documentary, 90% of all students in some Asian countries are nearsighted.

Reading a lot can make you nearsighted,and reading scripts that are written with 14-15 strokes each,and is smaller than this three stroke ß letter will make your eyes bleed.

>> No.102407

For gods sakes, a streamlined way of writing their language would be ten thousand times better.

Look at Hangul.... for fucks sake LOOK AT FUCKING HANGUL.

>> No.102438



>> No.102447


>> No.102471

i think we need to ban this Obachanseducer tripfag

>> No.102572


>> No.102589

This is the first reasonable tripfag I've seen.

>> No.102596


>> No.102619

Grammar more serious.

>> No.102661

your japanese is pretty fail

also this thread should die already

>> No.102671


>> No.102681


Fukken signed

>> No.102681,1 [INTERNAL] 

LOL Korean
